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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  March 5, 2024 11:34pm-12:36am PST

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to replace the late dianne feinstein. it has been called by nbc, adam schiff holding onto a lead. you can see it followed by republican steve garvey. it's the first time since the 90s that california will not be represented by a woman in the senate. adam schiff and steve garvey are the top two. they will be advancing to the november election. another big race, who will replace nsu in the house of representatives? a lot of big names. a lot of money being spent. the top two will advance. former mayor, sam, with a slight lead over joe samiti and and evan low. we will continue to follow this into wednesday. our coverage covers on wednesday. the qr code will take you right there. scan your camera right there on the code to access our super tuesday elec
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests - savannah guthrie and hoda kotb rhett and link musical guest, don toliver and featuring the legendary roots crew >> questlove: 1933 >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause
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>> jimmy: oh, my goodness. come on. that's -- welcome, everybody welcome to "the tonight show." you're here. you made it. thank you very much. thank you for watching at home guys, it was a big day in politics 'cause today was super tuesday. >> steve: oh [ audience oohs >> jimmy: which is exciting because that means tomorrow is super hump day [ laughter ] both biden and trump won the most delegates tonight, but they aren't very popular, which is why poll sites were handing out stickers that said, "i reluctantly voted. [ laughter ] meanwhile, today, taylor swift got on instagram and encouraged her 282 million followers to vote yeah, which backfired when everyone voted for the blank space. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause "no, no, okay, i'll do that. apparently ahead of super tuesday, staffers at msnbc were scrambling after bedbugs were found at their headquarters. >> steve: oh [ audience oohs >> jimmy: anyway, welcome to 30 rock, everyone. [ laughter ]
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enjoy. there's a hazmat suit under your chairs, yeah. [ light laughter ] that's right today, 15 states and one territory held primary elections or caucuses. yep, voters went to the polls in vermont, alabama, maine, massachusetts. you know what? the list is so long. i can't even get through it. so, we wrote this song to make it easier to remember. take a look. ♪ ♪ when you can't remember the names of the super tuesday states ♪ ♪ when you tr to recall them and you feel your mind go blank ♪ ♪ we're here to solve your problem and all the problems this creates ♪ ♪ just sing vammmutovcacastanc ♪ ♪ >> what does vammmutovcacastanc stand for? why it's an easy to remember acronym for all the states in the super tuesday primary. vermont, alabama, maine, massachusetts, minnesota, utah, texas, oklahoma, virginia, california, arkansas, colorado,
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american samoa, tennessee, alaska, and north carolina, of course all together in one simple little acronym that rolls right off the tongue you'll never forget the super tuesday states again when you sing our helpful little song ♪ vammmutovcacastan vammmutovcacastanc ♪ >> everybody now ♪ vammmutovcacastan vammmutovcacastanc ♪ ♪ kaleid-o-bility ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: that guy's great so easy to remember now. so easy to remember now. yeah [ light laughter ] well, guys, a lot of people are talking about this today, facebook and instagram experienced a massive outage and went down for over half a million people yeah all day, people were like, "if i can't post a photo of me voting, what was the point?" [ laughter ] tonight at dinner, kids looked up from their phones like, "whoa, i have a sibling? [ laughter ] without facebook, your annoying
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co-worker just shouted status updates throughout the day taco tuesday taco tuesday [ light laughter ] well, switching gears. i saw that jeff bezos just reclaimed the title as the world's richest person beating elon musk. yeah, here's what the billionaires had to say about it first, jeff bezos said, "feels good to be back on top." [ light laughter ] then elon musk said, "you got me this time, jeff, but i'll be back at number one soon enough." then donald trump said, "absolutely. we're just three guys with similar amounts of money - [ laughter ] -- having fun, maybe sharing some of that money with each other. [ laughter ] bezos said, "excuse me?" [ laughter ] then trump said, "we're -- we're just three best friends with spaceships that we'll let each other borrow to escape earth if a few court cases don't go our way." [ laughter ] then elon said, "i'm sorry, what?" then trump said, "we're just three ride-or-die besties who love to venmo each other half a billion dollars as a joke. you go first, lol. [ laughter ] then bezos said, "why would i do that? and trump said, "because i got
