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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  March 22, 2024 12:36am-1:34am PDT

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>> jimmy: my thanks to gisele bundchen, wayne brady, mary beth barone, once again. [ cheers and applause ] and the roots from philadelphia, pennsylvania over there. thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." goodnight, everybody. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- alex wagner, from "in the know," actress j. smith-cameron,
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music from baby tate. featuring the 8g band with dave hidalgo jr. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] and now, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." we hope you're doing well tonight. and now, if you don't mind, we're going to get to the news. presidential candidate nikki haley spoke to her supporters after losing the new hampshire primary last night to former president trump and said the race is, quote, "far from over." and she's right, it's this far from over. [ light laughter ] that's right. former president trump won yetsterday's new hampshire primary, while nikki haley finished second. haley gave a concession speech, while trump gave a concussion speech. [ light laughter ] in his speech after winning the new hampshire primary, former president trump told the crowd, quote, "this is not your typical victory speech." oh, thanks for the heads up. [ laughter ] prepare yourselves. this will not be one of my regular, measured responses where i stay on topic and don't threaten to kill anyone. now, please welcome an alien i
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stole from area 51. [ light laughter ] during his victory speech last night, former president trump mocked presidential candidate nikki haley's outfit. seriously? your pants look like two sky dancers from a used car lot. [ laughter ] every one of your suits looks like the last scene in "big." [ laughter ] senate minority leader mitch mcconnell declined to tell reporters yesterday whether he will endorse former president trump. all right, well, i guess it'll just be one of those enduring mysteries like, what color is the sky? [ light laughter ] president biden's campaign released a new line of merchandise last night with the slogan, "together, we will defeat donald trump. again." [ laughter ] oh, democrats, why are you so bad at this stuff? [ laughter ] that is not a slogan, that's like an affirmation you tape on your bathroom mirror. [ laughter ] slogans don't have multiple punctuation marks in them.
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[ laughter ] a slogan is like, "let's go!" or, "vote or die!" this is a sentence so awkward -- [ laughter ] -- that you think, "oh, it must spell out a cool acronym." and then it doesn't. unless "twwddta" is a cool acronym. [ laughter ] also, you can't end your slogan with "again" when his slogan ends with "again." [ light laughter ] democrats, i'm begging you, please suck less. oh -- oh, that's not bad. "democrats, we suck less." [ laughter and applause ] the house ethics committee -- [ applause ] the house ethics committee has reportedly reached out to several new witnesses on -- in its investigation of florida congressman matt gaetz. said the witnesses, "sure, i mean, anything to get out of math class." [ laughter ] disgraced former congressman george santos appeared in federal court yesterday with two new lawyers, both him. [ laughter ]
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the new york state cannabis control board yesterday unveiled the first rules for residents to legally grow pot at home, because if people who grow weed at home are interested in anything, it's rules. [ laughter ] airbnb announced yesterday it's donated $10 million to more than 120 nonprofits, which works out to over $30 million when you add in the cleaning fee. [ laughter ] and finally, according to the latest numbers, the most expensive ticket for this sunday's kansas city chiefs/baltimore ravens game is $30,000. at those rates, even taylor swift is going to watch it from a bar. [ laughter ] and that was the monologue, everybody. we are off and running. [ cheers and applause ] we've got a fantastic show for you tonight. she is the host of "alex wagner tonight" on msnbc. alex wagner is joining us again. [ cheers and applause ] she has a new stop-motion comedy series called "in the know" streaming on peacock starting tomorrow. but you know her best from her emmy-nominated role as gerri from "succession." j. smith-cameron will be joining
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us. so excited she's here. [ cheers and applause ] and she is a singer, songwriter, and wrapper whose e.p. "baby tate presents - sexploration: the musical" is out now. baby tate is here to perform for us. [ cheers and applause ] i'm a little bummed because i was going to call my e.p. "sexploration: the musical." [ light laughter ] you win this round, baby tate. [ laughter ] before we get to all our wonderful guests, donald trump essentially threatened his gop primary rival nikki haley in an angry speech last night after an underwhelming result in new hampshire, where even fox news was forced to admit that a sizable portion of republicans may not support trump in november. for more on this, it's time for "a closer look." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: donald trump won the new hampshire primary last night, but his main rival, nikki haley, got over 40% of the vote, which wasn't exactly the resounding victory trump had been hoping for.
