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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 3, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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a dead heat. more than a month after the elections final results are in for a key local congressional race.
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two candidates have the exact same number of votes. what happens next? good afternoon, everyone. welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. we are going to give you the final count which is scheduled to be certified tomorrow. we are also tracking other stories on this wednesday including a deadly hit and run in san jose. a speeding driver, a truck rammed into and a juvenile suspect on the run. alyssa gord is talking to investigators and neighbors about what went down. has her moving in and a storm is brewing over the specific. how and when to expect the rain. earthquakes rattled taiwan. images of the destruction leading to concerns in the bay area about our ability to withstand a powerful earthquake. we will check in with our velena jones. we will begin with a razor
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thin race to replace retiring silicon valley congresswoman, the race determines who will face off against former san jose mayor sam liccardo this november. it is a type. both santa clara and san mateo county say they are done counting ballots. santa clara county supervisor, joe simitian, and evan low are tied. each have 30,249 votes exactly. this means they would advance making the november runoff ce election a three-man race, unless joe simitian or evan low request a recount. results will be certified tomorrow. we are tracking this native element closely and will have analysis coming up in our 5:00 newscast. in other news, san jose police say one person is dead after a speeding driver hit another car early this morning
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and then took off. police tell us it was a juvenile behind that we'll and the person has been arrested. alyssa gord joins us live from san jose police headquarters where she spoke with officers and what are they telling you about this case? >> reporter: that is right, we just spoke with officers here and they explained to us they believe this all started around 4:00 in the morning in east san jose in a residential neighborhood where they say a driver in a black camaro was going northbound on neiman boulevard, speeding and also went through a stop sign, did not stop at the stop sign, and then crashed into a white pickup truck that was there. police say the driver of the white pickup truck was actually killed there on the scene and somehow the driver of that camaro, they say, fled the scene. we do not exactly know yet how the driver fled the scene but that black camaro was still there on the scene this morning when a lot of neighbors came to see what had happened.
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we spoke with lice and they explained that later today, they actually found a minor juvenile who they believe was driving that black camaro and was speeding earlier in the day. they say they were able to link the vehicle to that juvenile and now the minor is in custody. we do not know exactly how they were able to flee the scene but that is what we hope to hear more about from police. >> remarkable that the suspect could walk away from that crash . you spoke to police and to people who live in that area. what are they saying about this crash? >> reporter: they actually say this is not a surprise to them, well it is tragic. they say that they often see crashes and problematic incidents in the intersection, that intersection is a four-way stop. many of the residents there say they have seen other drivers who have failed to stop at the stop signs. during that crash, one stop sign on the street was actually
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crushed by that chevy camaro and can be seen under the camaro and actually had to be replaced today. neighbors have some very specific concerns and they say they are looking for changes from city leaders. they are asking city leaders to pay attention after this crash and we will tell you more about that in a report tonight at 6:00. >> thanks for the update. bart service hit a snag in contra costa county after a train derailment caused an hours long interruption during the morning commute. it started around 4:30 this morning. an out of service train derailed slightly, trains were stopped for hours between antioch and the pittsburgh bay pointe station. commuters were stuck, frustrated, while crews worked to put the trains back on the track. >> it is just a mess and it seems like we always get the short end of the stick out here. this is a pretty significant line that i think generates revenue and we always have issues here. >> reporter: buses transported riders between the three stops.
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services back on track at 10:30. a live look across the bay area this afternoon, a little bit of sunshine today, no rain to speak of but that is changing over the next 24 hours. that spring in our meteorologist , last day of sunshine and sunny skies with mainwaring and. >> you will notice the cloud cover and the drop in temperature. i have a timestamp of when that will crews in just in time for the thursday morning commute. let's start with the current temperatures so i can show you the change and what we have seen the past 24 hours. right now in san jose we are at 65 degrees, conquered in the 60s . oakland, 58. here is what we were at about 24 hours ago. that is a 10 degrees difference in san jose, 14 degrees in marburg in . to parts of novato also quite the cooldown. here is the reason why.