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you something in return. then bezos said, "wow, thanks. [ laughter ] and trump said, "enjoy it. there you go i can't believe they did that. that's interesting [ cheers and applause isn't that thoughtful? some more business news. the exercise equipment company, bowflex, has filed for bankruptcy [ audience aws ] i'm shocked, because i thought bowflex went out of business two decades ago. [ laughter ] well, listen to this a man staying at a hotel in las vegas claims that while he was asleep in his room, a scorpion stung his testicles [ audience oohs his wife goes, "all right, i'll buy the scorpion story, but how did you get crabs? [ laughter ] >> steve: hey, whoa! [ applause ] >> jimmy: and finally, a woman in the u.k. got her coat snagged on one of those metal gates that come down in front of the stores when they close. and well, just watch what happened when the store opened [ audience oohs [ light laughter ]
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>> jimmy: yeah when an employee finally noticed, they were like, "don't worry, we close in eight hours. [ laughter ] yeah [ applause ] we have a great show, everyone give it up for the roots [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ oh give up the ham ♪ welcome to the show, everybody oh, i just want to quickly mention that -- tune into nbc next tuesday, one week from tonight. it'll be the premier of season two of my show, "password. [ cheers and applause hosted by emmy winner keke palmer. joe manganiello will be on it's a great show. it's super funny so, gather the whole family around to watch. tuesday -- next tuesday, march 12th, 10:00 p.m., nbc, next day on peacock. [ cheers and applause but first, what a show we have for you tonight. they are co-anchors of the "today" show, and they each have a new book available now. "mostly what god does" and "hope is a rainbow." savannah guthrie and hoda kotb
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are here tonight [ cheers and applause they host the popular youtube show, "good mythical morning," and they have a brand-new book called "the mythical cookbook," which is available march 11th. rhett and link are joining us tonight. [ cheers and applause and we got great music from don toliver, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause hey, have you guys noticed that when you start typing something on google it automatically tries to complete the search for you? >> steve: oh >> jimmy: it, like, autofills for you? but sometimes their suggestions are a little off i'll show you what i mean. it's time for "google autofails. here we go [ cheers and applause ♪ google autofails yeah ♪ >> jimmy: look at what i did today. i typed in, "how do i jumpstart," and it autocorrected immediately. it said, "my car?" >> steve: uh-huh >> jimmy: "my career?" >> steve: yeah >> jimmy: and then it said "mitch mcconnell?" [ laughter and applause then i go, "oh that's -- that's not --" >> steve: that's not - >> jimmy: that's rude a little
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it's a little rude >> steve: i think it's rude of google >> jimmy: yeah next up, i typed in, "is appletv plus --" and it auto -- it auto filled in, right, immediately. >> steve: immediately. >> jimmy: it said, yeah. "is appletv plus," says, "worth having?" >> steve: uh-huh >> jimmy: then it put "better than netflix?" it says, "just pumping out shows about space and world war ii to hypnotize america's dads?" [ laughter and applause that's what it said. >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: after that, i typed in, "how long does it take your mouth to heal after -- [ laughter ] and it said, "gum surgery? then it said, "a root canal? >> steve: really gum surgery. >> jimmy: and the last one, was, it said, "eating cap'n crunch?" >> steve: wow. [ laughter and applause wow. >> jimmy: that was the one i was gonna type in. >> steve: yeah, 'cause you're -- you got cap'n crunch mouth. >> jimmy: oh, i eat cereal all the time 24/6 next up, i typed in, "it's best to avoid --" >> steve: mm-hm. >> jimmy: and it just came right in and said, "direct sunlight." >> steve: yep. >> jimmy: it said, "drinking too much soda. it said, "adults who vacation at disney world without kids." [ laughter and applause what i love disney. >> steve wow >> jimmy: i couldn't believe it i couldn't believe it.
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so, i typed in more things >> steve: you did more things? >> jimmy: because i couldn't believe these answers. >> steve: right. you were, like -- you were, like, shocked? >> jimmy: yeah, i was shocked. i was like, "this is insane. >> steve: right. >> jimmy: this is ludicrous. >> steve: right, well -- >> jimmy: not the rapper >> steve: okay, good [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: finally, i typed in, "is trader joe's --" and it said, "hiring? "open? "just whole foods with hornier cashiers?" [ laughter ] that's it. that's it for "google autofills. stick around we'll be back with some amazing kid inventors. tonight. kid inventions oh, i love that. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: what is your invention tonight? >> a space face. >> jimmy: a space face now, what is a space face. >> when someone is, like, talking to you, and you don't want to, like, talk anymore to them, you can, like, put it down, and it's just a picture of your face [ laughter and applause cheese. [door creaks open] [ominous music] (♪♪)
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. if you love seeing new inventions and you love brilliant kids, then you're really going to love this. it's time for "fallonventions. here we go ♪ >> steve: welcome to "fallonventions," jimmy fallon's night of invention.
