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tv   Today  NBC  April 18, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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next tuesday and wednesday, we will see 50s. but it will be nice over the weekend. a strong build, and watch 87 and 85 slowing down. the tri-valley is maintaining the speed. here from one leading drugmaker and what they are doing to keep up with demand. we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other platforms live at 8:00. we are tracking california's insurance crisis, and the thousands set to be impacted as two more companies withdraw their policies. >> here we are, closer to the weekend. made it to thursday. friday is tomorrow. >> not over yet. it's only 7:00 a.m. >> 911 outage overnight. >> yeah, the lines going dead for millions of americans. good morning. it's april 18th.
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this is "today." ♪♪ call for help. emergency responders across multiple states left scrambling. 911 centers dangerously quiet for hours overnight, as officials raised concerns about hackers potentially targeting government systems. we're live with the very latest. feeling the heat. the speaker of the house under fire from his own party over his new plan to help fund ukraine and israel. >> i cannot defend anything that the speaker has done. >> it's not a joke. we can't play politics at this point. >> the issue that's dividing his party with his job hanging in the balance. we'll go live to washington. direct hit. >> you guys might want to get down! >> powerful storms tear across the midwest, damaging homes and knocking out power. there's more to come as the storms move east. al's tracking all of it.
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alibi. a new twist in the case of four murdered university of itd id students. what the accused killer's defense team is saying about where he was that night. so will it stand up in court? we're live with the latest. those stories -- plus, back to work! prince william makes his first royal appearance princess kate revealed her cancer battle. in cities across the world. >> the titles -- the titles of the books. >> we'll take you inside the frenzy as millions of swifties count down the minutes. today, thursday, april 18th, 2024. ♪♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah
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guthrie and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning, guys. welcome to "today." thanks for joining us on this thursday morning. midnight's coming. >> i know. >> you know that. >> i may have to stay up until midnight for taylor's new album. and i won't be alone. >> there'll be a lot of people waiting. some people already heard a little bit. we'll get all that. we'll start this morning with this breaking news. an alarming 911 outage. overnight, 911 emergency systems were down across four states. it impacted several major cities, including las vegas. >> officials do not know what caused it, but the outage comes amid recent warnings from the department of homeland security that 911 call centers could be the target of cyber attacks. nbc's erin mclaughlin is here. she's got the latest for us. hey, erin, good morning. >> good morning, guys. there are more questions than answers, and plenty of concern. overnight, 911 systems went down, impacting four states, and it's unclear why. >> 911 issues. >> reporter: overnight, emergency services down.
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911 outages affecting parts of multiple states and even whole city police departments, as cyber attacking remains a major concern for authorities across the country. >> rescue dispatcher 49. >> reporter: across four states, residents unable to reach police or ambulances, a full statewide outage in south dakota. in nebraska, local authorities saying land lines were still getting through, but all carriers were down wednesday night except for t mobile. the border city of del rio, texas, issuing a community alert. >> you may have difficulty reaching us internally and we're having difficulty receiving 911 calls as well. >> reporter: overnight in busy las vegas, residents couldn't get through to 911 on cell phones or land lines for two hours. law enforcement having to come up with a workaround. >> they will not be able to talk to a person, but we'll get the phone number, law enforcement agency will call them back. they will transfer that call to our cell phone and then they'll be able to talk to a live person.
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we would dispatch the appropriate units. >> reporter: it's unclear what caused the outages, but it comes as the department of homeland security has told officials to be on the lookout for cyber threats. law enforcement officials tell nbc news they have seen no indication of foul play so far, but they're still investigating. many americans relieved but searching for an explanation. as services come back online this morning. >> okay. so erin, one of the causes may be a cyberattack. if not that, what else could it be? >> at least one police department, a police department in del rio, texas, is reporting that this could have something to do with the cellular system, potentially major carriers, although saying that rather than a civic system, but, you know, we need to wait and see. we're out to major carriers such as at&t and t-mobile. we have not heard back. it doesn't appear to be a verizon situation. it's also potentially relating to how these calls are routed in
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general. but again, you're going to have to wait and see. >> interesting, four different states around the country. all right, erin, thank you so much. we appreciate it. we turn to capitol hill now, where house speaker mike johnson is feeling heat from his own party. he introduced bills to provide aid to ukraine and israel, despite fierce resistance from the conservative gop. our correspondent ryan nobles joins us now. ryan, what's the latest? >> reporter: savannah, good morning. speaker johnson moving ahead with a new plan to break up the aid package into individual bills. that would allow members to vote for or against ukraine separate from aid for israel or taiwan. and that's really been the sticking point that's dividing the party. a growing number of house republicans have still come out against this. and it could still potentially cost johnson his job, if it passes. but in a speech yesterday, he said, that is not deterring him. take a listen. >> if i operated out of fear over a motion to vacate, i would never be able to do my job. i can make a selfish decision
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and do something that's different, but i'm doing here what i believe to be the right thing. >> reporter: that is a remarkable shift for the speaker who said that aid to ukraine is critically important right now and that something not to play politics with. now, this passage is no guarantee. it will likely require support from democrats. that is possible, though, after president biden endorsed the plan yesterday. and we could see a vote as early as this weekend. savannah? >> all right, and one other question. it looks like the speaker has tied that bill to another bill that would potentially ban tiktok, if it isn't sold. what's the thinking there? >> yeah, they would all be individual votes, savannah, but you're right, the bill would require the sale of tiktok by its owner or ban the app. now, of course, the house has already passed a bill similar to this, but it has stalled in the senate. this latest move from johnson could move the process along. it's part of a new maneuver from johnson, bundling a series of bills to achieve two goals.
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first, placating the concerns of those angry republicans by combining a series of bills that they support, including restructuring ukraine aid, also alone, and border security and of course, the tiktok bill. second, it could force the senate's hand to take up the bill sooner than they would have. and also make it harder to make large changes. savannah? >> all right, ryan, thank you very much. let's move now to the fight 1864 ban on abortion could go into effect, making the procedure illegal except to save a pregnant woman's life. well, that led to a flurry of activity yesterday in the statehouse. hallie jackson, nbc's senior washington correspondent. hallie, let us know where things stand right now. >> so, hoda, at the moment here's where arizona. >> so, hoda, at the moment, here's where things stand. that civil-war era law is still set to go into effect in arizona later this spring after these republican lawmakers at state house blocked a push to repeal it for the second time in two weeks. this is after that explosive ruling you mentioned by the state's highest court that
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reinstated this 1864 law, which bans nearly all abortions, no exceptions for rape or incest, only for the life of the mother and it punishes doctors who perform the procedure with prison time. in arizona, on the state senate side, some republicans did join with democrats to start process to try for a repeal, but that's not going to go anywhere if house republicans keep opposing it. if this law is not rolled back through the statehouse, it could end up in the hands of voters come november. abortion rights supporters say they're confident they have the signatures to get a provision protecting abortion access on the ballot this fall, hoda. >> hallie, this is such a political hot button. so what will this mean for the presidential race? >> you know, it's interesting because when you look at a ban this strict, that is just not popular, broadly, in arizona. it is not popular nationally. remember, some republicans almost right away moved to distance themselves from this ruling, including senate candidate kari lake who only a couple years ago said she backed this law. former president trump has said this law goes too far.
