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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  April 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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will take place and that we will have a two-person general election. >> reporter: sam liccardo got 22%. if the tie stands, all three candidates will advance to a runoff in november. but if a recount breaks the tie, only two advance.>> it's important for sam liccardo to only face-off one challenger instead of two. >> reporter: evan low's campaign accuses sam liccardo's campaign. elections records show that jonathan padilla donated $1000 to sam liccardo last december. the request is for a more expensive manual recount, but in the paperwork jonathan padilla said he's not coordinating with any candidate . he also named evan low as
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the one to prevail. it means if joe simitian comes out ahead, jonathan padilla will oh $33,000 to pay for the recount. the executive director for the silicon valley political action committee sees a race more exciting. >> you will see more money come into this race and more fundraising to be done by both candidates. another headline is the weather. a cool down is coming. this is a look in san jose. what are you seeing? we did not set any records, but we were about average. i want to show you a comparison of where we were today compared to the average. right now 84 degrees here.
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we climbed into the 80s and we are warm throughout the entire bay area. now looking at today, santa rosa was 79 degrees. the average is 68. that is a 10 degrees difference. the average in concord is 79. san francisco hit 71 degrees compared to the low 60s. also a difference in oakland. look at san jose. the average is about 68. high pressure will bring us more warmth your thursday along with cloud cover in the early morning hours. aside from that changes are on the way. a cool down is coming from the system that is developing off the coast. not only will we see a cool down , we will also see the arrival of rain and more snow in the extended forecast.
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a major development in the deadly crash in concord over the weekend that killed a nine- year-old girl. today the chp arrested the driver. the suv he was driving veered off 680 at the 242 split. the suv rolls multiple times before landing upside down. a nine-year-old, danna hernandez tapia, was ejected and died. four of her family members have major injuries. a road trip for london breed. she's taking a 30 person delegation to china. it is about business and pandas. it begins this saturday. hong kong, beijing, and shanghai are among her stops. she wants to bring more economic opportunities to san francisco
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and secure an agreement to bring pandas to san francisco.>> our goal is to enter into major agreements and make san francisco significant to china and let them know we are open to the business relationships that could be developed. there's a lot we want to accomplish and a lot we want to bring back.>> downtown needs a lot of business and we know there are a lot of empty stores. tourism comes the economic growth. >> the delegation includes local business leaders. including the ceo of the chamber of congress. the mayor wassail look to expand airline mounts to bring more visitors with a focus on areas like downtown, chinatown, richmond, and sunset. a street vendor ban may be
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backfiring. in november the city started to prohibit street sales on mission street. they permitted vendors to move to new places. one of the market disclosing because they don't have enough customers. the vendors will be moved to one location. >> now we will have a higher concentration and more products and then focus our marketing efforts on one site. we hope that this will help to increase the sales. >> this was in response to a spike in crime. it was supposed to last 90 days, but the six-month extension was announced. it continues and there's a solution for illegal bending playing out in southern california. long beach is giving away free carts to incentive i street vendors to comply with regulations.
