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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  October 18, 2023 11:34pm-12:36am PDT

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before we go, got to give you a live look over san francisco. almost midnight, and you barely need a jacket in the city. so you know it is warm outside. >> right? low 70s in downtown san francisco. san jose. we are up to 97 inland. sunny skies through the afternoon. by friday, we should drop it off into the mid 80s with the cool every system from the south. then by this weekend, we get a second system moving in. it does look decent here for us to get spotty showers. we could get a lingering shower on monday. and overall cooling. we will stay in the 70s the way it looks all next week. so some fall weather finally making an appearance. >> it is eye popping. almost 90 in the city.
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>> thanks jeff. our next newscast is at 5:00 a.m. just a few hours from now. thanks for joining us. >> bye bye. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests - ronnie wood, sam heughan, musical guest, david kushner and featuring the legendary roots crew >> questlove: 1856 >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh oh i feel the love! thank you! enjoy yourselves welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show," everybody. you're here. big night. [ cheers and applause big night for our show so exciting today. halloween's almost here. i'm in a great mood. all the decorations around new york city. did you see it today it's beautiful skeletons on 5th avenue. there's spiderwebs by the empire state building. today, i saw a giant pumpkin outside the manhattan courthouse >> steve: oh [ laughter ] >> jimmy: right outside the courthouse >> steve: right there? >> jimmy: well, this is exciting after the success of taylor swift's concert movie, bts announced that next month they're releasing a concert movie on amazon. >> steve: oh [ audience oohs >> jimmy: and if you thought bts was big before, wait until you hear that suga is dating donna kelce. [ laughter ] you heard it here first.
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some more entertainment news apparently, kris jenner wants prince harry and meghan markle to appear on an upcoming episode of "the kardashians. that's great britain's royal family meeting ours [ laughter ] i mean, it's just kind of -- i think they might be into it, 'cause they just changed their names to for prince karry and keghan karkle. [ laughter ] how's that work? how's that work? ♪ >> steve: come on. [ applause ] >> jimmy: how does that work some political news, guys. republicans aren't any closer to choosing a speaker of the house. yesterday, they voted on jim jordan and then today, they tried to elect jim jordan again, but he lost by even more votes. [ laughter ] that's like retaking the sat and finding out you got dumber somehow. [ laughter ] yeah, the house held a second vote for speaker, but once again, no one was elected. it's been such a long process and several members of the house are speaking out about the situation. for example, first up, congressman jim mcgovern said,
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"we have to come together and get this done. all the infighting is getting old, man." [ light laughter ] and congressman hal rogers said, "did somebody say old man? [ laughter ] sorry, i thought you were talking about me anyway, we need to find common ground on both sides." then congressman brad sherman said, "did someone say on both sides? [ laughter ] sorry, i thought you were talking about me anyway, if republicans can't figure this out, they're going to pay." then congressman mike rogers said, "did somebody say toupee [ laughter ] anyway, once we find someone, things will be nice and rosy." congressman alex mooney said, "did someone say nice and rosy anyway, i have a lot to say, but i should probably bite my lip. then congresswoman chellie pingree said, "did somebody say bite my lip [ laughter ] anyway, it's time to get things done stop trying to be fancy, gentlemen. then congressman donald payne jr. said, "did someone say fancy gentleman? [ laughter ] anyway, this whole thing is totally bonkers! then congressman george santos
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said, "did somebody say totally bonkers? [ laughter ] anyway, i'm going to tell everyone i'm the speaker, and i will look them dead in the eyes." then congressman richard neal said, "did somebody say dead in the eyes [ laughter ] anyway, we need to elect a a speaker. we need them to govern." and finally, congressman jim mcgovern said, "did somebody say jim mcgovern? i'm in!" [ laughter and applause so, we're getting it done. we're getting it done somehow. they'll figure it out. guys, well, listen to this i read that amazon has started delivering prescription medications by drone you know this is 'cause jeff bezos is too embarrassed to go into a pharmacy for his viagra that's what it is. [ laughter ] that's what it is. guys -- guys, disney is celebrating its 100th anniversary. yeah, 100 years. [ cheers and applause yeah there's so many great disney characters, that i don't even know if i could name or even pronounce all of them. >> steve: that's not a problem for me i know how to pronounce every disney character's name. >> jimmy: i'm sorry, higgins,
