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tv   Today  NBC  April 9, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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encampments located near schools in san jose. it would prohibit any tents, rvs and other dwellings within 100 feet of licensed preschools, daycare facilities or k-12 schools. if passed, the city would have the authority to tow those vehicles and remove those encampments. unhoused advocates warn a blanket ban discriminates against homeless people. we've seen some sunny days, but cool temperatures. today it's going to warm up a little bit? >> yes, it's going to warm up between today, tomorrow and thursday, and before you know it, we'll see some 80s in the forecast. that's what's happening on "today in the bay." coming up next for you, the "today" show. >> have a great afternoon. hi, everybody. happy tuesday. we're still kind of glowing after that breath taking eclipse. >> we are. it is a special moment, and it united the country. it's april 9th. this is "today." ♪
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say awe. the total solar eclipse bringing americans together. a rare event turning day into night. >> look at this! whoa! >> this morning, the most spectacular views and how we celebrated. >> three, two, one. oh, my gosh! >> as we break down this joyful once-in-a-generation moment. weighing in. donald trump under fire from the left and the right after his new statement on a defining issue of the 2024 race. the battle over abortion rights. >> at the end of the day, this is all about the will of the people. sentencing day. the parents of a michigan school shooter set to learn their fate today after unprecedented convictions for their involvement in their son's deadly rampage. we're there live. storm alert. tens of millions across the
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south at risk of severe weather. al has got your full forecast. those stories, plus in trouble. the serious charges facing country star morgan wallen after police say he hurled a chair off a rooftop at a bar in nashville. how police say it could impact his wildly popular tour. and twice as nice. >> it is a uconn core nation. the huskies make history. >> connecticut dominates purdue to win back-to-back national titles. the first repeat champions in nearly two decades. the head coach of the huskies joining us to celebrate, today, tuesday, april 9th, 2024. ♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. well, good morning. so good to see you. we're so happy you're joining us on this tuesday morning. can you imagine waking up and being over there at uconn.
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come on.. two in a row, 75-60 over purdue. much like the moon, blocking the sun, total eclipse. i had to do a segue, right? coach hurley will join us in a bit. >> he's fun. we will start with what everybody is still talking about, that amazing solar eclipse. >> look, it was awesome. this is how it played out. >> oh my gosh, two in a row, okay. here's nasa. we sped this up a little bit. this video was captured in mexico. >> millions of americans dropped everything they were doing, they grabbed their glasses yesterday afternoon, and they witnessed this phenomenon, total darkness across 15 states from texas to maine. >> all right. weather was a concern. but for the most part, it held out. there were some severe storms later in the day. heavy rain and wind causing some travel delays for eclipse travelers. in fact, our friend mr. roker got stuck in dallas overnight. >> yeah, he'll be in just a bit
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with the latest on a major weather threat that's facing millions of americans. but let us get started with nbc senior correspondent tom costello. he's in indianapolis. tom, you had an amazing view at that event last night. >> reporter: oh, my gosh. we had phenomenal weather. we had blue skies, 75 degrees, could not have been better. hundreds of millions of people nationwide enjoyed this. in fact, around the world they tuned in on television to watch this. friends of mine overseas said they were moved by it. we saw people crying, people praying, people left speechless, people getting married under the eclipse as all of us in this country kind of came together in this moment of a celestial alignment. >> reporter: it's the moment that left millions of americans in total awe. >> look at this! whoa! yeah! is this exciting? >> yes, this is so incredible! >> it's amazing!
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>> reporter: from texas to maine, a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and a collective pause to take in one of nature's greatest phenomena. >> you know, tom, you and i cover a lot of difficult things to report sometimes, but this is -- this is magical. >> it is. i think it's a moment in which all of us feel connected to each other as members of the human family, but also to the galaxy. >> reporter: millions of americans gathering across the path of totality, stretching through 15 states. in cleveland, baseball fans at the guardians home opener were treated to an out-of-this-world pregame show unlike any other. our nbc team also watched from around the country. >> three, two, one! >> reporter: even a partial eclipse stunned new yorkers. >> in new york city, everyone is doing the same thing collectively. >> well, not looking at their phones. they're looking up. >> reporter: and totality
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inspiring wonder. >> look, we can see venus! >> reporter: from texas. >> what was it like to see that, babe? >> emotional. brought tears to my eyes. >> reporter: to 20,000 feet up in the air over arkansas. >> now it is like this sunrise, but the sunrise is a color i have never seen before. it is like a deep purple. >> reporter: and check out this spectacular view from an orbiting satellite. for nasa, an incredible learning opportunity. >> one of the things we were looking at today was the corona. the moon blocked out the sun so we could see that part of the sun's atmosphere and looking a lot at how the eclipse affected earth. we had a citizen's science prompt how the eclipse changed temperatures and clouds. >> reporter: and emotional and magical experience. >> there is venus. there's jupiter. there's mars. >> reporter: for people to pause and look up at the sky. >> a once-in-a-lifetime thing, you know.
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>> reporter: you know what else is nice? anything this moment toget we are so divided in this country. there was no political talk yesterday. no essential social wars. there was all of this take anything this moment together and living our humanity. it was phenomenal. by the way, we're not going to have another total eclipse in this country until 2044. it's coming back in indianapolis in 2153. i booked my hotel room. i know you'll be wanting me here in 2053. back to you. >> yeah. you told us what your ticket cost to get out there that early. tom, was it really dark? in new york it dimmed. did it feel as dark as night where you were? >> reporter: maybe just a hint of twilight. but, yeah, it was dark. the temperature dropped dramatically. we had a bit of a breeze coming through and people were so collectively altogether. it was just a great moment. >> we loved it. we had a little moment ourselves. we'll have more on that in a little bit. thank you, tom.
