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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  April 16, 2024 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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right now at 11:00, convicted killer scott peterson gets another day in court. we're live on the peninsula as he seeks to overturn his murder
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conviction. plus, pro-palestinian protesters making their voices heard, this time in the south bay. the bay area tech company the group is calling out now a day after demonstrations stopped traffic in the bay area. good morning to you. thanks for joining us for our midday newscast. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. the first of three hearings to see if scott pederson will get another trial is in the books. >> ginger, the hearing relatively wrapped up quickly. >> reporter: that's right, marcus and laura. things took around 30 minutes to wrap up. it was pretty straightforward. defense attorney actually categorizd today by saying you can't make interesting out ofoborhing. of boring.
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nonetheless, scott peterson appeared in court virtually, as he did last time. you're seeing the file video of his appearance in court from the last hearing. he did not say much today, much like it was last time. he confirmed that he could see and hear the proceedings from mule creek state prison where he is serving a life sentence without parole. today, the judge was expected to rule on a motion to seal, set forth by peterson's defense attorneys from the l.a. innocence project. that didn't happen. the defense withdrew their motion. paula, who is not related to the case, broke down what happened in the courtroom. >> after lawyer talk, the defense basically withdrew their motion because really, most of what they were asking for regarding sealing was already under seal. >> the big aspect of this case moving forward will be the retesting of dna evidence or new
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testing of dna seven-day forecas -- evidence. that'll be key. if they can show laci peterson was in the burned out van, that's a game-changer. >> reporter: that is what many people are looking forward to in the next hearing. from the previous one, we do know that the defense originally put forth this motion to protect the identity of witnesses who want to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation. prosecutors made the case today that those identities are already redacted, and a quarter of the names and addresses have already been made public to some extent at some point. moving forward, as mentioned by steve clark, one of our legal analysts, the motion to be considered in may might be more fascinating because that deals with the part of dna testing on a mattress and a burned out van that is involved or was involved, rather, i should say, in a robbery around the timei p. that'll be considered may 29th. that is what we expect to take more out of the day.
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we will keep you most edposted e developments as well as the following hearings as we continue to keep a close eye on this case. guys, back to you. >> thank you very much, ginger. well, developing now, protesters are gathering once again, a day after demonstrations crippled the bay area from the golden gate bridge to 880 in oakland. this time, however, protesters are focused on sunnyvale, where kris sanchez joins us this morning. this is centered on google? >> reporter: it is centered on google. it seems to be less about the disruption of traffic, like we've seen over the last couple of days, focused on the google cloud nimbus project which protesters say the contributing to the death toll in gaza and israel. take a look at it here. you see a handful of employees gathered there, and they are going to be protesting. they're part of the no tech for apartheid campaign. they are protesting that $1.2 billion contract, they say, was
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just reached with the israeli government and israeli military and google. now, if you look from sky ranger above, you'll see that this is a relatively small protest here in sunnyvale at the google cloud headquarters, but there is a similar one in chelsea, in new york city, and also at the google campus in seattle. we are not expecting the level of disruption we saw yesterday around the bay area when protesters blocked the golden gate bridge for hours with that goal of drawing attention to the u.s. government's financial assistance to israel in the war against hamas and the civilian casualties among the people of gaza. if you're wondering why it takes so long to remove protesters in some of the situations, there's video here from the chp of the delicate work of using jackhammers and welding machineries and saws without hurting the protesters. this happened on 880 in oakland as well as the golden gate bridge. between these protests, about 40
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people were arrested. some will be prosecuted by the san francisco d.a.'s office, some by the alameda county d.a.'s office. the initial charges are conspiracy to commit a crime and unlawful assembly. in a prior bay area shutdown, just to give you perspective, we saw many of the protesters who were arrested ultimately convicted of misdemeanors and infractions punishable by community service and fines rather than more serious penalties. now, we talked with the legal analyst who says that part of the problem is that california laws have not kept up with the pace of what's happening right now. she told us other states make it criminal to protest by blocking traffic. california does not do that. we also spoke with a young woman who is about two years into her very first job out of college, working on the nimbus project here. we talked with her out here about her protest against her employer. pointed out that she might lose her job over this. she says she had to do something. >> there's no, like, 100% way to be prepared for losing your job.
