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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  March 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm PST

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tonight, the super tuesday showdown. the first exit polls rolling in as voters in 16 states cast their ballots. the biggest night on the primary calendar. former president trump looking for a super tuesday sweep. is this nikki haley's last stand? and president biden up against no major opponents, but amid concerns over his age, could another democrat jump into the race, like michelle obama? our exclusive
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reporting on what the former first lady is saying. plus, the major announcement shaking up the battle for the senate. and taylor swift getting political. her super tuesday message to her 282 million instagram fans. also tonight, the plane crashing in a ball of flames along a highway in nashville. five people killed. you'll hear the pilot's desperate call for help. the fiery explosion at a vaping supplier turning canisters into flying projectiles. 19-year-old bystander hit and killed about a quarter of a mile away. what caused it. the massive outage for facebook and instagram. what parent company meta is pointing to as the cause. the new cap on credit card fees from the biden administration, and now the industry is fighting back. and a piece of tv history on the auction block. how much did someone pay for the booth from the series finale of "the sopranos"?
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>> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. >> good evening, everyone and welcome. as we come on the air tonight, it is super tuesday. voters across 16 states and one u.s. territory are setting the stage for the november election. if donald trump can continue his pace of primary victories, the math shows he could come close to clinching the republican nomination before this night is over. 1,215 delegates are needed. 865 are up for grabs tonight. in what remains a two-person race for the nomination. nikki haley with one primary victory to her name before today dismissing calls for her to drop out of the race. it's the busiest day of the 2024 election calendar thus far, and our political team is in place to break down what's at stake and what to watch for. we begin with garrett hake has polls prepare
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to close. garrett, good evening. >> lester, one thing both republican campaigns agree on is tonight is an inflection point in this race. nikki haley is hoping to prove she can still be competitive. donald trump is hoping to leave her in the rear view mirror and turn his full attention to general election this fall. tonight, former president donald trump eyeing a potential super tuesday sweep. >> we could very well win every state in record numbers. that's what we're hoping for. >> reporter: the gop front-runner favored in all 15 states where republican voters cast ballots today. from virginia -- >> i think he did good with the economy. >> reporter: to massachusetts -- >> our country is a mess. it was in much better shape four years ago. >> reporter: to california -- >> he is going to be the nominee, and i believe he is going to be the next president. >> reporter: with more than 800 delegates at stake today, the most of any single day of the primary process, mr. trump could move to the brink of the republican nomination, but cannot clinch it outright. rival nikki haley, who has so far won just one contest in washington, d.c. hoping to exceed expectations and refusing to step aside. >> as much as everybody wants to go and push me out, i'm not ready to get out
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yet. i'm still sitting there fighting for the people that want a voice, and they deserve that. >> reporter: and declining to say if she would endorse mr. trump. >> that's not a decision i have to make today. the convention isn't until july. >> reporter: but some haley voters saying they've already made up their minds. >> i've never voted for trump. and i can't -- i won't ever vote for trump. >> reporter: as the former president is largely looking past his former u.n. ambassador. >> haley, she is not a problem. i think she is very negative for the party, but she is not a problem in terms of winning, because we're winning by a lot. >> reporter: while in the democratic contest, president biden is also expected to cruise to victory tonight. nbc news already projecting a win in iowa. though with polls showing most americans are concerned about mr. biden's age and mental fitness for the job, some democrats have speculated that michelle obama could be a potential replacement. tonight in a statement to nbc news, her office saying the former first lady, quote, will not be running for president, and that mrs. obama
