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tv   Decision 2024 California U.S. Senate Debate  NBC  February 20, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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welcome to universal city in los angeles. we had rain today. the president of the united states was here. the next senator of california is here, as well. the candidates for u.s. senate have one last chance to make their pitch to voters before the primary election on march 5th. tonight, embassy 4 and telemundo 52 in partnership, i bring in the debate to california voters. i'm joined by my colleagues.
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in the next hour we will ask questions of the leading candidates that will showcase their differences. we are streaming in english and spanish. [ speaking in a global language ] >> with two weeks left, 30% of california voters say they are undecided. tonight we speak with four top polling candidates. congresswoman, barbara lee, representing oakland. adam schiff of burbank. he is the former chair of the house intelligence committee. katie porter, of irvine and orange county. she is a former deputy chair of the house caucus and republican steve garvey, a former great
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for the dodgers and padres. many think he should be in the hall of fame but should he be in the hall of congress? >> our goal is to show the positions of these candidates. the focus of the job and the responsibility of a u.s. senator. they will have 60 seconds to respond to questions. 30 seconds for rebuttals. 15 seconds for follow-ups. >> let's start. it was supposed to take down last month but it went up. we noticed in the last debate, you spent a lot of times talking about the minimum wage. he wanted to double the federal minimum wage. he wanted to increase the minimum wage in california. congresswoman lee was talking about a $50 minimum wage. it's going up in april for fast food workers. a major change to $20 an hour.
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already, mcdonald's, jack-in- the-box, tivoli, say they will raise the cost on the menu to pay for all of that. i believe that pizza hut said they will laugh about 1200 driver said i want you to address to voters who think this makes the cost of living worse. speak to that. to the problem of inflation and how many so watching, their money will be less tomorrow than it is today because of inflation. can a senator do anything about it? congressman shift, we will have you start. >> there is a lot that we could do about this. the problem today is not that people are not working, the problem is that they are working but they cannot make enough to get by. the answer is not to pay them less to try to keep inflation down. the answer is bringing down the cost of goods. bring it on the cost of housing. down the cost of childcare. we want to strengthen our economy and make sure that
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people can have good access to quality childcare and women can participate in the workforce. that will raise the economy. we could do this with a profit tax on oil companies. we could build a lot more housing. my family came to california when i was 11 in search for a better life and we found it here. my wife's family also came here in search of a better life. i want that to be true for future generations of californians. they could bring down the cost of goods. >> congresswoman porter, inflation? >> we need to make sure that washington is focusing on our biggest challenge, which is the cost of living. decade after decade, career politicians have not focused on our challengers with the cost
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of housing, childcare, eldercare, college. yes, we need to make sure that workers get paid a wage that reflects what they contribute at their jobs and companies. we also need washington to get in the game. decade after decade, they have not been there. you cannot raise the wage and hour or two, my colleagues say they want to bring down the cost of childcare. he is not on either of the two bills that would do that. he is not on a bill for assistance for people with housing. >> thank you, congressman. >> mr. garvey? in these career politicians, three years ago they were on the watch for what it is today. because he took office, he signed 90 different bills.