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but you know what? all things considered, i think he and his supporters handled it pretty well. >> these are fake numbers. nikki haley does not have this much support. >> nikki haley is an open border globalist who is bought and paid for not just by the republican establishment, but also by democrat donors that are fueling her campaign. >> she's doing like a speech like she won. she didn't win. she lost. you can't let people get away with bull[ bleep ], okay? you can't. [ cheers ] you just can't do that. and when i watched her in the fancy dress that probably wasn't so fancy, come up, i said, what's she doing? we won." >> seth: did you? because you seem super pissed off. [ laughter ] that's not generally the vibe of most victory speeches. when obama won in 2008, i don't remember him saying, "tonight, america has proven that anyone who didn't vote for me is a little bitch." [ laughter ] "what else?"
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i do have to give it up for trump's ability to be a lot of things at once. not many wannabe dictators also have the bandwidth to say, "in the fancy dress that wasn't so fancy." [ laughter ] not sure i need snarky fashion zingers from a guy who wears tape on the back of his tie. [ laughter ] "is that italian label?" "no, it's scotch." this is a classic case of trump talking about someone else, but really telling you about himself. "fancy but really not so fancy" describes all of his properties. remember, everything that looks gold in his apartment is one scratch of a thumbnail away from asbestos city. the mar-a-lago bathroom has a chandelier. fancy! but also stacks of boxes. not so fancy! [ laughter ] so, trump may have won new hampshire last night and tightened his grip on the gop nomination, but it was still an underwhelming result for a former president who is far and away the biggest name in the party with the most endorsements, the most name recognition, the most resources, and the most courtroom sketches. [ light laughter ] i mean, it's starting to look like an andy warhol painting. [ laughter ]
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trump's problem isn't how many people voted for haley last night, it's how many said they couldn't support him in the general. trump got a little more than 50% of the vote, but a large percentage of republicans said in a survey that they would not vote for him if he's the nominee in november. >> how would you feel if trump wins the nomination? 53% of republicans will be very satisfied. but here's the problem for the former president. according to our voter analysis, 35% of republicans said they would not vote for donald trump. >> seth: 35%. can you imagine if joe biden had gotten a similar poll result? democrats would be losing their minds. it would be mayhem. every prius in the country would be lined up at the canadian border. [ laughter ] whole foods would be out of boxed water and bamboo toilet paper. [ light laughter ] somehow, when republicans are unhappy with their nominee, it's not a big deal. but when democrats grumble about biden, it's a five-alarm fire. if the same percentage of democrats had said they wouldn't vote for biden in november, the top story on steve kornacki's big board would be, "run for your lives, we're [ bleep ]!" and that wasn't the liberal media who conducted that poll,
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that was fox news. a network so friendly to trump, one of their anchors, brian kilmeade, just did an interview with trump on his private jet and it felt more like an episode of "mtv cribs." ♪ >> welcome to the tarmac in portsmouth, new hampshire, where trump force one has just landed. the president's looking to close out this primary and maybe get the nomination. we're going to get a chance to go inside, follow him around to his final event, and see what the game plan is. [ rock music playing ] ♪ it's been awhile. >> it's going good. i hope you like the plane. >> i think it's fantastic. >> seth: "it is fantastic, but remember, don't touch anything!" [ light laughter ] "it's held together with the same stuff on the back of my tie!" [ laughter ] "i got a deal on the door plugs from alaska airlines. found them in my yard. they were still hot." [ laughter ] that's real pulitzer prize reporting there, brian. where's the fox news election team headed next, snoop dogg's mansion?
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[ light laughter ] "it's super tuesday, and you know what that means -- welcome to the dogg house, woof-woof!" [ light laughter ] if i recall correctly, that's actually how woodward and bernstein got their big break. they did a "cribs" episode about the white house. i'll never forget their first big story. "nixon pad hella sick. dope mansion has pool, bowling alley, and elaborate secret recording system." [ laughter ] but if you thought that interview couldn't get any more pathetic, here's the next question kilmeade asked. >> i haven't seen you in a while. you look like you're in fighting shape. how much weight did you lose? >> maybe 15, maybe 20. >> how? >> the hard way. i work. >> you work. >> no, i've been so busy, i haven't been -- i haven't been able to eat very much. i'm not able so sit down and eat like a person, like you, you could sit down and eat. me, it's a little bit tougher. >> seth: all right. [ laughter ] first of all, when trump says maybe 15, maybe 20, you know he's exaggerating by at least 75%. [ laughter ] "you lost 20 pounds? what's your secret?" "my secret? it's only five." [ laughter ]
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also, what do you mean you're not able to sit down and eat like a person? "i'm not able to sit and eat because these awful judges have a lot of rules about no chicken in the courthouse. [ laughter ] we tried to put googly eyes on a kfc bucket and say it was my lawyer. it looks just like rudy. [ applause ] it looks just like rudy." anyway, the point is, fox news is so loyal to trump, they aired a softball interview on his private jet and even they got a poll result that said more than one-third of new hampshire republicans won't vote for trump in november. compare that to biden, who cruised to victory last night despite the fact that he wasn't even on the ballot, because the dnc wanted to change the primary calendar but new hampshire refused. biden got roughly the same percentage as trump, but as a write-in candidate. which, to be fair, is how he first got elected back in 1789. they still have the original parchment. [ laughter ] there you go. so that's good news for biden and bad news for trump. but again, don't take it from me. take it from trump's former press secretary, kayleigh mcenany, on fox news.
