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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  March 27, 2024 11:34pm-12:36am PDT

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some extraordinary bay area women were honored tonight, the recharge group held the inaugural iconic women awards in san francisco. it celebrates black women who make a significant impact to their industry. all 28 women were honored, including singer-songwriter and the oakland native. >> i love that it's women's month, we get to be celebrated, and especially women of color in the bay area, it's definitely an honor.
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>> the honorees represent a diverse range of fields including technology, healthcare and social justice.>> some smart and beautiful women there, congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefellent of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- jerry seinfeld, logan lerman, musical guest, lizzy mcalpine, and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 1949! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a great crowd. i appreciate it. thank you. enjoy yourself. welcome, everybody. welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." you're here! [ cheers and applause ] if you're watching at home, thank you very much for that. well, guys, last night someone at a liquor store in new jersey bought the only winning ticket for the billion dollar mega millions jackpot. [ audience wows ] [ cheers ] it's odd when you walk into a liquor store on a tuesday, and make a good decision, you know? [ laughter ] yep, there's a new billionaire in new jersey. i have a feeling you're going to be able to see that pinky ring from space, you know what
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i'm --? [ laughter ] seriously, if the sun reflects off that thing during the eclipse, it's going to look like a scene from "oppenheimer." [ laughter ] i know, i know. well, this is fun, last night here in new york city, shakira surprised 40,000 fans with a free pop-up show in times square. [ cheers and applause ] i mean, that's how good shakira is, she got actual new yorkers to go to times square. [ laughter ] that's what i'm talking about. everyone busking on the subway last night was like, "well, let's try again tomorrow. i mean, this -- we're not gonna --" [ light laughter ] meanwhile, during the show, times square elmo told fans, "hey, if you like stuff from colombia -- [ laughter ] meet me behind the marriott, you know?" [ light laughter ] some political news, yesterday, while delivering remarks in north carolina, president biden said, "i'm only 40 years old, times 2, plus 1."
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[ laughter ] not to be outdone, trump was like, "i'm this many." [ laughter ] [ applause ] that's cute. good. actually -- actually, trump said, "i only owe $100, times 10,000, plus another 100 million, so --" and you go, "okay." [ laughter ] i saw that biden has been making regular calls to former president obama to talk about the election. well, we actually got our hands on a recording of their last call. >> steve: really? >> jimmy: yeah, listen to this. [ dial tone ] >> uh, hello? >> hey. hey, buddy, it's joe. i was -- i was wonderin' if -- >> this is barack obama. >> right, right, yeah, yeah, i know. i -- listen, my poll numbers, they -- they're -- >> i can't come to the phone right now -- [ light laughter ] >> we're -- we're on the phone. >> -- so leave a message after the beep. beep. >> come on, man, come on. [ phone clicks ] >> did he buy it? >> yeah, it worked again. >> jimmy: yeah, it's -- [ laughter ] that's interesting. we got a hold of that. [ applause ] interesting, right? well, guys, people are still
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talking about this -- former president trump is now trying to make money by selling $60 bibles. trump selling the bible, yeah. it's like if mike pence was selling copies of "50 shades of gray," you know? [ laughter ] well, everyone is getting excited for the total solar eclipse in a couple of weeks, but experts are warning people about knock off eclipse glasses. if you don't use the right kind, you could hurt your eyes. and i actually saw an ad for a pair the other day, and i'm not sure how safe they are. watch this. >> do you want to stare directly at the sun? introducing, trump eclipse glasses. the only eclipse glasses that are completely invisible. you can't see 'em, but they're real, believe me. [ bell dings ] get yours today, and the only sun that will hurt to look at is this one. or this one. order now and get your fantastic, invisible trump eclipse glasses. plus, a free copy of the new trump jesus book.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: interesting ad. listen to this -- i read about a british airways passenger -- okay, this is real. a british airways passenger who had to sit through a seven-hour flight with an exposed bolt digging into his head, 'cause his seat didn't have a headrest. [ audience ohs ] i mean, honestly, it's just nice to hear about a plane that has bolts. [ laughter and oohs ] yeah, even more annoying, there was a kid behind him who kept kicking the bolt. [ laughter ] well, i saw that today is national viagra day. [ cheers ] to celebrate, president biden ordered all the white house flags to be flown at full staff. [ laughter and applause ] ♪ and finally, i heard about an unusual new dating trend that some people are trying out. take a look at this. >> people are stripping down and plunging into ice baths with strangers, hoping to form lasting relationships. testing the waters for a lasting connection with a three minute first date inside a tub filled
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with icy water. >> jimmy: yeah. [ light laughter ] freezing water worked so well for jack and rose in "titanic" so -- [ laughter ] i don't see what the problem is, guys love freezing gold water. [ light laughter ] "why don't you get out first? yeah" [ laughter ] "no, you go, you go. you get out first." [ light laughter ] people are like, "sorry, i'm really not feeling this. and by 'this,' i mean my legs." we have a great show. give it up for the roots, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: big show. big show tonight. jerry seinfeld is here tonight! [ cheers and applause ] that's my dude. come on. cannot wait to talk, i love jerry seinfeld. but this -- it's a giant show tonight. i just want to quickly remind everyone that voting is still open for our fallon book club spring read contest. this is our qr code.
