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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  April 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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next on nbc bay area news tonight. get the the glasses ready. the eclipse is in a few days. millions of people will be looking up. we'll tell you what to expect here in the bay area. also, more hail, we have the updated weekend forecast. plus another issue with the united airlines flight at sfo, a former pilot is with us to break down what went wrong this
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time. and why your pg&e bills are sky high, the ceo of pg&e just got huge bonus. and happy new year, a lot of familiar faces at the ballpark for the giants home opener. good evening, this is nbc bay area news tonight. raj mathai. we have the local views tipping. but first a shooting in berkeley at a freeway onramp. take a look. this is the ashby avenue onramp to eastbound 80. this is the aftermath now, what you are seeing is a caltrans camera. witnesses claim the driver of that car, you see that car there, was shot by someone in another car that car crashed into the barrier, the chp says they are investigating if the driver was rushed to a hospital. no word on their condition.
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the onramp remains closed. the freeway is still open. so that's the good news. 80 is still open going through berkeley. but there was a freeway shooting on that onramp. investigators remain on the scene. we do have a crew on the scene as well getting more information. we will send out updates as soon as we get them. this is a look in walnut creek and we had hail. a bit of a hailstorm this afternoon. what will happen as we head into saturday? let's bring in our meteorologist. this was some wacky weather. >> when it comes to the cold, we are not see snow for saturday, but we will see the dip down into the 30s . and if you notice, the impacts of that winter mix through central and southern california. as far as the next couple of
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hours go, we have a couple of cells moving through livermore. there is still enough instability to where we are still detecting lightning strikes using our mobile doppler radar as well. now the hourly forecast shows in san francisco, the wind speeds which have been another factor out of this. look at this. 32 mile-per-hour wind speeds. 52 degrees now. there is a decrease into the 40s . you will also notice the clearing of the skies. you heard raj mention we had peeks of sunshine. we have cloud in the south bay, but san francisco getting sunshine. things will change, we will get clearing. 54 degrees now. we will start to dip into the 40s but, in addition to the 40s , we'll wake up to 30s for your early saturday morning. once we see that system make its exit, there will be a frost advisory. this will include areas in santa rosa, napa, oakland,
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livermore. and we get a calmer weekend ahead. a decent warm upon the way. maybe 20 plus degrees. >> did you say 30s ? >> indeed i did. another headline we are watching, more problems for united airlines. this time, two united jets clipped wings at sfo, united confirmed this with us that it happened last night. they said the wing of one plane clipped the wing of another. no one was hurt, everyone was able to get off the flight safely. at sfo alone, there have been eight incidents involving united flights including that wheel that fell off the jet last month. all of which are triggering increased scrutiny. joining us now is aviation
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pilot doug rice. nice to have you back on the program. we seem to be talking to you a lot the last couple of months. is this just horrible look for united or are there real issues with this airline? >> i think it is just horrible luck. this incident appear to be pilot involved and ground crew. not doing their jobs. and not looking out for what is going on around the aircraft as it is taxiing in. >> is that united or is this an sfo ground crew? >> this is all united personnel on their ramp going into the gate. their personnel should have been on the wing tips. ensuring those wings would have cleared. >> is this happening with american or southwest and delta and we are just not hearing about it or do we hear about every problem coming out of
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sfo? >> i think we are hearing more out of sfo because everybody is very heightened awareness of what's happening there. yes, this happens at the other airlines. not frequently. not as much with southwest or some of the others but the major carriers all have these incidents and they do their best to avoid them because it takes the aircraft out of service sometimes for days. >> can you explain what wind clipping, wing clipping? how did this happen? >> one aircraft was not on the assigned lead in line or they shortcut trying to get into the gate. and they did not leave themselves proper clearance. >> so the feds are monitoring united airlines. wouldn't they just pull them aside and say you have another mistake here, at what point do they get penalized? >> fines are not their problem, their operation has be brought to a slowdown and darn
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knee a stop. for example, they lost their authority to certify new pilots themselves. now, the faa has to be there to observe the check rides for these new pilots. they have been told not to fly new airplanes or have any new roots. that is a significant penalty in and of itself. >> a lot is happening with united. doug, thank you for the explanation of what's going on and the analysis. appreciate your time tonight. have a good weekend. >> my pleasure, you, too. here is a story that will anger a lot of people. while pg&e bills have been rising the past 12 months, the ceo of pg&e was getting a nice pay raise. a 20% pay raise. pg&e revealing this data in a filing with the security and exchange commission. patty poppy was paid $17 million in total compensation last year. that includes her base salary, bonuses, and stock options. the rise comes as pg&e earned more than $2 billion in profits
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last year. just four years after coming out of bankruptcy. pg&e says that is not why poppy received such a big raise. it said executive compensation is tied to improvements in addition to the company's financial performance. let's bring in nbc investigative reporter jackson who has been following pg&e more than a decade. they have made patty poppy a wealthy woman. >> yes indeed. when she got to pg&e, she earned that first year $51 million. mostly in stock options but her salary is 1.3 to $1.5 millions in and of itself. and there are all these add ons for bonuses. and additional incentives to stay with the company. >> that's a nice paycheck, pg&e says rate payers don't actually pay the salary of executives.
