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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  February 26, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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details about the number of people being lost to addiction she says san francisco is now averaging two deaths per day the mayor also took credit for programs that were created during her tenure to address the issue including expanding treatment, a crisis team and funding abstinence-based treatment programs. at this rally she and others also focused on the growing debate over so-called harm reduction programs supporters say the programs which aim to manage addiction, rather than push someone to overcome it, is a realistic solution. >> harm reduction from my perspective is not reducing the harm. and making things far worse. >> reporter: one of her challengers joined the march but did not speak at the event he does not support getting rid of harm reduction strategies and other solutions are needed to address the complex problems. >> what has been missing, is
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the last five years leadership under the mayor. we have the funding, we have the resources but no coordination. >> the san francisco city hall also comes with daniel with his plan for unhoused and mental health treatment. >> reporter: some of his planning includes better coordinating, many of the city is already available options but police and first responders also need more options for dealing with people in crisis. >> we will open a 24/7 drop off crisis center where police and crisis centers can drop off individuals in mental health crisis are those who have opted for treatment. >> reporter: we reached out. among his proposals is to audit nonprofits that are tasked with some of these issues. the video is tough to watch. this happened just before
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sundown. the intersection of springs road and rollingwood drive. the driver of a pickup in the middle of all this. he was chased into a nearby 711 appearing to stab him as several people loot the store. it's just the wild wild west. >> we need more cops here badly it's flawless here. it's getting terrible you can't go anywhere. >> the guy that got dragged out of the truck, he is expected to recover from his injuries but police are looking for more information about the people that you see in that video in the attack, in the looting and at the show. managers of 711 to the nbc bay
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area has been looted, robbed multiple times. police have been slow to respond each time. they said the department is trying to higher you currently have fewer than 80 sworn officers in the department budgeting for more than 130. a shoot out in standoffs forced an entire neighborhood into an all day lockdown is now over. the suspect is in custody all within the past two hours. miriam's live in san pablo for the latest details what are you learning? >> sheriff's deputies plan to reopen the road in the neighborhood this afternoon. neighbors were relieved because some of them had to wait 10 hours to get back into their home this all started very early this morning.
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seven gunshots overnight in san pablo. residents reported hearing gunshots around 1:00 this morning triggering the standoff in lockdown. someone shot this video of the sheriff's deputies with guns drawn approaching a home during the standoff. it's still unclear if this is the whole -- they only confirmed they responded to a nine person barricaded in a home near rachel drive the area known remained under a shelter in place order all day. we spoke to a man who said he just had dental surgery and couldn't get back to his home. he was one of several. >> i'm trying to get my pain medication and my daughter is in the house by herself. >> reporter: classes were also
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canceled today because of the shelter in place order there is still no word tonight on exactly how the standoff ended a county sheriff's office will only say a suspect is now in custody. neighbors told us that sheriff's deputies have responded because of domestic disputes. reporting live, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. let's go outside. a live look for some of our cameras started off sunny most of the day and we got a little bit of rain but not a lot. don't put the umbrella away. >> jeffrey with all the rain we've been getting. >> it's going to certainly stack up for us and a hard turn after all that sunshine this weekend and was just amazing.
