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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  October 10, 2023 11:34pm-12:36am PDT

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okay. before we go, an uplifting story of animal rescue. this great horned owl, look how pretty, injured on the divider in castro valley. a zoo veterinarian is checking him out. the owl is grumpy and bruised. but well enough to go to the wildlife experience in walnut creek. the zoo hopes this will continue to heal. that refuge in walnut creek takes in injured birds all the
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time. it's their specialty. and they do amazing work. >> good luck with the owl. i like seeing his eyes. >> very light. >> did not know that. i have a lot of owl knowledge for some reason. i don't know. >> sma [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests - pete davidson. troye sivan. comedian josh johnson. and featuring the legendary roots crew >> questlove: 1850 >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh that's what i'm talking about. that's a hot crowd welcome. enjoy yourself, everybody. enjoy yourself welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show. you're here. you made it. thank you for watching well guys, it was such a a beautiful fall day here in new york wasn't it? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you could tell it's fall in new york city because the hot dogs on all the street corners are fading from deep greens to vibrant yellows. [ laughter ] you can tell it's fall here because all the real housewives of new york have switched to pumpkin spice botox. [ laughter ] speaking of, this is fun -- today starbucks celebrated the 20th anniversary of the pumpkin spice latte. [ cheers and applause you know that pumpkin spice
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latte, it's starbucks' festive fall drink that comes out every july [ laughter ] yeah i'm actually more excited for the fifth anniversary of their weird egg balls. but, get this, in honor of the big anniversary, starbucks actually gave out free pumpkin spice temporary tattoos. meanwhile, over at dunkin, they're giving out real tattoos. [ laughter ] "stop crying, you frickin' loser. yep, 20 years of the pumpkin spice latte. tariq, have you ever had a a pumpkin spice latte? >> tariq: nah. nope never. >> jimmy: really neither have i wanna try one together >> tariq: all right. i guess. >> jimmy: yeah, let's do it. let's have it. [ cheers and applause thank you very much. cheers here goes nothing. ♪ [ laughter ] ♪
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[ laughter ] ♪ [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: i did not like that. >> tariq: it was cool to me. >> jimmy: all right. happy spooky season, everybody it's back. here we go [ cheers and applause well, let's get to some news tomorrow, republicans will try to elect a new speaker of the house, and apparently kevin mccarthy said that he would be willing to return as speaker. [ laughter ] that's right kevin mccarthy might run to replace kevin mccarthy [ laughter ] i think that explains this ad i saw.
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>> kevin mccarthy was a terrible speaker he voted to raise the debt ceiling, and he turned his back on the gop kevin mccarthy is wrong for america. that's why you should vote for -- >> kevin mccarthy. he's the best. he reached across the aisle to raise the debt ceiling he's perfect for america and he'd make a great speaker. >> don't vote for a washington insider like kevin mccarthy. >> vote for a washington outsider like kevin mccarthy >> don't vote for kevin mccarthy >> vote for kevin mccarthy >> kevin >> kevin >> kevin >> kevin kevin mccarthy it's either him -- >> or him. paid for by kevin mccarthy not kevin mccarthy [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: interesting. now i get it now i understand that's right ahead of tomorrow's election, house republicans are scrambling to find a a replacement for kevin mccarthy in fact, several house members have spoken out about the whole thing. here, check out what some of them had to say. first, congressman dale strong said, "we republicans need to work together. when we're divided, we're weak, but when we're united, we're, well -- my last name."
