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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  March 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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pretty interesting. don't forget, you can watch our newscast 24 seven on a roku and other streaming platforms. artery and garage with what is coming up at 5:30. for the weekend is here and people are on the move, especially with all this sunshine. there could be traffic issues in the tri-valley. a portion of 680 will be shut down tonight. we will show you how you can get around. san francisco police say they have finally got their man. how they tracked down a murder suspect they've been looking for for years. we investigated thousands of women suing huber over sexual assault by its drivers. we talk with one bay area victim left with chronic pain after the attack and look into why it could take up to 10 years before any cases are heading to court. news at 5:30 starts right now. things for joining us.
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>> i'm raj mathai. >> the weekend, sunshine, and st. patrick's day will be busy. that could pose problems in the tri-valley. a big section of 680 will close in a few hours. >> caltrans is closing part of south bend 680 before dublin's big st. patrick's day festival. here is nbc's velena jones. >> reporter: the city of dublin estimates 80,000 people will come here to celebrate the luck of the irish this weekend. as a part of the celebrations, they are hoping no one gets hit with some bad luck of sitting in gridlock traffic. drivers beware. just hours from now, caltrans will shut down 680 south bend from the five 8680 connector to highway 84 for some long planned refurbishing. at the same time, the city of dublin is getting the tents and carnival rides ready to celebrate a very special st. patrick's day weekend. >> it takes a lot of work, a lot of work to plan a two day festival but it is all hands on deck. we hope that people enjoying every minute of it.
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>> reporter: the city says planning for this use television included planning around the 680 closure. but, they are confident it won't affect the estimated 80,000 expected visitors. >> there may be some impact obviously because with those closures, the freeways could be impacted. however, all access roads to dublin will be open on 588 680. >> reporter: caltrans says southbound drivers should expect slowdowns and detours but also saying northbound lanes will remain open along with all entrances to the city of dublin. they note after several delays, closing buildings this week and made the most sense given the sunny weather. >> we had to try as best we could to find a weekend with minimal disruptions. we wanted to do everything we can to make sure folks can enjoy the festivities all weekend. >> reporter: down the road, some small businesses are bracing for their impact and changing their st. patrick's day plans. >> we hired a bunch of bands. it is going to hurt our business. we are moving it to another weekend. >> reporter: for drivers, finally replacing the roadway along the busy freeway, despite
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integrated traffic delays. >> it will be significant. >> reporter: is long overdue. >> that freeway has been beaten to death by tractors and trucks for many years. it absolutely needs to be repaved. so, you know, you do what you have to do to get through it. >> reporter: caltrans expects to finish their work before the monday morning commute. we have a full list of detours on our website, a years long police search across the bay area is over. as fpd has arrested a man wanted in connection with two homicides. the first happened in 2022 along dirks street. officers found a man suffering from a gunshot wound. he later died. the second death in 2023, just blocks away. officers found a man who had apparently been shot. investigators tied both homicides to 43-year-old dmitri moore. he eluded police until late
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last month. that is one patrolling officers recognized more in the tenderloin. even with his arrest, as fpd is actively investigating. it is an apt many people used to get home safely late at night but some say there uber rides turned into a nightmare that changed their lives. >> that sent of women are suing uber, claiming a driver sexually abused them and it may take close to a decade for some of the accusers to 70 see any resolution. here is investigative reporter candice nguyen. >> reporter: november 2019, downtown l.a.. alyssa broomfield from los gatos to started fashion school. >> first time living in my own, moving out, moving to l.a.. >> reporter: this day recorded on her cell phone is about celebrating a new chapter. >> getting ready for the night. i am with all my girls right now. >> reporter: by the time broomfield got to the club, she had been drinking all day and night. she says she was heavily intoxicated and when she got
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separated from her friends she wanted to go home. >> that is when i called a uber. i opened the back door i think and he said no, it's okay, just come to the front. from then on, it is a blur. the one thing that i remember the most was just being in some random parking lot. >> reporter: broomfield's uber trip details show she was picked up at 1:00 a.m. according to the police report she filed the next day, she was in that uber for five and half hours until number 6:30 a.m. , at some point in and out of consciousness. in addition to having her do a rape kit, police asked to broomfield to send the driver these texts.
