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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  October 19, 2023 11:34pm-12:35am PDT

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okay, it is a sweet deal, jelly belly is getting a new owner, jelly belly headquarters will be a part of the confection juggernaut ferraro candy company. makes nerds, sweetheart, truly, expected to close by the end of this year. unclear what the sale of the factory, possible impacts though they say they are taking out 800 jelly belly employees as part of the purchase. never been to the jelly belly
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at the field trip, it is awesome. clear think we have been. we i [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests - bad bunny, charli d'amelio, musical guest, victoria monet. and featuring the legendary roots crew >> questlove: 1857 >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause >> jimmy: that is awesome. i love you i love you hey! welcome. welcome. thank you! welcome. yes. oh, my goodness. that's a crowd [ cheers and applause wow! i love you enjoy yourself enjoy yourself enjoy yourself welcome, everybody welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show. you're here. it's a hot - [ cheers and applause -- hot show tonight. this is exciting one of the biggest performers in the world, bad bunny, is here, tonight. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: bad bunny is here. he's been the most streamed artist on spotify for the last three years. [ cheers and applause the only person who streams more than that is "the golden bachelor." [ laughter ] the most streamed artist on
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spotify. now, if you he dated travis kelce, then he would be somebody [ laughter ] that's right, bad bunny is here and his new album is already at number one [ cheers and applause it's called "nadie sabe lo que va a pasar manana. [ cheers and applause i actually learned spanish so that i'd know how to say that. and i'm getting pretty good at it here, watch this [ laughter ] [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause
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well, let's get to some news, guys after failing to get elected speaker of the house twice this week, congressman jim jordan said that he's not dropping out and will keep running. when jordan said that he was running a third time, even nike was like, "just don't. [ laughter ] yep, jordan wants to be speaker of the house so that he doesn't have to go back to his old job of being the villain in "scooby-doo. [ laughter ] guys, get this, yesterday, former president trump was in a new york city courtroom for his civil fraud trial. and during witness testimony, the judge had to tell trump to lower his voice. [ laughter ] man, along with everything else, it turns out trump's rude [ laughter ] trump was like, "this is me whispering have you seen my tweets? the court -- [ laughter and applause the court stenographer was like, "where's the caps lock key? where's the -- [ laughter ]
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of course, when the judge said, "lower your voice," trump was like, "is this okay? [ laughter ] speaking of the former president in court, nbc just filed a request to televise trump's upcoming january 6th trial. >> steve: oh >> jimmy: yep. and as a nice little tie in, nbc asked that the trial be held on the set of "night court. [ laughter ] hey, guys. this is also great charli d'amelio is on our show tonight. >> steve: oh >> jimmy: charli d'amelio -- [ cheers and applause charli d'amelio has -- she has 151 million followers on tiktok that's incredible. yeah, everyone loves tiktok, but sometimes you don't have time to watch a whole video. you just want to skip right to the good part. well, it turns out, you can. >> steve: oh >> jimmy: for -- for instance, if you're watching a video, you can skip this part - >> happy birthday from atlanta, zachary michael. >> jimmy: yeah, and just go right to this part - >> this time last year - oh, god, oh, god oh, no oh, no oh, god. not the food [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: here's another example.
