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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  February 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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the idea is to reduce congestion on this highway. critics say building a new express lane will create more problems than it will solve. >> we believe that this is a terrible option. it's bad for the climate, low income neighborhoods living next to it, and it will also negatively impact caltrain. >> reporter: he said adding a lane would only encourage more people to use their cars instead of taking public transportation. drivers were skeptical about adding an express lane that could help the commute. >> it would cause a lot more traffic because everyone will not want to pay for the fee and someone like myself, it would not be a benefit to me as a commuter. >> reporter: the transportation
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authority is considering another option in this 7-mile stretch. converting an existing lane into an hiv express lane. right now the county is conducting a traffic preview. there is a financial benefit. the current express lane on highway 101 that goes from the santa clara county line to interstate 380 will bring in $20 million in a year, with the money to go to tolls and fund bay area transit projects. transportation leaders will make a decision on this in november. they will or a third option of making no changes. president biden is back in the bay area raising big money for his reelection bid. he arrived this afternoon before hopping on marine one for the marina green.
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he was greeted by a crowd of spectators. you can see the motorcade. he then went to a fundraiser in pacific heights hosted by nancy pelosi. police have been prepping this neighborhood putting up barriers throughout the day.>> they want to make sure that everything is safe. we had construction going on. >> it is a big deal when the president comes to neighborhood. this is a three day campaign swing. christy smith is one of the many reporters following him through our area. she joins us now from sfo. >> reporter: air force 1 arrived this afternoon, and then president biden went city on marine one. he was met by nancy pelosi this afternoon. and mayor london breed was here.
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there is another campaign stop tomorrow morning in los altos hills. it will add to the $42 million that they race to january. we spoke with larry gerston today. >> they will take upwards of $10 million, which they expect to bring in in the . and they will send it to places like arizona, nevada, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, maybe georgia. swing states were money infusion can make all the difference in the world. >> reporter: earlier today a stop in southern california he took the opportunity to announce that they are forgiving 1.2 billion to certain powers.
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after tomorrow he will go directly to the white house. you saw us some sunshine outside, but we did get some rain. this is in sausalito this morning. let's check in with jeff. we did have scattered rain, but tomorrow will be a little bit better.>> it will be totally dry from the morning. right into the afternoon. on the radar we see a few spotty showers. there is a little shower on the south side of windsor. that will continue over the next 20 minutes. overall, when we look at the 40 rainfall totals when we had rain from saturday into tuesday, we got 3.31 inches.
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san francisco 1.93, and the north bay anywhere from 2.5 to 5 inches of rain. we had all that damage. on the good side of things, all of that lane has cleared up the air quality. good air quality from the north bay to the south bay and we are looking at the sunshine for tomorrow. by this weekend there is a new storm system shaping up for the weekend. i will take you through the time line and show you when we will see the showers so you can plan around that. slowed down, not so fast. they are putting on the brakes for driverless cars. we broke the news place last night. >> reporter: after watching waymo roll through san
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francisco for 6 months, the san mateo county board of supervisors hurt they wanted to come to their area next to they will worry. >> we cannot stop the technology, but what we can do as it advances as local government is to provide guardrails, processes, systems, to make the technology operate in a safer manager. >> reporter: so they asked the cpuc to delay their plans and it worked. for san mateo and los angeles counties. they now say that they will have to wait at least 120 days to make the move. most people we spoke to said they do not want driverless taxis right now. >> people are walking around and we really need drivers. >> i think keeping that part of
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in person is important. >> reporter: the supervisor said he does not want san mateo county to be part of their experiment. county officials also say they would like to hear more from him about what the company plans to do here. we reached out about the decision and the company did not comment. authorities have identified a three-year-old boy who shot and killed by his mother's boyfriend. this happened yesterday in santa clara. the three-year-old was shot. gomez is the mother's live-in boyfriend and was not related to the child. he's been arrested for murder. new legislation announced today to prevent repeat criminal offenders from
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committing the same crimes again. a bill was introduced. it would require the state to share what an inmate does to earn early release in july bail to anyone who commits a felony with a firearm after being banned from owning a firearm. the bill will prioritize victims in the public's right to know how and why criminals are being released early. a group of nurses are preparing to strike santa clara county if there conditions are not met. nurses are part of the mrs. professional association. they rallied outside valley medical center today and say that raising concerns to the county about short staffing, growing violence against nurses, and the growing mental health issues among nurses. there are also demanding more competitive pay. they said they try to negotiate for months and they said they
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reached stand still with the county so they voted to authorize a strike. >> the negotiations team has been met with opposition from the county on very basic proposals. for example, maintaining the nurse to patient ratio on how critical their injury or illnesses. we now know administration is manipulating on the ratio and stretching us more thin than we already are. >> we did reach out to the county. they said that patient care and safety is a top priority and said they will continue to work toward a fair and competitive contract that will allow us to maintain essential healthcare services for our community. coming up next, this may be the most controversial bike lane. why the shops along this road want the city to pay up. and weather is calming down.