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satellite and radar on loop, we have a system starting to bring down rain to our north. you can see that developing in the pacific. so far these are the areas that are already seeing some activity and some of the instability. this is far up through yuba city, south lake tahoe is starting to get some of that snow which is expected to bring impact heading into tomorrow. between the hours of 6:00 and 7:00 a.m. we will start to see the system move in. santa rosa, oakland, this is at about 11:30. because it is a colder system, and it is this. we have pink and blue color on your screen, that could mean lower elevation snow from some of our local hilltops in the bay area. pockets of moderate, heavy downpours at times. on and off for about 4:30, we will catch some areas of breaks here and there but you're also going to notice the wind speeds begin to pick up as the system drops closer. it is always a good idea to prepare yourself and your
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patio, things like that, could potentially fly away before the wind kicks up. for tomorrow, daytime highs only in the 50s. that will set us up for an even cooler friday. to give you a heads up, chili changes begin today, rain and a chance of thunderstorm for tomorrow, monitoring sierra winter weather. we will have more details on the timing and totals, coming up. rescuers are still frantically looking for survivors from yesterday's 7.4 magnitude earthquake in taiwan. around 7:30 no thursday morning there, about 24 hours after the powerful quake hit. search and rescue crews worked through the night using specialized detection devices and dogs to look at those who may be stuck inside collapsed buildings and tunnels pick so far at least nine people have died, 900 more are injured. those numbers could rise in the coming days. the earthquake hit on the side of the island near the town here, video shows the moment
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the quake hit capturing the building as it toppled onto the street below. more than 100 billion's are believed to be damaged across taiwan. is sent hillsides tumbling around hualien as well. many are in remote or coastal or mountain communities, that can be difficult to reach. complicated the search. the earthquake was also caught on camera during this live news broadcast in the capital city of taipei, about 100 miles away from hualien. you can see what it looks like , i think some debris falls from the ceiling. the quake hit just before 8:00 this morning. people were heading to work and to school, it is the biggest quake to hit the country in 25 years. a 7.3 magnitude quake hit back in 1999, killing 2400 people. those images in taiwan have many people here asking what
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would happen if a powerful 7.0 earthquake sent here. you reached out to quake experts today. what fault line would see the most amount of damage? >> reporter: experts tell us it would be the hayward fault line, we are here in hayward today. this is a fault line that many people are aware of, experts say that it could be quite disastrous and this is one of the most dangerous bay area actions a faultlines. in part because they expect this fault line will experience a 6.7 or greater magnitude earthquake, anywhere from now until 2036. a lot of people live in this area, there are a lot of homes on this fault line. is something experts are keeping a close eye on.
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>> they live around this fault line, he could hit the next 10 or so years. are they nervous about living there? do they have emergency bags ready? >> reporter: i think if you talk to anyone, and this was the truth when we talked to them here today, they are prepared, they have emergency bags ready to go. part of living in this area, they know this is a risk. they know this is a possibility. some residents though, i spoke to one who has lived here for about 10 years, she said when she bought her home, no one told her it was on a fault line. she said she wished she would have known that earlier. people are very aware this fault line exists and they have seen the impact of earthquake throughout the year, as you can see, the uneven pavement and cracks in the ground here, some cracks in people's foundation. so they have experienced kind of the fallout from earthquakes before. they are prepared, some of them say you cannot live in fear. they know this is a possibility, especially living here in california.