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this is a big deal. we spent millions of dollars on this -- >> steve: really? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: -- on this technology. >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: if you go to this -- >> steve: right. >> jimmy: -- we're doing a march madness bracket for a book club, okay? so any of these 16 books are going head-to-head, okay? so, if you like any of these books -- this is for real, we're doing this now. yeah, that's a stack there, and then here's another stack of books. these are all legit good books. i haven't read any of these. [ laughter ] but -- >> steve: but you know they're good. >> jimmy: that's not the point of it. that's not the point. it's -- it's a book march madness bracket thing, and everyone votes on the book. and then it's going to get down to the eight, and then the four, and then the terrific two. and then out of those two, they'll battle out, and then the winner will be the book that i read. [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: i can't read all these books. >> steve: come on, man. >> jimmy: this one -- this one looks real thick. but any way, if you just -- you don't even have to -- i don't even want anyone to type or do anything. don't read or type or anything. >> steve: right. until you read the book.
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>> jimmy: just aim your phone at the screen, and this should take you to somewhere. >> steve: right. >> jimmy: and when you go there, or if you feel like typing, you go to, okay? and you go there, and you vote on what book you think that we should all read together, okay? voting closes tomorrow night at 11:30 p.m., so there's still time. so far, we've gotten over 200,000 votes. this is a big deal. [ cheers and applause ] it's happening. we're doing it. people want to read in march! and be sure to tune into the show friday night, where we were going to reveal the elite eight books that advance to the next round. >> steve: ooh. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: but first, what a show we have for you tonight. he's one of the funniest people on the planet. he wrote, directed, and stars in the new movie "unfrosted," which is available on netflix may 3rd. jerry seinfeld is here this evening. [ cheers and applause ] my favorite. i absolutely love him. plus, he stars in the new series
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"we were the lucky ones," which premieres tomorrow on hulu. logan lerman is joining us. [ cheers and applause ] it's good. and we got great music from our pal, lizzy mcalpine! [ cheers and applause ] stick around, we'll be right back with jerry seinfeld, everybody. don't change the channel. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> random question -- why does the milk from apple jacks taste way better than apple jacks? [ laughter ]
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wanna know how i get this glow?! i get ready with new olay indulgent moisture body wash. it smells amazing and gives my skin over the top moisture! from dull to visibly glowing in 14 days! ♪♪ see the difference with olay. i have relapsing ms, but i still want to spend my time my way. i chose kesimpta because it works for me and my schedule. kesimpta is a b-cell treatment for rms that had powerful results. a reduced rate of relapses... lesions... ...and slowed disability progression. i take it myself once-a-month, at home, or on the go. when i'm ready, treatment time is less than a minute. so more of my time, is up-to-me time.
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don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including fatal infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. kesimpta fits my life. so how i fill my time is up to me. talk to your doctor about why kesimpta could be right for you.