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[ cheers and applause >> jimmy: now i love inventions, and i'm okay with kids [ light laughter ] so we found some of the best and brightest kids out there, and i think you're gonna be amazed at what they came up with let's meet our first inventor. mason, come on over, mason [ cheers and applause [ laughter ] i don't know that game how you doing, buddy nice to see you. how old are you and where are you from >> i'm six, and i'm from lincoln park, new jersey >> jimmy: hey. [ cheers and applause i'm so happy welcome to the show. you look good, bud and what is your invention tonight? >> space face. >> jimmy: a "space face" and what is space face >> when someone's, like, talking to you and you don't want to, like, talk anymore to them, you can, like, put it down - [ laughter ] and it's a picture of your face [ laughter and applause
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>> jimmy: oh, my gosh. i need this. all right, let -- let's test it out, okay? let's test it out. so mason, i -- i've been - [ light laughter ] i started my comedy career back in 1992. you know, just doing clubs and stuff like that. you know, trying to do impressions. and -- mason, are you even listening to me? [ laughter ] oh, oh, you can nod? so you can nod with it, too. mason, i really like that. actually it reminds me of something i invented too check this thing out okay, this is called the retractable hat, okay? now look, it's a regular looking hat, right just looks like a normal hat you'd wear out, right? [ laughter ] any -- under any situation, any weather situation, look at this ready? see? it goes up like that [ scattered cheers ] that's cool. you go, "that's cool i want a little sun," or whatever it is you know, let the -- or, if you want -- depending on how much you want -- you can take the whole top of that, retractable [ laughter and applause
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so that's it are you listening to me, mason? [ laughter ] all right, thank you, buddy. i'll see you later there, give it up for mason, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪ let's meet our next inventors. come over leah and riley [ cheers and applause ♪ how you doing, leah? hi, riley. >> hi. >> jimmy: how are you? welcome. where are you from and how old are you? >> well first, i have a question >> jimmy: whoa, hold on. wow, wow, wow. wow, uh, whoa. okay, yes you do what >> do you know jake from state farm [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yes. okay [ laughter ] do you want me to say hi from you? yeah >> yeah. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: okay, i will [ laughter ] great. [ light laughter ] do you know -- do you know taylor swift >> yeah. >> yes >> jimmy: tell her i said hi >> okay. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what is your invention? what did you bring with you tonight? jake from state farm yeah, i do, i like that guy. >> our invention is called the
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bottle buddy >> jimmy: and what's the bottle buddy >> so the bottle buddy, um, sticks and attaches to your desk and you just, um, put your water bottle in it and there's a small compartment in the corner, so you can put your pencils or pens so you don't lose those either. >> jimmy: so what -- now what -- can i just ask, like, what's -- why is this a problem? >> because kids are always, like, knocking over their water bottles. [ clattering ] >> jimmy: hey, be careful. that's a real expensive water bottle [ light laughter ] it says "the tonight show" actually this is a real one so kids are knocking them over >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's a problem and you solved it by putting the bottle buddy i kind of love this idea and it can go anywhere i guess, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: where -- you can stick it to the side this is fun. i think this is a giant -- i would use this i like this invention. [ cheers and applause i think you have something here >> we got -- um -- >> jimmy: you made this for me >> yeah, do you want to trade?
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>> jimmy: uh -- i -- well, i don't want to trade, but - [ laughter ] so that -- this one you made 'specially for me? >> mm-hm >> yeah. [ audience aws ] >> jimmy: that is very, very thoughtful of you. you had these stickers made from our art department and put them on? [ light laughter ] >> mm-hm >> jimmy: don't lie to me. >> yeah, we did. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: you really did >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah really how long did you take making these stickers [ laughter ] >> i don't know. >> jimmy: all right. i think this is a great idea, by the way i'm serious. i love this. [ cheers and applause let me show you this invention here's something that i invented that's gonna blow you away look at this thing this is pretty cool. this is called the endless napkin, okay so you're sitting there, you're at school, you're like - [ clattering ] you know, you're at school, you're dropping your water bottle all over the place. you drop -- you spill your water, right on your desk or whatever you spill it there guess what [ laughter ] every tie is a napkin. [ cheers and applause is that the best thing you've ever heard of in your lifetime >> i would not wear that [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: what are you talking about? do you want to try this on >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, it's pretty good god, i wish i had mason's hat right now. [ laughter and applause i really wish. mason, get back out here, bud. did you guys meet mason? >> yeah. >> jimmy: why don't you tell him about bottle buddy yeah [ laughter and applause i love it, i love it guys, we here at "the tonight show" love supporting smart, talented kids like you we want to help you keep exploring and creating and changing the world so we're giving each of you $5,000 to help further your education. [ cheers and applause ♪ thank you so much. i appreciate this. here you go. mason, giant - [ cheers and applause that's a real check. riley, leah, here you go congratulations. [ cheers and applause thank you so much for being on the show my thanks to mason, leah and riley. stick around, we're playing "catchphrase" when we come back, everybody.
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come on. [ cheers and applause ♪ you're funny ♪ [ beeping you sleep on it every single night and you - >> jimmy: a pillow >> yeah, but you have to wash it too the thing that covers it, that covers the pillow! >> jimmy: a pillowcase [ buzzer ] [ cheers and applause oh yes, yes, yes! yes, yes, absolutely, yes! we got it! ♪ in. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ i feel free... ♪ ♪ to bear my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ( ♪♪) with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and most people were clearer even at 5 years. skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions... ...and an increased risk of infections... ...or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,...
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visit today to learn more. is it menopause or something else? the menopause journey has stages. learn about yours with clearblue menopause stage indicator... that tracks your fsh hormone levels... combining them with your cycle data. what's your menopause stage? ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin? for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle. downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back to "the tonight show." i'm here with tariq. we're about to play a game of "catchphrase." [ cheers ] but we need some players joining my team, her book, "mostly what god does," is available now.
