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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  October 16, 2023 11:34pm-12:35am PDT

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all right the sports lineup for the summer olympics is expanded. think about flight football. announcing it is adding five new sports for the 2028 games in los angeles. flight football, baseball. softball, lacrosse and cricket. cricket returns after more than a century since the last conclusion of the game, football is demonstrations for
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the first time they had hosted the games and just a reminder that i will be in paris and nbc bay area news is [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests - uma thurman, lil rel howery musical guest, feist and featuring the legendary roots crew >> questlove: 1854 >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: come on! [ cheers and applause right back at you. thank you very much. enjoy yourself welcome, everybody welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show. you're here, you're watching [ cheers and applause "the tonight show" is on, friends. hey, this is exciting. i want to say congratulations to disney for celebrating their 100th anniversary today. [ cheers and applause ♪ 100. and to celebrate 100 years, ironically, pricing on disney+ went from goofy status to "this is ducking insane. [ laughter ] of course, disneyland's slogan is "the happiest place on earth. it's not to be confused with the slogan for busch gardens, "technically, a place on earth. [ laughter ] and you go, "well, it is.'
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well, get this, rite aid just filed for bankruptcy, and could be closing more than 2,000 of their stores yeah it's amazing that their business model of just being a a crappier cvs didn't pan out. [ laughter ] but they actually pressed the button for help weeks ago, but no one noticed until now [ laughter ] meanwhile, jada pinkett-smith said that they were bankrupt seven years ago but just didn't tell anyone. [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] that's interesting [ audience oohs you get -- [ rimshot you could tell that they were going out of business when they just relabeled tums as halloween candy. [ laughter ] you go, "that's it." you could tell that they were going out of business when you asked the pharmacist what he had for pain, and he handed you his bottle of cuervo [ laughter ] some news from washington, the house is coming up on two weeks without a speaker. yeah and tomorrow republicans plan to hold a vote if the house can't elect a a speaker, the constitution says that it will be decided by the judges on "the masked singer."
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[ laughter ] the speaker is now disco pickle [ laughter ] now, republicans and democrats are talking about a bipartisan solution to finding a speaker. that's how crazy things have gotten, our government is so dysfunctional, it might become functional [ laughter ] well, some huge political news in his new biography, senator mitt romney says that back in 2020, oprah suggested that they run for president together to keep former president trump out of office. if you thought dr. fauci was confusing, imagine dr. phil. [ laughter ] "of all the chicks in the hen house tryin' to lay a golden egg, and you're on the wrong side of the beaver dam." [ laughter ] "can i go outside or --" yeah, when he heard about romney and oprah, trump was like, "get me maury povich." [ laughter ] "two things, run with me number two, proof that eric is not my son i'm not the father." [ laughter ] "y'all don't know me."
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speaking of running for president, i read that mike pence's presidential campaign is more than $600,000 in debt [ audience oohs yeah, instead of a plane, he and his staff get around on a five-person tandem bike. [ laughter ] i knew pence was in money trouble when he changed his campaign slogan to "mike pence, the rite aid of republican candidates." [ laughter ] that's when i knew hey, i saw that nbc news is going to host the third republican primary debate. since the debate is on nbc, all the moderators will press a button and spin their chairs around when they hear something they like. [ laughter ] switching gears, national geographic is releasing a "top gun" inspired docuseries that will follow the journeys of students at a navy pilot school yeah, that's a formula for a a hit. "top gun," minus tom cruise, plus school. [ laughter ] awesome. well, guys, it is monday, and i thought it'd be helpful to say good-bye to everything from the past week and say hello to everything that's coming up. it's time for "goodbye, hello.