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we turn to the presidential race. the showdown over rights front and center. donald trump outlining a new position, saying abortion laws should be left to the individual states, but declining to endorse a national ban. well, that stance has stoked controversy on the right with conservatives and also the left. this morning president biden is weighing in. nbc's garrett haake covers the trump campaign. garrett, good morning. >> reporter: hey, savannah, good morning. donald trump teased this announcement for weeks, but promise of a hands-off approach on the legislative issue now has taking fire from the debate. the right says he's refusing to protect the unborn. the left says it fears he will change his mind again and pports states in enacting draconian abortion bans. donald trump is under fire after unveiling his latest stance on abortion. leave any restrictions to the states. >> many states will be different. many will have a different number of weeks or some will
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have more conservative than others, and that's what they will be. >> reporter: the former president also claiming credit for the 2022 supreme court decision backed by three trump-appointed justices that overturned roe v. wade and returned the abortion issue to the states. some of which have enacted near total bans on the procedure. president biden responding in this campaign radio. video. >> donald trump just endorsed every single state ban on reproductive care nationwide. >> this is just filled with some of the things. >> reporter: the president's campaign also releasing a new ad, highlighting the story of a texas woman denied medical care after a miscarriage, placing blame on the state's strict abortion ban. passed after roe was overturned. mr. trump's stance also criticized from the right, including by his former vp, mike pence, who slammed him on social media for not calling for a national ban. writing, quote, president trump's retreat on the right to life is a slap in the face to the millions of pro-life americans who voted for him in
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2016 and 2020. for mr. trump, the latest step in a long, public evolution on abortion. >> i'm very pro choice. >> i'm pro-life. >> do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes or no, as a principal. >> the answer is that there has to be some form of punishment. >> both sides are going to come together. it could be state or it could be federal. i don't frankly care. >> now, mr. trump has long said he's personally in favor of allowing abortions in case of rape, incest and protecting the life of the mother. but his new policy doesn't allow for a way to enshrine those new issues. but opening it up to still more criticism on this issue. savannah. >> we will continue to watch that. on the legal front, the president facing multiple developments in some of his cases. >> in new york city, a >> let's run through them. in new york city, a last-minute effort by trump's attorneys to delay the start of the trial by requesting a change of venue yesterday, failed. an appeals court yesterday dismissed publicity in new york
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city. jury selection is set to begin there on monday. overnight, the special counsel jack smith filed a brief to the supreme court opposing mr. trump's claim of presidential immunity in the election interference case. this is basically the government's opening argument in a case that will be fully argued before the supreme court on april 25th. savannah? >> garrett haake in washington, thank you. it is sentencing day in the first parents convicted in a connection with their child's mass school shooting will learn they fate in a michigan courtroom today. prosecutors asking the judge to enact harsh punishment. their lack of remorse chilling. maggie vespa is at the courthouse in pontiac. hey, maggie. good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda. good morning. yeah, this historic pointing as you point out is already under way. james and jennifer crumbley inside that courtroom. this is a rare occurrence at the defense table side by side together. he walked in first. james did, wearing an orange jump suit. she followed minute or two
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afterward wearing a striped jump suit. at the table with their attorneys appearing together so victims and their families only have to read impact statements once the for both defendants. prosecutors in this case asking for 10 to 15 years in prison. that's the maximum allowed. and it's also twice, roughly twice, what the state recommends in a case like this. they wrote in pre-sentencing memos and a total and complete lack of remorse from both parents in this case. pointing specifically to jennifer's testimony during her own trial, saying that she wouldn't have done anything differently leading up to the 2021 oxford high school shooting carried out by her then 15-year-old son ethan. in james' case they actually pointed specifically to -- and this was a big headline during his trial, jailhouse threats. we now know he made according to authorities against a prosecutor in this case, saying there, quote, will be retribution, believe me and calling himself a martyr. of course, this has been a case the entire country has been
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watching. both parents convicted separately trials on four counts each of involuntary manslaughter, one for each of the students their son killed. they're appearing together but will be sentenced separately. each defense team asking for time served with jennifer's attorney asking for a rare stipulation asking the judge to consider if there is to be more time incarcerated she may let jennifer serve it out in her attorney's guest house. our legal experts telling us that's incredibly rare. in the meantime, we expect victimic pact statements from all family. all four are in that courtroom today. hoda? >> maggie vespa for us in pontiac. thanks. 13 after the hour. we have craig joining us. good morning. >> good morning. good morning to you as well. after a thrilling few weeks, the college basketball season wrapped up overnight. and on the men's side, just like last year, with those uconn huskies on top, uconn beating purdue in the final to repeat as
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national champs. we're going to talk to head coach dan hurley in just a few moments. but first, nbc's sam brock has more on the big game. sam, good morning to you. >> reporter: craig, good morning. guy, good morning. this was basically goliath versus goliath. the two best teams in the tournament with the two largest players going head to head. now purdue was playing in its first title game in more than 50 years, but they ran into a buzz saw in the uconn huskies who just imposed their will, guys, on the rest of the field, winning the first back-to-back men's titles in almost 20 years. >> it was as sweet and close to a sure thing as you can get. >> it is a uconn coronation. the huskies make history, back-to-back national champions. >> reporter: a storied basketball power, uconn, putting a bow on a dominant tournament run. >> all year we set out to make this a goal and go back-to-back. that's what we did tonight. >> reporter: the huskies
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vanquishing purdue 75-60 with rim-rocking slams. clinching the program's sixth national title all time, tieing >> special delivery to johnson! >> reporter: and crafty play, clinching the program's sixth national title all time, tieing with north carolina and now one more than duke and indiana. in the process, becoming the first men's squad to win consecutive trophies since the florida gators in 2007. >> what a special group of people and a special coaching staff, an incredible group of players. >> reporter: overnight in connecticut, students packing the pavilion for an on-campus watch party, and cheering their team to victory, and overcoming 37 points from the national ig player of the year, zach edey. >> step through by edey! >> reporter: the huskies leaving no doubt. the victory coming as south carolina's women's team returning to their columbia campus champions. >> they did it in a way in which they lifted up each other. >> reporter: after defeating the
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hawkeyes. though, iowa superstar caitlin clark still wracked up points and eyeballs. that game shattering records. the most watched sporting event outside of the olympics or football since 2019. >> you need three things in sports, household names, rivalries and games of consequence, and march madness had all of that. >> reporter: now the uconn men claiming their victory after a banner year for college hoops. uconn has now won 12 straight tournament games by at least 13 points. that had never happened before as coach dan hurley and his superstitions aren't done yet. craig, back to you. >> sam, thank you. joining us now, the man that led the huskies to their second national title in a row, coach dan hurley up early with us. coach, good morning. >> peace, coach. >> peace or maybe the victory sign, maybe two for two -- however you slice it -- >> two in a row. >> coach, you got it. we were just looking at this
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viral video of you a few years back in a moment of defeat . what does it feel like, back-to-back championships? >> yeah. it's -- you know, it's a dream saying uconn is coming. you saw it. you manifested. what does it feel like, back-to-back championships? >> yeah. it's -- you know, it's a dream come true for us. we've had, you know, a historic season at uconn. you know, uconn is a tough place to have a historic season at because of all the incredible players and championship teams. but, you know, followed up last year's national championship to have an even better season to set all-time records at the school and so many different categories to win 37 games and to run through the ncaa tournament again. it is something that we work toward for years putting this organization together around talented and great team players. and everything that we have manifested, you know, from that, you know, it's coming.
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and now, you know, it's here. and, you know, we're the best program in college basketball. >> congratulations on that. in addition to manifesting, i think some of your superstitions might be playing a part in that victory dance that you get to do. we were cracking up listening to all the different things that you do. your undies, your dragon underwear, your m&m situation. will you run through these and tell us why you think they do the trick? >> well, it feels to me almost like it's like putting on armor. you know, but before the game. it kind of settles me down a little bit. it gives me some things to do because the entire team, they warm up out on the court with my entire staff except me. and i'm back in the locker room just by myself totally alone while everyone is out there about an hour before the game. so i just have a lot of time by myself. and, you know, i think having some things that, you know, just make me feel kind of comfortable
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and relaxed. just -- i only use the dragon underwear on game night in these high stress situations, but i also am very good to the dragon underwear because i'm going to wear them to the white house. i'm going to wear them at the parade next week in hartford. i'm obviously going to wash them in between yeah, obviously, the dragon i'm obviously going to wash them in between. i will wash them in between. but i also reward them for a job well done. >> yeah. we're all wearing dragon underwear for you right now just in solidarity. >> you, by the way, have sold apparently a lot of dragon underwear all over america, coach. you know, your dad was a storied coach. your brother is a big-time college coach as well. i know your son andrew was on the court with you last night. it was his last game. what was that like for you, being able to spend that precious moment with your son
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last night? >> yeah. first of all, basketball is a family business. to grow up in the hurley household, the playing background for myself at seton hall, and you know, coaching and being around the game and being in the locker room, it's all second nature. and my son, andrew, it's -- you miss so much of your kid's -- you know, lives as a coach, as a college coach, as a pro coach. so to have him on the team with me, you know, these last four years, you know, we made up for a lot of lost time and, you know, and then obviously the last two years to experience the absolute pinnacle of what you can do in this sport and to do it with, you know, with your son and he's 43-0 in games that he's played in at uconn, which is going to be a record that's kind of tough to beat. >> in a very competitive family,
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i might add. he holds one. coach hurley, congratulations. >> congratulations. >> three in a row, let's see it. >> yes, we're getting geared up. and i promise you by the time we get on that flight back to hartford, i will be thinking about, you know, next year's roster and our road next year goes providence to newark, and the final four is in san antonio, so we will start visualizing that very, very soon. >> keep the tape. thank you, sir. >> thanks, coach. >> appreciate you guys. >> what a legacy. >> he also seems like a fun hang. i like the m&m's counting out, the dragon underwear. >> and we should point out that he enjoys a beverage that only one craig melvin enjoys this mushroom coffee that smells like -- >> i know. it's changed my life. is. >> it's changed our lives, too.