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>> this was actually a fairly good night for joe biden. when you look at our voter analysis, only 10% said "i would not vote for joe biden if he's the nominee." but when you look at the republican party, 7 in 10 nikki haley voters said, "i would not vote for trump." there was a "des moines register" poll, 43% said, "no, i wouldn't vote for trump." >> seth: that's trump's former spokesperson on fox news. the network that knowingly aired such lies as, the election was stolen, the vaccine doesn't work, and trump lost maybe 15 pounds, maybe 20. [ laughter ] maybe? is his scale from the same company that makes magic eight ball? [ light laughter ] i'd say he should ask his doctor, but you guys, this is his doctor. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] that one -- i want to just say -- all my fault. [ laughter ] the bucket with the stethoscope, all my fault. [ light laughter ] i own it. i thought it was going to go way better. [ laughter ] didn't go well at all. [ laughter ] even -- even a chicken bucket
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with a stethoscope would say that joke's dead on arrival. [ laughter ] so there are definitely -- but don't -- never mind. [ laughter ] but i want to say something. you didn't get it. and you're going to get it later. and you're going to laugh real hard. and you're going to feel bad. [ laughter ] and guess what, there's no way to get in touch with me to tell me you were wrong, because i'm not giving anybody here my email. [ laughter ] and usually, i do. usually, the show ends and i give everybody here my email, but not tonight. [ laughter ] so, there are definitely some major warning signs for trump in last night's results. and haley jumped on them, pointing out that trump has been a major electoral liability for republicans and getting her crowd to agree. >> with donald trump, republicans have lost almost every competitive election. we lost the senate. we lost the house. we lost the white house. we lost in 2018. we lost in 2020.
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and we lost in 2022. the worst-kept secret in politics is how badly the democrats want to run against donald trump. >> yeah! >> trump's a loser! >> he's a loser! >> seth: wow! [ laughter ] can we see who was in that crowd? joe! [ laughter and applause ] joe! that would also explain why later the crowd started chanting "amtrak rules" -- [ light laughter ] and "delaware isn't as bad as you thlso, tre aren't a ton of reasons to go." [ light laughter ] also, that's the dress trump was insulting? it seems fine to me, kind of nice. i mean, i know nothing about fashion, and guess what? neither does trump. i wouldn't call this guy a trendsetter. forgive me. [ laughter ] i've been to the met gala a few times. i don't remember seeing this look. except maybe that one year when the theme was "pull my finger." [ light laughter ] but haley's right about that.
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as we've pointed out many, many times on this show, trump is deeply unpopular. he's never won a majority of voters, and he's cost the gop election after election. he fell ass backwards into the presidency one time because we have a dumb system based on states rather than actual votes. i mean, look at montana. they have four electoral votes, despite the fact that there is no evidence it's real. [ laughter ] you don't even know anyone who's ever been there. and that could happen again. we can't discount the possibility. but trump is not popular. haley's comments angered trump -- angered him more, that is. i mean, the dude is never not angry. even his thumbs-up face looks like he's getting a colonoscopy. [ laughter ] have you guys seen that photo of trump laughing? yeah, me neither. [ laughter ] so instead of graciously celebrating his victory, trump implied that haley has some sinister skeletons in her closet that she could potentially be prosecuted for. >> and just a little note to nikki. she's not going to win. but if she did, she would be under investigation by those people in 15 minutes. and i could tell you five
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reasons why already. not big reasons. a little stuff that she doesn't want to talk about. but she will be under investigation within minutes. >> seth: "little stuff she doesn't want to talk about, i can't say what, but a birdie told me, big birdie. strong birdie. tears pouring down his beak. he told me nikki haley parked in a loading zone." [ laughter ] "chirp, chirp." [ laughter ] trump is, of course, projecting as he always does, because he's panicking. he knows the haley vote last night was in reality a vote against him. and it may not be enough to stop him from winning the primary, but it could definitely hurt him in the general. even fox news and trump's former press secretary had to admit that. they know that a large percentage of voters simply won't support a guy who's facing 91 charges and who, if he's convicted, could be looking at -- >> maybe 15, maybe 20. [ laughter ] >> seth: this has been "a closer look." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ we'll be right back with alex wagner, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: for more of seth's "closer looks," be sure to