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♪ goodbye hello ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: goodbye new york comic con. and hello times square elmo re-establishing dominance over the city [ laughter and applause goodbye airbnb allowing rentals in new york. and hello paying two grand a a night to sleep in the employee break room at gray's papaya. [ laughter and applause goodbye, quality, affordable meals from chipotle, after you raised your prices and hello, chipotle being where you now take your spouse for your 20th anniversary. [ laughter and applause goodbye, hidden junk fees, recently outlawed by president biden. and hello, seeing everyone's junk on the number one streaming show "naked attraction. [ laughter and applause and finally, goodbye, rite aid, for declaring bankruptcy on all 2,100 stores
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hello, 2,100 brand new locations of spirit halloween. [ cheers and applause when they move out, they move in ♪ goodbye hello ♪ thank you very much. did you guys see this? ferrari is now letting customers in the u.s. buy their cars with cryptocurrency it's perfect, now you can make two bad financial decisions at once [ laughter and applause congratulations. yep, crypto and your ferrari, two things no one wants to hear you talk about [ laughter ] meanwhile, kia will continue to accept payment in chuck e. cheese tickets. [ laughter ] and finally, i heard that united airlines is bringing back their boarding process of travelers with window seats going first, then middle seats, and then aisle seats while southwest will continue their official boarding process, every man for themselves [ laughter and applause we have a great show the one and only uma thurman is here tonight
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[ cheers and applause i love uma thurman room to grow lil rel howery is joining us very funny human being [ cheers and applause lil rel. and we got great music from feist. [ cheers and applause stick around we'll be right back with "dance your hat and gloves off. come on back [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: ready, set - dance! ♪ [ cheers and applause [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. [limu emu squawks.] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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we are trying really hard to get you reese's peanut butter cups but there is only so much we can do here. you're gonna have to meet us halfway. (♪♪) well, the whole way, actually. (♪♪) who says you can't go for bold without going broke... get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. can an oven-roasted turkey breast pack so much succulent flavor that the mere glimpse of it induces turkey sandwich daydreams? if it's hillshire farm. oh, hill yeah.
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(vo) imagine a lifetime spent waiting. waiting for a family. waiting to be loved. older and special-needs shelter dogs wait the longest to find loving people. that's why subaru created national make a dog's day: to help these special underdogs never feel left behind again. subaru. more than a car company.
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alaska airlines $99 companion fare means that you can bring your best friend... you know, one of us is gonna have to change? but we're twinning? oh yay. ♪♪ ♪ we care a lot. ♪
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you know, my friend funshine would have loved this trip. ♪♪ well our companion fare is just $99 with the alaska airlines visa card, so your friend can come along with you! next time you're the legs! ♪ ♪ we care a lot ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back to the show, everybody. it is fall the weather's getting a little chilly it's time to break out the hats and gloves with that in mind, it's time to play the game that's sweeping the nation it's time for "dance your hat and gloves off." [ cheers and applause ♪ dance your ha and gloves off go and dance 'em off ♪ >> jimmy: welcome to "dance your hat and gloves off. release the mirror ball. there you go [ laughter ] this - [ laughter ]
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this is the game where we put hats and gloves on people and make them dance until they fall off. now, let's meet our contestants. come on over, everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: looking good looking good in the neighborhood what is your name and where are you from >> spencer jones from tyler, texas >> jimmy: hey! tyler, texas [ cheers and applause spencer, thank you for being here what's your name and where you from >> nadia malik, freehold, new jersey >> jimmy: oh, yeah [ cheers and applause contestant number three. >> davis roper, raleigh, north carolina. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh, wow! davis, raleigh now, you guys ready to do this here you go. here's how the game works. one at a time, you'll take your place on the dance floor don't be worried about that mirror ball. it will not fall [ laughter ] it hasn't yet, it hasn't yet but when i say, "dance," you're gonna have 15 seconds to fling your hat and gloves off. scoring is simple. one point for each glove you get off, two points for the hat. whoever gets the most points wins the grand prize, and oh, what a prize it is higgins!
