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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  April 8, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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tonight is momentous for millions of people but for one couple particularly special. a couple in texas type not during the solar eclipse. the bride and groom said i do just as the moon passed in front of the sun, during the highly anticipated moment of totality. the couple popped there it claims glasses off and check out the view with the guests.
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>> is absolutely amazing. it makes you want to cry. it's so beautiful. it's a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing. >> they got married, so maybe also once-in-a-lifetime. the next solar eclipse is an inspected to cross the u.s. until 2045. so they can celebrate their anniversary then. don't forget you can watch us on our newscast on roku and other streaming platform. ross and audrey join us next. did you get the glasses? >> look at you. will you save them for 20 years now? >> that is what we will talk about. millions of us around the country in california brought together thanks to the shadowy show in the sky. the excitement from coast to coast about this solar eclipse. former president trump announces a new political stance on abortion and why it is disappointing some longtime supporters. our political analyst weighs in.
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>> after months of hype and weeks of worrying about the forecast , today we saw millions of americans found themselves in darkness in the middle of the day. the total solar eclipse moved across 15 states. for many a once-in-a-lifetime experience. for everyone else, something fascinating and awe-inspiring. >> we saw weddings , tears as people marked the historic moment in the sky. >> nbc's jay gray is in junction, texas, one of the areas that got to experience the total eclipse. >> reporter: today millions of americans looking up. >> truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. >> reporter: go through glasses and telescopes to get a few and then total darkness during the. the moon passing between the sun and earth, visible from 15 u.s. dates. >> big moment for us definitely. >> reporter: to make the moment
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even more memorable, a couple in texas exchanging vows during totality. for scientists like dr. eric christian of nasa -- >> gives us an opportunity to share exciting science of the sun. >> reporter: he's a part of the parker solar probe team which is moving into the sun's atmosphere, providing markable observations in data about the sun and its impact on earth. >> the earth lives in the atmosphere of the sun. that's the atmosphere that space weather happens as opposed to terrestrial brother. so understanding that and how it gets accelerated up to 1 million miles an hour is very important. >> reporter: today, a chance to look, learn, and witness a total solar eclipse. jay gray, nbc news, junction, texas. >> here at home, we didn't have a total solar eclipse. we had 34%. still cool to see among the many watch pottery parties, whether they were big or small,
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formal or informal, at a bus stop or at a part. these people in concord. >> is so cool. it looks like someone took a bite out of the moon. it's really cool. it looks just like that, someone came up and took a bite out. that's a good description. people at work and at school got to take a little break to watch it. what will you do now with those special eclipse glasses? here is one option for you. you can drop off your glasses at any work were the parker store. they will be donated to astronomers without borders. that organization will send the glasses to schools in latin america where there is an eclipse coming in october. former president donald trump has provided more clarity on his abortion stance. in a video posted to social media today, mr. trump said abortion laws should be left up to individual states. but he came up short of endorsing the kind of national abortion bans promoted by many prominent republicans. video was posted as a response to controversial legislation further regulating ivf treatment in alabama. >> under my leadership, the
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republican party will always support the creation of strong, thriving and healthy american families. we want to make it easier for mothers and families to have babies, not harder. that includes supporting the availability of fertility treatments like ivf in every state in america. >> transposed comes in the wake of the supreme court's 2022 decision which overturned the abortion protections provided by roe versus wade and opening the door for several states to place new restrictions on reproductive rights. translated comments, a 180 from one week ago when he >> of a national and after 15 or 16 weeks. joining us now is our political analyst larry gersten. why do you think he is changing course here? >> only trump nose. i wouldn't try to get that. we know this, six states have gone ahead and adopted pro- choice positions since dobbs
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and some of those are very credible. california of course is one of them, very blue. taking about kentucky, kansas, ohio, these are red states, yet they put pro-choice in the comp competitions. we have 30 more states that have this issue on the ballot in 2024 in november. most of those put on the ballot again by the voters or by states. we will have 23 states involved in this whole thing, it will be a big deal before this is all over. >> abortion has always been so closely watched in the united states for as long as i can remember. so how are people feeling heading up to the election in november? >> you're right it has always been controversial since dobbs everything has gone crazy. since dobbs had mifepristone,
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i've yet this is only galvanize those who are pro-choice. we see national polls, one after another. i found one that is very reliable, very conservative, by the folks and what do they have? 62% of folks say that they are for it, 36 percent say they are against it, that is almost 2 to 1. in 80% of democrats saying they are for it, 40% of the public and saying they are against it. the country is divided but there's a pretty heavy tilt toward pro-choice and that's the kind of thing that people are thinking about as we go into november. >> we are about seven months away from november, the presidential election. what can we expect moving forward? >> that's a good question. we know this much. 12%, 1 out of 8 voters say abortion is their number one issue and pro-choice abortion, number one issue. who are these people? they are young, not the pricing. they are women, and its pricing as well. they are democrats, okay.