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the tools to be stronger and more resilient. millions of kids feel alone. we can show them they aren't. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: give it up for the 8g band right over there, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] back with us again tonight, he's the drummer for the iconic california punk band social distortion. the band is celebrating their 40th anniversary of their debut album "mommy's little monster." and will hit the road on a co-headlining tour with bad religion in april. follow him on instagram @dhidalgojr, excuse me. dave hidalgo jr. is here. so happy to have you. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> seth: our first guest tonight hosts of "alex wagner tonight" tuesdays through fridays at 9:00 p.m. on msnbc. please welcome back to the show our friend, alex wagner, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> seth: you got to do the live coverage thing last night. >> i sure did. five hours, baby. >> seth: five hours, well done. five hours. i feel like that gives you a lot of time to develop some takes on it. >> yeah, especially when they call the election, like, an hour in. >> seth: an hour in. >> yeah. >> seth: this does seem like a night that was maybe bad for both of them. do you feel like there's anything to that? >> i'm a glass half full kind of gal. >> seth: okay. >> maybe good for both of them or ultimately bad. i think it was -- i mean, it's bad for trump as far as the general election, right? >> seth: yeah. >> it's very clear that college-educated voters, independents, do not like donald trump. he attracts his base and repels independents in equal measure. you know, i think for joe biden, it is -- you're talking about them, you're talking about biden and -- >> seth: no, i'm talking about haley and trump, excuse me. >> sorry, my mind is on the
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general. >> seth: i know. >> for nikki haley, like -- it's good that she did well in -- among people who actually aren't a huge part of the republican primarily electorate. >> seth: yeah. >> it would be great if she could make to it the general election, but she's not going to. >> seth: yeah. >> it was a bad night for her. >> seth: and now -- you know, again, we saw him -- and we just showed a clip. she came after him pretty hard about his electability problems in a general. >> yeah. >> seth: do you feel like her, the rest of the field before they dropped out, do you feel hike they made a mistake not making that case earlier? >> can i just say, just to put a fine point on like criticizing trump, yes, she makes a point about his cognitive decline. she makes a point about how he's not a kingmaker in contested, tight elections. but there are a lot of big elephants in the room that she doesn't talk about. like, i don't know, shredding the constitution, saying he wants to be a dictator on day one, and undermining democracy. >> seth: yeah. >> that stuff? [ cheers and applause ] like, i maintain, she hasn't really gone for the jugular. but you know, in this sort of modern gop, the very fact that she's willing to utter, you know, the fact that he's a fallible candidate makes her, i guess, singular at this stage of the game.
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i don't think it's possible to win in the republican primary unless you are donald trump. >> seth: yeah. >> i really think that, you know, for her to have gone -- to be full-throated consistently as a critic of donald trump would have disqualified her even earlier. you know, and i think we saw that with chris christie and anyone else who even semi sort of tried. >> seth: so now she's in a situation where maybe she tries to hang on, because she is running against somebody who has 91 indictments. >> yeah. >> seth: he could be in a situation where, who knows -- >> the rapture, as we call it. >> seth: yeah, absolutely. >> the rapture may come, yeah. >> seth: there's never been a candidate where there seems like there's more reasons he might have to step aside. does she play the long game now and stick around, even though, let's be honest, she's not going to win a state? >> no. i mean, she will have some -- she will have some electors to her name. desantis i think has like four or five. she's the only person who could theoretically take the crown if he's convicted. but i mean, i'm hesitant to get
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people's hopes up, people who are not detractors of donald trump, that somehow nikki haley could pull this thing out -- i mean, it would really have to be a rapture-like scenario. >> seth: yeah, right. >> i see the numbers. it's -- you know, a sizable portion of the new hampshire electorate doesn't think donald trump is fit to be president if he's convicted. but, like, we've got a long way to go before, a, there's a trial, b, there's a conviction, and the appeals process is over. and donald trump is going to spend a lot of time on the courtroom steps spinning this all up into a partisan witch hunt. and the republican electorate has proven very permeable to that kind of argument. >> seth: well, that's a good point about exit polls. it does seem that is a very easy way to voice your frustration and say "i will not support this candidate." and then, all of a sudden it's the general election and you -- there's only one candidate left who supports your party. do you buy the people who say this on the way out of the polling booth that they'll never support him? or do you think they do come
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around? >> i -- i mean, i -- i think there are some people left in the republican party -- i don't know why they're still in the republican party, to be honest, that still care about democracy and integrity. >> seth: yeah. >> right? then i think there's some people that are asked, like when they're coming out of voting, "hey, do you think the president should be a convict?" and they're like, "no." because -- i think that there's really a disconnect between that sort of moral assessment of what kind of character we want from our president and the reality of that being donald trump. like, their guy. and i think you're going to see -- i don't like to be a, you know, prognosticator, but i'm in the business of it. [ light laughter ] and i would imagine you're going to see that number shrink a little bit, just because of what i said. like the just atrophy, exhaustion, this -- donald trump is going to spin this thing. and then, when it comes down to brass tacks, like, what's the conviction, right? is it stormy daniels' hush money? is it mar-a-lago documents? is it a federal election interference case? i think that all matters as well in terms of people saying, "i'm not going to vote for this