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you know how to pronounce the name of every disney character >> steve: uh, yeah, i'm an announcer. it's my job to know how to pronounce these things go ahead, test me, give me some names. >> jimmy: so, i'll -- i'll show you a photo, and you can tell me the name? >> steve: yeah >> jimmy: all right, i guess i can test you real quick. who's this >> steve: easy, wendy's. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: close. who's this >> steve: lululemon. [ laughter ] come on, give me some hard - rapid fire me, come on >> jimmy: okay, all right, all right, here we go. who's this >> steve: baloney. [ laughter ] chaka khan [ laughter ] chips and dip. [ laughter ] jimmy kimmel [ laughter ] yo mama's ugly [ laughter ] just got rabies. [ laughter ] lawsuit in the trump [ laughter ] mos def and 50 cent. [ laughter ] cocaine. [ laughter ] sure, i cried during "notting hill." [ laughter ] life's a bitch [ laughter ] areola [ laughter ] miralax. [ laughter ] hairy grandmother. [ laughter ] herpes cream
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[ laughter ] flomax helps your jet stream [ laughter ] oh, anus taser [ laughter ] oh, kinky sex with jon hamm. [ laughter ] oh, come on, that's easy that's taylor and travis [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: close enough thank you. steve higgins, everybody that was close enough. very -- sorry, yeah. sorry. sorry i doubted you. guys, i saw that new york just passed a new law allowing liquor to be sold at 10:00 a.m. on sundays instead of noon [ cheers and applause new yorkers are like, no need, the jets are doing better than we thought [ laughter ] 10:00 a.m. so now on sundays you have two choices. bottomless brunch or rock bottomless brunch. [ laughter ] hey, i heard about a mother in california who says that she might have the world's youngest talking baby after her 6-week-old daughter said "hello. when reporters called to verify the claim, the baby answered the phone like, "cheryl, it's for you. [ laughter ] and finally, a lot is happening
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in the news right now. and sometimes, i find the best way to explain the news is with music. i'll show you what i mean. it's time for "news radio. ♪ news radi news radio news radio hey ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: first up, in political news - ♪ it's been ♪ >> jimmy: two weeks without a speaker of the house in january, kevin mccarthy was like - ♪ it's gonna be me ♪ >> jimmy: but congress kept being like - ♪ no no no ♪ >> jimmy: but after 15 votes, mccarthy was like -- ♪ i want it i got it ♪ >> jimmy: then six months later, congress was like - ♪ you're not welcom anymore ♪ >> jimmy: so, mccarthy was like - ♪ you can't be serious ♪ >> jimmy: but congress was like - ♪ bitch i sai what i said ♪ >> jimmy: so then, steve scalise was like - ♪ i'll be ♪ >> jimmy: the speaker. but then he dropped out, and now jim jordan is like - ♪ welcome to my house ♪ >> jimmy: but he might not have enough votes so, all of us are just like -- ♪ what's going on ♪ >> jimmy: anyway, once they finally land on a speaker, the
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whole country will be like - ♪ it's about damn time ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: and finally, a new episode of "the golden bachelor" airs - ♪ tomorrow ♪ >> jimmy: and it's like "the bachelor," but everyone's elderly. so, instead of asking do you want kids, they ask -- ♪ what kind of pill are you on ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they don't really head to the fantasy suite, because they're like - ♪ my neck my back ♪ >> jimmy: "the golden bachelor" will tell his date - ♪ you're beautiful ♪ >> jimmy: but she's like - >> what? [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: so, he has to -- he has to say it a little louder, like - ♪ you're beautiful ♪ >> jimmy: and she's like - >> what? >> jimmy: so she has to crank her hearing aid -- ♪ up, then it's up, then it' up, then it's stuck ♪ >> jimmy: then, with any luck, he'>> luke: lean in and say --