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and these are people who can make the difference in several swing states come november. we don't know where it is going but we know this much. when it comes to the 2024 november election, abortion is in play just as much in any of the other big issues. >> i love that you are always staying on top of it for us, keep us updated on everything. thank you larry, i appreciate it. right? >> larry, thank you, a court denied mr. trump's bid for an emergency delay for his upcoming criminal trial. the former presidents hush money trial starts next week in new york. he is accused of falsifying business records and paying to silence adult film star stormy daniels in the final weeks of 2016 presidential campaign. as a last ditch effort today, his lawyers asked the court to delay the trial as they asked the court to change the venue. his lawyers claimed he can't get a fair jury in new york. a state appeals court denied that petition. so, next week mr. trump will become the first former u.s. president to face a criminal trial. a somber milestone has been
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marked worldwide. six-month hamas terrorist attack israel sparking a war in gaza. today there are reports that israel has withdrawn a significant number of troops from the gaza region. ahead of a new round of cease- fire talks. those talks are happening in cairo, egypt but there are competing reports about how they are going. there were egyptian media reports digesting a deal could be close, however, hamas representatives have said they remain far apart with israel. in the meantime, the israeli military have stressed that its withdrawal of troops from southern gaza does not mean that it is abandoning plans to mount a ground offensive in raba, a ground offensive that president biden and others have publicly opposed. >> the reduced military presence in gaza has brought down crude oil prices but it is too early to tell if that means it will impact our gas prices. which are rising, you probably notice as the weather warms up. the nationwide average is
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$3.59. in california of course it's higher, $5.35 a gallon. specifically in the bay area the averages are up $.30 from just a week ago. you see the numbers there, san jose, five dollars and 46 a gallon, oakland, five dollars and 49, and in the city, $5.60 a gallon. up next, millions of people marveling at today's eclipse but how is nature reacting? our national claimant reported will join us from a nature preserve in arkansas to talk about the moments after animals were plunged into total darkness. >> that's one of the things have definitely been curious about. how nature reacted. the weather was fantastic in the bay area. san francisco, we do have some changes but if you're into warmer weather you will enjoy what's ah
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all right, today's total solar eclipse dazzled and unified millions of people, but
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what about, forget the people, the animals. >> that is what we really want to know, what do animals think? chase kane is right outside little rock, arkansas without nature is responding. >> as the sun reemerges here just northwest of little rock, we chose this spot, this beautiful spot because we wanted to see and hear how nature response to a total eclipse. and their reactions can be sometimes pretty surprising. >> i am not sure how much of this you can hear on tv, but you can hear crickets, insects, just like it is at sunset. >> we hear more birds starting to sing. i would expect to hear more birds much like at morning and don. yeah, a lot of insect activity right along the surface of the water, we literally did see fish jump, trying to get at the
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insects that seemed to be descending on the water, i guess in response to the temperature and light. there's a lot of activity right on the surface of the water just before totality. so i didn't quite expect it. >> the other thing i was keeping an eye on during totality was the temperature. right now we are back up to about 82 degrees but when we went from full son into totality, the temperature dropped nine degrees, you could feel the shift in the heat, the cool breeze, and also just being here in such a spectacular place and this being a potentially once-in-a- lifetime event, is something i don't think any of us will forget. that is the latest here from little rock, arkansas, national claimant reported chase kane. >> chase, thank you. look at how dark it got as totality hit in cleveland. this is the time lapse over the city. you can see it is absolutely beautiful first off. it looks like nighttime there.