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[ laughter ] then, congressman neal dunn said, "yeah, we've spent enough time debating the issue. it's time to come together and get things, well -- my last name." [ laughter ] congressman don bacon said, "i just want to wake up early and get this vote over with, so i can enjoy a hearty meal of eggs and, well -- my last name. [ laughter ] congressman french hill said, "i'd prefer a big plate of, well -- my first name toast. [ laughter ] then congressman jeff duncan said, "i want a large coolatta because america runs on, well -- my last name." [ laughter ] then congressman deborah ross said, "republicans are fighting, but we democrats are good friends speaking of which, my favorite character on 'friends' was, well -- my last name." [ laughter ] then congresswoman monica de la cruz said, "really? i always preferred, well -- my first name." [ light laughter ] then congressman joe courtney said, "i like monica, too. wasn't she played by, well -- my last name cox?" then congressman dave scott said, "yeah, and ross was played by, well -- my first name schwimmer." [ laughter ] then congressman jerry carl said, "i was more of a a 'seinfeld' guy i couldn't get enough of
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george, elaine, kramer and well -- my first name. then congresswoman, lisa blunt rochester said, "guys, we need to focus. all this food and sitcom talk makes it sound like you smoked a, well -- my middle name. [ laughter ] and finally, congressman dutch ruppersberger said, "no comment. [ laughter and applause ♪ hopefully they figure things out. switching gears, i saw that today was amazon prime day yeah it's that special day that only comes 12 times a year. [ laughter ] yeah, really finally, guys, it is tuesday it is time for "we post. here we go [ cheers and applause ♪ we post we post ♪ >> jimmy: now, welcome to "we post." this is where we as a group decide something that we should post on the socials. i'm going to show you five different posts, and we're all going to vote on whether you like each one or not you all have voting clickers at your seats
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everyone should have one the green, thumbs up, of course, is if you enjoy it hopefully you'll press that a lot. the red, thumbs down if you don't enjoy it, you can vote for all of them -- it doesn't matter you can vote for none of them. if you don't like playing, you just sit back and watch. i just want you to have a good time higgins, roots, you have your clickers >> steve: got it >> questlove: got it >> jimmy: okay, very good. whatever postest gets the mostest gets posted. [ light laughter ] you should have seen your face right there, tariq you got roasted by the hostess [ audience ohs ] [ light laughter ] here we go >> steve: wow. >> questlove: wow. >> jimmy: here we go the first post - [ laughter ] >> steve: zinger >> jimmy: the first post is, "every group chat has that one person who never says anything but never leaves either. [ light laughter ] ♪ yeah they don't leave they go, "are you going to contribute to this?" or, yeah, they just want to read the text. all right, the votes are in.
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i don't feel great about this one. let's see the results. oh, not bad! i like it. 125. very positive. ♪ i like this crowd. they're very positive. they didn't have to do that. >> steve: no >> jimmy: no >> steve: they did not >> jimmy: they did not have to do that. they were very nice. i owe you guys one all right, there you go. this next one says, "for 364 days a year, we tell our kids not to take candy from strangers. then we spend one night telling them, 'forget what i said.'" "go on in. they invite you in go on in go sit on the couch. yeah make friends." >> jimmy: all right, let's see the results of this one here oh wow! ♪ [ cheers and applause that's almost 100. that was almost 100% of the audience >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: wow. at this point, i could probably tell who didn't vote for it. >> steve: yeah [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this next one says, "the microwave industry needs to come to an agreement on whether pushing 'one' gives you one second, or one minute. [ laughter ]
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♪ come on figure it out. what does it mean? i'm not defrosting butter. i'm not defrosting butter. i don't know what that is. all right, here we go. let's see the results on this one. oh, not bad, though. these are good [ cheers and applause ♪ about right. about right. i think this next one is going to be the one. >> steve: you think it's a a winner it's going to beat 181 >> jimmy: what's in the lead now? >> candy, 181. >> steve: candy. >> jimmy: candy. what was the candy one >> steve: "you tell your kids don't talk to strangers, and then one day you say, 'forget about it.' >> jimmy: yeah, halloween. >> steve: yeah >> jimmy: i call that the "halloween one" instead of the "candy one." [ light laughter ] >> steve: oh, 'cause there was also a candy one >> jimmy: i probably wouldn't call - >> steve: what >> jimmy: well, sometimes people don't give out candy. >> steve: give out, like, what >> jimmy: i would say raisins. [ laughter ] >> steve: you have a giant thing of raisins at your house for every kid that comes up. >> jimmy: we had one house that used to give out bags of pennies. >> steve: really >> jimmy: yeah, ziplock bags not even ziplock bags. you know those bags that you fold over? >> steve: yeah [ laughter ] tuck them in
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>> steve: sandwich bags. >> jimmy: tuck the bag into the other bag? >> steve: that's not good. >> jimmy: yeah, pennies. and i go, yeah >> steve: hey, sounds good i'll throw these at your car [ laughter ] you're saying this is one's the winner >> jimmy: i think this one, people are gonna, maybe a standing ovation >> steve: really >> jimmy: no, no, i'm just joking i don't think standing -- well, it could be kind of funny. you never know hey. you guys want to make history? [ laughter ] wld care about that all right. this last one is, "strawberries are like, screw it, seeds on the outside. idgaf. ♪ seeds on the outside idgaf. ♪ [ light laughter ] >> steve: wow, you put a lot of pressure on that one let's see what it is [ drum roll >> jimmy: let's see the results. [ light laughter ] [ sad tuba ] ♪
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standing ovation there they go. look at this they didn't like it. they didn't like it one bit. guys, we have a winner it is halloween, right there [ dinging [ cheers and applause ♪ i'm going to post this during the commercial break if you see on it your feed, give it a like, okay we have a great show pete davidson is here. [ cheers and applause pete davidson is hosting "saturday night live" this saturday with ice spice. [ cheers and applause he's here tonight. troye sivan is joining us. [ cheers and applause and we've got great stand-up from josh johnson. yes! [ cheers and applause stick around when we come back, we're freestylin' with the roots come on back [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing]
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we made it! bmo has arrived. hello? you said it.