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supports president joe biden and vice president kamala harris' reelection campaign. >> and garrett, there is another major headline tonight that could impact the balance of power in the narrow democratic majority in the senate. >> that's right, lester. the former democrat turned independent kyrsten sinema of arizona announcing today she will not seek reelection. democrats have the narrowest path to maintain control of the upper chamber this year. sinema's departure makes that path all the more complicated in a marquee race. >> all right, garrett, thank you. there is another senate seat we're keeping a close eye on tonight after the death of senator dianne feinstein. there is a high wattage campaign for her seat in california. jacob soboroff is there tonight. what's at play in this race, jacob? >> it's high stakes, lester. good evening to you. here in california we began the process to transitioning to
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mail-in ballots in 2020. that's literally what you see unfolding behind me right now. here in california, it is a unique system with the top two finishers regardless of party end up in the general election. while all eyes have been on the democrats that outnumber the republicans two to one, it's not adam schiff nor katie porter or barbara lee that have the attention of the population at the moment. that's steve garvey, the former los angeles dodger and san diego padre who has surged into the top tier of the race in polls late in the contest that is because katie porter says interestingly adam schiff has spent money to boost garvey into the runoff because he would rather face a republican than a fellow democrat. schiff levels the same accusation against porter. whoever wins, lester, it could be up to 30 days before we know the results that is the amount of time the state gives the counties to certify votes here. lester? >> we're getting our first look at some exit polling, kind of giving us a sense where the republican electorate is right now. >> that's right, lester. after tonight, former president trump is expected to have virtually locked up this nomination. but a key question he is facing is can he unite the republican
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party behind him? and a new exit polling tonight, a majority of gop primary voters in the key states of north carolina, virginia, and california say they will vote for the eventual republican nominee in november. and in another clue about the republican electorate, an exit poll in north carolina finding 60% of republican primary voters believe mr. trump's false claims that he won the 2020 election. 34% believe president biden won the election. >> let's talk about nikki haley. with you and your program, she recently was a little wavering on the issue of whether she's committed to endorsing the eventual nominee. is that pressure growing on her tonight? >> undoubtedly, lester, this could be nikki haley's last stand. she told me she has to remain competitive to stay in the race. can she still make that argument? the pressure could mount from republicans for her to drop out. and in a possible sign of expectations from the haley camp, she has no scheduled events tonight, lester. >> all right, kristen welker, thank you. we'll have coverage of super tuesday returns
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all night long, including at 10:00 p.m. eastern here on nbc. let's turn to that airplane tragedy in nashville now where five people were killed when a small plane crashed along a busy highway. the pilot telling air traffic controllers he was in trouble moments before the crash. kathy park has late details. >> reporter: this chilling video shows a moment a single-engine plane crashes along interstate 40 in nashville. from another angle, you can see the aircraft narrowly missing oncoming traffic monday night. moments before the fiery explosion, you hear the pilot alerting air traffic control that there is an emergency. >> are you trying to land at john tune? >> my engine killed off. i'm at 1,600. i'm going to be landing i don't know where. >> cleared to land. >> i'm too far away. i won't make it. >> the ntsb confirming the catastrophic crash killed all five on
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board, two adults and three children. >> we don't even know their names. these are canadian citizens. >> reporter: officials say the plane originated in canada and made several stops, including erie, pennsylvania, and mount sterling, kentucky, where it left around 7:19 last night. the flight path shows the plane was set to arrive in nashville around 7:43. >> passed over the airport at 4500 feet. proceeded to do an about-face. he had an engine issue and a total loss of engine power. >> reporter: danny nova says he lives near the crash scene and witnessed the tragic turn of events as the plane flew directly above his house. >> we looked up. we saw the belly of the plane, and we heard an engine. i listened for about two or three seconds. and then i heard a crash and an explosion. i knew that it was not possible for anybody to survive. >> reporter: with heavy rain in the forecast, investigators worked quickly to remove the wreckage to preserve any remaining evidence. a preliminary report is expected in ten days. lester?
