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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  March 6, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah. kate snow is on assignment and "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, wednesday, march 6th,
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2024. breaking news. haley's exit. the republican presidential hopeful decides it's time to drop out. >> i'm filled with the gratitude for the outpouring of support we've received from all across our great country. but the time has now come to suspend my campaign. >> a biden/trump rematch now all but assured. how the general election is already storing up. historic fine. a university is fined $14 million. what the decision could mean for other schools nationwide. tough talk. the conversation no parent wants to have with their teens, the dangers of drugs. tips for how to start that discussion but the one item every family should have at home. and fashionaby late?
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the late credit card fees. no shortage of stories to get to, but we'll begin this hour with breaking news the race to the white house. nikki haley has suspended her campaign per the presidency and former president donald trump is now the resumption republican nomination. haley won only one state last night, vermont. president biden won all but one of the democratic races, he was defeated by an obscure candidate in the territory america samoa. haley during her remarks she didn't endorse former president trump for president in 2024. haley said even though she's out of the race she's going to keep fighting for those who supported her. >> i said i wanted americans to have their voices heard. i have done that. i have no regrets. although i will no longer be a candidate, i will not stop using my voice for the things i
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believe in. >> covering it all and leading us off shaquille brewster in south carolina and vaughn hillyard with former president trump in florida. shaq, let's start with you, there had been so much discussion about if or when haley would drop out, what did she say about the why, why is she stepping aside right now. >> reporter: there seemed to be an understanding of the reality especially on super tuesday where she lost all states with the exception of the one. you look at the map going forward, many of those states being winner take all states, in this primary she barely was able to get over a majority of states to have their contests up to this point. but one thing you continue to hear from nikki haley is that donald trump is in trouble, because he as a significant portion of the republican party willing to support someone else and to that point, she said it's
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now up to him to work to get those voters back. >> it's now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him. and i hope he does that. at its best politics is about bringing people into your cause, not turning them away. and our conservative cause badly needs more people. this is now his time for choosing. >> reporter: now, haley did say she'll continue to be a voice in this country, bringing up some issues important to her from the national debt to foreign policy, around the world. >> shaq, thank you. vaughn, a pretty resounding message last night from republican voters, trump is their man, what are we hearing from president trump and the campaign today? >> reporter: right, the republican electorate around the country has now spoken and donald trump made it clear that
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this is the republican party that he feels has vindicated him not only in the face of criminal trials but also his own company, having been found to engaged repeatedly in financial fraud and all that aside the overwhelming selected him to be their nominee and today, donald trump a social media post calling attention to his big wins over nikki haley using all caps trounced to describe his victory over her. as part of this the question is, to what extent do some of the hesitant republicans including the likes of mitch mcconnell stand by donald trump with eight months to the general election, mitch mcconnell endorsing donald trump and the likes of doug bacon, a nebraska who was
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resonate to donald trump also endorsing him. >> shaquille brewster and vaughn hillyard reporting for us for more analysis on last night's results let's bring in chuck todd. so, chuck, nikki haley out of the race, she didn't endorse former president donald trump. we didn't expect her to, that said in her remarks she said trump should work to earn her votes in essence, she had the independent coalition, where do her supporters go from here in. >> well, i think the question is how many of her supporters are actually persuadable. more everyday particularly the super tuesday haley supporters are people probably voted biden in '20. they never voted for trump.
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i'm not convinced, and there's some evidence in the exit polling. i think the republicans and republican-leaning people with her are going to end up voting for trump. bernie sanders' supporters swore they weren't going to support hillary clinton, 98% did. she's right, donald trump needs her slice of the republican electorate. this slice that she was appealing to, this sort of suburban, sort of right-leaning, sort of business-friendly, maybe socially liberal, but business-friendly voters. i don't know trump appeals. his base doesn't want that. he said i'm getting rid of the mitt romneys. i think she's right he needs to be -- he's shown no surrender. i think it puts her in a position never to support him. >> so now we're looking at a biden/trump rematch for 2024. what makes this different and how should the biden campaign be navigating this, because he didn't actually sweep all of the races last night.