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hello to more ways to save money, grow your wealth, grow your business. just what we needed, another big bank. not so fast. how many banks do you know that reward you for saving every month? he's got a good point. did i mention bmo has more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined? uh, b-m-o? just "bee-mo", actually. quick question, will all this stuff fit in your car? ( ♪♪ ) should i get rid of the mug? ♪ bmo ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back - [ cheers and applause -- guys. [ cheers and applause wow, feels good. feels good to be back. guys, i always say that we are
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lucky to have the greatest band in all of late night the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania [ cheers and applause but it isn't always fun and games. from time to time, we put the roots to the test. we're going to pick three people from our audience and have the roots make up songs about them on the spot it is time for "freestylin' with the roots." [ cheers and applause ♪ time to freestyle with the roots ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh yes! that is what i'm talking about roots, are you ready to do this >> yes >> jimmy: let's pick someone raise your hand if you want the roots to make up a song about you. well, you know, i've never gone that far up front. maybe i'll go right in the front row. yeah, i'll go right in the front, here. why not? i never go this far. can the cameras even do this how you doing? >> good, how are you >> jimmy: great. you want to stand up >> sure. >> jimmy: great. what does your shirt say >> "pete's girl. >> jimmy: "pete's girl," there you go >> pete's girl [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, there you go, right there. wow, hey guys. how are you doing?
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[ light laughter ] good to see you. how are you? nice to see you. what is your name? >> linnea. >> jimmy: linnea, ooh, a great name >> thank you >> jimmy: linnea linnea, where are you from >> california originally, but i live here. >> jimmy: hey, welcome >> thank you >> jimmy: linnea, taylor swift's "eras" concert tour movie is coming out this week taylor swift's fans are called, obviously, swifties. what would fans of linnea be called >> ooh, i don't know linnslayas >> jimmy: wow! [ cheers and applause that's fantastic the linnslayas >> linnslayas. >> jimmy: the linnslayas is great. taylor and her friends famously share fun bracelets. what would your friendship bracelet say >> ooh i don't know i have to look at my friends [ light laughter ] "lovely day" >> jimmy: ooh, i like that "lovely day" >> "lovely day." >> jimmy: "lovely day. >> it's a lovely day >> jimmy: it certainly is. it's a lovely day. roots, we have linnea.
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for this one, since we're all in a taylor mood, can we get a a little something that's in the style of taylor? like a "karma" jam or something in the "eras" -- ♪ >> tariq: okay ♪ this is for the swiftie we're all in our 50s but we don't wan to face it ♪ ♪ shout out to linnea and all of her linnslaya and the friendship bracelets ♪ ♪ quest is a linnslay and jimmy's a linnslay look i'm a linnslaya she's a linnslaya ♪ ♪ her name is linne from californ-ea ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: that's how you do it thank you, nice to see you that's how you do it right there. that's how you - who else is up who else wants a song? [ cheers and applause come on. who else wants a song? yeah yeah, sure here you go. how are you doing? >> good. >> jimmy: all right, what is your name? >> amy >> jimmy: amy, where are you from >> colorado. >> jimmy: amy, we are -- [ cheers ] we're -- we're deep into fall, amy.