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it is something they want to make sure they are prepared to handle. >> it is the bay area, thank you so much. it is hard to live somewhere far from a fault line, there are so many here in earthquake country. many people in the bay area have friends and family in taiwan, they are looking for any way they can help the quake victims. we have that part of the story coming up at 5:00. a bay area town has just become the first in california to have its state-mandated housing plan decertified. it happened at the portola did valley. it could jeopardize the town's finances. tonight the town's planning commission needs to move forward on its zoning plan and says it aims to get back on track with the state by next month. if it doesn't, we are told they could miss out on state grants for roadwork, housing and transportation and even face litigation. >> portola valley got decertified for one of the most clear-cut , unambiguous areas of state law, a rezoning
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deadline. >> reporter: in a statement sent to nbc bay area, the mayor said there is, quote, no stall and delay tactics, she says the town does not have zoning districts right now. developing them takes time. she says she looks forward to recertification in may. we are five days away from the super bowl for scientists. the total solar eclipse is coming. vianey arana is back, she will fill us in on what we can expect to see in the bay area. artificial intelligence is no exact science. a silicon valley company is looking to make it more human. we will show you how the technology works. before we had to break, we want to know what training story you would like to see later in this newscast. i have a pull up on my instagram story. you still have time to vote for one of these stories. they are giving members access to ozempic? the rocks and grandma goes into
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the hall of fame. and, crews seal a moonshine and, crews seal a moonshine cave under race stands. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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we are learning more about this shimmering streak of light seen over the skies of l.a. a lot of sky watchers posted videos like this one online of the mysterious site. today u.s.-based command confirmed the light was space debris from a chinese spacecraft. it reentered the earth's atmosphere over the pacific ocean. a lot is happening in our skies. space enthusiasts across the country are preparing for a total solar eclipse. on monday, it will cross over north america, passing over mexico, the u.s. and canada and for those in the path of totality, the darkness will be quite the experience. darkness in the middle of the day. even though the bay area is not in line with the totality path
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we will still get quite the show from our earth, moon and sun. here to give us more details on the timing and the weather expected that day, monday, right? monday morning, we should have clear skies. >> that would be considered a quote unquote long-range outlook but good news, it is lining up to be okay. we have some rain today, do not worry. we will have a lot of sunshine on monday. let's talk about what we will see in the bay area. it will be cool to see the totality with some videos but here's what we can expect in the bay area. the partial eclipse does begin at 10:14:01. that will give us about 35% maximum eclipse by about 11:13, 24. we are talking about two hours of eclipse experience. the partial eclipse is set to attempt to an end at around 12:15. the solar eclipse is going to be something that we enjoy and see but 35% compared to the 100 will still be something to enjoy. >> it is tempting to look up into the sky, but safety could
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harm your eyes, if you do not have the special eclipse glasses. is there someplace you could go to get a great view? >> like you said, it is absolutely a safety concern, you should never look directly into the sun. we are talking extreme damage potential there. your regular sunglasses will not be enough. the glasses you are seeing all over the internet are specific and designed especially to keep your eyes safe but you are right, there are locations where you can actually go view this and the best part about it is locations like this center will be hosting not only a viewing party but they have very specific equipment that will give you a different perspective of this eclipse as it is happening. we are talking special telescopes with very special lens. you cannot just have a telescope, if you on a telescope, you can't just look at it through a telescope either. that is also a safety concern as well. there are special filters
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applied within some of those telescopes, there's going to be a ton of space enthusiasts there. these are active from previous events held at the space center. from other eclipse events throughout the bay area, this event was tickets only that were sold but it has been officially sold, i did check today. as of today, there are other locations throughout the bay area where you can safely view this and i reached out to someone to ask them, this is going to be fun, but are you hoping to expire the next generation of space enthusiasts? here is what they had to say. >> not only can people come up and be inspired by the awesome beauty of nature and the cycles of nature but have a good time doing it with a lot of other people and space and astronomy enthusiasts will be there with the equipment to let people enjoy it in a way that you wouldn't normally be able to. because it is not safe to look at the sun, unfortunately, and it is not safe to look at the sun with a telescope unless you
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know what you are doing, you have the right kind of equipment. definitely you could do some damage to your eyes if you do not know what you are doing. but we will have special projectors and filters and many means for seeing this eclipse what happens. >> go with the pros, they know what they are doing. not only that, i am sure they will give fantastic lessons, they said they are available in english and spanish, that is another fun element. really quickly, let's go over who will get to see that totality. this is a nice element here, we can zoom in as well, the cities and states and locations, this is portions of texas, talking san antonio, austin, waco, dallas and stretching further up, that black circle you see represents the path it is going on where you are going to experience some of the totality, hot springs, parts of little rock and through parts of stretching through the midwest, also indiana, then illinois. this does extend all the way over the ocean and into parts
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of canada. a very exciting time, the thing that makes it so rare is not only the totality aspect but typically we do not see this many people get to enjoy the total -- totality of it. you will likely hear the tickets,. a lot attached to this. we will include a list of locations where you can go in and enjoy the event for free. out of those locations offer those glasses and i'm also going to include links for parents and educators so you can create your own, filtered viewing experience. we have a scam alert ahead of the clips. doctors are warning there are fake glasses out there that claim to protect your eyes from the sun. be careful. if they are fake, it could harm your eyesight. better business bureau is to track down these scams.