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give it up for "today" show co-anchor, savannah guthrie! [ cheers and applause ♪ ready, partner yes, we're gonna all right, good, perfect, we got this joining tariq's team, her book, "hope is a rainbow," is out now. please welcome another "today" show co-anchor, hoda kotb! [ cheers and applause ♪ i mean, come on. all right, come on, bud. great to see you i love you, bud. oh, oh, get ready. oh, get ready. >> trash talk. >> jimmy: all right, here's how the game works i'm going to start the round by pressing start on this buzzer. hoda, you will draw a clue from the top of the pile. you have to get your partner to guess the clue as quickly as possible, then hand the buzzer to the person on your right. >> okay. >> jimmy: okay, if you're holding the buzzer when it goes off, your team loses that round. we're going to play three rounds let's take our positions >> okay. >> what are our positions? >> jimmy: i think you're over there. >> okay. >> i'm here? oh, here's me. >> jimmy: you're there and tariq's all the way around yeah, you'll be starting yeah, you're my guest. >> so what's happening >> jimmy: yes, all right, you press the button >> i push the button
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>> jimmy: yes. get the clue, and then get tariq to guess it. >> all right are you ready, tariq >> jimmy: you press start. >> tariq: yes, we're connected already. >> let's go. [ beeping uh, it's got all of the months and the days and the weeks >> tariq: it's a calendar. >> yes, it is. go >> tariq: wow. >> jimmy: whoa >> wow okay, do i press the button? >> jimmy: no, it's good. >> oh, okay. it's -- it's rain but it's like, not a pouring rain it's just kind of a -- >> jimmy: mist >> it's like that. >> jimmy: fog? >> it's a -- >> jimmy: drizzle? [ faster beeping ] >> yes, okay, sorry. [ cheers ] >> go, go, go! >> jimmy: you knew what that was? >> tariq: it's not a taco but a -- >> burrito >> tariq: yes. >> go. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: "oh, i can't wait for this holiday it's gonna be fantastic. >> st. patrick's day >> jimmy: yes, exactly [ cheers ] >> you order it. it's not caviar, it's not -- it's the one where you drive the car and you get the food >> tariq: uh, foie gras? >> it delivers to your house >> uh, drive through >> no, they come to your house, and you open the door. >> tariq: burger, you order, door to -- diner >> it rhymes with buber. rhymes with buber. >> tariq: uber, uber eats. >> yes [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: "buber"? come on! [ faster beeping ] >> all right, this is -- >> buber >> -- you sleep on it every single night and you - >> jimmy: a pillow >> yeah, but you have to wash it, too. the thing that covers it, that covers the pillow! >> jimmy: a pillowcase
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[ buzzer ] [ cheers and applause oh yes, yes, yes! yes, yes, absolutely, yes! [ bell dings ] we got that. >> what's happening? >> jimmy: judges said yes. ♪ we got pillow, we got -- we got it, we got this >> tariq, tariq. it's okay. >> tariq: "the judges -- >> come on, tariq. >> jimmy: the judges - >> wait a minute "rhymes with buber"? >> jimmy: yeah, right, yeah. that is not legal. that is not legal at all >> why >> jimmy: because that's not a a real word. "rhymes with buber." tariq, why don't you take it off and start? >> i'll get ready. >> jimmy: oh, my god [ beeping come on, tariq >> we do this once a year when it gets warm we, you know, fix up all the things around the house. >> spring cleaning >> yes [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: okay uh, at the movies, it's what everyone eats. >> popcorn >> jimmy: yeah wow. [ cheers and applause calm [ faster beeping ] collected, cool. >> you can either sit in the aisle, the middle, or the -- >> tariq: row. [ laughter ] >> aisle, middle - >> tariq: aisle, middle, or the -- or the window seat. >> thank you [ applause ] you're scaring me. >> okay. this is the -- no, stop! >> jimmy: sorry. >> this is the hipster place where all of the celebrities live now the borough, it's not manhattan, it is - [ faster beeping ] williamsburg is in it. >> jimmy: brooklyn brooklyn >> yes
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[ applause ] >> tariq, go, go, go, tariq. >> tariq: all right. okay, this is when we set the clocks back -- >> look at me. look at me >> tariq: when we set the clocks back. >> spring forward. >> tariq: no >> daylight saving, go, go >> tariq: yes. >> jimmy: oh, my god >> jimmy: it's like a tennis game, but -- >> pickleball. >> jimmy: yes! [ cheers and applause >> it's not the nba. it's the -- it's the other one with two -- not b's but -- oh, no [ buzzer ] not the nba. it's not the - >> tariq: the nfl? >> college basketball. >> tariq: oh, oh okay, i see. >> jimmy: ncaa ncaa >> "rhymes with buber" >> tariq: the judges are saying we won, hoda >> they are? way to go, tariq >> jimmy: yeah, right. the judges did not say that. it rhymes with m-c-a-a yeah, okay, good [ laughter ] >> tariq: gee, wow >> jimmy: yeah, okay, a very little trick there >> wait, what's happening? one more round, winner takes all. let's go >> jimmy: what [ cheers ] i'm just hearing this -- [ cheers and applause >> tariq: come on, come on, come on. >> winner takes all! >> jimmy: oh, really >> tariq: come on. come on. >> jimmy: she's taking over. taking over. >> tariq: winner takes all >> jimmy: winner takes all who's going? >> tariq: get our heads in the game, let's go, let's go, >> jimmy: who's going first [ cheers and applause why am i slapping five with you? >> ready >> jimmy: yes, of course [ beeping >> come on
