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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  April 10, 2024 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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right now at 11:00, leaving it all on the court. fans of women basketball coach
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tara vanderveer announcing she is retiring. we will take a look back at her legendary career as we prepare to hear from her in a matter of moments. good morning and thanks for joining us. we will get to the coaches retirement announcement in a moment but first, let's take a live look across the bay area this midday, look, the sun is shining bright, and of course we are tracking the mid week warm-up. how warm are we talking about? >> it'll be some of the warmest temperatures we've had so far this year with right now upper 60s in walnut creek and san jose, 60 in oakland and 59 in san francisco, so we've had a
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cool start but we are headed for the upper 70s in santa rosa at even though our record high is 85 degrees, what we are expecting it will be 10 degrees typical higher. we will be just as warm tomorrow before we cool down significantly further weekend. i'll have more on that in the full microclimate forecast coming up in a few minutes. new, uc berkeley has a new chancellor. announced today richard lyons, the associate vice chancellor and chief innovation and entrepreneurship offer will take over as the new person in charge. he's a berkeley alumnus dan was also the former dean of the berkeley hospital. he will succeed chancellor crist who announced last year she was stepping down. he will start his new role on july 1st. the all-time winningest coach in ncaa basketball history is retiring. >> tara vanderveer created
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quite a legacy for herself and the program. >> tara vanderveer is the winningest basketball coach in ncaa history with 1216 winds at idaho, ohio state and the maples pavilion behind me at stanford. she earned this title this past january when she surpassed former duke coach mike, and 70 years, the coach said it's time that she announced her retirement. after 38 seasons at stanford, she led the cardinals to three national championships and 14 final fours. in a statement she wrote in part, it has been an unforgettable ride, the joy for me was in the journey of each season, seeing a group of young women work hard for each other and form an unbreakable bond. this morning, to student athletes at stanford share their thoughts on the coaches retirement. >> i think it's really sad because she's done a lot for the program and for basketball in general although i'm a
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volleyball player i love watching aska ball and following it and i think what she has done for the sport and everyone, little kids look up to her, even coaches in general, i think it's amazing. >> i haven't really watched women's basketball and i think it's so awesome that everyone is starting to watch it and make women's brackets and stuff and i think it's really inspiring. so i do think she has done her time here but she's a really big inspiration to everyone else. >> coach tara is expected to remain on as an advisor. kate pay played under her has than on hers staff and is in negotiations to be the successor also stanford, leading the pac-12, so my point is, there's a lot of changes in store for next season. coach tara will talk to us during a news conference scheduled for 1:00 here on campus.
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>> throughout her career, coach vanderveer has earned their respective coaches throughout the country. anthony florez is joining us live from stanford. all right, anthony, look, she meant so much to the program, been there since 1985. talk about this new role as an advisor, how will that look? >> reporter: coach is scheduled to have a press conference at 1:00 this afternoon on campus. we will learn more about the role coming up, really in 45 years as a head coach of the game, the last 38 at stanford, she has left her imprint not only on the program but in ncaa college basketball. she was the all-time winningest coach, she has led stanford to three national championships, and 14 final four appearances, so no doubt, whatever role she takes in the program, she's already left her imprint on this program and pretty much given all her wisdom to this program, but with new changes, they are moving to the acc, there will be some new
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scheduling and trying to figure out how to game plan for long road trips, longer road trips than they are used to, that could be important in the future, and just kind of preparing for the changes even in college athletics with the transfer portal, it's not easy with stanford's tough academic standards, you get some of the top college basketball players, she has managed to do that and has drilled stanford into a national power for the last four decades. >> stanford curly in negotiations with kate payne to be her successor, what do we know about her and her credentials? >> she's a national champion, she was on the member of the winning team in 1992, she's been an assistant for 17 seasons, the past eight as an associate head coach. she has worked with coach vanderveer for all the ups and downs, and has learned from the best, no doubt, she will bring the wisdom and experience to the bench in the future.