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do you know anyone whose birthday is in the fall? >> i do. >> jimmy: okay, and what's her name >> um, amanda. >> jimmy: amanda, okay, very good amanda what does amanda do for a living >> she was a teacher >> jimmy: okay, that's good. she was a teacher. how old -- do you know how old-ish, amanda? >> 40-ish. >> jimmy: yeah, 40-ish [ laughter ] roots, i thought this would be fun. [ laughter ] since fall is this time of year when we celebrate oktoberfest, can we give like a, kind of like a polka feel to this birthday [ laughter ] like an oktoberfest jam? come on, roots ♪ [ laughter ] >> tariq: okay, okay, okay look ♪ well this genre isn't polk it's as clos as we can come ♪ ♪ personally me and amy think it's reall kind of dumb ♪ ♪ dum dum dum dumping leaves on people's heads is fun when seasons change ♪ ♪ amanda has a fall birthda and amy's laugh is strange ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause >> jimmy: cut through here i'm gonna cut through -- how are you doing? oh, no oh, i'm sorry. no, i don't want to make you move no, you have -- what happened to you >> you know, heels will do it. >> jimmy: heels? that's what happened to you? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: well, you know what? that will heal [ laughter ] >> oh, there you go. [ rimshot >> jimmy: there you go, guys, a free joke. giving out free jokes tonight. excuse me, how are you doing hey, what's up buddy [ light laughter ] cool hey, how are you doing nice to see you. i'm gonna go over to this side of the audience over here. nice to see you. hey, no, don't mind me how are you? nice to see you. [ cheers and applause that's what i'm talking about. hey! wow. wow. yeah, stand. you've got a fun -- you've got a fun shirt right there. >> yeah, thank you >> jimmy: that's a great shirt where do you get that? >> rsvlts is the name of the company. >> jimmy: love it, fantastic great presidents, great shirts >> yes [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: what is your name? >> zach. >> jimmy: zach zach, it is almost halloween okay, zach
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what is your favorite candy to get while trick or treating? >> reese cups. >> jimmy: oh, really reese's peanut -- peanut butter cups >> yeah. >> jimmy: me, too. i love those jams, too peanut butter cups what is the worst candy to get on halloween >> ooh, like, twizzlers. [ audience ohs ] >> jimmy: the worst? do we have our clickers out? i mean, let's -- [ laughter ] twizzlers are pretty good. raisins is up there. i mean - >> good point. [ audience chatter ] >> jimmy: necco wafers but -- you -- it's his game, right? [ light laughter ] all right. twizzlers, really? what's your second worst [ laughter ] um >> jimmy: raisins. >> raisins >> jimmy: yes, of course [ laughter and applause we all can agree that raisins are the worst. zach, that was a great answer that you thought of. >> yeah. off the top of the dome. >> jimmy: that you thought of. for this last one, roots, since we're going in the middle of spooky season here, can we do something maybe in the style of -- maybe like -- let's go, like, old school how about rockwell like "somebody's watching me."
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♪ i always feel like ♪ ♪ yeah yeah, oh, yeah nice ♪ ♪ zach it's almost hallowee which means it's time to eat ♪ ♪ all the candy that it brings when we yell trick or treat ♪ ♪ twizzlers is not a fav and you like raisins even less ♪ ♪ but don't give me no laffy taffy i'm giving tha [ bleep ] to quest ♪ [ cheers ] ♪ i always give m laffy taffy to quest why do you give it to me oh-ohh ♪ ♪ i always give m laffy taffy to quest ♪ i hate laffy taff oh-ohh ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: i like laffy taffy i like laffy taffy [ applause ] thank you to our great audience thank you to the roots we'll be right back. ♪ with pete david with pete davidson
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i hate laffy taffy ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ we'll be right back ♪ ur ney. it's overwhelming, but you just have to put your mind to it and fight. subject 2: it doesn't feel good because you can't play outside with other children. subject 3: as a parent, it is your job to protect your family. but here is something that i cannot do. i cannot fix this. i don't know if my daughter is going to be able to walk. i don't know if she's going to make it till tomorrow. [music playing] interviewer: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 4: childhood cancer, there's no escaping it. but st. jude is doing the work, continually researching
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towards cures, giving more than just my child a chance at life. interviewer: please, call or go online right now and become a st. jude partner in hope for only $19 a month. subject 5: those donations really matter because we're not going to give up. and when you see other people not giving up on your child, it makes all the difference in the world. interviewer: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt. you can wear to show your support to help st. jude save the lives of these children. subject 6: st. jude is hope. even today after losing a child, it's still about the hope of tomorrow, because. childhood cancer has to end. interviewer: please, call or go online right now. [music playing]
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our first guest is a a very funny comedian who is hosting the season's premiere of "saturday night live" this weekend with musical guest ice spice. everyone, please welcome pete davidson. [ cheers and applause ♪ [ cheers and applause >> thank you all right. all right. >> jimmy: hey, welcome back. >> we love you >> hey, welcome back welcome back >> jimmy: thank you, buddy i'm happy to be back oh, my god please, i'm happy -- thank you for doing the show >> come on >> jimmy: i have thousands of
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things i want to talk to you about. but first, i'm happy that we're friends. we know each other a little bit. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and i know that -- and i just don't want to call you really out on the show, but you've been collecting these things that i think we should talk about them, because it makes me laugh >> yeah. so i started collecting vhs's that were sealed in the box like three years ago, 'cause i was really high one night and i thought -- [ light laughter ] i thought 'cause like, in -- listen to this guys. [ light laughter ] so in 2026, it will be 20 years since the last vhs was made, right? so 20 years goes by. that's enough time for people to be like, "oh, that was cool, remember?" like vinyl >> jimmy: yes. >> so i bought all the sealed ones that exist. like 3,000 to 5,000 tapes. [ laughter ] you guys sound like my mom >> jimmy: no, no, listen - [ laughter ] >> no one believes in me no one believes in me! >> jimmy: no, look at this this is -- >> oh, yeah. that's just -- yeah, that's just - >> jimmy: but here's some of the packages that arrived at your house >> yes - [ light laughter ] that's at my -- that's at my assistant's house and his girlfriend is very mad at him.