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the shareholders pay those allies. what's the fine print there? >> well you know, pate rayers pay the bill. so the root of the money is from the rate payers. what happens is that pg&e is entitled to a rate of return automatically. and, that is where this money comes from. the earnings or rate of return. >> any idea or any word or anyone approach pg&e says maybe take some of that money away from the executive compensation and lower the bills for the rate payers? or is that a whole different conversation? >> the regulators have long overseen this process. and to some extent, still do. but now because the money comes in the earning side, regulators have less of a role in deciding how this money is awarded. so but right now, so pg&e has a
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formula that accounts for various factors and her salary and benefits plus costs are part of the incentive program and stock. they add up to different amounts. she made more than last year. but, a lot less than she did two years ago. >> none the less, the optics are just not very good for pg&e as all the rate payers continue to pay more and the execs get paid more as well. jackson, thank you. let's move on. a controversial idea to cool the planet is being tested in our own backyard. scientists are trying to figure out if they can brighten clouds. the team from the university of washington's marine cloud brightening program, yeah, there is such a thing, created a first of its kind machine to send salt water aerosol particles into the air. the ultimate goal is for the particles to make clouds brighter. those brighter clouds reflect more of the sun's rays back into space and help further
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cool the planet. >> i think there is a good chaps it would work. but are we going to have enough information to understand how it would affect things as a local scale or all over the globe and then from that, be able to decide is this even a good idea? >> the idea is controversial. many experts warn there could be several negative impacts from geo engineering projects like that. meanwhile, the project organizers say their tests are still in the early stages. they plan to be in alameda through the summer to collect data. are you ready to look up on monday morning? just a few days away from the solar eclipse when the moon will cover the sun. this animation from nasa shows the state that will be directly under the path to get a full blackout. it goes from texas all the way through indianapolis, through ohio, up to cleveland, all the way up to maine. the next time this is going to happen in the u.s., in about 20 years. that's the year 2044.