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you can skip this part - [ sucking noise >> steve: oh >> jimmy: and go right to this part - [ audience ews ] >> jimmy: that's right that's right you can skip this part - >> how much you pay for that taco >> jimmy: and go right to this part - >> you know this boy, he's got his free taco. [ skateboard sliding ] [ laughter and applause [ rim shot ] >> jimmy: you know this boy, he's got his taco in - [ laughter ] here's another example you can skip this part - and go right to this part -- [ gagging [ audience ews ] [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: and finally, you can skip this part - and go right to this part -- [ laughter and applause
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♪ i swear, yo, man he just blew his pants off >> steve: and on the news -- >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. guys, switching gears. i saw that the ceo of costco is stepping down. [ audience aws ] costco made the move after realizing they could replace him with a cheaper kirkland brand ceo. [ laughter ] just as good >> steve: yeah >> jimmy: some more business news today, uber eats released their annual cravings report and the most popular order was french fries >> steve: oh >> jimmy: and drivers are like, "uh, yeah, that's our favorite order, too." [ laughter ] "oh, hey, your mcdonald's order came half full yeah, sorry about that." meanwhile, the most popular nonfood items were toilet paper, emergency contraceptives, and covid tests. the delivery guy was like, "what the hell is going on in that house?" [ laughter ] guys, i read that "good morning
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america" is leaving their studio in times square >> steve: aw [ audience aws ] >> jimmy: yeah, it makes sense it's hard delivering serious news with a guy in an m&m suit dancing behind you [ laughter ] a boy and his taco [ laughter ] well, guys, tonight was an all-new episode of "the golden bachelor." we love that show here it's been very popular they're already looking for their next lead. yeah, and we got actually got ahold of some of the audition tapes from older men looking for love and it's -- it's really sweet. take a look at this. ♪ >> my name is henry. i'm 71 and i'm, can't even believe i'm doing this, but i am looking for the love of my life. >> i'm ted i'm 64 and i'm looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with >> steve: hi, i'm steve. and i'm looking to date about 28 women all at once >> haven't been married before always wanted to though. >> i lost my wife 15 years ago but she wanted me to get back out there. >> steve: i'm married now, but
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i have an open kind of thing going on she doesn't technically know it, but i'm sure she'd be cool with it. >> well, my hobbies are gardening and pickleball >> i'm in a softball league with some of the my best friends. >> steve: you guys don't do std tests before the show, right [ light laughter ] or drug tests? >> i would love to be the next golden bachelor. >> i hope you pick me as the next golden bachelor >> steve: you know what, i do not have an open marriage. kind of having second thoughts about this thing so, you know - you're not gonna air this anywhere right? this is just between us? okay, all right. all right. i'll see you guys later. thank you. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: and finally, i want to say congrats to the las vegas aces for winning their second wnba title in a a row. [ cheers and applause yes! it was an exciting game. and afterwards, team owner, mark davis, celebrated with the players. watch this >> together: go mark go mark. go mark. go mark.
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go mark. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they were like, "no, really, mark, just go. go, mark go mark! we have a great show give it up for the roots, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: guys, be sure to tune in tomorrow night. our guest will be, the one and only, keith richards from the rolling stones [ cheers and applause their new album, "hackney diamonds," is out tomorrow their first in 18 years. [ cheers and applause i want to talk to keith richards but first, what a show we have for you tonight. his grammy-winning albums have gone over 30 times platinum. >> steve: whoa >> jimmy: 30 times [ cheers and applause