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did you know you waste 200 hours a year handwashing dishes? hun. hun. turning your back on the moments that matter. there's a better option than handwashing. switch to your dishwasher and cascade platinum plus. it uses the power of dawn to thoroughly clean your dishes removing 99% of grease and food residue. so all you have to do is... scrape, load, and you're done! (♪♪) cascade platinum plus.
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dare to dish differently. can the flavor of a slow cooked smoked sausage be so gloriously delicious that the sight of its sizzling makes your tastebuds weep? if it's hillshire farm, oh, hill yeah.™ [ keyboard clicking ] hey, random question -- why do people say, "be careful," after you trip on the sidewalk? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: never thought about that. [ light laughter ]
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[ loud gulping ] [ light laughter ] [ keyboard clicking ] >> hey. random question -- [ light laughter ] why do we make kids hunt for easter eggs? do they realize that bunnies don't lay eggs? and if they did, why would they hide them? [ laughter ] >> never thought about that. [ laughter ] [ loud gulping ] [ keyboard clicking ] hey -- [ keyboard clicking ] [ laughter ] >> random question -- why does the milk from apple jacks taste way better than apple jacks? [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: never thought about that. >> yeah. [ loud gulping ] [ light laughter ] [ keyboard clicking ] >> hey, random question -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i -- i had one. >> you had one? [ laughter ] oh. never thought about that. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, random question -- why is the middle finger the worst one and the thumb the best one? >> ah. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: why don't we flick our thumb at people when we're mad, and hitchhike like this? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> never thought about that. [ light laughter ] [ loud gulping ] [ keyboard clicking ] hey, random question -- when i'm walking around the back
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of a restaurant, why is there always a waiter asking if i'm looking for the bathroom? what the hell else would i be doing --? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] -- in the back of your restaurant? >> jimmy: never thought about that. >> yeah. [ loud gulping ] >> hey! random question -- [ keyboard clicking ] you two ever do any work? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that was random. >> yeah. actually, i have thought about that. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] [ loud gulping ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ if i were to be hauled into court on pop-tart charges -- [ laughter ] -- that would make my life!
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>> jimmy: yeah, that -- you would love that. >> yes, i would love that. [ applause ] everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪♪ emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) emergen-c crystals.
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and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is an emmy winner, a "new york times" best selling author, and one of the most successful comedians of all time. he wrote, directed, and stars in the new movie "unfrosted," which is available on netflix may 3rd. everyone, please welcome jerry seinfeld. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: jerry seinfeld. >> you know, it would be -- you know what would be my dream in show business of one thing, because now i've done a movie, i've done -- i've done a lot of stuff. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but of the one thing, if i could do one thing, you know what it would be? >> jimmy: no. >> one sam rockwell entrance. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he makes a great entrance. >> i -- he makes the greatest entrance. i watch those videos over and over. ever watch just a super cut of sam rockwell entrances? you got to do it. >> jimmy: he comes out, he does james brown. he does everything. he's always -- would you maybe next time? no, you would never do it. >> i can't do it. he's got a thing with his feet and his body. he's got a cute little body, and it's -- [ laughter ] and it's like a marionette body.
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it's suspended. >> jimmy: it's perfectly -- and he floats and he spins. >> he floats in the air and the feet are -- you know. >> jimmy: yeah, he's fantastic, he's great. >> yeah, he's fantastic. >> jimmy: are you a dancer, or do your -- >> no. >> jimmy: no. >> i used to be. a younger man. i used to like dancing. >> jimmy: yeah, do your kids say, "dad, no," or they don't care. >> no. >> jimmy: they're fine. >> it's fine. >> jimmy: your kids like you. >> do my kids like me? >> jimmy: no, i said no -- [ laughter ] no, i said the opposite. it was a statement. i said your kids like you. i know your kids. >> yeah, you do. >> jimmy: yeah, and they actually like dad. [ laughter ] sometimes, the kids, they don't like -- they don't like the parents. >> well if that was the case, i wouldn't bring it up. [ laughter ] let's slide to the next question. if these kids hate their father, let's not talk about that. >> jimmy: that's true, yeah. have you had a chance to be with them recently? >> with my kids? yes, i happen to have many chances. [ laughter ] many, many chances to be with the kids. >> jimmy: they must enjoy it. >> oh, they enjoy it, because they like me. >> jimmy: exactly right. [ laughter ] that's exactly the point. i love -- i always talk about being a parent.
