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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  February 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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a sexual assault in a local neighborhood. >> it's scary, that never happens in this neighborhood. it's really a safe neighborhood. we never have this happen. >> reporter: but folks in this quiet and peaceful family neighborhood are watching their backs after a terrifying home invasion took place. police say that a man pushed his way through the family's front door and sexually assaulted a woman inside. >> there are two women that live in my house and that's not cool at all, someone coming in a nice neighborhood. >> reporter: the attack at 6:30 on wednesday evening after it got dark. police are not saying where to protect the victim's privacy but say they have been collecting video from neighbors, hoping to find clues. they say it appears that the victim did not know the attacker. >> if you don't know the
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people, don't answer the door. >> reporter: this woman said she is scared to answer her door and get her mail when it's dark, and they are taking precautions before. >> the garage door, now i am locking that and putting the bar across the sliding doors and the windows. >> reporter: people here say they won't feel safe until police find the suspect. >> it's scary. i want them to get caught and for them to let us know that they caught the person. >> a lot of worry. a lot of worry because i was thinking this neighborhood looks very safe all the title but no more. >> reporter: fairfield police wouldn't talk on camera but are doing everything they can to identify and arrest the attacker. in fairfield, jodi hernandez,
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nba bay area news. drivers, beware. san francisco is considering banning right turn lights. the pilot program started in 2021, and they have seen improvements since then and most drivers comply with the regulations and keep the crosswalks clear. more importantly, collisions at those intersections have dropped by almost half. >> this is the first part of our plan to expand consistent with the gubernatorial request. we'll be expanding into the downtown area. >> the san francisco fire and police departments are reviewing the expansion plan. when they are done, the they will ask for the public input. a magnitude 3.2 earthquake
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struck around 1:30 this afternoon centered a few miles west of the san francisco zoo just off ocean beach. now, so far, the good news is we have not heard any reports of injuries or damage. let's take you outside on this friday evening, a beautiful shot in san francisco. we've don't have time to dry out because more rain and wind is on the way, and jeff, it looks ominous. it does, and we have scattered rain showing up right now and we will get you to the wide view and the latest fix on the storm system as i am tracking it has it 585 miles offshore and two important things that i really want to make sure that i share with you. if you have seen the earlier updates, you know this storm system picking up speed and much, much faster. that's the first thing. the second thing is the very
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heavy rain line is moving north and will bring heavy bay area rain impacts to us as the storm system gets here beginning tomorrow. and speak of which, let me show you the timeline. i think we will stay with spotty rain through tomorrow morning and for the early afternoon. and this is at 3:00 p.m., the storm system is here off to the south, and that's the recollect unusual thing. this is moving from the south, and the whole state will get in on this. and at widespread rain at 11:00 tomorrow night and then extremely heavy downpours beginning at 2:00 a.m. on sunday morning through the morning. so with the heavy rain expected early on sunday morning, we will have the chance for street flooding and creeks, streams, and rivers rising, and wind gusts 25 to 60 miles per hour on sunday may take down trees and give us the power outages. one more thing here. look at the sierra snow. tomorrow, not too bad, one to
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two inches and add on sunday and monday, and we are talking about totals of three feet. blizzard warnings and avalanche warnings possible. i will take you through the timeline and the rainfall totals in 20 minutes. >> jeff, thank you, and if you haven't already this is a good time to get the free nbc bay area app, and scan the qr code in the middle of the screen and download it instantly and it gives you access to the stormranger's radar and you can get alerts sent to your phone. we'll show you the qr code in a few minutes again. a texas attorney offering a reward and heavy criticism after her son and his friends were robbed at gunpoint at a 76 station on haguenberger near the airport. five armed men got out of an infinity and robbed the group of friends, and broke the
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window of the suv and took the luggage, jewelry, phones, and wallets. the mother of one of those boys said she was upset about the lack of warning about the crime hot spot and the response from officials, something that the gas stations happens every day. >> it does not have to be the norm where everyones oh, that's just oakland. oh, don't gas in oakland. you should know better. we've did not know better. there should be a warning. the rental car should be warning people, and signs up, and the gas station had nothing. >> people get hurt in front of your eyes and can't do anything about it. you know, they are customers. you -- the place you own is supposed to be safe. >> the victims were on their way to the airport after a celebration for a birthday in the wine country, and the lawyer said there were no warnings. and her law firm is offering
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for $10,000 for tips that led to the arrest of the men who robbed her son and friends. the protesters who shut down the bay bridge in november were back in court today. quite a scene. some of the protesters in the courtroom and dozens more gathered outside, accused of stopping graphic for hours to protest the israel-hamas war. these activists are fighting the charges. >> the bay area has a long legacy of civil disobedience, and our cause that we are standing for is a just cause. what we stood for and are still standing for is a cease-fire. >> the judge has scheduled a hearing for a motion to drop the charges. that hearing is set for march 14th. affordable housing coming to the city of campbell, and
