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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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somehow a tie between assembly member joe simitian and santa clarita county supervisor evan low. the winner was supposed to face off with sam liccardo in the november election. with joe simitian and evan low in a tie, what happens now? scott just got back from the county register of odors and is joining me now here. highly unusual that it would be a tie. now what happens? >> they say we move on with three people, they say all the ballots were counted, who do they illuminate? they both got the same number of votes. it is likely there will be a recount but there will be three names on the member's valid. they voted in the primaries, the former mayor coming in first, two candidates are supposed to advance. the second spot is where all this focus has been for weeks. they have traded the lead, but just this afternoon both
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counties finally recorded all ballots have been counted and the numbers are dead even. >> every vote counts, you have one vote, make it count. we have been saying it all along, it is just as important today for anything we have on the ballot. local measures especially, our turnout was only 37%. >> 37% is low, a lot of people staying home are probably like, maybe i should have voted. they do expect a much higher turnout in november where there will be three people to choose from. cmac it will be confusing for a lot of voters to begin with. the recount, one of them could ask for a recount but it would be very expensive and they would have to pay for it, right? >> exactly, because it is on the district level, one of the candidates would have to ask for it. it does not behoove either of them to ask for it. they have both gone to the next level and like you said, it would also be expensive. that can happen, we will wait and see but probably not.
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>> i wonder have sam liccardo feels about having to face off with two other candidates instead of just one. >> one of them, evan low , did better in san mateo county, who knows. >> the saga goes on. thank you very much. from counting ballots to dropping temperatures, this is a live look at san francisco, san jose and walnut creek. what do you see? a little bit of dreariness. that is because the rain and cold is coming back to the bay area. chief meteorologist jeff joins me now. when can we expect the rain and chilly temperatures to start? >> rain as soon as tomorrow morning. while we cooled off a bit today, get ready. the heaviest jacket back out for tomorrow's forecast. the center of the storm is just off to the north and west. it is falling down the cold blast of air in the rain chances , the chilly air already beginning to impact us over the
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past couple of hours, we are now down 13 degrees colder compared to this time yesterday in novato, down 12 in concord, 16 in livermore.: san jose putting us in the 50s in san francisco in livermore. this time last night we were in the 70s for a lot of those inland valleys. no rain fall showing up on raider or doppler radar just yet. we have moisture in the mid- levels of the atmosphere, in fact we will stay dry through tonight, we will begin to get the rain back through marin, napa, sonoma county, starting at 6:00 tomorrow morning. we will take you through the whole timeline of this but i also wanted to let you know as the rain starts to move in tomorrow morning, we will have the chance of some thunderstorms and small hail. low snow in the bay area mountains between 2 to 3000 feet and more snow to this era. because he up to a foot, a closer look at all the details would take you through the weekend, also that clips, coming up in about 15 minutes. we have an easy way for you to stay on top of this ever- changing weather we have in your neighborhood.