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she clearly has an eye on the politics here. recent "wall street journal" poll that found abortion access to be the most motivating issue for this key demographic of suburban woman in swing state. three quarters of them say procedures should be legal all or most of the time. republicans see that reality. democrats see this as an issue to help mobilize voters in the fall. hoda? >> hallie jackson. thank you. now to new bomb shell claims about boeing and the safe of its fleet. whistle-blowers testifying on capitol hill made new allegations about the company's jets in question boeing's commitment to safety. nbc's tom costello covers aviation for us. tom, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. strong allegations from several whistle-blowers including a former faa engineer and inspector, a former boeing engineer, and a present boeing engineer, who's already raised concerns about what he says is a potentially deadly flaw with one of the planes, and a committee has reported back to congress about problems within boeing's culture. it's got a seemingly divided
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congress united on boeing. every second of the day, a boeing jet is in the air, but after two fatal max-8 crashes overseas five years ago, a max-9 door plug blowout in january and boeing's admitted quality control breakdowns, whistle-blowers told congress they feel the need to speak out. >> effectively, they are putting out defective airplanes. >> reporter: one of them making a stunning claim about the 777 assembly line. >> i literally saw people jumping on pieces of the airline to get them to align. i call it the tarzan effect. >> reporter: he told senators what he told us in an exclusive interview this week. that boeing's 777 fuselage has a manufacturing flaw that could cause its to break apart in flight. should boeing ground the 787 right now to check the gap sizes? >> i would say they need to. >> reporter: the entire fleet worldwide? >> the entire fleet worldwide. >> reporter: but boeing says
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that's simply not true, reiterating that in 13 years of service, and after extensive stress testing and checks, we have found zero fatigue and we are fully confident in the safety and durability of the 787 dreamliner. on wednesday, releasing this video of extensive testing on the 787's composite material. united airline's ceo says he, too is confident. >> there are thousands of these airlines that have been flying for decades, millions of flight hours. i'm totally confident the 787 is a safe airplane. >> reporter: family members of some of the max 8 victims on capitol hill, another former boeing employee turned whistleblower says the company has dodged accountability. >> not a single person from boeing went to jail. hundreds of people died. and there's been no justice. >> reporter: a divided congress, seemingly bipartisan on boeing. >> there is still a long way to go to bring an effective safety culture back to boeing.
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>> the flying public is also acutely worried about why pieces of boeing airplanes are falling from the sky. >> reporter: members of the senate have also said that they themselves have heard from other potential whistleblowers who may come forward. here is what boeing has said to nbc news in a statement. boeing says the following, we continue to put safety and quality above all else. and share information transparently with our regulator, the faa, as well as customers and other stakeholders. but the pressure on boeing continues to build day by day and really week by week. savannah, back to you. >> tom, thank you. huge settlement appears to be taking shape involving the justice department and the victims of dr. larry nassar. sources say the final settlement amount is likely to be close to $100 million. the justice department found that the fbi failed to properly act on reports of abuse of star athletes. by one estimate nassar abused at least 70 more gymnasts after the agency was first notified.
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survivors included national team members my kayla maroney, aly raisman and simone biles. in 2017 nassar pleaded guilty to abusing ten patients. he's serving to what amounts to a life sentence in prison. now to the latest round of dangerous storms in the midwest. they swept through multiple c's joins us from hard hit michigan this morning. maggie states overnight including ohio, missouri and michigan. we're going to get the forecast from al in just a moment. but first nbc's maggie vespa joins us from hard-hit ferndale, michigan this morning. maggie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. they called yesterday evening's storm, quote, quick but unbelievely wild. wind speeds ripped parts of the roof off of this restaurant and this tire shop behind me. look at this, tossing huge chunks of it on to these cars below. as we know, as you said, this is the latest chapter in a week of widespread severe weather. >> reporter: this morning, the trail of damage from severe spring weather is growing, after
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another line of violent storms packing strong winds and reported tornadoes ripped through multiple states across the midwest. uprooting trees, flipping cars and leveling homes. >> we were trying -- >> reporter: this store in ohio hit hard after winds we say night ripped off a chunk of its roof. >> might want to get down! >> reporter: this video taken from inside a post office gives a first-hand glimpse at the strength of the dangerous gusts. >> lost part of our tree. >> reporter: crews are now working around the clock as homes are in desperate need of repair and power lines are impacted with more than two dozen tornadoes reported and at least five states since monday. >> that's a tornado! >> reporter: the twisters ripping across the midwest, leaving stunning scenes of destruction. >> it's blown up. there's no other way to say it. it's blown up. >> reporter: iowa's governor declaring a disaster in six counties. >> it's heart wrenching. >> reporter: neighbors there helping an 85-year-old woman whose home was completely destroyed. as students from nearby schools
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pitch in to sort through the rubble. >> it's just amazing how many people will come out of the woodworks to help. >> reporter: we're glad everybody stepped in to help. thankfully no reports of major injuries. this year, we have had more tha tornados nationwide. >> maggie, thank you very much. >> let's bring in mr. roker and get a check wher 300 reported tornadoes across 26 states and may, next month, is historically the busiest for tornadoes nationwide. savannah? >> maggie, thank you very much. >> all right. let's bring in mr. roker to get a check of where this storm is going. hey, al. >> that's right. guys we have another area of heavy thunderstorms stretching from des moines down to wichita. in fact, we have a risk today for 26 million people, specially in the crosshairs. st. louis, paducah, memphis all the way down to dallas and waco and on up into indianapolis, damaging winds, hail and tornadoes possible. showers here in the northeast. those will start to taper off. then this new front is going to spawn some more storms from texas to indiana. tomorrow, the front moves into
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the east coast. more showers from georgia all the way on up to main. ma maine. and then we've got this second system that's going to be developing friday night, developing along this stalled front. it will bring in heavy rain to texas. the way up into the carolinas. and sunday, the system moves to the east coast, bringing more heavy rain from the panhandle of florida on into the southeastern carolina coast. we're looking for a real decent flood risk from dallas, san antonio, on into houston, where we'll be looking for anywhere from 1 to 3 inches and locally upwards of 4 inches of rain in that area. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 second. o need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go!
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(vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, vianey arana. a stunning look in san francisco, and our temperatures are pretty comfortable overall. 53 in san francisco, and we have areas of cloud cover but most will enjoy clear conditions. i think all of california is on the edge of stunning weather leading us into the weekend. san francisco's planner, by 12:00 upper 60s. if you are heading out to the south bay, look at san josé by and that's your latest weather. guys? >> thank you, al. coming up, new developments in the case of those four idaho college students. the suspect's lawyers now laying out his alibi. laura jarrett following the case for us. hi, laura. >> hey, guys. for more than a year the victim's families have been waiting to see this alibi. we now have it, and what's in
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these pages and what's not might just surprise you guys. >> laura, thanks. plus, prince william back to work. his first official royal appearance as since his wife, princess kate, announced her battle with cancer. we'll have a live port from londonre.