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right now the current ranger scan we have a few spotty showers at the north bay. what i wanted to show you tonight is the rain season with all of the storms of the past two months were now at santa rosa 5.5 inches we seen 31.5 inches so far this season in san francisco and san jose a little bit of rain in oakland one -2 1/2 inches we can totally make it up from that. the next storm system we see out here is starting to push and some cold air to the north bay so we have a frost advisory 33-39. chilly air in sonoma county tomorrow morning and that storm system is eventually going to get here as we head into thursday's forecast leaving through saturday. total for the bay area, tran were going to see one of the top headlines is certainly snow from thursday into saturday in three days 79 inches 51 in tahoe 65 in kirkwood and snow levels around
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auburn between 1-2000 seat of snow coming our way have more in the forecast coming up in about 12 minutes. a speaker that is really a day-to-day struggle. one of the biggest issues. apparat san jose out of the get together calling for better access to affordable housing. >> reporter: the numerous community groups wanted to make sure city hall heard them today so before they went to the community and economic development meeting they made their voices heard outside. about 100 people made up of renters and community groups supporting tenants rights rally that city hall to approve a program giving preference for affordable housing to tenants who already live in the neighborhood where the units
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exist or will be filled. there is a policy first proposed around 2018 mainly to protect renters you face an influx of workers solidified in 2020 when the city said it set aside affordable units for those who met income requirements. still a policy that will evolve and protesting renters want the community and echo -- to refer the issue to the city council to get a concrete policy done and help those in limbo. >> those that are most vulnerable, those people that don't speak the language and don't know how to be able to stay in one place. >> reporter: community group activists echoed that sentiment thing people of color are the most likely to be displaced. >> high rent is a constant stress and affect our community. >> reporter: the group marched loudly into city hall but were
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quiet and respectful at the meeting reiterating what they set outside. most liked what they heard. some committee members had questions about the number of units that will be built and set aside and concerns about how property owners and managers will react, the committee unanimously approved it for the counsel. prior to the group getting inside a committee member had already shown his support. >> it's one of the few renters on counsel. i have personally experienced our housing crisis. >> the full city council will review the policy on march 19th and if approved a day when the policy will actually start. the counsel will be quite a bit more resistant than the committee is today. and san jose, nbc bay area news. >> a popular restaurant that a major grant to help reopen the
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stores. it's been closed ever since. the alameda county board won't greenlight a $100,000 pandemic based grant for that restaurant. the money would come from a pandemic stimulus and aid package that was given to local state government experiencing a drastic loss in revenue due to the pandemic. social media in the national spotlight again tonight. discussing social media post should be considered protected speech under the first amendment. back in 2021 texas and florida passed a law restricting social media companies to
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decide which posts to allow and which to remove from the sites they did so after lawmakers claim companies like facebook and twitter were censoring certain users, especially conservative users. today the supreme court heard four hours of oral arguments and whether or not they are constitutional. >> reporter: what you see and don't see is being debated by the supreme court in a case many say will determine the future of the internet. >> one of the biggest cases to affect the first amendment in the digital age. >> they banned social media companies like instagram from deciding which posts to allow in which to pull down. the state says the companies were stifling free speech by removing conservative voices they disagreed with opponents say it's led to increased tape speech online. backed by government role. >> if we have our government mandating what our experiences are and what we may be forced to see on a given platform, that is just an early precursor
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to authoritarian tactics. >> the justice as part of the favored companies police content on their own sites which will limit how much suede government has over regulating social media. >> the question is can florida and texas tells social media companies how to moderate content on their platforms? >> if companies had all the control some content with suffer in the name of silencing critics. >> you will see the companies be very aggressive in taking down anything that's controversial. and it will become a much less useful much more bland area. the court is expected to rule sometime in july also how its ruling will affect other internet sites we use a lot like huber, then mel and gmail
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where companies are not known to moderate what users post we will keep you posted. nbc bay area news. more signs oakland is walking away from the east bay. the demand that tenants have for the apartment owners do something. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness.
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we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo.
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i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. likely no surprise but now it's official. say it isn't so oakland is no longer rooted in oakland. over at the coliseum as they removed the signage that reads rooted in oakland since 1968. coming down ahead of the oakland a's , march 28.
