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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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doctors spoke out, many of them said they felt that closing the regional trauma center would cost lives. the regional medical center of san jose plans to shut the level ii trauma center in august, citing a decline in use over the past two years, and maria reyes is trying to keep it open. >> trauma means immediate medical help, when there is none, you can't put a band-aid on a gunshot wound and say go. >> reporter: she says the trauma center is the only one in the eastside community and closing it will disproportionately impact minority patients, forcing them to travel another 10 miles to santa clara or 21 miles to stanford hospital, which would be the only two remaining trauma centers in the county. and shuttering the regional trauma center will impact all patients by creating longer weights at other hospitals emergency departments, already
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seeing an increase in patients. and hca, and treating the most severe heart attacks, known as stem e and downgrade the program, supervisor cindy chavez says 20% of the counties stroke patients are treated at regional. >> somebody who is having a stroke, you don't want to drive another eight miles to get them to a stroke center, the reason is the impacts are minute by minute that brain damage happens. sharon martinez says she was treated at the regional trauma center and would've died she had to drive to another center. she and other community members and doctors spoke out, pleading to keep regional's trauma and specialty heart centers open, now it is up to the state to make the final decision. in san jose, marianne favreau. san jose has a new police watchdog, mayor matt may hand --
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mahan, introducing the new auditor, providing city police department advisory, and brings 40 years of legal experience to the job including a similar war -- roll. he officially starts next month. a follow-up to the story we brought you last night, a san jose fire captain was arrested for attempted lewd acts on a child. a retired fire captain and those sounding off about what it could mean for the integrity and reputation of the department. we broke the story and joining us live with more on the latest candle to hit the department.>> reporter: you can sense a lot of nervousness among the leadership here in san jose city hall with the latest developments. no one is able to say much as it remains a very active and serious investigation. former san jose fire captain spencer parker remains out of jail on $350,000 bail.
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according to sacramento county court records, he is charged of three felony counts of attempted lewd acts on a child. and what are legal analysts says appears to be a law enforcement dean, they accuse him of sending illicit pitchers to a person he thought was 13. we spoke to the mayor one-on- one about the case. >> i'm just sickened by the allegations and we are working with law enforcement agencies closely to ensure that a full thorough investigation is done and that justice is served. >> is very painful at this time and hurts all of us, whether you are active or retired. >> reporter: spending 33 years with the san jose fire department before retiring. now he is concerned about the department he probably served. first a scandal at the peak brutal -- pink poodle gentlemen's club, were a woman was seen coming out of a fire engine. >> is it another blemish?
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figure it hurts, one or two incidences one or too many. >> reporter: the fire department referred us to the city manager, who would only say that parker is no longer a city employee, and nobody seems willing to say much more than that. >> i can't share more without jeopardizing the ongoing investigation. >> reporter: the sacramento county sheriff's citron these the results of the investigation monday, sources tell me the potential outcome has many people nervous here at san jose city hall. damian trujillo. ballot machines are turning hard today, recounting votes for the 16th congressional district race, take a look at election workers busy feeding the county machines at the register voters in san jose. part of a weeklong process to see if a new count could change the outcome of a rare tie for second place between the county supervisor and the assembly man
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evan lowell, they each got the exact same number of votes in the march primary and both said to advance to the november runoff, and who won the primary unless the changes that. one of the candidates will replace anna ashooh. one and breed is headed for beijing as she can use a business trip to china, the mayor has spent the last two days visiting the southern region, meeting with executives and government officials, and got to visit the home of san francisco legend bruce lee, the mayor car running for reelection, the idea is to strengthen cultural and business ties with china, she will meet more officials in beijing before celebrating the 45th anniversary of the sister city relationship with san francisco. israel's war cabinet met to
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determine next steps against iran after the weekend aerial assault. while retaliation is expected to be limited in scope, an israeli official confirms a response is imminent. lawmakers review a number of bills on israel, taiwan and ukraine. here are more details. >> reporter: with a response to iran's weekend attack likely imminent, the world is waiting to see how far israel will go. >> we do not want to see this escalate but we also support israel's right to defend itself.>> reporter: the israeli war cabinet meeting for the third straight day weighing its options, the biden administration has been urging restraint, and 4 u.s. officials say they expect a limited israeli response. most likely involving strikes against iranian forces and iranian backed proxies outside of iran. the unprecedented and unsuccessful missile and drone attacks against israel came in response to a strike against the