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[ light laughter ] >> jimmy: you have that -- >> i have a good -- about 3,000 to 5,000 but hear me out. hear me out. so, as of a month ago, sealed vhs's are now going for like $20,000 to $30,000 a pop [ scattered ohs oh [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that -- that's not - >> rocky just sold for like $27,000 >> jimmy: what >> yes >> jimmy: you're serious >> yeah. it's my gamestop like this is my -- [ light laughter ] like, dude i -- i own all of them, dude >> jimmy: this is your game -- >> dude, no one believed in me [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: wow! we believe in you now, pete. we believe in you. [ cheers and applause this is -- >> it's gonna happen, you guys >> jimmy: -- great [ cheers and applause it's a disaster. >> it's a disaster dude, it's so -- if it doesn't work, dude, i'm going to be on the road forever, dude >> jimmy: it's a disaster, yeah [ laughter ] last time you were here -- oh, i'm so excited you were excited, you were excited, you were about to host "saturday night live." >> yeah. >> jimmy: it was like "wow," and then the writers' strike happened >> of course >> jimmy: and you weren't able to host. >> no. >> jimmy: no, and it was that week, actually
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>> it was that week. it's funny, any time i have something that i work really hard on that i'm, like, really proud of, either like, a a national pandemic happens -- >> jimmy: yeah, yeah [ light laughter ] >> and they're like, "no premiere for you." >> jimmy: yeah >> and then, yeah, and then this writer's strike happened. >> jimmy: it happened. >> so yeah, i still don't think, it might not happen >> jimmy: no, no, no, it's going to -- it's going to happen i'm excited about this how did you find out that you were going to host >> oh, lorne -- i got a classic lorne-y text he was like, "there's a rumor going around that you're the host for the premiere. and he goes, "i guess it's true because i started it." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's pretty good he's the best. >> he's the best with the liners >> jimmy: he's the best with the liners and i know your mom is one of your biggest supporters and i've seen her on the show. is she excited is she coming? >> she's very excited. she actually has been on the show almost as many times as i have [ laughter ] like she's always ready to go up >> jimmy: that's actually really funny >> and i'm really excited just because like, i'm trying to find my mom, like, someone to date >> jimmy: oh [ audience ohs ]
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>> yeah. she hasn't been with anybody in like 23 years. so, like, yeah >> jimmy: this is a big deal >> yeah, and she's a good catch. >> jimmy: she is she's fantastic. >> yeah, and it's like, you know, brand new down there so - [ laughter ] [ rim shot ] if anybody - no, i've been trying to -- do you know anyone? like, i've been trying to find someone nice, you know, for my mom, so -- >> jimmy: yeah we -- we have, do we have any single people out there? >> yeah. [ cheers and applause well, no, not -- no, not you guys [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no >> no, yeah. >> jimmy: out there, someone out there. some -- who is she looking for what kind of man does she want >> i don't know. she's never really talked -- we're not -- we don't talk about that stuff >> jimmy: yeah >> but i -- i really just want someone to take care of her, and get her off my hands [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but she will be there, right and supporting you >> oh, yeah. she'll be there. >> jimmy: you know what i read it made me laugh because my parents are kind of a similar thing. but is this true she made you take the sanitation exam? >> yes when -- when i got "snl," i called her
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and i was like, "i'm gonna be -- i got 'snl,' mom like, holy crap. like, wow. and she was like, "well, just so you know, the garbage man test is at the end of the month, in case --" [ laughter ] so she -- until about three years ago, every year, she would ask me to take the garbage man test just as like a back-up. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and how did you do >> i didn't take it. but she would always try to be like, "it's pretty cool, petey you get to like, hang outside of the -- you know." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: no, you get to hang off the side >> she's like, "that'd be good for you. [ light laughter ] yeah, yeah, yeah >> jimmy: you'd be good at that >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: my parents, same thing. they go, "jimmy, we love your comedy career. you want to be a comedian. that's so cool take the postal exam." [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: and i took it. >> you get to drive on the other side >> jimmy: i love -- you get to drive -- yeah, your steering wheel's on the other side >> the steering wheel's on the other side >> jimmy: you wear shorts to work >> yeah. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i mean, they got their own rules. >> it's an irish thing >> jimmy: it's an irish thing. >> they don't believe in us. >> jimmy: they don't believe in us no, yeah but look at -- look at you now, though >> yeah. >> jimmy: hosting "saturday night live," mom >> yeah. >> jimmy: this is a big deal >> oh, thanks. [ cheers and applause yeah, i'm stoked >> jimmy: i wanted to see you, 'cause you were out with two of