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>> i like to drink it and yell at the referees because my breath is so bad. we were like, oh, yeah, dragon, we get it. >> let's get to the weather. boy, al, did you have the view we were all hoping for. >> oh, my gosh. you know, i got -- the word is etherial. it really was. it was this magic moment almost as magic as when right before our show, craig and i pit on our garanimals underwear to start the show. >> it's working. >> it's not quite as magical, but very close. we have a lot of severe weather to talk about it. let's get right to it. we are still here in dallas because the weather was rough last night. it is rough today. heavy thunderstorms. flood watches stretching from texas all the way to alabama for 8 million people. severe weather as well today. we are looking for the threat of tornadoes, hail and damaging winds, central texas into central louisiana. it moves into more of the gulf coast in the lower mississippi river valley. tomorrow, 16 million people,
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some of these tornadoes could be really strong.. about my taxes. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. all on my own. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. then we move on into thursday with more heavy rain across the coast. we will get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. let a full-service expert do your taxes for you, as soon as today. (♪♪) good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today it's going to be a really nice one. temperatures warming up for our inland valleys into the mid-70s, and we'll see low 80s going into the next couple of days. but then a significant cooldown on friday into the weekend, and we'll only see highs in the mid to upper 50s, with some off and
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on rain and lingering showers into sunday. for san francisco, along the coastline, we're in the upper 60s and that is your latest we and that is your latest weather. guys? >> all right, al. thank you. still ahead, new details on the arrest of country star morgan wallen, once again at the center of a troubling incident. chloe melas has that story for us. hey, chloe. and then when seeing is not believing. a closer look at the rise of ai in advertising and the new campaign aimed at keeping fake images out of the beauty industry. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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good tuesday morning to you. it is 7:26 right now. i'm laura garcia. firefighters in hayward still don't know what sparked a late-night fire that heavily damaged an insulation business.
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citizen app video shows the flames shooting skyward around 10:00 last night. it happened near the section of tripaldi and hall. crews closed off the area until early this morning. no one was injured. the state's larger insurer of homeowners policy has indicated where it will not be renewing policies in the bay area. according to information obtained by the san francisco "chronicle," state farm will not be renewing just over 1,700 policies here in orinda, which represents 55% of their homeowner policies in this town. there's about 950 that won't be renewed in lafayette, just over 1,000 in santa clara and santa cruz counties, and just over 1,400 policies in santa rosa and its immediate vicinity in sonoma county. let's check in with meteorologist kari hall. looking forward to today. >> yes, it is going to be a beautiful day. our temperatures finally will
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feel like spring. this is above what we usually see for this date, headed for the mid to upper 70s, and it will be nice and warm tomorrow as well. a significant cooldown is coming our way, along with rain in our weekend forecast. on saturday we'll see upper 50s and off and on rain into sunday. >> don't forget to watch our "today in the bay" live streaming newscast at 8:00 a.m., including new this morning, one bay area city putting its foot down on new gas stations. you can watch on roku, amazon fire tv, xumo and other streaming platforms, including join us at with our new grocery outlet app,
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you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza?
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here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup. ♪♪ we're back at 7:30. another reason to look up here in new york, the empire state building shiing in pink and purple. and why? for the five-year anniversary of
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hoda and jenna. how about that? >> that was really fun. >> you flipped the switch? >> we flipped the switch. it was really fun. our whole crew came out, and it was three, two, one. and jenna took a picture in front of it last night because i guess she took her daughters to see olivia rodrigo. >> it's been so fun. i have been waiting for you to celebrate the anniversary. first up this half hour, new trouble for country music star morgan wallen. >> he was arrested yesterday after police say he threw a chair off the roof of a bar. >> chloe melas has the details. >> listen, morgan wallen's career has been a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. and this latest incident is yet another sign of his bumpy road to the top of the industry. the latest controversy for one of country music's biggest
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stars, morgan wallen. ♪♪ look into my eyes, eyes, eyes. >> the chart-topping singer arrested after allegedly throwing a chair off the roof of a bar early monday morning. police reviewed surveillance video. the chair falling a few feet from two officers standing below. bystanders showing police carrying the chair later. the singer was released after posting a $15,000 bond. he faces felony charges for reckless endangerment and felony conduct saying wallen is cooperating fully with authorities ♪♪ last night we let >> reporter: the 30-year-old tennessee has had a meteoric rise. two chart topping albums. this most recent one, "one thing at a time" breaking the record for the country album with the
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most weeks at the top of the billboard top 100 chart.uccess overshadowed by his behavior, including a 2020 arrest for disorderly conduct. prosecutors dropped the charges. less than five months later, wallen was but his music success has been overshadowed by his controversial behavior, including a 2020 arrest for disorderly conduct. prosecutors dropped the charges. less than five months later, wallen was dropped from his snl debut for violating covid protocols. >> i have some growing up to do. >> reporter: two months later they brought him back. >> hi. i'm you from the future and i came back to stop you from partying tonight. >> reporter: his career taking a major hit the following year after he was caught on camera using a racial slur. his record label and radio stations dropping him, wallen spending time in rehab away from the spotlight. >> i was wrong. >> reporter: but throughout, fans stayed loyal. his one night at a time tour was the highest grossing country tour of 2023. but will this latest run-in with the law shake up his fan base? >> he is a heck of a savior, never made a bad song but he seriously needs some help. >> chloe, this is all happening
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as morgan wallen is supposed to be touring this spring. so any idea whether this might impact the concert dates? >> so he just kicked off that tour again just recently. he's back on the stage later this month in mississippi, but here's the irony. he actually is going to be performing in nashville on may 3rd, the night of -- in the morning he will have to appear in court for this incident. so it will be interesting to see if that show still goes on, but he is touring through the summer, and we have yet to hear from him directly on this incident. but we know he likes to take to social media to address his fans, and he does done that all throughout this rocky road. >> all right. chloe melas, thank you. >> thank you, chloe. coming up, our exclusive interview with the commissioner of the nypd addressing those safety concerns, especially in the wake of unprovoked attacks on women in broad daylight. his message to new yorkers and tourists. but, first, the beauty standards getting more unattainable with some brands using ai to highlight their
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products. kaylee hartung is looking into that. >> good morning, guys. have you ever seen an image online of a beautiful women with flawless skin and felt pressured to alter your appearance. well, one study says 1 in 3 women and girls have even when they know that image is fake. coming up, we'll tell you which personal care brand has committed to never use ai to represent real people in its advertising. right after this. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems
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for 8 grams of fiber, try mirafiber gummies. (avo) kate made progress with her mental health... for 8 grams of fiber, ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr.
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♪ austedo xr ♪ we are back at 7:39. this morning, the growing prevalence of artificial intelligence. >> by one estimate, as much as 90% of the content we see on the internet could be ai-generated as soon as next year. >> kaylee hartung joins us with how one company is taking a stand. >> personal care brand dove has committed never to use ai to represent real people in its advertising. and they released a video to release the announcement. they say young girls and women are increasingly inundated with online and in ads making it impossible to distinguish what's real and what's not.