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people talk about quality time. i like to talk about garbage time. that's what is really fun with your kids, garbage time. >> jimmy: this is the secret. >> yeah, a bowl of cereal at 11:00 at night, that's garbage time. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> that's the best. >> jimmy: that's fun. >> so that's what i like. what i don't like, vacationing, family vacationing. i hate it. i hate going. my wife hates going with me. the kids hate going. i still go. because what is the difference of doing one more thing i don't like on top of not liking anything anyway? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what don't you like about a vacation? >> everything. i -- but it doesn't matter, because when i do something i don't like, it doesn't bother me. i am a -- that's all i'm used to. i'm a very happy person, hating everything throughout my entire life. [ laughter ] that's how i would describe myself.
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[ applause ] and my wife, she -- you know, it's tough on her. she gets upset when i have a bad time. i don't. i don't. >> jimmy: you don't? >> no, i knew it was going to suck. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you knew it? >> and then i'm going to complain about it, which is something i do enjoy. that's what i like. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you like complaining? >> i love complaining. my entire act is me complaining. i try and make it entertaining, but that's -- that's all it is is me complaining. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: but what exactly things you don't like? >> name something on a va -- jet skiing. okay. whoo! [ laughter ] don't you hate when people do that? >> jimmy: yeah. >> whoo! [ laughter ] the jet ski, you don't go anywhere on it. what is it? it is an amazing jet propulsion device to go nowhere. you go nowhere. [ light laughter ] wherever you get on a jet ski, that's your final destination. [ laughter ] that's where you're going. 25 minutes later, thousands of
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miles traveled. >> jimmy: you go there. [ applause ] and you end up there. >> what do you do? you travel thousands of miles. you spend thousands of dollars on this trip. so instead of just having a conversation with your friend, you get to talk to them like this. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but do you get -- >> whoo! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you get to turn off your brain for a second, do you get off your phone, do you just relax? >> no, no i don't. [ light laughter ] somebody called me the other day, cell phone call drops. friend calls back and says, "i don't know what happened there." you know how people do that? i don't know what happened there. yeah, no one was hoping or expecting that maybe you could explain -- [ laughter ] a random microglitch in an infinitely complex global telecommunications network. [ laughter ] just call back and go, "you were
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saying." that's all. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i don't know what happened there, yeah. >> yeah, i don't know what happened there. like i'm going to go, "what do you mean you don't know what happened? you were on the call." [ laughter ] "you heard us get cut off, and now you claim to know nothing about it." [ laughter ] i think you know exactly what happened. who are you covering up for, t-mobile? [ laughter ] what does the "t" stand for, thievery? treachery? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but i haven't been out with you in a while, but i know every time i go out, you're a foodie. you actually -- >> i eat food, yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, but you have good taste. have you tried -- >> i think i do. >> jimmy: -- tried anything new? >> you know what i had that i never had before last summer was a seedless watermelon. did you even know there's such a thing as a seedless watermelon? >> jimmy: yeah, of course, yeah. >> you did? >> jimmy: it's great. >> it's great. i had it, this thing -- did you know about this? >> audience: yeah. >> we're eating this thing, i don't know, it was some freak mutant melon, i don't know how it could be. and we thought, this is great. we have to get more of these. how do we get more of these? and that we could not figure out. what do you plant to grow more seedless watermelons?
