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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 17, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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the front of their store is all boarded up now after a car slammed into it during a break-
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in. the popular camera store on the peninsula picking up the pieces. good afternoon, i am, audrey. welcome to bay city area news at 4:30. we will be joined with the damage in a little bit. we are tracking stories on this wednesday including new charges in the case of an 18-month-old girl killed by fentanyl. your water bill could be going up soon. ian cole is looking into the reason behind the rate hike. we are 100 days away from the paris olympics. the city of light will be the epicenter of the world. we will show you the bay area and athletes preparing for the summer games. let's begin with the camera store break in. someone drove through the front of the store. whoever did it was in and out
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within a minute. scott joins us from mike's cameras. scott, you were able to speak with the store manager today. what have you learned? >> reporter: audrey, good afternoon. it was about 4:00 in the morning on tuesday that a car backed through a window at mike's cameras. people got out of the car, rob the store, it was over in a minute or so. the car drove away. the car -- the store was shut down and they boarded things up and reopen. it was business as usual today. >> it's good to hear that business is back ends. you got a chance to speak with customers. what are they telling you? >> reporter: most did not know about the robbery because it happened at 4:00 in the morning. they came back today and were happy to support the business.
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it is a business that has been here for 12 years now. a lot of the local people who are fans of cameras and other photography gear say that they appreciate having the local business and they want to support it. it was business as usual today. most people finding out for the first time about the break in. >> thank you so much for the report. santa clara county district attorney's office charged two drug dealers with murder for their part in the fentanyl overdose of an 18-month-old baby. the little girl norn -- known as baby winter. died of poisoning back in august. today they were charged with murder in connection with her death. santa clara county da jeff rosen said the pair lived with ortega's parents in a condo and left drunks out in the open. >> it is shocking, outrageous, and criminal. it is murder.
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>> winter's parents have been charged with murder. the two cases will be tried together. neither ortega or -- entered a plea today. impacting inmates at jails has been with different took effect last friday with recent attacks on joe workers for the sheriff's department said nine workers have been injured the past several weeks. one jail had a lockdown today that was lifted. another is set to reopen later this week. something none of us want to hear but for more than 1 million bay area residents, utility bills could be going up again. this time it will affect the south bay. two water companies are asking for a hike to pay for infrastructure and new construction. the bay area has been looking into the numbers and ian joins us now.
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>> doesn't feel like yesterday we were talking about power bills going up? this time it is water. san jose water serves more than 100 million customers. the increase is needed to pay for construction projects and to replace old pipes and is still needs to be approved. here is a breakdown from the average residential bill. if it is approved next year, it will jump from $107-$120. 125, the year after that. by 2027, $131. those do not include surcharges and fees. people were already feeling the financial strain. >> of course it is frustrating. what are you going to do? you do not have a choice. if they increase things, you still need gas and to eat. >> escalating operating
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expenses. we ask for what we believe is just and reasonable. nothing more than that. >> i understand there is another increase that could be adding to customers soon? >> that comes from valley water. the wholesaler for salt lake water agencies. the water board says it is raising customer costs for infrastructure and projects like the anderson dam. people can expect the monthly bill to rise by almost 9 dollars. >> we understand the desire to keep water rates down. the board is looking at that every day and looking for solutions. we have a hiring freeze in place, looking at operational costs, what we can cut. >> san jose water will begin next year. we took a look around, according to data we found,
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california has the highest average monthly water bill in the country. it's close to other western states about $77 a month. in the bay area, everything is a whole lot more. we will have more and our story coming up at 6:00. a bill is making its way through the state legislator trying to give the cities more control over autonomous vehicles. it's called senate bill 915. senator dave ortez offered it. it will offer autonomous bills to follow the same traffic laws that we do. it will allow police to ticket them if not following the rules. it would require companies to register the vehicles with the dmv. >> getting cities who another community's best, giving them the opportunity to pass ordinary local laws, what does it mean if autonomous vehicle is parked inappropriately?
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walking the driveway, who gets ticketed for that? >> the bill was except did for a hearing by the transportation committee next tuesday. a statement from -- we have and will continue to participate in policy discussions about the future of transportation and how to contribute to solutions that arise from the development of this technology. >> we did reach out but did not hear back. a i can write essays and create digital art. now it's helping to revitalize a san francisco neighborhood. this is what restaurants looked like before. thanks to ai, this is what the storefront looks like today. is made possible by an online platform which paired his listeners with ai tools to come up with new storefront design. >> they were empowered by ai.