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i would not like to lose my job. i did not plan to lose my job right out of college. but i think that it is impossible for me to continue coming into work every week without acknowledging and loudly condemning project nimbus and any support for the israeli government. >> reporter: now, in fremont, you have the tesla plant. officers were able to keep the demonstration off the freeway, though they did deploy pepper balls. going back to that young woman who we spoke with, she said that she's been politically active before, but this is the most politically active she's been because she couldn't take it anymore, to stand by and do nothing. we don't know what is going to happen with her employment at this point. she does say that some of her employees, fellow employees, have been retaliated against and have been victimized by their employer, by other colleagues, pointed out, singled out for
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their position on the war between israel and hamas. she says that some of them have docked with their names and personal information on the internet, so people could target them. we don't know what will come of the protest, but it won't impact you unless you're driving around this area. even then, not likely. however, they're trying to send a strong message to google that bay area tech shouldn't be involved in something like this. in sunnyvale, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> thank you for the latest there, kris. also new at 11:00, oakland police asking for help to find a missing 11-year-old girl. take a look. her name is casslyly -- cassidy wimberley, last seen last night. she was wearing a black cropped jacket and pink shirt. if you have any information, police urge you to call 911. three people are facing charges in connection with the weekend's shooting deaths of two
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teenage girls. 22-year-old john nicholson jr. of vallejo faces murder charges, while two 19-year-olds from santa rosa are facing aiding in a felony charge. mourners last night leaving flowers and candles at the sight. this is where the victims died saturday night. those killings happened on riverside drive in napa. the as yet unidentified victims were 17 and 19 years old. now to a follow up on the dangerous sideshows which took over several intersections in the east bay last weekend. oakland police are issuing new numbers surrounding the fallout. see right there, this is from sunday morning. hundreds of cars did donuts. participants set off fireworks. some drivers even rammed into police cars. now, opd says it all resulted in three arrests, 52 citations, and 21 cars towed. city leaders still say the
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department needs more officers to deal with the city's sideshow problem. day two of the donald trump hush money trial is under way in new york city. >> on docket, more work on choosing a jury. scott tells us what they've accomplished so far and what's ahead. >> yeah, good morning. we had a number of rulings from the judge yesterday, the first day of trial. the judge turned down a prosecutor's request to show the jury the "access hollywood" tape, but said prosecutors can talk about it. and prosecutors can call on another woman who said she had an affair with trump and was paid off, karen mcdougal, as a witness, but not that trump's m the time of the affair. they can't tell the jury that. as of the jury, nobody has been selected yet. the judge asked a first pool of jurors to raise their hands if they thought they could be fair or not fair. about half the people said they couldn't be fair, and the judge dismissed them.
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trump on his truth social said that proves you can't get a fair trial. of course, the opposite is arguably true. those who were rejected as unfair will not serve. the remaining pool of people are facing a series of questions, everything from, have you attended a trump rally or anti-trump rally, to the more common, what do you do for a living? do you have any connection to law enforcement? those common questions you may have been asked if you've ever been called. this morning, trump complained about the gag order, saying, "i want to speak, or at least be able to respond. election interference. rigged, unconstitutional trial. take off the gag order." now, trump is welcome to say anything he wants about the case, the prosecution, the judge. in fact, in the same posting, he called the judge conflicted and trump hating. he's welcome to take the stand in his own defense and says he plans to. the gag order says he can't mention court staff or the families of court staff, including the judge's family,
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nor can he criticize witnesses. prosecutors say he's already violated that order and wants the court to rule that's the case. the judge says he'll consider that next week. back to you. >> thank you, scott. all right. let's get a look at what's happening with that forecast today. look outside in san jose. >> look out. >> the sun is like, i am here. >> gorgeous. >> sticking around for the week, as well. it'll be warming up today. we're going to see more days like this and a chance to get out and maybe take lunch outside or, you know, just enjoy the warmer weather. it's going to feel like spring out there. it's 66 degrees now in walnut creek. that's one of the warmer spots. it is heating up there faster than what we're seeing elsewhere. oakland is 58 degrees. 65 in san jose. we're still in the 50s in san francisco. a look at hayward and what to expect the next few hours. currently, we're at 63 degrees. we're headed for the low70s.
