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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  January 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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and pittsburgh, 6:55 p.m. off to the south, we saw it fill in over the peninsula and there is more on the way for you the next hour from south san francisco to redwood city. it has been pretty slow going in the south bay as expected. you are last on the list to get the rainfall and it is gradually filling across the santa clara valley. it is knocking on the door in san jose. light to moderate rain. so we expect that to develop in san jose with wet weather. and that is as we go to the next hour. by 11:00 tonight, here is what we mean by moving in and out quickly. most of the rainfall is moving off to the south with lingering rain in san jose but that is at 11:00 tonight. what you want to show you here is that while rainfall totals are only a quarter inch to half inch with tonight's storm, look at what could be coming our way. this is an atmospheric river outlook. you can see the key at the top. the orange color is moderate to slightly stronger atmospheric
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river that is lining up right toward the bay area. i will have updated rain totals and how much this could bring us coming up in about 20 minutes. this is happening as we speak. oakland city leaders are discussing new ways to address an old problem and it is growing crime in oakland. a new audit reveals that crime in the city is out of control and points to a pathway forward that could lead oakland out of its trouble. it is a pathway that has worked before. we have more now from city hall on these details. tom. >> reporter: good evening. they are talking about this right now, talking about operation cease-fire. auditors are addressing the city council right now. they just started a little bit ago. we talked to city officials earlier today who were troubled by the audit and they are ready to get back and make the changes and get back to what worked so well before. >> the city of oakland became a national model after
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launching operation cease-fire in 2012. in fact, between 2012 and 2017, the strategy was credited with decreased murders in oakland by 42%. >> we had all parts working. we had the police department doing their part in keeping up their word that if you didn't stop shooting, they would come. >> pastor billy dixon is in operation cease-fire community leader. he explained cease-fire used city data and resources to focus on the most violent gangs and individuals, especially repeat offenders and worked to interrupt the violence. the program also provided crucial services in neighborhoods like life coaching to combat gang life. >> what made it successful is there were people from the community, people in their walk of life, showing you a different way. >> according to audit data, operation cease-fire saved an estimated 140 lives during the five years. but auditors said that the city moved away from the plan as it began to focus on pandemic
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relief and homicides began to climb from 68 in 2018, to 124 last year. >> we have to take the actions necessary that are suggested in the audit to reinvigorate cease- fire and focus it on where it can be the most effective. >> the audit made several recommendations including increasing experts on gangs and reconfiguring risk assessment, consolidating and coordinating violence reduction plans between police and city hall, improved data sharing between op duckett and the department of violence prevention and to fully staff the cease-fire unit. >> you have to make sure you are diligent and continuing the work on all the elements. you can't just do one or the other. >> in response to the audit, the mayor said that she immediately began resurrecting operation cease-fire. and the oakland new department of violence prevention chief said she is passionate about getting started on it. >> i know this type of a focus is what oakland needs. and frankly was part of the
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reason i agreed to come back to the city of oakland. >> reporter: the city of oakland adopted the model from the city of boston. boston warned oakland before they started that if you don't stick to these strategies, they will not work. lesson has been learned now. live in oakland, tom jensen, nbc bay area news. we are getting new details today about the plane that crashed in the waters off of half moon bay this week. investigators say there were four people on board the small experimental plane when it hit the water. tonight, they identify the only victim they have recovered from the crash site. the san mateo county coroner's office said she is 27-year-old emma willmer-shiles. we also learned lochie ferrier of oakland was believed to be the pilot. his fiancie, cassidy petit, was believed to be a passenger. train 95 graduated from mit with an aerospace engineering degree and was currently
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working at magpie engineering in hayward. investigators with the ntsb arrived today to begin the investigation. we have been watching this all day. a gas tanker overturned in san rafael leading to a fuel spill. you can see the latest from the police department. the northgate drive is still closed. this is where it happened. but frida's parkway is open in both directions. the tanker overturned early this morning. thankfully nobody was hurt. first responders did asked people that live in the area to keep their windows closed for a while. the truck's suspension is being blamed for the crash. >> in contra costa county, a fuel spill shut down lanes on interstate 84 hours. this happened near richmond on the westbound side at mcbride avenue, shutting down all lanes on that side. at the moment, just the far right lane remains closed between san pablo road and mcbride. tonight, city crews are trying to figure out why a massive eucalyptus tree came down on to five cars on the san