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the goal is to get to las vegas. the question is still in the air. it's going to be years. the oakland a's in the city of oakland talked about a lease extension they say they talked between athletics and the city they were positive. sacramento is a front-runner from the age of 2025 to 2027. now they want the complex management and police to do more to solve it. people south of downtown some cars are being broken into every week. today they reached out to us for showing windows smashed out seven windows were destroyed and today for more cars were broken into and if it was just stolen right out of the parking
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garage. >> unfortunately and was one of the elders. we feel like if we go and we do our neighborhood watch, who's going to protect us? >> they are calling on apartment management they want more police patrols in that area tenants are also trying to organize a townhall to brainstorm other solutions and reach out to the nonprofit which runs the complex for low income families but did not get here back. a live look from the bay. looking beautiful outside. joining us now starting off looming. just like that like you said it would. >> after this weekend i'm on everyone's good side for now but the next storm system gets here we will see. is going to stack up for us at the end of the week we will
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have good timing and more details coming up in just a few minutes. the forecast coming up tonight we will started off with our doppler radar spotting showers out here across the peninsula and for the east bay. were going to be under this window of drying and clean from this area of high pressure right there wednesday. lots of sunshine on the way. we will get into some chillier mornings. next storm system is already in view out here in the pacific not only the rainfall but some extreme snow expected. i will have those details for you but as we roll it through tomorrow morning down as low as 42. tryvalley at 39 and for the north bay going down with 36 and for the east bay, 40 temperatures through tomorrow with sunshine it will be a warmer day but no 70s like we had this weekend. 62. 65 down there towards gilroy in
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the east bay. 62 vallejo. the livermore peninsula. sunshine out of the north exterior 61 for the north bay. 63 here in santa rosa. the next storm system starts to get here on thursday this one has got a lot of cold air wrapped around as it's dropping down from the north this will be one of the few storms we see really coming in from the north. most of our storms are the atmospheric rivers coming in from the south. this one will feel different. looks like it will start to arrive by thursday morning. we will be okay with the rain totals thursday morning and the higher totals as we head into friday. overall, over three days 3/4 to
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2 inches spread out over three days. wind at 25-50. we could see snow levels down to 1000 feet. that one is going to hit us pretty good overall totals three quarters to about two inches for the north bay and at the coastline the lower elevations three quarters to about an inch and a half. when it comes to the wind, we see the wind gust up friday afternoon and another burst of wind by saturday. coming up at 22 and 50. back half of the weekend is dry with sunshine and we will get more dry weather on monday. that forecast is shaping up thursday, friday and saturday. the big headline the storm will be at the sierra and we are talking about six feet of snow. road closures and avalanche warnings. is going to be dangerous.
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$550 million. $550 million. coming up from a prison
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate."
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"known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. new at 6:00 tonight a california prison are already convicted of murder is now facing federal charges of swindling the u.s. government out of millions. prosecutors say the inman led a scheme of $550 million in cova
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tax credit. already doing time he's also charged separately with running a drug trafficking ring at the valley state prison investigators say the operation involves smuggling them into prison in shipping out large amounts of methamphetamine. prosecutors have also charged the inmate's mother her husband and another woman and not tax fraud scheme. silicon valley hit a slowdown it's come from a report today from the silicon valley looking at hiring in santa clara county and southern alameda county and revealed that over a period in june last year they added about 2700 jobs but the year before they added 88,000 jobs. that's a drop of 80,000 new hires. the reports show the household income is on the rise and the
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economy remains. this is going to be fun. season 25 of the voice begins tonight and they are shaking things up with their 2- 1 dl. they are coming on board as the first-ever pair of coaches. grammy winning singers performed on the show before and they served as mentors but tonight they return as coaches. joining john legend with chance the wrapper. coming up at 8:00 tonight. another show is returning with a new twist. after the boys deal or no deal returning tonight at nbc but a very different look. the show has moved out of the studio and onto a tropical island they will find big money around the island in a season- ending jackpot deal or no deal
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tonight at a special time of 9:30 right after that season premiere at 8:00 you can watch it all right here on nbc bay area. up next, fall is beautiful and group that is is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today!
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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bald is beautiful.
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gathering for the annual baldness appreciation festivities. lighting up the world with their bald heads. balding from all over japan part of the competition they had to identify a person by looking just at their bald heads. the bald heads. they all meet up for another round of competition. coming up tonight at 7:00 a game changer a life- threatening allergic reaction. that story and much more tonight. new video of terrifying moments from a shooter started firing at the lakewood church. chilling demands all caught on camera. joining us from new york right now.
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tonight, the presidential primary race moving on to battleground michigan as donald trump finds himself facing another potential legal hurdle the manhattan d.a. asking the judge for a gag order in the former president's hush money case before the trial next month. it comes hours before polls open in michigan. mr. trump taking on nikki haley days after beating her in a landslide in her home state, south carolina. and just in, president biden raising hopes of a new cease-fire in gaza when he says it could happen. also tonight, just released, the dramatic body cam of the deadly shooting at joel osteen's mega church. what it recvreveals. also tonight, the


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