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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  February 8, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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someone said that was a sign that it looked like the bus rolled over. there is also a hiker but right here. within the last few minutes, a heavy-duty tow truck arrived on scene. that appears to be getting into position. we have heard some chains come out. so far, no movement on the bus. a lot of neighbors and people walking by, are just looking at the scene right here. they are taking it in as the bus just sits on the curb, and in the roadway. again, it looks like at this point, the heavy-duty tow truck is here. it was trying to begin the process of getting the bus out of the way. reporting live, christie smith, nbc bay area news. switching gears, talking about the weather. look at that. do you recognize those? blue skies. live look from a network of traffic cameras all over the
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bay area. finally, it is starting to move on. let's bring in our chief meteorologist. the rain is gone, but the chill is here. >> cold air settling in, certainly as we had through tomorrow morning. 99% of the bay area. a few less areas of the brain that are lingering here for a couple of sections. let's take you to the first one. we have two zones to track right now. this zone moving towards this area, 6:29. we have some moderate rain. the western edge of this, may make it to the eastern foothills through 6:30 tonight. watch out for shower 70. we are getting in on some dry weather, after all of this rainfall in the past eight days. san jose, over four inches. now, it is onto the cold. talking about an arctic blast. this cold air is dropping down from the north pole.
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this is going to be all the way towards the bay area. we have a frost advisory for the north, east, and south bay. it doesn't look like they will go below the mark. make sure to bring us pets inside. we have a full look at these temperatures. the weekend forecast in the sunshine, has both of you looking forward to it. that is coming up in about 15 minutes. >> as we are expecting the cold, we are feeling the effects of last weekend's storm. tonight, 8500 people are still in the dark. some of them are going five days without electricity. these crews are working on the most remote areas. damage powerlines and their repairs, have been extensive. nearly eight power poles and electricity sections have been restored to 1 million customers. it has been tough. we caught up with some of them trying to wash their clothes. doing best to stay patient with
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the electric company. >> i know they are working really hard. it is a freak incident with the weather. hopefully everyone is doing okay. >> we will be without power for i would say another week. i'm guessing. i don't know. they keep delaying the time. >> they say that anyone that has experienced an outage, for 40 hours or more, will get a credit ranging on their bill from $25-$100. san jose, ramping up efforts to close homeless in chemnitz. the plan is to include the walking trails near the river, and a new overlooking . park. they show us why the citizens and cities approach, is different. >> reporter: for anyone who has seen the homeless congestion along the river near columbus park, you can see the situation is as severe as ever. the city hopes to find a way to
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clear out sections, and keep them clear. san jose police officers were out today, hostessing -- posting crazy notices, giving them 72 hours to leave the streets at columbus park. part of a beautiful san jose project, launched by the mayor. this meant scrambling to move, but really only a few streets away. >> over here, it is bad. we just feel vulnerable about it. we don't really have a place to go to. >> reporter: homeless advocate person, says that is the age- old problem. >> they are going to go to the different neighborhoods, and they will be kicked out of there. people will be mad because they are in their neighborhood. there is nothing going on in the city right now for a plan of where the unhoused are going to go. >> reporter: there is a plan developing. they are trying to create no
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return zones across the guadalupe river. they are trying to clear the section near downtown, along the way, to make walking trails, as well as the children's discovery is in, become more accessible. they need to make the river a more public destination. this time, the city is using a public destination as a pilot program. focusing on one section, rather than focusing on the whole trail. >> we are trying to see what it takes to keep a place clean. we don't know what that costs. we don't know what that entails. we need to find out. >> reporter: the mayor says it will be a compassionate but hard-line approach. >> we have to continue to build outreach and trust. at some point, it should be someone's choice to live outside. >> reporter: they are trying to acknowledge the housing options to accommodate so many misplaced people. the city may want to establish a no return zone. getting them out may not be as
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hard as stopping them from coming back. in san jose, nbc bay area news. as you know, we have been reporting the governor's bringing in the highway patrol to catch criminals. he is trying to boost prosecutions as well. the governor and attorney general, are partnering with the attorney general, to bring in attorneys from the department of justice and the national guard. the hope is to increase the capacity to increase suspects accused of violent crimes, including retail theft, and auto burglaries. they have seen many major small businesses, forced to shut down, after continuously being targeted by criminals. a new crack in the case of multiple apple store robberies in the east bay area as well. showing you this video from monday morning, you can see that guy snatching iphones on bay street. police say there have been four reported robberies from that location in the past three
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weeks. yesterday, police arrested three people for a separate robbery that happened yesterday at the apple store. they say one of those people arrested is the man in this video. he was booked to jail for burglary, and organized retail theft. they are still looking for the other thieves involved. >> live look from las vegas right now, as the countdown is really on right now. three days away from super bowl 58. do you like to watch the super bowl, or the halftime show? you are all about the entertainment tonight. we are getting a sneak peek of what we can expect at halftime this year. a group of dancers from morgan hill will be taking the stage with him. they are here at the stadium with a story that you will see only on nbc bay area. >> reporter: they are getting the stadium ready for the big day. it will be a big day indeed for three bay area dancers.