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>> steve: well, jimmy, tonight's winner will be taking home a treasure map that shows the precise location of three $100 bills that are vacuum sealed and floating in the middle of the atlantic ocean [ light laughter ] jimmy? [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: thank you, higgins thank you, higgins what would you do with that $300, higgins? >> steve: wow, thanks for asking you know, my son's been needing a little money, needs some dental work done and i was hoping to take that $300 and - >> jimmy: couple of things before we start. [ laughter ] at no time can you touch the hat or gloves. nor can anything touch them. basically, you just have to whip your arms and head around as crazy as you can, until everything falls off in the event of a tie, our audience will decide the winner based on your dancing skills so, bring it [ cheers and applause you ready for this >> ready >> jimmy: all right, buddy >> let's do this >> jimmy: you are up first audience, let's cheer 'em on you can hit the dance star right there. [ cheers and applause ♪ all right. ready. set. dance.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: yeah, that's it. ♪ yeah yeah, yeah ♪ yeah, come on! come on! uh, uh, uh, uh, come on! ♪ come on! [ bell dinging ] ♪ that's it. ♪ oh, nice try [ audience ohs ] nice job trick is, it's harder than it looks. it's harder than it -- >> i can imagine >> jimmy: looks much easier at home when you're playing the home game. [ laughter ] yeah but that was fantastic can we see what you did in slow motion, so you can see as well that's what you basically did. [ laughter and applause ♪ [ cheers and applause yeah, fantastic. that's fantastic is that how you dance at weddings as well >> i do, i do. >> jimmy: yeah, that's fantastic. well done. higgins, how many points ooh. [ audience aws ] [ sad tuba ] all right, there you go. that's right hey, if everyone gets zero, you've still got a good chance that was some good style [ light laughter ] contestant number two, you are up so, why don't you hit the dance spot whenever you're ready to go
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audience, cheer her on, please [ cheers and applause ready. set. dance. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh, yeah oh, yeah that's two points. ♪ yes. go, go, hey, oh. ♪ oh [ bell dinging ] that's fantastic unbelievable unbelievable wow. that is -- come on over here that is definitely unbelievable moves. you are in the lead. can we see that in slow motion, please ♪ look at this [ light laughter ] hat came right off ♪ and then -- yeah, and then - what, you felt it right there. one, two, three, bam right there! [ cheers and applause fantastic job. higgins, how many points ooh, ooh, wow. oh, there you go a perfect score! [ cheers and applause ♪ a perfect score. but, you know what that means? we're down to our last contestant here. now, you -- you gotta show up. >> lot of pressure >> jimmy: yeah over in raleigh, north carolina, do they do some wild dancing >> you know it better than anywhere else. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: now, you're happy with your glasses remaining on
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>> we'll find out. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i like -- i like this i like this. i kind of want to see them fly off a little bit yeah >> me too, me too. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that 300 bucks, if you find it in the middle of the atlantic ocean, could pay for new frames [ light laughter ] >> worth it. worth it >> jimmy: yeah, it is so worth it all right, why don't you get over here, and whenever you're ready -- i'll move these out of the way here so -- [ cheers and applause i want to make sure you're in the clear. you're okay? you ready to go? >> i'm ready i'm ready. [ drumroll ] >> jimmy: audience, put your hands together [ cheers and applause ready. set. dance. ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ [ bell dinging ] >> jimmy: wow! that was fantastic oh, my god that's never happened in the history of "dance your hat --" you feel like you -- you want to - >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, i know, i know don't even tell me don't even tell me let's see what you did in slow motion ♪ look at this yeah one, two, get that other one off.
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you're focused yes! you felt the headbang, the glasses stayed on. ♪ then -- that -- look at this yes! [ cheers and applause yes! that was, like -- that was well done higgins, how many points did he get there? [ cheers ] that's it right there, four, that's not bad ♪ [ applause ] but that means our audience has to decide the winner yeah [ audience ohs ] you can have a seat if you'd like [ laughter ] >> get off the - >> jimmy: that's right, yeah, no, no, no, please is it contestant number two? [ cheers and applause or is it contestant number three? [ cheers and applause >> yes >> jimmy: contestant number three is the winner! congratulations! [ bell dinging ] ♪ here is your treasure map to $300 hidden in the atlantic ocean. this has been "dance your hat and gloves off." thank you for playing it thanks to you, all you boys and girls and friends and fans in tv-land. from the jocks and rockers, to the bobby sockers, to the tiktok kids with all the rizz. [ light laughter ]
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just dig that scene if you know what i mean, and you just might be on the dancing queen. so, tell your friends to catch all the action i'm on the next season of "naked attraction. [ laughter ] i've got a real small part, if you catch my drift - [ laughter ] [ rimshot so, so mini, it's like an innie. i guess you could say i'm a bit of a hunk, but you need a microscope to see my junk. [ laughter ] so don't be a meanie, if you best believe me, it's a little weenie little peenie that i got in my jeanies. [ laughter ] so, sit right back and go wick your whack, and don't touch that dial, 'cause we'll be right back with uma thurman, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪ alexa, dinosaurs in "jurassic park." >> sorry, i don't know that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow. i never even heard her say that before who sings "get it on (bang a a gong). >> "bang a gong, get it on," was sang by english rock band t.rex. [ bell dinging ] [ cheers and applause ♪