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it is in the second phase and it allows 40 businesses to get a free vending cart from the city. >> we've gone from prohibition to regulation, which is hugely important. >> the program covers business licenses and permit fees along with insurance costs up to $450. uber is tightening up on safety features. they announced new measures to lower safety risks and ensure better security for women riding at night. it allows them to select safety preferences like audio recorded rise, pin verification and location sharing. uber is facing lawsuits accusing them of failing to prevent sexual assaults against passengers. low income families will have more to spend thanks to a
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change to a federal program. it provides monthly grossly benefits to mothers and children. it gives them access to food. now more money will be allocated for fruits and vegetables. it's the first update to this program in 10 years. the change will take effect in june. we are well past the worst of the covid-19 pandemic, but the impact could be lingering for people who had severe infections. new research shows that survivors face persistent health problems even now. they examined 19 people across the u.s. who had some of the longest and most harrowing battles. those who were people on ventilators. and then discharged to long- term centers for years. those extended stays in hospitals led to more health issues. things like nerve damage. about
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two thirds of them still had physical, psychiatric, and cognitive problems for up to a year. joining me now is a frequent guest. good to see you. what kind of lingering symptoms are we talking about? >> symptoms that you pointed out. physical symptoms like difficulty walking, weakness, repercussions of not having enough food while you real. respiratory or breathing problems have lingered. then psychiatric. that might continue. ptsd of remembering when you had anxiety and depression and the fourth thing is problems with thinking. like people with long covid. even though we focus on more
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than 1 million deaths, the survivors also have to be taken care of. we've had more than 6 million.>> i don't know if you know the answer to this, but is it expected that these people will eventually get better or is this how they will be with some people that have long covid.>> i think there will be some variation. some of the symptoms may not go away. some of the psychiatric symptoms like pete ptsd can linger for years. people that have problems walking or thinking and feeling depressed, you may have one or two of them, but some of them may linger. is very complex and that's why a lot of focus is on rehab in this situation. there are disparities because if your insurance can pay for
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the right rehab, if you have access to these things after you survived the hospital, you may have a different course.>> now we have all these -- had like eight booster shots by now. and so many people have covid. where are we with the status of covid? it sounds like right now we are not seeing that type of serious infection that end up with people on ventilators. is that accurate? >> yes. in general, the answer is yes. we are at the lowest point we've ever been in the history of the pandemic. but there are a few people still doing poorly. maybe 2 to 300 week as opposed to 2000 per day. we have to make sure everyone gets on the same page. it is less of a threat now. the
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way i think about it is don't be afraid of it. take all the precautions, but you have to look both ways before you cross the street.>> is there a possibility -- i think after the end when we saw the pandemic slowdown, is there a possibility we could receive another strain that could be a strong one that we are not ready for? and we keep saying that it's over. >> it is a great question. we will see new variant pop up. that's the evolution of the virus. but the soil is inhospitable right now because of the built- up immunity. some people need to be reminded
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by shots and vaccines. for the majority of the population, even if you see crazy variants in the future with covid, my feeling is it will be very different from march of 2020.>> good to see you. thank you very much. coming up next, we are tracking where the whale is and how do scientists lose track? a beautiful day not only in san francisco but across the bay. but we have some changes that you will want to plan for and i have you covered in the full forecast. we are tracking an uptick in avian flu. the risks to humans and its effect on your grocery bill. and voters decide whether to remove
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sermon today is the end of the holy month of ramadan, an important day in the muslim calendar. there was no celebration inside the gaza strip with the carnage of the deadly war against hamas continues to leave that region rampant with disease and famine. today the president said benjamin netanyahu is making a mistake with his approach to the war. he called for an immediate cease-fire. the end of ramadan means the end of a fast. during ramadan they focus on prayer and reflection while fasting from sunrise to sundown. but now is a time for joy with large meals and visiting family and acts of charity like giving gifts to children or those in need.
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plenty of gatherings here including the east bay to mark the end. a prayer and celebration at a park in san ramon. this is that the islamic center. >> when you self reflect during this month at that time you realize what is happening. it weighs on you quite a lot. it takes a person more about what can i do to all the suffering. suffering is amongst everyone. >> the event that you see here had plenty of activities and food for children and the adults. the search continues for a kwei whale after coastline. it is an sneered in a fishing net. it is swimming north with netting around its tail. is also pulling a buoy. national
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oceanic and atmospheric administration. so right now they want to attach a new device if they can find the whale. they are facing some obstacles. that is the trouble. things are dependent upon conditions. so the time of the day the availability of resources, the location, all those things have to be aligned. >> right now it's focused around pacifica where the whale was last spotted. it is going north on a feeding migration to alaska. but the netting will make it difficult for the whale. we will take you outside. it looks nice.