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francisco 19th avenue yesterday afternoon. according to the san francisco department of recreation and parks, the tree that fell last night was about 80 years old. fortunately, nobody was hurt. the department is reviewing maintenance records for the tree but stresses that even healthy trees can come down during or after a storm. arborists were sent to the area today to survey some of the surrounding trees as they cut down at least one of the trees as a precaution. >> as i was cussing, i was thinking, i need to be careful. i really need to be careful. >> the city says it has a program to survey the health of trees across the park system. but they admit that with so many trees, is nearly impossible to predict when one might come down. the fbi is warning parents about a growing online threat against kids and teenagers called sextorsion. predators course young people to send sexually explicit videos or messages and then the offender threatens to release
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the compromising material unless the victim produces more pictures, videos or pays money. from october of 2021 until march of 2023, federal authorities received more than 13,000 reports of these victims , typically teenage boys. the crime sometimes leads to the victim dying by suicide. >> it happened in san jose last year. 17-year-old ryan last died by suicide after someone began threatening to release compromising videos unless they got paid. police arrested jonathan cassie and connection to the case. he was convicted and sentenced last september to 18 months in jail and another 18 months of supervised release. there are encouraging numbers tonight for sfpd. numbers show after years of struggling to get enough candidates, recruiting is reaching prepandemic levels. this comes as police departments across the bay area need more candidates. here is nbc. >> the latest police academy began in san francisco today, something the mayor and the police chief say is worth
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celebrating. there are now 60 reports in three classes putting sfpd on track to graduate more recruits this year than any year since the pandemic began. but everyone involved, including the police union, said that while it is good start, more needs to be done. >> i love the enthusiasm from the mayor and the chief. reality that we have people who do wash out of the academy because it is not the job for them. >> the city itself said they need 500 more officers. san francisco residents will be able to vote in march on whether to create a higher minimum staffing level in the police department which would trigger a hiring blitz over five years. >> having that number is that tangible goals saying, we want to rise to this level because then we can focus on having officers on bicycles. >> the mayor said recruiting strategies are working as pay has increased and they are cutting time in between the police academies. but san francisco is not the
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only place in need. in san jose, the department is budgeted for almost 1200 but only has 1060 sworn officers currently. the police officers association said it has been hard to recruit saying that the profession has been vilified over the last few years and the cost of living is another major factor. >> we want to go to all the calls. the issues with catalytic converters being stolen or even just being able to sit outside the school and make sure people are not running through stop signs. >> in oakland, a different problem. the city has 715 sworn officers and is budgeted for 712. but according to its union, that is the lowest budgeted number of officers that oakland has had since 2014. back in san francisco, the police union president said she is seeing progress with some crimes trending down and more criminals being prosecuted but also says that it is one piece of a bigger staffing puzzle. >> it is the start. but more critical now until we get the numbers we need.
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we have to retain the people we have now. >> nbc bay area news. former mayor and congressional candidate sam liccardo has the endorsement of another prominent san jose politician. matt may hands that he is endorsing sam liccardo for the 16th congressional district seat. mayhem said that sam liccardo understands the city and a need to partner in washington d.c. right now, more than a dozen candidates are running for the race for the 16th district. the seat opened up when a congresswoman announced she would retire at the end of her current term. >> that will be a highly contested race. next, they wanted solutions so they took matters into their own hands. a group building benches at bus stops in the east bay. where they plan to take their efforts next. where will the next big one hit? there is a new map that predicts where a major earthquake will strike. we will show you. and storm ranger mobile doppler radar is getting pelted with rainfall right now. with rainfall right now. we will take a look at the
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer
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this is interesting. they could not wait any longer. two guys at berkeley got tired of waiting for others to solve one of the city's biggest challenges. the issue, no place for the elderly to sit while they waited for buses so they did it themselves. here is nbc's jodi hernandez. >> anybody that rides the bus and waiting for the bus should have a place to sit while they wait. it is really just about treating bus riders with respect. >> this is the social media post that prompted 25-year-old samuel to start building bus benches. a photo of a senior who had just gotten surgery sitting on a street curb because his berkeley bus stop did not have a bench. >> it was quite upsetting that we treat bus riders like that.