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iranian embassy compound in syria, warning that it would mount an immediate and severe response to any further israeli action. >> this is the moment for everyone to say we had a punch and a counterpunch, let's not turn it into a regional war.>> reporter: considering the next foreign aid funding steps, outlining steps to split military aid for israel, ukraine and taiwan into separate bills with a fourth piece of legislation tying together other republican national security priorities. the senate would then have to vote again. >> time is of the essence. >> escalating the threats to kick >> johnson -- speaker johnson out of his job. >> i'm not resigning, and in my view it is absurd that someone would bring a vacate motion. >> reporter: sang a fresh speaker fight would not be helpful for the cause of the country.>> the treasury
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secretary janet yellen said her department would not hesitate to work with allies to level new sanctions against iran as the conflict with israel plays out. iran already faces heavy sanctions, raising questions about how much of a deterrent they are. in washington, alice barr, nbc news. the first seven jurors have been selected for donald trump's hush money trial, 34 felony counts for allegedly using campaign funds to silence an adult film actress ahead of the 2016 election. jury selection continued after a judge dismissed half of the prospective jurors on day one, one of them spoke with nbc's vaughn hillyard about the experience. >> it was such an interesting experience, because i had never seen him in person before. and you see someone blown up so larger-than-life on the media, for so many years, and to see them in person is very jarring,
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and you get the sense that it is like, this is just another guy. >> the judge also admonished the former president for talking too loudly after a juror was questioned, warning mr. trump about intimidating jurors, the entire jury selection process could take up to two weeks. the u.s. supreme court remains divided on the case on whether those in the january 6 attack can be charged with obstruction. brought by former police officer accused of joining the capital riot, he is trying to dismiss the charge. the long question criminalizes efforts to obstruct, influence or impede any official proceeding and can result in a sentence of up to 20 years in prison. former president trump faces the same charge among others and his election interference case in washington dc, that means his case -- this case could have a bearing on his
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prosecution. another day of protests about the war in gaza, what made it different and how google is involved. search and rescue crews practicing today in case the big one hits tomorrow, the special help to find earthquake survivors. i am chief meteorologist jeff ranieri, so beautiful outside, 5-10 degrees hotter, 76 in livermore, ge
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a new target today for demonstrators, demanding an end to the war in gaza, this one involving one of the biggest names in technology, let's bring in our business and tech reporter, the focus of this protest at google, one of the offices. >> more specific focus than yesterday, which was shutting down entire ways to get to work or get anywhere, this was at the google cloud office to bring attention to the protest, at issue something called
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project nimbus, google ai and cloud technology service used by israel, the protesters are demanding that google and the contact with israel and demanding that google work to stop what they say is harassment of palestinian and muslim employees at google. the protest today, at google offices at sunnyvale but also seattle and new york city, involving both sit ins and offices and walkouts. and google enter test employees, they told us what they want to happen next.>> we demand that google executives drop nimbus now and also demand that google protect their arab, muslim and palestinian workers who are speaking out against project nimbus and have been facing harassment, suppression and retaliation at work. >> scott, we have seen walkouts before at google, i'm just amazed that google employees working out and protesting their own company, they are
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brave enough to do that. >> right, we've seen this when it came to gender equity and wages, they walked out and said we are not doing enough even at our own company, it is fairly impressive, leave seen them do that, and some people say it's just because they are already wealthy but taking quite impressive stand to see our management needs to change, google is doing this in front of its own offices, sometimes inside its own offices, i been in touch with some people right now inside the google cloud executive office saying we expect to be arrested. and taking a stand and saying willing to do this to get the word out. >> a corrugated work effort, and a big footprint, and in silicon valley, all the places disagree
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with the contact, a cousin of the protest we've seen recently on the bay bridge, but this one is specifically saying we are targeting our own company and actions, the way that as a company we make money, and we wanted to change and we will see if it happens. >> scott, thank you. local firefighters are not waiting -- waiting for the next earthquake, we got a look at how firefighters and highway patrol are training to find victims after a major quake, take a look right here, they dropped off a firefighter with a rescue dog, barney ran to the rubble to find a toy he, feeling -- finding trap survivors. it makes it easier to search, it is too dangerous to reach on foot. >> we could go for a while, whatever would be necessary,
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whatever we needed to do, we can handle it in that position. >> and in spite of major advances in technology, dogs are still the best way to find trapped people after a disaster. dragon update on the state of the economy from the federal reserve chair, he said it remains strong and inflation is heading down but it is not going down fast enough and has not hit the goal of 2%, the fed chair says cutting interest rates is unlikely until we get closer to that goal. staying with the economy, the dow snapped a six-day losing streak, adding nearly 64 points. and tech heavy nasdaq lost almost 20 and the s&p lost almost 10 points. let's talk about the weather, it's quite a change, the sun is out and it really warmed up. >> they ran out was short sleeves today.