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this weekend, he'll be the host and musical guest on "saturday night live." [ cheers and applause bad bunny is here tonight. >> steve: come on. >> jimmy: he's the greatest. >> steve: come on. >> jimmy: i love him he was on our show - >> steve: way long ago >> jimmy: yeah >> steve: yeah >> jimmy: when he first started. baby bunny >> steve: he was the - [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and he's just been a a friend of the show i love him so much >> steve: when you went to puerto rico, he was there with you. >> jimmy: yeah, he's - he came to puerto rico the best guy >> steve: and he's great at stairs >> jimmy: he's the coolest >> steve: bonito >> jimmy: she has over 150 million followers on tiktok and recently launched a brand-new line of shoes. season three of her show is out now on hulu. charli d'amelio is joining us. charli d'amelio. and we've got great music from victoria monet [ cheers and applause oh get ready. "jaguar ii" is the album guys, it's time for "tonight show hashtags. here we go
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[ cheers and applause ♪ hashtag hashtags ♪ >> jimmy: we do this thing every week where i send out a hashtag, and i ask you guys to respond to that topic this week, i sent out the hashtag "pet costumes. and i asked you to tweet out your cutest, funniest pet costumes within minutes it was a trending topic in the u.s. so, thank you for playing along. [ cheers and applause now, i thought i'd share some of my favorites pet costumes from you guys. here we go this first one is from, @sbrabston she shared a photo of the blues brothers looks at these guys. yeah [ audience aws ] not bad. they're really cute. this one is from @aweis07. she shared a photo of snoopy with charlie brown look at the baby >> steve: aw, look at charlie brown. >> jimmy: right. >> steve: come on. >> jimmy: a cute little baby this one is from @notpurfect >> steve: oh >> jimmy: p-u-r. >> steve: oh, like the cat >> jimmy: oh, yeah
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notpurfect07 she shared a photo of a literal chia pet [ laughter and applause brilliant. that's a great idea. >> steve: yeah >> jimmy: this one is from @sayitdontspayit >> steve: oh, wow! okay >> jimmy: he shared a photo of a scene from the movie "it." [ laughter and applause oh, my god >> steve: oh, my god >> jimmy: do you know how long that would have taken to put all that together? >> steve: that's like a week >> jimmy: that's a day and a a half shoot >> steve: stay there, stay, stay, stay [ laughter ] it's not even halloween. >> jimmy: pretty great though. this one is from @chris fly au she shared a photo of her boxer as a boxer [ audience aws ] [ applause ] meta this one is from @siddumb. they shared a photo of their breakfast.
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[ laughter and applause >> steve: he probably had surgery. he got spayed. >> jimmy: this one is from @sunshyzzle. she shared a photo of a rare beanie baby. oh [ cheers and applause the tag. these are good ideas this one is from @nahtunakerr. >> steve: na tuna care >> jimmy: na tuna care na tuna care nah -- >> steve: nah tuna care >> jimmy: yeah. nah tuna care. >> steve: yeah >> jimmy: i guess so >> steve: or maybe they care about tuna >> jimmy: nah tuna kerr. i know i'm missing something i just don't know what i'm missing. [ laughter ] they shared a photo of their favorite fruit aw, that dog looks miserable [ applause ] that dog is so mad >> steve: oh, my god >> jimmy: what am i doing? what am i doing? this last one is from @iceicecoldbrrr. they shared a photo of their favorite miley music video there you have it. "wrecking ball." [ cheers and applause there you have it.
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those are "tonight show hashtags." to check out more of our favorites, go to we'll be right back with more "tonight show," everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: how did you get hooked up with al pacino >> well, i don't know if people know, al pacino is -- is my uncle. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. i didn't know that >> yes >> jimmy: that's amazing i didn't know that at all. i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. welcome back big show, bad bunny is here tonight. yeah, and -- [ cheers and applause bad bunny. before i bring him out, i just want to say quickly, i went to blue note here in new york city. great club robert glasper is there. if you get a chance to see him, he's there for the rest of the month. so, i guess you have another week or a week and a half. he's unbelievable. i know you went, questlove >> questlove: of course. >> jimmy: he's unbelievable. who is the deejay? >> questlove: i forget >> jimmy: is it --