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get your phone, scan the qr code on your screen, it would take you to our app which is free to download. let's switch gears, we just that the 24 hour mark since the massive earthquake stuck taiwan killing at least nine people and injuring hundreds more. rescuers are working to free doesn't still trapped under the rubble in the nearby mines. the 7.4 magnitude earthquake hit yesterday just before 5:00 our time. on the sicily island, damaging and toppling more than 100 buildings. taiwan, still feeling the aftershocks, at least 29 aftershocks have been greater than a 4.0. around 300,000 people live in the immediate area where the earthquake hit but many live in remote coastal or mountain communities that are hard to reach which is, getting that search. 's crews comes to that rubble, people here in the bay area are still frantically trying to contact their friends and family in that quake zone. >> reporter: urban search and rescue crews using dogs are
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still looking for signs of survivors and toppled buildings. teams inside our scaling elevator shafts and using manager cameras to search for people. >> they rupture through so people are literally right on top of the earthquake. it is a badly damaged building in clean. it is also a place where they are having a lot of landslides because it is a steep mountainous area. >> reporter: oh of those landslides came down onto the narrow highway connecting the city to the rest of the island so there are concerns about getting resources there. there is an active effort to rescue about 77 people from tunnels that were cut off or damaged during the quake. for those concerned about loved ones in taiwan, the overall infrastructure seems to have fared well. that is according to the director general of the taipei economic and cultural office in san francisco. >> highways, especially,
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operating as normal. >> reporter: the white house has issued a statement of support for taiwan following the quake and a pledge of assistance if it is needed, but according to the director general, the government of taiwan has not made a request for assistance from any country so far. along with the transportation infrastructure that remains functional, communication systems are also working. we have learned there is currently a group of students in san francisco who are studying in taiwan. one parent tells me they are safe. their chaperones were easily able to contact parents after the quake to tell them they are fine. janel was able to quickly commit get with her uncle shortly after it ended. >> the building was collapsed and a wonderful building. >> reporter: according to the taiwanese government, almost 1000 people were injured in this quake and there are still about 150 people who are trapped from collapses of other buildings or tunnels. in san francisco, nbc bay area news. the taiwan earthquake has a lot of people here on edge.
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it is a stark reminder of what could happen in the bay area. coming up at 6:00 we will talk to some earthquake experts about the potential fallout of a 7.4 earthquake here near the hayward fault. legal troubles hitting the ceo of blackberry, the tech company once known for making one of the world's most popular smart phones, now a former executive filed a lawsuit today claiming that the ceo sexually harassed her on the job as recently as three years ago. back then, she was blackberry's president of cyber security. the accuser is described as a woman of color and claims she faced retaliation at work and was wrongfully terminated. the suit goes on to say that despite those allegations, blackberry's board of directions promoted her to ceo. the website says the company is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion. former president donald
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trump, suing the cofounders of trump media and technology group. that is the parent company of its truth social platform. the lawsuit was filed last week in florida. a claims the cofounders made a series of mistakes that delayed the company from going public. it also called on a judge to strip them of their shares of the company. trumps lawsuit comes a month after the same cofounders filed a lawsuit against mr. trump claiming trump is trying to dilute the value of the shares in the company, of their share. mr. trump and the cofounders have not public and -- commented publicly. sure the body of seven aid workers killed in gaza are beginning their journey back to their home countries. the world presses israel for answers on how that strike could have happened. tensions are rising and so our fears this could escalate the war adding to the political fallout for president biden here at home. here is alice barr from washington.
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>> reporter: a rising drumbeat for accountability of the bodies of seven aid workers killed in an israeli airstrike in gaza are returning to their home countries, from the uk to australia. the white house promising to have conversations with the israeli government. >> we want to make sure that civilians are kept safe, are protected, and also folks who are providing humanitarian aid. >> reporter: in his strongest condemnation yet, president biden says he was outraged and heartbroken by the deaths of seven humanitarian workers from world central kitchen including one american. he call them brave and selfless and said israel has not done enough to protect aid workers. israel's top general releasing results of a preliminary investigation into the attack. >> it was a mistake as followed, misidentification during the war in a very complex position. >> reporter: he did not address world central kitchen's
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assertion that it's workers coordinated their movements with the israeli military in advance and traveled in clearly marked vehicles. the groups founder, urging israel to stop blocking for deliveries to gaza. >> are going to be targeting children. you cannot be fighting the basis of what humanity should be standing for. >> reporter: president biden did not answer questions at an event today alongside senator bernie sanders who just yesterday highlighted the political pressure over the biden administration's support for israel. >> is it going to hurt the president unless he turns us around? yeah it will. >> reporter: in primary elections last night, a significant number of democrats voted uncommitted or uninstructed in protest. as the white house keeps trying to influence israel to be more precise in its attacks, top officials are planning in person meetings with israeli leaders as soon as next week. the u.s. seeking alternatives
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to a full-scale israeli ground invasion of over fears about the devastation that can bring to a city jammed with civilians. in washington, alice barr, nbc news. the chairman of the federal reserve visited sanford today. jerome powell spoke at a forum .'s visit comes two weeks after federal reserve meeting where it held interest rates steady. he has indicated the central bank is likely to lower interest rates later this year. today he said it is going to take a while for policymakers to evaluate the current state of inflation and that it is unclear when those cuts will actually happen. providing artists with disabilities a place to show their work. the historic purchase by a museum and where you can see it all on display. we are tracking the return of rain as we go through of rain as we go through tomorr
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art scene but something unprecedented has happened that will highlight an often overlooked aspect of the region's artistic richness. it will be on display. the art part of this upcoming exhibit all have disabilities. >> painting a wholesome spaceship. >> reporter: under a cowboy hat with a brush in hand is artist william scott. >> we are in my studio. a mecca cisco board artist is putting the finishing touches on his first merrill lynch, much like his other work, exudes positive names. >> that is for the peacemaker, that is for peace on earth. maki examines complex issues. >> this is a church lady right here, and these are our sfo people, like on the spaceship, to bring dozens of people back to life who lost their lives due to gun violence, drunk drivers, and killing.