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another ten degrees for the warmup in the temperature today. this weather will linger into the rest of the week. we'll talk about the weekend and what's ahead in a few minutes. >> thank you. legal action possibly coming for ticketmaster's parent company next here on "nbc bay area." the saga taylor swift fans know too well that has the federal government sounding the alarm. recall confirmed. alameda county district attorney pamela price faces a new challenge. we explain the next steps and the questions being raised by her legal team. and to remind you, you can apply for nbc universal's local impact grts. if you know a non-profit, this is the chance. the program entering its seventh year and will award more than $227,000 to eligible local non-profits. the application window is on until this friday, april 19th. for more details, scan the qr code there on your screen. it'll take you directly to our website. we'll be rht back. stigic
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a live look in san francisco. this is where transit leaders will vote on a plan to roll out new speed cameras. mta members elected to approve the use of those cameras at 33 locations starting next year. supervisors earlier this month moved the plan forward as part of the pilot program approved b journal," the doj is preparing to file an antitrust suit against ticketmaster's parent company. the lawsuit would allege livenation leveraged its dominance in a way that undermined competition for ticketing live events. ticketmaster and livenation merged in 2010 despite concerns about a potential monopoly. it's faced increased scrutiny in recent years over high ticket prices and after botching ticket
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sales for taylor swift's eras tour. ticketmaster defended itself against the investigation last month, writing that economic conditions led to higher pricing. well, it's confirmed. alameda county voters will have their say on the future of the district attorney's office. election leaders say opponents have collected enough signatures for that recall vote. nbc bay area's bob redell has reaction from a member of d.a. price's legal peace. >> reporter: alameda county district attorney pamela price, whose office has a location here at the east county hall of justice behind me in dublin, says the recall is, quote, simply illegal. the alameda county registrar's office confirms it's received enough valued signatu valid sig recall. of the 120,000 received, nearly 75,000 qualified as valid, well over the minimum needed. a group called safe, or save alameda for everyone, spent weeks collecting the signatures
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to recall price from office because they argue she's too soft on crime and anti-law enforcement. >> we have a lot of people that will never understand why we're recalling pamela price, but then there are thousands of people that had been victims of different types of crimes and thought that they were getting justice in the previous administration, and then to come over into this administration and it's totally different. >> what the county has been doing is picking and choosing provisions in the charter and saying, these apply but these don't apply. >> reporter: that was pamela price's campaign lawyer who claims the recall is not legal, that some of the people who gathered the signatures were not county residents, and that the county failed to verify the signatures within a ten-day deadline. he plans to make his case when the board of supervisors meet to certify the results on april 30th. s.a.f.e. is hoping for an early special election rather than waiting for the november ballot. they believe price is capable,
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in their words, of doing a lot of damage between now and november. here in dublin, bob redell, nbc bay area news. the recall of thousands of ballots is under way for the 16th congressional district race. election workers at santa clara and san mateo counties registrar of voters began examining 150,000 of the ballots. a machine is sorting them today. right now, the race for second place is a deadlock between county supervisor and the assemblyman. they each got the same number of votes in the march primary. both men are set to advance to the run-off in november against la cardo, who won the primary, unless the recount changes the numbers. another check of the forecast on this tuesday. nice temperatures today. >> looks really nice. it is starting to warm up. we are enjoying sunshine. it is really a beautiful spring day, but we've also had to deal with spring allergies. i wanted to show you that if you're sneezing, this may be
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what you're allergic to. oak, mulberry, and grass. those are measuring high on the pollen count, and dust is medium, as well. molds are low, but i think a lot of people are just dealing with the culmination of all of the pollen and mold and dust floating through the air. they are still trying to enjoy the warmer than normal weather we'll see for this afternoon. santa rosa up to 73 degrees. our normal high temperature for this day is about 69. in concord, we're usually seeing the low 70s, but we're headed for 77 degrees. also above normal temperatures from san francisco, oakland, as well as san jose. our temperatures are going up several degrees compared to yesterday, so in oakland, we're going to see a high of 71. 73 in napa. some mid 60s for san francisco and san jose, 77 degrees. tomorrow it is slightly warmer for the valleys with low 80s in the south bay. upper 70s from novato as well as napa. looking at even the next few
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days, our temperatures remain in the 70s. a few low 80s. all of the cold and rainy weather that we had over the weekend has now moved over toward parts of the midwest that are dealing with now some severe weather. we are also seeing some clouds and rain off the coast, but that's going up and around the bay area as it is being steered by high pressure that is now to our south. the high pressure keeps it warm, keeps it nice, and also keeps any rain chances away. we'll see that continue into the weekend as well as next week. possibly by the end of next week, we could see the rain coming back as our temperatures dip down a little bit more. let's take a look at napa in the next ten days. we're going from highs in the upper 70s to low 80s. we see that continue through at least sunday, but then temperatures start to come back down for the middle to end of next week. it does bring it back to some more seasonable weather. so we are still well above normal for the rest of the week and through the weekend. nothing but sunshine here. nice, quiet weather continuing.
