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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  March 4, 2024 11:34pm-12:37am PST

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today, it is a art deco motif with vibrant colors, a nod to the city's flamboyant past. the artist says he has been working on them for more than 2000 hours. the 2024 games will mark a century since the 1924 olympics also in paris. i will be there covering for the opening ceremony to the closing and maybe a little bit after that. >> you have to. >> fancy. >> a fine museum. come and join me. >> we want the reports after the olympic's as well. thank you for joining us. >> just a few spotty shower chances as you head out to drop your boat off tomorrow. look at the sunshine on thursday and friday. >> all you had to say was friday
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests - julianne moore lindsay lohan, comedian, joe list and featuring the legendary roots crew >> questlove: 1932 >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause >> jimmy: come on! [ cheers and applause that's how you do it welcome, everybody welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show. you're here. [ cheers and applause thank you for watching at home well, guys, over the weekend, it was almost 70 degrees here in new york city yeah, and -- [ cheers ] -- and then everyone spent it in a theater watching "dune: part two." [ laughter ] yeah, "dune: part two" was a a massive hit. the movie had the biggest opening in months. also, the grossest opening ew [ laughter ] my proctologist saw it twice >> steve: really [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah and this is going viral. one guy showed up to the theater riding his own sandworm did you see this check this out look at this dude. [ laughter ] ♪ even weirder, he was like, "one ticket for 'madame web' please." and you go - [ laughter ] then every guy in the theater winced when he got his worm
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caught in the escalator. ooh! [ audience ohs ] yep, "dune: part two" had a huge opening weekend, bringing in $180 million worldwide. >> steve: oh [ audience oohs >> jimmy: 180 million in one weekend! well, when he heard about all that money, one guy wanted to get in on the action check out this new trailer i just saw >> in a world where i owe the government $454 million, i decided to create my own completely original blockbuster movie starring timothy shamalamadingdong, zoolander, and bald elvis in "don: part two." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's interesting that's how he's gonna make the money. [ cheers and applause that's how he's doing it that's how he -- yes >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: well, speaking of former president trump, today the supreme court unanimously ruled that colorado is not allowed to remove him from the 2024 ballot. then out of habit, trump immediately appealed the decision [ laughter ]
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he's like, "this is a witch -- oh, wait a minute. okay." trump celebrated the ruling, calling it a big win for america. that's also what he said when mcdonald's brought back the mcrib. but -- [ laughter ] "it's a big win. very big mcrib should never have left [ light laughter ] but the mcrib is back. meanwhile, over the weekend, trump was speaking at a rally in north carolina when he stumbled over a few words a bit. take a look at this. ♪ >> we are a nation that just recently heard that saudi america and russia will be - [ stumbles over words oh [ laughter ] >> steve: what >> jimmy: "we da bah." [ laughter ] suddenly, trump turned into a spice girl he's like, "i really want to zig-a-zay ah." it sounded like his brain got a flat [ laughter ] to make it seem like he meant to say that, they made it his new campaign slogan. "trump 2024. wi-ri-bi-gyu... ahh. [ laughter and applause [ gibberish okay
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>> steve: lovin' it. >> jimmy: you all right, bud that wasn't trump's only flub this weekend during another rally in virginia, he got confused and said that the current president was obama. he was like, "my mistake obviously, i meant to say the current president is me. [ light laughter ] some more election news. nikki haley just won her first primary, defeating trump in washington, d.c. and haley said that she'll stay in the race as long as she's competitive. >> steve: ooh. >> jimmy: based on that, experts say she'll probably drop out eight months ago. [ laughter and applause that's right, nikki haley just won her first primary. and here now to tell us how it's going over at nikki haley headquarters is her campaign spokesperson, phil smith phil, welcome to the show and congrats on the win. [ cheers and applause >> thanks, jimmy hey, apologies if you hear any partying in the background, because things are just kind of rowdy over here. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: so -- so, i take it everyone is -- is feeling reenergized? >> oh, man, that's just an understatement we all have a win on our