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>> so samuel installed his own handmade bench at the mlk way stop. a got such positive feedback that he made more, teaming up with transit activist darrell owens. >> the number one goal is to make transit riders safe. >> the city of berkeley has removed and replaced samuel's first bench with a metal one. the city did not respond to our request for comment and told the berkeley say that the homemade benches could cause a safety risk. some of it does not sit well with the activists saying that sitting on the curb is dangerous. >> it is hard for the bus driver to see you. you are in the pathway of a vehicle and that is not where anybody wants to be. >> transit riders we talked to said that they are grateful for the benches. >> i enjoy the fact that somebody is going out of their way to put these benches here. as a student here, this is one of the routes a lot of people take. >> the so-called bench makers
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say every transit rider deserves a safe place to sit as they wait for a ride. >> we will keep holding them. >> it is nice to build something and see people actually using it and make a positive impact. >> the bench makers say they have improved their design and installation. they have started putting benches at oakland bus stops too and they say that richmond and fremont will start seeing them next. in berkeley, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. new research from the usgs shows that big damaging earthquakes are even more likely to hit then we thought a few years ago. here in california, the earthquake that goes well beyond established faultlines. the usgs scientists. historical earthquake research with the newest available technology. the idea was to figure out where earthquakes are most likely to occur. we spoke to a geophysicist and lead author of a new study who zeroed in on the bay area. he said conditions here can amplify shaking during an
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earthquake meaning that the earthquakes can last longer and potentially do more damage. >> the new model allows for much more complex ruptures across the bay area that we think can occur and affect the ground shaking levels that people experience in the area. >> the new map also shows more likelihood of damaging earthquakes back east in cities like boston, new york city, washington d.c. and philadelphia. let's take you outside on this chilly tuesday night. a live look at sfo. travel issues. 80% of the country is dealing with cold and that is wreaking havoc on air travel. more than 1800 flights into and out of the united states were canceled today alone. in the bay area, flight aware is tracking 193 delays and 54 cancellations at sfo. 34 delays and 12 cancellations
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at oakland and 37 delays and 19 cancellations at monette international in san jose. the weather related cancellations come on top of previously announced cancellations by alaska airlines. we have been covering this at length. dozens of their flights remain canceled today because of the ongoing investigation into the door issue on board the boeing 737 max9. there are a lot of things going on across the state and across the country. >> it is hard to travel. we have some serious weather. storm after storm coming next week. >> i think friday and sunday will be the days with more delays stacking up at the airports. as far as the heaviest rain goes, we do see that coming in with what looks to be an atmospheric river shaping up for us. tonight, it is not an atmospheric river. let's put it this way. a regular storm system moving in with a cold front sweeping across tonight. there are a couple more hours of this across the bay area to keep rainfall chances here. at least through 11:00 and
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parts of the bay area. right now the storm ranger doppler radar is active. we have heavier rainfall developing near the coast and moving into the north bay. we also have seen it and the east bay. we are expecting more of this over marin and the to move east into vallejo by 6:24 p.m. also more on the heavier rainfall right on the very busy 680 and 580 corridor and definitely continuing through the next hour. be careful out there tonight. take it slow. to the sulfate, not much in the way of rainfall but it is gradually filling in over palo alto and it will continue to make it here for the next 40-45 minutes. i do see, as we go through tonight, 7:00, we are still under the rainfall. we should get most of this pushing to the south by 11:00 tonight down towards san jose and gilroy. by tomorrow morning, we start up dry but we have the chance of morning fog and then check this out. by the afternoon, a little bit
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of sunshine will try to break into the forecast with a mix of clouds as well. morning temperatures beginning in the upper 40s and low 50s. so the jacket, it has been in the backseat of the car but you will need it. 47 over the tri- valley. right here across the east bay, 46. for the north bay, 44. daytime has tomorrow, warming up a little bit with afternoon sunshine. that will make it a pretty good day. 60, santa rosa. 61, concord. low 60s, san jose to morgan hill. drying out tomorrow but more rain on the way. let me get you the details on how i think things will shake out with this right now. i do see the next storm getting her friday night. widespread rain. this one still should move in and out pretty quickly. i'm not seeing any problems with the friday storm. saturday, we are in between systems. scattered rain chances will be with us. snow in the sierra. and then what i'm looking at, when we could get into some heavy rainfall is by sunday