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jaheed he is a deejay who was playing jazz but they're also sampling stuff. it's amazing it is, dare i even say, avant-garde? [ light laughter ] it was unbelievable. so, anyways, he just crushed it so, shout out to robert glasper and his band [ cheers and applause thank you. that was amazing >> questlove: whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa jimmy. jimmy. >> jimmy: yo >> questlove: hang on, hang on >> jimmy: what's up? >> questlove: i didn't know we were doing shoutouts can i do one >> jimmy: yeah, sure go ahead >> questlove: can i get some shoutout music ♪ all right. it's your man questo and i want to give a shoutout to my impossible cheesesteaks. all right? [ cheers and applause it's the food of the future. all right. the meat may not be real but it tastes questacular [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: questacular. i love that. great shout out, quest great shout out. >> yo, yo. i've got one, jimmy. >> jimmy: okay, come on. go for it. >> shout out to silica gel packets. now, be honest i don't even know what you do but i love opening a bag of beef jerky and seeing your weird little ass hanging with
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all that meat. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: thank you, that's good thank you. thank you, kumal that's very good thank you, kamal i appreciate that. anyway - >> steve: i got -- i got one >> jimmy: higgins, sure. higgins. let's hear it. >> steve: okay, ready? shout out the to-do lists. keep my schedule on track. do my laundry. check. new milk check. watch out for anvil? [ thud ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i don't know if we'll find out what that one means that looked -- that looked real [ laughter ] >> tariq: i got one, jimmy >> jimmy: oh, tariq, sure. go ahead, bud. >> tariq: yeah, shout out to october. you know, when the air is crisp. >> jimmy: oh, yeah of course. [ cheers and applause >> tariq: the air is crisp the leaves are getting turnt and you know i'm all about making my own pumpkin bread. so, don't be an oaf. whip up a loaf [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: what all do i need ♪ >> tariq: well, you're going to need butter. a little sugar some flour of course, you need a pumpkin. [ laughter ] you mash those bitches all together and then you gotta do my favorite thing of all get baked. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: all right, well, that sounds delicious i think i'm going to make that [ cheers and applause i think i'm gonna make that for my family. >> tariq: i don't care what you do with it, jimmy. >> jimmy: all right. very good. >> can i do a shoutout, jimmy? can i do a shout out >> jimmy: of course, sir let's hear it. >> i would like to do a shoutout to that person in the middle seat of the airplane who gets to use both armrests. you know the whole time >> jimmy: oh, yeah >> you know, the person in the window gets all the beautiful views of cleveland >> jimmy: yeah >> person on the left in the aisle over here, they get to get up and go to the bathroom two times an hour if they want >> jimmy: yeah >> but the person in the middle seat the little snugly little cuddly little spoony spoon seat [ light laughter ] they get to play little elbow games with the other people the whole time all flight long. >> jimmy: all flight long. ♪ all flight long ♪ >> jimmy: oh, wow. [ cheers and applause well, that's a great shoutout. i'm going to try that sometime
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>> i got a shoutout. >> jimmy: oh, great. go ahead, sir. >> i got a shoutout, yeah. a shoutout to wearing suspenders underneath your shirt, yeah! [ cheers and applause it keeps your pants up keeps your waistline clean suspenders under the shirt for the win. dab! [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: it's a good look thanks, bud. appreciate it. >> i've got a shoutout, too. >> jimmy: oh, go for it james. >> shout out to wigs i love wigs so much. they make me feel like a whole new person don't believe me check this out say goodbye to james and hello to josh. [ cheers and applause james. josh james. josh man, i could do this all day [ cheers and applause
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>> jimmy: i like josh. i like josh, too all right. so, we've got a shout out to impossible cheesesteak a shout out to silica packets. a shout out too to do lists. >> steve: yeah second anvil what [ thud ] >> jimmy: shout out to october [ cheers and applause shout out to middle seats. [ applause ] shout out to suspenders under your shirt [ cheers and applause shoutout to wigs and shoutout to robert glasper and the blue note jazz club. [ cheers and applause stick around we'll be right back with bad bunny, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: you were telling me backstage though that you actually had a great meeting with jennifer lopez. >> my dream when i was younger was to be a backup dancer for her. that was all that i ever wanted in life. >> jimmy: me too [ laughter ] >> i'm such a fan. we still can >> jimmy: we still can, yeah >> so i'm just - >> jimmy: jennifer, if you're watching we're in that's not gonna fit.