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>> please join me in welcoming usher. >> reporter: he walked in with the swagger that he has earned in 30 years of music. talking about his super bowl halftime performance. >> fantasy lists have been going out, trying to figure out which song i'm going to perform first. they are trying to see who's going to come on the stage with me. i was very mindful of my past, celebrating my present. >> reporter: three people on stage, will be these three. they are from morgan hill. they will be part of his dancers. >> it is so exciting. i get to do it with my friends. it is an experience for me. >> reporter: they are part of a hip-hop group, called craze, the dance hall. they got the call. i sunday, they will be on the world's biggest age. >> i have always dreamed of being a backup dancer, on a big stage for everyone to see. having it come true, is honestly the best dream. >> you just have to mentally
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prepare yourself. knowing the amount of people that are going to be watching you, and the people that are in the stadium, it is a big experience. >> reporter: the dancers say, they are ready for the moment. ready to make the bay area proud. in las vegas, nbc bay area news. >> i can't wait to see them. coming back to the bay area, my goodness. live look at san francisco. dutiful right now. police are working with the state and federal partners to keep the cities safe on sunday. it also means traffic closures just like during the nfc championship. this is mostly going to affect traffic heading into the mission district. we will also be closing freeway off ramps in parts of the city as well. you can see that this is going to be a long 101 and 280. super 49ers super senior fans on the peninsula. residents from the senior community living scope center, check them out.
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a friendly bet with their sister community, the kansas city program. the losing team must post a video on social media, congratulating the other winning team. fans are excited about the big game. >> i'm very excited. i love that the 49ers made it to the super bowl. we are a loving community here. for the bay area, in general, it is great. >> i'm super excited. we have been waiting. all of the fans will be waiting for this. i think it is about time. >> listen to this. they have a lucky charm. a 90-year-old resident, who has been a 49er fan since 1971. she has been to the past five s played. and they won. set your alarm clocks. we are inup with the today show, hosting the ers pep rally. super fun. this is arting at 4:00 a.m..
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dress up in your 49ers gear. you might get on the today show, or you might get on today. this is our morning show. up next, emergency landing on the coast. take a look at this video coming into our newsroom. we are getting some details about what exactly happened. two gruesome murders, finally solved after four decades happened from these two cold cases. a chilly weather, already settling in. right now, 49 in napa. we will talk more about those morning temperatures, and the weekend forecast, coming up in about seven minutes. a special, scathing counsel report. you wa nt to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women.
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and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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no one was hurt after a plane landed on this beach. it happened just after 4:00 this evening. half moon bay. this is new video from the nbc bay area sky ranger. you can see this small plane, with its nose in the sand. no idea why this plane landed on the beach. the sheriff's department is investigating. tonight, a cold case closed decades later. two brutal killings in the 1970s. updated technology helps solve these crimes. nbc bay area, explains that the search for the victims is not over. >> 45 years is a long time. >> reporter: it has been four long decades with lots of unanswered questions for this man. she was just nine when her mother was brutally beaten and killed. in 1979, while her two sisters were asleep, it was in their
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home. >> i discovered her. reliving the scene in my head, i have relived it a few times over the years. this just made it come back. that they had come back again. some of the information was new to me. particularly the sexual assault. >> reporter: please say that dna evidence and updated technology led him to his death. she raised her sisters alone. >> she did everything for us. that was our home. we lost everything. we went from having everything to having nothing. >> reporter: he died in 2007 at 73. police say he is also responsible for the 1972 murder of this woman, in newark. investigators say that the woman were both killed in similar ways. her older brother found their mom's body. he died in december before getting answers. a sense of closure that will
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never come. >> it makes me feel fantastic, knowing that they know who did it. i wish they would have caught the person. he was still be alive and prosecuted. >> reporter: he was convicted and served time for multiple counts of rape in santa clara county. two families have found closure. he may have other victims in nevada. he may be also in idaho, oregon, and alaska, where he spent time. >> he had gotten away with it. >> these two cases are now closed. the search for answers is not over. >> reporter: investigators are still trying to determine if he can be detected to any other cases, and connected. they are trying to see if there are any similar cases. nbc bay area news. turning now to the climate in crisis. california's trees are dying in huge numbers. according to the u.s. for service. the report finds 28 million
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trees died last year. for service officials say it is the result of two little water insect infestations. take a look at this map. different colors represent the mortality of trees. red, is a very severe area. central sierra nevada, the tahoe basin, and other states, are experiencing the brunt of mortality. crews are preparing for the weekend. resorts are operating at 100%. they are excited to open grizzly. this is for the season. as far as the snow totals go, they have gotten 46 inches at the base. 64 inches at the summit. overall, they saw two to six inches of fresh snow from yesterday showers. on the mountaintop close to the bay area, also snow. san jose care, looking towards hamilton. of course, we can see some snow on top of the mountain. check out the view. time-lapse video from the