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>> okay, he's an actor and he's like, really young and beautiful looking. kind of like feminine looking, and all of the little girls love him, the tweens and um, it rhymes with rimothee >> jimmy: timothee chalamet. [ laughter and applause >> sorry [ faster beeping ] >> tariq: okay, it's a piece of furniture you sit in >> couch, chair -- >> tariq: it works on your back >> love seat >> tariq: it works on your back when you sit in -- >> oh, massage chair >> tariq: yes. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: wow. okay, uh, "oh, i've got an idea." [ faster beeping ] >> oh, a lightbulb over my head >> jimmy: yeah, there you go [ cheers ] >> oh, god [ vocalizing ] [ laughter ] >> tariq: harmonica. >> yes [ applause ] >> jimmy: playing "happy birthday"? >> okay, this is where you get the breadsticks, you go to the restaurant just for the breadsticks. >> jimmy: olive garden >> go, go, go, go! [ cheers ] >> tariq: okay, when you're on the phone and you can see the person you're talking to >> facetime! >> tariq: yes. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: okay you're doing this. it's not pilates but it's -- >> oh, yoga. >> jimmy: yeah [ buzzer ] oh yes, yes yes, yes, yes. judges judges [ bell dinging ] [ cheers and applause ♪ >> tariq: no >> jimmy: my thanks to savannah guthrie and hoda kotb tariq trotter. [ cheers and applause we're talking to savannah and hoda after the break we won stick around [ cheers and applause stick around [ cheers and applause ♪ if you're living with hiv,
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actually, no, justine... my famous 2 tacos are still just 99¢ when you order on the jack app or online. could you press 6, please? i'm going up. get my famous 2 tacos for just 99¢. only on the jack app or online. ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: our first guests are the co-anchors of the "today" show and also "new york times" best-selling authors they each have a new book available now -- "mostly what god does," and "hope is a rainbow. please welcome, savannah guthrie and hoda kotb [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back [ cheers and applause welcome back to the show >> hi! >> hi. >> jimmy: you are so fun i really appreciate you coming i know you guys are so busy. i mean, you've been here all day. >> we've been here all day >> jimmy: "today" show to "tonight show. >> and guess who's gonna be here all night too >> jimmy: then you're all night, too >> we have our super tuesday coverage tonight >> jimmy: yeah, of course. >> i'm sure you were watching. >> jimmy: oh, i -- i couldn't - >> do you feel think this leather dominatrix outfit was too much for lester? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, you'll probably have to change for lester. >> he's like -- you know, it's kind of a boring super tuesday, so >> jazz it up. >> jimmy: yeah, you gotta spice it up a little bit >> wait 'til you see what he wears. >> jimmy: yeah i want to talk about -- i want to talk about these books, i want to talk about everything that's happening right now but the big deal here at nbc is the summer olympics. >> yes >> jimmy: you're going to paris. >> we are so pumped. >> i mean, it's "today" on rose, all day. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. oh, no >> no, i'm not kidding and you know, we -- do we not
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feel like we deserve it? because we had tokyo in the pandemic >> yeah. yep. >> jimmy: that's right >> and then beijing in the pandemic >> yes >> jimmy: yeah >> so, it's like, the universe has given us paris >> this is our turn. >> jimmy: it's going to be a a party. >> and by the way, the olympics are going to be incredible we've got gymnastics, y'all. y'all, we're gonna dominate gymnastics, you guys know that [ cheers and applause >> okay, simone. >> jimmy: simone's coming back >> by the way, this is gonna be simone's chapter like, i feel like she's gonna be incredible. and they kinda save it to the end, so they make you wait for it >> you know hoda is, like, the unofficial den mother of u.s.a gymnastics >> jimmy: i remember this. >> she cheers for them so hard and actually, speaking of tokyo during the pandemic, where we weren't allowed to, like, really even look at each other >> yeah, we weren't. >> hoda was like, "well, their families aren't here, and someone's gonna give 'em a a hug. and like, the tok -- the japanese government was like - >> jimmy: "no. >> "tell that woman to stop hugging the athletes." [ laughter ] it was like, an international incident >> jimmy: you can't help it. >> it was. >> hoda was like, "i don't care." >> jimmy: you can't help it. >> i almost got in trouble big time >> jimmy: you're a mom, come on >> big-time in trouble >> jimmy: you got too much love
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>> she's like a -- she should have a gold medal. >> jimmy: you -- by the way, your daughters are so cute >> oh. >> jimmy: both of you have beautiful families but your daughters are so cute and you did something for -- was it haley's first - >> haley's first grade class, yeah >> jimmy: they came in - >> they were -- they were in studio 1a, jimmy they came in during a live taping of the show 24 first graders [ audience aws ] they rocked it, y'all. it was so -- it was so sweet >> jimmy: did you -- were you afraid that they were gonna be disruptive >> i didn't know -- i didn't know what was gonna happen >> jimmy: it sounds like a -- it could be a disaster >> i know. they really minded their ps and qs i mean, it was super, super, super sweet. >> jimmy: we have a little clip of your daughter, haley, reading from the teleprompter. look at this thing >> we're live in new york city, and you're watching the "today" show >> jimmy: are you kidding me come on. [ cheers and applause that's the future of the "today" show right there >> love it >> jimmy: and they're here tonight. hope and haley, where are they they're over - >> oh! >> jimmy: of course they jumped out of the crowd [ applause ] hi haley, hi hope. [ laughter ] >> yes, indeed >> jimmy: yeah, it's perfect >> yes, indeed >> jimmy: we were talking about super tuesday earlier, and you said, oh, you just got reminded of a halloween costume