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resumes now. so -- not that we're going to need our resumes, because nobody here is going anywhere on this staff. i mean, we are all for nikki haley! [ cheers ] >> jimmy: exciting now, with super tuesday coming up, what is your strategy? >> it's simple we refuse to surrender to donald trump >> jimmy: i'm sorry, what -- what happened to phil? >> oh, he just left the campaign for a new job in d.c. [ laughter ] but everyone else is here until the end. >> jimmy: that's great well, since the win, have you guys seen an increase in donations? [ laughter ] >> big time, jimmy >> jimmy: i'm sorry. what just happened to that last woman? >> oh, phil hired her for a job in d.c [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, all right. well, how is nikki feeling now that she has a win under her belt >> oh, hey, jimmy. i just -- i just came back to the office to get some stuff and, hey, how have you been? it's been a long time since i've seen you. >> jimmy: it's been, like,
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45 seconds i'm fine look, is anyone there actually able to talk to me about the campaign >> i can, jimmy. [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: who -- [ cheers and applause who are you? >> the janitor i come in at night, and i do a a sweep, empty the trash cans, make sure there's no food left out. does that answer your question >> jimmy: no no, it doesn't nikki haley's campaign headquarters, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause i don't know why i would even do that remote >> steve: ridiculous >> jimmy: well, guys, tomorrow is a big voting day as 15 states head to the polls for super tuesday. it's exciting. we might finally know who the candidates will be [ laughter ] yep, super tuesday, it's pretty much the only time the words "tuesday" and "super" appear in the same sentence. [ laughter ] well, this is fun. for super tuesday, krispy kreme is giving customers two free donuts [ cheers and applause
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and in honor of biden and trump, they'll both be old and stale. [ laughter and applause thank you. there you go [ cheers and applause ♪ guys, some entertainment news. >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: yeah yeah, he -- he was a really cocky dude he was just like, "give me whatever you got i'm gonna hit the -- >> steve: he should have dropped the mic on that one, walked out >> jimmy: he didn't even -- yeah the baseball player dropped the microphone >> steve: yeah, yeah >> jimmy: he was holding a a microphone with his bat? >> yeah, exactly it's a giant microphone. >> jimmy: oh >> steve: he drops it. >> jimmy: well, guys, some entertainment news fox announced that they are releasing a reboot of "baywatch. [ cheers and applause now, david hasselhoff plays the old guy on the beach with a metal detector [ laughter ] he's like, "my -- my third bottle cap!" >> steve: "yay!" >> jimmy: yep, there's gonna be a "baywatch" reboot on fox or as one man put it, "this day keeps getting better and better."
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[ laughter ] listen to this i read about a man who broke a a world record for having the most rabbit themed tattoos [ light laughter ] first, he got two. then they multiplied [ laughter and applause ♪ hey, guys, finally, it is monday, and i think we could all use a little encouragement to make it through the rest of the week don't you think? [ cheers and applause so, it's time for some "monday motivations. here we go ♪ >> "monday motivations." >> jimmy: i know it's monday, but i got a feeling that no matter what they throw at you, you're gonna crush it this week [ cheers and applause your eyes? they're sparkling. [ light laughter ] when people talk about you, they're like, "wait, is she the hot one or the funny one?" [ laughter ] and the other person is like, "yes." if you were an ant, you'd be the one carrying the potato
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chip [ laughter ] "dune: two" is excited to see you. every day your co-workers are like, "guys, come quick. mary's talking about her allergies. [ laughter ] when you type "mississippi," your "s" key is like, "not to brag, but, you guys, brian's obsessed with me." [ laughter ] when you take off a band-aid, it's like, "you healed me. and finally, sometimes the ceo of boeing wants to give up but then he's like, "no, we got to figure this out for trish. we have a great show julianne moore is here
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[ cheers and applause lindsay lohan is joining us! and we've got great stand-up from joe list! stick around when we come back, we're doing something fun with julianne moore [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: julianne, let's -- >> okay. >> jimmy: -- open the curtain and see what's behind you. [ light laughter ] [ laughter ] you should switch to 1-800 contacts because it's super easy. so cheap. i saved shipping costs, i saved doctor office visit fees. 1-800 contacts always has my exact same brand in stock. it was cheaper on 1-800 contacts than actually going to the eye doctor. it's the future, it's amazing. 1-800 contacts! right now, you can save 25% on your first order. plus, fast, free shipping right to your door.
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ugh. nothing works on this acne. hi! who.? i'm a licensed dermatology provider from curology. oh. answer a few questions, i'll look at your skin, and prescribe you a personalized cream.
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wow! curology. skincare with a face. you love pizza just as much as we love pizza so we're bringing you our favorite offer yet. for a limited time get a large, one topping pizza for 8.99, only at papa johns. better ingredients, better pizza. when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done.
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next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. democrats agree. next generation veteran fund conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey.