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as part of their keep beauty real campaign, personal care you search company dove has released this this two-minute video that features videos of ai-generated women that pop up online when you search terms like perfect skin and the most beautiful woman in the world. they compare those to images generated under dove's beauty standards as well as the faces of real women. it is part of the company's pledge to never use ai. to create or distort images of women. a pledge they hope other companies will consider signing on to. a global beauty study found that 9 out of 10 women and girls say they've been exposed to harmful beauty content online. and 1 in 3 say they feel pressured to alter their appearance because of what they see online, even when they know it's fake. ai-generated images in the beauty space is a growing concern, especially for parents. >> i'm bisdisgusted, horrified. >> reporter: this woman says she believes altered images of women
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on social media contributed to her teenage daughter's eating disorder. >> what are they going to do to themselves when they try to obtain a beauty that doesn't exist? >> reporter: urging tiktok to more clearly label ai-generated influencer over concerns that flawless skin and perfect bodies creates extreme beauty standards for children. >> they might say, hey, this isn't a real picture. this person actually didn't look like this. but subconsciously your brain is saying, yep, that's what i'm supposed to look like. they're very bad for our well being and mental health. >> reporter: clothing brands levy strauss reversed course after facing backlash with ai avatars. nike promoted its use of advanced ai to create this video, featuring serena williams playing a tennis match against her 16-year-old self. >> the game was a result of more than 130,000 games generated using player technique. >> reporter: coca-cola sports
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drink body armer poked fun at an content in a recent super bowl ad. >> optimized for victory times. >> artificial? no. >> reporter: major fashion brands like revolve are using ai-generated models on billboards. ad agencies say this trend is growing mostly because it saves brands big bucks. but some wonder at what cost? >> so kaylee, could we see this campaign evolve into some action? >> reporter: well, hoda, lawmakers in the house are considering bipartisan legislation that would require any online images, videos or audio-generated using artificial intelligence to be identified and labeled. but as of now, there are no rules when it comes to the use of this technology. experts say that would be a good start, but consuming this content can still be dangerous for impressionable young minds. guys? >> yeah, no kidding. just the levels are so high there. thank you, kaylee. let's go to mr. roker. the real thing for another check of the weather. hi, al. >> hey, al. >> or am i? any way, let's show you -- hey, one of the things everybody talked about during the eclipse
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is how the temperatures dropped. well, where we were in dallas didn't drop too much, but take a look along the eclipse line. you can see we had a drop dallas went from 79 to 73. in little rock, from 82 to 75. there in cleveland they wept from 72 to 64 degrees, an eight degree temperature drop. so some significant drops there. what about temperatures today? well, we are looking at temperatures that are actually warming up around the great lakes. chicago, 10 degrees above average. new york city, hey, 74 degrees. you're going to like that. indianapolis up to 73. we move into tomorrow. those temperatures stay nice and mild. as you get down to raleigh, temperatures flirting with 80 degrees, 9 degrees above average. rochester, you're at 66. then it stays on the mild side right on into the weekend. mid 60s in new york on friday.
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good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we'll see temperatures in the upper 40s and low 50s to get started, but then heading into the afternoon, it's going to be well above what we typically see for this date, with santa rosa looking at a high today of 75, above our average high of 68 degrees. in concord, we're looking at a temperature up to 77 today, and low to mid-70s from oakland to san jose. we will be weather. guys? >> thanks, al. >> thank you, al. coming up, inside the emotional moments shared by lash larry david and jerry lewis during the final day of "curb your enthusiasm." and hoda will have your morning boost right after this. oh no. [scratching]
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with chewy, get flea meds delivered before the itching begins. (♪♪) or after, but before is definitely better. good job. save 20% on your first pharmacy order and get it delivered right on time. (restaurant noise) introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss.
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upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. (man) excuse me, live in the moment. would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) oh, no problem. (man) thanks. (tony) oh, yeah that's a problem you need verizon. trade-in that old thing and get a new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! so many selfies. a preposterous amount of pano! that means panoramic. and as many portraits of me as your heart desires. (woman) how about none? (boy) none. (man) yea none feels right. (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro - on us. only on verizon. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪)
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(vo) what does it mean to be rich? and a new fiber blmaybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. did you guys remember career day last year? lane hartzel came as a hershey's taste tester. well i told hershey about that. seeing the way that hershey's has made the dream come true... has just really been exciting. thank you, lane! ♪("baby" by summer walker)♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ book in the app to find your perfect somewhere.
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( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. the chances of a plane crash -- 1 in 11 million. you're not going to finish those salted nuts, right? the #1 pharmacist recommended never waking up from anesthesia -- 1 in 185,000. validate your parking or just see how it goes? -what? -why stress about the unlikely? does a killer clown worry about being struck by lightning while winning the lottery? -sure don't. but your odds of falling victim to online crime are 1 in 4. you need aura. you, your family all protected from scary online stuff. [ laughs ] aah! protect everything your family does online with aura.
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>> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ welcome back. good morning, carson. >> good morning, guys. >> did you know you were here just in time for the boost? >> let's do it. >> timing is right. perfect! a florida dad calls it the morning anthem. it is a song he plays in the car every single day twice to get his daughter pumped up before she goes to school. >> ready?
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go! ♪♪ ♪ ♪ >> oh, my gosh. amazing. >> that's it! "holding out for a hero" made famous by the movie "footloose." of course, she's not old enough to remember the song, but she seems invested, fully invested. she has the expression and awe. >> and the name, melody. >> what's your pump up song in the morning? what do you listen to? >> i did "ya ya". i had that pumped up to thanks to eddy. >> we know al does the a team. we can hear it. >> you could have a whole station of '80s montage songs to movies in the '80s, like eye of the tiger, just to get you pumped up. next up, big news from billie eilish. she just won her first oscar. she has news that's exciting a lot of her fans this morning. we'll have that coming up for you on "popstart," but, first, a
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quick check of your local news and weather and these messages. something more. [minimalist piano plays throughout.] [heavy sound of water coming from waterfall.] (vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. get 2.9% apr financing for 72 months on a new 2024 forester, going on now. if you're taking an antidepressant, but you're still masking your depression, you could be experiencing a partial response to your antidepressant. partial response happens when your antidepressant alone isn't enough. let's try adding rexulti. when added to an antidepressant, rexulti significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone. so you can build on your progress. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased
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risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults. report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion which can be life threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. ask your doctor about rexulti. (♪♪) ♪ live in color, we're living in color yeah ♪ (♪♪) bring color to life with the very best paint, only at sherwin-williams. best food's real mayonnaise... every dollop is so rich and creamy it makes any sandwich delicious mmm. irresistible! best food's mayonnaise here at once upon a farm, we chose the
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capital one venture x business card. with no preset spending limit, our purchasing power adapts to meet our business needs. and unlimited double miles means we earn more too. what's in your wallet? (nicole) welcome to blue buffalo's one taste is all it takes. (katie) if gil doesn't like his food he will let me know. more too. he will turn his nose up at it and he will walk away. it's hard for me to find the food that makes him happy. (nicole) we sent you blue tastefuls dry food, and... (katie) he devoured it. clearly he was a big fan. when he's happy, i'm happy. it's healthy, and he loves it. (nicole) you have a new cat food! (katie) i absolutely have a new cat food. (vo) pick up blue tastefuls and find out why one taste is all it takes. available in dry, wet, and singles. like many women over 40, i'm starting to get more dark spots. bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oréal. fades the look of all types of dark spots by up to 40%. (♪♪) bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oréal paris. (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait.
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(♪♪) (marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. ( ♪♪ )
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eggs make all our family moments better. especially when they're eggland's best. taste so fresh and amazing. ( ♪♪ ) deliciously superior nutrition, too. for us, it's eggs any style. as long as they're the best. eggland's best. ( ♪♪ ) good morning. it is 7:56. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what's happening now. >> reporter: i'm ginger conejero saab in san jose where a key vote is expected to happen at 1:30 this afternoon on a controversial proposal aimed at cracking down on homeless encampments and lived-in vehicles near san jose schools.
