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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  February 26, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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streaming platforms. right now people in an apartment compline say they are fed up and want something done. what they are asking from the apartment manager that management company. two major supermarket chains want to merge and take -- there trying to block it from happening. there's another effort to recall governor newsom what are the chances it will be successful? our political analyst larry is live in studio. the news at 5:36 right now thank you for joining us. let's start in san jose were people say they are fed up. their cars are getting broken into. it's happening weekly and they
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actually think it's the same people coming back over and over. nbc bay area explains what they would like done. residents say it's a hotbed for car break-ins they shared windows smashed out not just cars in the street but in a parking garage too. >> it's been happening every day. >> we are in a low income community. costs a lot of money. >> there's four cars broken into they been stolen just this morning last week residents say seven windows were smashed and another car was stolen as well. today was the final straw that's why they called us to ask for some help highlighting the issue. >> unfortunately it was one of the others.
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we have our neighborhood watch is going to protect them? >> one resident asked us to not show her face she will be targeted again her car has been stolen from the parking garage three times in the past six months each time it's found thousands of dollars in damage has been done. >> they broke in. the transmission is broken. nothing. others got encampments across the street could be part of the problem. >> there's a lot of homeless going on we don't have nothing they are bringing so much activity. >> we reached out to management at the nonprofit which runs the complex for low income families but did not hear back residents want them to higher 24-hour security and want more police patrols in the area. they are trying to organize a town hall saying something has to give. moving forward. it is called a mega merger
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that lawmakers are trying to block. kroger and albertsons. over $24 billion deal back in 2020 to the grocery chain says the merger would help them compete against walmart and amazon but the federal trade commission and california's attorney general disagrees they believe the merger with me fewer choices for consumers and drive prices up. today they will try to stop the deal. we have more details on donald trump civil fraud case he's moving to the appeals court. former presidents attorney saw the notice of appeals today. his trial over his civil fraud lawsuit started october last year. the state accusing him of lying about it as well. also inflating the value of his property. a judge ruled last month that he has to pay $454 billion.
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another penalty a judge ruled last month he has to pay 454 million. he's not allowed to leave any -- the appeal assured the legal fight over his business practice will be in the thick of the presidential election but he could lose a sizable chunk of his fortune and it could force the sale of some of his most iconic holdings including the trump building on wall street. more on mr.trump nbc news is reporting the former president is seeking an endorsement from one of the biggest adversaries we are talking about minority leader mitch mcconnell. he was publicly criticized. partly because he planes him for january 6th. advisers are talking it's about a public endorsement for mr.trump. the election campaign as he runs again for president.
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last week he said he's not sure if he can even work with mcconnell, even if he gets his backing. he declined comment. here in california governor gavin newsom is facing the threat of a recall again you might remember he was recall back in 2020 a new recall effort for rescue california and saving america. it's about the budget deficit of the state surrounding health care, immigration and public safety. recall proponents say they have 400 senators right now but they will need nearly one and a half million signatures in the next couple of months to get it on the november ballot. another recall would just be wasteful and it's a distraction from the current site for democracy and reproductive freedom joining us now is our political analyst. he's no stranger to talk about
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efforts in california he's co- authored books on the recall election of former governor craig davis and current governor gavin newsom. you are an expert let's talk about it. we go again. how many attempts now to try and recall the governor? >> this is the seventh for this guy. 55 since the recall began. only two by the way have ever succeeded ongoing on the ballot. the other one for this guy here back in 2021. >> only to recall attempt to better qualified why so few? >> a minute ago you talked about 400 people looking for one and a half million? that's the problem. that's the number of people that voted in the last election. about 1.4 million legal signatures hard to get. the second highest.
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>> let's talk about the people behind the latest recall effort he is leading this charge and why -- what are they complaining about? >> it's the same group by the way that went ahead and tried to get the governor recalled last time. he got absolutely skunked. here some of the things they are talking about the budget of course is out of whack. other things like wasteful spending. the way they come out of covid. also getting so much state money. there's some other things too you can see there's something for everyone here on the other hand how many people are actually going to get jazzed about it?