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still ahead on "today," are you ready for it? swifties certainly are counting down the hours until taylor swift's highly anticipated new album. >> how fans are turning this into an epic event. we're back after your local news. ♪ onary oofoam technology absorbs impact and reduces pressure. it's the foundation of every pair of oofos, and the key to recovering faster. this is not a shoe. this is oofos active recovery. activate your recovery with oofos. [coughing]
7:22 am
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7:23 am
tyson boneless buffalo bites and hot wings have that tasty kick of flavor... they're perfect for any get-together ...if there are any left when your guests arrive. tyson any'tizers® chicken. more kicks of flavor. more smiling snackers. more to love. tyson. (terrie) if you're a smoker. i have a tip for you. make a video of yourself... before all this happens. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. okay, so here's my most requested hack
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(jeremy) ruka likes food that tastes good. she won't eat anything that she doesn't want to eat. she's a headstrong little lady. there's no faking it with her. (nicole) we sent you blue tastefuls dry food, and... (jeremy) she loved it. i was super surprised. i want food that's healthy, nutritious, and something she'll love. (nicole) what's for dinner tonight? (jeremy) it's tastefuls from blue buffalo for this little girl. (vo) pick up blue tastefuls and find out why one taste is all it takes. available in dry, wet, and singles. mmm! this dunkin' cold is just right.
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and this dunkin' cold is just right. and this dunkin' cold is just right. how long is she going to do this? the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ good thursday morning to you. it's 7:26 right now. i am laura garcia.
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i am bob redell in west oakland where oakland police say their officers have shot and killed a murder suspect. it took place on the street behind me. that was just a little before 9:30 last night. this is on 16th street near the intersection with chestnut. oakland police say that sacramento police located a suspect here that committed a murder in their jurisdiction. sacramento police notified opd and requested officers to help arrest the suspect, and when they arrived the suspect came out of the home armed with a gun. i am kris sanchez in san francisco, which just marked 118 years since the earthquake and fire that ravaged san francisco. this morning the ceremony took on a bit of a feel as the fountain was dedicated to the late dianne feinstein. and there was the spray painting
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of the hydrant that is said to have saved the district, and it happens on a day that two major insurance companies say they will be pulling back from san francisco over the risk of earthquake-related fires. more on that coming up at 11:00. vianey arana is in for kari. how is it going? >> it's pleasant. judging by the day planner, and this is out and about in oakland, 12:00, a nice lunch outside and temperatures in the 70s, and we are expecting the 70s and 80s across the board,
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♪ we're back.
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7:30. well, we've brought you our fair share of animal releases over the years, but this is a little different. these two vultures were released back into the wild. that happened in connecticut, but they had to be nursed back to health and this is why. they got drunk dumpster diving outside of a bar. >> no way? >> who among us? >> a wildlife rehab center said the birds had a wicked hangover. they gave them fluids, a good night's rest and released them after a big breakfast, hopefully fried eggs and hash browns, and reminded the public, birds don't let other birds fly drunk. >> that's a first i've heard, ever. >> good morning. >> sheinelle, good morning. >> good morning. we'll move now to new revelations in that closely watched case out of idaho. the legal team for the man accused of killing four college students now telling the court he has an alibi for that night. nbc senior legal correspondent laura jarrett here with more. hi, laura, good morning. >> hey, guys. good morning to you. the whole point of an alibi is to raise some reasonable doubt in the minds of a jury to suggest that the defendant
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that's been accused was some place else and couldn't have committed the crime. but in this case, the alibi that's being offered by bryan kohberger, raising plenty of questions. >> reporter: this morning, a fresh look at bryan kohberger's defense strategy. his lawyers revealing in a long-awaited court filing they will offer expert testimony to cast doubt on prosecutor's evidence placing kohberger near the crime scene. pointing to his fondness for nighttime drives, his public defender now says that, quote, mr. kohberger was out driving in the early morning hours of november 13th, 2022. as he often did to hike and run and/or see the moon and the stars. it's the very same defense that the judge appeared skeptical of last year when his public defender first floated it. >> this so-called alibi is not really an alibi, suggesting that there might be some witnesses. then cough them up.
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>> reporter: prosecutors allege that kohberger fatally stabbed madison mogen, kaylee goncalves, zanna zernoddle. and ethan chapin in an off campus home in moscow, idaho. and surveillance video allegedly showing a white hyundai matching his vehicle casing the victim's house on the night of the killings and the morning after. >> this is state of idaho versus bryan kohberger. >> reporter: in the newly released court documents, kohberger's legal team now says his phone did not travel east on the moscow pullman highway in the early morning hours of november 13th. and thus could not be the vehicle captured on video, along the moscow pullman highway. the judge entered the plea of not guilty on kohberger's behalf, but this morning, the case is stalled, in unresolved pretrial motions with no trial date. kaylee goncalves's family saying in a statement, they're frustrated by delays, while
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their attorney says it's striking just how little information has been shared with the families. >> the line of communication between the prosecution and the victims' family, at least for the goncalves family has been very limited. i've never seen it before in my career. >> so this alibi, as the judge said, it's kind of not an alibi. it's not in the traditional sense, oh, i was with someone else. >> right. >> witnesses say where i was. >> no witness, no new evidence. >> and they're not even saying the cell phone records put him somewhere else. >> no, they say they're going to offer a cell phone expert at trial, if they ever get to trial which will just say the tower is pinging and registering his cell phone all over that night. that's why they want to say he has a past history of driving all around so it doesn't look suspicious. again, that's not an ally in the traditional sense. and if he doesn't have anything else to offer, he won't be able to later offer it at trial. that was the whole point of doing this, to give the prosecution a chance to interview people, go do their own due diligence. so if he doesn't give anything else, he can't do it at trial.
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>> so when is the trial? >> we still don't have a date. every time, the judge keeps punting it every time and setting new hearings. and we still don't know where this case is going to take place. the judge hasn't decided are they don't know if they can survey the people in the town? the judge hasn't decided that and still don't have a date. >> and the families are waiting. coming up, the mad scramble for one of the most popular weight loss drugs on the market, while thousands of people are having a hard time filling those but first, prince william resumed his royal duties this morning. our molly hunter is in london with the latest. good morning. (♪♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments, so i can do more of what i love. (♪♪)
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the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect yourself against certain hpv-related cancers. talk to a doctor or pharmacist today. back now, 7:38. this morning, prince william is back to work. rurping to his official royal duties. >> it's his first formal ce sin princess kate revealed, she is undergoing cancer treatments. molly hunter has morning. >> hey, molly, good morning. she has more on the royal return. >> reporter: hey, guys, good morning. from a sunny buckingham palace for the first time since we learned of kate's diagnosis, prince william is back out and about, back in public facing royal duties.