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my favorites, john mulaney - >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: -- and jon stewart - >> stu >> jimmy: on -- on tour, with - well, that's an unbelievable show >> yeah, it's -- they're great >> jimmy: how -- you're great too. >> no, no, no. it's really fun to go on the road with them and it's also fun to see, you could tell immediately who's there for who. >> jimmy: yeah >> like, you know, like, there's, like, very respectful people that are like there to watch comedy and then people that are just like, "show us your [ bleep ]! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: who are jon stewart fans >> those are jon stewart fans. yeah, yeah, yeah >> jimmy: jon stewart fans, of course yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. [ light laughter ] >> yeah, yeah, yeah, so -- >> jimmy: that's what happens, yeah >> it's a very mixed audience. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm so happy that you're hosting the show. i'm excited for you. and you more than deserve it and ice spice is the musical guest. >> yeah, ice spice >> jimmy: it's a hot show this saturday pete davidson, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause catch him hosting the season premiere of "saturday night live," this weekend with musical guest ice spice. troye sivan joins us after the break. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪
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for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. ♪ >> hey >> we love you >> i love you. hi >> hey, pete, is this your favorite talk show appearance you've ever done >> of course yes. >> is there anything he can do better next time >> jimmy no, jimmy's doing fantastic. best jimmy in business ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest has sold 10 million albums and has 22 billion streams his new album "something to give each other" is out friday please welcome troye sivan, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to the program. >> thank you so much >> jimmy: those are giant numbers, 10 million albums >> i actually didn't know that >> jimmy: when you were growing up, did you go, "yeah, this is what i want to be, i want to be a giant popstar. >> literally, it's like the only thing i've ever wanted for my entire life i remember like some of my earliest memories is i would make my parents, we had curtains like this in the bedroom. and i would close the curtains, hide behind the curtains and i would make them introduce me i had a stage name [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: what were you? >> i was troye sivan because that's not my real name >> jimmy: oh, okay >> i knew from like, from the age of, like, four i was like, "i'm troye sivan i'm not -- >> jimmy: no way >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's - >> and then, i would come out, they would introduce me and i would come out and i would sing for my parents >> jimmy: and what would you sing >> like, "backstreet's back. yeah >> jimmy: you do backstreet, yeah that's good. >> i would do "barbie girl," aqua, like gay stuff [ laughter ]
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yeah [ laughter ] "like a prayer" by madonna you know what i mean, like, my parents knew >> jimmy: yeah, they knew. [ light laughter ] the first time you sang on australian tv, you were 11 years old >> yeah. >> jimmy: what do you remember about that >> well, i looked about 6. and i remember, at the time, my barometer for a successful performance was making moms cry. like, that was always my biggest goal and if i did that, then i thought it was a successful performance. and so i used to - >> jimmy: so you would tug at the heart strings? >> try to, yeah. i would lay it on so thick i was like, smiling at the camera, like, doing whatever i had to do to win these moms over and it worked it worked. >> jimmy: you would make them cry? we actually found a clip - >> you did >> jimmy: -- of you. yes, this is 11-year-old troye sivan's australian television debut take a look at this. ♪ wake up where the cloud are far behind me ♪
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[ audience aws ] ♪ somewhere over the rainbow ♪ >> jimmy: oh, come on! [ cheers and applause you're making me cry a little bit. you're making me cry >> that's nice >> jimmy: your new album comes out on friday. >> on friday i can't believe it >> jimmy: big deal it's called "something to give each other." here's the cover, right here >> can you show that on tv >> jimmy: yeah, i don't know i didn't even know that i was posing for the album cover when i was doing this [ laughter ] thank you for -- you didn't even ask >> at this desk. >> jimmy: but there you go yeah i look good. i look good. is it a positive, is it a pop album? what kind of - >> yeah. i didn't know, i was like, i went through a big break-up in 2019 and then i was like, just really sad for a long time