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♪ kiss me ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: thank you. this has been "news radio. we have a great show give it up for the roots, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> steve: oh, come on. >> jimmy: welcome to the show, everybody. the one and only, rolling stones, have a new album out this friday. come on. [ cheers and applause ♪ it's unbelievable. >> steve: crazy. >> jimmy: so, i want to talk about this but i'll get to this but -- yeah. it's all happening i do want to say, please tune in tomorrow night to our show, because bad bunny will be here >> steve: oh [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: he's host and musical guest on "saturday night live" this weekend >> steve: yeah >> jimmy: last weekend was a a great show, by the way and then on friday, we have keith richards from the rolling stones >> steve: what [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: we're talking to keith richards about the new album, "hackney diamonds" is the name of the album. >> steve: yeah >> jimmy: it is the first record in 18 years >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: yeah and then, next week we have mick jagger. >> steve: what >> jimmy: it's big
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[ cheers and applause but as i said, how can i - i'm too excited about our guests tonight we have a great show he is a legendary guitarist, also an amazing painter as well >> steve: oh ronnie wood is here from - >> steve: yeah >> jimmy: -- the rolling stones, tonight. [ cheers and applause my fav, i love that dude plus, he is a very talented actor and author, with a new book called "clanlands in new zealand: kiwis, kilts, and an adventure down under. sam heughan is joining us tonight. >> steve: oh [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: and we got great music. his song "daylight" has over one billion global streams, and he's performing it tonight on our show david kushner is here. >> steve: whoa [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: stick around, everybody. when we come back, we have ronnie wood from the rolling stones [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: can you tell people who's the special guest on that song >> well, paul mccartney, his big dream, said -- [ cheers ]
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>> jimmy: a beatle is on the rolling stones album [ cheers and applause a beatle is on the rolling stones album what is going on ♪ so i write him all these letters ♪ ♪ and i throw them in the trash ♪ ♪ cuz i miss the way he kisses ♪ ♪ and the way he made me laugh ♪ ♪ yeah i pour my little heart out ♪ ♪ but as i'm hitting send ♪ ♪ i picture all the faces of my disappointed friends ♪ ♪ i wanna get him back ♪ ♪ i wanna make him really jealous ♪ ♪ wanna make him feel bad, oh ♪ ♪ i want sweet revenge ♪ ♪ i want to get him back, back, back ♪ cut! ♪♪ trick or treat! - kit kat. - reese's. ooo, great costume. looks like you deserve both. see ya boys. ♪♪ who says you can't go for bold without going broke... get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want.
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subaru. more than a car company. ♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪
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♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause
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>> jimmy: our first guest is a a member of one of the most legendary rock 'n' roll bands of all-time, the rolling stones their highly anticipated new album "hackney diamonds" is out this friday. everyone, please welcome ronnie wood! [ cheers and applause ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh, come on now, give that love. they love you. they love you, yes that was the song. do you recognize that song >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, perfect ronnie, welcome to the show. i'm so happy to -- we hung out maybe a month ago in london.
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and we had the greatest time ever you were so funny. you're the life of the party >> so is he. he's like this all day long, you know >> jimmy: am i too high energy [ laughter ] >> i went for dinner with him, and i had to lay down first. >> jimmy: yeah [ laughter ] but this is actually true. we did the interview a global interview, talking about "hackney diamonds" which is finally out this friday and we get to dinner, and you're not there and we go, where's ronnie and sally? and your wife sent a picture, she goes, "ronnie's taking a a nap. this is you taking a nap [ laughter ] >> i had to in order to stay up all night with him >> jimmy: exactly. >> oh, yeah. that's a rolling stone blanket made of t-shirts that otherwise would get lost great idea >> jimmy: it's kind of a a brilliant idea these are all rolling stones - i go, "do you sleep with your swag?" and you were like, "no, i get all these t-shirts, and all this stuff i don't know what to do with it." so you made it into a quilt. yeah, well, it's like lambs wool lined t-shirts. and it's like so warm. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: it's super comfy, i love it. let's talk about the album here we go it's been almost 20 years sincee - >> it's the first time i see one opened up. >> jimmy: is that right? i've only seen one in the shrink wrap. >> wow [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: i'm honored! >> hey, everybody. welcome to the album i'm really honored >> jimmy: how does it feel to have a new rolling stones album? >> well, i can say, it's about time >> jimmy: yes. [ laughter ] about 20 years is just about the right amount of time >> it feels so exciting, because i'm excited about every track on it. >> jimmy: yes. >> every track has got a a different thing to say, and a different direction. >> jimmy: i mean, we can talk about things now we weren't even allowed to talk about everything you do a great song with lady gaga, "sweet sounds of heaven," that is unbelievable, and stevie wonder. >> yes >> jimmy: and elton john and - >> yeah, but stevie wonder and lady are on "sweet sound of heaven." >> jimmy: yeah
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>> which you may have already heard, because they only once - only tracks to be released so far are "angry." >> jimmy: yes. >> and "sweet sound of heaven. i'm just blown away with them. to be in the studio with that genius, stevie wonder. >> jimmy: yeah which one are you looking forward to the audience hearing that aren't those two? >> "whole wide world." >> jimmy: that's great >> is a great, uptempo - ♪ da, da, da, da, da ♪ >> jimmy: i love it, okay, good that's good. >> love that >> jimmy: you're going to love that one >> and for the other side of the coin, there's a country kind of flavored song called "dreamy skies. >> jimmy: oh >> i get to play the slide, and mick sings very country. >> jimmy: i such mention also, this was made after the passing of charlie watts who was obviously your brother and your band member one of the greatest drummers >> yeah. well some things are beyond our control. and losing charlie was one of those things but before he did pass, he said
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to me, and to the band -- because i was the last one to see him in the hospital room and he said, "just make sure that you get steve jordan to cover for me, and when i get well, i can come --" you know. he said, "until then, please make sure you have steve jordan." and steve is like a rocket ship behind you it's so fantastic. >> jimmy: and so you got steve >> you know steve. >> jimmy: yeah, absolutely we love steve. that's -- wow. you got to do two songs, charlie plays on two songs on this album >> yeah, and andrew watt, our producer, magic producer - >> jimmy: andrew watt. >> pulled rabbits out of a hat >> jimmy: what great a job he did with this. >> he did. we have some wonderful little ideas. like, "okay, let's use the drum track of charlie on 'live by the sword.' and i'll call in bill wyman to get the bass." and so, in charlie's absence, we got the band -- the original band back together
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>> jimmy: the original rolling stones, yeah when you came on to the rolling stones, that was '75, '76? >> yeah, '74, my first solo album with "shirley. >> jimmy: you do know the song, ah-ha! [ laughter ] he was just playing with me. >> the fact that they didn't sound anything like it, that's the fun part [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's the fun part. that's what makes it fun so, you come into the stones, they're already the rolling stones were you a fan of the band >> yeah, ever since i was at college. i used to race home to see them on this show called "ready, steady, go." >> jimmy: yeah >> and "thank your lucky stars. all these english tv shows we had. and i'd say, "that's my kind of music. i'm going to be in that band." >> jimmy: really >> yeah. >> jimmy: and they called you and said, "do you want to join the band?" and you're like, "yeah, of course." >> yeah, but a series of wonderful coincidences, being in the right place at the right time, made it happen for me. you know, it was just -- >> jimmy: was it keith -- was it keith you were friends with there's a picture of you and keith, by the way, this is 1979, i believe
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was it keith -- what else could you be besides rock stars? in this photo? [ laughter ] i mean, come on. this is just legend. >> and that's on board our plane as well. >> jimmy: yeah, of course, why not? yeah, exactly. so, you get together you play with the rolling stones you're just legendary. what a great career. and then this album comes out. can i -- can we talk about this song >> "bite my head off." >> jimmy: "bite my head off. >> that's wonderful. we just rehearsed that yesterday. we'd been doing a bit of rehearsing to see how the songs translate live >> jimmy: live, yeah >> i think that really cooking >> jimmy: can you tell people who the special guests are on that song? >> paul mccartney, his big dream said - [ cheers ] >> jimmy: a beatle is on the rolling stones album a beatle is on the rolling stones album, what is going on? [ cheers and applause >> yeah, but the song goes - ♪ bum, bum, bum, bum, bum bite my head off ♪ right?