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this morning, prince william is back at work. his first public engagement since his wife, kate, the princess of wales', bombshell health announcement last month. >> tests after the operation found cancer had been present. >> reporter: this week, william and kate's kids now back at school, after the easter holidays, the wales family often spends school breaks at their country house in norfolk. >> as a family, we now need some time, space, and privacy while i complete my treatment. >> reporter: they've mostly stayed out of the public eye, but last week, william spotted with eldest son, george, cheering on their favorite soccer team, while prince harry, a world away, making headlines this morning, registering his permanent address in california and speaking at a travel
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conference yesterday. >> for us, community is the people and the places. >> reporter: meanwhile, back here, kate still recuperating. >> i'm told by palace sources that at the moment, she's not working from home. the focus is on her treatment. >> reporter: kensington palace only saying she'll restart her public-facing royal duties when she feels ready. earlier this week, a hint at business as usual, a statement from both the prince and princess, following the horrific stabbing attacks in australia. and with family milestones coming up, we may hear more from the wales family next week, when little louis turns 6, perhaps another kate family photo to mark the day. at the end of april, william and kate celebrating their 13th wedding anniversary. and looking ahead, trouping the color looms large on the calendar in mid-june, an event the whole family usually attends, and if we're lucky, little louis steals the show. now, there's no timeline for
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kate's return. when we do see her, the palace has said not to read too much into those early appearances. it may be sporadic. she's certainly eager to get back when she's feeling well. another thing to look forward to next month, we will see her, we're expecting to see prince harry on this side of the pond, actually, for an invictus games ceremony. guys? >> molly, thank you very much. >> she's blending beautifully in the background with those flowers. >> they fit perfectly. >> mr. roker has a check of the weather. >> you guys in all the blue shades. >> a blue palette. >> and the background for us. >> we're blending. >> my gosh, unbelievable! all right. well, here's what i love about the weather. you can just kind of follow along. you have the jet stream, where it dense to the south, it's cooler, up to the north, it's warmer. and take a look at this, it's perfect, boston, 49 degrees today. 10 degrees below average. atlanta, you're going to be in the mid-80s. little rock 85. nashville, 14 degrees above average at 86. pierre, omaha, denver, all way below normal. then we move into tomorrow,
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chicago, you're cooler than average. same in kansas city. but raleigh, augusta, montgomery, alabama, 87 degrees. temperatures, though, will start to rebound slowly. chicago, saturday, you're at 50, but by monday, you're 64. st. louis, saturday, 63. sunday, on monday, you're at 70 degreeees, and upper 60s in it's really nice out there. san josé's day planner includes a mix of 50s, 60s and eventually will climb in the upper 70s by 12:00, and a mix of sunshine and haze at times. if you are out and about this afternoon in concord, similar conditions expected with a high of around 78 degrees. temperatures remain cool through the evening hours, and dry and that's your latest weather. you ladies must be very excited. >> we're ready.
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>> we are so ready for it. >> let's go. >> swifties like us counting down the hours until taylor's new album. it drops tonight, and of course, emilie ikeda is following and creating some hype herself. >> i can tell you exactly how long, 16 hours, 16 minutes, 39 seconds until swifties can stream around the clock "the tortured poet's department," but hey, who's counting? swifties are so excited, the hype is real, and everyone has been searching for and decoding hidden messages in just about everything. coming up, what we know about "ttpd." stay with us. >> ttpd. all right. and thern in this morning's "boost," "law & order" star mariska hargitay really does play a convincing officer, how she helped that little girl in her moment of need, coming up in these messages. you can find cars like the ones on your favorite show. oh, no! or the car in this show. get out the water! i bet i can even find the cars in my feed.
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all right. 7:47. we're leaning in, okay? carson's here. >> are we? >> just in time. >> here we go! the brand-new album, "the tortured poet's department" arrives midnight eastern time. >> and before that album drops, the pop superstar has been dropping clues for her fans, and in typical taylor fashion, all sorts of speculation about the lyrics and song titles. >> you know who's speculating -- she doesn't have to speculate. she's on the inside. >> we have our expert, emilie ikeda. >> i've been consumed by my friendship and i've come prepared, friendship bracelets in tow. this is something that taylor swift has been working on for more than two years, you know, just between performances on the highest grossing tour ever. and hardly anything gets by eagle-eyed swifties who are currently consumed about decoding messages about the album hidden in music, social media, even in murals. ♪ it's me, hi, i'm the problem,
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it's me ♪ >> taylor swift is ushering in a new era, with her highly anticipated album "the tortured poet's department," set to drop friday. and swifties around the world will not calm down about it. >> first off, get ready to get your heart broken. >> reporter: overnight, alleged rumors of leak of taylor's new project breaking online. >> that's not cool. just wait. >> reporter: one tweeting, please do >> reporter: one tweeting, please do not spread the leak. remember, this is taylor's work. respect it. the global sensation first teased new histic at the grammys. >> my brand-new album comes out april 19th. >> reporter: and in true taylor fashion, she's been planting so-called easter eggs about her album since then. clues are embedded in old lyrics on apple music, qr codes painted around the world directed fans to cryptic videos that some believe could spell out the
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album's first music video, and swifties have a chance to tour a library pop-up riddled in secret messages in los angeles. >> dude, the titles! the titles of the books are the songs! >> it's like, the one constant throughout my entire life, so it means a lot. yeah. >> reporter: the tortured poet's department is listed as pop in collabs with post malone and florence and the machine. this event generating more excitement than ever? >> i would say so, yes. >> reporter: nationwide, businesses like royal sands social club in d.c. are ready to turn the speakers all the way up with "ttpd" listening parties through the weekend. >> you can expect a massive apple music, with 16 new songs >> you can expect a massive crowd. you can expect the eras tour film showing all night, food and drink specials. >> i'm sure a lot of singing, maybe off-key singing, too. >> one can hope. >> reporter: as fans celebrate the latest chapter of a pop sensation who knows record-breaking all too well. >> and speaking of
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record-breaking, in the first ten months of 2023, taylor swift saw 65 different songs reach apple music's top 100. that's more than any other artist. you can only imagine how a brand-new album from her will fare. >> what's your plan, for you? >> i've got to keep going to these concerts, right? she's got to work it in somewhere, some of these songs. >> and you'll be up at midnight, i assume? >> i'll be up at midnight, i'll be streaming and tomorrow morning all day streaming. >> streaming. >> you'll be hear with the breaking news. >> of course. >> thanks, em. >> thank you. >> ready for a "boost"? "law & order" star mariska hargitay plays a detective on tv but she became a real life hero to a little child who was lost who mistook her for a real police officer. it happened earlier this month on the set of "svu" which was filming at a playground in new york city. >> the little girl got separated from her mom.