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>> and for more warm weather the next couple of days, a few speed bumps, nice temperatures, get this, we may not actually be done with rainfall just yet, i will explain more coming up, let's get you outside to wanted creek. in these bay, and 35 degrees, and stably joined with her the next couple of hours, and also 9:00, sunny skies right now. 60s by seven and 8 as well and then drop it in the 50s later on tonight, the area of high pressure, the main storm track to the north for dry weather tomorrow, and and little bit different for us. and starting to move in
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southern california, bringing cloud cover, and not quite as wall-to-wall, the sunshine, fog and clouds mixing in, throughout the day, see the high clouds move across, i still think we will get sun breaking through the cloud cover as well, a mixed forecast as we look through tomorrow afternoon. all in all temperatures staying on the warm side once we get over the morning, morning temperatures overall are starting to creep up, little bit more comfortable as you step out the door. 52 in the tri-valley, more 50s in the north bay, san francisco and the east bay. daytime highs for tomorrow, across the south bay another day with widespread 70s, cupertino to san jose and then east san jose, gilroy, the low 80s, a few more 80s back towards the east bay, walnut creek and concorde and the low
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80s, fremont, 78, fremont up to 77. san mateo 75, we have some ocean breeze, not quite widespread 70s for the coastline, keeping you would 67 at half moon bay. i do think we will get the 70 in the outer sunset, 72 in the mission and 71 downtown. a mighty fine day out here. across the north bay, 77 here in sonoma. as we head through the week, a storm system offshore by thursday afternoon, it's going to get close by saturday morning but watch this, it should break up and leave us with dry weather as we head through the upcoming weekend. temperatures should be in the 70s to 80s from thursday right through sunday. but look at this, draw your attention to the temperatures next week, going back down into the 60s, beginning next monday and tuesday, and i could continue into the following weekend. with the colder temperatures,
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getting some early indications we may not actually be done with rainfall yet, both of the extended forecast models are showing maybe by next friday or possibly saturday april 27 and 28th, about a quarter and half an inch of rainfall.>> while forsan a big turn next week. sam cisco, and next seven days, more looks at this, this year is no pack getting those numbers in for you coming up at 530 tonight. >> when it comes to drought, is the late rain different than early rain or a quarter inches a quarter inch? >> at this point, getting it displayed, hopes to boost it, daily rain averages are about 100 to 5 hundredths of an inch, when you get the quarter inch with a half-inch, it really does exponentially help us in the rain season. kind of all icing on the cake so to speak. >> thanks jeff.
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still to come, debris from space falls through the roof of a house, what it was, how it got there, word
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another contestant in the ai wars coming from a major player in the industry. advanced micro devices, better known as amd, has unveiled a new chip, based in santa clara, it says it's chip will or -- power ai for companies like lenovo, performing ai tests, including language translation, it will compete against a similar product against nvidia
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and intel, ai is the hottest topic right now and amd claims it is now the most powerful chip available. trump and trump media, streaming media platform, showing content that other media outlets refused to air, it will first be unveiled on trump social media app truth social, eventually people at home will have the option to stream the news from the tv, it becomes -- comes a month after it began trading, just hours after the streaming announcement, the price of trump media stocks dropped 14%, there is currently no timeline for the rollout of the streaming service. nasa confirms that space debris that had a home last month came from the international space station, part of a pallet dropped in 2021 along with 5800 pounds of aging batteries, it
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was all expected to disintegrate while reentering the earth's atmosphere but instead the small piece made it through, crashing into a home in naples, florida, about the size of a smart phone. nasa is investigating how the debris survived and did not disintegrate. >> wild. focusing on e future,th
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prince william is set to return to official real duties this week. >> the first time since his wife, princess kate announced that she was receiving treatment for cancer. >> kensington palace said william will visit west london and nearby surrey will he will highlight the activity of environmental groups in the area. his first public engagement since his wife kate revealed almost a month ago in a taped video that she was undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. she is not revealed what type of cancer. last week, the prince and his son george were spotted at a soccer match in birmingham.>> don't forget, you can watch the newscast 24-7, joining us now with what is coming up at 5:30 pm.>> more tension at our local
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jails, two inmates at a san francisco county jail refused to leave their cell, leading to officers, how was it resolved, live in the city. and what happened today, each search to get a new trial. and the climate crisis, reaching new heights as the world looks for more and more ways to burn clean energy. welcome back, starting right now, things for joining us.>> a tense situation behind bars, two sentences jails remain on lockdown, several violent attacks on deputies, today, despite days lockdown, reporting new issues, at the jail, with various problems.


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