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>> this is what people have been talking about what are the chances the recall election will actually happen? >> you see the data it doesn't look very good. awfully hard to get all the signatures they don't have a lot of money to spend across millions. they are just going to go house to house. costs too much the odds are not very good but you never know what happens in california they can't have a scandal or something like that for the moment he is in pretty good shape. how much money what this spring for republicans running for state and congressional offices? he will come out looking very very nice. >> it's all just an attraction right now. thank you so much. mehta is putting together a team to tackle ai abuse specifically for the upcoming european parliament election. those elections will be put in place. voters select each of the 27 countries. 400 million people can vote.
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they are fearful of disinformation because of rapid growth of ai. mehta is putting together a team for the upcoming election the experts of the company's intelligence data science legal teams and more. they won't be working alone. microsoft, several other take companies work together to prevent any interference in those elections. the newest country to join nato. they will join after two years. they require unanimous support from all members before allowing the admission. hunger was the last moves. nato now consists of 32 countries including the united states. she paid for her new driver training school but couldn't get the company to send her proof that she passed. i'm consumer investigator chris nbc bay area responds. next.
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>> i'm chief meteorologist we will get more of that sunshine for tomorrow and dry weather but the next storm already lining up i will have a close look at the snow that looks to look at the snow that looks to be off the "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down."
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and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. with democrat katie porter. i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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nbc bay area responds today his road to a drivers license was bumpy. she turned for a little direction. susie didn't want to go on camera but her parents were okay with telling her story they pay $39 didn't want to go on camera but her parents were okay with telling her story they pay $39.88 for susie to take an online driver's ed course with a company called driver ed to susie past and her course was supposed to culminate with a certificate so she can take her
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learners permit test. 12 weeks later, no certificate. we contacted the folks who run driver ed to they sent susie the certificate. and advised the students to avoid scheduling appointments until they received their certificate. california licenses driver's ed schools. it's licensed. if a school isn't licensed the dmv doesn't accept your coursework. before you choose a driver clinic training class go to the dmv website to make sure the school is licensed. if you need help driving home scan the qr code on screen right now. transits across the bay area. his ridership was so high this
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week and it reached a post- pandemic record on saturday alone he had over 60,000 more passengers than the saturday before. let's talk about why. much of that came from chinese new year. this search comes after it means some changes running fewer cars increasing stability which is making it safer for passengers on board. coming up in oakland on sunday. it will be a rainy weekend. it was beautiful. >> that's how the dragon was going to help. we were at 70s this weekend. and was an early spring preview. we have some sunshine in the way and we will get into some
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big-time changes. expecting dry weather a little bit of chillier on morning temperatures they will be cold. we will be able to handle that. coming up out here in the pacific this one's got a cold blast with it some of the coldest air probably we've seen all season long and a good hit of rain coming towards california. those details on this storm system coming up in a minute. let's take it there tomorrow morning's forecast. i think we will get down to 42 in the peninsula and 42 in the south bay. the coldest in the valley at 49. we will be under mostly sunny skies so have a jacket and also take the sunglasses.
