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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  April 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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work at branches which do not have a dedicated guard on site offered examples of things getting out of hand. jessica said she and her colleagues intervened when a man was yelling at other people at the branch. >> we were hoping he would leave peacefully. before anything happened. he did end up leaving and he kicked a window on his way out. >> reporter: nicole had to handle a disturbed man with a weapon. >> he wielded the weapon at preschoolers sitting on the ground with their teachers. >> reporter: they called for guards at all branches to help handle these issues at the main branch, library guards were patrolling the outside and checking on people who seemed passed out on the curb. library staff and guards to call the sheriff's deputies for more serious situations and today they responded to a medical incident. a statement from a
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library spokesperson says they have 37 security guards deployed to about 13 different branches across the system the library has a mobile corporate that can respond to specific libraries if needed. the city public library spokesperson says they have added 11 full-time safety employees including guards and social workers over the last five years. library visitor hope said she has seen an improvement at the main branch where she says homeless people often spend their day. >> they use the library for the bathroom. there was a time they were overwhelmed. >> reporter: contract negotiations with library workers are ongoing. another big story, the unlikely tie and a recount, to settle the second place finish in the bay area congressional race. >> the santa clara teddy
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register confirms that two separate request for a recount have been filed. but the people who file it have to pay for it. the race for district 16 come in the house seat including part of santa clara, san mateo county. sam liccardo finished on top and receiving the same amount of votes was evan low and joe simitan. the official filing could change that, but who filed the recount and what campaign, if any, they are connected to. the registrar says they will start the recount by monday. this is very rare and still working out the details and >> it is contingent to whether or not the voter will make a deposit or the cost of the recount. this is a rare event. we are still working on it on a day by day basis.
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>> we do know this, one person requested a manual recount and the other request is for a machine recount. there is a big difference in price, we did reach out to the campaigns. bad blood come in the last few minutes, we heard back from the campaign of low who said, this is a page out of trump's political playbook, using dirty tricks to attack them across the -- democracy and subvert the will of the people. " san jose is one step closer to ridding a 150 foot buffer between schools and homeless in camas, including rvs and this move is after months of complaints from families who says they are being harassed by the un-housed as they walk to
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school. one student carries pepper spray to school after several confrontations. this new ordinance would be tested outside three schools in san jose, if it works, the city council would eventually expanded citywide. one of the impacted schools says something needs to be done. >> a lot of families that live within the community who could walk to school to choose not to walk to school and they drive their children to school because of the situation. >> the new ordinance was the brainchild of students at an academy out of the independent high school campus who wrote the new rules in an effort to not criminalize the on housed but homeless advocates say this is what the ordinance will do the new school buffer zone ordinance needs a second approval by the city council before it becomes law which could happen in a month.
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california is spending billions of dollars to try to address homelessness but a new state audit found much of the spending is not being tracked. it focused on two cities, san diego and san jose and examined the homeless response programs from 2020 to 2023 and found california is a gated desert when it comes to the response to homelessness. a state senator requested the audit which was published today and found that the state has spent billions of dollars on homelessness not clear where the money has gone. the san jose mayor agrees that a standardized database is missing from this equation and pushed back on the reports finding san jose and its interim housing programs are ineffective as the audit highlights the need for san jose and other cities to invest more in permanent housing which costs more than other solutions like tiny homes. the senator wants to see a statewide blueprint to get the picture of for every dollar spent on this issue is really going. >> what about barbara lee?