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now, if passed, the city would have the authority to tow vehicles and remove encampments that are within 150 feet of licensed preschools, daycare facilities or k-12 schools. that ordinance is up for a vote at 1:30 this afternoon. san francisco librarians planning to demand more safety measures. organizers say the city's drug and homeless crisis is spilling into public libraries, making them feel unsafe. they may the majority of branches lack proper security, sometimes forcing library workers to intervene to keep patrons safe. they plan to meet outside the library at civic center at noon. time to get a look at that forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking those temps. >> we're going to see temperatures going up over the next few days. a nice warm-up after cool mornings and a lot of sunshine. that continues through at least thursday. then friday, more clouds come in, the winds will pick up and temperatures will start to drop, dropping even more on saturday
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as a cold front comes in. it brings in off and on showers and a potential of lingering rain on sunday. san francisco will see temperatures going from 74 to 56, marcus and laura. >> thanks, kari. make sure you watch your "today in the bay" streaming newscast, starting in minutes, including new this morning, one bay area city putting its foot down, this is on new gas stations. watch on roku, amazon fire tv, xumo streaming platforms, including
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♪♪ it's 8:00 on ♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, throwing shade. it is the moment that left americans in awe. >> this is so incredible! >> it's amazing! >> millions gathering together
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to witness the total solar eclipse. >> three, two, one! >> plus, a look at how we celebrated. then, tough talk. one-on-one with the nypd commissioner amid new concerns over big cities and crime. >> i want my legacy to be that new yorkers felt, not only that they were safe, but that they felt safe, too. >> that exclusive conversation just ahead. plus, it's a beautiful day. ♪ ♪ these beautiful things that i've got ♪ >> he's dominating the charts with hit song "beautiful things" and viral sensation benson boone is here to perform it live. and let's get it started. from a touching moment on "curb" -- >> this is the greatest experience of my career and i love each and every one of you. >> to new music from billie eilish and total eclipse of the heart during a total eclipse with heart.
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♪ fall apart ♪ ♪ and i need you now tonight ♪ ♪ and i need you more than ever ♪ >> "popstart" has you covered today, tuesday, april 9th, 2024. ♪ >> besties for 38 years! >> good morning to our mom and dad. >> watching back home in new orleans. >> visiting from paradise, california. >> carmon by the sea, florida. >> washington! >> virginia beach, virginia. >> and minnesota! ♪ >> from michigan. >> today is our 30th anniversary! >> on a girls' trip from cleveland, ohio. >> good morning to my friends at madison middle school. >> in connecticut. [ cheers and applause ]. ♪ hey, guys. welcome back to "today."
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it is a tuesday morning. beautiful tuesday outside. getting up to the 70s in new york city. y'all in just a little bit. let's get to our news at 8:00, plaza. we'll come out and visit with y'all in just a little bit. let us get right to our news at 8:00, everybody. millions of americans were moved and amazed by yesterday's breathtaking solar eclipse. this morning they're sharing stories and images of that once-in-a-generation experience. nobody was more excited than tom costello who joins us from indianapolis. hey, tom. good morning. >> reporter: i don't know. al roker was right there with me. we're in this beautiful part of indianapolis, the river walk, and we had a beautiful day yesterday for the spectacular show. we're in the zone of totality here, which meant we got 3:47 of darkness here in indianapolis. hundreds of millions of people nationwide got to experience either totality or a good portion of the eclipse, a partial eclipse. lots of oohing and ahing and
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tears and moments of just trying to connect with either each other or even loved ones who have passed. it was quite something. let me show you what it looked like from the nasa point of view the tell skoem scopes that captured this moment which the moon comes in and blocks the sun, depending where you are in that zone of totality, lasted up to 4:15 in some places. spectacular, right? this only happens once every 18 months somewhere in the world. we were lucky it happened here in the united states as it then moved away, it was then traveling at 1,500 miles an hour, the shadow across the earth. now can i show you the view from 20,000 feet? gadi schwartz capturing spectacular images. in a chase plane. as we saw that shadow moving across parts of the country. they could not chase it fast enough, as you expect. boy did they capture great images. look at that.
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when it was literally dark outside. and then they ended up landing at a nearby airport so they could turn those pictures around as fast as possible. now can i show you the view from the outer space? spectacular images captured by various satellites and also the space station showing, there you go, look at that right there. the darkness moving across the earth. really a great day. and this is what everybody is talking about on your facebook and instagram feeds. today i saw this. it is going to be the water cooler talk today. we will get to do it all again in this country in 2044. so book your hotels now. back to you. >> all right, tom. thank you so much. hundreds of people had to be evacuated from a las vegas office building yesterday after a gunman killed two people and then himself inside an attorney's office. sources familiar with this investigation say the gunman was a prominent lawyer there and they say the victims were his former daughter-in-law and her new husband who was also an attorney. the shooting took place during the deposition in a child custody case. officials said the suspect took his own life and there was no
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further threat to the public. meanwhile, recent videos of unprovoked violence here in new york and the killing of an nypd officer are fuelling concerns about public safety. this morning, in an nbc news exclusive, the city's top cop is addressing them. we sat down with our senior national correspondent tom llamas. tom, good morning to you. >> hey, craig, good morning to you. good morning to you guys as well. according to the nypd, crime is actually coming down in most metrics. but when you talk to new yorkers or read the papers, it feels like a much different story. i sat down with the commissioner of the nypd who rose from the ranks of a beat cop in the south bronx to now leading a police department larger than most armies. >> stop it! >> from mayhem on the subways to unprovoked attacks on women to a young police officer shot and killed in the line of duty, these headlines and viral videos paint a picture of a big city with a big problem.
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new york city went from clean and safe to dirty and dangerousy what happened to new york city? >> january 2022, new york city was up in crime over 48%, up in violence. we looked at just making more felony arrests. and slowly by slowly, the violence began to come down. >> reporter: edward is in charge of the nypd and its more than 35,000 police officers. in an exclusive interview with nbc news, he says crime is trending down in new york city, but not fast enough because of repeat offenders. >> we seen that we're locking up the same people over and over again. >> reporter: in his most forceful statements yet, the nypd commissioner calling bail reform laws ineffective. >> we lock someone up. district attorney, the judges let them go to walk our streets again. it is a broken system. >> reporter: a system that has come into sharper focus after the killing of detective
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jonathan diller, allegedly by two career criminals with long records. >> how many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? >> reporter: is she right? >> absolutely. that's the one thing that no police commissioner wants to do during their tenure, is bury one of their own, whether it's a family of blood or a family of blue. it hurts to the core. >> reporter: part of the commissioner's mission now separating perception versus reality. according to nypd stats, overall crime is down in the city and subways, but that's not how many new yorkers feel about their own safety. >> i want my legacy to be that new yorkers felt not only that they were safe, but that they felt safe, too. they don't feel that way, i'm not doing my job. >> reporter: now, bail reform advocates argue it helps the poor that are disproportionally jailed because they don't have the means to post bail. but the governor, who is a democrat, has seen enough, holding reforms to hold violent criminals accountable. guys?
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>> interesting conversation, tom. thank you. >> you will have more tonight. " that exclusive interview tonight on nbc "nightly news" and of course, on "top story with tom llamas" with nbc news now. >> thanks, tom. a six foot tall newborn is celebrating his one week birthday today at the memphis, zoo. in tennessee, fitz was born last tuesday. zoo officials say he's on the big side for a baby giraffe. he weighed 150 pounds at birth. his proud parents, wendy and nicholas, are part of the zoo's spee species survival plan. fitz will be coming out to meet his fans a couple hours each day when the weather gets warm out. >> happy birthday, fitz. all right. coming up, a well-timed first look at the out-of-this-world rom com called "fly me to the moon". >> but first an inside look at our little eclipse celebration, catching the big event with our families, lots of festivities and so-so food. moon pies, you were better in my memory. right after this.
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8:11 am
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can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common.