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and paul, he was so blown away it was a bit like a schoolboy, you know a kid in the toy shop, you know >> jimmy: yeah >> he loved it he said, "my dream!" >> jimmy: really >> he said, "a beatle gets on to play on a rolling stones album. yeah, he was really knocked out. >> jimmy: it's so good wait until you hear this album and it's getting great reviews so congratulations on that i also want to mention, by the way, i know everyone probably knows this maybe if you don't, you're an amazing painter. you really are a great artist. >> i've been painting since i was little >> jimmy: yeah, was your family into it? >> yeah, my two older brothers i grew up eight years behind ted, ten years behind art. and -- >> jimmy: great name >> and all of our initials spell "art." art, ron, and ted. anyway, so the thing is, if they - they were musicians too. so, if they played, i would play and if they painted, i would paint. and it just stuck with me all the years. >> jimmy: i figured i'd show
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just a couple just to see -- >> i just copied that. that's a tribute to van gogh >> jimmy: yeah it's fantastic [ cheers and applause >> and this is a tribute to delacroix, one of my favorite french painters. [ applause ] >> jimmy: this is -- you're so talented i can't -- and this one -- >> this is a little tribute to "angry." >> jimmy: yeah [ applause ] >> it's called "barcelona diamond. >> jimmy: barcelona. go to to check out more of ronnie's art i'm just so happy that i know you. and i'm happy that you came on i know you don't really do talk shows. this means so much to me and to meet your family all backstage, the most beautiful family your daughters are gorgeous. i want to say thank you so much, congrats on the record >> you were so nice to them, it made them feel so warm [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: the best this is ronnie wood, ladies and gentlemen. "hackney diamonds" is out this friday, this friday. [ cheers and applause
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>> thank you >> jimmy: this friday. we'll be right back with sam heughan. stick around, everybody! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ >> we're gonna put some ice in there. you're gonna put some ice in there. >> jimmy: okay, here we go >> we're gonna make this together we're gonna give this a little shake. >> jimmy: okay >> already messed this up, jimmy. >> jimmy: you did? >> yeah. >> jimmy: we're you're not supposed to put -- >> it's fine [ laughter ] >> jimmy: why are there eggs here >> okay, we gotta put an egg in there now. >> jimmy: okay, here you - >> i should have dry shaken that >> jimmy: that's right oh, dry shaken >> yeah, nevermind >> jimmy: oh you shake it without the ice? >> yeah, right >> jimmy: all right, now you can't even open it >> i can't even open it, jimmy [ laughter ] i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest is a talented actor and a a best-selling author. his latest book, "clanlands in new zealand: kiwis, kilts, and an adventure down under" is
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available november 7th everyone, please welcome back to the show sam heughan! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: a little whiskey reference. that's what i'm talking about, sam heughan. oh, you're a good man. welcome back >> thank you >> jimmy: welcome back to the program. >> i like the vibe, nice >> jimmy: yeah, well, you know we talk about whiskey. why not talk about all this stuff. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and all the spirits and everything you're into but i want to talk about the book congrats on this, by the way >> thank you >> jimmy: and i also - >> is that me on the front >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, it is. >> good, good. just cheking out if you got the right one. >> jimmy: the could be me. we look like twins >> we do [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did i read this right? you wanted to be a magician when you were growing up >> i probably wanted to be a a lot of things growing up, yeah but i think i did give it a go for a little while, but i