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dude." >> seth: now, obviously we're in a situation where i think the -- you know, the democratic electorate is worried. they're -- the nervousness that i think -- >> you think? >> seth: i do, i do. [ laughter ] but i mean, i guess there -- this comes back to it. there seems to be less of a republican party as there is just donald trump. >> it's a cult of personality. >> seth: so there -- i guess -- we're not going to see republicans freaking out in the same way because there are no republicans in the way we classically think about it anymore that matter, right? it's nikki haley. but i also believe that if he turned around tomorrow and asked her to be his vice president, i think she'd say yes. >> oh yeah. well, the devotion to trump is so singular as to be almost a religion, right? so, nothing else matters but him. i mean, the only policy proposal -- or the only policy he's talked about is immigration, which really feeds on xenophobia and racism more than a desire to fix our broken immigration system. so yeah, i mean, i think for them it is the end all, be all is trump and nothing else matters. for biden, you know, look. i think there is a lot of trepidation and concern about
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his age. but like, let's be real. biden has done a bang-up job with the economy. he has canceled student loan debt. he canceled more student loan debt last week. he has done more on climate than any other american president. i mean, his record, given a one-state majority in the senate, is bonkers. and the fact that the dude is old should not erase what is a formidable record for his first three years in office. >> seth: so what is -- [ cheers and applause ] i agree. what is the problem? why do you feel like that message is, one, maybe not effectively getting out, and two, even when it's getting out, not resonating with people? >> vibes, seth. >> seth: yeah. >> i'm being told it's the tiktok vibes. >> seth: it's the vibes, yeah. >> but the vibes are changing. i mean, the metrics about consumer confidence have gone up i think like 15 to 20% in the last couple of weeks. so that's a good indicator that maybe people are finally catching on. part of it is narrative. part of it is miseducation and redirection. you know, inflation's coming down. i think that's the clearest,
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most sort of pinpointable reason why people don't feel like the economy is good because job creation, wages, like, that stuff is doing well for almost everybody. and i'm not even going to talk about the stock market because that's not most americans. but that thing is booming. so, i mean, i'm not a biden spokesperson, but i think, look. there's a long way to go between now and november. and people's opinions can change. there could be black swan events. the rapture could come. >> seth: yeah. [ light laughter ] >> people feel differently about this country month to month. and the biden team is betting that people are going to feel better about the economy, the place they're in, and feel a lot worse about a narcissistic, potentially convicted felon being elected into office. >> seth: it's not a bad long-term plan. >> yeah, i mean -- [ applause ] >> seth: and so, on a personal level, you obviously -- you get to, you know, work on election night. >> yeah. >> seth: as you said, called an hour in, not very dramatic. do you feel any heartache about the fact that you're not going to have sort of a breathless primary season of -- >> yeah. >> seth: -- of the horse race politics that do make good television, but you're just not going to get it?
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>> i know. i mean, eating pizza, cold pizza at 11:30 at night with, like, undereye concealer flaking off your face, i'm going to miss it. [ laughter ] i -- no, it is actually -- i am a little sad. >> seth: yeah. >> not just -- i mean, let me say, like the lament of the tv host. like, i don't get to sit there on set and make the big party happen. i feel bad for democracy. >> seth: yeah. >> like, it's a good -- like, 200,000 people have voted. we're a country, but we're 300 million people. like, it shouldn't be over now. there should be debates in the general election. there should have been debates in the primary season. you know, maybe it would have been nice to have an open democratic primary, given all the misgivings about biden. but like, we get stronger in those moments, not weaker. and it's sad to me we're not going to have any. >> seth: i agree with you 100%. it does feel we've all just sort of checked out on this idea. and then people say, "you know, i'm not really happy with the two choices." and you're like, "yeah, it's not --" i mean, it is -- >> as rachel said last night, there's not a lot of democracy going on in this democracy right now. >> seth: yeah. well, we should get some more democracy in here. >> yeah, well, can someone bring it in? >> seth: all right, you and i, let's get down to it. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> bang. >> seth: thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> seth: it's always so good to see you. alex wagner, everybody. "alex wagner tonight" airs tuesdays through fridays at 9:00 p.m. on msnbc. we'll be right back with j. smith-cameron. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪(limu emu and doug.)♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ...of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. uh-huh. uh-huh. mm-hmm. sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪(liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.)♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters march 22. eggs make all our family moments better. especially when they're eggland's best. taste so fresh and amazing. deliciously superior nutrition, too. for us, it's eggs any style. as long as they're the best.
