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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  February 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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another bay area tech company laying off. the amount of people let go at san jose zoom. months long event of discovering black heritage. we introduce you to san francisco family creating a musical legacy. welcome back, the news at five, 30 starts now. thank you for joining us. i am janelle wang. >> i am raj mathai. at what point will it stop? another big-name business bailing out of oakland, denny's is the latest getting out or making changes because of crime. >> reporter: boarded up and closed for good. i am raj mathai. i don't wanted to be nowhere to go to >> reporter: the denny's restaurant served their last meal yesterday. they are leaving due to safety concerns. the move comes after armed robbery at the restaurant last month and several thefts
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and break-ins over the last few years. locals say it is a story there hearing all too often. i am raj mathai. a lot of people don't want to visit nobody wants to go somewhere that will be robbed. >> reporter: councilmember reid working with businesses in the area in law enforcement to address concerns to keep more from leaving. it is an effort that will take urgency from city and regional leaders. >> i cannot be the primary leader at the table. it will take regional leadership at the table for us to come together to figure out how to leverage every resource we've got. >> reporter: denny's is a second restaurant to shut down and to the airport quarter recently. in-n-out burger made a similar announcement last week. it is not just the airport area impacted. eddie's liquors in rockridge is struggling to stay open after four break-ins in eight months including one this week where thieves rammed a truck into the
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front door before stealing liquor, money, and their safe. >> not making that much money and it keeps happening, like the other businesses that shut down, we might be the next one. >> reporter: robberies and car thefts have increased the last three years citywide. the numbers show police may be making progress preliminary numbers site auto burglars hit a new low. 40% reduction in crime last year around the airport after increased police presence. >> we know the strategy is working, targeting groups committing crimes, going after them in data-driven way. >> reporter: business owners thinking of leaving need to see long-term change in crime and policy if they have a future in oakland. >> we need to see more action. it needs to stop, some way.
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talking about the policies, they are weak here, need to be improved. learning more about the man accused of shooting in church at south san francisco. the shooting happened toothache at the saint augustine church. that gunman fired multiple rounds into the front of the church. no one was inside at the time for no one was hurt. 22-year-old appeared in court. as far as a motive, dealing with serious mental illness and did not have any specific motive targeting this church. learning new details about what caused the martinez refinery to release coke dust into the air. that happen in november 2022. workers did not know the dust was being released because they could not see it blowing away from the refinery. they did not find out until the
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next day. when people called the complaint, investigators say it happened during failure of catalytic cracking, the process of breaking down hydrocarbon molecules into smaller ones. they blamed worker fatigue and broken equipment for the release of the coke dust. the final community risk assessment expected to be released february 22nd. another high-profile silicon valley company is slashing jobs, zoom, based in san jose, cutting 150 employees zoom says this round of layoffs is push for more efficiency from its investors. zoom plans to hire people in the roles of artificial intelligence, sales, and operations this year. zoom exploded in popularity at the beginning and height of the pandemic. stock from the company plummeted as zoom workers started to return to the office. we are celebrating black history on nbc bay area. part of the celebration shining the light on people that make our
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region so unique and diverse. area known for contribute into the world of music, story of san francisco junior -- family creating its own musical legacy. >> reporter: there is a sound in the san francisco district, musical sound may be best described as the sound of a living room. this particular living room at a bayview apartment building as home base for the curtis family, a.k.a. the c notes. >> we took all of the furniture out, instruments only. >> reporter: the instruments a bit more life. >> we barely used it before. we would have to clear out everything the practice so it is better this way.
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>> reporter: at the helm of this homegrown family band, the parents and their five kids. >> music is not something we do, it is who we are as the curtis family. this is what we always try to transmit to everyone. >> reporter: the curtis family is transmitting on a different frequency than most families or bands. after a lifetime teaching music and leading musical groups, papa c, as he is known, found most satisfying musical act right under his own roof when his kids started picking up instruments and learning to play. >> at that point, i knew i was pretty much done running orchestras and bands because they have to do what i tell them to do.
