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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  March 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:34pm PST

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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. now at 11, get out and vote, that is the message as the
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clock ticks down to super tuesday, the polls open eight hours from now and election officials are working overtime to get ready. california and 15 other states hold primaries tomorrow. >> have you turned in your ballot yet? supporters are using the final hours to get voters like you to the polls. we begin our coverage from san jose. >> on the night before super tuesday it is all hands on deck at the santa clara county registrar of voters. boat center is open 10 days before election day. here are the ballots coming in from today, each job is critical. from picking up the ballots across the county and dropping them off at the registrar of voters in unloading and taking them into start being processed. they are divided by precinct. >> someone has to check the
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signatures to make sure they match the signature on file. they need to go through the process of cutting the envelopes. >> when all of that is done it goes into the county room, this is where it is going to be busy tomorrow. the latina coalition of silicon valley made calls to remind people to get out and vote. >> i think it is important because otherwise we are not seen, we are not heard and we remain invisible. >> you can still vote by mail tomorrow were drop the ballot off at a boat center or a secure drop box. there are more than 100 of them countywide. these are a couple of the drop boxes you can leave your ballots out. they are locked up and they tie around over to the bike rack. >> a lot of them are at county facilities so there are cameras
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on them. every single one has a temper seal on them. >> i am hoping we can make real change here especially with ending homelessness in our community. >> nbc bay area news. >> who will take over the late senator's seat of diane feinstein? two of the competitors campaigned earlier this evening. the two are in a battle with the third leading democrat katie who was in the bay area yesterday and the republican front runner is stumped for votes as well after a recent surge in the polls. he is on track to take one of two slots in the general election. given that democrats are split between shift, quarter and lee. >> it sounds like a truism that this is the most important in
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our lifetime but it is the most important in our lifetime. >> sometimes it is against my own party but voters need to know i will do the right thing and look out for them and work to make their lives better every day. >> there are two u.s. senate races on the ballot, the first decide who will take over the remainder of feinstein's term, the second decides the full six- year term that begins in january. >> they area republicans are expressing something they have been missing for years, optimism. not only does garvey have a chance to advance to the november ballot, they are seeing a movement towards the gop statewide. >> it has been a long while since republicans took a statewide election in california. it is a primary, nationwide,
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party leaders are hoping to unite behind trump by overwhelming nikki haley following a huge victory for trump that keeps him on the primary ballot in every state. >> i will be a little bit formal but i was out doing door hangers with my dog. >> reporter: chairman john says he is feeling what the gop is feeling tonight that their party is gaining steam in the golden state. >> this vibrant california needs somebody they know and they can trust will go to washington and go to bat for them every day. >> it is not just a recent la times poll showing garvey coming in first place tomorrow. >> that combined with a excellent and outstanding voter registration number showing the democrats losing 40,000 voters and a net increase between the two of 100,000. >> nationwide gop presidential hopeful nikki haley is taking
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his message to voters in texas this evening. >> we will put 25,000 border patrol agents on the ground. >> the and maybe near for haley, republican voters are casting ballots tomorrow, more than 800 delegates at stake. many in winner take all at stake. >> after tomorrow, where she will likely be defeated in every state, that should be the end of things for her. >> adding to the trump optimism, today a supreme court ruling that keeps him on the ballots nationwide in a new york times poll showing trump leading biden in a head to head matchup within the margin of error. polls showing more americans have a unfavorable view of mister biden over trump. despite the increase in republican voters, democrats
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still hold a 2-1 advantage statewide. >> we have you covered for tomorrow, scan the qr code on the left side of the screen, it will take you to the primary elections guide. or go to and click on super tuesday. we have what you need to know about the big races, the candidates and how to cast the ballot. recovering from the blizzard in the sierra, this is what it looks like a long i 80. traffic crawling through the mountains but it is back open. >> a epic storm and now the dig out. let's bring in our chief meteorologist. it's a still snowing? we are getting a little bit of snow as we continue through tomorrow. one of the top numbers at sugar bowl, 10 1/2 feet. this year is no lab six feet and still counting. kirkwood at five feet.
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overnight not a lot but trace amounts, two inches we will add to this but we are looking at snow free conditions for most of the sierra wednesday and likely into friday. back at the bay area we had all of the rainfall the last 3-4 days and look at the latest numbers. santa rosa so far, 31.9 inches. we have now reached the max we should have any typical season already. we are six inches above, a surplus and we have the rest of this month and next month that can still give us rainfall. when it comes to the current doppler radar we are tracking a new system offshore. i have details how much rainfall this system will bring us and i am back with a new update in four minutes. >> it could be several days before things are back to normal in the sierra which sets up for next weekend for eight ideal trip to skiing.