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public transportation is playing a major. 90 apartments will be built on what is now a park and ride at winchester lightrail station. it's part of the plan to build housing close to public transportation and designed to help low-income families. some of the units have two or more bedrooms and will be reasonably priced, they say. >> we want to make sure everyone in our community has a safe place to lay their head. and we want people to have access to jobs and going to school and get groceries and to child care. >> they have worked on the four housing developments like this one in the last nine months, and leaders of the housing development said construction will start in 2025. gameday yet? not quite. let's take you to levi stadium. next door is the 49ers' practice facility. hello, christian mccaffery, and they will have one more practice tomorrow before
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heading to las vegas on sunday, and as you can imagine the super bowl tickets are expected to be the most expensive ever and the attorney general is warning people to be aware of ticket scams. what the faithful need to know to make sure that the coveted ticket is legit. >> reporter: as the 49ers head to vegas for super bowl lviii, ticket prices to see them player hovering at $7,000, including fees. as the 49er faithful scour the market looking for a deal, cybersecurity experts warn scammers are trying to cash in by selling fake tickets to games. >> don't let the deal cloud your better judgment. >> reporter: the better business bureau is saiding to look out for scams and bad actors have gotten good at creating fake websites and the head of fraud services at visa wants to remind you to never buy from someone on the street
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and don't use cash. use a credit card to dispute the charge if needed. >> when you are making the purchase, check the url of where you are. and make sure there is an "s" to denote security connections. >> reporter: there will be a moving bar code for tickets. don't settle for a screen shot. >> reporter: visa said so far there are not many fraud complaints. >> we are on the look out for these attempts through our partnerships with law enforcement and our partnerships with the financial institution. >> reporter: a pair of tickets on the game were sold on stubhub for $90,000 not just because of the teams but the first super bowl in vegas where thousands flock to watch and bet on the game anyway.
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if you are trying to go. it might be best trying to buy sooner rather than later on a trusted site. >> the prices may go lower but we predict the three days leaninthe supebowl, the prices may go up. >> reporter: ian cull, nbc bay area news. >> like 30 grand for ticket? >> ! >> here is something free and you ha to wake up early. we are teaming up with the today slow r another 49ers' pep rally. join us on friday, february 9 before the super bowl and dress up in our 49ers' gear and you might get on the today show with al roker and savannah and our crew. up next, the latest job numbers are in and they are good but what about the play
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offs in tech? scott budman with the answers. and a tornado in sonoma? and i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. i have a track of the weekend's storm, and we will spend a lot of time on how things will unfold for us and gusty winds in about six minutes. and another look at the qr code to download the nbc bay area app with access to stormranger and the radar as the next
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. the latest job numbers are out and the economy continues too boom, and that is confusing because we have had all the
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layoffs, and we are bringing in scott budman and what about tech? every day we are announcing another company that laying off. you are absolutely right. and we had a really good run in january 2023, and the overall economy gained 300,000 jobs and they cut close to 30,000 jobs and tech is just one part of the nation's over all economy, and it's a huge part of what drives the bay area economy. it lagged when it comes to job growth in january but not what it came to stock market growth. and that's good news. not just for investors but ultimately for job-seekers here, and we spoke to staffing companies, and they are looking at new hiring for ai and biotech, and if you need a job,
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focus on areas that are growing and they say you are likely to find new opportunities. >> there is ai that is creating additional opportunities for technology, and we are surrounding the governance of ai and security and those types of things that are creating opportunities. >> okay. so that begs the question. what if you know nothing about ai? where does that leave me? >> we need to change the skills that we have. and we have seen this for decades, something will blow in and just dominate and that's what ai is doing right now, and two things happen. companies are growing in the ai department but cutting in markets that are not in ai. and one thing that online educators are saying not just the hr but literally, the schools are seeing people coming in to get their skills
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up for machine learning and learning all the ai stuff because that's hot right now and that's the language that everybody needs to speak. >> will the money follow the ai jobs? >> they have so far, and it's interesting with all the talk, and they started entire companies to do this ai technology and machine learning, so the lows of jobs are created but you have to have the correct skills. >> i may have to get on the ai bandwagon. >> we all will eventually. >> thank you so much, scott. raj? a south san francisco police officer who was hurt on the job is back in agz, and the police department posted these photos on facebook, welcoming back the officer kathleen walsh. she is back on patrol and hoping to hop back on her motorcycle. she was trying to pull over a car in redwood city when she was struck by another driver and had significant injuries and spent the last year and a half recovering. meteorologists from the