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[ laughter ] what do you plant? [ applause ] >> jimmy: this is what i love about you, this is what i love about -- you come on this show, i go, "what are you up to?" you go, "i'm going to work on this movie - it's coming out, i'm gonna work on it right now. it's called 'unfrosted.'" >> "unfrosted." >> jimmy: "unfrosted." you wrote it, you directed it, you star in it. it is about the invention of pop-tarts. >> right. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: this is what you said to me. >> he's not making this up. >> jimmy: this is what you -- [ laughter ] you said it and i go, "real -- this is it?" but then i go why pop-tarts? why unf -- what is this thing "unfrosted"? and you go, it was just a joke that you had in your act. >> it was a joke, and my friend, spike feresten, who is one of the writers from my series. you remember the episode "the soup nazi?" [ cheers and applause ] okay, he wrote -- he wrote that episode. and he said -- so we were in the
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covid thing. he says, we would joke about we should make the pop-tart story a movie. and, you know, you go "yeah, yeah, sure." but, you know, we were all, you remember, doing nothing. so got another couple of guys from the series, set up the zoom, started writing. the next thing we knew, it was a script, and then it became a movie. and we just finished it like a month ago, and it's coming out now. it's coming out. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's joke, joke, joke, joke. >> it's all jokes. >> jimmy: it's so many jokes. it's really funny, but it's about like a competing company coming -- who's gonna do it first? >> well, here's the truth of it. the movie is completely insane. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but the true story is, post, the other big cereal company in battle creek, they did come up with this idea, and kellogg's heard about it like three months before it was going to hit the shelf. and they go, oh, my god, we have to have a competing product. so they were -- it was like, and that's when andy robin, one of our other writers, said why
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don't we tell this story like "the right stuff?" remember "the right stuff" which was u.s. versus russia to who could put a man on the moon first. so that is how we tell the story of the pop-tart. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: who can make the pop-tart first. >> who can make the pop-tart was the same as who can land on the moon first. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: but is this like, you know, "barbie"? where like mattel -- >> no, no. [ light laughter ] no, not like "barbie." [ laughter ] because "barbie" was made by mattel. >> jimmy: yes. >> kellogg's did not even know we were doing this. [ laughter ] they had no idea. we took all their products, we took all their characters, snap, crackle, and pop are in the movie. [ light laughter ] tony the tiger's in the movie. >> jimmy: yeah, tony the tiger. >> the -- toucan sam. we took everything. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: and didn't ask? >> i didn't know that we had to ask. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: are you -- >> it could be some serious legal exposure. >> jimmy: yeah, it could be. [ laughter ] wow. >> but if i were to be hauled into court on pop-tart charges -- [ laughter ] that would make my life. >> jimmy: yeah, you would love that. >> yes, i would love that. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i think they would love it. tony the tiger, let me go back to this because this is a great cast. amy schumer, melissa mccarthy. >> jim gaffigan. >> jimmy: jim gaffigan's funny. there's a thousand cameos. but playing tony the tiger is hugh grant. >> hugh grant. >> jimmy: so, hugh grant -- [ laughter ] [ applause ] how did you get hugh grant to do this? >> he's very unhappy, because the character is thurl ravenscroft, which is the real name of the guy who did the voice of tony the tiger. thurl ravenscroft. >> jimmy: great name. >> and so i imagine this guy as a frustrated shakespearean actor who has to play this embarrassing character to make his car payments. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] >> and that's -- and hugh grant is perfect for that. >> jimmy: he has to say, "they're great!"
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>> yeah, they're great. so, i did not think of really hugh grant for the part, and i love hugh grant so much. but he called us, and he said, "i want to be in the pop-tart movie." [ laughter ] and i have -- so i got the script and i auditioned on my phone. so he did an audition on his phone with a glass of wine in the other hand, by the way. [ light laughter ] and you know, like i care what the audition was. i go, "yeah, you're tony the tiger, sure." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah, and i love him. i love him. >> jimmy: he destroys in this movie. >> he's so funny. and we -- we had lots of fights. >> jimmy: yeah. you -- >> we had lots of fights. he's a pain in the ass to work with. [ light laughter ] he's horrible. >> jimmy: notoriously. but he says that before he comes -- >> he tells you before you work with him, you're gonna hate this. and he's so right. >> jimmy: he does that when he comes on the show, he goes, i don't like doing this. >> yeah, he's horrible.