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the state of minnesota -- 19%. he didn't do it that well. >> look, i will point out in minnesota and michigan the lion share of protest votes in muslim american population. ilhan omar's district. and talib's district in michigan. he needs to hear those protests. the worst thing is to dismiss it, but i don't think it's catastrophic to his coalition. this is one of the positions if he were on the other side he might have even more people protesting. there's no middle ground here. for some voters on it. but, i think it's one of those issues that he needs to work on making this not a relevant to americans come this fall.
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if this is a front and center issue that 19% could become problematic. right now it's sort of one of those -- it's a yellow flag. pay attention. >> not catastrophic but notable. >> right. especially when you need 10,000 votes in michigan. michigan's not exactly a state that biden has put away. they have to be mindful. >> every vote counts. chuck todd, thank you so much. the georgia district attorney overseeing the trump election interference case is back in spotlight today. the committee is investigating whether willis misused public funds when she hired a prosecutor who she later admitted she had a relationship with. a judge is expected to decide soon if willis be disqualified from the case because of that relationship. blayne alexander is in atlanta for us.
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first, what's the significance of these committee hearings and also i know we just heard from willis herself, what is she saying now? >> reporter: let me start right there, this is new within the last hour or so, very busy day at the georgia state capital, the hearing on the fourth floor. after she came to qualify she spoke briefly with reporters and she had words about the committee hearing today. >> i think it's a political quest, i think people are angry because i'm going to do the right thing and i'm going the stand up for justice no matter who's the person may have done wrong in fulton county, they can continue on with their day. i'll continue the work for the people. >> reporter: so that was kind of a defiant tone we heard from fulton county d.a. to set the scene about this committee, this is led by
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republicans, republican-led committee that's basically investigating whether or not there was improper use of state funds and whether there was the misuse of power for personal gains. ashley merchant -- if you have been watching the testimony, then you know she's the person who's been leading the effort to get her removed. she didn't watch much of the hearing. but notably, when asked if she would appear she said she would talk with her lawyer about that if that does become the case. >> blayne alex ander in atlanta for us, thanks so much. time now for today's money minute. how about a hot dog with no meat? steve joins us now. roku users across the country are locked out of their devices unless they can consent to new terms, received a message on their devices that they must
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first accepted their updated terms that would require users to take their legal complaints to roku lawyers first and those lawyers would decide whether to make a resolution offer. cancer-causing chemicals have been found in several acne treatments. according to the u.s. laboratory -- that found high levels of be in, zene it's filed a petition with the fda to recall the products. oscar mayer is embracing plant-based food. later this year, setting up partnership with startup backed by amazon founder jeff bezos. they have higher sodium than their counterparts. >> as a no meat person myself i
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always appreciate a new option. steve, thank you. let's stay on your plate, coming up, fast food is getting more expensive than ever and consumers aren't happy about it. consumers aren't happy about it. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5! (psst! psst!) ahhh!
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face up to 50 years in prison. maura barrett is following this one for us. disturbing to say the least. this incident actually happened last year, the father just turned himself in last week. what do we know about this sleepover? >> reporter: incredibly disturbing. we're learning a lot from affidavit for probable cause. it was filed after this happened. the girl in questions were brought to the hospital and tested positive for a sedative, a controlled substance. basically what we're learning from the affidavit from the girls' report, the father in question had made them smoothies during their sleepover spa night. he made them smoothies but was very specific of who could drink what and how much. one of the girls only had a little bit while the other three were, they say were forced into drinking the rest. the first girl who didn't drink the entire smoothie reported seeing the father hoefer around
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them while they were sleeping and she was pretending to sleep down in the basement. and the other girls reported experiencing blacking out, off balance for 12 hours after the fact and so a lot of questions, lot of knee-jerk concerns about all of this. but luckily the one girl who was faking sleeping was able to send a text to her parents that night and asked in panicked way, can you please come get me? a family emergency. sent a crying emoji. her parents were able to come and get her an notify the other parents of the other girls and that's when they were taken to the hospital. so, again, a very disturbing, shocking turn of events. >> maura, what is this man saying a about all this in. >> reporter: we haven't heard from the father. his lawyer saying nothing is