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>> following the closure due to blizzard conditions i 80 is open for travel but drivers must prepare for slowed traffic conditions with one lane open in areas with heavy snow. traffic has been upper to proper or at a dead stop all day. >> if you live in it then you are used to it but if not, i would say do not come up here if you do not have to. >> it has been amazing to see the work the cruise have been doing. >> caltrans says crews have been working around the clock clearing snow from highways with the blizzard leaving 11 feet in spots. >> there is a lot of snow we need to move in order to get the highway back to the way it was. >> resorts are feeling the impact as well. check out this video from sierra at tahoe. >> we had all of the road
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equipment working in the snow caps working in the army of people taking out everything from the lips to the lodges. >> brian is the operations manager and he said it will be open for limited operations tomorrow but it will be a slow process getting things back to normal. >> once we get the snow pushed out where it needs to go i think we will have a great weekend coming up but it will take us a couple of days to get the mountain dugout. >> they opened today but not at full strength. several let's remain closed because of the storm. they shared this video on social media to explain. winds blew out windows on this lift. they had to be cleared before the chair could start spinning again but tomorrow is a new day. nbc bay area news. >> we invite you to stay up-to- date on the latest weather, be sure to download the free application and the qr code will take you to the radar.
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point your camera at the code to access the weather page. a woman charged with the murder of his wife tomorrow. he killed both women and their bodies have yet to be found. he reported his wife and mom missing in september, he told investigators they drove to southern california following a argument. in december he was spotted driving his wife's car which was later discovered in oakland. based on the evidence found in the home they believe he is responsible for their disappearance and murders. tonight for sheriff's deputies are recovering after getting hurt in a chaotic and deadly shootout. one of the deputies is in critical condition. it started after midnight on todd road in santa rosa were deputies were responding to reports of a man with a rifle. they arrived they spotted the suspect's car and the driver started shooting and took off.
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he later crashed into a fence and opened fire on the deputies. the shootout ended on stony point road. the white chevy sedan was towed with several bullet holes. neighbors say all of this was terrifying. >> i heard about 20 or more gunshots in intervals like 6-7 at a time. >> investigators are not saying how. of the deputies injured one was shot in the lake and to have hand injuries in the fourth remains in critical condition with head injuries. activists pushing to recall pamela price is one step closer from putting the issue in front of voters. the group called safe turned and 124,000 signatures today, 50,000 more than needed to qualify. this a price failed to hold criminals accountable. the da refused the claim saying the group is misleading voters
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and using victims for political gain. >> actual policy change, we have heard nothing. >> we should not have to do this but for the safety of our community and children, the safety of our businesses, this had to be done. >> the county registrar has 10 days to count and verify each signature, if the required amount is validated a special election for the recall will be set for as early as april or may. back in 60 seconds, next vanished without a trace a decade ago with 239 on board. tonight the new plan to solve the mystery of malaysia airlines flight. it is the reason governor newsom was in the bay area today, what you need to know before heading to the polls. before heading to the polls. i am the chief
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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we are counting down to super tuesday, less than eight hours before the polls open in california. some of the states biggest political hitters came together today in support of proposition one. the governor joined the da advocating for a yes on prop one. if approved it will authorize the use of 638 billion in bonds to build to help treatment facilities and it would also build permanent and supportive housing for the homeless and help veterans. democrats have been trying to fix the problem since reagan was governor. >> we need to stabilize people and you with the underlying reasons they are on the streets and sidewalks in the first place.
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>> opponents say california does not have the money especially with the looming multibillion-dollar deficit, they point out the state has a poor track record taking bonds approved by voters and spending them on things they are not supposed to be spent on. what happened to malaysia airlines flight 370? nearly 10 years after the plane vanished the search is back on. it was march 2014 when the boeing 777 disappeared on the redeye to beijing. radar and satellite data suggested the plane made a mysterious u-turn, flew back over malaysia and eventually headed toward the southern india ocean. after the search and 2018 the texas-based company said it wants to try again. this time using autonomous drones to find the plane and the 239 people on board. >> whatever needs to be done
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must be done. >> the truth, that is all we want. >> ocean infinity says it has been innovating and enhancing its technology in robotics and analyzing the flight data to try to narrow down the potential crash zone for a new search. >> several problems with owings production practices were uncovered by the faa following a six-week arctic triggered by the door plug blowing out of the plane mid air during a alaska airlines flight in january. tonight they published the findings of the investigation, found issues in boeing's manufacturing process control, part handling, storage and product control, they gave boeing 90 days to develop a plan to correct the quality control issues, and interim the agency says it will continue to oversee operations at every facility. the school district is
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facing a civil rights complaint saying that district ignored severe and persistent harassment of jewish students. it was filed with the federal department of education by the center of human rights. they received accusations from more than 100 students and parents, one mother told us she pulled her son out of a art class because of the anti- semitic actions of his teacher. >> his art teacher was showing anti-somatic images in class and telling the children that is real had just murdered a bunch of civilians and they all needed to go to a walkout against genocide. >> after the hamas attacks on israel in october, she has documented 57 reports of anti- semitism in the district from other families, she also claims her complaints to the principal school board and superintendent fell on deaf ears. berkeley unified says it stands