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buzz about a presidential cabinet appointment. the mayor of los angeles urging president biden to name her as the next secretary of housing and urban development. the position open last month when the current secretary stepped down. she served in the house from 2011 to 2022 and for chairwoman of the congressional black caucus and her history of fighting for marginalized populations they say it would serve her well as the hud secretary. thousands of homeowners will lose the homeowners insurance. state farm will drop 30,000 policies in california. >> tonight, a better idea of where those policies will be and one east bay community is hit hard. 1700 of those policies will be in the city of orinda, more than any other zip code in the state. many insurance copies are not
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issuing new homeowners insurance policies because of a high fire risk and the policyholders are expected to be notified this summer. the people we spoke with in orinda are upset and rightfully so worried most say they do not know what they will do. >> this i worry about in the middle of the night, and when i wake up, i still worry. >> they are not being a good neighbor to anyone in orinda. >> the mayor is calling the situation a crisis and sent this letter to the governor, the insurance commissioner, and state lawmakers demanding they take action. to look up the status of your coverage, go to as we put together a map that shows a closer look at the zip codes that are affected. >> let talk about some spring heat across the bay area. a live look at our cameras across the bay area, nothing but sunshine. how long will it stay warm and when will the rain come in? >> this is barbecue whether for
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right now. >> it really is. it is making me want to go home and visit my parents. if you're wondering how warm we got, i have a breakdown throughout the bay area a live look in oakland, 63 degrees with a high this afternoon of 70. definitely starting to bump up. let's take you to the warmest, san francisco, 61 degrees right now and breezy, 18 miles per hour. high temperatures this afternoon , 71 degrees in the city, not bad. how was it to the south bay? clear skies right now, barbecue weather, 75 with a high this afternoon of 78 degrees. if you thought today was warm, prepare yourself, that heat will be lingering around with a warm-up of seven degrees in some spots. tomorrow afternoon,
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giving you a sneak preview of the forecast, 80s expected for tomorrow. it stretches to the south bay 70s to the coastline and the winter does not want to let go with changing weather coming up involving rain, wind, and a cool down of 20 degrees in some spots i will break it down coming up in the full forecast. >> we work on that carne asada later. a fire in cleveland heights this morning in oakland, sky ranger was ahead, fire crews said this started in a detached garage before spreading to the main house. firefighters say there were no injuries and the fire is under investigation. a progress report from the crackdown on crime in the tenderloin last year, governor newsom said chp would help with
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crime and they have seized more than 42 pounds of fennel across a 10 block radius in the tenderloin. that is 9.6 lethal doses of the drug. chp uncovered over a dozen guns , issued 6000 citations and made 500 arrests in the east bay, the joint operation with the kntv -- chp resulted in the recovery of 400 stolen vehicles since february. a vaccine in the works from pfizer with new protection from high-risk adults. that is the finding of a clinical trial. they offer an rsv shot approved for adults 60 and older and expectant mothers there is no available rsv shot for younger, high-risk adults. pfizer will submit the data to the federal regulators and hope approval
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will be expanded to adult 18 and up. is the pandemic over? after a subdued winter surge, california with a dramatic decline in covid hospitalizations and deaths , data published on friday says hospitalizations have dropped more than two per 100,000 residents and covid is only being attributed to less than 1% of deaths statewide. that number of 42% during the peak of covid and now been four years since the start of the pandemic and the majority of people have a defense against the virus. either through vaccination, prior infection, or possibly both. pinole is going to ban new gas stations and a possible expansion of existing ones, part of a new effort to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions and eventually phase out gas vehicles.
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petaluma was the first city to ban new gas stations in 2021 and counties including sonoma county followed suit. next, a whale tangled in a rope off the coast of pacifica, what wildlife officials are telling us about this developing situation. the two-story home relocating through water and floating. the housing battle behind this move. we have already seen our warmest ties in the 70s but overnight we will continue to seek mild temperatures. what does this mean for your wednesday morning commute? i will have the full details. stay with us. are you registered to vote? we can help you, telemundo is teaming up with a nonprofit to answer all your questions about registering to vote before the presidential election. still time to call, the phone lines close at 20 minutes.
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the number is right there on your screen.
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developing news off the coast of pacifica as a whale is entangled in some sort of fishing gear. something wrapped around its tail. some kind of flotation device at the end. the marine mammal center says there is a team monitoring this whale but have not officially determined what it is tangled in. it was one part of his tracking program that tag is gone. the center wants to help it later this week but that operation is dependent on the weather if you stare at the water too long, you will see the world go by, today, that included a two-story home that went by. the floating home is going from redwood city to sausalito and
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it floated towards the new home. it started monday morning in redwood city at the marina. the trip took longer than expected because of complications. the home, with a white picket fence, stopped in sausalito about 2:30 and those who gathered said it was floating across the bay, not something they see every day. >> pretty wild, never seen anything like that. >> this home is one of the last remaining houseboats involved in a legal battle over redwood city floating community. the homeowners ultimately agreed to relocate but the move still not a done deal. the movers are waiting for high tide after midnight to swap out the arriving houseboat with the new owners previous houseboat. good news for partygoers, a recent makeover is complete and the reservoir looking like
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itself again as it should be at capacity by friday with water agencies draining the lake for routine maintenance and they removed seven tons of debris from around the dam. the reservoir almost 90 years old. let's take you outside on this tuesday evening, a live look at the golden gate bridge, it looks spectacular. >> so clear. >> we have the the warm spring weather. >> we do, after a snowy mix in the middle of the mountains. a shout out to high pressure because that will give us the warmth and the sunshine which is going on now. another change towards the weekend. we want to showcase the temperatures. i want to point out the wind speed. a breeze as a nice layer to the outdoor experience when you climb as far as temperatures.