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because of its rarity, it is causing eclipse tourism. millions of people are traveling to see this. aaa estimates hotel prices in the path of totality are up 50%. many of the hotels are sold out. cities in texas, missouri, ohio, and up state new york feel the impact here making a lot of money. in the bay area, we will not see a total eclipse, but we will see a partial eclipse from about 10:00 a.m. to noon. this picture from the science and space center showing what a 30% eclipse will likely look like. let's bring in gerald, an astronomer. gerald, nice to have you on the program. thanks for being with us. is this like a super bowl party? how excited are you? >> kind of like a super bowl party. a lot of excitement all over the country. and we are looking forward to hosting a viewing event up here at the space and science center. >> it should be fun. so for us novices, why is this
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so rare? >> so, solar eclipse actually is not all that rare, it often happens twice a year. but what is rare is that it is happening in the united states that the path of totality crosses the united states. and, we will be able to view a partial eclipse from here in the bay area. when this happens, the moon passes between the sun and the earth. and there is an extraordinary coincidence. the sun is about 400 times further from the earth than the moon. it is also 400 times larger than the moon. and because of that, the moon and the sun appear to be about the same size as viewed from earth. so when the moon passes in front of the sun, it exactly covers the disc of the sun. it allows us to see the atmosphere of the sun. and, that makes it really exciting for those who are in the path of totality. >> that is incredible. what are you looking for on
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monday? we will all see it and look at it and say that's pretty cool. are you looking for something specific? >> lyme looking for good weather. so yeah. we are looking for the ability to be able to see it. we'll have one of our telescopes set up with the special filter on it so it can view the eclipse through the telescope. we're going to have a lot of people up here at the space and science center. we will pass out eclipse glasses. we will demonstrate the other ways you can look at a solar eclipse if you don't happen to have glasses or a number of techniques that you can use. i can demonstrate a couple of them right here. one of the neat things is i'm holding up here a pasta strainer. just got a bunch of little holes in it. >> i have one of those. >> hold that up, let the sunshine through it.
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down onto a bright surface. about three or four feet away, you will get a bunch of little images of the sun. another way you can do it is to make a pinhole camera, this is a pinhole camera you see here, a piece of cardboard with a cut- out and i taped some pole on it and punched a hole through the center and hold this up about three or four feet above a bright surface. let the sunshine through and you will see a little image of the solar eclipse. >> that is very cool. even i can do this stuff. >> and if you don't have any of that, find yourself a leafy tree. where the sun is filtering through the leaves and shining down onto a bright, like a sidewalk or the wall of a building and you will see a whole bunch of little images of the solar eclipse. it is really a neat effect. and you don't need glasses or special telescopes or anything like that. what you don't want to do is
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look at it with your naked eye. or with sunglasses, regular sunglasses won't work. you need to have the iso certified eclipse glasses when you are viewing it. >> gerald, this is great information. have fun on monday. we will certainly be watching along with you. gerald, appreciate it. >> have a good one. >> we put together a break down on what to look for when it comes to these solar eclipse glasses, point your camera at the qr code and it will take you to our explainer at up next, a whole lot of drama and a whole lot of smiles at oracle park. the giants putting on a show for the sold out crowd on the home opener. you're watching nbc bay area news tonight. hi hi with our new grocery outlet app,
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you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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we shine a light on journeys ton road to paris. >> after that last season going to tokyo, it was kind of for me, when i realized i wasn't going, i wasn't too much like dwelling on like the fact that i felt like i didn't succeed. i kind of felt like a little relief. if you don't go, you try for the next one. develop different ways. see what can i do better. music, it plays a significant role in my mental health. it allows me to have that time off of my board to go reset. i definitely felt way better than that first year when i'm
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making music, when i'm skating i'm excited to make music so it is a good balance i have going on. >> the paris olympics coming this summer brought to you locally on nbc by toyota. proud partner of team usa. welcome back to nbc bay area news tonight. after yesterday's gut punch from the a's moving to sacramento, we needed some positivity and today, we got it. sunshine, baseball, and garlic fries. happy new year. the giants home opener more than 40,000 fans at oracle park. giants and padres, this is the 25th season at china basin. >> ♪ oh say does that star- spangled banner yet wave ♪♪ >> yeah, this is how we do it. that's montell jordan performing the national anthem
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with the flyover. f-15 flyover by the national guard. dusty baker. we saw, he looks great. barry bonds. the home run king. who flew out the first pitch. the 49ers were on hand. fred warner and deebo samuel. warner into the dirt. shows us why he is a linebacker and not a pitcher. and the niners knocking it out of the park with something that we have never seen before. this was the first punt. not the first pitch, the first punt. 49ers punter mitch booted it into the bay. as for the game, nbc's anthony flores was there with the drama. >> reporter: raj, what a finish. the giants win their home opener after a heart stopping play in the bottom of the ninth inning against the padres. >> please welcome the new manager of the giants, number 6, bob mel fin.