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realize i don't have the -- i didn't want to put in the work, you know i wanted to put on the outfit, the sort of -- the hat and the cape and the wand and all that stuff. but actually learning the tricks i was just rubbish at it >> jimmy: so, you'd just show up and go -- and the, "watch me disappear" and then leave that was your only trick >> i could juggle a little bit but i mean, come on. that's just -- >> jimmy: that's something >> i think that's why i became an actor, right? so then, i can put on the clothes, pretend to be someone and then, not do any of the work >> jimmy: yeah what was - [ laughter ] when you were an actor, obviously when you first started, you have to take other jobs to support. do you remember any of those jobs >> oh, boy, where to start i delivered sandwiches by bicycle. i worked in harrod's, i sold women's clothing >> jimmy: oh, in harrod's. >> i sold -- i know, posh, right? >> jimmy: yes. >> yes >> jimmy: i love harrod's. >> then, i sold perfume. and i was a barman as well, actually in scotland i worked in an irish bar >> jimmy: wait, and irish bar in scotland? >> an irish bar in scotland. i wore a flat cap and a very dodgy accent so, again, yeah --
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>> jimmy: you pretended to be irish? >> to be sure. [ laughter ] and i poured a terrible pint of guinness, so - [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that was your give-away? like, "he's not irish. >> yeah, they had me they had me. >> jimmy: yeah the other week i saw you posted a photo of you just walking around wearing a kilt in new york city. >> yeah, right that's not my dog. >> jimmy: no, it's not your dog. [ laughter ] it's cute dog, though. >> it is a cute dog. >> jimmy: do people look at you differently when you wear a kilt >> honestly, in new york, i think they've seen it all. they don't care, do they [ laughter ] do they? >> jimmy: we really don't care, yeah >> i'm going to have to up my outfit next time i'll wear the wizard one that's what i'll do. >> jimmy: oh, you will >> yeah. >> jimmy: that'll be fun next time you come on the show. >> yeah. >> jimmy: but i saw that you're sticking with the kilts. here's you and the kilt on a a glacier. >> that's me in new zealand on a glacier in commando. i claim to be the first person in commando on a glacier [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow. that's your little piece of history? >> that's it >> jimmy: yeah >> i went all the way just to do that. >> jimmy: it goes along to talk about this in the new book here, "clanlands in new zealand. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's a companion piece to the show "men in kilts. >> that's right.
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>> jimmy: you travel to different countries. in this one you explore new zealand. >> we went to new zealand, which is this amazing place. honestly, it's a bit like, you know, neverland, "peter pan's" neverland. there's these islands. there's alpine, there's glaciers, there's fjords, there's jungle, there's incredible animal wildlife there. they got flightless birds, great white sharks, and of course, you know, glaciers that i wear no underwear on, so - >> jimmy: yeah, so smart, yeah >> yeah. >> jimmy: we -- last time you were on the show, actually, we were talking about you have your own whiskey and tequila >> i do. >> jimmy: and they both won awards >> thank you >> jimmy: congratulations. >> thank you the jimmy award. >> jimmy: yeah, i gave you - you won some massive, major awards and then, i had a suggestion for you last time. i don't know if you remember this or not. >> oh, vaguely, vaguely. >> jimmy: can we show a clip can we show a clip of the last time - >> what did you say? >> jimmy: you go, yeah, i'm going to make a whiskey, you don't mess around. >> right, right. >> jimmy: you end up winning all these awards for it. and then, you made this amazing tequila. what is it called? >> it's called the sassenach select eltequileno and we just won a couple of gold medals for it as well [ applause ] >> jimmy: i mean, dude - >> what's next, right?
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>> jimmy: i'm so happy - >> what do you want, we'll make it >> jimmy: yeah -- i like gin if you want to work on a gin. >> oh, we could do that, yeah. jimmy's -- jimmy's gin >> jimmy: ginnie fallon. yeah, go for it. >> ginnie fallon >> jimmy: you made it. you made - >> we made a gin, yeah >> jimmy: yeah, you made a gin [ cheers and applause >> yes >> jimmy: and please don't tell me - did this win an award? >> it's won several gold medals >> jimmy: oh, my god [ cheers and applause >> i'm sorry >> jimmy: did it really? >> it really did but obviously -- i wanted to call it jimmy's gin. >> jimmy: yeah >> but i thought something easier to say like sasinac, right? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: much easier, yes >> i'll really proud of it it's a wild scottish gin and honestly, i'm running out of things to make. so, next time you invite me on -- i don't know what am i going to do next >> jimmy: well, actually, i have some ingredients here if you want to make - >> oh, a cocktail. >> jimmy: oh, yeah [ cheers and applause >> now we're talking >> jimmy: why are there -- there why there -- what do we have here? why do we have eggs?