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ruled out yet, bringing up the case wasn't brought before a grand juror lawyers present. that it was done in secrecy and reserve judgment until the facts are laid out. he was indicted on nine counts. we'll have to see how this all plays out in court going forward. >> maura, thanks so much. there's new change to credit card late fees which could save you hundreds. you miss a payment deadline you get hit with a late fee. the white house is out with new rule limiting just how much those companies can charge for. christine romans has the details. >> reporter: the administration touting a new rule that will cap credit card late fees to just $8
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down from 32. the consumer financial protection bureau says it will save the average american household $225. but credit card companies and other financial institutions are already pushing back. >> people on a tight budget who are living paycheck to paycheck. >> reporter: americans now hold record-level credit card debt. averaging 21%. late fees bring in $14 billion a year for credit card companies. the chamber of commerce vowed to sue the administration over the rule change. it punishes americans who pay their credit cards on time by forcing them to pay for those who don't. this will result in fewer card offerings and limit access to
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affordable credit cards. >> the unfortunate truth is, banks are just going to find other ways to recoup this loss revenue. in the long run it may not turn out to be a big win. zbrr the new rule is set to take effect in 60 days. the white house is also taking on junk fees for sporting events and concerts, high poultry and meat prices and internet big practices, as the administration tries to show it's meeting consumers at their kitchen table. christine romans, nbc news. coming up a men's college basketball team votes to unionize, the impact that could have nationwide. you're watching "nbc news daily". my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body
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and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. good wednesday. welcome to "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. the south bay has a lot at stake in this election. kris sanchez has the latest. >> reporter: voter turnout appears to be lower than we expect during a presidential election year. there are a lot of ballots to count, because a lot of them came in at the last minute. many of us held on to them until the very last minute. they have processed more than 182,000 ballots. election workers are still processing those vote by mail
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ballots that can come in for the next couple of days. even with that, voter turnout is not expected to break records. the 16th congressional district in which a former san jose mayor and a supervisor appear to take the two top spots, which means they will appear on the november ballot. they made it clear, they are satisfied with the mayor in san jose. he got nearly 90% of the vote. he has been in office for two years. he faced election re-election because san jose opted to align the mayor election with the presidential cycle. many voters may not have turned in their ballots early. they are okay with the vote by mail process. 92% voted by mail, which is higher than the state average. kris sanchez, nbc bay air why news. here are some other stories.
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the santa clara county family court is closed. a man accused in a bizarre crime spree, we are learning about him. new details about an armed burglary this morning with suspected ties to an illegal marijuana grow operation. hayward police received calls of an armed burglary in progress. several people sped away. a chase ensued. the first officer on scene, crashed into a fire hydrant. it flooded a parking lot. the officer is expected to be okay. hayward police believe it's connected to an illegal marijuana grow operation, but they cannot confirm this connection until a search warrant is carried out. we are learning more about a gilroy man arrested on a suspected dui crash and weapons charges.
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he was reported loitering near a school. when officers went to his home after they arrested him on that dui crash, they say the home possibly was booby trapped. the home, the oven was left on. it filled with natural gas. it triggered a lockdown. he has been arrested for multiple charges. police also found a loaded handgun and an ar-15-style rifle in his car trunk. he is under going a mental evaluation and will face criminal charges. family court in the south bay affected by a power outage that started monday. the county relocated court hearings to other courthouses. many hearings will take place at the downtown san jose superior courthouse. we are tracking the story. more in our afternoon newscast. keep your umbrella handy. we are expecting showers. sunshine is on the way. here is kari hall with your forecast. >> our temperatures will reach into the low to mid 60s today
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with a chance of showers continuing. mostly cloudy. it will get mostly sunny for tomorrow. even though the temperatures don't warm up much, we will see highs in the low 60s. we are going to see a warm-up for the end of the week as the sunshine continues on friday. a look at our forecast does show that we will see the spotty rain and possibly a thunderstorm for today. brief heavy downpours are possible into the east bay as well as the north bay. then we start to see things quieting down for tonight. we will have a little bit of a break from the rain activity and then watching more rain in the forecast. we will talk about that coming up in 30 minutes. >> thanks. amazon is teaming up with a san francisco-based ai robotics company to help decarbonize and reduce waste. it's called glacier. it develops technology that sorts through recycling. it wants to lower the amount of waste in landfills. they use a robotic arm to do the
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sorting. amazon is taking notice and is teaming up with glacier to work toward the zero emissions goal by 2040. get all the news on our get all the news on our website. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks.