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what's your menopause stage? ha-ha! it was me the whole time. -whoo-hoo! -well done, ma'am. with snapshot from progressive, you get a personalized discount for being a safe driver. say "snapshot savings!" [ camera shutter clicks ] i'm orlando and i'm living with hiv. i don't have to worry about daily hiv pills because i switched to every-other-month cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. now when i have people over, hiv pills aren't on my mind. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients, or if you're taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding,
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our first guest is an oscar-nominated and golden globe-winning actress, who is also a founding board member of room to grow the 25th anniversary gala is october 25th at the ziegfeld ballroom in new york city. please welcome uma thurman [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: you are the best thank you so much for coming back to the show it is so great to see you. >> it is my pleasure
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>> jimmy: thank you, thank you, thank you. i want to -- >> late night is back! >> jimmy: it's back! we're finally back yes, it's been - [ cheers and applause i've been missing it but thank you, it means a lot to me. the last time i saw you, i don't know if you remember this, but i had to bring it up - >> i do. >> jimmy: -- your -- your daughter was on our show >> yeah. >> jimmy: maya was performing, and she sang, and you were just here as a -- just a supportive mom. >> yep >> jimmy: and it was so cool >> sneaking around in the back >> jimmy: yeah and you were in the backstage, just rooting her on >> dancing >> jimmy: i loved it but that is so -- i just loved that 'cause i -- i didn't get a a chance to say, like, "oh, by the way, your mom, uma thurman was here rooting you on. i didn't want to make a big deal >> no, she wouldn't like that. >> jimmy: you didn't -- she wouldn't - i mean, yeah but i love that you did that backstage, and it was so charming and very - >> aw. >> jimmy: and you also had your younger daughter >> yeah, my little one was with us, yes. >> jimmy: luna >> it was a family affair. >> jimmy: yeah how old is - >> luna's 11 >> jimmy: she's 11 >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right. i have a 10 and 8-year-old >> i know. >> jimmy: yeah so they're getting older >> yeah, i know, enjoy every minute of it >> jimmy: yeah, right? >> enjoy it. >> jimmy: it just happens, right? it just -- >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: i'm getting to that,
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kind of, years of like, "dad, what's a crush i want to have a crush on somebody." i'm like - >> yeah, you've got very little time left, i'm afraid to warn you. >> jimmy: i do, right? >> very little time left >> jimmy: i know, okay >> soak it up. >> jimmy: i'm loving every single thing >> like, this christmas has to be the best time of your life. >> jimmy: oh, my god yeah, it is. she goes, she keeps saying - >> it will be, too >> jimmy: she goes, "when did you have your first crush, dad? i go, "what grade are you in again? fifth -- fifth garde?" i go, "i had mine in sixth." >> yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and then next year when she asks, i'm gonna say "i had mine in seventh. keep pushing it forward. >> oh, just keep pushing it. >> jimmy: what is she into now >> you can always put braces on them even if they need them -- don't need them. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, just give - >> just give 'em braces. >> jimmy: "there you go, you're having braces. >> full metal head >> jimmy: that is great advice that is absolutely -- this is great advice [ talking over each other >> can you put, like, some head gear on 'em? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: exactly. i want to talk about this, 'cause room to grow, you've been with them - >> since the beginning, yeah >> jimmy: 25 years >> it's an incredible story. it's actually maya, i was pregnant with, she's now 25. and i lived in this brownstone in greenwich village, and i had one neighbor, this lovely, beautiful, young woman who was
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my age and i was pregnant, and like, getting all nervous about it, and like, "how do i get ready for this baby? >> jimmy: yeah >> "and what am i gonna do and what do i need?" and then in the hallway there kept being all this baby stuff piling up. and i was watching my neighbor, and she's very slender - >> jimmy: yeah >> and i was becoming ginormous. and i was like, what's going on with my neighbor so finally i ask - >> jimmy: like, "when are you due? >> her name is julie burns i said, "what are you doing with all this baby stuff?" and she said, "i've got to talk to you about it. it's a serious, serious problem in our community there are no resources for pregnant women, and babies zero to three in our community. and it is the most crucial time of a child's life. 80% -- babies are amazing, right? 80% of the human brain is developing in the first three years of life. so, how we treat families, parents, and babies in that crucial window really affects the rest of their life >> jimmy: yeah, and if you don't have anything, then --
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>> it's just the duress. yeah, there's nutrition, there's all the -- all the baby essentials that you need i mean, it's crazy and it also -- room to grow does, like, this comprehensive wraparound where every quarter the family goes to see a social worker, and they get to ask all the questions that you need to ask, as your developing baby is developing >> jimmy: yeah, and coming back into the workforce and getting all that - >> if you can, and job -- and finding other resources for job training and childcare and housing issues are a huge issue for people >> jimmy: it's such a great thing, what you're doing but i just want to show some of the things that -- this is what a mother will get on the -- this is just the first year. >> yep >> jimmy: they will set some of these things [ cheers and applause that's just -- >> and you need all those things >> jimmy: that's just the first year i mean, it's so helpful. it's so helpful. and is it just new york or is it - >> we are in boston now. >> jimmy: hey. >> and it is my dream to see this organization be in every city where there is need and a a community that wants a good tool to support their community.