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: our next guest is an emmy and tony-nominated actress you know from shows such as
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"rectify," "search party," and her role as gerri on "succession." she's in the cast of the new stop-motion comedy series "in the know" which begins streaming on peacock january 25th. let's take a look. >> oh, a woman my age doesn't have to worry about style. i told my hairdresser, just try to make my head look invisible. >> i think you look great. >> me too. >> i'd totally smash. >> for real, barb. >> uh -- thank you. >> you too, karl. >> hey. [ light laughter ] >> seth: please welcome to the show j. smith-cameron, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: hello, j., how are you? >> i'm well, thank you, how are
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you? >> seth: good, i'm wonderful, because i'm seeing you again after i saw you last week at the emmys. you were nominated again, well deserved. >> lost again. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: lost again. lost again, but an honor to be nominated, yes? >> definitely. >> seth: okay. >> in itself. >> seth: it was a good group, yes. >> oh, yes. >> seth: a very good category, good group. >> yes, i mean, all those ladies had really juicy parts. and sometimes i would just be in, like, one scene an episode. >> seth: yeah. >> so really, i had no business even being -- >> seth: you had plenty of business being there. i thought it was a real testament to your work. >> i thought if by some chance won i'd be like, get up there and go, "i demand a recount." >> seth: you would demand a recount against your own best interests. it still must be so special when "succession" wins, especially this being its last emmys. it must feel so great to even be a part of a show that wins even though -- >> oh definitely, definitely. such a collaborative show too. >> seth: yes. >> so, that's particularly true in those cases. >> i think one of the favorite arcs of the show was, you know, what happened with gerri and roman.
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i mean, it was a really cool -- [ light laughter ] -- really weird, and certainly, based on the first few times we saw you guys together, none of us would have predicted where it went. i'm assuming the same for you? >> yes, exactly. exactly. yeah, it was deeply strange. >> seth: deeply strange. [ laughter ] making it even deeply -- more deeply strange, you've known kieran culkin forever. >> yeah. >> seth: he'd been in plays with you. >> right. >> seth: he'd been in films with you. your husband, ken lonergan, a great playwright, has worked with him many times. did that make it worse? [ laughter ] >> uh -- no, it made it easier. like we were pals. and i was used to his snarky sense of humor. >> seth: yeah. >> and my husband has a sarcastic sense of humor. and i'm trying to learn to have a more sarcastic sense of humor .o keep up with them no, i think it came out -- it came about because we would sort of mock flirt on the set all the time. and that show, the writers were so collaborative with us. they would take hints from how we behaved on set and then write toward that.
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>> seth: oh my god, so it's your fault. [ laughter ] >> it's kieran's fault. >> seth: kieran's fault. kieran, by the way, i love kieran a great deal. kieran is an agent of chaos. >> yes. >> seth: in real life. >> yes. >> seth: and we actually have a clip to prove just what a little -- just -- he makes mischief. let's take a look at here you are on the red carpet. >> wambsgans. >> i love kieran culkin, he's my absolute favorite to work with even though he's an ass[ bleep ] to me, and i hate him in a personal light. >> you really hate me, don't you? you look lovely, you smell nice. >> kiss. >> okay. [ light laughter ] >> seth: i mean, i get -- i get if the writers of "succession" saw that, they're like, "we got to -- we're missing something here." [ laughter ] here's a photo you brought us. what did -- can you tell us what happened to kieran right there? >> yes. so that was one evening after a table read. and we all went to dinner. and he was just writing the whole time. like being horrid. and like, if i couldn't hear
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something that was -- everyone would laugh at something that was said at the other end of the table. i'd be like, "what did he say? what did he say?" he'd be like, "oh, i'm sorry, dear, did you forget your hearing aids?" if i'd yawn, he'd be like, "is it past your bedtime? that's so terrible." [ laughter ] so, you know, at one point, i just threw my martini at him. >> seth: yeah, there you go. [ laughter ] as well you should, well within your rights. well within your rights. [ applause ] >> he was asking for it. >> seth: you are -- you know, a very integral cast member on one of the biggest shows in recent years. i would imagine you get recognized a great deal more. i mean, you've been on stage for years, you've been in television for years. but it must be a weird sensation. have you noticed the shift? >> yes, yes, somewhat, yes. sometimes people are like, "oh, team gerri!" i don't really know if my name, j. smith-cameron, is known. >> seth: right, you're just gerri to them, yes. >> i met the maitre d at a popular restaurant recently, and they said, "if you want to come in, just text me, and i'll put a word in, you know, i'll contact the maitre d' -- the person on the desk."