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12:02 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our first guest is one of the biggest stars on the planet whose grammy-winning albums have gone over 30 times platinum this weekend, he'll be the host and the musical guest on "saturday night live." please welcome our pal, bad bunny. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause
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[ cheers and applause >> jimmy: wow! come on, buddy you got to get to the show they love you. a lot of love in this room for you, bud [ speaking spanish ] >> jimmy: welcome back it is always great to see you. thank you for taking time to say hi to us congrats on the new album, by the way. you just dropped this. [ cheers and applause crushed it with this no one knew it would come out. i guess you knew it would come out. [ light laughter ] >> obviously >> jimmy: yeah, yeah how long ago did you know, like, "yeah, i'm going to release this?" >> since i started to work on it [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah -- yeah, that's true i understand that. but to come out now, i know you like to give little easter eggs and hints to your fans but you're like just dropped it
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out of nowhere >> yeah, well, they already know [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: what does the title mean again >> "nade sabe lo que va a pasar manana," that means like nobody knows what is going to happen. i guess you know [ cheers ] >> jimmy: nobody knows what's going to happen. >> yeah, nobody knows. >> jimmy: it became the most streamed album in a single day this year on spotify it's already breaking all these records. congratulations. [ cheers and applause [ speaking spanish ] >> jimmy: it's great it is so great >> feels good. >> jimmy: 22 tracks. it's unbelievable. you had a listening party in puerto rico and here's your entrance 16,000 people. you entered -- you came from the roof in a rolls royce. i mean, being lowered from the ceiling. were you scared at all [ speaking spanish ] >> a little bit, yeah. but i had fun. it was - >> jimmy: you always do fun things, by the way >> yeah. >> jimmy: i know i saw the video from monaco, you had a a special guest with you >> who's that? >> jimmy: i'm talking about al pacino. >> aw, look. [ cheers ]
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>> jimmy: yeah, not too shabby, bud. you and al pacino -- you even included a little moment in this video which i want to show everyone just a little piece. can we take a look at this >> how is it going >> playing games what else is new hey, you're doing great. >> thank you >> you really are doing great. he's charging it up. they wrote a song. ♪ you never kno what tomorrow brings ♪ ♪ never kno what tomorrow take from you ♪ >> jimmy: i mean, come on. that's al pacino [ cheers and applause how cool is that >> that was amazing. that was a great experience working with al pacino that was very exciting >> jimmy: how did you get hooked up with al pacino >> well, i don't even know if people know, al pacino is my uncle. >> jimmy: oh, my god [ laughter ] i didn't know that that's amazing i didn't know that at all. [ speaking spanish ]
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>> no -- i swear, i don't know how we connect with him. but -- [ light laughter ] i'm very grateful, 'cause that was a dream come true. >> jimmy: yeah he's a legend. he's the best. >> he's a legend i love his movies. "scarface", "godfather", "carlito's way." i love him >> jimmy: yeah, everything he does - >> it was just a very special day for me >> jimmy: you just really that you have, this afternoon, actually, you announced that you're going on tour again >> i did >> jimmy: yes. [ cheers and applause you have to. yes. >> are you sure? >> jimmy: it's happening this next year, i think, in february you'll be -- [ cheers and applause you'll be all over north america. >> yes, i'm very happy >> jimmy: but isn't that work for you? isn't that like -- do you like performing and going on tour >> i love perform -- yeah, of course i love performing it's my -- i think, i love to create at the studio but i think to perform to the people is my favorite thing about the music. [ cheers and applause
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>> jimmy: like, what part? is it when people sing the song back to you? >> yes i think that's the best feeling ever like - [ speaking spanish ] [ cheers and applause and i missed it. i missed it. >> jimmy: yeah, we need you, bud. it's great you know -- since we've known each other, you just watched your career go skyrocketing. it's awesome i'm so happy for you there's actually college courses teaching about you at colleges "bad bunny, race, gender, empire, and reggaeton" at wellesley college. "bad bunny and resistance" in puerto rico" is loyola marymount university [ cheers ] did you ever think you were going to be taught -- a course at a school? >> no. >> jimmy: is that cool >> it is a very crazy thing. i'm still -- [ speaking spanish ] some people came up to me --
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"yeah, i'm taking this class about you. i'm like "what really?" i don't know feels weird. but i would love to take one of those classes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you'll be really good >> i think i would get an a. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah you would ace that you would get an a in that course [ speaking spanish ] >> jimmy: you would know everything about bad bunny absolutely, yeah i didn't get a chance to tell you how great you are at the grammys, by the way. this is you. [ cheers and applause before you won the third grammy, congratulations. >> thank you >> jimmy: but i heard this wasn't supposed to be the opening of the grammys is that true >> that's true how you know that? >> jimmy: because i do research [ laughter ] al pacino is my uncle. [ laughter ] >> that's true, that's true. it wasn't supposed to be the opening act. but i think -- i don't know.