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nice day. 65 in napa. 50s that the coastline. this one we are talking about a massive amount of cold air wrapped up. a center of low pressure by wednesday. we come into thursday coming and going on thursday. we get hit with some of the heaviest rain on friday and into saturdays forecast. snow levels that could go down. with that storm system when it comes to rainfall we are about a quarter and a half. up for the north bay we will be in that one-inch maybe two inch for higher elevations
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thankfully it will be spread out over a week. that may happen with this storm system. that's it for the bay area we will get you up in sierra. 16 kirkwood. you may want to change your plans it's going to be coming down. it's the current snowpack numbers. we stay on track. 110% and plus. we will get in on some dry
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weather. coming up on sunday. some rain coming up. we get in and out with this and sunday is already looking nice right now. >> it is. the fan favorite moving on from the team. it's going to be sad. brandon crawford's new home. democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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we are in the portion of spring-training. the young guys are trying to make a name for themselves. this afternoon a wild game and spring-training bob melvin looked to score some runs after being shut out yesterday. they actually trailed 7-0 to tie the game at seven thanks to tyler fitzgerald grand plan. they put the lead at one point but they fell 11-9. any chance of the giants bringing back brandon is officially over the 37-year-old shortstop winning two world series with the cardinals. he had an emotional farewell
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last season when the writing was on the wall that he would be back with the giants. crawford is recognized as the best shortstop and put on a giants uniform in addition to winning two world series. >> oh my goodness! that is the voice of chris kerry calling last season for the aa minor-league. he's part of the new broadcasting team which also includes major league baseball first ever primary woman announcer jenny cavanaugh. just 20 for the fourth- generation mlb broadcaster going all the way back to his great-grandfather. the legendary harry garris. his lineage may have been
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noticed. >> i got involved other people didn't get it it was my job to make sure they knew i would do the best job possible. you can catch the games on nbc sports california. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more.
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a trial date has been set for alec baldwin. stemming from that deadly movie set shooting. the prosecutors receive new analysis of what he used during filming. it took place in 2021. baldwin fired a prop gun loaded with live ammunition and wasn't supposed to have that. the gunshot killed cinematographer helena hutchins. at expected to last eight days baldwin has pled not guilty and begins july 9th. another criminal case . the legendary song hotel california. the eagles founding member testified he never gave away handwritten pages. henley says it was stolen in malibu. the case around the handwritten pages of what are believed to be the first written lyrics of hotel california. three men are facing charges
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for firing -- illegally possessing those pages. staggering donations from medicine. a stunning number of current and future medical students will earn a world-class education without paying a dime. dr.ruth donated $1 billion to the albert einstein college of medicine in the bronx believed to be the largest donation to any medical school in the country. the gift is to provide free tuition to all students. >> i'm happy to share with you that starting in august this year, the albert einstein college of medicine will be tuition free. >> is not crazy? look at everyone's response. they get staggering bills. currently anyone enrolled for a fourth year will be reimbursed for their spring semester tuition and beginning of august going forward they will receive
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free tuition. the 93-year-old widow of wall street financier david. talk about paying it forward. that's wonderful. right now at 6:00 after a one weekend, a cooldown is headed our way we are tracking rain this week in the cooler temperatures coming with it. updated timelines near the climate forecast. >> alignment scene unfolding after the illegal street show in the north bay. a looting, a shooting and a vehicle set on fire and a man's brutal attack caught on fire. what i -- what neighbors are asking police to do now. today the city's mayoral candidate responding to them. catching up with the top candidates today.
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we begin tonight in san francisco with the opioid epidemic. today the mayor and some of her challengers sounded off on their plans to deal with those massive issues. the bay area. >> reporter: during the march to city hall dozens of people calling for a change for the opioid epidemic. the city needs to create as many options as possible to stem the growing tide of overdoses. >> we need to take all kinds of action which means accountability for the dealers more drug treatment. treatment on-demand. can even mean supervised consent. >> reporter: this was not supposed to be a political rally but he took to the podium the crowd burst out chanting. the mayor's speech included
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details about the number of people being lost to addiction she says san francisco is now averaging two deaths per day the mayor also took credit for programs that were created during her tenure to address the issue including expanding treatment, a crisis team and funding abstinence-based treatment programs. at this rally she and others also focused on the growing debate over so-called harm reduction programs supporters say the programs which aim to manage addiction, rather than push someone to overcome it, is a realistic solution. >> harm reduction from my perspective is not reducing the harm. and making things far worse. >> reporter: one of her challengers joined the march but did not speak at the event he does not support getting rid of harm reduction strategies and other solutions are needed to address the complex problems. >> what has been missing,


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