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installation, to give them superpowers in the process. >> it paid for these makeovers. the barbershop and excelsior coffee will also get a brand- new makeover. the work is not over for steph curry. the big thing he's preparing for his the only thing he is missing from his trophy case. we are counting down to the paris olympics. 100 days away now and dozens of bay area athletes are preparing including, table tennis stars. we will take you to the place helping them on their game. let us know what story you would like to see later on in this newscast? used to have more time to vote for a story you see here. churchill's most hated art up for auction. red lester considers bankruptcy. scorsese eyes frank sinatra
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biopicwe would tie about the story with the most votes about 10 minutes. in honor of the countdown to the olympics, we take a look at bay area athletes representing am usa. one of them, maggie steffens. grew up in danville. it will be her fourth olympic games. she won gold medals as part of team usa in london, ri and tokyo. tokyo, she become water polo all-time leading olympic skier with a total of 56 goals during her career.
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welcome back. going over to investigator for consumers. he has an interesting story regarding the olympics. >> my favorite topic is travel.
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we started wondering about the athletes and their equipment. bags and back fees, specifically, what if you are an equestrian? >> i never thought about that. >> we will show you behind the scenes of the equestrian effort to get horses to paris. >> it must be a process. >> it is. common it is? 100 days out of the summer olympic games for a look at this, the roster is out for the latest dream team. you can see it is star pack. 12 nba superstars. seven are former olympic gold medalist. including, lebron james. here's what we are excited about. for the first time, steph curry will shoot for gold making his olympic debut. he should have time to rest up since the warrior season ended
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last night. i am sorry for that reminder. that is just basketball. you are about to see a number of local athletes. bay area is a big part of table tennis. the 888 tennis center. robert caught up with some olympic hopefuls training there. they will officially play for usa table tennis. in 100 days until the olympics. for table tennis athletes, preparation is every day. the aaa center is the training center for many olympians and inspiring olympians. >> it is a dream for every athlete. >> reporter: warren and his brother are on the australian national team but training for the trials here at aaa.
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the 30,000 square foot 30 table facility with high-quality players and coaches helps athletes with one of the biggest challenges, staying mentally strong. >> they are working really hard. it should be more focused on mental. they have to be prepared on strategy. >> reporter: he agrees. the san jose native made the round of 32 at the tokyo games. thanks to training at triple late, he's mentally ready as he tries to secure a spot in paris. >> i knew what it would require to be the best version of myself and to be ready. that did help me on the mental aspect of it to be mentally prepared that i know what i want.
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that did help me a lot. >> reporter: triple late will be designated as a training facility on april 23rd. >> it solidifies the fact that we are the national training center for the national team, team usa, and the program that is an international program. it puts a flagship here for united states and table tennis. >> reporter: 888 will get bigger for olympians and those who inspire the game and those of us who may never make it but want to be able to play at a world-class olympic level facility. robert handa, nbc bay area news. several athletes made an appearance on the today show this morning to celebrate 100
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days out. daniel was born in berkeley is an olympic sailor. she helped pull the switch of a replica for the empire state building. all of the action celebrating the upcoming athletes who will be heading to paris. a lot of athletes vying for a spot to represent team usa. one married couple has already secured their spot. both of them, olympic woman medalist and her husband, are each going to paris for they are fencers. this will be her fourth game and the fifth olympics. the preparations for paris are very different from when they both first qualified a decade ago. >> you have to be more careful with the body and preparation, recovery. doing those things to stay on top of that. mentally it's more about enjoying the process.
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putting less weight on the results. we have huge goals and we want to accomplish them but at the same time we want to enjoy the whole process. >> both qualifying this time around was tough. they have each other to lean on. they are excited to compete. >> having him as my partner, that's the secret weapon. someone who knows exactly what's up. knows what i am feeling, what i'm thinking and can help me be better. >> they are so sweet. they say that this time around their friends and family can join them. during the pandemic, they planned to stay in the olympic village and they will go to france in july. the opening ceremony is july 26. you can watch the coverage start to finish exclusively on nbc bay area. i was so excited today.