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what he did, he turned off gas and oil. when that happens, energy goes through the roof. it affects all elements of our life. the overspending in washington causes inflation. it goes from the table in the morning where mom is trying to figure out the week where she could see her children if she wants to. to the gas station where we have seen gaskill up $2 or $3. hard-working californians are going there and they are not buying 10 gallons. they are buying $10 worth of gas. he goes to the schools with affordability. this was all on their watch. >> let's be honest, first of all we have to talk about what it takes for people to live in
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california. we have a huge affordability crisis. the cost of living is much too high. at the federal level, we have to raise the minimum wage. we have not raised in a decade. in california, we have $16 an hour now. every single study that we have seen that has been written about affordability crisis in california, people are working two or three jobs just to pay rent, to afford childcare. we have to think about and talk about a living wage. what does it mean? over $100,000 in many parts of california, people are barely surviving. they are living on the edge but we have to think about what it takes to make sure people can afford to live in california. >> congressman schiff, you have
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15 seconds to respond. >> is nothing easier than to put your name on a bill. they write their own legislation. i've introduced numerous bills to bring down the cost of childcare to make sure that we build it into new facilities that we raise wages for child care workers. we have a scarcity. not a lot of people are willing to do childcare work but only for poverty wages. i do not think any family should spend more than 5% or 10% of their income on childcare. i propose a tax credit. you make a tremendous amount of federal money has been spent over the past ministrations. recently the head of the congressional budget office on capitol hill said that the deficit will be 2.6 trillion in 10 years. he called it an x essential threat to the economy because service on the debt will be so great. do you consider the
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deficit a problem on its way out? or if the federal budget needs to be cut, where would you cut? 30 seconds. congressman porter, i will have you start. >> we have to be fierce advocates to our tax dollars. we are sending money to washington and we should expect a return on that money. i am proud to be one person who would do the oversight who will push and ask, are you getting a return? is the bill going to invest in america's future, or is it pork spending to satisfy career politicians corporate donors? i want to invest in education and infrastructure to return to the united states. >> the deficit is not an issue for you?? it is we should cut it at wasted military spending at the pentagon. >> congressman schiff, can you
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take that issue with the deficit? >> this is a real problem. it's a big problem because the wealthy and corporations are not paying their fair share. there are fewer than 800 families that combined on the wealth. that is just wrong. we have to repeal the trump tax cuts. we can restore balance to the budget if people pay their fair share. if they are paying as much as the fans. i think that mr. garvey is with me on that? perhaps he is not. >> congresswoman lee? >> the deficit is a problem. when the trump tax cuts expire, the billionaires must be part of paying their fair share. we need to go back to the tax code to make sure the billionaires pay their fair share. it was said earlier that the pentagon -- i live with the
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republicans to insist the pentagon be audited. we learned that the pentagon recently flunked its sixth audit. it was that time that democrats wanted to audit the pentagon. >> mr. garvey, is there anything in the federal budget you would cut? >> of course that is serious. the last four years we have seen the debt go sky high. why? because of obsessive spending by government. they understand, it's been on their watch. 60 years of combined congressional work has caused the spiral to go higher and higher. let's get back to cutting interest rates. the fed last week the administration kept touting
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that all of a sudden the inflation is going down, it has not. >> thank you. >> two of you have talked about military spending and the omega. they have not met the recruitment goals in nearly a decade. the secretary has expressed concerns about air force preparedness for the readiness. given the state of the world right now, is the u.s. spending enough on defense? are we prepared for any kind of major conflict? congresswoman porter? >> there is no doubt that the world is facing dangers and our country is. i have issues of the three that we are facing from the indo- pacific. we need to invest in diplomacy. we have the strongest military in the world and i particularly want to support people like my brother who step up and serve. veterans and servicemembers lead to recruit into the
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military. we need to make sure that is where the tax dollars are going. to actually make us safer. not just to help huge corporations get richer to the pentagon budget. i think it is important that we separate the issues. how do we keep our men and women save and our country safe? we need to look at the future and understand the threats that are coming from ai, cyber, and new technology. >> mr. garvey? >> national defense is the single most important issue. without that everything else is irrelevant. peace and strength. we have to remember that we are the torchbearer for democracy around the world. we have to have policy that shows our enemies that we are serious, we will address every issue that approaches.