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75 degrees in san jose and oakland, 63. 75 in walnut creek. san francisco, 61. that is definitely what you call microclimates in action. satellite and radar, overall things are quiet, the weather pattern has calmed, we had instability a week ago. you see the images of a satellite in space with the formation of some clouds, this will turn into our change into the upcoming weekend. i will get to that in a second. let's talk temperatures, closer towards the overnight, early morning commute, overnight lows dropping down into the 40s and 50s as you wake up tomorrow morning and by no means do we have a frost advisory and it may feel warm. into the afternoon, 3:00, temperatures in the 80s for the interior, 78 in dublin.
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around the bay and peninsula, low-70s. this takes around for wednesday as we get a stretch into thursday as well. thursday, april 11th, showers possible on saturday. let's look at the system that is lining up. we are starting to see a better picture of this coming in, heading into late friday, early saturday, it starts to make its move. depending on how far up this pushes into our area, we could also see, not only a change in temperatures, but the winds kicking up and we could have more sierra snow for the range at that 100% peak average. what does this mean for wintry conditions? this weekend, we will know more on friday, this is what you
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will experience, a live look at south lake tahoe, 63 degrees. so estimates fall for elevation above 7000 feet, we need to be at the 8000 feet, but they could have 10 inches of snow. for our peaks, wintry mix with gusty winds stretching into early sunday morning. sunday does look spottier, the model runs are going back and forth. into next week, monday and tuesday, inland, temperatures warm up and we have spring again , it is making a comeback. winter and spring are fighting right now. >> they are bickering. thank you. the bay area filmmaker highlighting the important role of sign language interpreters in entertainment.
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one of the nations top health leaders is in the bay area to promote health equity the health and human services secretary stopped in oakland, on a national tour to address medical issues facing latinos and people of color. he is teaming up with the medical agencies to find ways to improve access and inclusion in various clinical trials. >> california has now made an effort to reach out to his migrant community and make sure they have access to care as well.
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generally speaking, california is the blue-chip when it comes to what you do to give a community and population a chance to, not just live, but thrive. >> he says it is critical for latinos to be included in cancer clinical trials because the disease is the leading cause of death in latino community. some california lawmakers will honor dianne feinstein, they want to rename a post office in san francisco after her. she died last september while in office. she was 90 years old. she was the longest-serving female senator in u.s. history and the first female mayor of san francisco. a bay area filmmaker having a voice to the deaf community in a new documentary which sheds light on the importance of interpreters in the entertainment industry. it discusses how members of the deaf community struggle to enjoy live entertainment without interpreter featuring interviews from deaf people .
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several big artists are appearing, including kelly clarkson, chance the wrapper, they hope the documentary will bring this reality to deaf people to light. >> i was ignorant, i did not know that deaf people enjoy live music, i spoke with the interpreter and communicating with deaf people through the interpreter and found out that deaf people are just like hearing people, they love music and have challenges and barriers to getting access to live entertainment. >> the documentary is on google plate and apple tv. next, the original train that b.a.r.t. is retiring today. >> rockefeller center, a top story on the nightly news, the solar eclipse photographs one
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day after the blackout captivated the nation. the question tonight, who captured it best? business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today.
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the end of an era for an old-timer. >> b.a.r.t. is return original train cars heading back to the 1970s. to celebrate, b.a.r.t.
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will allow people to ride the trains one more time next saturday, april 20th, the two trains will run from macarthur station to fremont starting at 1:00 in the afternoon. at 7:00, the recount in the race to replace a congresswoman, who is paying and the bitter comments aimed at the front runner. and what should you do if you were a homeowner's insurance was dropped? our consumer investigator has answers coming up on the 7:00 news. access our nbc area news whenever u wa, 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms, watch breaking news coverage. next on nightly news, a whistleblower apologist warning about structural integrity of one of the best-selling airplanes from boeing and how the company is responding. lester holt joins us from new york right now.
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tonight, the major court decision in arizona reinstating a 160-year-old civil war era law banning nearly all abortions in the state. arizona's supreme court ruling an 1864 law criminalizing all abortions except to save the mother's life can be enforced. doctors who perform one facing up to five years in prison. the key battleground ruling coming after gop front-runner donald trump said abortion should be up to the states. how soon could it take effect? also tonight, james and jennifer crumbley, the parents of a michigan school shooter sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison. the emotional moments in court. the couple coming face-to-face with families of the victims. the terror takedown in idaho. the fbi saying it arrested an ea


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