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>> verifying how good these glasses are and who you are buying them from is really important. >> you want to have that i also 12312-2. it is tested and we know it is a fake >> doctors are warning you not to use your normal sunglasses as protection during eclipse viewing, they don't have the proper amount of protection to harm out the -- filter out the harmful rays. have you had a chance to try out ai yet? it is amazing what chat bot can do but they are not always accurate. here is kris sanchez with a silicon valley company looking to fix some of the problem. >> ai can help us lighten our workload but when it is not done right it can make us or our company look a little silly. maybe even cost some money. san francisco-based just answered to add human intelligence back into artificial intelligence. the site allows you to get human eyes on chatgpt answers,
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experts like doctors, lawyers, vets, etc., to see if the ai is right. the ceo says people can use chatgpt safely when there is no right or wrong answer, maybe asking it to write a poem, but there are areas where getting it wrong can be costly. >> we believe people are getting misinformation by these tools. they are about 60% accurate as most studies will tell you. worse than that is that they -- yours answer to what you should do with your pet or your life or your car or dog or house or job, it is only wrong 64% of the time but they give you an answer as if they are 100% confident. >> you can check your chatgpt answers for free at or get perl through the chat gpt plug-in store. join me and today in the
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starting at 5:00 in the morning and you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you want, more on 24/7. back to you.
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the top trending story as voted by you on my instagram poll. the membership warehouse known for free food samples is now helping members lose weight. costco launched a new weight loss program which includes access to prescription weight loss drugs like ozempic. the medications will be offered to cosco's healthcare partner. the service costs $179 every three months and will include a clinical consultation, a nutritional guide and a personalized treatment plan. the prescriptions will cost extra. will post links to the other stories you voted for on my instagram stories. that will do it for us at 4:30. jessica gary is working on the
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5:00 newscast. 5:00 newscast. stay with us. with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza?
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here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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it is a tie, the back-and- forth congressional race between joe simitian and evan low has unofficially ended in a deadlock. what happens now that both candidates got the exact same number of votes? the rest to provide aid following that deadly earthquake in taiwan. how some of the bay area are lending a helping hand. say goodbye to that warm sun and get ready to deal with the cold rain. the timeline on when the next storm rolls into the bay area. the news at 5:00 start right now. thinks for joining me. i am jessica aguirre. after weeks of anticipation, drama and counting votes, the 16th district congressional race to replace anna eshoo is
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somehow a tie between assembly member joe simitian and santa clarita county supervisor evan low. the winner was supposed to face off with sam liccardo in the november election. with joe simitian and evan low in a tie, what happens now? scott just got back from the county register of odors and is joining me now here. highly unusual that it would be a tie. now what happens? >> they say we move on with three people, they say all the ballots were counted, who do they illuminate? they both got the same number of votes. it is likely there will be a recount but there will be three names on the member's valid. they voted in the primaries, the former mayor coming in first, two candidates are supposed to advance. the second spot is where all this focus has been for weeks. they have traded the lead, but just thte


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