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she approached hargitay who was wearing a police badge and a belt. she stopped the tv production for about 20 minutes, consoled the little girl, and thankfully they were able to reunite mom and daughter. >> oh, that's sweet. >> yeah. still ahead, hollywood superstar orlando bloom is no stranger to action, but not like this. no wires, to cgi, he's got a new peacock series called "to the edge." it's all real and he's going to tell us about it live. >> why, when you can do it cgi? also coming up in "popstart," a big-time a-lister. who's going to be the one to play frank sinatra and ava gardner in a big movie. a big film. like a scorsese-type film. that and much more in "popstart" after a quick check of your local news, weather, and these messages. each curve of the bottle each drop sourced and bottled for the perfect taste curating an experience that's timeless. saratoga,
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the official water of bravo's top chef. norman, bad news... the official water i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? (vo) you were diagnosed with thyroid eye disease a long time ago. and year after year, you weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind. but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change. restoration is still possible. learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at
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i miss you... when you think about it... are you coming home? i'll be there when you wake up. ...half the trips the world takes are trips home. (♪♪) it's the feeling we all eventually long to get back to... (♪♪) matter what took us away to begin with. we know, because at delta we're travelers, just like you. which is why we try to make you feel at home long before you even get there. i would describe my mom as... incredibly nurturing and encouraging. honest! truly my rock. she's hilarious. —cheeky. —cheeky? yeah, you think you're funny. i am funny. she really truly makes me feel loved. i love that they're true romantics, in spite of it all. (giggles) the most authentic and real person in the world. thanks, dyl. yeah! i am who i am because she is who she is.
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diamonds for all mothers. pandora. lab-grown diamonds. good morning to you. it's 7:56. i am marcus washington. i am laura garcia. happening now, more californians will be losing home insurance as two more insurers with draw from the state. the filings of the department of california insurance say trance
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pacific insurance companies and another company will with draw this summer. neither disclosed the reasons for leaving. they will send nonrenewal notices in july. let's take a look at the forecast. vianey arana is in for kari this morning. >> a shot of the golden gate bridge. the temperatures for today, your planner, temperatures climb in the upper 60s and even low 70s a possibility. in through the interior, we will see another day -- look at this -- in the 80s. the warm and dry weather is not only going to be nice for your thursday, but it's also expected to continue into the weekend with a slight cooldown. enjoy your day planner if you are going to be out and about, a mix of sunshine and a little cloud cover. >> thanks, vianey. make sure you watch our "today in the bay" live
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streaming newscast starting at 8:00 a.m. hear from one leading drugmaker on what is being done to satisfy the hunger of weight lossrugs. watc dh
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coming up, 911 emergency systems
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down in multiple states. >> 911 issues. >> the outages affecting millions. we're live with the very latest. and hot ticket item, soaring sales for weight loss drugs creating shortages across the country. >> we are working so hard every day to make sure we increase that capacity as fast as we can to get these medications in patient's hands. >> what drug companies are doing to keep up with the demand. then, next level. orlando bloom is putting his limits to the test. >> being on that edge makes me feel most alive. >> the actor goes to the edge for his extreme new docuseries. >> when you put yourself out of your comfort zone, you'll surprise yourself. >> he'll tell us all about it, straight ahead. and icons only. ♪ fly me to the moon ♪ legendary filmmaker martin scorsese in talks to make a frank sinatra biopic. which hollywood a-lister does he
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want to fill the role? we have details on "popstart," today, april 18th, 2024. ♪ from rhode island -- >> today i turn 10. >> from east salem high school -- >> in ohio! >> on our senior trip!ohio. >> and westville, massachusetts. >> from east massachusetts -- >> on my bucket list trip to the "today" show. >> celebrating our 49th >> visiting from >> we've been friends for over 40 years -- >> and we're celebrating our 60th birthday, and it's today! [ cheers and applause ]. ♪ >> well, we want to be in that number. welcome back to "today." so happy you're with us on this kind of drizzly, rainy, misty thursday morning. but nonetheless, we've got a great crowd. >> we do. >> shopping bags with her name
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on it. that was nice. >> very cute. >> we'll get out in just a bit. it's a busy morning. let's get right to our news at 8:00. residents in at least four states reported 911 service interruptions overnight. it left emergency responders scrambling and it comes amid recent warnings from homeland security that 911 call centers could be the target of cyber attacks. nbc's erin mclaughlin is here with us now. hi, erin, good morning. >> hey there, good morning. the 911 outages impacted parts of four states and at least one major city, las vegas, where residents couldn't get through to 911 on cell phones or land lines for two hours. there was a full statewide outage in south dakota, and in nebraska, land lines were getting through, but several cell phone carriers were down. the cause is a mystery. one police department in del rio, texas, releasing a statement saying, quote, we are aware of an outage with a major cellular carrier affecting the ability to reach 911. this issue is with the carrier and not the city of del rio
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systems. but we need to wait and see if this was a carrier issue or perhaps related to how 911 calls are routed. while this does not appear to be an issue with verizon, we have reached out to major carriers like at&t and t mobile and have not heard back. security. >> appreciate it so much. moving now to capitol hill where the president of columbia university took a firm stand against anti-semitism, as she testified in front of the house this all comes of course as the state department -- the department of homeland security. has told officials to be on the lookout for cyber threats. >> all right. erin, thank you so much. appreciate it. moving now to capitol hill where the president of columbia university took a firm stand against anti-semitism, as she testified in front of the house committee yesterday, even as pro-palestinian protests ignited emotions on campus. nbc senior capitol hill correspondent garrett haake has more. garrett, good morning. >> hey, savannah, good morning. congress has taken a notable interest in how elite universities are responding to this recent rise from anti-semitism on campus, holding hearings with ivy league university leaders again yesterday, as events half a world away fueled campus debate,
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and in some cases hate. >> reporter: as pro-pal stipyan protests spread from coast to coast this week, new york's columbia university has become the latest flash point in the debate over rising anti-semitism on college campuses, and in the peace protest movement. with some jewish students saying they feel unsafe. >> we feel targeted as jews. and pro-israel students on campus. >> there's a lot of anxiety around campus, and i think a lot of students don't feel protected. both my jewish peers and my arab and muslim peers. >> reporter: the ivy league university's president testifying before congress wednesday, even as protests flared on campus. >> anti-semitism has no place on our campus and i am personally committed to doing everything i can to confront it directly. >> reporter: administrators pressed to respond to some of the most appalling examples of
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anti- semitism. >> does calling for the genocide of jews violate columbia's code of conduct? mr. greenwald? >> yes, it does. >> ms. shipman? >> yes, it does. >> doctor? >> yes, it does. >> reporter: that exchange notable after the university of pennsylvania and harvard's presidents stumbled over the same line of questioning last year, ultimately resigning their posts. >> calling for the genocide of jews violates harvard code of conduct, correct? >> again, it depends on the context -- >> it does not depend on the context. the answer is "yes" and this is why you should resign. >> reporter: some questioning wednesday focused on the commentary of certain faculty members. >> support of terrorism is acceptable if you're a columbia professor? >> not at all. >> reporter: while some democrats criticized the republican-led committee for being more focussed on creating viral moments than on protecting jewish students. >> this committee has had three hearings on anti-semitism on college campuses, but not one of these hearings has considered a bill to actually address the