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side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. you know that thing your family does? someone made it a thing, back in the day. but where did it come from? and how did it get aaaaall the way to you? see for yourself at ancestry. what causes a curve down there? who can treat this? stop typing, and start talking. it could be a medical condition called peyronie's disease, or pd. you're not alone, there is hope. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose and treat pd. visit today. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts
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to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] apart ♪♪ and i need you now tonig ♪ every now and then i fall apart ♪ ♪ and i need you now tonight ♪ ♪ and i need you more than ever. >> wow! >> oh, my. >> we're back with jenna. we're back with sheinelle. we're back with dylan. and we back with the fun that jimmy fallon had during the
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eclipse. he performed "total eclipse of the heart" during the total eclipse. >> he won the eclipse. he won the eclipse. >> what a great idea. new light has been shining on the 1983 hit, as you can imagine. searches on spotify went up over 50% while looking for that tune ahead of the big event yesterday. as for the eclipse, it brought many of us together with glasses, moon pies and plenty of amazement. >> wow! >> reporter: they call it a spiritual high. experiencing a solar eclipse for some is a once-in-a-lifetime moment. >> i got moment. >> i got 'em. i got the glasses. >> and we wanted to be together with a thousand of our closest friends at the american museum of natural history in new york city. >> i have two things to point out. it's getting colder. >> yes, it is. >> and it's looking darker.
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>> it looks like it's moving as we speak. >> it is. >> i see a crescent moon. >> i do, too. >> that's really cool. >> this is the best eclipse ever. >> it really is. wait. are those moon pies. >> even though al might have been in the path of totality in dallas, texas, we could still totally have some fun with the partial eclipse and a questionable food spread. >> let me explain via doughnut how the eclipse works. the moon, the oreo covers the cream. >> which is? >> i don't know. >> this is my first moon pie. >> how was it? >> you could leave it on the moon. a little dry. >> i have never had a moon pie either. >> try the astronaut food. >> we missed the eclipse because we're eating. >> while we awaited our peak moment in new york, an impressive 90% coverage of the sun by the moon, we decided to try and put the fun in
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astrophysics. when is the next total solar eclipse? >> right here! >> i >> quick quiz, class. >> question one, after today, when is the next total solar eclipse? >> right here! >> i know. >> right here. i know it. >> craig? >> 2044. >> in dallas where al is, the answer is 2317. it looks like i get the prize. >> upon referee review, craig won the first prize for best effort. >> yes! >> not even close. >> that's cute. cute. >> i like that. >> i like that. >> how often on earth do total solar eclipses happen? >> every 20 years. >> 600 years. >> every year. >> 600 years. >> every 20 years. >> dylan wins. it is every year and a half, 18 months. >> open your gift. >> i know this. one more. >> what did you get, dylan? >> bonny tyler!
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♪ every now and then i fall apart ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ >> let's just say today she has a total eclipse on all of our hearts. >> turn around, bright eyes. we've got one more question. >> i like that. >> what is the average temperature drop during the solar eclipse? >> 20 degrees, 20 degrees. 25, 30 degrees. >> all right, craig. you won it. >> yes! yes! >> and another prize. >> awe! >> that's cute. >> to quiet our competitive nature, it was necessary to lie down on the job before the big countdown. >> oh, my gosh. i'm not kidding. i just looked directly at the sun. i'm not kidding. it was an accident. >> we quickly regrouped and grabbed our kids for the moment we had all been waiting for as close to totality as we were going to get. >> 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!
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oh, my gosh! [ applause ] [ applause ] >> it's dark! it's dark! it's dark. >> and cold. it's dark! >> what do we think about the eclipse, you guys? >> nice. >> it was really cool. >> it was really, reality cool, but it was extra special sharing it with you guys. >> and then it was a time for a final round of applause for the sun, moon and friendship. >> good job, sun! >> it's actually good job, moon. >> that's hilarious. it was fun just being with you guys. >> i didn't care what -- i didn't even know what we were there for. >> carson, you had the best line. what if we miss the eclipse because we're eating. >> yeah. i would not put that past us. >> by the way, shot-out to jim who produced this and edited that thing because we were out of control.
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>> it was a herculean task. >> i want to put the pictures up where we're like wow! and carson says, all i see is overacting here. >> it was really cool. you thought we were overacting. >> i just think the whole event, to quote larry david, was eh. >> no! no, no. spiritual. >> with the glasses, you couldn't see anything. >> okay. who was a little disappointed by the eclipse. >> not me. >> i thought it would be longer. >> as a scientist of the couch here, it was just like fascinating that someone like predicted that that was going to happen to the second, and sure enough we were able to all look up at the same time. >> the best part was getting dark and cold. >> it is cool. >> and we could do it with all of y'all. >> hoda heard owls hooting. i did hear owls. >> it felt weird watching it without al live. >> in fact, he's there right now in dallas. >> spectacular view you had.
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>> well, it was, guys. i got to tell you. it was really special. although i did really -- i wis here because that was special. i have two observations watching that. first of all, i was sorry your children had to really did miss being with you guys. i wish we all could have been here because that was special. i have two observations watching that. first of all, i was sorry your children had to see you in such a desperate, competitive spirit. and secondly, and secondly, craig had the most awkward stance during the eclipse. i'm not sure what you were doing there, buddy. >> i was trying to -- oh, that's -- >> that's his overacting. that's not right. >> i didn't realize i was doing that. i didn't realize i was doing that. i was positioning myself just in case i got blown over. >> oh, you were doing that. yes, you were. >> and you would notice it. my spirit animal. >> oh, gosh. >> anyway, let's show you what we've got for today's weather. we are looking at severe storms through the lower mississippi river valley. sunny and mild through the
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plains. rain and storms move into the upper mississippi ohio river valleys. along the eastern sea we good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today it starts out cool, but we'll warm up, with highs in the mid-70s for today. even warmer tomorrow, low 80s between thursday and friday for the interior valleys, and then a significant cooldown on friday, with some gusty winds. as you make weekend plans, well, you'll want to know that it's going to be raining off and on on saturday, and the high only tops out at 57 degrees. some lingering showers on sunday and a rebound in weather. best time of the morning, "popstart". >> thanks, al. we hmiss you, buddy.
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we will start with "curb your enthusiasm." hbo dropped a behind the scenes clip yesterday featuring the iconic cast's final moments an screen best friend richard filming and some sweet words from larry's late on and off screen best friend richard lewis. take a listen. >> all right, david. he has treated me like a god. all of you have. this is the greatest experience of my career and i love each and every one of you. i'm honored to be working with honorably the greatest sitcom writer in the last few centuries. god bless all of you. thanks for being so sweet to me. >> what a nice moment. next up, we will billie eilish. 2024 has already been a banner year for the young artist. of course last month, this track scored her an oscar ♪ turns out i'm not real ♪ just something you paid for ♪ what was i made for. >> and from barbie to billboard, the chart topper announced a new album is on the way. billie revealing her third album
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will be called "hit me hard but soft" next month, but no previews. she said she will not be releasing any ahead of time. we absolutely can't wait for you to hear it. >> that's cool. >> look forward to hearing that. next up, scarlett johansson and channing tatum are two hollywood a-listers are flying to the screen. costarring in a new rom-com called "fly me to the moon." in the movie, scarlett plays a marketing specialist hired by nasa to help bring good press to the apollo 11 moon landing where she butts heads with the launch director played by channing. here is a sneak peek. >> we need a backup version of the moon landing. >> you mean to fake it? >> if you fake this mission, every single thing that we have sacrificed will have been for nothing. >> you know you couldn't have made it to this day without me.
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♪ moon." it hits theaters in >> four, three, two, one. >> that is "fly me to the moon." it hits theaters in july. finally, people. this week we're celebrating the magazine's 50th anniversary with a look back at its iconic covers. today we're taking a stroll down memory lane. with issues featuring familiar faces around here. you might recognize these guys, savannah and hoda. >> i love that. >> this dropped right after your first week as co-anchors. another one with our girl jenna bush. and she added hager to the last name. that was the special, wedding album edition, in 2008. al has been on the cover for decades. >> wow. >> geez. >> look at -- >> oh! >> carson! good looking. >> what the heck? >> it was taped to my bedroom wall, carson. >> teen people. perfect for your dart board, everybody. tune in tomorrow, we will reveal
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"people" magazine's 50th anniversary cover. >> that was awesome. >> that was good. >> that was cute. still ahead, the grill dad is in the house. doing something different this morning, though. a special recipe to celebrate, yes, national grilled cheese month after your local news and weather. good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. a woman charged in the tragic death of a young girl near oracle park last summer is due in court later this morning for arraignment. the unidentified 4-year-old girl
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was in a stroller when that suv, police say, struck her and her parents at the intersection of 4th and king street, this is next to the caltrain station in august. police later arrested 71-year-old karen cartagena who faces vehicular manslaughter charges. police say she failed to yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk. let's get a look at the forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the conditions. >> it starts cool and warms up in the afternoon, above yesterday with a high of 78 degrees in san jose, one of the warmer spots, mid to upper 70s for the east bay, and mid-70s for the north bay, while san francisco will reach a high of 68 degrees. that warming trend continues tomorrow, with low 80s in the south bay, and then on thursday we're looking at more of the same temperatures, but we do cool off for the weekend. we're getting ready for also rain chances to move in on saturday. marcus? >> thanks, kari. we're going to have another local news update in 30 minutes.