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i guess the producer saw it at the rehearsal. and he said like, "this is the best thing about the night." [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: when you do those shows, awards shows, like do you get -- is it a little bit different crowd because you see like taylor swift and jack harlow dancing to you >> i don't care. like, it's fine. >> jimmy: it's fine. it's the same. but is that the same as when you -- >> is it the same to just, like to dance to everybody's music? [ laughter ] so, i know she's gonna be like be open and -- >> jimmy: she'll be there for you, yeah. and she'll be moving around for you. but when you do that or when you did yankee stadium, by the way. do you - [ cheers and applause >> i prefered yankee stadium, of course. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: and now you're taking part in another iconic part of new york you're hosting and musical guest on "saturday night live. double duty. [ cheers and applause double whammy. doubling down. double down.
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man, that's a lot of work! it's a lot of work how does it feel, though, going in you got some funny sketches? >> yeah, yeah. [ light laughter ] but i need to sleep. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no no, this is when you have to just stay awake. because that's the whole secret of "saturday night live. like, when i was on that show, i never -- i went to bed every night at probably 3:00 in the morning, just so when it's 11:30, i'm like ready to go. i would sleep during the day, man. it was crazy >> nice. it's crazy but i've been enjoying the process. all the cast, the producers, the writers. the vibe is a very cool vibe so i'm grateful and i'm very excited about this saturday this saturday? >> jimmy: yeah, this saturday. yeah [ cheers and applause we're already getting the word down that everybody loves you up there and you're just like -- they're like, "dude, he's the nicest guy. everyone's freaking out. they're like, "it's a great, funny show." so, congrats we'll all be watching. [ speaking spanish ] >> jimmy: no, it'll be great [ cheers and applause we'll be watching bad bunny. check him out on "saturday night live." [ cheers and applause
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this weekend, the host and musical guest. we'll be right back with charli d'amelio. stick around, everybody now. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. [limu emu squawks.] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ may i join you? mhmm. that's perfect. i like to cook. it's just chemistry. you're on the verge of a break through. why would anyone discriminate based on gender? how many female scientists can you name?
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♪ bad bunny, are you excited about saturday >> yeah, i am. >> and is al pacino really your uncle. >> i'm no liar ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest has over 150 million followers on tiktok wow! she recently launched a line of shoes called d'amelio foot wear and season three of her show "the d'amelio show" is streaming now on hulu.