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when she texted him "i don't really remember that night," the driver responded "i believe you." broomfield wanted to press charges but the los angeles district attorney's office said there was insufficient evidence. >> in their eyes, it was he said, she said. i felt very hopeless when i heard that. >> reporter: are you getting a spasm right now. >> it is constant. >> reporter: medical documents show a doctor reviewed broomfield's reports" "she was violently sexually assaulted and instructed within one week later." broomfield had several herniated discs, resulting in multiple surgeries and militating pain that persists today. a journey she has documented on social media. according to plaintiff's attorneys, broomfield is one of about 2000 people suing uber in civil court in california and across the country, alleging the company didn't do enough to protect passengers from sexual abuse by its drivers . while news outlets have covered some of these cases, broomfield says
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what people don't know is there have been significant case delays. she says she recently learned from her attorney it could take close to a decade since her incident for her to see any sort of results. >> and needed to find a way to survive no. i don't have 10 years to wait. my body is degenerating. every minute a day by day, it is getting worse. >> is heartbreaking because it's our job to try to bring resolution and justice to these plaintiffs. >> reporter: rachel abrams is not broomfield's attorney but she presents other alleged victims. she says in 2022, uber post to remove all nonecalifornia plaintiffs from state court, which caused a major delay. some plaintiffs attorneys appealed. instead of waiting for an appellate ruling, they refiled the nonecalifornia cases in federal court. abrams said the cases are now moving along faster. but, they are are still delays. >> how has uber been when it
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comes to moving these cases forward? >> we would get another delay at every turn. >> reporter: along with the sheer number of cases to get through, abrams says uber isn't meeting court deadlines. >> is clearly going to be an issue we have to deal with throughout this litigation. >> reporter: uber declined our request for an interview. plaintiff's attorneys and the judge agreed to the extension that caused the delays. uber said it couldn't comment further on the litigation but said in a statement, sexual assault is a horrific crime. we take every report of this nature very seriously and we are deeply committed to the safety of all users on the uber platform." >> what do you want to say to those who might think this is all about money? >> the only reason i am doing this and sharing my story and putting this out here for people to know what actually happened when you think you are going to get home safe. >> reporter: broomfield and
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abrams say swift resolution isn't just important to the people involved in the lawsuit, they say it is important to anyone using the app. >> sexual assaults are way more prevalent than people realize. >> every single time, especially a woman, i hear my uber is here, i pray to god that woman is safe. >> reporter: uber says assaults on its platform are extremely rare. it has added safety features and public reports on incidents involving its app. you can find things to those in our online story. trials for some of the first california cases are expected to start may, 2025. with the investigative unit, candice nguyen, nbc bay area news. if you have a story for candace or anyone else in our investigative unit, we urge you to reach out to us. you can see the number and information on your screen, 888966 tips or you can visit our website, . thanks, right.
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>> i'm consumer investigator chris, ron, we respond in english and spanish. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. more on the sunshine for the more on the sunshine for the weekend.
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a pfizer product. welcome back. when customers aren't happy with the customer service they are getting, they turn to our consumer team. >> smart move. chris chmura joins us with a few stories about customers chris and the team has helped in the bay area. >> we respond when there are
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problems in the bay area. that is what we did for pat in cupertino. pat did what a lot of folks do these days, he transferred a couple hundred bucks online. $600, in fact. that money went up in the wrong recipients account. pat notified the transfer company but says they wouldn't help him. pat contacted our nbc bay area response team . we reached out to the company that put the $600.00 back into pat's account. carlos in hayward. the new engine he bought from an auto parts store was making some odd noises it wasn't running right. carlos is the store and the manufacturer were pointing fingers at one another. he called telemundo 48 for some horsepower. consumer investigator arlen fernandez and team got involved and the company agreed to pay $4040 to repair carlos engine. let's dust off the tote board. nbc area response and telemundo 48 response have given back almost $89 to viewers like
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carlos, pat, and you. if you have a consumer complaint, let us know. you can scan the qr code on screen to fill out our consumer complaint form online. you can attach photos, videos, documents or maybe an audio clip like carlos engine making all those noises. that will help us make your case to get you your money back. it is warming up in the consumer department almost as quickly as the weather. it's warm. >> that is impressive. almost $8 million since you guys started. >> a couple bucks. >> that's a huge number. >> every year we usually have a cake in the newsroom. are we doing that? >> aiming for an $8 million cake maybe. >> we will be ready. >> forecast for cake. on the way. >> how about monday? no complaints in the weather department. everybody is so excited about the sunshine we had today. it will continue as we head into saturday and sunday. i have details on some events happening this weekend to get you all covered on that and and also, yes, it's part of my job.