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>> eggs are good for protein we're going to make you a ginnie fallon. >> jimmy: you are? >> we're going to make you a a ginnie fallon cocktail you're going to help me, my friend >> jimmy: i love this. >> we've got in here, i've been told reliably, that there is -- whoo yep, that is alcohol >> jimmy: okay, yeah [ laughter ] >> gin wild scottish gin. we've got some lemon juice we've got some simple syrup. >> jimmy: okay >> we're going to put some ice in there, you're going to put some ice in there. >> jimmy: okay, here we go >> we're gonna make this together we're gonna give this a little shake. >> jimmy: okay >> i already messed this up, jimmy. >> jimmy: you did? >> yeah. >> jimmy: were you not supposed to put - >> it's okay >> jimmy: all right, good. >> it's all gonna be fine. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: why are there eggs here >> okay, we've got to put an egg in there now >> jimmy: okay >> dry shaking that. >> jimmy: oh, dry shaking? >> yeah, nevermind >> jimmy: oh, shake it without the ice? >> yeah, right >> jimmy: all right, now you can't even open it >> i can't even open it, jimmy [ laughter ] >> jimmy: why don't we just drink from here? [ laughter ] >> do we need the eggs >> jimmy: we don't need the eggs >> let me just crack an egg -- >> jimmy: crack an egg >> and put it --
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>> jimmy: there you go an egg in there. [ audience ewws >> yep top that in. >> jimmy: this is fantastic. hey. cheers, buddy. >> the ginnie fallon [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: not bad. it's actually -- the gin makes it taste good. yeah sam heughan, everybody congrats on the gin. [ cheers and applause and of course the new book, "clanlands in new zealand: kiwis, kilts, and adventures down under" available november 7th stick around, we'll be back with "tonight show," everybody [ cheers and applause ♪ [ "am:pm" by notd begins ] how good does it feel when threshold decor welcomes more seasonal style for less? when you can save on good & gather groceries in all the fall flavors. and when quality ingredients bring more to the table.
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when you get low prices on the latest trends. when rewards come with quality and coziness. and when you're serving up taste they love at low prices. that's totally target. can an oven-roasted turkey breast pack so much succulent flavor that the mere glimpse of it induces turkey sandwich daydreams? if it's hillshire farm. oh, hill yeah. (vo) it's another ultimate endless shrimp flavor drop with new tequila lime shrimp one of seven endless choices right now, only at red lobster welcome to fun dining
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12:15 am
♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back to the show, everybody. it is time to play a game that combines pumpkins and painting it's time for "the pumpkin paint challenge. [ cheers and applause ♪ pumpkin pumpki challenge ♪ >> jimmy: now, this is, of course, the game where two audience members compete to paint a pumpkin. let's see who's playing tonight. come on over hello. nice to see you. ♪ what is your name, and where are you from >> roy fuentes, baytown, texas >> jimmy: hey, welcome thanks for being here. [ applause ] >> thank you >> jimmy: from texas, i love it hey. >> hello >> jimmy: how are you doing? what's your name, and where are you from >> my name's diana, and i'm from burlington, new jersey. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: hey, oh, come on, kind of a local advantage there. now here's how this works. you each have a pumpkin and some paint and whoever can paint their pumpkin better will be declared champion and go home with a very special prize and the thing that you will be painting is me [ light laughter ] my face. so why don't you head on over there to the sides over here,
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you have all the paint i think you need grab your paint. we're going to put one minute on the clock so, it's kind of a fast thing. and you're painting my face. i'm like a live model for you. [ light laughter ] ready? set -- why did you grab a bigger brush [ laughter ] so rude. very rude, rude off the bat. all right, but who knows ready, set, go [ cheers and applause one minute ♪ can't see what they're doing this is fantastic. all right. we're down to 50 seconds here. very, very interesting you're already getting some applause some people can see. are you an artist at all [ light laughter ] no, are you an artist? >> nope. >> jimmy: no neither one of you have any -- any background in painting no >> no, sir no, sir. my wife's a teacher. kindergarten teacher she should have been up here instead of me. >> jimmy: okay, good all right. so that's interesting. no background in art at all or any of that -- >> no. >> jimmy: are you crafty at all? >> i'm like -- i do musical stuff.