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>> all right, kathy park, thank you. in michigan, an investigation is under way tonight into what caused a huge deadly fire at a facility storing vape products outside detroit. adrienne broaddus has that story for us. >> reporter: this was the frightening scene in a detroit suburb after a massive fire ripped through a commercial building. >> you have multiple explosions and a lot of debris in the air. >> reporter: those explosions sent gas-filled canisters from inside the structure flying into the air, killing a 19-year-old man. that bystander was at least a quarter mile away. a firefighter also hit by debris. terrified, residents in clinton township watched the explosions. >> i was never so afraid in my life. i'm still shaken. >> reporter: marie ainsworth filmed this video from her front yard. >> it was pretty bad and scary. it never stopped. it never stopped, the explosions never stopped. >> reporter: the
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building shared by a smoke shop named goo and select distributors a company that supplies vape products. authorities say it was supposed to be a retail operation. instead, inside a back room was a pallet of nitrous along with lighter fluid. they also just received a load of butane containers. half of those remain. >> there was over 100,000 vape pens that obviously have the lithium-ion batteries inside of those. >> reporter: authorities say the canisters weren't there at the time of an earlier inspection in 2022. >> they were not allowed to have the canisters in the building. they were illegally in the building. >> reporter: nbc news has reached out to the owner of the businesses for comment and has not received a response. tonight, investigators working to figure out what sparked the fire. there are going to be repercussions. people have done things wrong, very wrong. >> adrienne joins us now from the site of the building explosion. investigators are still collecting debris?
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>> lester, that's right. we're talking about debris and scattered pieces that landed as far as two miles away from here. authorities say the air quality and water are safe, but there is a warning for residents tonight. if you see one of those canisters, don't pick it up. it may still contain gas, which could explode. lester? >> quite a horrific scene there. adrienne, thank you. we'll turn now to the middle east. the u.s. today carrying out the second air drop of humanitarian aid into gaza as part of a joint operation with jordan. u.s. central command says planes dropped more than 36,000 meals over northern gaza. it says more air drops are being planned. we'll take a break. and in 60 seconds, relief on the way for americans struggling with credit card debt. the new limit on late fees just announced, fees just announced, rinumbers move you. but some can stop you in your tracks. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed with certain hpv-related cancers. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers.
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gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain diseases caused by hpv. including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and does not treat cancer or hpv infection. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. women still need routine cervical cancer screenings. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you've had an allergic reaction to the vaccine, its ingredients, or are allergic to yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect what counts. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about gardasil 9. a first in the world of college
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sports to report tonight. dartmouth's team voting to unionize. the players want to join a union that already represents some employs at the school to collectively bark over things like pay and practice hours. the school, which opposes the move, has five business days to appeal. also tonight, the new crackdown aimed at helping you hang on to more of your money. the biden administration finalizing a new limit today on how much credit card companies can charge in late fees. we get more from christine romans. >> reporter: the president assembling what the white house calls a competition. council today, acknowledging inflation weary americans feel nickelled and dimed. >> the american people are tired of being played for suckers. >> reporter: the administration today touting a new rule that will cap credit card late fees to just $8, down from 32. the consumer financial protection bureau closing a loophole in the 2009 card act. the cfpb says it means an average savings of $220 per household for the 45 million americans late on their credit card bill.
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>> utsds a really big deal because we are talking about people who are on a tight budget, who are living paycheck to paycheck. >> reporter: americans now hold record credit card debt. and all those balances carry a record high interest rate, averaging above 21%. late fees bring in $14 billion a year for credit card companies. the chamber of commerce vowed to sue the administration over the rule change, saying the cfpb, quote, punishes americans who pay their credit card bills on time by forcing them to pay for those who don't. this will result in fewer card offerings and limit access to affordable credit for many consumers. >> the unfortunate truth is that banks are just going to find other ways to recoup this lost revenue. in the long run it may not turn out to be as big as a win. >> reporter: the new rule set to take effect in 60 days as the white house is also taking on junk fees for sporting
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events and concerts, high poultry and meat prices and internet billing practices as the administration tries to show it is meeting consumers at their kitchen table. >> and christine is here now. the timing of this does not escape us. the fact the state of the union speech is a few days away. >> that's right, lester. the economy should be a key focus thursday. polls show the public does not give the president high marks for his handling of this economy, despite strong job growth, record highs in the job market and cooling inflation. president biden trying to show he is addressing the real everyday costs people face, lester. >> all right, christine, thank you. up next for us, vote watch. the new warning from small towns in rural areas about november's election. the new [cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha.