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we are tracking some problems in the north bay when we come back. after all of the rain lately, sunshine is on the way tomorrow. but talk about a lot of wet weather. i wanted to share some of the latest numbers coming in tonight. and look at this in santa rosa. for the season we've seen 29.74 inches of rain. that is 127% of normal and when you compare it to the max it is 30.98. we are close to getting what we should have for the entire season. we will talk more about another storm for the weekend and what it will mean for the plans you have saturday and sunday. our investigation into deadly crashes of the osprey aircraft. our officials moving too quickly? and a measles outbreak in sout
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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you made scene the center bike lane on valencia street. it has been and experiment for the last seven months. now we are getting new data about how it's going. a lot of people are unhappy with this. >> reporter: some bicycle riders have been calling this a bike freeway. you can quickly get through this corridor. but the intersections are daunting.>> one area like this is confusing. it took me a bit to figure out what we are doing. >> reporter: the results of the first three months of valuation are mixed. bicycle traffic increased but only by 3%. there have been 20 collisions, but the report did not compare that to time frame before the center lane was installed. what is not represented are the
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complaints about business owners, especially about changes to parking on the street.>> you have to think about the bike lane in the middle and people not being able to park and grab a coffee and go. >> reporter: as a pilot project continues, they are circulating designs for changes. they are very similar to the designs that exist on valencia street from 14th to market. they were supposed to continue the full length of the street. during the pandemic this was popular for park let's. >> about three quarters of them have gone away. >> reporter: it could take months to make a decision on replacing the center lane. some of the most vocal critics are already applauding them for considering a different design.
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the rain is gone but the damage is still here. crews are working on powerlines. washington street knew the double eagle ranch. that happened early this morning. a tree fell onto a power pole in the powerlines were knocked onto the street. right now the road is still closed. >> reporter: a lunar lander is set to land on the moon tomorrow. it will be the first american spacecraft to land on the surface since the apollo 17 landing. it was launched by a spacex rocket last thursday. it could also be the first private mission to touchdown on the moon. a retired european satellite has fallen back to earth. it's been in space for about 30
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years. the satellite was launched in 1995 collecting data on the oceans and land surfaces. it was retired in 2011 and today it fell back to the earth falling in the pacific ocean between alaska and hawaii. pretty incredible. it was about -- much of it burned up when it entered the atmosphere. no damage to property has been reported. it just pops into the pacific. this looks nice. >> it is nice to even be able to see the skyline. we are expecting sunshine as we head through tomorrow's forecast and warmer temperatures. let's put it all together for you. as we start off now, the doppler radar we have a few spotty showers left 20 north bay , but we are on the last leg of
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any kind of activity. tonight we expect dry weather tonight. we will have some areas of fog throughout the day. it looks like high clouds will mix in for tomorrow morning. overall it will be overcast. and watch out for reduced visibilities that could be a half-mile or less. but the payoff will be awesome. through the afternoon we will have mostly sunny skies and could still have clouds around livermore in the peninsula in parts of the south bay. generally partly cloudy to mostly sunny. morning temperatures down to 45 in the south bay. for the east bay checking in at 43. we will warm up in this will bring us back to 65 in san jose. and with the sunshine and the mid 60s, it will feel perfect
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across the south bay. did east bay 62 in vallejo. 64 on the peninsula. 62. 62 in the mission and 57 for the marina and 62 in napa. and dry weather as we move to the forecast. we will stay with dry weather on friday and even on saturday. the next storm system is lining up as we head into sunday and monday. everything we are seeing now keeps the center of that storm system with the strongest rain offshore as this moves down the coastline. we are eventually expecting to get rainfall. as we head into sunday afternoon and evening we will see scattered rain and that will continue into monday's forecast with snow in the sierra. totals overall about a quarter to a half inch. we will be able
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to get through that. thursday through saturday dry weather in the first part of the weekend sunshine coming in. by next tuesday and wednesday mostly sunny skies. this is what we've been waiting for. 66 on saturday and low to mid 60s as we head through next week's forecast. i see a lot of happy people on the set tonight. >> look at all that sunshine. coming up next lawmakers coming up next lawmakers take the first step
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy.