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don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. i can't believe one bottle of tide did almost 61 large loads. that's a lot more clothes for 1 bottle. tide's a more concentrated clean so, a little goes a long way. maybe we don't wait so long to do laundry next time? ok, well most of this is yours. mmmm... always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters. see? homequote explorer lets you easily compare home insurance options so you can get what you need without overpaying. yeah, we've spent a lot on this kitchen. oh, yeah, really high-end stuff. -sorry, that's our ghost. -yeah, okay. he's more annoying than anything. too bad there's mold behind the backsplash. [ sniffs ] yep, that's mold. well, then, let's see if we can save you
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some money with progressive. guess how much i originally paid for this fireplace? 23 bucks. materials and labor. just ignore him. you got bamboozled! perhaps you know me as, the kung fu panda. just ignore him. ♪ ♪ ah, you're adorable. huh. oh, whah! bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." officials have identified the 19-year-old killed following a fiery explosion at michigan
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warehouse earlier this week. he was at a nearby car wash at time of the explosion and later died at the hospital. debris fell as far as a mile away. according to officials and residents of the community. college basketball star caitlin clark is putting up big numbers on and off the court. more than 4 million tuned in to watch clark to become the ncaa all-time leading scorer male or female. new york prosecutors abruptly dropped the charges against three men accuse of possessing stolen lyrics to the hotel california. prosecutors said they'll no longer proceed with the case. after new e-mails from the eagles co-founder don henley
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were made available after his testimony. the defense said the new evidence raised questions about the trial's fairness. hen leigh's attorney plans to take the court to civil court. liberty university hit with $14 million fine for breaking campus safety laws. >> it's the largest fine the education department has levied against a university. here to break it all done antonia hylton. walk us through what it found. >> reporter: this is absolutely
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damning report. it's a record for this kind of settlement. it really at the heart is story about sexual assault. this all comes right now in 2024, initially there was a lawsuit in 2021, complaints filed in 2022 directly to federal government in which survivors were saying, there was this culture, when they came forward in many cases university reps and staff members would blame those women for the assaults that happened to them in many of these cases. what investigators found over the last few years that liberty university did not follow federal law when it came to reporting to the crimes that happened on their campus. and then, on the survivors' side of things, not properly warning students, family members about the risk that was there.
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this is christian university founded by jerry falwell. it touts its moral character. it's take an while for victims' voices and stories to be heard. >> certainly a difficult development as you said, this is a christian university, presumably those values are at the forefront, what is liberty saying now in. >> well, liberty has released a statement, if you look closely is kind of saying multiple things at once. at first they're saying, they maintain they repeatedly endured selective and unfair treatment by the federal government in the case, but they're also in part acknowledging there have been failures. what you don't see as much in statement is a direct apology to the survivors, to the victims of sexual abuse on the campus, and so there's this focus here now on the changes they'll make. the federal government is going to be watching the campus very
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closely. the piece about the relationship, the trust that has been lost that's not at the heart of this statement. >> in addition to the fine, right now there's that repair that needs to happen. let's turn back to politics now, while most eyes were focus on the the presidential race during super tuesday last night there were some big down ballot races we were following including many contests that could control the next house and senate. we got updates on arizona and the state of california, which had what's called a jungle primary. can you break down what we need to know about these two races. >> reporter: i'll start backwards here, in california, that jungle primary, they had all of the candidates running for senate, republicans and democrats on the ballot, only the top two would advance. republican steve garvey and democrat adam schiff, a members
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of the house now. california's a state is where a lot of money is usually spent. swinging over to arizona, some big news yesterday where senator sinema an independent, she said she's not running for re-election, that was big news and welcomed news for ruben gallego who was vying for that spot. he's likely to face-off against kari lake. >> no shortage of story lines, developments, and another big unanswered question, who will lead the republicans in the upper chamber, today mitch
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mcconnell endorsed former president trump, how much sway could have the former president have in deciding the next republican leader in the senate. >> reporter: all of the republicans falling in line endorsing the former president even though who made those endorsements reluctantly, mcconnell, here's what he said a couple of moments ago. >> i said in february of 2021 shortly after the attack on the capitol that i would support president trump if he were the nominee of our party and he obviously is going to be the nominee of our party. >> reporter: now what pk con knell did say he's not going to endorse anyone vying to replace him. mcconnell said it wouldn't be appropriate to influence in that way. >> julie, thanks so much. it's a whole new ball game for college sports after