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'cause i mentioned super tuesday. i go, "what are you talking about? >> "what are you talking about? okay, this is the weirdest thing. this is my election story. so, one halloween i dressed up as a voting booth. >> jimmy: yeah >> it was way, way back in the day. it was carter and ford i put -- wait. i put a box. i cut a head out, and i had two slots, and you could put candy in for carter and candy in for ford and i put on one of those uncle sam hats i gotta tell you, i crushed halloween. >> jimmy: really >> because if you said "who's winning? carter carter?! they would dig into their thing and dump it in to ford, and you go, "ford's winning. i never had as much candy as i had that year. never. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: every year kids, go as a voting booth [ applause ] >> it can win. it's a winner. it's a winner-winner always, jimmy. >> jimmy: we have to talk about these books. i cannot wait to get into this first of all, i want to say congrats on your podcast,
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"making space. fifth season >> by the way -- and let me tell you who my number one guest is on this -- on the podcast. i had savannah on for her book, which you have there, "mostly what god does. and it was one of the best conversations we've ever had and this is a podcast where i've gotten to interview all kinds of incredible people i know savannah like the back of my hand, but i didn't realize how much more there was. that more is in that book. >> jimmy: yeah >> and when i sat with her, it was like we were weeping and talking, and it was one of the most beautiful conversations it was my top-rated podcast. >> jimmy: isn't that wild? >> because -- yes! this girl -- see, this girl -- >> jimmy: you've known each other for so long. >> we have, but i mean, there's no better interview than hoda. she -- every time -- this podcast -- [ clears throat [ laughter ] [ clears throat >> i'll say it again [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, we -- no, we heard you! >> in all caps this time >> jimmy: where's mason's hat? where's mason's hat? [ laughter ] >> now underlined. can you take me on camera one? there is no better interviewer than hoda. >> jimmy: yeah >> but anyways, it was just -- it was a beautiful conversation and, you know, it's just -- i feel like people want to connect. and so that's kinda what this book is all about. and her book too
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"hope is a rainbow" is like, a a kids' book, but actually i feel like any adult needs to be reminded of this right now >> jimmy: you need -- when you read books to kids, you need to be entertained as well sorry, that's just the way it works. it's like -- >> momma, dadda. >> jimmy: yes, thank you, yeah, yeah yeah, but oh, my god, look how cute on the back, too. >> oh. >> jimmy: come on. congrats on this this just came out today [ audience aws ] congratulations. >> thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: and then savannah, your book came out, i think it's almost a month out? it's a couple week >> a couple weeks, yeah. >> jimmy: right now, it is currently the number one "new york times" best-seller [ cheers and applause congratulations! what are you talking about that's fantastic >> so sweet. >> number one. >> jimmy: number one >> let's say it again. where's my camera? >> jimmy: yeah >> number one. >> but jimmy was so sweet. you sent me a text and were so encouraging. hoda had her two pom-poms high in the air she's the reason there's a a book, 'cause she - i was like, "i dunno, i can -- you know, i'd, like, come moping in. she's like, "you're doing it send me another essay! let me read it!" >> "no, you're doing it. >> jimmy: said, "you're doing it." >> by the way, you're -- i said she's doing it, because it's a a book that no matter what your belief system happens to be,
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it's for you that's what -- that's what this book is doing. that's why it's crossing over into so many different places. it's unique. it's different it's in her voice. it's full of wisdom and laugh -- like, i was reading it laughing and giggling, and also jotting down notes, thinking "wow, i had never thought of that before." >> jimmy: it's well done >> it's a good one, jimmy. >> jimmy: it's well done both of you guys, congratulations on everything you do >> thank you [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: and i love having you as guests, as well you're my favorites. i watch every morning. savannah guthrie, hoda kotb, everybody. "mostly what god does" and "hope is a rainbow" are available now. rhett and link join us, after the break, stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪
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[traffic noise] [text message] let's ace this thing! ♪ ♪ i got you coffee. oh my god, what? you literally read my mind. got you, girl. ♪ i am, i cried ♪ you literally read my mind. [ laughing ] ♪ i am, said i ♪ ♪ and i am lost and i can't ♪ punch buggy red. ♪ even say why ♪
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♪ i am, i said ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪
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there's one drink every bartender wants to serve. it's not an old fashioned, or a manhattan. because every bartender's least favorite drink to serve you, is one too many. ♪♪ ♪ on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) look at these humans, just walking past the chance
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to save nearly $750. hey, you! look. here. look at this. -[ gasps ] -come on. let's go. oh, boy. ooh, that didn't turn out how you wanted. switch to progressive, and you could save hundreds. you love pizza just as much as we love pizza so we're bringing you our favorite offer yet. for a limited time get a large, one topping pizza for 8.99, only at papa johns. better ingredients, better pizza. ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guests are the hosts of the very popular youtube show