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i'll see you back here then. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds
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up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save.
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nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app. ♪ these beautiful things that i've got. we are back! and we're back at 8:30 with a happy plaza crowd on this tuesday morning. and if you listen closely, that
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music that you are hearing right now, it is the number one song . that is on the planet right now. that is benson boone's "beautiful things". >> and guess what? the man himself is right over there thanking some of his fans before he heads inside to perform his smash hit for us live. >> you will love that song. also ahead, lifestyle expert jen will bring us a new batch of best-selling products, including problem solvers for your travel needs and more. >> love that. plus we love when these guys stop by. the grill dads are here. putting a creative spin on comfort food. we're talking grilled cheese and tomato soup today, everybody. speaking of goodigoodies, b way, on our 3rd hour, the fast food family behind in n out burger. we will meet the woman who has been in charge since he was a teenager. she's been running since she was a teenager. we will hear how she built the company into an iconic brand. >> there is a secret menu. hoda, come over here. will you come over here?
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we have a great crowd out here from manhattanville university. what brings you here today? >> we are promoting manhattanville university. we just transitioned from a college to a university! >> and you are here on a field trip. have you seen or learned anything interesting here today? >> just really cool, bro. >> yeah. having so much fun. >> very cool. >> hard workers. we're so glad to have you guys here. let's go down to dallas, a hard working man right there, mr. al roker. >> hey, guys. good morning. it is not hard work when you work at what you love. and i love this job. let's show you what we've got for your weekend ahead. never too early to look at the weekend. rain and wind on friday here in the northeast. mild highs from texas all the way up into the plains. a pacific storm moving in. we move into saturday. hopefully clear things out, but a few showers left in new england. lots of sunshine and warming up gulf coast all the way to the plains. sierra snow out west and then sunday, sunday it will be gray
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more wet weather out west. good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are waking up to sunshine and cool temperatures and we are also going to have a warm afternoon, a little bit warmer than yesterday. we're on that trend where we'll continue to warm up through thursday. then friday those temperatures start to come back down with some gusty winds and more clouds. we are expecting some off-and-on showers in our saturday forecast. our temperatures will only reach the upper 50s. and that is your latest weather. see you guys tomorrow morning back in new york. bye-bye! >> bye-bye! we can't wait. okay. coming up, a helpful new batch of "today" best sellers
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for a quick fix for your wrinkled wardrobe and more. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. or your wrinkled wardrobe and more. bu first, thist,
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welcome back. this morning, we are sharing our favorite problem-solving hacks. everything is under $40 that you will see on this table. our guide is lifestyle expert jen. all you have to do is scan the qr code to shop along with us. everybody under $40, all things that will help you out. i like your first item. >> this is genius. these are smart, simple solutions that will make a difference in your life. these are portable travel irons. usually i just throw my clothes in the shower and it doesn't work right. the brand says it is up to 300 watts, so it's powerful. it comes with this little
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silicone matt and a spray bottle for your water. >> by the way, that's good. >> that's cute. >> one pound. good. easy. and also it has dual voltages. you can take it internationally. >> all right. so the very bottom, the bottle often gets thrown out. what do you have for us? >> you can take the cap. this is called the flip-it. it has six different capsizes, so it should work with everything. flip it over. you can store it because it will stand on a tripod there and you can get every last drop out of your products, things that you want to use to the last drop. maximize your investment and it makes less waste so more sustainable. >> so you store it just like that. all right. you have all kinds of leftover things. you need a place to store them. >> i love these. >> what is is this? >> it's called food huggers. if you are cutting up a pepper, you don't eat the whole thing, this is how you store it so it stays nice and fresh. there is all different sizes. what i also love is it saves space. this is one right here for a
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stick of butter. stays fresh, retains the flavor. if you are doing cheeses, some don't smell, some have a strong scent, this will retain the scent with the cheese so it doesn't smell like, you know, blue cheese. >> a little cap for your veggies and things. all right. so we have multiple things to plug in and we just need a good spot to put them. >> there is never enough plugs in my house. especially in your dorm room or old older house or apartment. you can never have enough plugs for everything you need to charge. these take every plug you have and turn it into three. what you can do with it that i think is super smart is it flips, right? so it rotates. if you are putting it behind a bookshelf or behind a bed, it will flip all the way up, all the way down. and that way you save space and and you can plug three things. also love that it does not block the other plug so you're maximizing what you can charge. >> eight bucks for that. if you're on the go, you have blisters on your feet and you
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need something.$10, and it is gt vitamin a and c in there. stick it wherever your feet rub >> tis the season. we're switching over to spring shoes, flip-flops. this is going to save you. this is under $10, and it is got vitamin a and c in there. stick it wherever your feet rub up against your shoes. it is moisturizing. if you are breaking in new sandals, this will be a lifesaver. >> throw it in the bag when you get new shoes. jen, thank you. purchase any of the these items. scan the qr code or head to thank you, jen. oh, savannah? >> oh, hoda. we are here with rising star benson boone. he is about to perform his eak-out hit for us today, live. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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the citi music series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> we are back with a very talented singer/song writer. his name, everybody, is benson boone. >> he has skyrocketed to fame with the success of his song
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>> benson, good morning. this song is a megahit, a huge hit. there aren't enough adjectives. what is it like to be on this roller coaster ride. >> it's definitely been crazy for me the past couple months. this is something you always hope for but can never expect. i'm very grateful to feel heard and to have a song that is out in the world and it's kind of everywhere. >> i love how you didn't know you could sing until high school. what was going on before high school that you didn't discover until then? >> girl, i don't know. >> girl, i don't know. >> no, no. yeah, i just -- i always played sports. sports, outdoors, that was kind of always my thing. and then i found out i could sing. >> when did you know you could sing? >> i did battle of the bands at my high school. and it was like when i sang into the microphone and actually really gave it everything i got, like that's kind of when, when i was like, okay. >> this song is such a huge hit. tell us about writing it. was it easy?