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scourge of anti-semitism. >> columbia university has a long history of political activism. and those protests continued overnight and are expected to continue through today. now, that house committee says, that will continue their investigation and expand it to more college campuses. savannah? >> garrett haake, thank you very much. the nba has handed down a lifetime ban to toronto raptors forward, jante porter for several serious gambling violations. porter is accused of betting on games, passing health information to gamblers and claiming influence to influence a wager. the league says he made more than $20,000 in profits. turning the action to the floor. the philadelphia 76ers punched their ticket to the first round of the playoffs last night. they beat the miami heat 105-104 in the play-in game. the sixers will now face the new york knicks in a series that begins on saturday. >> all right. if you have ever accidentally left something in your uber, you're not alone. so thousands of items are left
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every single day, and now uber is out with its annual list of the things that get left behind. number one, clothing, no surprise there. then luggage, followed by headphones, wallet, and jewelry. now, as for the most unique items left behind, here's a few. a frontal hair toupee.ourse, th turtle. >> what's a burrito steamer? can someone let us know? i feel like that's something that's important. >> maybe it's delightful. all right, coming up in pop start, see how jennifer garner kicked off her birthday celebration with a fun fashion statement. but first, hot sauce and a breathalyzer, drugs, they're soaring in popularity and precipitations are getting harder to fill. christine romans with more on what the drug companies are doing to keep up with demand. >> guys, it's amazing the demand for these kind of drugs. red-hot right now and a lot of indications, there could be serious health benefits for taking these drugs. but we'll go behind the scenes
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to how one manufacturer is trying to keep up with red-hot demand after the break. hear the news? it was judy, wasn't it? she told you! actually his name was howard! from chicago! get the fastest delivery to your door, and more, with target circle 360. ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you ♪ ♪♪ ♪ mmmm ♪ ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you ♪ have you had your hershey's? (aaron) i own a lot of businesses... so my tech and my network need to keep up. ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you ♪ thank you verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (aaron) so whatever's next... we're cooking with fire. (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. (tammy) i used to smoke,
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i thought it helped relieve my stress. but then i had open heart surgery. my tip is, find healthy ways to cope with stress, because open heart surgery, it's pretty stressful. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. after cooking a delicious knorr chicken cheddar broccoli recipe you will want to close your delivery apps. because nothing beats a perfect combo of sweet tomatoes, and smooth silky zucchini. make your own knorr taste combo. it's not fast food, but it's so good. hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you.
8:11 am
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♪ we are back with today's consumer demand for weight loss hot item, so hot thatg. eli lilly announcing this week its drug zepbound may also improve sleep apnea. >> the medication is already a hot item, so hot that some people are having a hard time getting their hands on it. now an exclusive look how drugmakers are keeping up with it. i see, two, yes. >> it's like plastic gold for some patients, really scouring the pharmacies, trying to find them. the big problem eli lilly is facing right now is a shortage. both zepbound and mounjaro, which is used for diabetes increasingly hard to find at the moment. thousands across the country, tens of thousands, really, not able to get their precipitation dosage filled, and that could last maybe for months. >> reporter: all across the country, america's relationship with weight loss is under going a dramatic transformation.
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as drugs like ozempic, wegovy, mounjaro and zepbound are changing the game. their popularity is exploding with sales soaring, over $11 billion in 2023, compared to about $4 billion the year before. now demand is exceeding the supply. here in north carolina, a multi-billion-dollar all hands on deck push to churn out mounjaro for diabetes and zepbound for weight loss. a massive investment to bring injectables from this brand-new eli lilly site to your pharmacy. so people -- consumers out there who really are eager for these drugs will see product from here at their pharmacies in the spring? in january? >> some time next year. for sure. >> some time next year. >> reporter: not soon enough for the nearly 80,000 people now taking zepbound. in a shortage, just five months after being approved by the fda. it's the drug some wall street analysts say could drive the weight loss drug market to $100 billion a year.
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is that a function of just demand that is so great for these drugs that you're really scrambling to keep up? >> it is the demand that's causing this. and again, we -- we are working so hard, every day to make sure that we increase that capacity, as fast as we can, to get these medications in patients' hands.. >> it has been a game changer. food noise is unrelenting, it's when all of your thoughts just completely revolve around food. and the glp-1 medications -- they shut it off like a switch for me. and i feel -- i feel free. i feel like i'm no longer ruled >> reporter: by food anymore. i feel like i can just live my life. i feel normal. and with the zepbound shortage, i'm just -- i'm not willing to struggle again. i'm not willing to suffer again. >> reporter: but it's become a part-time job to fill her precipitation. >> i just googled walmart pharmacy in new jersey and i just went down the list and called every single walmart in
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the state of new jersey. nobody had it, so i started focusing on pennsylvania, philadelphia, specifically. no one had it there either. i tried a few mom and pop shops, i've tried hospital pharmacies. i could not find it within the state of new jersey. >> reporter: when do you think zepbound will be in, you know, more -- better supply? >> for the near-term, we are going to be in are this limited availability, which may cause delays across some of the doses for both mounjaro and zepbound. outside of near-term, it's very challenging to predict when, you know, it's going to be full-on, so i would say that just for the near-term, we are expecting limited availability. >> reporter: but thousands of patients, like amanda, facing the risk of having to start all over again months down the road. >> so these drugs are not simple to use. you have to start at an initial starter dose, then you work your way up to what's called a therapeutic dose. i've got a starter dose of one kind of drug there, a
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therapeutic dose of another. if that dosage laps, you have to start all over again at the beginning. and people who aren't able to find their dose, you should talk to your doctor about what your other alternatives are. you hear these patients that are jumping back and forth between different prescriptions, hoping a different kind of drug will be easier to find. strong. >> and has been it's pretty disruptive, but i think it shows just the demand for these drugs is so, so strong. >> and has been for years. got to catch up. >> thank you, christine. >> nice to see you guys. >> appreciate it. all right, mr. roker's got a check of the weather. >> yes, indeed, we do. you can see showers and thunderstorms through the midsections of the country, where we are looking at a risk for some weather, showers moving out of the northeast into new england. today, look at this, down in southern texas. 90s on into the southwest. 30s and 40s up through the plains. 80s and 90s down through florida, on into the southeast. in fact, we could be looking at some record highs through the southeast.
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severe storms and then mississippi and the upper ohio river valleys. cool and damp here in the northeast and new england. and the west is best with plenty of sunshine and seasonal temperatures. forecast, but first o your local -- i'm meteorologist, vianey arana. get ready for another warm afternoon across the bay area. our skies will have a beautiful mix of sunshine and added clouds at times. overall the daytime highs will warm up beautifully into the 70s for dublin and hayward and fremont. we have 80s expected for san josé and the south bay, and even the city will be in the 70s. if you are anticipating the weekend forecast, we have a slight cooldown but weather will all right! don't forget, if you're heading out the don't forget, if you're heading out the door, sirius xm channel 108, but it is the best time of the morning right now. >> hey! >> "popstart!" >> thank you very much!