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we also have to make sure our military is capable of. technology wise, militarily, we have to have the best equipment. we need to make sure that our military is fully funded at all times. >> congresswoman lee. 60 seconds. >> i am the daughter of a veteran. 25 years. he served in world war ii and korea, japan. he was a proud patriot. he told me over and over again to make sure that our readiness was in tact and that we protect our truce. the pentagon budget is excessive. $890 billion. we need to cut at least 100 billion out of the military budget and put into readiness and into our troops. my effort to pass, military contracts, we worked with
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republicans to call back money to weapons dealers. they really stole from the pentagon in terms of tax ellis. we need to reduce the military budget. put more into readiness and into our troops and veterans. into domestic needs and more into development and diplomacy instead of increasing the budget. two congressman schiff? >> my dad is 96. he joined in world war ii. he wanted to join the marine corps but yet flat fee and bad eyesight. two weeks later he joined the army thinking it would be a different physical standard. it turns out the same standards for the same position. he was asked if he wanted to get in badly and he said yes, so he got into the army. i have great respect for those who wear the uniform. we have a challenge to recruit because we do not pay
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servicemembers enough for the dangers that they have to face and the hardships their families have the face. there are areas where we need to cut the budget. i met with obama to toss -- f- 22s, the pentagon said they did not need them and we could not afford them. the president said, if we handle the deficit, i'm need to make national security decisions based on national security. that's what we need to do. >> follow-up question that will be 30 seconds. i keep hearing the best equipment, training, readiness, there have been a number of military crashes recently, office reports, equipment is aging. all branches of the military need to modernize. we have military bases in the state of california that stretch from southern california, san diego, all the way north. we hear it all the time. thank you for your service.
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in reality, is washington doing enough to service the service members to keep them safe? i will start with you. >> the pentagon needs to put more resources into readiness and making sure that troops are protected, rather than allowing weapons dealers to steal taxpayer dollars. that's exactly what is happening. that is why i work with my republican colleagues to expose what's taking place at the pentagon a couple months ago. that's why i require the pentagon to be audited. with six audits, we need to put the resources into troops and veterans to make sure they are safe and have equipment they need. >> this is the most -- to visit troops all over the world. tragically killing
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servicemembers, there's no higher priority for me to make sure servicemembers are safe. we need to get that well- equipped with the resources they need. you do not often hear that from the generals. it's important to get the grown troops. i do. >> we need to simulate our defense. more competition among our contractors. for too many decades, washington has made sweetheart deals to defense contractors through earmarks. getting earmarks to make contractors. we have to ensure the people doing the work have the equipment they need. i'm proud to make it easier to get military housing.
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>> i will wrap this up by saying , freedom, has no cost to. it is whatever it takes. i think the freedom in this country starts on the ground, the air, and the sea. i agree, whatever it takes to do this, we have to be diligent, we are the torchbearer of the world. we do continue to serve our allies. let's make sure america is ready. >> mr. schiff, i will give you 15 seconds for rebuttal. >> we are strong disagreement whether senator should bring back resources further state that i believe that they should. senator porter does not believe they should. she believes in a political talking point. i want to help people find shelter. help people get food when they're hungry. any senator who won't do that will get gifted from every other state of the union.
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>> i would like to respond. the truth is, california only gets two senators for that will be 2% of the earmarks. we are 12% of the united states population. earmarks are about inviting corruption, conflicts of interest. >> as a journalist who has covered the latino community for many years, there are a lot of people we talked to on the streets who believe, they really believe from the bottom of our hearts, that they are being used by your party. the democratic party, every time there is an election. immigration reform, time and time, over and over again, but even when you have control over the house, the senate, and the white house, you fail to pass.