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>> that is at 2:00 in the afternoon, it looks like it is sunset there. you kind of geeked out with all of this stuff, didn't you vianey arana? >> i did. but also i think about what to do and what not to do during the eclipse. i guess, what is the word for it? when you are nervous about something, superstition. the superstition from the eclipse and that is because my family sent me something. i am mexican. they say don't wear certain colors. >> are you okay? >> yes i am fine. they took the science out of my forecast and through an old school cultures. let's talk about the weather now. there is some science behind the warm-up and it is high pressure. what does that mean you guys for the next couple of days? even if you live around the water or inland, is going to mean a warm-up. let's look at the current temperatures and the height that we saw today. this is a live look in san francisco, look at that, for 61
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degrees, we did see a high of 66 this afternoon and wind speeds still breezy, 21 miles per hour, but get a look at oakland. right now it is 65 degrees and we did also see a high in the wind speeds, up to 50 miles per hour, 73. this is showing our microclimates. we had 60s in the coast, high of 74 this afternoon. 20% from on the creek. meanwhile in downtown san jose we are at 71 degrees, humidity is at about 29%. we will get drier and warmer but i also want to showcase south lake tahoe. it is 40 degrees and the conditions are stunning. really going to be a fantastic week to visit but next weekend, we do have some changes to tell you about the let's get right to that forecast. satellite radar, clear conditions showing off the entire state of california, a pleasant sight considering the
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snowy conditions we had a week ago and your hour by wind forecast, i took this at about 7:00, you will notice we are still breezy. past seven or 8:00 on tuesday, things taper off even more. into early tomorrow morning we will wake up with some 50s. not necessarily a cold night. tomorrow's daytime highs, upper 70s for san jose, 77, concord 78, napa, 75. san francisco, nearing the 70s, and so far right now, it looks like wednesday is going to be our warmest day of the week, about average, and we're talking 80s. look at this. san jose, 83, dublin, 80 degrees, and even around the coastline and the bay, 76 pectin for san francisco. this will include half of the bay which is typically cloudy, more overcast, clear conditions expected for your wednesday. long-range outlook right now you can see that orange glow stretching all the way down to southern california, until
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about thursday and here it is. friday's storm system that will bring the return of a cooldown. looking at the rotation here we are pretty far out. as far as rain chances go it looks like we can see the focus into parts of central and southern california. but it is definitely going to bring a cooldown as the cooler air begins to settle in we will see the possibility of some showers but also noticed in the pink and blue, we are talking more snow for the sierras. so how much more snow could we see? it is a weaker system so far, but the snow estimates right now taking us through the weekend, talking a couple of inches likely in higher elevation areas. not a huge snow maker but if you had plans to head up, wind speed plays a factor in driving conditions. we will keep a close eye on that. speaking of the snowpack, great time to check on the snowpack as we get through middle of april. as you know this year snowpack peaks around april 1st and it accounts for california, about one third of the water supply. it showed a 150% of average and the april 1st average is 112%. we are doing fantastic into
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those months when all of that month melts hopefully we will have some time to get some groundwater going. over the next seven days, this is what you stretch looks like. notice by thursday and friday, you see the increase in cloud cover and then on saturday rain chances i don't want you to get too discouraged as totals are still tricky. it could be one of those scattered days when we get some cloud cover but i think the most significant aspect, look at the range, danny seven going into the 80s and back into the low 60s and we will start inching closer to the 70s yet again next week. >> what did your family say to you in spanish? >> like don't wear certain colors. i forget i have to directly translate which i am used to. one what color was it? >> i think they said read and like a green or something? you had to wear more of a gold or boil color. he went the blue looks good. >> we are one with the ocean and the sky. we went and vianey.