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>> reporter: scott has been practicing alongside other artists with disabilities. >> painting and drawing, rug making, tapestries, fashion, many people know the fashion event. >> reporter: creative growth has been going on since 1992. >> reporter: this is for people with artistic talents and develop mental disabilities. if founded in berkeley and moved into our space here. >> reporter: people with a disability are empowered to explore their creativity, the center has become a model for similar ones nationally and internationally. it approaches 58 years and on this milestone birthday, -- >> the partnership within physical museum of modern art is historic. >> reporter: they purchased more than 100 works by artists associated with the program. the museum is home to one of
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the largest collections of work by artists with disabilities. >> it really elevates and brings the voices of artists with disabilities fully into the contemporary art world. in a way that respectable of their practice of who they are as people and puts them as colleagues as some of the most noted contemporary artists of our day. >> for so long, museums and especially large institutions have been very restrictive about who gets shown on museum walls. who deserves to have the museum, to have their art shown in the museum. >> reporter: the space to see the creative growth exposition. >> alex wong paints photographs and large-scale portraits, to this person who has been who creates autobiographical drawings. these artists have such vibrant practices and have been so important, have made so many
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important contributions to artistic dialogue from the bay area that having them in the museum and the museum's collection on our walls, it has been a long time coming. we are glad it can finally happen. >> reporter: with artists who aren't scared to show the world what they have to offer. >> i can't do that, i can't be scared. i can't do that. >> how come? payment because i want to be happy. >> reporter: the studio is where it starts. >> that is me, that is keith, my brother, terry. >> reporter: in the presence of a photo of his family. >> because -- so they can see it. >> reporter: see that someone who is different can create something spectacular to be unveiled at one of the largest museums of modern and contemporary art in the u.s. >> if people see my art i will be so happy. >> beautiful work.