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the next chance of when we could get rainfall. that's the last thing a lot of you want to hear. as we take it outside right now in san jose, anything in the south bay, 74 degrees and happy to report winds much, much calmer. a little bit of a breeze out of the northwest at 10 and dipping into the 60s as we head to tonight under mostly clear skies. maybe you are up in san francisco this evening. look at this, 70 degrees. we will get down to some 60s, low 60s at 9:00 tonight and eventually some 50s. maybe you are going up to wine country. an early start on the weekend. staying overnight. 73 degrees out at the vineyard. we are up to 68 at 7:00 p.m.
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and 59 at 9:00. no way we see the gusty wind as we move through this weekend. the system that brought us the wind, 50+ miles per hour, it's starting to move off toward the east away from us. that leaves high pressure over the west. that will keep the sunshine and some of these warm temperatures. overall for the morning, we start off on the cool side but at least we get mostly sunny skies and it's going to be calm in the way of that wind. 47 through the peninsula. south bay at 48. 46 in the north bay. in the east bay, upper 40s. daytime highs, more of the 70s. i know you are happy to see this. 74, san jose. low 70s palo alto. san francisco, 70. a preset the coastline keeps us in the 60s in half moon bay. out and about this weekend, you may be heading to the st. patrick's day events that are lasting on saturday and sunday for a lot of locations. one of the biggest, of course, dublin. a sister city to dublin, ireland. we've got lots of sunshine. 72 by 4:00 p.m. 70 at 5:00 p.m. it just looks incredible. watch out for the d2 were that will be happening through parts of the east bay. we have more on that at
5:47 pm all roads and dublin will be open. other big things, the oakland marathon. we have some fog returning by sunday morning. temperatures in the 50s. this course is heading over the bay bridge this year and doing a u-turn and heading back. we will get some sunshine at 1:00 and 2:00, eventually up to 60s. pretty good racing weather up there. look at the 10-day forecast. eventually down into 60s by next weekend. make those plans outside and to enjoy it this weekend because clouds will be coming back. we even have the chance of some rain by next friday, the 22nd. likely on and off chances saturday the 23rd, maybe even sunday the 24th. overall rainfall totals may hit over half an inch with that. i will keep a close eye on it. in the seven-day forecast, as promised, this weekend in san francisco, it will be dry. 74 saturday, 75 on sunday.
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real quick thing for you guys, all of you at home watching, i was coming in the parking lot, i saw raj mathai and we were super excited about the weather. we ran into audrey in our cafeteria. we highway 5 over it. it has been that kind of day. >> we are feeling good. >> what was i holding? >> iced coffee. >> perfect. up next, history was made at the oakland a's and giants game in
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all sorts of drama with the a's and their plan to move to las vegas. but, there is a positive story line. the a's new announcer. >> she made her new debut and made history today. >> we are excited to be along with you today. i'm jenny cavnar. you know dallas braden. let's get the party started. >> let's get it started. we have cactus league action, sam bankman-fried three baseball. jenny, we've got you, my friend. welcome to the family. we have waited for this day, that day is finally here. >> a jenny, welcome to the nbc sports family. that's jenny cavnar, the first primary female play-by-play announcer in the big leagues. as for the game, did you see
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that? a lot of perps, a lot of rain. from mesa, arizona, we have the sunshine here and they have the rain there. >> different situation. >> a rain delay and eventually a rain out. the game was canceled in the third inning. giants news. no more brandon crawford. he's now with the cardinals. that means the longest tenured player on the giants is outfielder austin slater. he sat down with laura britt and alex popovich. >> one thing that has been evident this spring is that you, alex cobb, logan webb, really taking on leadership roles. you've been there for some time now. how do you see logan webb as a leader of this team and his leadership style that many people on the outside don't get to see? >> it starts with like his fire and edge on the field. you see him out on the mound and he wants to win. he's going to go out there and compete, no matter what it takes. if his arm is barking, he will give you out and give you seven. he will put the team in a position to win. it starts setting that example.