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: wow, let's have it keep growing [ cheers and applause >> yeah. >> jimmy: i want to talk about this too this is a giant, awesome, fun bag. this is the donate by mail program, okay? >> yeah. >> jimmy: now -- yeah. and so, can you explain what this is and where do you get this >> okay, so since we see the family every quarter, and as we all know, babies change radically, like, every few months, and you need new stuff so, you barely use the stuff that you had before you need new stuff. >> jimmy: yeah >> so, it's really lightly used so, a family with a baby, 95% of our things are recycled, upcycled so, a family with a baby just packs up the stuff they don't need anymore when they're getting their new stuff, put it in the bag, and it gets shipped back to room to grow >> jimmy: yeah so, if you go to - [ cheers and applause you get the bag -- i think the bag is $15 --? >> it -- it's a commitment of $15 >> jimmy: $15, you get the bag sent to you. >> and then i think it's shipped back >> jimmy: and then it already has the shipping label and everything >> it's easy >> jimmy: so all you have to do is fill it with stuff that you want to donate
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so, if you have anything, books -- like you said - >> books are really important. both english language, spanish language, very important also. socks, gloves, winter coats, all the things that you need >> jimmy: socks. yeah, all that stuff and i always bring this up every single time, but i remember when you first had maya >> yep >> jimmy: and you told me, "look, jimmy, if you're lucky enough to have kids, you have to read to them. >> yes >> jimmy: you were reading "ferdinand," by the way, to maya >> i was reading "ferdinand. you do have to read to your children and that's another, like, crucial thing, and that -- that kind of intervention, giving a a family the right books to read to their child. >> jimmy: yeah >> like, if you don't have that book, how can you do that for your child >> jimmy: yeah, this is great., everybody. [ cheers and applause thank you so much for coming on >> i love you. >> jimmy: you know you're the best uma thurman, everybody room to grow's 25th anniversary gala is october 25th at the ziegfeld ballroom in new york city. lil rel howery joins us after the break. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪
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12:06 am
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12:07 am
i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. we made it! bmo has arrived. hello? you said it.