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morning starting out around 50 degrees. for san francisco, we are going to see a few more clouds on thursday, and then a slight cooldown on friday with the stronger ocean breeze. for the weekend, we're going back to some more comfortable weather with the lighter wind and a mostly sunny sky. it does look great here as we continue on throughout the week. laura, marcus. >> thanks, kari. happening now, in less than an hour, governor gavin newsom will address the climate in crisis with a delegation from norway. he plans to announce a new plan with the crown prince. the detail are under wraps. we are counting down to the summer olympics in paris. the torch was lit overnight. ahead on "today in the bay," we
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tomorrow marks 100 days until the start of the olympic games in paris. a torch relay lasting 100 days began today in greece. this follows a ceremonial lighting of the flame at the birthplace of the games, ancient olympia. the event echoing ancient greek times. the relay culminates in july in paris. it'll be carried 3,000 miles to france's capital. some of the teams, team usa's
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top olympic hopefuls are in new york this week. >> that includes gold medal gymnast suni lee. she made history in tokyo, the first asian-american woman to win gold in the all-around. she says repairing for these next olympic games has not been easy. over the last year, she battled a kidney condition that, at times, left her fingers so swollen, she couldn't grab the poles, the grips. she last competed in tokyo in elite gymnastics all-around, but she's on the comeback trail. >> health wise, i'm doing way better, in remission right now. i've been able to be in the gym for long hours, practice every single day consistently. this journey hasn't been easy, especially after the olympics and, like, dealing with my health issues. not even knowing if i was going to be here, it's motivated me. that's the kind of motivation i need every single day, to be better. >> the u.s. gymnastics trials are set for the end of june in
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her hometown of minneapolis. she's excited because she hasn't competed there since she was 13 years old. >> that's fun. >> we'll be cheering her on. nbc bay area is your home for olympics. from the local athletes to a breakdown of new sports making olympic debuts in paris. just head to our website, for anyone hoping to drive home the point that the 49ers are the best team in football, you can simply let the world know with your license plate. >> that's right. the faithful can now show their support pretty much everywhere with those custom, new license plates. proceeds from each of the plates going to go to the 49ers foundation nonprofit. the team want to roll out these plates several years ago but couldn't do so until they got 7,500 pre-orders. they've accomplished that. it'll cost you a little, $50, not much. double that for the personalized plates, of course. don't forget the annual renewal rates. >> nice to show your pride
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there. always interesting to see how creative people get with trying to get 49ers fan in there somewhere. >> exactly. >> personalized tag. don't have to do it anymore. >> boom. we're enjoying the sunshine and the warmer temperatures. take a look at san francisco. if you're making weekend plans, it is going to be much warmer as we are still looking at some upper 60svalleys, highs in the mid to upper 70s. we'll make a high of 80 tomorrow in san jose as well as concord and the inland east bay. >> really good. >> do i see it correctly, no rain for the weekend? >> nope, not this weekend. >> stop talking about it. >> you can probably go hiking. i might try to do that this weekend. >> great. >> you all wan to tgo
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♪♪ right now on "california live." >> i'm half way between l.a. and san diego and find out why i'm covering myself in mud. and then


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