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national weather service are looking into possible tornado sighting. check this out. and look in the middle of the screen. you can see it. and this is from the press become in western sonoma county near petaluma and it appears to be -- help us with this in just a second -- a funnel cloud in the sky. if the cloud touches down, that's when it's considered a tornado. and meteorologists are looking to confirm this. the last tornado in sonoma county hit more than a decade ago. is it common to see the funnel clouds or no? >> we get them a handful of times each year, and we average three to five of them in the state of california and it's hard to tell in the video if the funnel did touchdown. they will be investigating looking for damage and based on my estimate, it could be an ef0
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on the enhanced fujita scale, and there was a rotating thunderstorm just north of petaluma, so it's a scary sight. if you ever see that, head inside. >> impressive. >> you want to head inside away from that because it has so much wind rotating around it. >> just not used to seeing it. >> we have the big storm headed our way and are keeping a close watch on the timeline, and we have seen changes over the past several hours and that will impact the weekend plans and tracking it with us, the stormranger, and it will run through the duration of the rain, and today, scattered rain. tomorrow, the storm arrives at night with heavier rain and ahead we're tracking gusty winds and a flood watch. so we will get you through the
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storm system so you can get through your weekend. on storm ranger, the scan is active with the red sweep and the other thing that we are looking at is, of course, the storm system and the thing about the pattern and the way it's been setting up the past week that brought in the previous storm system we had is the storm track itself, the conveyor belt of energy is positioned right over california and that will carry the storm system here and it's pivoting in from the south, and that's why tell get hit. it usually comes from the north or the west and this one is hooking around here and will hit everyone. so los angeles and san diego up to the bay area and points to the north getting in on the heavy rain and the very gusty winds so 3:00 p.m. tomorrow, spotty showers and
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this one with a subtropical moisture tap and at 8:00 p.m., it's hitting the south bay and peninsula and east bay, and we have widespread coverage and rain tomorrow, and what i am concerned about is early sunday morning. 2:00 in the morning and extremely heavy downpours and that could go on until 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00, and 7:00 on sunday morning when the rainfall totals will stack up. and rainfall totals, a half to 3/4 on sunday, and we will see a lot of creeks and streams and rivers rising fast. we'll be watching that. southern california and plans to go on a road trip, cancel those and shelf them until next week. they are looking at a huge dome
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in southern california and flash flooding, life threat ending flooding possible in southern california. wind gusts pick up tomorrow, 20 to 50 miles per hour and we'll stay with gusty winds into sunday's forecast and that's where we could get trees that come down in power outages and the winds will taper off in the evening and spotty rain monday and tuesday and wednesday, and once we get over sunday a forecast, i think it's not too bumpy next week, and we should be able to get past that and sunday month, that's when things are really going to be coming down and a lot of people are sleeping, so take care of things tomorrow and get everything locked down. the wind is ferocious on sunday as well. >> and the good news is it's the weekend ask not many people will be driving to work. thanks, jeff. up next, remembering a hollywood legend with a lot of bay area roots. actor and athlete carl weathers actor and athlete carl weathers has died. not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks”
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that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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c1 before he was a hollywood star he was a bay area student and a football player. carl weathers has died. his family said he died in his sleep yesterday ask was known for his classic role as apollo creed in the rocky movies and starred in predator with arnold schwarzenegger. and three years ago he was
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nominated for an emmy for his work in the star wars series, the mandolrian and he attended college in the bay area and received a bachelor's and played for the raiders. let's take a look inside 30 rock preparing for the nightly news. news. what nbc has learned about the
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole.
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ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home.
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the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. this is kind of cool, the largest and oldest rummage sale in california in oakland, the white elephant sale. >> happening until the fruitvale district through march 3 and raises money for the oakland museum of california and volunteers spend the year collecting donated items and fixing them up and people travel from all over the country searching for everything from furniture to silver and musical instruments. tonight at 7:00, 48 hours from now, the 49ers are wheels up for las vegas. and tonight, we'll hear from the chiefs star travis kelce giving love to 49ers' star george kittle. that coming up on the 7:00 news. up next on nightly news, we go inside an underground
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prison in gaza tonight, the u.s. striking back on iran-linked targets in retaliation for that deadly drone attack on u.s. forces in the middle east. the u.s. launching strikes on more than 85 targets in iraq and syria. the first video in tonight. our team aboard a u.s. aircraft carrier in the red sea launching separate strikes on houthi rebels. president biden's message tonight just hours after those three fallen americans made their final journey home also tonight, closing arguments in the trial of a michigan school shooter's mother jennifer crumbley back on the stand under cross-examination. the grilling she faced from the prosecution the judge in former president trump's federal election interference case postponing his trial set for just a month from now as he fights for immunity. and the d.a. prosecutinin


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