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>> jimmy: he's so funny. he's so funny. >> but one night he and i had dinner together and that was the best night of the -- we shot for ten weeks. and that night that he and i had dinner, and we got drunk having dinner. >> jimmy: really? >> that was the greatest night. yeah, because he's so cool and he's that english thing, you know, that witty -- [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: very -- >> looks good in a jacket and -- the waiter, he just does a little gesture, the waiter races over. you know, he's one of those guys. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> this is a real text i got today from hugh grant. >> jimmy: hugh grant says -- >> "i just watched the film. to my great surprise, i liked it." [ laughter ] "laughed out loud. all actors were good, even you." me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "love, hugh." [ applause ] >> that's from hugh grant. i know you're coming on, i can't wait. this is about a month ago, i get a phone call from you. >> right. >> jimmy: and you go, "jimmy, i did the movie 'unfrosted.' it came out great, and i still think, you know, the edit's done, but i still think there's room to get jimmy fallon in this
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movie." >> yes, there was a way to get jimmy fallon in the movie, even though it was locked. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: so i go, "i'm ready, i'm ready to act." and you go, "i don't want you to act. i don't want you to act. i want you to sing. i want you to sing the song." >> sing the song, jimmy. >> jimmy: you sing -- exactly. you wrote a song. >> i wrote a song. >> jimmy: and mark ronson -- >> mark ronson wrote the music, i wrote the lyrics. >> jimmy: andrew wyatt, and -- so mark ronson who just did the "barbie" soundtrack. >> that's right. he did "i'm just ken." >> jimmy: so you wrote the lyrics, it's called -- it's about pop-tarts. it's called "sweet morning heat." >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so, some of the lyrics are, "please give me that sweet morning heat, every single day of the week, you got all the loving i need, give me that sweet morning heat." [ laughter ] >> it's love song, it's a love song. [ laughter ] you sent me the thing.
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and you go, anyone you think if you want to do by yourself, you wanna duet? i go, i just worked with meghan trainor, she was the best. >> yeah. >> jimmy: maybe she would want to do it. >> love meghan trainor. >> jimmy: and so i call -- i texted meghan trainor, she's like, i'm in. let's do it. i go, we're doing the pop-tart song. so we did "sweet morning heat" -- >> as a duet. >> jimmy: as a duet. >> jimmy fallon and meghan trainor together. >> jimmy: i want to play it for you tonight. just a little bit so you can hear. >> play a little bit. >> jimmy: just a little bit. [ cheers and applause ] are you ready? so it's -- again, starts at "please give me that sweet" -- here we go. ♪ ♪ please give me that sweet morning heat every single day of the week ♪ ♪ you got all the loving i need ♪ ♪ give me that sweet morning give me that sweet morning give me that sweet morning heat ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ heat ♪ ♪ i used to eat you any time of the day ♪
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♪ put some -- every night ♪ >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. it's a bop. it's a bop, it's so good, and i'm honored to be on it. [ cheers and applause ] so when it comes out, call your local radio stations and request "sweet morning heat." [ light laughter ] please! i'm honored. i can't even tell you. it was the most fun thing ever to be involved in this and with the movie. >> thank you. we'll you did a great job. thank you for doing it. what else do we have for our -- >> jimmy: well, we have an exclusive sneak peek at the trailer. [ drumroll ] [ cheers and applause ] for "unfrosted." >> may 3rd, it's coming out. >> jimmy: here we go. ♪ >> the post cereal company has reportedly invented a shelf stable fruit pastry breakfast product. >> no. >> yeah. >> boy. >> how do you think post did it? >> there's always a surprise
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inside the box. >> wonder if they used xanthan gum? >> xanthan. ♪ >> kellogg's is entering the race to reinvent breakfast. >> they're stacking the deck with ringers. >> you kellogg's people. >> are you making progress? >> it's not to scale. >> what are you guys, 5 years old? little john-john draws better than that, and i think there's something wrong with him. ♪ >> whoever gets to the shelves first is gonna win this thing. ♪ >> isn't this a cereal company? why did my husband explode? ♪ >> jimmy: come on now. [ cheers and applause ] that's what i'm talking about. jerry seinfeld, everybody. "unfrosted" is on netflix may 3rd. we'll be right back with more "tonight show." come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ike an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪♪
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(opponent) you gonna move, or what? (marci) oh, i'm sorry. it's a lovely neighborhood. (luke) marci, we've gotta go. (marci) i'm coming! (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. (marci) you wanna give me a hand? (luke) we bring you the best neighborhood info. (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a very talented actor who stars in the new series, "we were the lucky ones," which premieres tomorrow on hulu. please welcome logan lerman! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. >> thank you so much. ♪