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up next, big-time debut at the ballpark tonight. the reigning cy
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okay, this is no ordinary monday park at oracle park. blake snell is going to make his debut. >> like young, he was agreeing to a contract well after spring
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training started. he needed some practice. he is coming up a huge season with the padres, the reigning cy young winner and now he is with the giants, they face the washington nationals tonight and china basin. did you watch the women's basketball game yesterday? millions of people to pitt south carolina beat iowa to win the national title. the tv ratings were released today and they were record- breaking. south carolina, today, heading home with the trophy in hand beating superstar caitlin clark and the iowa hawkeyes. here are the numbers. 18.7 million viewers tuned in. that is an all-time high for a women's game, also a larger audience for most men's events, basketball or football. that was fun to watch yesterday. south carolina finishing the season 38 and 0. the white jerseys, for most of the half i was on top. caitlin clark training three pointers all over the court but by halftime south carolina had
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the lead, they never looked back, winning 87-75. >> they made history. they asked their names in the history book , this is the unlikeliest group to do it. >> be back in this position , south carolina is so good, there's only so much you can do. >> caitlin clark right there heading to the wnba. the wnba draft is next monday. we have a wnba team in the bay area playing center under the warriors and relevant they don't start until next year. we still have to wait. still ahead, accused of throwing a chair off a rooftop bar. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go.
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plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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the vatican published a new doctrine that includes what critics are calling direct attacks on gender theory. the 20 page doctrine called infinite dignity has been in the works for the past five years. it says homosexuality is not a crime, but firmly opposes the idea that gender can be changed. transgender surgeries reject god's plan. the doctor also called surrogacy a violation of human dignity. pope francis oak approved the document. lgbtq activists were quick to call it outdated and harmful. country singer morgan wallen is arrested accused of throwing a chair from the roof
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of a bar. this happened in nashville while his friend and fellow country singer eric church opened the car three days ago. witnesses say they saw morgan wallen pick up a chair, throw it off the roof and laugh about it. it just so happened, two police officers were standing right below. they say that chair landed about three feet away from them. morgan wallen has posted bond and is pending arraignment. all right, jessica aguirre is here with what is next. the sec comes to talk net neutrality. firefighters in the south bay rv paying very close attention. the problems they faced during a fire that has been calling for a change to internet access rules. also it is the great american eclipse. 15 states with a chance to see the moon block out the sun. we only got a partial eclipse in the bay area, it didn't stop thousands of us from taking a little time to stare in the
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sky. plus a new plan to help more than 30 million people with their student loan debt. president biden says he's got a way of doing it that is legally bulletproof. we have the details. the news at 6:00 starts right now. good evening and thanks for being with us on this monday i am raj mathai. >> i am jessica aguirre. net neutrality, the idea of an open, accessible unregulated internet for everyone has been a political battle for years. now the fcc is pushed to restore net neutrality as the law of the land after it was taken away by the trump administration. today the head of the fcc came to the south bay to talk about how restoring it will have a major impact on public safety. nbc bay area's robert handa tells us why fire agencies are listening intently. >> reporter: net neutrality has always been a topic that centers primarily on consumers and small businesses. the fcc chairwoman came to the
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santa clara county fire district to talk net neutrality and public safety because firefighters here know what it is like to lose internet access in the midst of a major wildfire. fcc chairwoman jessica rosenworcel held a roundtable discussion on the upcoming vote on net neutrality is the santa clara county fire department with community leaders and agencies met with her. she focuses on how restoring net neutrality would benefit public safety. because this fire department had internet access throttled or cut off automatically during the 2018 mendocino fire when fire agencies hit their internet use limit or cap. she heard from the assistant chief who said suddenly the fire agencies couldn't coordinate resources out in the field. >> the firefighters banded together using personal devices from different carriers that maybe weren't being throttled or hadn't reached the cat in order to get the job done. >> reporter: fcc one says despite the firefighters ingenuity for


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