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>> hoda jumped out. she will go see a school recital. coming back for the 10. >> mommy. >> would have made that my lead story had i known. >> instead, we're going to start "popstart" with leonardo dicaprio. you'll never guess which hollywood legend he will be playing -- unless you've been watching our show. we've been teasing it quite a bit, frank sinatra. progress, but according to "variety," not much else is known about the project when it comes to love and marriage. jennifer lawrence set to play ava gardener, wife from '51 to '57. bringing it all to the screen, martin scorsese. he is set to begin this venture after he wraps his current project which is about the life of jesus which is intriguing in and of itself. we'll give you more as we come to learn it later. next up, taylor swift. calling all swifty bookworms as all the tortured poets are waiting for the release of her next studio album in near hours.
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we have a special "popstart" announcement this morning. a new book is in the works by longtime rolling stone writer and music historian, rob sheffield, it's called "heartbreak is a national anthem," how taylor swift music and get o the heart of her lyrics, fan connection and raw power. she's in some pretty good company. rob's written some great books before, including books about david bowie and the beatles. "heartbreak is a national anthem" is hit shelves just in time for your stocking stuffers november 12th. more info at next up, kate hudson. this week the hollywood a-lister turned certified recording artist dropped a new single. it's called "gonna find out." here's a little bit of it. ♪ if you want to get it, i may let you in this time, you got mt in the loop ♪ ♪ if you want to get, baby, i'm there ♪ >> okay! >> that's good. >> she can sing.
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she invokes that whole '70s vibe. >> betty davis eyes. >> well, we're going to find out. yesterday she announced her debut album is on the way. the project is called "glorious." it's set to drop may 18th. lucky for us, we're going to get a little preview before the album comes out. kate will be here in studio 1a, friday may 3rd for a special performance. this big screen hit. >> ever since i can remember, my family has been my whole life. >> rachel, rachel! >> if nick chose me, he would lose his family, and if mark your spend the rest of his life resenting you. >> you got nastier. >> yesterday warner brother's theater ventures announced crazy rich asians is headed to broadway. it's is the to be a comedy musical based on the best-selling books. no word on the cast, but we know director john m. chu is set to make his broadway debut.
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with the project. he's the man behind movies like the two wicked ones and in the heights. so it's in good hands on broadway. next up, jennifer garner, yesterday the actress celebrated her 52nd birthday in style sharing this fun clip on social media. >> high heels on my tip pis. ♪ >> jen showing off her fancy footwork and writing on instagram, fancy boots for my birthday. happy belated birthday to jen. >> cute. >> this was really funny last night in late-night if you were up late. chris stapleton, the country music star stopping by "jimmy kimmel live!" where he played a little game of wing it and sing it. this is where jimmy had chris sing a new song, but chris had no idea what the lyrics were about. it turns out the theme for this song was all about chris' real-life love for the show "full house." and then this happened. ♪ and i shout his name three times in a row ♪
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♪ maybe he'll appear here in this studio ♪ ♪ everybody, john stamos! ♪ ♪ oh, john stamos ♪ ♪ john stamos ♪ [ cheers and applause ]. >> oh, that's cute! >> perfect!cute. >> chris had a nice >> that was good. >> really funny stuff. >> that's cute. >> chris had a nice connection to the show "full house." he was very happy to see john wearing his chris stapleton t-shirt. >> and he still sounds good doing that ridiculous song. >> what a great idea. it was really funny. yesterday, sheryl crow the grammy winning superstar stopped by the jennifer hudson show. j hud revealing that when she's driving in her car, she tries to harmonize with sheryl crow's songs when they come on the radio and that led to this. tim,
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♪ i got no one to blame ♪ ♪ every time i complain, i'm looking up ♪ >> i did it, y'all! ♪ i'm going to soak up the sun ♪ >> very cute. >> that's great. >> these folks with natural talent. >> chris, jennifer hudson. i mean -- >> harmony was right there. >> guys, just ahead, look who's, i think, around the corner. >> uh-oh! >> orlando bloom! hello! >> here we go. >> living live on the edge. what's up, brother. >> hello. >> good to see you. >> hi, good morning. >> i'm surprised you didn't swing in. he's got a new reality series. >> hey. >> you're crazy, some of the stuff you do on this show. >> i mean, i'm certainly living life on the edge. >> yes, you are! >> literally! pushing my edge. >> it's called "to the edge," it's called peacock. lots to catch up with you about, but first, a check of your local news, and weather. after these messages.
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♪ ♪ good morning. it's 8:26. i am marcus washington. silicon valley giant, google, is
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putting its foot down after protests staged this week by workers opposing israel's war in gaza. a new memo viewed by cnbc showed police making arrest during the sit-in. such actions on google work sites will not be tolerated. google also says its investigation is on going and protesters may still face trespassing charges. let's get a look at the forecast for you today. vianey arana, looking at san francisco now. >> yeah, it is stunning and the workweek is fantastic when it comes to the weather. we are going to get another day of that and a warm afternoon. take a look at your daytime highs expected for today. there's a possibility we could see a return of 80s in the south bay and portions of the interior. this is going to extend in your
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friday forecast with some cooling heading into the weekend. fantastic weather, marcus. >> thank you, vianey. we will have another local news update for
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we're back. it's a thursday morning, 18th of
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april. a cheerful crowd. these raindrops are not going to get them down. we are just so happy to have y'all here. and orlando bloom is out here, i think. he's somewhere. was going to come out and say hi to folks. >> oh, there he is! >> he just arrived! he just did an appearing act, "to the edge" is the name of his thrilling new series on peacock, and they mean it, literally, he's on the edge. so we'll talk to him about that. plus, our second annual shop today travel awards. our team searched high and low for the best products for your next vacation. adrianna brock is here with a their favorites, including a whole outfit to take from the plane right to the beach. >> oh, i hope there's a qr code. and then chef carbone is making a spring crispy chicken parmesan. >> yum. >> i cannot wait. ahead on the 3rd hour, stars
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of the new show "the sympathizer" here to talk about their new spy series, telling the story of the vietnam war in a different light. well, coming up tomorrow on "today," you know, we have mentioned taylor swift a time or two. >> is something ham request. happening? >> she's got a new album coming out at midnight. >> i had not heard. >> she's not the only one having a moment. we'll get into it, why this season is being called pop girl spring. are you here for pop girl spring? yes! >> hot girl spring, now pop girl spring. >> is it ever not pop girl spring? >> okay, i'm going for old guy summer! >> how about that? yeah. all right. i'm not going on tour. for our weekend, widespread showers. florida heat continues. chilly in the plains. sunshine out west. saturday, cooling down around the great lakes, more heavy rain around texas. beautiful out west. some showers around the oregon