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>> reporter: during the pandemic, the curtis family began living its living room music to other people's living rooms through weekly live streams. to practice, have kept going every monday night through their social media pages. over the last few years, that c notes moved beyond their own apartment performing at warriors games, jazz clubs, and "america's got talent". their music, their look, a nod to cultural heritage. >> because of the hair and the way we dress, very signature. >> there was a time not long ago the curtis family did not have a living room or a roof. >> we were homeless at one time as a family, it was pretty tough. sleeping in our van. >> reporter: a friend took them
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in until they could get back on all 14 feet. the crisis and music brought them closer to >> it brought us a bond in the sense of family, the way i believe family is supposed to operate. >> reporter: family life operates around the family room turned rehearsal room which also doubles as a classroom for the homeschooled kids. >> music has been a great vehicle for learning and teaching life lessons. >> the dream, mostly because of the evolution of how this came to be, saying how all of my siblings and i have grown. >> there is a certain connection that happens when you are playing with family, not just anybody. >> reporter: within the music and voices, there is a special kinship. >> there is this moment where you are transcending into a
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different reality. >> the other thing is that we laugh a lot. we laugh in this home a lot. >> reporter: laughter and music seemed the perfect recipe for family. the notes make up a composition you might call living for music. joe rosato jr. with nbc bay area news . >> that sounded great this start not so much, a viewer tied up a family birthday gift with a nice little bow that wound up tied up in knots with the problem of gift cards. i'm chris chmura . i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri . big totals when it comes to rainfall over 4 inches in san anselmo, santa cruz mountains, san francisco 2.60. we talk about the rain season and the impact the
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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tonight will respond to the south bay viewer whose generous gift for mom finished after he gave it to her. >> that is a bummer. let's bring investigative reporter, chris chmura . >> reporter: i'm sorry to sound like a broken record. you cannot give mom a gift and have it disappear. frank in santa clara gave his mom $300 department store gift card for her birthday. when she went to use it for the first time, guess what the store says? there's nothing on it, someone had spent her 300 bucks frank wanted his money back. he says the department store refused so he asked safe way, because that is where he bought the card. no help. frank contacted us. we contacted the companies involved days later, safe way gave frank full $300 refund. we wanted to know more. this is
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what her rep said constantly with this case, customer servicing resolved the issue with the customer. how did someone swipe mom's money? we don't know. i wish i knew but we see so many cases like this involving companies galore where viewer gift cards simply go blank. a lot of folks suspect fraud. and i think for good reason. your best protection with gift cards is to spend them as soon as possible some thieves are tampering with gift cards on the store racks. before you buy a gift card, examined the packaging and feel the card itself. if it feels like it was altered or any of the numbers on it don't seem right or missing, don't buy it. go with your gut. whether you have a gift card right or other consumer issue, perhaps we can help you contact us like frank did, scan the qr code on your screen to fill out
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the complaint form online, attached photos, videos, documents to help us make your case. a bit of a teaser, i'm in talks with federal law enforcement about gift cards and i hope to have some answers for you in the next few weeks. we are looking for solution. we really are. it is frustrating. any good news about the weather? thank you and maybe some sunshine in the next couple weeks. pocket of blue skies for 20 minutes. we are in this wet weather pattern. in two weeks, extended dry. after all the rainfall over the past 24 hours, we know there were problems, really treacherous to drive through. when you put that damage aside, we have started to make some gains on the rainfall season. santa rosa at two point 85 inch surplus, also up above average,
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up 4.1 inches in san jose up 1.20. running a deficit in oakland and concord over 2 inches but we can catch up heading through the rain season . we are not that far behind at this juncture. when it comes to the weather pattern the next two days, we have the storm track, jet stream position right across california which keeps us with on and off rain and thunder storm chances through the weekend forecast. let's move to what is happening with storm ranger, mobile doppler radar, tracking a few areas of rain i want to get down to and we will show where it is headed, the rain moving back to the north bay headed toward the north and east. another patch over the santa cruz mountains pushing into the mountains by 6:07 tonight. expect more on and off spotty shower chances through tomorrow morning. it is the same thing we have gone through this afternoon and we will see that moving through 1:00, 2:00, 3:00
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, 4:00 tomorrow. possibly heavier downpours. rolling through tomorrow morning's forecast along with scattered thunderstorms, it is going to start a cold feeling like february outside 45 at the peninsula, san francisco in the 40s at 46 and the east bay, 44. temperatures through the afternoon tomorrow, chilly. check it out, 58 in san jose, 55 in napa, 54 in san francisco . spotty thunder storm chances tomorrow and saturday. i would not cancel any plans over it. sunday is when the next on system moves in. this one takes a tricky path, moving from the south, we don't often see that happen with storm systems. because of the southerly trajectory, rainfall totals look a lot different across the bay area. think of this point, the south bay, santa cruz mountains would be more in the
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higher side of the totals. overall, this may not be nearly as strong as it looked a few days ago. the north bay could be trace or quarter inch and you go to the south bay, looking at half or 1 inch. from monterey southward, the magenta gray color, 2 to 4 inches of rain possible, central southern california. flash flooding threat will be real sunday and monday, landslides are also possible. it will be nasty down there. the sierra will get 3 plus feet of snow with that storm systems are pretty good for the snowpack. the seven-day forecast, body chances the next few days, the storm watching out for sunday and monday was body chances tuesday, wednesday, thursday of next week. after i talked about earlier, beyond this we could get to extended drying period.