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>> jimmy: you look great, bud. >> it's an honor to be here. i'm a huge fan of this show, so thank you for having me. >> jimmy: yeah, welcome back. you've been here before. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i'm so happy you're here. >> thank you. >> jimmy: logan, you have some exciting news since you were last on the show. you got engaged. >> i did, thank you. >> jimmy: congratulations, buddy. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, ana. >> yeah, thankfully she said yes. >> jimmy: yes, she said yes. how did the engagement go down? could you give any details? >> i can give you some details. yeah, you know, i was in new york, i had no plan. and when i got here, i realized i needed some privacy, and there was no privacy in new york. so, we ended up in central park. my -- my fiance pointed out the -- the row boats. and i was like, "oh, let's do it." and that's when i learned i don't know how to row a boat at all. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> i was terrible at it. so, she ended up rowing the boat, i'm just sitting back. [ laughter ] i'm thinking, "oh, god. now people are looking at us, and pointing, and laughing at me." and i'm just -- i can't understand why -- >> jimmy: what are they saying? like -- they're saying, like, what are -- >> they're taking photos. they're just like, "look at him, he looks stupid." i'm like -- [ light laughter ] "'cause he's just sitting back here and she's, like, doing all the work." >> jimmy: yeah, "there's a very weak man in that boat," yeah. >> i'm like -- i'm like, "whatever." i'm like, whatever they think --
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but finally, she rowed us to a -- to a quiet part of the -- of the lake there. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i popped the question. it was great. >> jimmy: no way. >> it went really well. >> jimmy: and she said yes. >> she said yes. >> jimmy: and there you go. [ cheers and applause ] >> thankfully. >> jimmy: i think that's romantic, and perfect. and new york city, central park, come on. >> oh, it was -- it was beautiful. >> jimmy: your fiance was telling me backstage that she did this thing -- and i had to show a picture of it -- where she did the ai thing, like "what celebrities do you look like?" >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: but, first of all, you are a celebrity, so it's kind of more fun to play it with you. what celebrity do you look like? and very surprising for me, but apparently you look like -- >> yeah, wow. >> jimmy: -- julia roberts. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and -- [ laughter ] >> right? >> jimmy: congratulations. >> i see it. >> jimmy: i mean, she's -- she's gorgeous. >> yeah. she's -- >> jimmy: she's a stunner. i didn't know that would be -- did you have any idea that would
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be your celebrity doppelganger? >> no, i had no idea. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah, i mean, there's like, you know, a few people that i get. like there's, like, five, like, white guys with brown hair in my age range that are actors that i -- we all get mixed up. we got a group chat. but my favorite one lately is pete buttigieg. i get that one now. >> jimmy: what? [ light laughter ] >> someone was like, "you look like pete buttigieg." >> jimmy: wow, not bad. >> um, yeah. so that's the -- >> jimmy: good for pete buttigieg, yeah. he must love it, yeah. >> good for me. >> jimmy: good for you. but i -- julia roberts, this is fantastic, to say -- >> yeah, i'm honored. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. i can -- i can see it here. but then here -- >> i look -- yeah. >> jimmy: here i'm kind -- >> that's about right. >> jimmy: that's where i'm starting to get a little julia. and then -- yeah, then it's julia. >> come on, julia. >> jimmy: yeah. >> julia! >> jimmy: congrats on this. >> thank you. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i -- i do want to talk about your new hulu series. >> me too. >> jimmy: man, you're fantastic in this. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: it's called "we were the lucky ones." and this is based on a true story, best selling look. what -- did you know about the book before the --? >> i didn't know about the book. i -- so, when the project came my way, we didn't have scripts yet for the show. so, all i had was the book, and i read it immediately, and fell in love with this -- with this true story. it's -- it's just -- >> jimmy: georgia hunter -- >> georgia hunter --
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>> jimmy: -- who wrote this. >> -- who's an incredible author -- >> jimmy: amazing. >> -- and wrote this book about her -- her grandfather. when she was a teenager, she found out that her grandfather had this incredible history in -- in world war ii, a jewish family that was separated. and -- and she -- she did years and years of research, and found out that they were scattered all across, you know, the globe to different countries, different continents, and pieced together this incredible story. and i was lucky enough to play her grandfather, addy. and it was really -- like, one of the most -- like, i'm really proud of this show, i think it's one of the best things i've ever made, so i'm excited. >> jimmy: yeah, absolutely, bud. we were -- [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: you were fantastic in it. you -- you sing in it, by the way. >> i sing. >> jimmy: you have a great voice. >> it's hard singing with a polish dialect. it can get -- it can get real, like, "dracula, the musical" -- [ laughter ] -- real quick. >> jimmy: yeah, so -- >> you know, "forgetting sarah marshall" dracula? >> jimmy: of course, jason segel.