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adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back to the show we're about to play a game called "what's behind me"? my partner tonight is an incredible actress [ drum roll her new series, "mary & george," premieres april 5th on starz give it up for the one and only, julianne moore [ cheers and applause ♪ that's what i'm talking about, yes! [ cheers and applause julianne, come on! welcome back >> thank you >> jimmy: julianne, here's how the game works julianne and i will take turns facing our backs to the curtain. behind the curtain will be something neither of us has seen before. it could be people, objects, anything once the curtain opens and you pick up your card, you have 45 seconds to try to get the other person to guess what's behind them. you can say anything you want, you can use gestures, you just
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can't say any of the words on your card. julianne, you are -- be guessing first >> okay. >> jimmy: let's get into position here we go ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ oh, no, i go this way. all right. oh, you -- you face me, yeah sorry, yeah, yeah. we should've moved - i was rotating with the rotation >> me, too >> jimmy: and i was -- [ light laughter ] i went on some next level stuff over there, yeah i was like, "whoa, dude, what's happening? all right. >> all right, okay >> jimmy: julianne, let's open the curtain and see what's behind you [ light laughter ] [ laughter ] okay >> okay, okay. >> jimmy: uh, uh, he -- they're all, like -- sorry, the biggest movie of the weekend. >> "dune." >> jimmy: yes. [ bell dings ] and they are -- they're in front of the colosseum >> they're in front of the colosseum? they're romans >> jimmy: yes, but even bigger
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where is rome? it's in -- >> italy [ bell dings ] >> jimmy: yes, and then they're doing -- they're doing, like, challenges that you put on an app, a very popular app. videos videos videos on your phone >> youtube, youtube. >> jimmy: even more popular. >> uh, more than youtube >> jimmy: for kids every kids on -- >> on videos >> jimmy: "bigger than youtube? [ laughter ] yeah it is. all the kids are doing it. >> all the kids are doing an app? wait >> jimmy: no, they're all doing videos on -- >> oh, snapchat. >> jimmy: no, even -- no, newer. [ laughter ] newer, newer >> oh, god, oh, my god >> jimmy: yes, you know it >> do i? >> jimmy: yes! it sounds like a mint. it sounds like a tiny little mint they used to have in the '70s >> tiktok! oh, yes, yes ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: yes, that's correct. you got it [ bell dinging ] >> oh, my god. ♪ >> jimmy: "cast of 'dune' -- [ cheers and applause >> wait, i gotta come back >> jimmy: you gotta come back. >> jimmy: "the cast of 'dune' recording tiktoks in italy." very nice. i didn't know what - that's right oh, they're looking at it, and they're liking it. they think it's really great thank you -- all right, thank
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you, chalamet. thank you, guys. this is fantastic. [ cheers and applause thank you, yep i mean, all right, so, now it is my turn to guess. let's rotate the stage >> okay. ♪ hang on. ♪ >> jimmy: now i'm being too polite all right, julianne, grab the card in front of you >> okay. >> jimmy: and when the curtain opens -- time starts when you start talking, once the curtain opens. let's see what's behind me [ laughter ] >> okay, okay. >> jimmy: okay >> lead singer of u2 >> jimmy: bono [ bell dings ] >> good, good. that -- something when we were kids, you put a plastic mat out, it has colored circles and you play - >> jimmy: twister. >> yeah. [ bell dings ] famous basketball player whose nemesis -- >> lebron james. >> -- was magic johnson. you are got this, come on. >> jimmy: famous basketball player that was -- >> whose nemesis was magic >> jimmy: oh, larry bird >> yes [ cheers ] [ bell dings ]
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larry bird and bono playing twister? >> yes [ bell dinging ] larry bird and bono playing twister. >> yes >> jimmy: that's a good larry bird yeah, get your leg in there -- get your leg in there, bono. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that is fantastic. thank you, guys. >> pretty intimate >> jimmy: yeah, that was very good that was interesting >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah it is your turn. let's rotate the stage ♪ [ applause ] [ light laughter ] i know, it's so fun. we spent all of our budget on this rotating stage. >> it's so fun [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's unbelievable. we got a larry bird impersonator that guy was fantastic >> he was really good. >> jimmy: all right, let's see what's behind you. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, you can't unsee some -- certain things, you know [ laughter ] okay "hello!" >> julia child, julia child. >> jimmy: kind of. >> julia child
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>> jimmy: "oh, robin williams played this character, yes." >> oh, uh, mork -- mork. >> jimmy: "no, of course, but then he was a woman, yes." >> ooh, oh, oh >> jimmy: "hello!" >> mrs. doubtfire. >> jimmy: yes. [ bell dings ] and mrs. doubtfire is doing a talent that involves -- that a lot of clowns do at circus, where there's three balls -- >> juggling, juggling. mrs. doubtfire juggling. >> jimmy: yes, but these -- juggling, um, things that you -- a sport that you knock down >> oh, bowling pins. >> jimmy: yes, and - [ bell dings ] [ cheers ] and she's outside a place that teenage girls shop - >> malls >> jimmy: -- and get your ears pierced there, maybe >> oh, claire's? >> jimmy: yeah, but go up a little level maybe next level >> ooh, up from claire's >> jimmy: there's two words. >> uh -- a place that - >> jimmy: the first word is not cold but - >> hot -- pocket [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: that is not a store where you go - hot pocket is close, but it sounds like that >> i need another clue >> jimmy: yes. if you're not the bottom, you're the - >> top top -- top, hot top? hot pop top.