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and i didn't really feel much of anything at all and then, i started to write this album and i was like, totally surprised. i don't know who's been through a break up here, but you know that weird moment where all of a sudden, you're like, wait. i'm single [ laughter ] and it's like, oh, okay. and so, i started to, i felt like i was kind of re-meeting myself i started to do weird things like show up to a house party by myself where i didn't know anyone just like excited at the possibilities of life and i started to have these like encounters with people [ laughter ] and i was just really, really enjoying myself. and i think, i started to feel this connection to not just myself but to everyone and to realize how beautiful even a relationship that lasts a few hours can be and so, it was - >> jimmy: a few minutes sometimes. a few seconds. yeah, yeah >> right >> jimmy: doesn't matter
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yeah [ laughter ] >> yeah, doesn't matter at all >> jimmy: no it's the motion of the ocean you know what i'm saying but you were saying that something to give each other, we were just talking about, the title of the album, is that all these experiences, no matter what it is it doesn't have to be romantic or a sexual thing. but just meeting new people. >> completely. >> jimmy: everyone has something to give each other >> exactly right and i wrote -- some of the album i wrote during covid when it was like more of an ambition than it was -- like, it was like a fantasy i was craving connection and i was like, wow, everyone has something to give each other, whether it is a couple of seconds in your case or -- [ laughter ] or a couple of hours in mine yeah i just thought that was a really beautiful sentiment and i kind of based the album off of that. >> jimmy: yeah and maybe, can we say a possible tour? >> i think so, yeah. [ cheers and applause i'm not announcing it now, but like in the future there will be a tour.
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i think i want it to be this mega, mega, mega pop show. when it happens. >> jimmy: you'll do it you'll do it right >> i want to do it right, yeah >> jimmy: congratulations. the album comes out this friday and possible tour. come back when that happens. [ cheers and applause >> i will. >> jimmy: i love you, buddy. >> thank you so much >> jimmy: you're welcome always any time you want to come on troye sivan, everybody "something to give each other" comes out on friday. we'll be right back with more "tonight show. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest can be seen at the helium comedy club in st. louis november 2nd and 3rd. please welcome the very funny josh johnson [ cheers and applause ♪ [ cheers and applause
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>> cool. [ laughter ] how y'all doing? everybody good [ cheers ] okay i wish i could say the same. no, it's just, i'm getting older and i can feel it. this is rough. this is -- i've turned into, like, an old black man, but now, this is too soon. dude, two days after my birthday, somebody just said something i agree with i know, where i was like, "mm-hmm. that is unacceptable [ laughter ] i am 40 years too young for that a full civil rights "mm-hmm" out of my throat [ laughter ] every day i'm doing, like, old black man things i'll just see a cute couple, start giving 'em advice. [ light laughter ] i was at a coffee shop, i saw two people that look good together i was like, "y'all take care of each other now." [ laughter ] who is this for? i saw a little kid on a park bench, shoulders hunched, looking like he didn't make the team or something. i just ran up behind him i was like, "so you just gon' quit?" like this is - [ laughter and applause
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started to say sayings that aren't real. my buddy had a bad day, he was telling me about it. and when he got done, i was like, "well -- bottom of the shoe ain't nothing without the top of the foot." like - [ laughter ] i don't even know what that means. i'm just sort of saying things you know and my friends have been dating, and i've watched them as they date, and i've noticed a lot of what people call red flags, right and people have to look out for red flags early. like, ladies, you know red flags that we don't even register you really do. i was at a club with my friend he had a real romcom experience he saw this woman across the club and he said, he was like, "the light was just shining on her a little extra." you know and so, he made his way towards her. and the dance floor was parting. people were getting out of the way as he was walking up to her. and he walks right up to her, he lays his thickest game. he's like, "hey, how you doing? [ light laughter ] "maybe i'll buy you a drink or
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somethin'? she turned around. and she looked him up and down she was like, "oh, uh. no." [ laughter ] "no, it's not for me that's not what we do. and he tried one more time, he was like, "why can't i buy you a drink, get to know you maybe we might like each other. and she looked him up and down again and she said, "your shoes. [ light laughter ] i know that sounds super rude, it sounds vapid, materialistic but i'm not going to lie, i'm on her side. [ light laughter ] because when he looked down, both his shoes were untied [ laughter ] and it's like, yeah! that's a red flag. there's no better way to walk up to a woman and be like, "you gonna have to take care of me eventually," than to walk up with both your shoes untied. [ laughter and applause how did he even make it across the dance floor without tripping and i'm trying to be fair here one shoe could happen to anybody. we're all human. both shoes have not happened since the third grade.