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hello to more ways to save money, grow your wealth, grow your business. just what we needed, another big bank. not so fast. how many banks do you know that reward you for saving every month? he's got a good point. did i mention bmo has more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined? uh, b-m-o? just "bee-mo", actually. quick question, will all this stuff fit in your car? ( ♪♪ ) should i get rid of the mug? ♪ bmo ♪ with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt. (vo) ultimate endless shrimp is here nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. with a limited time flavor drop. new crispy dragon shrimp. one of seven endless choices. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest is a fantastic actor and comedian you can see him and tiffany haddish on their stand-up tour called "the best friends comedy tour. everyone, please welcome lil rel howery [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: oh, you look good, pal. lil rel, welcome back to the show
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it's great to see you. and i want to say congratulations. i met backstage your beautiful fiance >> yeah. >> jimmy: you are engaged. >> i'm engaged [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: you are engaged. i want to hear all about it. was it special did you cry? where did you do it? did you go on one knee >> well, let's say this, first of all, since i've been engaged, she's been on like 15 to 20 brunches. people take her out to eat and dinner ain't nobody did anything for me [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'll call you next week we'll figure something out >> no, i got one call, he's like, "you sure? and he hung up and that was it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: where did you do it? >> so look, first of all, it was a, kind of, last-minute decision >> jimmy: okay [ laughter ] you didn't plan on doing this? >> i didn't plan it at all i was so -- we -- i never told this side of the story before. so, y'all getting it for real. so, there's a chinese buffet we like to go to. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this is a disaster this is a complete disaster. if she comes storming out here, i'm letting you -- you're on your own >> on saturdays, we -- i
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like -- so, i go to chinese buffets all over the country for no reason. i love - >> jimmy: all you can eat buffet >> chicken on a stick, it's got the salt and pepper shrimp with the -- and then they got a hibachi grill sometimes. >> jimmy: all right, let's get to the engagement. the engagement story you got engaged. >> i got so happy, like, "oh, yeah." i mean, the ice cream. [ laughter ] and that weird chocolate thing that nobody -- it never cuts off where it's dripping chocolate. no, so, look, we decided to go to the mall after that because we were shopping to go to a wedding the next day >> jimmy: okay >> and this is a true story. i walked past the tiffany store because she was in another store and i was on the other side of the mall and i'm like, "is it time? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah >> right and so, i walked in the store. i said, "what's up, playboy. the guy was like, "what? first of all, he wasn't used to somebody calling him playboy >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah "what's up, playboy. >> "what's up, playboy." >> jimmy: but you see those beautiful rings.
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>> i see -- i picked three it was three i picked. i said, "let me look can i see your engagement rings? he's like, "all right. and he probably thought i was like window shopping and i was like, "no, give me that one." he's like, "what?" "give me that one. i've got to get an outfit, you know what i mean, for this wedding tomorrow so i picked the ring out, i paid for it. and he was like, "yo, this is the fastest -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're like, dude, there's a chinese buffet i've got to get to. i've got things to do. hurry this up, man [ laughter ] >> i call her daughters and i call my kids to let them know what i was doing and they was like, "where are you going to do it at? i said, "well, i'm taking her to see beyonce on monday i'll do it at the beyonce concert. >> jimmy: wow. >> and when i decided to do that, i called ms. tina, who i love to death, which is beyonce's mom. ms. tina knowles >> jimmy: yeah but i called ms. tina because i wanted to make sure i propose to the right song. and it's the renaissance concert, so, i'm like, is she even going to do any of the slow songs because everything is, "energy. [ light laughter ] >> you know. it's all that. >> jimmy: yeah [ laughter ] wow.
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yeah, no, i got it, yeah [ laughter ] >> and so, i'm like, all right, "ms. tina, what's the perfect song to propose to?" and she was like, "well, do it to 'love on top.'" i'm like, okay, so, what beyonce does, she stops the song and lets the audience sing and so that's when you should do it. >> jimmy: you're like, "just, give me the order of the songs, so i know when --" >> well, that's the problem. i didn't know the order, right and so - [ laughter ] you know, i -- i -- everything's -- everybody's having a good time they do the energy song. somebody get too energized and spill they drink on me, right? >> jimmy: so you get a drink spilled on you >> i get a drink spilled on me and so i'm like, "i'm gonna go to the bathroom. now, i've been sitting there for two and a half hours waiting on "love on top. as -- as soon -- [ audience ohs ] as soon -- as soon - and this is the crazy part about the bathroom story as -- after i washed off the stuff, i said, "i'm gonna use the bathroom." and as soon as i started using the bathroom - >> jimmy: okay [ light laughter ] [ vocalizing ] >> i'm like, "no!" [ laughter ]