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100 days out, it's exciting. me, too. her family is happy they get to go see their kids, their spouses, the relatives, play. these 80s. look at the 80 degrees right now in san jose. we had a high, looks like we will max out in the 80s. this is not the only warm spot. heading into san francisco, 70. we saw just below the 80s for the city. that is pretty high. we can expect to keep the temperatures warm not only through today, also through tomorrow. oakland, 74 degrees. just below the 76 degree mark. 75, the high this afternoon. walnut creek, 75. there will be a nice clearing that will continue. enjoying the high pressure that's helping keep us warm and dry. on the pacific you notice the
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influence out of the system to be cooling with the arrival of cloud cover. for now, high clouds going through there. this will start cooling us off just a little bit. enough to where the early overnight hours we will see the temperatures in the 50s. 54 degrees. fremont, 53. san jose, 51, to wake up. i the afternoon for you thursday we will warm up to the corporate -- the upper 70s below the 80 degree mark. dublin, 70. fremont, 79. san francisco, 79. friday, just before the weekend, we will still be in the 70s because of the high pressure. there is something turning out in the pacific. windspeed has been comfortable. breezy and we have been enjoying the high pressure. looking ahead to friday and saturday, the cloud cover on satellite radar, it looks like it could bring some changes
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that will impact us with the possibility of some rain chances. for that you have to join again at 5:00. the chief meteorologist will bring the full details, coming up. i am with jenelle now. >> beautifying the town. oakland, a coordinated cleaning effort underway in the city. oakland is targeting the most troubled areas for the program is three months in. we sent a reporter to see if the program is working? we continue our coverage of the paris olympics. 100 days out. jessica will be going there this summer. tonight she has a preview. she tells us about the sports and venue that will be happening right next to the eiffel tower. more fun for olympics tips coming up. silicon, top trending story voted by you on my instagram pole. paul mccartney and john lennon made a great dual. how about eir sons?
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> wecontinue the countdown to the ris olympics. it kicks off in 100 days. keeping our eyes on bay area athletes representing team usa. young is hoping to make it to his first olympic game. the stanford junior started in 2008. ncaa champion and member of the u.s. natial am's favorite event.
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here it is. an all-you-can-eat shrimp deal gone wrong may have put red lobster in danger. the sea food chain is considering filing for bankruptcy after losing a record $11 million last year.
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according to a report from bloomberg. earlier this year red lobster cfo said the unlimited shrimp deal was partially to blame for the financial troubles. the russian gave customers all they could eat shrimp for just $20. it cost the restaurant more than $5 million. veloster will remain open for now. >> i will be posting links on my instagram. the beatles released the final song last year. it's not the last time you will see a mccartney and lennon dual make music. paul mccartney and john lennon have a son with a passion for music. james mccartney and sean made a song called primrose hill. th're holding a video contest to give fans a chance to be featured in the music video. you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you want. we are streaming our newscast all the time on roku and other shimming preference for you can watch live rigging newscasts, breaking up dates and more of
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our content. regular joining us have 4:30. we are back in two minutes.
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cracking down on fentanyl in an unprecedented way. the move made that goes after two suspected drug dealers involved in the overdose of a baby. trying to clean up oakland for the project that has been going on for months with the goal of cleaning up streets. we hit those trees to get an up close look at the progress. we are 100 days out from the olympics beginning in paris. we have coverage throughout the newscast including a behind-the- scenes look at the venues and a first look at what team usa will be wearing. thank you for joining us. in an unprecedented move, the santa clara das office has
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charged two accused drug dealers with murder for their part in the fentanyl overdose death of an 18 month old baby. >> we are joined live with the latest from san jose. remake the man and woman lived in the san jose condo with the 18 month old little girl. they were there the day that she died. prosecutors say winter had 15 times the lethal amount of fentanyl in her blood when she died in august. two housemates who lived at the home were in court today. prosecutors say philip ortega and page sold drugs to winters parents and were dealing drugs out of the condo in san jose. investigators say they found video showing them using drugs in the same room as the child. the two are charged with murder.
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>> what makes the evidence in this case different, the repeated and numerous examples with the individuals showed how they knew that fentanyl was dangerous and lethal. that they use the around this child anyway. >> i am encouraged that they are pursuing murder. it will make people think twice before selling fentanyl. >> reporter: winters parents have also been charged with murder. the two cases will be tried together. the first time in county history that parents have been charged with murder for an overdose death of their own child. the two roommates did not enter a plea in court today. they are expected to return to court to enter a plea later this month. reporting live in san jose, marion favreau, nbc bay area news. the sister of a high- profile murder suspect had a court


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