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[ laughter ] if you approach a woman with both your shoes untied, you might as well walk up with a a glass of milk in one hand, and a cookie in the other, talking 'bout "you wanna be fwiends? [ laughter ] 'cause that's what you look and sound like when both your shoes are untied i'm very blessed to be here, by the way. i -- this is absolutely amazing. [ cheers and applause i grew up in louisiana, and i feel like i had an incredible childhood, even though i don't come from money, you know? and i was having a conversation with my friend, he gave me a a really interesting metric. he said "you can tell how good someone's childhood was in the states by how long they believed in santa. [ light laughter ] if they were told about santa and they believed in santa how long they believed is how coddled -- you know what i mean just how sheltered they were 'cause we all remember that kid -- -- that was like 15. [ laughter ] and christmas comes around, he's like, "i can't wait for
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santa. and you're like, "oh, no." [ laughter ] "oh, they too good to him. this is terrible." i had an incredible childhood but i'm not going to lie i stopped believing in santa pretty young because, when you don't have a a good money situation, you usually don't have a good living situation so, my neighborhood was really rough. and when i was 8-years-old, i saw santa get robbed [ laughter ] and i started asking questions i was like, "how does he make it to every house in the entire world in one night, but he can't get away from these dudes? 'cause he is getting whooped." [ light laughter ] i had to call 911 at the beginning of this year and i appreciate just about everything that these people do they are literally heroes, you know the only thing i don't appreciate is how calm they are when they pick up. that feels disrespectful - [ light laughter ] -- to my situation 'cause i'm not calling to chat something traumatic just happened in front of me and i call and they pick up and they're like, "911, what's your emergency?
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[ light laughter ] it's like, no, my tax dollars cannot be going to that department store customer service level energy, all right? i'm freaking out i need you freaking out, okay? it would feel better to call 911, be like, "oh my goodness! and they're like "what is it?! [ laughter ] that would feel so much better [ cheers and applause because don't get me wrong, i get it they're calm so that i'm calm. because if i'm calm, i'm a a better communicator and they can more effectively help me with my situation. i understand why they do it, it just doesn't feel good [ light laughter ] 'cause then you tell them everything that's going wrong and then they repeat your emergency back to you like a a fast food order. [ light laughter ] they're just on the phone like, "so you're telling me -- [ light laughter ] "-- that your friend fell out. and now he on the ground and you don't know if he breathing. [ light laughter ]
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"and so, you put a spoon in front of his face. and the spoon fogged up so, he might be breathin'." [ laughter ] "but that might also be your breath 'cause you were too close to the spoon." [ laughter ] i'm like, "just send somebody, please." and nobody talks about it, but if 911 doesn't believe you, they can just hang up. [ light laughter ] that's a real thing. if they don't take you seriously, think it's a prank, they can just hang up. and i know that because when i was 8-years-old, i called 911 to tell them that santa was getting whooped. [ laughter and applause and they hung up in my face. [ laughter ] they were like, "so you telling me --" [ light laughter ] "-- that santa - sir, we have real things to do here." guys, i'm josh johnson thanks so much y'all have a great night [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: josh johnson
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[ cheers and applause see him at the helium comedy club in st. louis, november 2nd and 3rd. we'll be right back, everybody come on back [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my thanks to pete davidson, troye sivan, josh johnson, once again [ cheers and applause and, of course, the roots from philadelphia, pennsylvania thank you, roots stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers" starting now. goodnight, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪ [ cheers and applause


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