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why should voters, latino voters, trust you now on this issue? >> as someone who went to washington to do things differently, i'm not satisfied with democrats or republicans. i am of a generation who has only known the contributions. we need to give citizenship to the dreamers to provide protections. and went to senate and died. that's why i'm running to shake up the center. i will not offer the status quo. the status quo has been unacceptable and not enough for members of americans. i'm tired of hearing about comprehensive immigration reform. i'm tired of talking about paths to citizenship and i want people to have opportunities. the struggles we are seeing benefit big corporations who
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take advantage of undocumented labor. we should stop. >> thank you. you have been in congress for 26 years. you bear any responsibility? >> let me first say, the latino community should great us on the work we have done, the voting records. exactly what we believe in in terms of immigrants. i was born in el paso. it's a border town. secondly, i understand the importance of comprehensive immigration reform. border security will not work without comprehensive immigration reform. thirdly, it is a disgrace that we cannot allow our dreamers to become united states citizens. in the senate, that will be the first thing i will do in terms of making sure the path to
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citizenship for dreamers. farmworkers, we have not protected farmworkers the way we should. the modernization act should've been passed by senate by now. it has not been. it's very important that latino voters understand that there are some who may not believe that immigrants deserve the humane treatment, but our records speak for themselves. >> thank you. mr. schiff, you have been in congress for almost 24 years. what is your take on this? >> you are right that democrats controlled house and senate the first two years of the biden administration as we did for the obama administration. that is on our party. we will never get help from republicans. mr. garvey's party believes that this is a political get. they will not help with this. we have to do it ourselves, it
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means we have to get rid of the filibuster and pass a comprehensive immigration reform. i will work to make sure that happens. it's unconscionable that we have not done it. i remember speaking to a farmworker who lives in mexico. he comes across the border every day. gets up at 1:00 in the morning, works in the fields every day and goes back to the port of entry. one of the most hard- working people i have ever met. he is deserving a pathway to citizenship. my record of advocacy and leadership, we have an action fund, united farmworkers have endorsed me. i will be a champion for comprehensive reform. >> mr. garvey, the recent immigration bill was killed by republicans two weeks ago. partly because donald trump wants to keep the issue alive to use it in his presidential campaign. how can latinos trust republicans on position? you
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have 60 seconds. >> first of all, we have had 50 years of having a wonderful relationship. as your next elected u.s. senator of california, i pledge that you will be my priority. you are the hard-working californians who get up every day, you have come here the right way. the right way to california. this was your dream. you are experienced in that dream but you are not experiencing the dream through inflation. through our challenges. you deserve to be protected. that is why 544 page bill could've been done by one swipe of the pen by the president. all they needed was one page to say, secure the border. let's stop illegal immigrants who come to this country and invade our communities. the take away from those people who are the heart and soul of
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california. >> talking about that bill, this is a follow-up question to all of you. the bipartisan security bill was called the most conservative bill in 40 years of our country. it would have raised the standards. it would have provided more border security. it would have allowed border closures at eagle crossing. it was supported by president biden. senators from california, voted against it. how would you have voted? you have 15 seconds. >> i would have voted, no, quite frankly. for me, the bill was not having the standard that i insist on. issued include components of immigration reform. it should be humane. it should have due process. this did not have any of that.
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>> mr. schiff? >> alex had no seat at the table nor did any other hispanic caucus member. is not surprising the package turned out to be lopsided. i would support a package that had a comprehensive immigration report. >> i would have definitely voted, no. it was against american values. it demonized immigrants by trying to ignore the fact that they came here to seek a better life. the reality is that our country needs immigrants for a strong economy. we should focus on human trafficking and gun trafficking. >> if the bill comes around again how will you vote? in there were too many things packed in there. too many things were hidden. i would have voted against it. let's turn to a fundamental issue to be u.s. senator. i will ask a couple yes or no
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questions. i will give you an opportunity to explain. >> this week is the second anniversary of the russian invasion into ukraine. can you stipulate that three house democrats who voted for the senate bill authorizing $60 billion in aid to ukraine, you would've voted for that? mr. garvey, would you have? >> yes. >> it depends on what was in the bill. >> did you read it? >> in the bill there were provisions. >> let's ask again, yes or no. the united states will deploy u.s. trips to aid taiwan if there was an invasion by china. do you support that platform
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congresswoman lee? >> no. i would not support that. >> adam schiff? ms. porter? >> so the u.s. troops. mr. garvey? >> with no troops on the ground. >> with the hesitation on the floor. that the united states failed with israel. and it's no piece in gaza until hamas is removed in a leadership position that it held in the strip. do you support the declaration from the government? yes or no? >> i support. >> the palestinian. >> ms. porter? >> i would vote no. >> explain. >> mr. garvey? >> no cease-fire. >> and along the same lines.