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and so i'm trying to hurry up. you know, i'm in my 40s so i couldn't do a stoppage you know what i mean i'm too old to do that [ light laughter ] i had to -- you know what i mean you had to -- it had get out of there, you know what i mean? it's two and a half hours. >> jimmy: yeah, you gotta -- you gotta follow through [ laughter ] >> and so i start running back to the seat, and i get to the seats, and i literally forget - it looked like they moved -- 'cause beyonce kept making all these demands. so i'm like, "did she tell the crowd to change seats? like, where are my seats?" [ laughter ] and so, i end up finding the seat 'cause i can see the cameraman sweating like, on his ear piece. like, "i don't know where he at, man. [ laughter ] and then the crowd looks -- like, they started getting irritated, 'cause they been singing the acapella for so long." people was like -- ♪ baby it's you? ♪ [ laughter ] "why are we still singin' this?" and then i -- i swear to you, beyonce was like - [ laughter ] and that's when i got on one knee and i proposed. and this is the thing about it -- every -- i don't care. go watch any proposal video, especially with black women. every time they get proposed
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to, they do this weird thing where they walk -- they step in and walk back. it's like they don't believe it it's like -- so -- i get -- i got on my one knee, and this -- this is really what happened i did the one knee thing, and the first thing she did, say, "what you doing down there?" you know [ laughter ] "why don't you get up? i was like, "baby, i'm tryin' to propose to you. "you tryin' to do what?" she's like, "nooo -- [ laughter and applause do that -- you know, like, they do this. you know [ laughter ] she was, like, cussing me out about it "you gon' make my makeup --" and all this other stuff and she said, yes. >> jimmy: there you go that's what i'm talking about. [ cheers and applause that's what i'm talking about. ♪ well done. that is how you do it. >> yes >> jimmy: she's gorgeous, and congratulations to you, buddy. gosh, that's a great story [ light laughter ] can you tell me about this -- you and tiffany haddish on tour >> yes this is my best friend i don't know if you know - [ cheers and applause
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the very funny, hilarious tiffany haddish. >> jimmy: she's unbelievable she is hilarious >> and you know, you know, since we've been on strike, a lot of us had to go back on the road >> jimmy: yeah >> to make some money. and so -- but anyway, i love stand-up that's our roots, that's how we met, that's how we became friends. she was my first l.a. friend - >> jimmy: yes. >> we met -- we was doing a stand-up series called "bill bellamy's who's got jokes?" on tvone and i won my episode in chiago, she won hers in l.a. and i'm backstage, you know, i'm like, hyping, trying to calm down about just winning, and i hear somebody back to that, "uh-uh, here we go you so funny we gone be best friends! i'm like, "who are you, lady?" [ laughter ] and it was tiffany - >> jimmy: "we're gonna be best friends. >> "what's your number anytime you in l.a., blah blah blah." >> jimmy: oh, my god, that is so her >> and that's how we became friends. she forced the friendship, and that's - [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she's one of the funniest people. both of you guys together -- i can't -- >> this is gon' be fun this is two headliners for the price of one, on tour together >> jimmy: whoo [ cheers and applause that's what i'm talking about. go check it out right now. lil rel howery, everybody. we're going to play a game after the break. come on back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back to "the tonight show." we're hanging out with lil rel howery [ cheers and applause we'll see him on tour with tiffany haddish. we're about to play "hey robot." here we go [ cheers and applause ♪ hey hey hey robot hey robot ♪ >> jimmy: now here's how it works. this is based on the real boardgame "hey robot," that you can play at home it's like the classic game password, but your partner is a smart speaker. first, i will pick a card with a word on it and then we'll take turns asking a question to get the speaker to say that word somewhere in the answer, okay if -- if you get it right, you get a point. ready for this >> they didn't change the name of this game to "hey a.i." >> jimmy: that's basically what
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it is. okay ready for this alexa, name the characters in "wizard of oz. >> according to fandom, the main characters from the "wizard of oz" include dorothy gale, professor marvel, the carriage driver, the wizard of oz, the gatekeeper, the guard who cries, the scarecrow -- [ bell dings ] >> jimmy: yes! thank you. [ cheers and applause ] carriage driver? alexa, stop. alexa, stop. no one ever heard of those other characters [ laughter ] >> what was the order of that call sheet >> jimmy: i didn't know, she's like "the carriage driver. i didn't know dorothy's last name what was her last name [ laughter ] that's a little too specific if you know dorothy's last name, you've seen "wizard of oz" too many times wow, the carriage driver yeah, no one remembers - okay, here we go that's who -- like, "who are you for halloween? "hello, i'm the carriage driver from wizard -- [ laughter ] >> yo, that's funny.