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everyone, please welcome charli d'amelio. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: charli, welcome back >> thank you >> jimmy: charli, welcome back to the show. you look fantastic thank you so much for coming back >> thank you for having me >> jimmy: the first time you were here, i want to say it was three and a half years ago or something like that and we were talking. we were both excited because you had 32 million followers on tiktok and it was like, "wow, that's awesome. here we are, that's not that long ago three and a half years ago you're at 151 million followers. [ cheers and applause is that crazy? >> i mean, to me, it's like, i can -- like, this is a lot of people and i get so nervous so to think that i actually post for that many people is
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absolutely insane. i can't really understand it, but i feel like it's better that way, 'cause i can be less nervous. >> jimmy: yeah well how old were you when you first started? >> i was 15. >> jimmy: 15 >> on the show last time i was 15 >> jimmy: good for you, buddy. that's so tough. i mean, you stayed strong. i mean, that must be a lot of pressure, you know, to start a a business and keep going and keep thinking of new ideas and then you have the show and now your whole family is involved now do you ever go back and watch your old tiktoks >> i do and i make fun of myself, a lot. [ light laughter ] because it is so embarrassing. but it's also fun to go down memory lane and be like, "oh my goodness, this outfit was atrocious. but, look, it was so cute. i was a baby [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: you still are, you still are. [ laughter ] i wanted to ask you something, because i saw on "vanity fair," they did a thing you did a lie detector test. do you know what i'm about to say? you love dunkin' donuts. >> i do. >> jimmy: okay, we'll let's just watch this. >> do you actually like dunkin as much as you say you do? >> yes, and i shamelessly promote them so much no, i'm such a fan of dunkin' donuts
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i'm happy they're doing, like, cool stuff though. >> do you think you like dunkin' more than this person? >> yes >> do you know who that is >> no. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: you don't know who ben affleck is >> no, i do. and i've, like, fully had conversations with him before. [ laughter ] and, like, i know who -- that's why is so -- my sister clowned me for that so hard the entire ride back. i was so embarrassed [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but that's hilarious like, yeah i love -- you like it better than this person and you just blanked >> 'cause i just, like, i know how much i -- i've had two coffees already today, you know like - >> jimmy: yes. you were in the zone of dunkin' donuts you didn't care what - >> i know how much i love it and it is more than anyone >> jimmy: yeah, including who that person, who, at the time, you didn't know. >> now i've looked at the photos i feel like we can be equal. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: that's so funny. you were telling me backstage, you actually had a great meeting with jennifer lopez. >> yeah. >> jimmy: who is, like, gosh
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we have that in common she is unbelievable. we both love jennifer. >> i love her. she is the absolute sweetest every single time i've spoken to her, she, like, can see inside my brain and tell me exactly what i need to hear without even knowing like genuinely, my dream when i was younger was to be a back-up dancer for her that was all that i ever wanted in life. >> jimmy: me, too. >> i'm such a fan. [ laughter ] we still can >> jimmy: we still can, yeah jennifer, if you're watching, we're in [ laughter ] >> if you need us. >> jimmy: she is the best, right? she is a pro when she comes on the show, i mean, she -- her in concert, if she tours again, which she will >> she's insane. >> jimmy: a professional >> like you watch her, like -- >> jimmy: she puts the work in, man. >> it's incredible >> jimmy: i know halloween is coming up and you're a big fan of halloween can you say what you're dressing up as no >> i have like a list. quite a long list in my notes of -- i work on it all year long i add to it, every week, you know so far, i only have, like, one or two locked down
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i wanna do boo from "monsters inc" 'cause i have the bob, and i feel like it just kinda works, you know. >> jimmy: okay, that's good. >> but i mean, my boyfriend and i were trying to do, like, cute couples costumes, but we're so indecisive that we just, like, can't actually get it together we have time >> jimmy: you do have a little time yeah [ light laughter ] you have like a week you don't really have time [ laughter ] your career has actually blown up it's so cool to watch on tiktok now you've turned it into a business now you have a shoe line talk about this. how fun is that? >> it's crazy. all i know about shoes is the fact that i wear them every day. [ light laughter ] so i don't know how it works but we have such an amazing team behind us that can -- you know, we're in heels a lot there's three girl in the family we're all constantly, like, blisters, everything hurts so, it's been really fun to take my favorite parts of shoes and my least favorite parts of shoes and work it all together and make them comfortable, stylish, cute. get to pick the colors, the shapes, the sillouhettes, the styles so it's really fun >> jimmy: and you have everything
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you have slides and sneakers i'm like, it's so -- actually you wore them in today i was like, "you should just wear them out with your dress. why not? like, they're cute sneakers. it's wild that you go, yeah, i have this idea and i'm gonna make it real and you're making all this stuff a reality. >> i know, it's insane >> jimmy: i'm so happy for you, buddy. >> thank you >> jimmy: i really am. [ cheers and applause and the show, "the d'amelio show" is streaming on hulu >> yes >> jimmy: how is the family holding up how's the parents? are they going -- is it going to their head, the fame? >> umm, you know, the fam is good we are together a lot. it's great i mean, i live with my older sister and we work together. so we spend quite a lot of time together you know, sisters, we argue but we love each other >> jimmy: a lot of family bonding. >> yeah, a lot >> jimmy: we love it every time you come by. thank you so much and congrats on the show. >> thank you >> jimmy: on the shoes as well >> thank you [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: charli d'amelio, everybody. season three of "the d'amelio show" is streaming now on hulu victoria monet performs after the break. stick around, everybody.