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would you vote for a resolution that israel has to impose an immediate cease-fire right now. with no conditions. to end the war? barbara lee? >> yes. >> no. >> no. >> know. >> i will have you explain but in doing so i would like to also express your sentiment towards the 45th president of the united states has said. many people in the states. america first. they want to disengage. and on a number of occasions. whether we should be in nato alliance. there is concern about us pulling out. what is the role of the united states in the world in terms of american foreign policy? and you have 60 seconds. barbara lee. >> for peace and security it
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has to be a priority for our foreign policy. let me explain what i mean. i was the former chair of the appropriations committee. funded our development and policy. we funded it to about $60 billion. defense was about $830 billion. we need to rebalance our foreign policy. we need to make sure that we put more to prevent wars for the development and pharmacy. introduce military budget in many ways. that was the only pathway to peace. for the united states needs to lead. and seeking a peaceful war. that is the only way this planet is going to survive. yesterday my challenges. but we have more of our investments into preventing wars. for the development and his diplomacy for the military and. helping young people throughout the world. understand. >> thank you. america's role in the world? >> first of all. there is a right to defend
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itself. there were attacks on october 7th. and i cannot see how there could be lasting peace. as long as a terrorist organization is governing gaza. i cannot see how there could be a cease-fire. and more or less. we will make every effort to avoid civilian casualties. avoid. and turning to the former president of ukraine. ukraine has just lost our beacon. the city has gained in reclaiming the port on their end. that was a terrible loss to ukraine. and a lost to democracy. and in part because republicans in congress would not approve aid to ukraine. that we should approve, immediately. and i'm calling on the congress to act. sees russian assets. to help fund ukraine. and even and indispensable
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nation. we cannot advocate that responsibility in the least. congresswoman ms. porter? >> we should be a beacon for human rights. that is a touchstone that should guide our foreign policy. we should be centered on those values speak with every country in the world. i think it is important to recognize this concept. that the results of the attack by hamas. in the parties conflict must determine what will be a lasting cease-fire for them. we could not just pass resolutions. the united states need to support peace. and recognize. we need to recognize the incredible humanitarian disaster. and in . be clear to israel as our ally. we expect them to be a champion for peace and democracy. it is important that we look at our values and invest.
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there was terrible damage. on our world stage. and with russia to grow. and we are all suffering the consequences. >> mr. garvey, many people that we are extending america first. we should focus on domestic issues. it's not essentially be the police officer for the world. what do you say? >> a campaign based on common sense and compassion and consensus. i think i said earlier. we're the torchbearer for democracy around the world. the world is watching us. how we support our allies. of course our ally in ukraine. looking at taiwan obviously. if they need help. i support israel today, and tomorrow. i believe these countries that we support. have a right to sovereignty.
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but as everybody looks at us for strength and weakness. we have to maintain that straight. so when people look at us. we are determined. for china, russia, iran. anybody that feels they can become a threat to democracy. >> i agree with mr. garvey. a beacon for democracy. but how is that possible? how is that possible? >> you took up the second. and you can respond to that mr. garvey. this comment. >> i do not understand what he was talking about. >> let me explain. >> we appreciate it. but his argument is that you voted for donald trump twice. and you have not decided what is going to happen. but to defend in your words. the foreign policy agenda of the previous president. you have 30 seconds. >> look at the news camera and speak to the citizens of california. one on one as your senator. i will do everything to maintain your security.
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i am not concerned with anyone being. i am concerned with 38 million californians. and millions of americans. >> ms. porter? >> the reality is that mr. garvey has been am not clear on where he stands up to donald trump. and even and not voting for joe biden. that is trump republican who has said that he would be 100% and at all times. >> thank you. i appreciate that. >> a partnership for our next question. he is a sophomore studying marketing and management. >> i am worried about the universal impact of climate change. what actions you would commit to to address the issue.