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[ laughter ] hot -- >> jimmy: hot -- >> hot top >> jimmy: no hot -- top - >> hot top -- pot. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "hot top pot"? it's not "hot top pot. >> wait, wait. >> jimmy: you got doubtfire, you got bowling pins >> oh, oh, hot socks no [ laughter ] [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: ah, we didn't get -- we came very, very close "mrs. doubtfire juggling bowling pins --" >> hot topic >> jimmy: "-- outside a hot topic. [ light laughter ] [ cheers ] hot topic! >> i don't know that store >> jimmy: you don't know hot topic? yes, you do. you don't know hot topic hi, mrs. doubtfire >> oh, but -- but she's good [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: very good. you were very close though, "hot top top" is great >> hot top top - >> jimmy: hot pockets should be a store, by the way. i would go all right, here we go. it's time for the final round. let's rotate we got this. we got this, buddy [ cheers and applause
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♪ i feel you i feel you >> okay. >> jimmy: all right. now let's see what's behind me [ laughter ] that is a great reaction, whatever it is >> okay, okay. all right. the guy, um, the guy who was the head of amazon and he's bald >> jimmy: jeff -- jeff bezos >> that's right. [ bell dings ] [ cheers ] and i have a dog that's 60% this and he's - [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you have a dog that's 60% -- i don't know, a a labradoodle? >> 60% of a breed, but also 10% lab, 20% chow chow, 10% german shephard. >> jimmy: how would i know what percentage of dog breed your dog is [ laughter ] >> you know, when you got to a a shelter and they say that, "oh, we've got a bunch of labs in here, but really they are --
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>> jimmy: pitbulls >> yeah. [ bell dings ] [ cheers ] yeah, yeah and -- and so, these -- these -- what you just said, i'm allowed to say it now. >> jimmy: a pitbull -- pitbull and jeff bezos - >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: oh, they look similar. >> are -- are -- [ light laughter ] yeah and they are riding something that kids ride, but not it's not for one person, it's for two people >> jimmy: a seesaw >> no. [ laughter ] so, kids get for christmas, they get something that has two wheels, and they ride around the neighborhood on it >> jimmy: tricycles? >> it's that but - >> jimmy: bicycle. >> yeah. but this is one for two people >> jimmy: jeff bezos and pitbull on a bicycle built for two. ♪ [ bell dings ] [ cheers and applause what is -- what do we call that >> tandem. ♪ >> jimmy: oh fantastic. that's what i'm talking about. that is unbelievable that's how you do it thank you, partner that's how you do it, right there. julianne moore, everybody! [ cheers and applause we're talking to julianne, after the break. stick around, everybody. it's fun [ cheers and applause ♪
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>> jimmy: do you know where you're actually from, or any of your -- a town >> somewhere near cork, my grandfathers are from. >> jimmy: me too >> wait, really? >> jimmy: what if we're -- >> i thought you were messing with me. >> jimmy: no what if we're brother and -- >> do you think we're related? >> jimmy: -- what if we're brother and -- yes, we're cousins! come on. [ laughter ] let's go - >> let's do this ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss.
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i will become the world's greatest villain by destroying the world's greatest hero. [ inhale ] [ choking ] there's this shape shifting chameleon. hah, you can't defeat me. ah, come on. the chameleon is unlike anyone you've ever faced. oh! i'm gonna kick my butt.
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what do i see in peter dixon?
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i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our first guest is an oscar, emmy and golden globe winning actor. you can see her in the series "mary & george" which premieres april 5th on starz everyone please welcome julianne moore
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[ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: thank you for being here, as always. and welcome back >> thanks, jimmy for having me >> jimmy: i know you just traveled -- you just traveled from spain, right? >> that's right, i've been working in spain, yeah >> jimmy: do you speak spanish >> i'm trying, i'm learning. i've got my duolingo and i'm working really hard. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: do you have duolingo >> yeah, yeah, of course yeah, yeah >> jimmy: i tried that once. >> yeah, i say things like, i've learned how to say "yo bebo leche." [ light laughter ] "i -- i drink -- >> jimmy: what does that mean? >> "i drink milk." >> jimmy: oh, that's good. [ laughter ] "yo bebo leche." >> yeah, si, si. si, si >> jimmy: si, this is good >> si, quiero dos manzanas, por favor. [ applause ] [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: two somethings >> "two apples, please." >> jimmy: oh, is that right? >> so, i've been learning all that important stuff and so, then you get - [ light laughter ] you get from -- from duolingo, you get these very encouraging things like, "hey, yeah, you're on a hot streak. keep going
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keep working tomorrow. and i'm like okay. and then, i kind of stop for a a while, and i'm like "hey, you missed a day, but that doesn't matter we'll keep you hot streak going. and on the third day, they're like, "wow, we haven't seen you in a while what's going on? [ light laughter ] and then i finally got "these emails don't seem to be working. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you broke the machine. >> yeah, yeah. "we'll leave you alone." >> jimmy: you broke duolingo >> but i can go to the supermarket and say, "leche, por favor. >> jimmy: yes. >> or "dos manzanas. so i'm - >> jimmy: you can go to hot socks and get whatever you want >> yeah, hot socks [ laughter ] i'm set. i'm pretty set >> jimmy: you're set you know, i saw you recently at all these award shows. and congratulations on "may december," by the way >> thank you so much thank you. >> jimmy: you did a fantastic -- [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: and i -- i saw you here you were seated with one of pals, will ferrell >> yeah, he's our producer that's our producer, will ferrell >> jimmy: he produced the movie? >> he's the producer >> jimmy: is that right? >> yeah, yeah.