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observatory's camera, on top of the visitor center. you can see all of that snow overnight. let's bring in jeff. ski conditions this weekend. >> stellar. we have been waiting for this for quite a while. snowpack is now 75% normal through this year. 82% for northern sierra. those numbers are stacking up. we can sit back, relax, and enjoy the fact that we did get the rainfall. we are going to go through a drying period. we don't have to worry about it right now. from his microclimate forecast, we will show you what is controlling our weather as we head into the next couple of days. i know you will be happy to see this. high pressure is back. that is going to take the storm tracker, and give us a much deserved break. giving away to the north. the only hitch on this, is the circulation around this will continue to bring down the cold blast of air through tomorrow morning. a chance for patchy frog --
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fog. we have a drying trend officially for tomorrow. you will have a preview of that in the seven-day forecast rolling at the bottom of the screen. i will have some closure coming up in a couple of minutes from the seven-day forecast. we will get in on some sunshine. we will add some high clouds as we roll through 1:00 in the afternoon. we have another window of sunshine by 3:00 p.m. tomorrow. the chill is going to be on, even colder for tomorrow morning. from the south bay, 38. if you are headed out for our morning show, the 49ers watch party is going to be from the today show. make sure to bring your heaviest 49ers gear for that pep rally. from the north bay, 36. daytime highs as we move through tomorrow, pretty decent jump for it. overall, still chilly. light winds, and 58 in san
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jose. east bay, vallejo, 57. hayward, 59. 54 in half moon bay. they continue out toward san francisco. 57 in the mission. north bay, 53 here in clearlake. 55 towards north valley. drying starts tomorrow. i'm confident we will stay with that dry weather all the way through this weekend. i'm going to show you a wide view of what we are seeing right now. we have not seen a pattern like this in months. we have seen this. the polar jet stream, moving away to the north. one storm tracker to watch. they have a tropical jet stream, moving well over mexico. that is the jet stream that in the atmosphere. they have strong storms. we are in the middle. dry weather, with some sun, by saturday. i see some clouds rolling in. a lot in the bay area, looking partly cloudy.
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temperature of 63 here for the kickoff. you don't have to worry about the weather for the watch parties. the only hitch is through the coast. we could see some cloud cover in san francisco. we have some partly sunny to mostly cloudy skies. all eyes are going to be of course on the tv, and what is happening on the big game. several cisco, will continue with dry weather as we head into next thursday's forecast. those numbers are going to be in the low to mid 60s, all the way through next week. the countdown is on. please hurry up and get here. >> please hurry. up next, heads up. if you like to shop at trader joe's, they are pretending why joe's, they are pretending why you should
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution.
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in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. new pollution rules could improve air quality in the bay area. announcing tough standards for such. this is the impure carbon particles in the air. new national standards will meet strict rules from these powerplants. half of them in california are expected to be out of compliance from these new rules. that includes santa clara, and other counties. state regulators will have until 2026 to set those rules. judges are throwing out a lawsuit for hastings, changing
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their name. colleges have been renaming uc san francisco from last year. they have decided to change the names, due to the sounders. they have ties to the slaughter of native americans within the 1800s. they had a file for a breach of contract law. this week, a judge ruled that an 1878 law that said the school would forever be known by hastings name, wasn't binding. it could be changed. the lawyer says the family plans to appeal this ruling. a recall tonight of foods that contain a certain type of dairy product, contaminated. they updated dairy products. today, we learned that trader joe's contains four products that contain that dairy. recall for all of them. chicken enchiladas green, cilantro salad dressing, ace chopped salad kit, and southwest salad. if you don't know what it is, is a bacteria that can cause a potentially fatal illness.
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if it doesn't do that, it will make you really sick. customers who found those products in the refrigerator, throw them out, or take them back. you will get a full refund. up next, we all know about the big game. did you know the bay area has a couple of players in the puppy bowl as well? look toward sunday. inside rockefeller center, preparing you for nightly news. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. hey billy, how you doin? with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. thanks. it's happening. get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $1000 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today!
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california.
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steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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as we all know, the bay area is in the big game on sunday. >> we are not talking about the super bowl. puppies from the humane society of silicon valley are said to compete in the puppy bowl this sunday. 130 puppies are playing in a football game. the goal is to encourage people to adopt. >> this is so cute. this year will be the 20th annual puppy bowl. be sure to look out for frankie and niner. coming up at 7:00, fighting to close the gender gap within these boardrooms. >> trying to make it easy for people. no excuses. >> my one-on-one conversation, and that story coming up tonight on our 7:00 newscast. up next, nightly news, for test test test. test test test.
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test test test. tonight, two major stories. the special counsel report on president biden's handling of classified documents and donald trump's attorneys fighting at the supreme court to keep him on the ballot first, that report just out from special counsel robert hur, after a more than year-long investigation, finding president biden willfully retained classified documents, but recommending no criminal charges new photos of the files found in the president's garage, and what the report said about mr. biden's memory, and how he would look before a jury also tonight, the supreme court hearing in the landmark case over whether donald trump can stay on the ballot what the justices seemed to signal today. the military tragedy. the five u.s. marines missing after their helicopter crashed in california, now confirmed dead the grim discovery in that house fire near philadelphia. after a police shootout, the family of six feared dead just in, new video of the officers


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