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>> reporter: after spending the first week of the season on the road, bob mel fin in the dugout for the first time as the giants new manager. with a score tied at 2-2. tyrell estrada doubles to left. matt chapman races all the way home from first base. just beats the throw to score the winning run. the giants beat the padres, 3- 2, snapping their four-game losing streak. >> thank god we won. basically swung the game to their side. got a couple of scratch runs let. >> i was moving. i just wanted to watch it hit the ground i guess. and just trying to get it going. trying to run as fast as i can to win the ball game. that was a lot of fun. i appreciate them showing up looking forward to a lot more fun baseball. >> reporter: and more good news for the giants. blake snell, the cy young award
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winning pitcher who was acquired late in the off season is scheduled to make his giants debut on monday. at oracle park in san francisco, anthony flores, nbc bay area. when we return, vianey arana will talk to us about the forecast. maybe you are going to the giants game this weekend. stay with us.
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape
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with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ and you're going to want to bundle up. though the snow might be making its exit, the cold temperatures are here to stay through the weekend mornings at least.
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we have a frost advisory in effect for the highlighted areas in blue. this includes san rafael, sand rosa, oakland, and danville until 9:00 a.m. we will wake up to 30s , but take a look. overall, we will see a chance late sunday. a clearing and by monday, just in time for the eclipse, we are going to see a warmup on our map. we have 60s and then eventually 70s and yes, that's an 80. so overall, the weekend will be quite pleasant. aside from those cold morning lows. >> it's the weekend. we are smiling. thanks for joining us here at 7:00, for everyone here at nbc bay area, we appreciate you tuning in. enjoy your evening and we'll see you at 11:00.
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we are on our way to napa valley. here you could do everything from take a bike ride through the streets of yountville. check out the best restaurants and wineries in the world. you could even explore wine caves or go for a hot air balloon ride. this is has a rich and colorful history in napa valley. >> it is such a pleasure meeting you. i love this place. it is cozy, tranquil, yet sophisticated at the same time. what does the name mean? >> flowering house. it was inspiring by, we are over an acre here. and it was inspired by our gardens in the back. and the beautiful flowers that
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you will find. >> yeah. now this is actually the oldest hotel in napa. 1873, correct? >> that is right. we are the first hotel built in napa, built as a hotel in 1873. it was named the magnolia. and it actually through the years grew more profitable as a bordello. >> whoa! >> and the folklore goes is that the sheriff came in and cleaned up some of our guests, if you will. but over the years, then it served as a hotel more men working in the area. it was abandoned for a while. >> it has a lot of different iterations throughout time. but what i do love is that the facade remains the same since 1873. the stones, they were brought in. >> they were brought in from a quarry. we had a balcony brought in
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from a french hospital in san francisco. >> i was actually born in that french hospital. >> amazing. >> we also have on the ground, bakery building. so does that mean there was an actual bakery in the building? >> there was, and the site of our land. goes right up against thomas keller's bakery, many people think that is why it is called the bakery building. but, that building was actually a bakery. a working bakery. so when we redid them, we dubbed the rooms, the bakery building rooms. >> the bakery building. >> reporter: mezon's design element include the original stone, bricks, and balcony and created a place with a french country feel. >> can we talk about that pinnacle moment? it was what, 1993 when this became maison? why does it reflect the environment? >> so when we took it over, we
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have 13 guest rooms now. it was originally built for seven guest rooms. and really, we saw yountville blossom in front of us. now we have so many amazing restaurants in younville. and this has proven to be the hub. you can get to napa in nine minutes. and saint helena in nine minutes. it is a great central location. >> so what does a typical day in yountville look like? >> you could do so many things. borrow our bikes. go on the bike trail. there are great wine tasting rooms in town. and do some wine tasting, you can do the hot air balloon, go out to dinner. >> thank you for preserving the place beautifully. definitely a part of california history. and i can't wait to check out
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the grounds. thank you so much. >> thank you. tonight on "access hollywood" -- >> that expression how well you walk through the fire, but you walk through it. >> angelina's bombshell new allegations against brad pitt why she'sallied he physically abused her, and what's brad's team telling us today?


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