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"good mythical morning." they now have a brand-new cookbook called "the mythical cookbook," which is available march 11th please welcome rhett and link. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: good to see you, link good to see you, rhett >> yeah, good to see you, man. >> jimmy: welcome back to the show you know, this is your tenth "tonight show" appearance. >> we figured that out we couldn't believe it [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: i'm so happy and thankful >> ten appearances >> jimmy: i'm very thankful. >> and congratulations on ten years, for you >> jimmy: that -- oh, yeah the show's been on for ten years. [ cheers and applause >> and because, you know, the stars aligned, our tenth time, celebrating ten years of you hosting, we got you a little something. and we put a lot of thought into it. >> jimmy: aw, you don't have to -- you don't have to get me a gift >> a lot of legwork here
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>> jimmy: really >> a lot of planning >> jimmy: this is unbelievable this is stuff for me >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah >> congratulations >> jimmy: this is amazing, thank you very much. >> but it's a set. [ light laughter ] it's a set >> jimmy: it's a set, yeah >> so hold that. >> jimmy: so this isn't just something you got at the airport on the way in? >> no, no. >> no, no, no, no, no. >> not "just." >> jimmy: no here is the -- >> now put those next to each other. [ light laughter ] >> you see anything like that before [ light laughter ] >> ten [ applause ] >> ten >> ten >> ten >> jimmy: actually - >> one, zero >> jimmy: it is one, zero, it is ten [ laughter ] you guys are kind of ingenious ♪ you guys are genius. >> could be l-u. >> jimmy: that's really good that's really brilliant. thank you, thank you very much also, by the way, thank you for leaving the receipt. [ light laughter ] i appreciate yeah, unbelievable >> in case you want to exchange it >> jimmy: this is -- is it your 25th season of "good mythical morning?" >> yeah, we don't get out much >> jimmy: that's wild. 25 seasons >> 2,500 episodes. >> jimmy: 2,500 episodes congratulations. you've been friends for 40 years it's a milestone, and you said you did something special together >> yeah.
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>> yeah, we did. >> well, we continued our quest to, you know, do every major medical procedure together last -- you know, a few times ago we were here, we talked about doing vasectomies together the brosectomies >> jimmy: the brosectomy >> right, we're in the room together >> jimmy: i do remember the brosectomy, yeah >> why stop there, when you can colonoscopies together >> jimmy: i remember the - [ laughter ] no, you did not. >> yeah. >> yes, we -- we got brolonoscopies >> yeah. >> jimmy: okay, oh, interesting. and you actually brought a a video? [ laughter and ohs ] >> yeah, here's -- we asked - >> jimmy: do we want to see this >> well, it's tastefully edited >> it's tasteful >> jimmy: okay >> and we asked to reduce the anesthesia so that we could be talkative during the procedure >> jimmy: right. >> 'cause we were making a a video. >> which is not typical. the doctor wanted us to tell everyone that's not typical. they don't always do that. >> jimmy: normally, you're just -- not -- yeah, you're just out but here we go this is real watch this >> hey, rhett, i'm glad you're here for me. [ laughter ] why don't -- why don't we hold hands? >> you know what i'll hold your hand so you don't move it. >> i'd like to make a business decision right now >> yeah, i don't know if i would advise that.
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>> you're not my advisor >> maybe we start a website. >> brolonoscopy. like - >> it's where you grab a buddy, go get a colonoscopy you both turn 45 it's time to take a trip >> did you find any polyp? >> no. >> dude, i'm so winning right now. [ light laughter ] i'm so grateful i get to have something shoved deep into my colon in your presence 'cause, you know, that's - [ light laughter ] that's what life is all about. >> well this one, it is an element of it, that's for sure [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's a good reaction you're like, "uh, i don't know what to tell you, buddy. he seemed lucid right then but earlier -- >> oh, come on >> he -- yeah, i'm gonna throw you under the bus here we also got tattoos of our wive's name on our butt cheeks at the same time >> yeah. >> so, when the doctor pulls back to, like, you know, to see his work area -- >> jimmy: yeah >> he -- he asks rhett, who's
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already under, "who's jessie?" and rhett says, "well, there's plenty of jessies. there's jesse pinkman from 'breaking bad.' [ laughter ] there's jessie from 'toy story.'" he, like, goes on - he never gets to his wife. >> jimmy: never mentions his wife >> never >> i was gonna eventually get to her [ laughter ] i just -- i was working my way up and hey, i call her baby i call her baby. >> jimmy: you don't even call her jessie >> yeah, right >> jimmy: yeah, of course. "who is baby?" you would've said, "that's my wife." i want to talk about this. this is a giant deal right here "the mythical cookbook." congrats on this who is josh scherer? >> yeah, so we have been eating some wild and wonderful foods on our show for a long time. and for the past six years or so, mythical chef josh, along with the mythical kitcheneers have been preparing all these incredible foods and people have been asking for years, "we want to make these foods for ourselves. can you put them together into a cookbook?" >> jimmy: usually there's one thing that pops. you go, "this is actually really good. >> together: yeah. >> jimmy: you brought some tonight. >> yeah.