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>> jimmy: all right, you're up, bud. >> so do i not show you what - >> jimmy: oh, yeah, you can show me. i'm playing with you, right? >> oh, i can show the crowd too if i want to, right? >> jimmy: yes. >> okay. they see it. >> jimmy: okay, t-rex. >> hey, siri - >> jimmy: no - [ laughter ] [ buzzer ] [ sad tuba ] it's alexa it's alexa >> oh, oh. i'm sorry. [ light laughter ] [ cheers and applause i'm sorry. i really am sorry. okay, here we go [ light laughter ] ah [ laughter ] 'cause how is it gonna say that ah, you could -- >> jimmy: i think i got it >> oh, okay. okay hey, alexa, dinosaurs in "jurassic park."
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>> sorry, i don't know that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow. i never even heard her say that before she doesn't know that there's -- [ light laughter ] >> that's not -- alexa! [ light laughter ] the animal characters in "jurassic park." [ light laughter ] >> from, pteranodons are both enemies and mounts originating from the "jurassic park" franchise. >> jimmy: there you go all right. [ light laughter ] my turn. wait all right, ready alexa, who sings "get it on (bang a gong)" alexa, who sings "get it on (bang a gong)" >> according to an alexa answers contributor "bang a gong, get it on" was sang by english rock band t. rex [ bell dings ] [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ get it on bang a gon
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get it on ♪ ♪ ♪ get it on bang a gon get it on ♪ [ vocalizing ] ♪ [ light laughter ] >> how did you - [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i don't know why - i just - >> that's such a random -- song choice but also, know the - like, you know how some songs, you know you're not gonna know the band eh, all right. t. rex [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, here, you can go you take the next one. come on, i want you to get this >> why you holding on to it? >> jimmy: sorry. [ light laughter ] >> okay. this -- okay you know what i mean? this has got to be -- you see this? >> jimmy: i think so >> hey, alexa. name some cities in tennessee. [ light laughter ] >> this might answer your question nashville, memphis, knoxville, chattanooga -- >> jimmy: oh [ bell ding [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: come on, now
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see, that's how -- that's how you play the game. [ applause ] okay yeah this should be easy, right >> yeah. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: or is it [ laughter ] alexa, hubba bubba - alexa, hubba bubba is a type of what >> this might answer your question bubble gum [ bell ding [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: wow! ♪ what dude, that's -- that's crazy that's all she said. dude, i love having you on the show [ cheers and applause we're not playing against each other, we're playing with each other. this is my man, lil rel howery
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he's on tour with tiffany haddish. go check out some of these dates right here, on "the best friends comedy tour. lil rel howery, everybody! [ cheers and applause congratulations on your engagement, buddy. you're the best. we'll be right back everybody. stick around, come on back [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ always in that state of mind ♪ ♪ living on a high vibration ♪ ♪ so hot gonna make it melt ♪ ♪ and i'm lovin' what i'm tastin' ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: performing "hiding out in the open," from her album "multitudes," please welcome feist! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ everybody's got their but who's got the guts to sit with it ♪ ♪ everybody's on their ow so that wa we're never alone ♪ ♪ but the mirro in another's eye
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that'll get you every time ♪ ♪ there are a thousan different ways to hide ♪ ♪ hiding out in the ope maybe i'm gonn let you down ♪ ♪ nothing's gonna make us ne what's don is not gonna undo ♪ ♪ hiding out in the ope baby he' gonna let me down ♪ ♪ love is not a thing you try to d it wants to be the thing compelling you ♪ ♪ so what we should probably say let's put it off for a few more days ♪ ♪ and anywa
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i'll pretend not to hear 'til you whisper i in my ear ♪ ♪ ooh hot voice on my nec would change the context ♪ ♪ i want you warm as a loaf of bread as a ways to be fed ♪ ♪ ♪ hiding out in the ope maybe i'm gonn let you down ♪ ♪ nothing's gonna make us ne what's don is not gonna undo ♪ ♪ hiding out in the ope baby he' gonna let me down ♪
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♪ love is not a thing you try to do ♪ ♪ it wants to b the thing compelling you to be you ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ oh love is not a thin you try to do ♪ ♪ it wants to b the thing compelling you to be you ♪ [ cheers and applause
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>> jimmy: hey! come on, now that's how you do it, right there. great to see you thank you for coming back. [ cheers and applause feist! "multitudes" is out now. my thanks to uma thurman, lil rel howery, feist, once again! [ cheers and applause great job, gre job. great job. and the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania, ladies and gentlemen. thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers," on right now goodnight, everybody fantastic! [ cheers and applause ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight --


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