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and i tried that. >> seth: yeah. >> and i got there before his text had come in. and i was like, "hi, i'm j. smith-cameron." [ laughter ] and they were like, "uh-huh, do you have a reservation?" "no, no, but, you know, courtney said he would call." nothing. it reminded me of this old joke, i don't know if you've ever heard it -- okay. the joke goes, a quasi-famous actress, let's say her name is j. smith-cameron, is in a restaurant. and, you know, the waiter brings her the wrong dish or something, and is kind of snooty about it. so j. smith-cameron goes, "do you know who i am?" and the waiter says, "give me a hint." [ laughter ] and then the actress says, "i'm j. smith-cameron." and the waiter says, "give me another hint." [ laughter ] >> seth: now, before you had this recognizable face and name, you used to sneak into the plaza hotel. this was back in your -- before
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auditions. >> right. >> seth: you were living in washington heights at the time. >> that's right. >> seth: how would you find your way to sneaking into the plaza? >> okay, yes. well, so i lived in washington heights, which is, you know, very far from midtown where all the auditions seem to be. and i just developed a sort of holly go-lightly kind of routine where i found that the restrooms at the plaza hotel, which was still a hotel, they had a wonderful woman working there. and there would be like cosmetics laid out, and you can wash your face, you could brush your teeth. you know, i'd tip her. and i'd have a little chat with her. then i'd go to bergdorf goodman and put on makeup. [ light laughter ] and then i was kind of camera ready for my audition. >> seth: oh, very well played. very well played. >> yeah, yeah. and i knew which hotel hobbies were friendly. you could go in and look at your slides. >> seth: oh, look at that. you have a daughter, 21-years-old. >> yes. >> seth: and i'm wondering -- who's also, i should note, has known kieran her whole life. >> that's exactly right. >> seth: does that make why succession" hard to watch?
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>> she refuses to watch it. [ laughter ] when she heard about that relationship she was like, "mom." she got home from school, "mom. is what i heard true?" and i was like, "i think so." she went, "how could you, why would you do that?" i was like, "well, i didn't single-handedly do it, you know, it was written into the story." >> seth: and one would say kieran single-handedly did it. [ light laughter ] >> yes, i know, by the way. she's not -- she's a really sweet kid. like she's a good kid, but she's a really fun, witty sense of humor. but, you know -- >> seth: yeah. >> when they're teenagers or middle school age, they get so embarrassed all the time. >> seth: yeah. >> like -- like i remember trying to wake her up from middle school and trying to wake myself up to walk her to middle school, and i was blasting michael jackson and singing along with it. and she was just like -- >> seth: yeah. [ light laughter ] >> "mom. cut that out. you're so embarrassing." and i was like, "nelly, we're alone in the apartment."
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[ laughter ] and she said, "mom, that's how embarrassing you are." [ laughter ] >> seth: i had a sweeter version of the same thing. my son and i were dancing the other day. he goes, "i love when you dance at home." [ laughter ] and he goes, "but i don't think you should do it out of the house." [ laughter ] that was a very -- a very funny clip of this beautiful animation, gorgeous animation. >> they're puppets. >> you play a producer on an npr-style show. >> exactly, exactly. >> seth: and did you enjoy -- it must have been nice to -- conferring all the travel and the locations of "succession," it must have been nice just to go into a sound booth. >> yes, it was. it was great. it was a really good group. also very collaborative kind of team. >> seth: yeah. >> my character's sort of the straight man in a way, although she says funny things. she's the producer of the npr show. and sort of the den mother. >> seth: yeah. >> of them. >> seth: it's very funny. i highly recommend it. and it's so lovely having you here j. thanks for coming.