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>> jimmy: what's it like to -- to work with will? what's it like to sit with will >> well, working with him is hard, man. [ laughter ] he makes you work hard >> jimmy: he's a stickler, yeah >> yeah. yeah, no, he's great he's great he has great taste and he's just a phenomenal talent >> jimmy: he's one of the nicest - >> wonderful, wonderful person >> jimmy: yeah, one of the nicest human beings i think i've ever met. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and funny. >> yeah, really. >> jimmy: yeah was he -- was at the golden globes? >> the golden globes, he and kristen wiig were gonna be doing -- they had this bit that they were gonna do and so, they were actually -- this is interesting. i mean, they were -- "we have this bit we don't know how it's gonna go." i'm like, "you guys don't know how a bit's gonna go?" i mean, they're both geniuses, right? >> jimmy: yeah >> and they said -- and they're like, "it's kind of weird. it's kind of a weird one." anyway, they went out and killed >> jimmy: well, they crushed it i mean, the dancing one? >> the dancing one, yeah >> jimmy: that was the funniest bit ever >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: isn't that wild that they just second guess - i mean - >> i know! >> jimmy: do you do that >> people like that. >> jimmy: -- about yourself, too? you're like, "i don't know if i can act -- i don't know if i can do that. >> oh, every time. >> jimmy: really >> yeah, all the time. yeah, yeah >> jimmy: because "mary & george," it's a historical drama >> right right, but, like, i'm the only american in it so, i was like, "what am i doing this for why? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, why would
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you -- why would you test yourself, like - >> why why would i do that? i don't know >> jimmy: why don't you just a a do a movie where you're just lying on a beach in hawaii or something? >> or just regular talking, just american talking. straight up american talking >> jimmy: so, you have a a british accent in front of actual real -- >> actual british people >> jimmy: british people >> in agony. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so, every time you say something, do you kind of see people going like -- >> you're like - yeah, like - >> jimmy: "close it's not -- not quite that not quite, but very close. >> "yeah, yeah exactly. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "little bit wrong. >> "really, really nice. >> jimmy: "really nice." >> "yeah.' >> jimmy: "the fact is -- the fact is, you know. the fact is -- >> "the fact is, i'm american, i don't know yeah." >> jimmy: "yeah. do you get into like -- if you go -- if you travel, do you -- do you talk -- >> i get -- i get more american i get more - especially around british people, like, they say things like "jumper." i'm like, "oh, no. where's my sweater?" [ laughter ] "i need a sweater, i'm cold. people will start talking about, like, crisps, and i'm like, "where are the potato chips? i love potato chips. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you become extra american >> extra american. >> jimmy: oh, i go the opposite i try to - >> do you? >> jimmy: yeah i go, "i'm going to use the loo. >> yeah. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: "everything's in a a question?" >> "yeah, a question." i say, "where is the bathroom?
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, you get right in there you go, "i'm american. >> i'm american. >> jimmy: "i am a tourist here." >> yeah, that's right. >> jimmy: yeah, i go -- yeah it's also -- it's a historical, as i said -- >> yes >> jimmy: but it's also very funny. and i know you have a great sense of humor, which is why i loved playing that game. because when that curtain opens, i don't know what's behind me. >> right >> jimmy: but i could see your face and it's a genuine laugh >> yes >> jimmy: are you a laugher? do you like -- do you break up in scenes? >> yeah. >> jimmy: or are you good? >> yeah. i -- no. i break. i mean, i'll break up. it's not -- you know, it's funny because people think it's like, that you only break up in comedy the problem is when you break up in drama. nobody thinks that's funny, right? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, my gosh, that's the worst. >> it's the worst. there's -- it's the worst. >> jimmy: 'cause you're other -- your costars get mad probably mad >> or sometimes they're in on it, too. like, there was -- there was an actress i worked with on a soap opera years ago when i couldn't - every time i looked at her, i'd start to laugh, so i had to look at her mouth. i couldn't ever look her in the eye. like it would always -- yeah >> jimmy: because she's saying the line >> sarah paulson laughs at everything, and can't hold your gaze in a drama, 'cause she'll just go --
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>> jimmy: she's a great laugher. >> she's a great laugher >> jimmy: oh, wait so, where'd you work with her? >> i did a thing about -- called "game change" about sarah palin with her >> jimmy: oh, yeah >> so, it was not supposed to be funny but we laughed a lot [ laughter ] >> jimmy: can we tell everyone what "mary & george" is about? >> it's about seven episodes >> jimmy: okay >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow. no one's ever done that. [ cheers and applause no one's ever done that. that's really great. no one's ever done that. aw, you're so funny. >> that's a dad joke >> jimmy: it's a good joke >> that's a -- yeah. >> jimmy: that's a man -- i didn't do it it's so good, i loved it thank you. >> so, it's a period drama about -- it takes place during the jacobean era in england. and i, being american, of course don't know a lot about the jacobean period. and then i got there, and i realized they don't know a lot about it either. [ laughter ] 'cause it was only 20 years. it was a relatively brief period of time but this is -- it's historical fiction.