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>> you kind of talked about this when you talk about moving conferences but along with the coaching era ending, they are facing the next level, next fall, without the pac-12, so what is being done with the basketball program and really across the athletic department to brace for the change? >> there will need to be a lot of changes if you are going to be competitive in the ac, that has been the predominant conference, this year the pac- 12 had unprecedented success with not only stanford but usc. so trying to compete in that conference and negotiating the travel schedule, how do you prepare while still taking care of your academic studies, that proved to be a big hurdle for stanford as well as overcoming the transfer portal, now, schools can be terrible one year and the next you get a
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couple of transfers in and you can be a national power. stanford will have to learn how to navigate that situation. they've done a great job so far, they were a top seed this year, so we will wait and see how that transpires but that will definitely be a challenge for stanford in the future. >> no doubt they will rise to the occasion. >> thank you very much, anthony. >> the news conference is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. as anthony was saying and we plan to stream for you live on roku and our other digital platforms and you can also watch it live on new details this mid day, this is after surveillance video surface is showing a man vandalizing a san francisco mosque. police confirming the incident happened last week but community members say he returned about 24 hours ago. >> ginger, you spoke to people from the mosque who say last week's vandalism, this isn't isolated? >> reporter: no, unfortunately laura and marcus, it's not. that's what i've been told by community members of the mosque
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over on sutter and polk street in san francisco. vandalism, coupled with harassment, have happened repeatedly over the past month, which is also or was also, the holy month of ramadan for muslims around the world. the incident of vandalism last week was caught on camera. this surveillance video was shared with us by a community member. it shows a man using a skateboard to smash windows at the mosque. police say this happened about a week ago and the same man may have made verbal threats as well. >> the same person comes back to the mosque and he walks in and starts smoking inside our prayer hall. and so essentially, we kicked him out and he started to cuss us out again, same car, same guy, almost trust the same . >> in the past month of ramadan, there have been a number of incidents including graffiti outside the mosque. this has been painted over but you can still make out the words, quote, you will all burn
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in hell and the word don't, at the entrance of the mosque as well. >> it included posting basically pictures of naked women and men on our walls and on our doors. >> today the muslim american community site celebrated the end of their holy month but underlining the celebration a sense of fear, intimidation and harassment. >> there has been an increase in these types of incidents, due to the polarizing landscape, due to the global crisis. >> the san francisco bay arm of care sent the statement, we urge mosque leaders to take extra precautions to protect their attendees and officials and leaders to take heed of how the israeli violence in palestine is having an impact here at home.
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>> reporter: and speaking to that fear of intimidation and harassment, there was an sf pd officer at the celebration that we were at earlier this morning. i'm told that the first time in at least a decade that an officer has been there, just to make sure that things go peacefully. >> it's a shame they had to have that
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former president trump is in atlanta this mid day, and promised to reporters he said arizona supreme court's ruling affirming civil war era abortion restrictions goes too far. >> it's all about states rights. i'm sure the governor and everybody else, i think it'll be taking care of pretty quickly. >> earlier on his social media platform, the presidential nominee said he does not favor a nationwide ban and thinks exceptions should be made for the life of a mother or rape. allen weisselberg is being sentenced to five months in jail charged with lying under oath about the value of trump's properties in his business
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fraud trial. this will be his second time behind bars. he was recently released after serving time for tax evasion. trump's hush money trial starts monday. now to a live look at the white house. this is where president biden is holding a news conference with the prime minister of japan. the two world leaders are discussing several issues including trade, the ongoing wars in the middle east and ukraine. japan's prime minister also announced the pan is giving 250 cherry trees to the u.s. this is to mark america's coming 250th birthday in 2026. the federal government is launching an investigation into boeing and it follows new whistleblower claims made by a quality engineer with the company. the whistleblower says boeing 787 dream liner aircraft is flawed saying sections of the planes fuselage are put together improperly. it also warns that after thousands of flights, it could break apart midair. boeing says, it's fully confident in the plane and
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calls the claims in part, inaccurate. congress is planning hearings next week. stocks are taking after the latest inflation data came in hotter than expected, the latest consumer price index shows inflation climbing at 3.5% compared to one year ago. a slightly higher rate than last month including a .4% increase compared to last month alone. the cpi without gas and food came and higher. investors, now fear, more felt tightening from the federal reserve when it comes to the interest rates. the dow, this morning, is trading more than 1% lower. with 1 million people commuting in the bay area every day, polls and roads play a vital role. this morning, i spoke to john goodwin, is from the metropolitan transportation commission about some big changes, and problems on the road. he began by talking about the end of the clean air program and the program allows electric car drivers with stickers and the hov lane and it's coming to an end next year although it might upset ev drivers, he says the program fulfilled its intent. >> the original intent to encourage people to buy electric vehicles looks like that has been successful and
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it's time to treat the clean air vehicles like others. >> just last month the ntc wrapped up a small pilot program with an app called ride flag. 100 people use the app by filling in the number of people in the express lane and th are coming through the data to see if the program is effective. kland bowlers are starting a new baseball era. they signed local talent to swing r the fences. the bowlers announcing that they are signing three players from open tryouts st week at laney college. they signed anew martinez, pitcher connor cap, and pitcher kelsey whitmore. whitmore will be the first female player on the roster. she's from southern california and is the first woman to sign a professional contract with mlb partner league.