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dartmouth men's basketball team voted to yuanize. sam brock explains how the move could impact student athletes across the country. it's the dawn of a new day at dartmouth. after the men's basketball team voted 13-2 to become part of the union with the national labor relations board ruling last month the student athletes could be considered employees. >> like our manager gets paid, has been paid for three years. and, you know, none of us have seen a penny. >> reporter: right before the vote, two dartmouth players telling nbc's maura barrett that the prospect of negotiating salary and health insurance is a game-changer. >> i've got injured here a couple times and had to pay for that out-of-pocket. a couple other people on the team have gone through that, and that could be a real burden. >> reporter: darren teaches courses in sports law and nil or name, image and likeness, and says unlike the nil shift that allowed others to make huge sums
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of money through endorsements, collective bargaining has the potential to lift all athletes. >> you could have an athlete who earns absolutely no money in nil, but if that same athlete is considered an employee of his or her university, the university can't get around negotiating a salary for that athlete. >> reporter: in 2015, northwestern university football players also voted to unionize, only for that status to be overturned on appeal. and dartmouth college is appealing, saying the school works productively with five unions, but athletic pursuit is part of the educational experience, classifying students as employees simply because they play basketball is as unprecedented as it is inaccurate. ncaa athletes make billions in profits for the universities. they deserve a seat at the table. this is the start of a new chapter in collegiate athletics. the process could take years to complete.
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>> sam brock, thank you. growing consumer backlash over rising fast food prices and it's not just the cost of a burger and fries it's becoming difficult to swallow. christine romans is here to help us what's going on. >> reporter: the burger is the personification of inflation. they don't like to digging into their wallets to pay for it. restaurant owners blame the rising price of ingredients and operations. but consumers say enough is enough. it is a popular spot for burger, fries and more. but this morning, rising prices at five guys making some customers lose their appetites. >> so i'm just wondering why the food here is so crazy. >> reporter: one tweet going viral, calling the cost of a meal out of control, along with this receipt apparently showing a $22 price tag for a bacon cheeseburger, regular soda and fry.
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people grilling the popular burger chain on social media. >> this is a fast food restaurant. why is a burger $12.50? >> reporter: limited service meals like fast food are up 5.8% over the past year, while full service meals at sitdown restaurants increased 4.3%. >> eating away from home is about 30% more expensive than it was in 2019. now a lot of these restaurants really can't raise the prices anymore. i think customers are at a breaking point. >> reporter: increasingly high fast food prices leaving a bitter price for consumers. hungry for a good deal on a quick bite. >> almost $9 for a big mac. >> reporter: with reports on social media of an $18 big mac meal at a rest stop. and wendy's announcing its plans to charge different prices for the same items based on demand throughout the day. nearly all restaurant owners say they're facing higher operating
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and labor costs and food prices are up, too. in milwaukee, this man is navigating those challenges. at his restaurant, he's implementing innovative ways in an effort not to pass costs to customers. "the wall street journal" reporting more than half of small business owners said higher labor costs are their biggest source of inflation. nbc news reached out to five guys for comment but did not hear back. mcdonald's told us individual franchises can set their own prices. independent places say labor costs, ingredients is a real challenge now. they have to get creative to hold the line on costs. they switch ingredients, they're tweaking menus. honestly, changing the men view so they can try to keep price
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control. >> fast food restaurants seem to be getting a lot of attention for their prices. >> i think people are fed up with inflation and you expect fast food to be a cheap bite but not so much anymore. >> christine, thanks so much. coming up, the conversation no parent really wants to have with their teenager about the dangers of drugs, how can you get through it and to
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psychiatrist called up my mother and i said bryan is addicted to opioids. every time i relapse it's harder. >> in today's modern parenting a difficult topic for many families to navigate, how to talk to kids about drug addiction and what to do in an overdose emergency. fatal drug overdoses especially involving fentanyl has surged in recent years. up 182% increase compared to previous period according to data from the cdc. kevin roy is the chief public policy officer, thank you so
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much for being here. i want to start with fentanyl itself and its consequences, right, we know it's deadly, highly addictive, a synthetic opioid 50 times more potent that -- just two milligrams can kill. what are some common misconceptions when it comes to drug use? >> for one, it's so purr swasive that people don't know they're taking it until it's too late, just awareness of it. and just because you got a drug from a reputable source doesn't mean it hasn't been infiltrated into that particular drug. that's really critical to know. and secondly, you know, the fact
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that just because you may be using doesn't mean you have to be using. treatment works and there's ways to help people find treatments and avoid, you know, this terrible outcome. >> we'll get into resources a bit later, how do parents have this conversation? >> very difficult. my take on this, kids are really smart. you need to educate them, talk to them about what using drugs does to their brains. and it's harmful to their health. educate themselves on those very things. and also the fact the dangers are there and that's another element to this. that's where fentanyl comes in, any one pill can kill, feint snil the leading cause of death for people 18 to 25.