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i play a woman named mary villiers, who kind of propelled her son, george villiers into the court of james i, where he became a very powerful man, and also the lover of james i >> jimmy: i want to show everyone a clip. here's julianne moore in "mary & george." take a look. >> you just want to send me off to france to learn the ways of refinement and then return to marry some awful rich bride, to milk her fat [ bleep ] dowery >> it's about more than that >> no, it's not. >> i never beat you. >> father has enough times why don't you? [ screaming >> mother, don't hurt him. >> i won't think of john, eldest and heir who will marry him how can we build a pass on anything unless we use your gifts? >> what gifts? >> if i were a man and i looked like you, i'd rule the [ bleep ] planet >> jimmy: wow, look at you [ cheers and applause are you -- what are you talking
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about? you're unbelievable. that's fantastic julianne moore, everybody. [ cheers and applause "mary & george" premieres april 5th on starz lindsay lohan joins us after the break, stick around. [ cheers and applause ♪ (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to attack this new lobster & shrimp stack? ready for your lobster lover's dream to come true? they're two of ten lobster creations, only at lobsterfest. plus, cheddar bays for days. but lobsterfest won't last, so hurry in. if you're living with hiv,
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest is a very talented actress who produced and stars in the new film, "irish wish," which begins streaming march 15th on netflix. please welcome lindsay lohan, everybody!
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[ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: we're so happy you're back it's great to see you, bud >> you too >> jimmy: you look fantastic everything well? >> everything's great. >> jimmy: how's the baby >> he's everything >> jimmy: how old is he now? >> he's 7 1/2 months >> jimmy: oh, congratulations. oh, my god [ cheers and applause >> he's, like, my world. >> jimmy: yeah he's just everything to you now, right did you ever think it could be this - >> you forget about what life was before you have the baby >> jimmy: no this is the best thing you'll ever do, it's the greatest >> and the baby makes sure of that [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah yeah, they do. they do, yeah. i -- i follow you on all -- all the things and i saw you -- recently you were at a warriors game with
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steph curry. >> oh, yeah, in atlanta. >> jimmy: yeah he become the -- only the second player to -- over 35 to score 60 points in a game. it was a big deal. but i have a picture with you and your husband and steph curry, with an autographed jersey >> yeah. >> jimmy: and the jersey, what does it say there? it says -- >> oh. he says, "your godparents love you! >> jimmy: yeah so, your - [ audience aws ] -- so luai's godparents are steph and ayesha curry >> yeah. [ cheers and applause that's not too bad how -- how do you guys know each other >> well, so, my husband knows michael mina, the chef and we were in dubai, and michael mina kept saying to bader -- he was like, "you need to introduce lindsay and ayesha they need to get -- i need them to meet. so, she happened to be coming to dubai, and we met and we just clicked, right off the bat. it's so funny, 'cause like, when you get older in life, you don't make, like, adult friends and friendships that grow so quickly. >> jimmy: oh, get ready for when the kid goes to school. you'll be making some adult friends, yeah. >> well, so, we clicked right away and she's been -- she's been with me since -- i was like, "i really want to have kids soon," and then i got pregnant, and then - so, it was very fitting that she -- >> jimmy: and she's actually in this new movie
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>> yes, she's in the movie >> jimmy: she plays your best friend >> yeah, she's fantastic >> jimmy: so, that's perfect >> yeah. >> jimmy: by the way, i think that was the last time you were on our show, "falling for christmas. >> yeah. >> jimmy: destroyed. it crushed, congratulations. >> thank you >> jimmy: it was the biggest thing. [ cheers and applause it was so funny. >> thank you >> jimmy: you were great >> it was fun. it was a fun movie >> jimmy: it was phenomenal. do people go crazy when they see you in the street when you're just walking around new york >> now it's -- it's like a a generation of kids again, 'cause younger kids are seeing "the parent trap." so - >> jimmy: dude, my kids are getting to -- they love "parent trap." you're fantastic in it >> thank you >> jimmy: and thank you for doing that tiktok earlier -- >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: -- that we did -- we did a thing for snapchat it's - [ laughter ] do you keep in touch with jamie lee curtis >> yes, i do >> jimmy: wait, didn't you have a text thing, or something like that you and -- you would text each other like - >> yes, she -- >> jimmy: "is this the real you" or something? >> yes, she asks if it's the real me. >> jimmy: yes. >> so, i would have to, like, send videos to her, and then - and she still would say, "what's the password?" and i'm like, "what do you mean 'password'