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>> thank you. >> seth: come again soon. j. smith-cameron, everybody. "in the know" begins streaming on peacock january 25th. it's very funny. we'll be right back with music from baby tate. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ (♪♪) together is the best way to discover joy (♪♪) kinder joy,
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- ugh. - cabin crew cross check. that yellow's not gonna fly. - buckle up! - whoa! ♪ reality checkup ♪ there's toothpaste white, and there's crest 3dwhitestrips white. whitens like a $400 professional treatment. [pilot] prepare for non-stop smiles. crest. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: she has over 77 million global streams and is currently on tour in support of her latest
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ep "baby tate presents - sexploration: the musical." performing "jersey", please welcome to the show, baby tate. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth meyers, i'm your girl. sky jetta. i know we new york. but we gonna take ya to jersey really quick. baby tate. are you ready? ♪ i was just rockin' my hips in atlanta then i moved out to l.a. ♪ ♪ told me you wanted to sip like a fanta so i said yeah that's okay ♪ ♪ i guess that we can be cool mess around and just do what we do ♪ ♪ you could beat it up and leave a bruise ♪ ♪ but you gave mem different impressions i grooved let's go ♪ ♪ you told me this time around it was different ♪ you ain't change your strokes though ♪ ♪ tried to sell me a vision i see ghosts in your photo ♪ ♪ danny phantom gotta catch 'em all damn we coulda really had a ball ♪ ♪ painted me a picture but i saw you only wanted the draws ♪ ♪ i'm in the middle of new jersey cryin' in the club ♪ ♪ thinkin' about all the ways you hurt me but you don't give a you you don't give a ♪
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♪ la-di-da-di you so nasha lottie 'bout it all around me everybody's dancin' ♪ ♪ but i'm out here in new jersey cryin' in the club ♪ ♪ why are you such a liar you got my eyes on water like niagara falls ♪ ♪ why are you such a liar claimed your desire then never called ♪ ♪ you told me this time around it was different you ain't change your strokes though ♪ ♪ tried to sell me a vision i see ghosts in your photo ♪ ♪ danny phantom gotta catch 'em all damn we coulda really had a ball ♪ ♪ painted me a picture but i saw you only wanted the draws ♪ ♪ i'm in the middle of new jersey cryin' in the club ♪ ♪ thinkin' about all the ways you hurt me but you don't give a you you don't give a ♪ ♪ la-di-da-di
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you so nasha lottie 'bout it all around me ♪ ♪ everybody's dancin' but i'm out here in new jersey cryin' in the club ♪ ♪ you left me feelin' busted i had to call my cousins they flew me out and got me drunk now i'm all ♪ ♪ i'm in the middle of new jersey cryin' in the club ♪ ♪ i'm thinkin' about all the ways you hurt me but you don't give a no you don't give a ♪ ♪ la-di-da-di you so nasha lottie 'bout it all around me everybody's dancin' ♪ ♪ but i'm out here in new jersey cryin' in the club ♪ ♪ out here at seth meyers i said i'm out here at seth meyers ♪
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♪ i said i'm out here at seth meyers cryin' in the club ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: baby tate, everybody. for tickets, head to we'll be right back with more "late night." [ cheers and applause ] (coi leray & metro boomin, “enjoy yourself”) new axe black vanilla? yum! ♪ he like when i get dressed, ♪ ♪ i live life with no stress, ♪ ♪ he said that's my best flex. ♪ ♪ i hopped on a big plane, said i'm doing big things, ♪ ♪ gonna bring out the champagne...yeah. ♪ ♪ baby i'm cool, yeah, you know what to do, ♪ ♪ yeah, we got nothing to lose.♪ sfx: yacht's horn ♪ metro boomin want some more ♪ ♪ with the bosses, i just pull up in ♪ new axe black vanilla. get closer with the finest fragrances. you know those mornings when it takes just a new little bit extraa. to get you out of bed?
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♪ >> announcer: come join the audience at "late night" live in studio 8g. for tickets, head over to follow us @latenightseth on all social media platforms. subscribe to late night seth on youtube. find us online at and subscribe to the "late night podcast," featuring "a closer look," guest interviews, and more. available wherever you listen to podcasts. ♪ it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente. head & shoulders bare clinically proven dandruff protection with just 9 essential ingredients no sulfates, no silicones, no dyes. dandruff protection, minimal ingredients. job done.
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chipotle's chicken al pastor is back. and it's fire on every level. fresh chicken hot off the grill, mixed with morita peppers, a splash of pineapple and fresh lime. it's where fire meets flavor. chipotle's chicken al pastor, the wait is over. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: i wanna thank my guests alex wagner, j. smith-cameron, baby tate, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] i wann thank dave hidalgo jr. and the 8g band. thank you for watching. we love you, everybody. [ cheers and applause ]


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