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yeah, of course. >> "'bout to die." >> jimmy: yeah. >> you're like, "no." >> jimmy: no, you didn't do it. you did it perfectly. >> yeah, it's a fine line. it's a -- it's a tough one to do, but i -- i did it. >> jimmy: and georgia -- >> i tried my best. hopefully it works for you guys if you watch it. please -- >> jimmy: oh, yeah, i will. >> -- let me know if it's terrible or not. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and georgia -- georgia approved. >> oh, yes. >> jimmy: georgia approves. i got to meet her and her husband, rob. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and they're great people. >> incredible. >> jimmy: but, man, you just knocked it out of the park with this one. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: i want to show everyone a clip. here's logan lerman in "we were the lucky ones." take a look. ♪ >> such a short trip, addy. >> i know, but work is busy. ♪ >> but your music is going so well. ♪ >> eh, one song on the radio does not an income make. >> it's a good song. ♪ >> wasn't it you who encouraged me to get my engineering degree? have a real job? ♪ >> you think you're so clever, using my words against me. ♪ [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: logan lerman! [ cheers and applause ] "we were the lucky ones"
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premieres tomorrow on hulu. [ cheers and applause ] come back. congratulations on getting engaged, bud. >> thank you so much. thank you. >> jimmy: we'll be right back with more "tonight show," everybody. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ a lot of them. and you don't drive like... whoa. i don't want my child being raised by a robot! other drivers are not you. yes, thank you so much to all 50 of my subscribers. nope, definitely not you. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate. barista: lavender latte for sam! daughter: mmm! mom: ooh, i like that!
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12:28 am
♪ >> jimmy: performing the title track to her upcoming album "older," please welcome back lizzy mcalpine. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ over and over
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a carousel ride pay for your ticket watch the red moon climb ♪ ♪ sick to my stomach can't find the ground stuck in a loop watch the curtain come down ♪ ♪ thought it'd be over by now thought you would leave ♪ ♪ thought i would come to my senses ♪
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♪ wish i was stronger somehow wish it was easy somewhere i lost all my senses ♪ ♪ i wish i knew what the end is ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ over and over watch it all pass mom's getting older i'm wanting it back ♪ ♪ where no one is dying and no one is hurt and i have been good to you
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instead of making it worse ♪ ♪ thought it'd be over by now thought you would leave ♪ ♪ thought i would come to my senses ♪ ♪ wish i was stronger somehow wish it was easy somewhere i lost all my senses ♪ ♪ i wish i knew what the end is ♪ ♪ ♪ i wish i knew
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what the end is ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, come on. wow! fantastic, oh my gosh. thank you so much. lizzy mcalpine. [ cheers and applause ] whoo. "older" is out april 5th. we'll be right back, everybody. oh, fantastic. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ “don't let go” ♪ by terrace martin, mr talkbox, pj morton ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no ♪ ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no ♪ ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no, no, no don't let me go ♪ ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no don't you ever let me go ♪ ♪ don't you ever let me go ♪
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12:35 am
that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to jerry seinfeld, logan lerman, lizzy mcalpine once again! [ cheers and applause ] "older." and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. goodnight, everybody. bye-bye, thank you! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause


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