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the exhibition will be opened featuring a selection of those acquisitions, connected with creative growth, tomorrow and will run through october 6. you have plenty of time to go see it. you may want to see it soon since it is going to be raining. going to a museum to look at art sounds like a perfect activity. >> it really is, some, vibrant colors and that are too. the rainfall and colder temperatures, really may not want to check it out tomorrow after some of the warm weather we have had lately but it is on the way. let's take you outside to san jose, we did manage a good amount of sunshine down here in the south bay. right now some high clouds starting to filter across, after 70s this time yesterday we are already dropping it down to 63 degrees right now. those 50s coming in over the next few hours with increasing cloud cover. toward napa, it has been a mix of some sun and clouds, 60 right now. check it out, by 10:00 tonight, already down to a chilly 49. what is causing all these changes? i wanted to show you the storm system. it is pretty wide reaching here as it drops down across the west. tomorrow specifically, it will move right on top of california and that will continue to drop
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temperatures another 10 to 15 degrees colder. the heavy jacket will serve you well tomorrow. not only rain chances but thunderstorms mixed in. i think it will impact to the most if you are doing any commuting through the late commute tomorrow morning, we will started off at 6:30 in the morning. napa, sonoma county with the best chance. anytime you see the yellow and orange, those are some heavier downpours. we then see by about 9:00, quickly making over to the east bay peninsula and the south bay. as we go through the afternoon, scattered on and off rain chances also, through tomorrow afternoon and evening, some snow picking up on our local mountains. matt hamilton could see anywhere from 1 to 2 inches as we go through this storm system. we are than into some on and off rain chances as the system lingers through northern california into tomorrow night. we see the same thing on friday 's forecaster get time some sun, clouds, and then we get
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into a quick downpour here that may hold some thunderstorms even into friday's forecast. rainfall totals tomorrow, a quarter to a half inch. we see likely the half-inch number across some of the higher elevations and a quarter inch or less for most of the lower elevations. as we go through friday's forecast, trace amounts to about 2/10 of an inch. heading up to the sierra tomorrow, we are in for anywhere from four to about 12 inches. you have to go up to the highest levels to get in on that foot but notice this. the snow going down and starting right around auburn and placerville, chain controls are going to be needed, and early on. moving into the temperatures, that is the other thing that will impact everyone, we will started off tomorrow down in the low 40s as the rain returns. 41 here over the tri-valley. 40 in the north bay. the east bay at 42. daytime highs, this is a hard number to see as we roll through tomorrow's forecast.
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55 in san jose. over to the east bay, lots of double size, martinez at 53. peninsula, 52 in redwood city. san francisco, 42 in downtown. 52 in napa, 54 in novato. how about some heat? the 10 day forecast, we will start in with some 70s by monday of next week. going up to 80 by next thursday. some warmer weather on the way, just hold on here. as we go through next monday we should be able to see the partial eclipse, it starts at 10:14 in the morning. the sun will be obscured, 35%. we are getting it all in here, cold temperatures, rain, thunderstorms, even an eclipse next monday. coming up, amazon laying off hundreds of employees, part of
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u.s. job numbers are rising better than economists expected. payroll processing from 80 pieces private payrolls increased by 184,000 in march. wages for workers who stayed at their jobs went up about 5% from a year ago. job gains led by the leisure and hospitality industry with 63,000 new jobs. most of that growth came from companies that employee more than 50 workers. however, emma john is still cutting hundreds more jobs. the layoffs are impacting sales, marketing and global services teams. also the physical stores, technology team which is what overseas amazons text, the cuts came after amazon announced it is getting rid of its checkout systems and physical stores. it is replacing it with skin as you go.
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those are shopping carts that you go through and put your stuff in. amazon closed its physical bay area stores last year. since the end of 2022 the company has cut more than 27,000 jobs. stocks continuing to struggle to shake off the second quarter slumped. the markets were mixed again today with the dow shedding 43, s&p saw minor gains and the nasdaq added 37 points. the dow hurt by declines in santa clara-based intel, netflix and meta gleaned about two point each. never too early, they say. start thinking about the holidays. really? maybe if you're trying out for a
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it may still be spring, but the radio city rockets are getting ready for the holidays. they are looking for new dancers for the 2024 christmas spectacular. they held open auditions at radio city music hall today and hundreds of dancers came to try out. only a handful will make it through the callbacks and next week, dancers will find out who made the cut. they get a spot and will perform in the macy's thanksgiving day parade at the
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rockefeller tree lighting. janel has got the legs for it, so watch out. >> i cannot kick that hi, not anymore. >> you can watch our newscast 24/7 on other streaming platforms. >> what were you just say on the commercial break, some sort of kicks? here is what is happening on this busy wednesday. an upscale bay area town submits a housing plan to the state only to have it set back. what that town is now doing and what could happen if it doesn't game the state approval. we continue our series race in america. tonight, a man in silicon valley who has a unique way of engaging the community. april is earth month, how san francisco my the mayor kicked it off by recognizing people who helped our climate in crises. welcome to the news at 5:30, thanks for joining us.


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