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what is over us could be sent to mexico, wade of the south which would be interesting twist of everything within the next three week period. after enjoying a couple days off, the 49ers are back at days off, the 49ers are back at it not rejust any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive,
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her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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after a few days rest and major celebrations going on, it
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is go time, back to work for the niners. a little rainy today but all good. thank you so much attention on quarterback brock purdy. we got rare insight on his right stuffing. the 49ers owner stepped forward as we count under the super bowl. >> reporter: the 49ers return to the practice field today, the team will hold three workouts in santa clara before going to las vegas on sunday. all eyes, as i have been all year, focused on brock purdy with his first full season as the starting quarterback, the former last pick of the nfl draft led the niners to a super bowl appearance after two dramatic comeback playoff wins. no one saw it coming but according to ceo, jed york, who held media session today. head coach kyle shanahan had a pretty good idea he would be the future qb during the first week of training camp two seasons ago.
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>> he grabbed me after practice, we've got to talk. generally not a good thing when your coach tells you we need to talk. what is happening? i think the third string quarterback is the best quarterback. okay, what does that mean? i think brooke will end up being our quarterback at some point. >> reporter: the niners had trey lance and jimmy garoppolo on the roster at the time, two players the team invested a lot of money and draft capital in. after both got hurt, purdy sees his opportunity. >> that is the fun thing about rock, he is a little over a year into his nfl career. he is a wonderful young man, he works his tail off, it means the world to him. >> reporter: york says there's a lot to admire about your. >> there's a confidence about him, he does not run around, it is not arrogance or cockiness but air of confidence area
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>> reporter: york has plenty of praise for the 49ers head coach. >> it would be hard for me to say i enjoyed working with anybody more than kyle. kyle is a phenomenal coach, i think he has done a phenomenal job with our club. i think kyle's results more than speak for themselves. >> reporter: thing missing is a super bowl ring which he can win beating the chiefs in super bowl lviii. at levi's stadium, anthony flores with nbc bay area news . i am raj mathai. those are pretty cool story, when he was a rookie, kyle shanahan had that since about brock purdy. talk about the pep rally, we had one for the nfc championship. i am raj mathai. 4:00 a.m. ? transit we will do it again, this time friday, february 9th at 4:00 a.m., the friday before super bowl sunday.
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it will happen at the same place, the lot at bishop ranch in san ramon. thcrew will be out there, dress up in your 49ers gear and you can win some prizes. i am raj mathai. i was curious to see how many people would show up, we were sold out. steve garvey continues to make his presence felt in the race for califo rn growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer.
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those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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when it comes to raising campaign cash, republican senate candidate and four baseball star steve garvey is tens of millions of dollars behind the others. new poll finds him tied for second place for the upcoming march primary according to new data and numbers from the california elections and policy. the race for the late senator dianne feinstein's coveted seat, democrat adam schiff is leading the way. porter and darby are tied for second. barbara lee in fourth place. florida banning transgender people from updating driver's licenses to reflect their gender identity. the administration of governor ron desantis reversed a policy to change the sex on their driver's licenses peer the florida dmv says they can change the name only and address on the license but not allowed to change sex to match their gender identity. it could create problems for trans people who updated their birth certificate. they may not be able to receive a license with the updated gender. trans
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people in florida say that new rule is an attack on their rights there's a new tool to help tourists at the upcoming paris olympics artificial intelligence app to help people get around the city. of thousands of workers will use the a.i. device to help them communicate with international visitors. handheld device. it can speak 17 languages. here's how it works, a tourist speaks into the device to ask a question and it will translate for the metro worker. the worker will enter into the device and speak to the tourist in their preferred language. audrey asistio joins us with what is next. tree came down in bay area neighborhood, power lines down. dozens without power. do wealthy neighborhoods get a better cut of public funding? the formula is skewed.
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tackling san francisco's drug crisis. are people traveling to the city to get high? tonight, one city leader is demanding answers. the news at 6:00 start now. thanks for being with us, i am raj mathai. >> i am audrey asistio. the city wants to know if the city is a hotspot for drug tourism. calling on the city to find a method for answering that question and tracking results over time. transit we owe it to san francisco's and taxpayers. >> reporter: max dorsey says it is time for a report about the groin reception -- perception of san francisco. >> san francisco has perception of destination city for drug tourism or drug benefits,
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general assistance, sometimes people think it is a destination city because of policies around drugs area >> sent a letter to the city comptroller asking for analysis to track the issue without identifying those so-called drug tourists. >> identified populations implicated with the san francisco ongoing drug crisis and also recipients of public assistance here among the adult population. find out how long they have been here. >> reporter: he says it is important to figure out what is true and whether there trackable problems, the pattern. transit we owe it to taxpayers that services we provide social safety net were the of the city , something for residents of the city of st. francis. we cannot be the social safety net for the western united states. we need a clear eyed view of what we are incentivizing.


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