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against all forms of hate and vigorously investigate each and every report. tonight a new bill is in the works and that dealing with the issue of homelessness and getting people off the streets in san jose. lawmakers introduced the housing act at evans lane today. if passed the bill will speed up the process of building interim housing like the ones you are looking at and help people transition from those encampments to permanent housing. san jose has decreased its on shelter population by 11% last year because of places like evans lane. time to talk about all of the snow and the rain in the bay area as well. >> just a little bit as we head into tomorrow, nothing major, we have the storm system offshore and what is different about the storm is it will move down the coastline so the bulk of the weather will stay in the
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pacific. just a spotty rain chance tomorrow. let me show you more details in the forecast. as we head into the morning commute we will have a chance of spotty showers around san francisco, the bay and the northbay but as we head to the day tomorrow it is mainly cloud cover that will linger throughout the bay area. only trace amounts of rain totals to about a quarter of an inch for the northbay, little to nothing for the peninsula, south bay and east bay. as you head out tomorrow morning to drop your boat off and cast your vote, temperatures on the cold side. have the jacket with you if you are up early to get things done before you go to work. 49 over the peninsula, the south bay at 48. 47 in the northbay. 50 in san francisco. as you move through tomorrow with the cloud cover temperatures will warm up decently, 64 across san jose. over to the east bay, 61 at
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oakland, 58 at half moon bay. up to san francisco, 57 at the marina. 58 in sonoma and 57 in the valley. while it has been good to get rainfall to keep the drought away, i know so many of you just want sunshine, we are confident we will get a area of high pressure building in by thursday and friday moving the storm track to the north. it will keep us dry and bring back the sunshine. look at the seven day forecast in san francisco. 60 on thursday. a few showers on saturday, a dry sunday and more shower activity by monday. none of the rainfall looks like a major storm system and check out the inland valley forecast, 67 on friday will be a incredible day as we head into the and of the work week. don't work on friday will never
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feel so good to so many people. this weather will be nice. >> we like the sun icon later in the week. >> we have only had a handful of those this year. >> next the giants newest stars on the field on the field mr. box? i had this idea... is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box!
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my french toast sticks are back starting at $2.50. now with a sweet new twist - cinnamon sugar churro. dunk, bite and savor them any time of day. or all day!
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it's totally up to you. only for a limited time. welcome to jack in the box! new at 11, stealing a driverless car is not as easy as getting into the driver seat. a man found out the hard way over the weekend. vincent jones allegedly hopped behind the wheel but it just dropped off a passenger, when he tried to put it into drive he could not get it to move. a employee used the communication system to get jones out of the vehicle and call police. the man is now facing charges of grand theft auto. we have a better idea of california's high-speed rail system and what it can look like. the project calls for large buildings, plazas, riders would board bullet trains on a elevated platform.
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later on san francisco and san jose would also have stations running to the mainline in the central valley. construction is set to start in three years barring any setbacks. next we hear from the new golden gle ov
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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the giants newest star is not new to the bay area, we saw matt chapman become a star in oakland but like so many of them day leave for bigger paychecks. >> here he is talking about unfinished business with his old manager who is now the giants manager. >> we had something special going with the athletics and that got broken up so coming back here and having the opportunity in this organization , management not afraid to spend or get free agents. doing everything you expect a winning franchise to do. >> he worked out today for the first time as a new member of the giants and he signed a one- year deal worth 18 million and it comes with options that
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could keep him with the giants for four years. it is a possible landing spot for a reigning cy young winner, still a free agent. >> the 49ers are always a hot topic around here, free agents can start signing a week from today. a lot of buzz about this guy. wide receiver brandon, entering the fifth and final year of his rookie contract. will he signed a extension with the niners or will they trade him? the 49ers are planning to work out a new deal to keep him here. big news in philly, travis kelsey's brother is retiring. he made the announcement today and eight here filled speech that lasted 45 minutes. his brother travis and his parents were on hand. both brothers will likely be inducted in the o footballpr
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you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton
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in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening.
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well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ getting hyped for the paris olympics?
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new posters were revealed today, it is a art deco motif with vibrant colors, a nod to the city's flamboyant past. the artist says he has been working on them for more than 2000 hours. the 2024 games will mark a century since the 1924 olympics also in paris. i will be there covering for the opening ceremony to the closing and maybe a little bit after that. >> you have to. >> fancy. >> a fine museum. come and join me. >> we want the reports after the olympic's as well. thank you for joining us. >> just a few spotty shower chances as you head out to drop your boat off tomorrow. look at the sunshine on thursday and friday. >> all you had to say was friday


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