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>> mr. garvey you have 30 seconds to respond to that. >> i think climate change is real. it is man-made and natural. i believe that three years ago there was a rush to judgment by the administration. i believe that gas and oil were turned off. which caused a tremendous strain on our economy. if it would have been more thought out, this would have been less stress. the most important thing for us to do. to be aware. in this country, we do have problems. quickly, just to wrap this up. >> your time is up mr. garvey. ms. porter? >> i'm proud to be the candidate of this race. spending time in congress on climate issues. i serve on the committee and i the hope to hold us to account.
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adam schiff has taken corporate checks from bp. and these are household names. they are the polluters. so if you can count on us and to deliver the climate change that we've been waiting for for so long. >> adam schiff, you have 30 seconds. >> first of all. this goes back to my days as the prosecutor in los angeles. to go after big oil companies. and i prosecuted people. even to mexico. and of legislation to expand mass transit. digging congress i expanded cutting-edge research. with green energy jobs and also to crack down oil companies. with profits. and it took time to response. >> 15 seconds. >> i am not clear about her record. taking thousands of dollars from the oil industry and bankers and thousands of dollars from people.
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the problem with the purity test. to establish is invariably. california wants people that once things done. >> let me have 30 seconds to respond. >> had 30 seconds to respond to climate change. you have 15 seconds to respond to the rebuttal. the truth is that the level against this super pack has been rated false. do not take my word for it. and independent fact checker has rated that as false. but i have a choice when i go to office to never take corporate money. adam schiff has taken a different choice. taking nearly $2 million. >> your time is up. barbara lee, would you like to weigh in on climate change?
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>> i cannot they get in my colleagues tonight have really lived in a neighborhood. where a smelled was commuting chemicals throughout their childhood. i lived in el paso, texas in a black and brown community. these toxic chemicals make everybody sick. and they had a lasting impact. climate justice is extremely important. in the senate i would fight to make sure that we passed the green bill that includes former fossil fuel economy to a green economy. pass our environmental justice laws so we can reach out to our front-line communities. and compensated. and able to live free from toxic pollutants. >> i am curious. nobody mentioned it nuclear. california has long had a capitol beach nuclear power plant. it represents a percentage of the power plant. it does not contribute to global warming. but it takes of a fraction of
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the space of a advocate. i a am interested. the governor has extended that the nuclear regulatory commission would extended to five years. now another 15 years. the president is in support of nuclear. i am just curious. do we support the extension? or does nuclear have a law in fighting climate change? donald trump tien katie porter. >> if it was safely decommissioned. i see this in my own backyard. >> thank you opposed? >> yes. i would just close it. the time has been established has been effective. we have invested two new technology for energy. i am a proud energy of the nuclear fusion caucus. but it does not produce any hazardous waste. or the risk of any dangerous e mittens.
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>> congressman? >> the good thing is to decommission the plan. also that nuclear energy has a role to play. in our energy portfolio. however, leading to the renewable energy. will have to move to wind and solar. with transmissions. but if we want to get ahead of this? i think that we can get ahead of this. and we need to bring in a new deal and have an urgency. away from fossil fuels that are killing the planet. and to green energy sources. >> i think nuclear is part of it. >> i would support the decommissioning of the copper canyon. but i do not support nuclear power. when you do we have a good transition to a green economy. the jobs could be lost as a result of transitioning into a green economy.
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they would have to be make certain that the workers have to have job training, retraining and the workforce development. with wages and benefits to transfer out of nuclear power plant. so i fully support it. >> and it is supposed to be decommissioned next year but it has been expanded to five years. do you support the extension? >> no. >> mr. garvey? >> i believe that this plan should be again, safe. and it should be viable. but i think that when we talk about clean energy. how we talk about it nuclear, we talk about when. but there was always a place. this country wants on gas and oil. when it is all said and done. the people were the ones that will tell us what they prefer and what they need. >> ai, artificial intelligence. this is an economical challenge. from security risk to consumer scans, privacy. and in fact two major strikes
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this summer. 30 seconds. how can we have confidence that you can get this under control? adam schiff. >> we have to have strong regulation with ai to protect the public good. we cannot afford to make the mistakes we did with social media. essentially leave them free reign to do as they would with this respondent. and we are the subject. we also need to have a good service to ai. i was proud to be on the ticket - lines. making sure that the workers in the entertainment industry had protection against the ai. the potential to their jobs. we also need to address these changes in the workplace. in light of these new technologies. making sure that the workers.