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with the alaska airlines visa card, so your friend can come along with you! next time you're the legs! ♪ ♪ we care a lot ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: performing "on my mama" from her album "jaguar ii", give it up for victoria monet [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ >> fallon. i'm victoria monet, and this is "on my mama. ♪ ♪ they say she get it from her mam i'ma say you got it right ♪ ♪ body rude it's unpolite done being the humble type ♪
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♪ tell me is you down 'cause i'm tryna go up tonight ♪ ♪ hoes and hoochies left and right ♪ ♪ i just wanna live in a fantasy i think we deserve i right ♪ ñ top all the memories i've ever made in my life ♪ ♪ permanent ecstasy ladies is pimps tonight ♪ ♪ living inside a dream let's lay wher the lovers lie ♪ ♪ i put that on my own mama on my hood i look fly i look good ♪ ♪ you can't touch my ba wish you could i look fly i look too good ♪ ♪ put that on my own mama on my hood i look fly i look good ♪ ♪ you can't touch my ba wish you could i look fly i look too good ♪ ♪ on my mam on my hood i look fly i look good ♪
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♪ touch my swag wish you could i look fly i look good ♪ ♪ i'm so deep in my bag like a grandma wit' a peppermint ♪ ♪ they say ooh sh smell good that's just 'cause i'm heaven-sent ♪ ♪ sex game go snap l toothpick ♪ ♪ man to tell the truth your opinion is irrelevant ♪ ♪ but i know yo think i'm fine might be too fine to hit it from behind ♪ ♪ reflection in the mirror don't decline i can't even lie lie lie ♪ ♪ i put that on my own mama on my hood i look fly i look good ♪ ♪ you can't touch my ba wish you could i look fly i look too good ♪ ♪ put that on my own mama on my hood i look fly i look good ♪ ♪ you can't touch my ba wish you could i look fly i look too good ♪ ♪ on my mam on my hood i look fly
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i look good ♪ ♪ touch my swag wish you could i look fly i look good ♪ ♪ on my mama ♪ ♪ ♪ i look fl i look goo i look fly i look good ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: yo yo that is how you do it. oh, my goodness. >> thank you >> jimmy: standing ovation victoria monet victoria monet, catch her on tour now we'll be right back. wow. [ cheers and applause
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♪ ♪ always in that state of mind ♪ ♪ living on a high vibration ♪ ♪ so hot gonna make it melt ♪ ♪ and i'm lovin' what i'm tastin' ♪ ♪ nos gusta mezclar ♪ ♪ como malteada ♪ ♪ aqui hay lugar ♪ ♪ yeah we livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause
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>> jimmy: my thanks to bad bunny, charli d'amelio, victoria monet, once again [ cheers and applause you are fantastic. and the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania [ cheers and applause thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers" on right now. good night, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- billy porter director of "postcard from earth," filmmaker darren aronofsky an all-new "closer look. featuring the 8g band with


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