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what is this password thing? >> jimmy: yeah, what is the password >> and it was -- it was a justin timberlake song, but the clipse rap in the song, that we used to sing together during "freaky friday. and i don't even know how she remembered that so specifically 'cause when she told me, i was like, "well, it's really me. i don't remember, but it was some rap in the song." and then, she's like, "okay, i believe it's you." >> jimmy: oh, really >> and then she told everyone. >> jimmy: then she -- oh, but -- >> now it's not a secret anymore. >> jimmy: oh, yeah so, then anyone could be you, texting jamie lee curtis if you get jamie lee curtis' number, just say, "hey, here's the rap from --" and that'll convince her that it's you and then i don't know what would happen >> i love her. she's awesome. >> jimmy: she is awesome i want to talk about "irish wish. i cannot wait for this you actually went to ireland to shoot this >> yeah, which was so lovely it's so beautiful there. >> jimmy: they're the best >> yeah, and the people are so friendly and i'm half irish, so, it was nice to -- >> jimmy: do you know where you're actually from, or any of your -- a town >> somewhere near cork, my grandfathers are from. >> jimmy: me too >> wait, really? >> jimmy: what if we're -- >> i thought you were messing with me. >> jimmy: no what if we're brother and -- >> do you think we're related? >> jimmy: -- what if we're brother and -- yes, we're cousins! come on. [ laughter ] let's go - >> let's do this >> jimmy: it's amazing [ cheers and applause we just found out that we're - it could happen. why not?
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it's such a fun movie. you're great i -- i said it to you backstage, but i really mean this not many people can do what you do you're talented, but you're so funny. and you -- you -- pratfalls, whatever you do, you make it so -- it's just great. >> thank you so much >> jimmy: you can't take your eyes off it. it's fantastic >> there was more physical comedy in this movie, which was fun to do. >> jimmy: yeah can we explain what "irish wish" is about? >> so, it's about a girl named maddie, who's -- it's -- she really - it's about self-discovery. she kind of learns to find her voice. and in the process of this journey that she's on, she's in love with her boss, who her best friend is then set out to marry. >> jimmy: yep. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i mean, that's what -- that's what we want. >> and something switches. >> jimmy: something happens. >> her wish becomes something. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah be careful -- be careful what you wish for >> yes, be careful what you wish for >> jimmy: that's good, yeah. i want to show everyone a clip here's lindsay lohan in "irish wish. take a look. >> how did you three meet? >> oh, we're friends from school >> i was always a big reader >> what? that was me. >> would you like me to sign your book? >> oh, yes, i would. >> of course
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♪ here we go >> is that a real lake >> yes, it's -- it's in ireland. it's not far from my family's home ♪ >> oh, i'd love to see it sometime >> and i would love for you to see it sometime. ♪ >> you write such amazing stories. i could listen to them all night. >> wow wouldn't that be great unfortunately, paul has press in the morning, so - check, please. >> it's an open bar. >> no, it's not. >> jimmy: yeah, that's how you do it. [ cheers and applause lindsay lohan. "irish wish" begins streaming march 15th on netflix. we'll be right back with stand-up from joe list stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause
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>> jimmy: our next guest has his comedy special "enough for everybody" available now on youtube. please welcome the very funny joe list [ cheers and applause ♪ >> thank you oh, stop it. thank you. thanks for having me, guys i'm happy to be here i -- i have a lot of friends i love my friends, but i also don't like them. i don't know if you have that. i was talking to my buddy the other day. sometimes, i have trouble sleeping i get anxious, you know, you can't sleep. i told my buddy, i was like, "man, i couldn't sleep last night. he goes, "oh, you gotta sleep. [ laughter ] i was like, "no, i know. i -- i wanted to sleep you're misunderstanding. i'm not quitting sleeping. then he goes, "lack of sleep can lead to dementia." [ light laughter ] nice, i'm glad i brought this up with you. that'll help me tonight, because -- [ laughter ] last night i was tossing and
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turning not thinking about dementia [ laughter ] but tonight, i'll contemplate dementia that'll put me right to bed. here's some good sleep advice if you have trouble sleeping, count backwards from 500 i don't know if you ever heard that that focuses you on something so you're not going crazy, but it's boring enough that you'll fall asleep. it works -- it works if it works. if it doesn't work, it's like a countdown to homicidal breakdown. [ laughter ] you start counting, you get into the 20s, you're like, "i don't think this is gonna work out for me," you know? [ laughter ] very unlikely you're gonna be like "three, two, one, oh, my god, i'm out!" [ laughter and applause how did they time it so well i've got a buddy, we were in manhattan beach, california, recently i dunno if you guys are familiar with manhattan beach, very beautiful area. [ cheers ] yeah, spectacular. southern california. we're walking up the beach, the boardwalk. it's like, pacific ocean on the left, big huge houses, very wealthy area i pointed to, like, a mansion. i was like, "man, i'd kill to