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>> barbara lee, ai. >> ai can be for good. or to harm people. it is important that right now. we develop a regulatory environment. they can be used for good. if we look at what has happened to technology. look at what is happening to our young people . we can use ai. to help with our climate crisis. education, healthcare. also we have to be careful that it is not going to be discriminating against people. there are issues around that we have to address with ai. >> thank you. mr. garvey? should it be regulated? >> i cai is here to stay. and of course a number of things.
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>> that is when we have to have regulation. >> mr. garvey, thank you. as a lifelong consumer advocate. i can trust on the powerful interest that i back. and also a handful that is spread false truths. the touchtone should be safety, privacy and competition. those are the things that we should be thinking about. what we have right now is none of those things. you cannot have a toaster explode in the marketplace. but people can put it into the marketplace. that reinforces discrimination. it is on there and unsafe. >> let us talk about the individual candidacies. a couple of individual questions.
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when you are a member of the california legislator. you are a former prosecutor. you introduced a number of bills that were crime related. from what i understand. this allowed a 14-year-old to be prosecuted as adults. in some criminal cases. i believe you also offered a bill that would expand the police rights law. you have decided that you have learned from that experience. there were people that said that they were insensitive to communities. and subject to a mass incarceration. do you regret some of that legislation? >> i certainly would not offer the same situation again but i am proud. the same years in the 1990s. i authored, along with my colleague, the crime prevention
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law. which is been described as one of the most successful, long- term and juvenile justice programs in the state history. i am very proud of that. and i spoke with body cameras. for police officers. so i am proud of my record. but ever since i was a prosecutor. the safety. for people in my district and california has always been my priority. >> steve garvey. for better or worse ? the u.s. senate is on seniority. you have committed to be a one term senator. what do you believe is going to be the impact or you are going to have on the senate? >> i build a championship teams and bring people together. and i said on day one will start a march to go to other 99 senators. and to meet with them and tell them that i am there to build a consensus. i am there to bring people together. and dysfunctional washington needs a new phase with new ideas
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. somebody that is willing to get up in the morning. and for all the people of california. i do not think my opponents are running for all the people. they are voting for half the people. >> what is going to be your impact of legislation? that you will introduce in the senate? >> well i graduated from michigan state with an education degree. i have not had a chance to get to the classroom that is the most important thing i can do. getting back to reading, writing and arithmetic. the next generation of our children are our new leaders. >> thank you. barbara lee, the increase in violent crime has forced many residents and people and businesses to leave the city. including starbucks and subway. we have chosen to close some of those stores. this is your district. a city where our fellow journalists cannot go out to work without an armed security
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guard. to cover any story. what are you doing about this? >> public safety is real. in my district and throughout the state of california and the country. things that are near and dear. we have to continue to work together with the federal government, the state and local government. to make sure that we have the public safety team together. to really address violent crime. because police officers need to be able to address violent crime. in 18 that is come together. the public safety team is addressing the public safety issues. we have to meet the underlying causes. and that is that we have to get the guns off the street. in oakland and every community. and past the assault rifle ban with the ak-47s off the street. >> thank you.