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a lot of frustration for facebook and instagram users worldwide today. hundreds of thousands reporting problems accessing the platforms for more than two hours. parent company meta says it was caused by a technical issue that's now been resolved. also tonight, in this super tuesday, election officials sounding the alarm over concerns about keeping the votes secure in some of america's rural areas. as julia ainsley reports, some counties just don't have the money to pay for it. >> reporter: tonight, as americans vote on the biggest primary night so far, there is a new warning about the upcoming presidential election in november. nbc news speaking to 17 election officials
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in eight states who told us some counties cannot afford to make badly needed security upgrades to their election's infrastructure. the biggest concern they say is in small towns and rural areas. like harney county, oregon, where we met county clerk dag robinson. >> this job is not the same job that i was elected to in 2013. >> reporter: he told us why he is worried about protecting the courthouse where votes will be counted this election day. >> in 2016, we had protesters arrive that occupied the national wildlife refugee. >> reporter: they were peaceful at first, he said. >> until they become angry and violent. that brings up security concerns for us. >> reporter: how long did that go on? >> it was 41 days of hell if you had to work in this building. >> reporter: since then the county has posted signs prohibiting firms around the courthouse. but he is worried that is not enough. tonight, america's critical infrastructure agency known as cisa says america's election systems continue to be safe and secure. >> i have great
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confidence in the security and integrity of elections. so that doesn't keep me up at night. >> reporter: but cisa director jen easterly says there are communities that need help. so her agency has been reaching out. >> at the local level, townships, municipalities, counties, that's where there are real challenges from resources. so that's where we've been focused. >> reporter: what can be done here to help towns and counties like harney county be more secure? >> yeah, so i think it really does come down to priorities. >> reporter: harney county is one of about 10,000 voting jurisdictions across the country. cisa can say what they need to do to improve security, but we have they have to pay for it. >> i worry about these doors. >> reporter: cisa recently visited and recommended changes, including stronger doors to protect the courthouse. >> cisa suggested that we replace this count er with a barrier that is a secure barrier for the work space to
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the open space where the public will be. >> reporter: but robinson says county money will likely go to a badly needed new jail first. why should american people prioritize voting security? >> democracy is the cornerstone of our country. and we need to have a faith in it. >> reporter: easterly says she wants americans to know they can have confidence in the integrity of their elections, and she is encouraging smaller towns with smaller budgets to reach out for federal and state grants. lester? >> all right, julia, thank you. up next, a sale of a piece of tv history. what happened to that iconic booth from "the sopranos" finale. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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pursue it. we're back with one more note about this super tuesday. taylor swift encouraging her 282 million fans on instagram to go out and vote. it was a nonpartisan message with swift encouraging fans to, quote, vote the people who most represent you into power. and finally, someone is the proud new owner of an iconic piece of telephone history from a finale that still has viewers talking all these years later. here is emilie ikeda. >> reporter: it was inside this new jersey restaurant one of the most famous closing scenes in television was filmed nearly two decades ago. >> what looks good
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tonight? >> i don't know. >> reporter: but that iconic red booth and yellow table from "the sopranos" now too fading to black, sold to a bidder on ebay for $82,600 monday, an amount that would have even "the sopranos" leading men saying -- chris carly says it was not an easy decision, but the over 80-year-old restaurant was in need of a reboot. >> not by choice. they've had so much wear and tear on them over the last 16, 17 years. they're falling apart. >> reporter: the listing started bidding at $3,000 last week. and within 24 hours, soared to more than 20 times that. were you surprised by how much the booth sold for? >> $80,000 is a lot of money. but i guess if you really wanted something like that in your collection, i guess to them it's not crazy. >> reporter: the owner says they were careful not to lose the nostalgia in the
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renovation. same color scheme, same walls. and you'll still find pictures from the show all around. for years the booth has drawn fans from around the country, recreating the series cliff-hanger. and tonight the next chapter for this piece of television history a mystery, with no word on who bought the booth. emilie ikeda, nbc news, bloomfield, new jersey. that is "nightly news" for this tuesday. thank you for watching, everyone. i'm lester holt. please take care of yourself and each other. good night. other. good night.
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♪ right now at 4:30 super tuesday is underway in the bay area and beyond. several big races will be decided tonight we are here to track it for you. good afternoon. welcome to nbc bay area news. i am au


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