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but not anything like this >> jimmy: oh, okay [ laughter ] are you -- do you have a hal -- do you have a halloween costume you're going to wear this year >> well, commando, maybe kilt. >> jimmy: yeah, okay we have 6 seconds left 5 seconds left okay 3, 2, 1! time's up. [ bell dinging ] paintbrushes down. now let's see how you did. contestant -- contestant number two, we're going to start with you. [ drumroll ] here we go ♪ [ cheers and applause i like him i think he's -- i think he's cute i like this guy. all right. [ light laughter ] you did a great job. contestant number one, good to see you. let's see how you did here [ cheers and applause ♪
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and this is a -- you're actually very talented i -- this is going to be a a tough call here. audience, what do you think? is it this one [ cheers and applause or is it this one? [ cheers and applause i think it's you congratulations, you're the winner [ cheers and applause ♪ [ bell dinging ] you're the pumpkin paint champion now as winner, you will be going home with $100 and a a signed pumpkin spice latte by me [ laughter ] but -- they spelled my name wrong at the top they put jeremy fallon, so that's good. [ laughter and applause but there you go >> thank you >> jimmy: thank you very much. congratulations. thank you for playing. stick around, we'll be back with more "tonight show," everybody. hey, you're better than you think, huh [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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(man) that looks really . (woman) it is high. whenever you are ready. (man) are there any snakes? (woman) nope. (man) are you sure? here we go! (vo) it's time to push your limits. (man) okay. (woman) you're doing great! (man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow. (vo) the all-new subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge. andrew just saved big on a laser hair remover at amazon. because less hair, more air. ( ♪♪ )
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12:22 am
is someone trying to steal your butterfinger this halloween? call the bfi. ♪ no one lays a finger on your butterfinger. they just want to play. [ giggling ] [ screaming ] i want you to meet the others. [ screaming ]
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♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: performing his hit song "daylight," please welcome david kushner! [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ telling myself won't go there oh but i kno that i won't care ♪ ♪ i'm tryna wash away all the blood i've spilt ♪ ♪ this lust is a burden that we both share two sinners can't aton from a lone prayer ♪ ♪ souls tied intertwine by our pride and guilt ♪ ♪ there's darknes in the distanc from the way tha i've been livin' ♪ ♪ but i know i can' resist it ♪ ♪ oh i love i and i hate i at the same time ♪ ♪ you and i drink the poison from the same vine ♪ ♪ oh i love it and i hate it at the same tim
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hidin' all of our sins from the daylight ♪ ♪ from the daylight runnin' from the dayligh from the dayligh runnin' from the daylight ♪ ♪ oh i love it and i hate it at the same time ♪ ♪ tellin' myself it's the last tim can you spare any merc that you might find ♪ ♪ if i'm down o my knees again ♪ ♪ deep down way dow lord i try try to follow your light but it's nighttime ♪ ♪ please don't leav me in the end ♪ ♪ there's darkness in the distance i'm beggin' fo forgiveness ♪ ♪ but i know i migh resist it oh ♪ ♪ oh i love it and hate it at the same time
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you and i drink th poison from the same vine ♪ ♪ oh i love it and i hate it at the same tim hidin' all of our sins from the daylight ♪ ♪ from the daylight runnin' from the dayligh from the dayligh runnin' from the daylight ♪ ♪ oh i love it and i hate it at the same time ♪ ♪ oh i love it and i hate it at the same tim you and i drink the poison from the same vine ♪ ♪ oh i love it and i hate it at the same tim hidin' all of our sins from the daylight ♪ ♪ from the daylight runnin' from the dayligh from the dayligh runnin' from the daylight ♪ ♪ oh i love it and i hate it at the same time ♪ ♪
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♪ from the daylight runnin' from the dayligh from the dayligh runnin'from the daylight ♪ ♪ oh i love it and i hate i at the same time ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: whoo come on! that's how you do it, buddy. thank you so much. that's how you do it right there. [ cheers and applause david kushner, "daylight" is out now. we'll be right back, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪
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with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one.
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don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt. (vo) ultimate endless shrimp is here nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. with a limited time flavor drop. new crispy dragon shrimp. one of seven endless choices. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my thanks to ronnie wood, sam heughan, david kushner, once again. [ cheers and applause well done, buddy and the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers" starting now. good night, everybody! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- nathan lane. writers of "dumb money," lauren schuker blum and rebecca angelo an all-new "closer look.


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