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that was something that was passed down by buster and hunter pence and crawford. he was always out of their hurt and playing the game the right way. then i think, i think it has gained some traction with the media. logan mentioned something about saying hi to everyone. i think that is obviously getting blown out and it comes down to a little bit more. that starts the conversation like a, let me get to know every single guy out here so that we can get to know each other. you feel comfortable coming to me with things. when i need to come to you with something, you know, you know it is coming from a base of love and respect and not from hey, this old guy is getting on me for no reason. those kind of leadership jumps
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in leadership are taking on a bigger role. and the little things like that. >> opening day for the giants and the a's, less than two weeks, march 28th. right around the corner. you can watch more giants talk interview on nbc sports bay you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more.
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the prime minister of ireland was at the white house today to celebrate st. patrick's day, which is this weekend. he met with president biden. this marks 100 years of u.s.
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irish diplomatic relations. notice the president's green tie. the irish leader and mr. biden pledged to work toward a cease- fire in the israel hamas war. the duo reiterated their support for ukraine. russia is holding its presidential election and it is almost certain to end in a landslide win for vladimir putin. millions of russians cast their ballots today and experts say it is no question who will win. there is no true opposition. they say voter turnout will signify approval of the war in ukraine and unifying support of vladimir putin. experts and it is hard to to the gauge public opinion and that many russians fear speaking out. let me putin is already the longest-serving kremlin leader since stalling. this election will and him six more years of the presidency. the vote will be announced on monday. the collection includes photos of what moscow calls its new territories, which are regions of ukraine partly controlled by russian forces. ukraine says staging elections
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there is illegal and void. back at home, how many people voted on super tuesday specifically in the bay area? the numbers are in. our voter turnout is hovering at about 35%. that number could go up when the count is finalized. election officials say early vote by mail numbers were surprisingly low. on election day, ballots poured in. marin county reported the highest turnout at 46%. san francisco was close behind. alameda county was the lowest was 25%. statewide turnout is about 30%. officials say the general election this coming november is likely to drop a lot more voters to the polls. >> people trying to eat at mcdonald's were not letting it. a system outage caused customers to have trouble ordering at stores all over the
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world and online. people were also having trouble here in the u.s., including in l.a. and new york. the problem also spread across japan, when restaurants had to stop operating. mcdonald's says it wasn't a cybersecurity issue and it is working to resolve it. >> not loving it. i had to do that. what is coming up? >> there may be hope for anyone trying to buy a home. the massive agreement with realtors that could drive down home prices. what it means for anyone trying to make it in the bay. shakeup at a san jose school district after a middle school was on the chopping block. the school district superintendent was cut from the job. we have the inclusive details. a good weekend ahead of us. what a major closure in the east bay, we will tell you how to get around. 680 about to shut down. the news at 6:00 starts
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right now. thanks for being with us on this friday. i'm raj mathai. >> i'm gia vang. continues that could ultimately reduce the price of buying a home and help everyone make it in the bay. the national association of realtors announces it will pay $418 million to settle a class- action lawsuit over broker commissions. if approved, the deal could mean a drop in the commission you pay to a realtor when you buy or sell a home. alyssa gord explains why a home buyers, realtors, housing experts are all racing to get the latest details. >> pulled me into the double parlor. >> reporter: realtor darius are issuing this victorian in san francisco listed at a cool 3.6 million. >> at this point, sellers are ready to go and buyers are so excited to have new inventory. >> reporter: she is also a member of the national association of realtors, which resents more than 1.5 million real estate professionals. today, nar announced it will pay 418 million to settle class-action antitrust lawsuits over broker commissions. part of that deal would up and the standard for how commissions are paid


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