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congresswoman and ms. porter. >> 27 house members have an endorsed adam schiff. based on your website. which i checked just before coming on air. you have just one. one house member. garcia from long beach. and why is that a good thing? when a senator needs to work to have his other people to come up with legislation and get them to vote. you have 30 seconds. >> i am proud of the relationships i have with colleagues. they put their trust in me. electing a deputy chair of the progressive caucus. two spots of the largest caucus of the time in the house democrats. and i've also been twice selected to be there subcommittee chair. because of these chair people sought me out. with regard to endorsements. i would say that i'm committed
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the proud two of the endorsements of a true state senators. >> these are not your colleagues. they do not work with you on a day-to-day basis. these are state senators, and the attorney general from california. why not your colleagues? i have the endorsement. >> of garcia. i am proud of that. and i went to congress. to not have a hold on corporate interest. i have a different interest. we should be engaging in special projects. and i have had people with powerful special interest, push back. and it impacts what they do. >> thank you. and you have each been in the public eye. and we all know that can painting can be very difficult. is there is something they have learned about your self during this campaign? barbara lee . >> what i've learned about
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myself during this campaign. my background and experience of the obstacles that i faced in my life. southern californians are facing them now. i have also learned that i've been able to help so many people meet these challenges and i intend to do that the senate. >> thank you. adam schiff? >> i have learned that californians are looking for people that can get things done. problems with housing. and childcare, there is real problems with affording the cost of living. i am also when i found about myself. an ability to work to team up together. not just my colleagues in congress. but also the majority of organizations. >> mr. garvey? >> people around the state have said steve garvey, thank you.
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bless you. thank you for running it. we need you. current politicians have failed us. we need a new voice back in washington. in the senate. we trust you. we put our lives in your hands. >> what have you learned about your self? >> i started this campaign because i believe in the people. i love my state. i want to represent all the people of california. i will be rootless. >> steve garvey, did you respond to the question? ms. porter? >> thank you. what i've learned about myself. institutional washington that serves itself does not want to change very much. we have seen this big dark money here in california. the greatest democracy. flooding with lies. >> closing statements? you have 35 seconds. this is the last to meet. >> thank you for the currency
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of friendship for all of the years. to all of the people of california. this has been a journey. but if you feel the quality of your life is the same now that it was three years ago? if you believe that this crime in the streets that is relentless. if you believe that the crisis at the order is real. inflation is stifling. you are family. i want you to vote for me. i want you to go to steve and you know in your heart. tonight was a night where i'm putting your heart and my soul. i want to represent you for 6 years. >> barbara lee? >> thank you. thank you to the voters that have been watching this. i think it is important to know. i know what it takes to make life better for everyone in
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california. i have faced so many obstacles. being on public assistance. not being able to afford childcare. having to take my children to class with me. i know the 20 million people live in just one paycheck away from poverty. and i want to work for you in the united states senate. to make life better for you. i know what it takes to pick our democracy. protect our democracy. and to protect. i'm so proud of reproductive endorsement of this campaign. because the democratic life has getting taken away. please vote for barbara lee. >> thank you. adam schiff? your final statement? >> dianne feinstein was a giant. she had the ability to take on the big fights. also getting things done. she take on the nra and we got an assault ban. she delivered the california everywhere. this is what i'm going to bring to the senate.
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dianne feinstein was a great example. she was a doer. she got things done. and i want to make sure that the imperial valley helps. for simi valley, that they can go. with water that they can drink. and citizenship. the north are protected. have access to healthcare. i want to be a center for all of california. that is what i will be. >> congresswoman ms. porter? >> californians, you do not have to choose . between having a career as a politician. or special interest in having somebody that is not a lot of ideas or experience at all. i will give you an example of how i delivered results without ever being. during the urban - the covid- 19, early days. i went toe to toe. with the top public health
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official of donald trump. i got him to promise free testing for every single american. regardless of immigration status. that saved lives. you can have results without having a career politician in washington. or corporate washington or a corporate agenda. >> thank you. >> time is up. thank you for joining us tonight. a special thank you to our partner. we hope that the conversation here with our candidates offered some clarity this evening. keep in mind the primary is two weeks out. your vote counts. the economy is simply not working for
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millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. right now on "nbc bay area news tonight," who will be our next senator? the top four candidates making their case during the final debate before the march 5th primary. also, strong winds and storms and flooding. showers still on the radar


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