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the bollards now have 31 players under contract going into spring training. the pioneer lee will also hold another tryout camp next week. the bowlers hold the first overall camp. the next couple of days are pretty nice, then we are going back to winter. we have a lot of changes here, i know, it's been like that as we have a couple of warm days in the middle of the week but then by the time we get to the weekend and we want to get out there and enjoy it, things change. we are also going to see our highs in the low 80s for today and tomorrow with a light wind of mostly sunny skies and by the weekend, it turns cooler with off and on rain namely on saturday. right now, mid to upper 60s, it's 69 in fremont, 64, martinez, 65 in santa rosa. just a few degrees above where we were yesterday at this time and looking at the south day, high temperatures in san jose, headed for 81 degrees.
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and we will see some upper 70s and low 80s for much of the southbay, san martin, 81. and looking at much of the east bay with a high of 80 degrees, the peninsula, low 70s, into san francisco and the north bay and the upper 70s. you've seen the seven-day forecast of the bottom of the screen showing the cooling trend. we will see that as we approach the weekend and we will see that friday. only upper 60s for the southbay while the north they will see temperatures around 64 degrees. here's what's going to start to develop and make its way closer to the bay area by friday and into the weekend. we are going to see breezy winds on friday, as the warm and mainly sunny weather that we have start some of the way. showers and possibly some sierra snow in the forecast for the weekend. and we will see that continue into sunday as well, the cooler temperatures with very modest warming going into next week.
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a look at how much rain we could see, in case you are looking on plans to get out or wanted to hold off on watering the lawn. we will see 1 to 2 inches of rain in the coastal areas and then for much of the north bay into the east bay, we could see about a half to three quarters of an inch of rain fall. if you're going to the sierra, it's about 6 to 14 inches of snow that's expected. so a nice little fresh coating of snow on top of what's already been well above normal season. looking at brentwood, look at the changes going from low 80s to only 56 for a high on saturday. and then, into the low 70s for the beginning of next week. we are really just watching the weekend for the rain chances but other than that, we can enjoy the next couple of days with warmer springtime temperatures.
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finding affordable housing can be a struggle in the bay area, especially for seniors but one young woman is finding a way to meet the need placing more than 1000 seniors in the process. chris sanchez showed us how she's helping to move the bay area forward. a bay area businesswoman is using the skills she started way back at age 15 to help seniors transition from their family homes into their next homes, even as they are trying to make it in the bay. 88-year-old judy carmichael is getting settled in her new senior living home in san jose. although she wasn't excited about leaving her home of 25 years, she told me she felt like it was time. >> well, it's a big change in your life and suddenly, you are not in charge anymore, you know ? >> something tells me you are still in charge. >> judy did get the final say but only after her daughter kristen, did online research and made calls and visited 27 different homes. >> it was huge and it's a whole new world. it's a world you don't come into until it's time to. so it was a very intense, and a
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deep dive into finding and learning, you know, what were the main criteria you know, to find for your mother, and it changed along the way. >> this is exactly why and anita founded her company, neighborly senior placement, she started working with seniors at the age of 15 as a waitress in a care facility after seeing how overwhelming the stage of life could be for the whole family, she created a concierge model so loved ones can talk with the team who had first-hand knowledge of local facilities, not just someone answering an 800-number at a corporate office. >> a lot of families don't know with their parents financial situation is, they don't know if they have long-term care insurance, maybe they'll have the power of attorney, so helping them to navigate and figure out how to access those things and get those documents in place so they can advocate
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on behalf of their loved one, it's something we have a lot of experience with. >> anita says they can't help everybody because of insurance policies and such but they try and use the resources that they gather to get people started off on the right path. she said it's the way they are paying it forward. >> some of the resources for families using medicare or medicaid are each counties agency on agency, the medicare care compare tool. according to the u.s. census bureau, california has the most assisted living communities in the country, so a little help choosing the right one can go a long way. happening now, many people are following the drama playing out along the bay area coastline. that's where rescuers are
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racing against time to save the 30 foot long gray whale entangled in netting. the video you are seeing, this is the police dragging it, under the water the bullies are connected to a large so-called guild net, some of which is wrapped around the whale. the started more than two weeks ago in southern california when he first became entangled.
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trending now, lady gaga returning to the movies. >> we are getting a first look at her latest big screen movie with joaquin phoenix. >> oscar winners teaming up for the new joker. lady gaga will play harley quinn. the film is a musical sequel to
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the 2019 joker movie starring phoenix for which he won't in oscar. mark your calendars, it set to premiere on october 4th. >> almost in time for halloween. >> good timing. all right, we have some very nice and end of spring like weather, heating up to the low 80s for today and tomorrow and then 60s for friday, which is about normal for this time of year, that echoes even lower on saturday. only reaching 55 but we will see off and on showers so make sure you are planning around the rain for your weekend. >> my wardrobe is very
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♪♪my wardrobe is very right now on "california live." >> it is cocktails with a side of view, i'm at one of l.a.'s newest rooftop


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