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and it was very sunny today. i was in the city and it was glorious.>> i think everyone appreciated even more. before we get to that, let's talk about the fantastic temperatures that we will enjoy before the cooled down influences our temperatures. also in the atmosphere as the rain develops. look at the current temperatures. this is a tour of the bay. 78 in walnut creek. and 67 in san francisco. the 24 hour temperature change right now were about 9 degrees warmer in santa rosa compared to the past 24 hours. this tells you the influence of the high pressure system that has been keeping us dry. and you also notice high clouds coming through.
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you can get a better image of the next system. this is going to be coming in overnight friday into saturday. first let's get to the thursday morning commute. we could see some patchy fog developing especially around the north bay. look at concord in the morning. 53. not a chilly night just sort of a cool morning. by 3:00 p.m. we will see the return of the 80s. you will have one more chance to enjoy these above-average temperatures. the rain will make a return. the changes will come tomorrow into friday, but this is what the models are showing. we will see the cloud cover and bring the possibility for. and then i saw the models showing rain late. look at this
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set up. this is at around 11:30 p.m. you start to see rain moving in and then it will pick up saturday morning at around 11. we could see the development of thunderstorms, but a lot of it will be off the coast. rain totals right now are backing off. but you see areas shaded in red and the sierra is another area we are keeping an eye on. any time we see the influence of colder air, it kicks up the wind, which is another concern. saturday and sunday the cooled down will be significant. in the 50s for san francisco. just comparing it to what we are seeing. you will notice it for sure. >> today was nice. can we just freeze-frame that. coming up next, one of the
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largest college sports associations
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one of the largest college sports associations in the country is moving to ban transgender women from women sports. the end aaia overseas programs
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including pacific union college and cal maritime. they unanimously approved a new policy on monday stating that only student athletes assigned female at birth will be allowed to compete in women's sports. so transgender men can compete in women's sports only if they have not started hormone therapy. all students will be allowed to compete on men the naia is the first to take this kind of the step. policy is set to start in august. fake botox has left some people hospitalize. the cdc said that it is usually administered in medical settings that are not regulated. toxins attack the body's nerves
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and patients have blurry vision, fatigue, and a droopy face. at least four people in illinois and tennessee have been hospitalized. immigration is the top issue. a new census report is giving us a new insight. more than half of the u.s. foreign-born population lived in four states. california, texas,, and new york. they come from latin american countries. the census found that the immigrant population has grown older and more educated over the past dozen years and two thirds arrived before 2010. in 2022 the foreign-born population was estimated to be about 14% of people in u.s. in calirnia immigrants make up re than 20% of thpution in 2022. a recent surge of immigrants is making immigration a more central theme in the
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presidential election. but there are not numbers on the number of undocumented foreign-born population. coming up next, and overdue thank you. the honor given to the women of world war ii. and let's go to rockefeller center. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today.
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they were heroes holding down the home front while the men were at war.>> real-life rosie the riveters are getting recognition. 27 of them gathered today to receive the top civilian honor. congressional gold medal. they came from all across the country including a group from san francisco. one of them is 98. in the 1940s she and her sisters worked at the kaiser shipyards in richmond. her sister who passed away was the driving force behind the congressional gold medal act. they collectively awarded the honor to 16 million women. some high-profile candidate who want to unseat the mayor are laying out plans to fix san francisco. one of those candidates will join us in the studio. that is coming up at 7:00 p.m. the government is taking action to eliminate forever
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chemicals in drinking water. breaking news tonight, the deadly breaking news tonight, the deadly storms on the move. tornadoes touching down, and major flash flooding in the south. the dramatic images. power poles exploding as a massive tornado crosses the highway in louisiana. major damage near new orleans. 50 people rescued at an apartment complex. across the gulf coast, heavy rain and hail, strong winds downing trees, ripping off roofs. widespread floods, streets and highways underwater. we're tracking it all. also this evening, growing fallout after arizona upheld a 160-year-old abortion ban. donald trump saying today, arizona went too far and that it will, quote, be straightened out. but how? shots fired during an end of ramadan celebration in philadelphia. three injured including a


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