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>> jimmy: so, yeah here we go is josh scherer here josh, come on out. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: all right. >> jimmy: josh, welcome. thank you for being here you want to walk us through -- is there anything here that i should -- really kind of - ooh, it smells good. >> that's a good start >> jimmy: yeah, this is ramen noodle soup. >> so, that is grilled cheese ramen. you've heard of soup in a bread bowl, this is bread in a soup bowl [ light laughter ] >> it's all great, trust me. >> jimmy: and then this, i'm gonna get to, but this -- i wanted - this looks like a, kind of -- is this an apple pie but it's not? it's cheetos >> mm, that is - you got a -- you got good eye there, jimmy yeah, that's a cheeto apple pie. it's when you're eating dessert, but also wish you were eating a snack now you can have both. [ light laughter ] >> well, have you ever put, like, a slice of cheese on apple pie? that's something they do >> jimmy: yes, absolutely. >> so, just kinda following that through >> why do you look so nervous? >> jimmy: no, i don't know - that looks like -- should i try i mean - >> you should try it >> jimmy: i should try that one, right >> you should try 'em all. >> jimmy: this looks like just twinkies, and i know it's not. >> well, what's the number one problem with twinkies?
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not enough pork. [ laughter ] this has - jimmy, jimmy - >> jimmy: where -- where do you meet these guys? where do you meet these friends? that's the number one -- yeah, yeah, not enough pork. i totally agree with you >> way more pork than most >> jimmy: so what is it? what is in it? >> so that is actually a a cornbread twinkie, and it has oven-smoked pulled pork baked inside it. you're gonna dip that in more barbecue sauce ♪ eh [ muffled noises ] [ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause >> it's good >> jimmy: phenomenal >> i mean, ramen is pretty great, too >> jimmy: what is that >> well, it's mystery ice cream. >> you gotta taste it to figure it out >> jimmy: now, hold on a a second >> i'm not going to -- well i could, but there's no -- there's not really any reason. >> jimmy: there's no reason to feed me. >> there's no need >> jimmy: am i going to freak out? >> oh, no. >> jimmy: there's pretzels on
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top. >> go in with an open mind ♪ >> jimmy: that's mustard >> that sure is mustard. [ laughter ] but say it with a happier face and it's cool, like -- >> jimmy: sorry. >> "that's mustard!" >> jimmy: that's mustard [ laughter ] >> yeah, sometimes you just gotta make mustard ice cream >> jimmy: you gotta make a a mustard ice cream. guys, there's so many great recipes in here. please pick it up. these guys are awesome and so fun. thank you to chef josh scherer [ cheers and applause rhett and link, the "mythical cookbook" is available march 11th we'll be right back with a a performance from don toliver stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪ po, you need to bring peace to the valley. [ choking ] the chameleon is nothing like anyone you've ever faced. she is capable of mimicking any shape. awesome. i mean it's disturbing, but it's awesome.
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: performing "bandit" from his upcoming new album, give it up for don toliver [ cheers and applause
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♪ ♪ ride the highwa ride the bus walk my hous look like army plus ♪ ♪ walk in the strip she gon' she gon' ♪ ♪ i do damage can't stand it psycho bandit ♪ ♪ like it's marilyn manso got the cash advance it ♪ ♪ get the sprit and enhance it pour the wock' out the pantry ♪ ♪ take a sip and i' she pop like a plan oh she lit like a candle boot it up in the car seat ♪ ♪ hold a for ransom want her bac better call me ♪ ♪ it's whatever i'm geeked buyin' the punch at the party ♪ ♪ you -- ain't fl this -- lookin' dumm i'll probably get frie i look like a mummy ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' this cash from monday to sunda i guess you won't talk if it ain't about the money ♪ ♪ my boys in the shop and they jump like a bunny got pounds and pills it ain't nothin' funny ♪ ♪ i -- from the side an i keep the - if i gotta reach u
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i'ma keep the ♪ ♪ when i slide in that coup boy i keep that -- we done went rocked that all the way to the summer ♪ ♪ get deep in the pot get deep like a plumbe why would i keep i i never went loved her ♪ ♪ i just went and gave to my brother eat it for dinne oh eat it for supper ♪ ♪ why would you keep he why would you keep her ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ ride the highwa ride the bus walk my hous look like army plus ♪ ♪ walk in the strip she gon' she gon' ♪ ♪ i do damage can't stand it psycho bandit ♪ ♪ like it's marilyn manso got the cash advance it ♪ ♪ get the sprit and enhance it pour the wock' out the pantry ♪ ♪ you -- ain't fl this -- lookin' dumm i'll probably get frie i look like a mummy ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' this cash from monday to sunda i guess you won't talk if it ain't about the money ♪ ♪ my boys in the shop and they jump like a bunny got pounds and pills it ain't nothin' funny ♪ ♪ i -- from the side an i keep the - if i gotta reach u i'ma keep the ♪ ♪ ridin' that -
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got a tv huh belt on that boy like a bb huh ♪ ♪ hide in that bush you won't see me huh put you underwater like seaweed huh ♪ ♪ why lil' -- wanna be me hu .45 up and i'm creepin' huh ♪ ♪ drive-by shootin' in the demon huh what you sayin i'm geekin' huh ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. welcome back, bud. thank you so much. don toliver! [ cheers and applause look for his new single out march 15th my thanks to savannah guthrie, hoda kotb, rhett and link, don toliver, once again. [ cheers and applause and the roots, right there, from philadelphia pennsylvania thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. goodnight, everybody thank you.
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[ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- joel mchale, comedian kyle kinane featuring the 8g band with adrian young ♪ [ cheers and applause and now, seth meyers


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