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i've been to some harrowing sights and i'm mindful there are products that can be used to help reverse overdoses. can you walk us through what parents should understand about this. >> this is commonsense, like first aid. defibrillators in public. so, being aware that's out there is really critical for the public. certainly for parent as well. even if you suspect your kid is not using great but you want to be a good citizen. >> it can be overwhelming and some parents may feel like they need to get informed themselves, what are some resources for them so they can enter this conversation with their kids. >> absolutely. this is the hardest part. this is new. we at shatterproof has terrific
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resources. learn how to talk to your kids and help them make healthy choices and find alternatives to drugs with things that are tried and true, spending time exercising, outdoors and learning to cope, life can be difficult sometimes. learning to cope beyond that. >> you want to be the one having that conversation with your kids. you don't want them learning this information from others. >> this's why it's so important to have the attention on this. thank you for watching. we've got a lot more news ahead. so don't go anywhere. you're watching "nbc news daily". (vo) dan made progress with his mental health... ...but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so his doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪as you go with austedo♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements.
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some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, dan can stay on his mental health meds- (dan) cool hair! (vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪as you go with austedo♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪austedo xr♪ emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) emergen-c crystals. you can't leave without cuddles.
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but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing,
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chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. welcome back. i'm janelle wang. we want to check election results after super tuesday yesterday. voters are nearly split on the only state ballot, proposition one would reallocate money for housing for the homeless. it's 50 to 50supported by the g. the vote counts are neck and neck with less than half of the ballots counted so far. california's u.s. senate seat is set. it's to replace the late senator dianne feinstein.
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adam schiff will face off with steve garvey. representatives katie porter and barbara lee finished far behind. find results online. use your camera right now on the phone to scan this qr code on your screen. it will take you right to our results page. you can head to the mayor credits the oakland police department for bringing down crime levels. car burglaries are down by 43%. she says commercial burglaries are down by 49%. the diamond and laurel district, robberies are down 68%. this is compared to data from last year. in an interview, she credits police and her administration for these decreases.
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>> after my administration resurrected operation cease-fire, they have been coming together to really bring back the operation cease-fire. what we see is the fruits of that labor right now. >> we crunched our own numbers from opd this morning. the mayor mentioned stats in specific neighborhoods. we found robberies in the city of oakland are actually up 39% overall. residential robberies up 100%. the sun is almost here. we have to get through today. here is kari hall with our seven-day forecast. >> we will have a chance of rain for today. off and on showers and possibly a thunderstorm as our highs head for the low 60s. it will be partly cloudy, nice and a break in the rain tomorrow and on friday with slightly warmer temperatures. on saturday, clouds return. there may be spotty showers for
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the north bay, especially. and along the coastline. on sunday, we spring forward with the beginning of daylight saving time. on monday, it's partly to mostly cloudy, watching out for rain to return to the bay area on tuesday. looking at san francisco's forecast, upper 50s, low 60s, not warming up much as we continue with rn caiha
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we are celebrating women's history month. we are taking a look at some women who make our area unique. that includes one of the bay air why's prized commodities, wine. women winemakers are crushing it. the state average is about 15%. in livermore, it's almost double. they have been earning top prizes in prestige for their vintages. jessica carol says women in the valley started a wine collective
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to support one another. >> i enjoy having that comradery around the valley. it's definitely a benefit. it's definitely a benefit. >> coming up at 5:30, we go to sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at (smelling) ew.
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gotta get rid of this. ♪tell me why♪ because it stinks. ♪have you tried downy rinse and refresh♪ it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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i'm craig melvin. and this is dateline daytime on nbc. it was horrifying. this was my mom, a vibrant woman, just ripped out of the world. everything that we thought in our life is just all shattered.


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