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moved into my place in l.a. a couple months ago, and it was just mattress and a piano. that's all i had. was it hard? >> so i wrote this right when i moved into my place in l.a. a couple months ago, and it was just mattress and a piano. that's all i had. it was two nights that i could not sleep, and i wrote the verse the first night and couldn't figure out a chorus. came back the second night, completely new idea and wrote the chorus. and then we just kind of like in the studio combined them. >> this is arguably like song of the year. it is a massive, massive song. you have a tour. >> who says you need a good night's sleep? you don't. look at what you did with no sleep at all. >> all right. are you going to play this for us now? >> absolutely. >> all right, benson. take it away. ♪ ♪ oh, for a while there it was rough ♪
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♪ lately i've been doing better than the last four cold decembers i recall ♪ ♪ and i see my family every month ♪ ♪ i found a girl my parents love ♪ ♪ so come and stay the night and i think i might have it all ♪ ♪ and i thank god every day for the girl he sent my way ♪ ♪ but of all the things he gives me, he can take away ♪ ♪ oh i hold you every night, and that's a feeling i won't to get used to ♪ ♪ but there's no man as terrified as the man who stands to lose you ♪ you
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♪♪ ♪ oh, i hope i don't lose you ♪ ♪ please, stay, i want you, i need you, oh god ♪ ♪ don't take these beautiful thing that i've got ♪ ♪♪ don't ♪♪ take ♪♪ these beautiful things that i've got ♪♪ oh ♪♪ ♪♪ please ♪♪ don't ♪ pleaseplease don't take ♪ ♪ i found my mind, i'm feeling sane ♪ ♪ it's been a while but i'm finding my faith ♪ ♪ everything is good and it's great why do i sit and wait until it's gone ♪ ♪ oh i tell you i know i've got enough ♪ ♪ i've got peace and i've got
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luck ♪ ♪♪ please nothing i'm thinking i just might lose you all ♪ ♪ please stay i want you, i need you, oh god ♪ ♪ don't take these beautiful ♪ h things that i've got ♪ ♪♪ p ♪ oh god ♪ ♪ please stay i want you, i need you oh god ♪ ♪ i need these beautiful things that i've got ♪ [ applause ]. >> oh my god. wow! >> thank you. >> loved that. >> thank you and the band for waking up and rocking out. benson, great job. we have to give a shout-out to our buddy dan reynolds, the lead singer of imagine dragons.
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another great band, such an early believer for you. bragge shout out to dan for that. >> you have a sold out tour. what's going on? where will you be? >> i'll be everywhere. >> brooklyn. >> yep. brooklyn in two days. >> awesome. >> is today tuesday? >> today is tuesday. >> in two days. two days we'll be in brooklyn. yeah. we just started -- we've done four shows and it's been incredible. >> where are you from? >> seattle. little bit north of seattle, yeah. >> what does your high school think of you, all your old friends seeing what happened to you? >> man, they're -- it's pretty wild for all of us. but i keep up with some of them here and there. but like -- >> did you win that battle of the bands? >> oh, we won that. >> i bet you did, benson. >> dropped out of "idol." worked out great for you. >> we're so happy for you. >> thank you. >> great guy. great band. great song. >> maybe you'll be out on the plaza next time you're here. >> would you come? the debut album "fireworks and
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roller blades" is out right now and he's on tour. if you like grilled cheese, stick around. the classic comfort food. we'll throw tomato soup on that from the grill dads who are ready to go. but first this i
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♪♪ all right. welcome back. this morning on "today food," america's favorite grill dads are here. mark anderson and ryan faye will help us celebrate national grilled cheese month. it can't just be national grilled cheese day. >> for markets all year. >> these are two of the best-selling cook book authors here. boys, welcome back. >> hey, thank you. >> i already saw the deconstructed. it is tomato soup. >> it is grilled cheese and tomato soup together. >> soup. >> it is a dipping method.
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i love that. >> to take out the middleman. >> and where does the omage to french onion play into this? >> what we're doing is using the grilled cheese with the croutons. >> and you are making your own tomato soup. >> yeah. this is the easiest thing to do. this is our fancy one. we will chop up some celery. you have to lightly dice this guy up. you want to put in some carrots, shallots, white onions. you can smash the garlic real quick, quick, release only oils. >> what is in the pot? you have fat there? >> what did you call me? >> yes, absolutely. we will put this down here. all right. check this out. we will do a little salt and pepper. we will add some kosher salt, fresh cracked black pepper. now here is the cool thing. you don't want this soup to be runny. right and thin? >> right. you have to thicken it up? store ch or some sort.
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>> we'll add flour. now, you want to add some flour. it will create a roue. you don't want to ruin this. >> that's called a grill dad joke. >> they're worse than dad jokes. >> that's your next cook book. >> great. so it is a normal cook book for us. >> i could write the forward for that book, by the way. >> yes, you could. you did. >> ask my children. >> now all you want to do is put the flour in. >> people don't make this tomato soup at home. you just use the can. it is so easy to do. >> it's so easy. >> tomatoes and stalk and you're in. >> all right. what we're going to do is over here, we've got some tomatoes. these are whole tomatoes. put these in here. your vegetables have just become soft. you're not cooking them too much. put some stock in as well. just some chicken for vegetable stock. we use an immersion blender. if you don't have this, that's okay. you don't have to use this. you can just buy pureed tomatoes. >> or cool it down and put it in the blender. >> or cool it down and put it in a blender. >> by the way, this is a great
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gift. if you doernlt have don't have one of these. it makes the best soups of all time. >> okay, great. get going. >> what happened? >> it emerged. >> that was it? okay. >> so you have it cooked down here. >> now we will do the grilled cheese. so we're actually using texas toast. so we will get extra flavor and garlic and butter and all that fun stuff. and the thickness. >> you can get this in the freezer section of your grocery store. it is a great hack. grab the frozen toast and thaw it out. >> use a little bit of mayo. >> does it come with garlic butter on it? >> oh, yeah. >> so we're adding mayo with a higher smoke point. we want to get this super crispy. if we did that with just butter, it would burn by the time we got there. >> so does snoop. okay, that's a dad joke. >> we want it to stay crispy when it's inside the sandwich. so we're using two different cheeses here. so the cheddar will give us great flavor and the american will give us really good gooey
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meltiness. >> how is it, guys? >> this is to die for. texas toast. light meal for spring. >> parmesan cheese, too. >> all right, guys. so you are going to want to cook it as long as you can without burning it. >> why do we have the cheddar ruffles? where do these come in play? >> what do you mean? >> they're already inside. >> the ruffles are in the grilled cheese? wjtsz i love you guys. >> we're doing this to get extra crunch. >> this is like flavor town. the grilled cheese, the ruffles, the butter, the texas toast, the garlic, two cheeses. >> this is the magic. >> this where the french onion soup comes in. we're going right in with the grilled cheese. >> yeah, there you go. >> but then do you boil it after? >> bingo. >> just pop it in the oven. >> one american, one cheddar. >> use whatever cheese you want. don't use an aged cheese becaus
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>> then b they break when they melt. you want something fresh and soft like this. >> then boil it? >> yes. here we go. we have french onion soup. >> i came up with this recipe personally. >> did you? >> no, not at all. >> what else can we plug? what are you doing or selling on qvc? >> we were on qvc working for ninja, selling that and the oven. wood fired grills. we have fun stuff coming out this summer now. we might be on tour with a soccer team as well. >> what are you going to make them, grilled cheese sandwiches? >> we are. we are, my recipe. >> they will be welsh grilled cheese. >> i don't believe anything that comes out of your mouth. >> what are you talking about? >> i don't either. >> i don't know what's real and what's not. but i am in. people ask me all the time for food tips. what are you making pizzas? i literally just text these guys go to the grill dad in their universe of things are all the answers. >> our social is a nonstop grilling recipe celebration. >> yes, it is amazing.
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>> last year we did host the tailgate for wrexham's u.s. invasion tour. hopefully we do that this summer, which will be great. >> yep. >> check out this recipe at thank you, boys, very much. we're back with our 3rd and 4th hour after a quick check of your local news and weather. >> thanks.
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good morning. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. a new look this morning at which california neighborhoods are getting hit hardest as state farm announces not to renew some insurance policies. you're looking add the top five zip codes in the bay area that would see the biggest impact. state farm issued a statement that reads, this decision is not made lightly and only aftercare full analysis of state farm's financial health which continues to be impacted byflation, -- inflation, exposure and reinsurance costs. of course, most of the impacted areas have the highest buyer risk. homeowners needing coverage will
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likely have to obtain it from the state at a higher cost of course. happening now, our bob riddell with speaking with homeowners and he'll have a live report at midday. midday. head to our home page right with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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i'm kris sanchez. housing and affordability always big topics. we'll introduce you to a woman moving the bay area forward by helping seniors find their next place to live. tomorrow morning on "today in the bay," 5:00 to 7:00.
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," totally worth it. millions coming together to witness a rare eclipse from the heart of texas where al was


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