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have this house. my buddy goes, "you wouldn't want to pay the taxes on that thing. [ light laughter ] you know these people, the taxes people i'm like, "yeah, i'm not paying taxes in this situation. i'm just saying -- [ laughter ] "i'm just saying it's a nice house. i'm not picturing myself, as i am in my current financial situation, like -- [ laughter ] "gah i can't swing this i should've wished for a house in rural indiana where i could afford the property taxes! [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause i was just making small talk i didn't think they were gonna give me the house and then charge me property taxes on it, but -- i got a friend, we had a gig recently he's a comedian. he was opening for me, his name is steve and we were on the same flight i was in first class, i'm better than him. [ laughter ] and i got on the plane i was sitting there. and this really beautiful woman sat next to me on the plane. very attractive, which has nothing to do with the story, i just want you to know that very attractive women sit next to me [ light laughter ]
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you know, if airline tells them they have to but still cool [ light laughter ] and my friend, steve, he got on the plane -- now, comedians, we're kind of like ball busters, you know? we like to give each other flak so, when he got on the plane, i said, "hey, i hope your bag doesn't fit in the overhead. not hilarious, just fun, whatever and then, this lady, she goes, "that's a really dark thing to wish on somebody." [ laughter ] which is annoying, 'cause that's not dark thing to wish - dark would be like if i said "i hope the plane crashes and you're the only one that dies. that would be a dark joke. [ laughter and applause so, i just said, "oh, we're friends. it was just my way of being like, "why don't you mind your own business?" i was like, "we're friends." and then she said, "that makes it worse." [ laughter ] now, i'm furious, 'cause now we're fighting and once again, she's wrong. because that doesn't make it worse, that makes it better. it would be way worse if random people were getting on a plane and i was sitting in first class going, "hey, i hope your bag doesn't fit in the overhead." [ laughter and applause they're like, "do i know you?"
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"no, you don't know me i don't like your face just get back there. i hope your day is ruined. first class. hoo-hoo. you know [ laughter ] i do love my friends, but they're dumb i'm dumb i'm dumb, i want you to know i'm dumb, my friends are - you know how like, you're dumb, and your friends are dumb, so you're all dumb together but then, occasionally your friend'll do something that takes it to a new level where you're kind of thinking, "am i doing community service by hanging out with this person?" [ laughter ] my buddy and i, we went to an art museum we're not really art guys. but i was like, "how hard can it be to look at art?" we walk in my buddy walks up to a a painting - pretend there's a painting here he walks up. he just starts rubbing the painting with his hands. [ laughter ] i swear to god, just all five fingers. and then, i had to say -- i'm like, "are you joking? 'cause if you're joking, that's hilarious. i don't want to -- [ light laughter ] "i don't want to ruin a good bit if you're kidding. and he was like, "what?" and i had to say, "you don't touch paintings. and then, he said "why?" [ laughter ]
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and that's when i realized i'm only a little bit smarter than him. 'cause i was like, "i actually don't know why." [ laughter ] it is dry. [ laughter ] and i was like, "you know what, i'm dumb maybe i'm wrong. so, i just started touching the paintings as well. [ laughter and applause by the way, "touches paintings," that's a fun term for your friend who's kind of a dumdum, you know like, when i was growing up, we used terms that you can't use any more but "touches paintings," that's kind of nice you can be like, "this is my friend pete. he's a good guy. he touches paintings, but he's a nice guy you're gonna like him. [ laughter ] you guys are great my name's joe list, thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: a knockout that's how you do it that is fantastic, thank you joe list that's how you do it [ cheers and applause "enough for everybody" is available on youtube now that was fantastic we'll be right back, everybody come on over [ cheers and applause ♪
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i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. oh hey, jack. going up? actually, no, justine... my famous 2 tacos are still just 99¢ when you order on the jack app or online. could you press 6, please? i'm going up. get my famous 2 tacos for just 99¢. only on the jack app or online. ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my thanks to julianne moore, lindsay lohan, joe list, once again [ cheers and applause joe list and the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. good night, everybody. thank you! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- josh brolin, author david sedaris music from paloma faith, featuring the 8g band with adrian young ♪ [ cheers and applause and now, seth meyers >> seth: gooin


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