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ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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an exclusive home is on the market for a .5 million. we are looking inside the late senator dianne feinstein's home. it is an the neighborhood of spring valley. the senator and her husband got it in 2001. it is called willow oaks. one of the agents said her favorite room was the breakfast nook. the red room is where she was believed to have done a lot of her work. there is a great roommate a famous story about a meeting between hillary clinton and barack obama had of the 2008 election. in addition to this home she
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owned properties in the bay area as well as lake tahoe, aspen, and hawaii. righting the wrongs was the idea behind this legislation. a report delivered in june. it would compensate people whose property was taken on race based cases of eminent domain and seek an apology from the governor and legislature for human rights violations, and programs to decrease violence would be funded with this money. the caucus chair said the bill aims to address how californians are still impacted today by slavery. >> we are standing here to fulfill the true meaning of the word reparations. to repair. it involves a comprehensive approach to dismantling the legacy of slavery and systemic discrimination.>> the bills
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call for cash restitution to be paid to individuals. the san francisco opera is cutting back on their season. they are scheduled to open september and run through june. they typically host 8 to 10 productions. this year there will be six. general director said the rejection is due to financial struggles. this is the 102nd season. nvidia is posting record earnings. they reported more than 22 billion in revenue versus an expected 20.6. they said they are expecting 24 billion. they've been the biggest beneficiary of the recent technology search. shares of 9% -- shares are up 9% right now. coming up beyonci is making
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history. why her latest hit is a special moment in music history. lester holt is getting ready for the nightly news. this is a look inside the control room. one of the top stories is an outbreak of measles in elementary school in florida. lester will join us in about is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. hey billy, how you doin? with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. thanks. it's happening. get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $1000 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate.
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...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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how about this? garth brooks once an encore from travis kelce. he invited him to sing at a bar opening in nashville next month. the bar is named after friends in low places. travis kelce said the chiefs version of that song. no word if travis kelce's girlfriend will accompany him. beyonci is breaking another record. this time it transcends all genres. she's now topping the country charts with her new single, texas hold 'em. she announced the debut during the super bowl with the surprise release of two songs. number one hits are not new for her, but this makes her the first ever black woman to have a number one song on the charts.
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she can do it all. tonight we investigate a potentially new problem at the millennium tower. it appears to be sinking in a new >>. and we will be live at the presence of that coming up at 7:00 p.m. coming up, a controversial ruling in alabama that declares that frozen embryos are actually babies. how this is impacting the hospital system and what women say about it.
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tonight, the largest hospital in alabama pausing ivf treatments after a controversial court ruling on frozen embryos. the university of alabama at birmingham hospital suspending ivf treatments after the state supreme court ruled that frozen embryos are children the hospital saying they fear criminal charges or lawsuits. also tonight, the brother of president biden testifying in the house gop's impeachment inquiry. what he told them as prosecutors say a former fbi informant admitted the lies he spread about the bidens came from russia just in, the u.s. sailor on an american warship charged with spying what we've learned the passengers on an american airlines flight restraining a man with duct tape after they say he tried to open an emergency exit in midair. the mudslides shutting down part of the pacific coast highway after days of rain. also, multimillion


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