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night and monday. the atmospheric river lining up. the moisture tapped stretching way past hawaii. so that is why i think we will see the chances of quick rising creeks and streams. we will have to watch out for that because there will be so much water with at developing atmospheric river. here it is. friday, a quarter inch to 1 inch. higher totals to the north bay. we add on sunday and monday, 1- 2 plus inches for the bay area. that is why we will need to watch out for maybe some flood issues sunday and monday. those will be the days that we are looking at for that. so we will keep a close watch on that. that certainly looks active friday in the next week. >> thank you, jeff. next, changes to the way you
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this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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a group of san francisco renters are taking on their corporate landlords. the tenant association has been on a rent strike since last june claiming that their landlord has participated in illegal business practices. veritas is one of the largest landlords in the city. brookfield properties and ballast investments have closed the deal to buy more than 2100 san francisco apartments owned by veritas. the tenant's claim veritas has refused to meet with their unit and they are worried that their complaints will be swept under the rug when their buildings are sold. >> it is unacceptable that san
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francisco's largest landowner gets away with not paying their own bill. all the fire safety equipment is broken and expired. the building has more mice, rats and bedbugs than ever and we are still getting hit with illegal and fraudulent utility bills. >> we reached out to veritas for comment. they issued a statement, "the original lender sold the loans to brookfield and ballis, who we understand are intending to complete a foreclosure on the loans and take over the properties. veritas has not participated in the loan sale between those parties nor in decisions relating to the foreclosure of the properties." changes in the way people get an appointment benefits. the implement of element department, the edd, is changing the bank it uses to issue debit cards. beginning next month, benefits will no longer be issued to the bank of america prepaid debit card. instead, they will be issued to a money network card. if you are receiving benefits after january 15th.
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so now check your mail for your new money network card. you are heading to sfo, you will be checking in at the dianne feinstein terminal if you are taking an international flight. today, airport commissioners voted to approve renaming the terminal after the late senator. diane feinstein died at the age of 90 in september. she was the longest serving woman center in u.s. history. as well as san francisco's first female mayor and the first woman president of the san francisco board of supervisors. next, sharing your senses. the new app being developed right now to help you share the sense of taste. the sensation of taste. we will show you how it works. the race for the gop nomination moves to new hampshire. why the candidates are each claiming to have momentum after iowa. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing
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the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will.
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leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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tonight it is creamy or spicy. have you ever tried to describe has something taste but you cannot put into words? they are working on that. >> developers collected and analyzed data on how someone perceives taste and quantified the data pick a device then generates a taste three mix of water and certain chemical solutions. the technology claims to allow users to experience what food tasted like for someone else. the goal is to use the
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technology in like virtual reality experiences or in film and animation experiences. >> so we can't taste it but we just get the sense of the taste? >> i don't get it. >> you are what you eat. a bunch of twins were given two different diets as part of an experiment. it is now the subject of a new netflix docuseries. we will be joined by the stanford professor at the center of all of this. we will also be joined by a former oakland police chief with new insight on the ongoing crime in that city. those stories and more coming up on our 7:00 news. next on nbc nightly news, garrett haik takes you to the new focus of the republican race. the questions now being raised a week at head of the's first primary. lester holt joins us from new york right now. tonight, donald trump's historic
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victory in iowa, as the 2024 presidential primary race moves on to new hampshire the former president ready to pivot to new hampshire after winning more than 50% of the vote in iowa's republican caucuses. ron desantis and nikki haley finishing a distant second and third. and now haley saying she won't debate again unless it's against mr. trump or president biden. while mr. trump spends the day after his win back in court. the u.s. launching new air strikes on the iran-backed houthis in yemen, after a new round of attacks in the red sea. it comes a day after iran launched missiles near the u.s. consulate in iraq. how will the u.s. respond? also, the suspected gilgo beach serial killer now charged with a fourth murder how a single hair and a can thrown away by his daughter led to the new indictment nbc news obtaining the audio of the 911


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