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and washington coast. and then sunday, sunday, beautiful weather, great lakes, you saw the sunshine on al's map. that's exactly what we're seeing here. in san jose at 9:00 a.m. we have the 60s. by 11:00, we're going to bump up by as much as ten degrees, eventually hitting a high of 80 degrees. for san francisco, look how nice it is out there. great shot of the golden gate bridge. we had a light breeze yesterday. this afternoon by 1:00 we're going to >> that's right, old dad summer followed by cargo pants dad fall. >> i love it. >> i'm here for it. up next, we're catching up with hollywood star orlando bloom. he's played some pretty daring
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characters over the years, but his new peacock show is all real. and it is extreme. orlando will tell us all about his thrill-seeking adventures. but first, this is "today" on nbc. oh, cutie. [ cheers and applaus
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we are back, 8:35 with hollywood superstar, orlando ♪ we are back, 8:35 with hollywood superstar, orlando bloom. on the big screen, he's conquered mythical creatures creatures and dared to sail the seven seas. but on his latest project, he's going eye to eye with real dangers. his new docuseries on peacock, he puts his mental and physical limits to the test. take a look. >> you're moving really fast, so go ahead and slow down as i'm
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taking the rope up. >> whoa! >> it doesn't feel good when it slides, does it? >> she says it doesn't feel good when it slides. no, i suppose it doesn't. how did it feel, orlando? >> yeah, it felt like i was in a pressure cooker. that whole experience between wind suiting and free diving and then the climbing being the final episode. it was like i was definitely pushing my life to the edge. it felt like. >> i want to talk about each one of these things, but first, i have to ask you, why on earth? what possessed you? are you kind of an adrenaline junkie? >> yeah. to be honest, that definitely plays into an aspect of my character, i would say, for sure, from childhood. i've always had a little bit of risk taker. i think the opportunity here was for me to take those risks, but really learn how to be capable, how to learn from some of the best of the best, like luke eakins and camilla and mo beck, who is like this adaptive
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climber who is just an insane athlete. and to be able to ultimately learn these thing and push my edge, but also know that i'm a capable human through it. and the risks are mitigated, because i've followed protocols. >> i'm like, keep rolling this video, because i think this is ? >> they all have their own special sort of torture chamber, but i would say wing suiting something -- i learned to skydive in 25 jumps and my 26th jump was in a wing suit. >> i didn't even know wing suiting was a thing. >> that's where you're basically just amazing. where you're basi flying through the air at about 150 miles an hour. it's like plane. it's the fastest thing you can do as a human across the air. >> would you do it again? >> i would love to, yeah. >> really? >> what i realized is that these are lifestyle choices, these are commitments. you can't just like pick it up and put it down, you really have to kind of keep touching that
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thing. and wing suiting is particularly terrifying, because things can go south very, very quickly. in a matter of seconds. >> what's this? what are we doing here? >> this is free diving, i dove to basically 102 feet. which is like -- >> free diving is i don't see a scuba tank. >> there's no tanks. 37 meters. 10 floors, one tenth of the chrysler building. >> how long did you have to hold your breath? >> i think it was about two and a half minutes. >> geez. >> you can hold your breath for up to five, six minutes. >> look, you've got two little kids, your love, katy perry. what did she say when you were like, sweetie, here's the thing. >> yeah, hear's the thing. >> i'm going to be in an adventure show and i could die. >> she's super supportive. we both are of each other. and the truth is, she may not have quite have realized to begin with. she was like, this is for a show -- but i don't think it was until i was coming home and she saw the look on my face of the feeling i was going through
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where -- because i think, whilst, of course, there was -- there were measures taken to keep my safety, and i wouldn't recommend anyone doing this at home, unless you have absolute experts with you. but i would say she just was lake, i think this is going to be fine until she saw me. and i was like, are you good? are we good? there were a couple moments where i really was like, oh, my life really is in my hands if i don't do this correctly. >> wow. >> i had great teachers, so. >> yeah. then it sounds like that was kind of sort of the point for you. being in that moment -- maybe not scared that you're going to not live but that moment of clarity, emotional aspect to that. >> for sure. 100%. i think the ultimate take away for me in many ways is how can i be so present in this moment to experience what is in front of me right now. and then in a highly-pressurized when i'm just about to jump out
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of the plane or take a breath to go down or get ready to climb up, it was like how do i condense that down and have that narrative play through my life with my family. >> yeah. >> and all the rest of it. and in a way -- i hope that this show encourages people to push their edge. i hope people look at it and go, well, you know, okay. orlando bloom doing that crazy stuff where he might die. but what is my edge? what would be it for me. the idea came out of that period of covid where i was like, there's a lot of fear i could feel around me. and initially i wanted to do something more in the blue zone space with like people who really good at living long and clean and lives that -- >> that would have been safer. >> that would have been safer. but i wouldn't get any takes on that from the studio. how about we throw you out of a plane. okay. >> exactly. oh my gosh. thank you so much. i'm looking forward to seeing more of this. >> thank you. >> and you lived to tell. so we know there's a happy ending. do you think you're going to do your own stunts more often. remember tom cruise and doing the motorcycle thing off the cliff. >> tom is insane. >> you as crazy as that.
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>> for sure. i always love to do mine, but yeah. it was -- yes, absolutely. >> all right, cool. orlando, take care. be safe now. thank you. come on back. all three episodes of "to the edge" are streaming now exclusively on peacock, part of our parent company nbc universal. sheinelle, over to you. >> i'm inspired. that could replace your up next, we have shop today's travel favorites for spring and summer including this do it all bag th
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we are back to help you get ready for spring and summer travel with shop today's second annual travel awards. our shop "today" staff reviewed more 150 products. they did the work s shop today editorial director adrianna brock is here to show us the best of travel.
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by the way, we have some exclusive discounts for our viewers. don't forget you can scan the qr code to shop everything right now. you give us a little code, right? >> yes, there's a discount code, scan the qr code to get in on it. the first is our award-winning best travel dress. this is 50% off and i'm going to tell you why it's so great. this is your one and done outfit, and it's got adjustable straps for your -- along the shoulders. >> that's good. >> it's got an adjustable waist line. the best part, sheinelle, it's got a built-in bra. this is from a brand, soma. they're known for making bras and loungewear. so they've created like the perfect travel dress. it's made with a quick dry fabric that's so soft. so this is great for warm weather travel. it's got the pockets, it's got upf 30, a little bit of sun protection when you're wearing this. this got a perfect 5 out of 5 score. so we had to get 50% off of for you guys, because this is the one and done travel outfit. >> nice. look at the price, $55. >> yeah, not bad. >> tell me about these. this is our award-winning sandal.
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this is our best budget sandal. this is from reef. we have a discount on this. we have 30% off for our viewers. and what was really cool about this sandal, when we first looked at this, we thought, it has the platform, a little bit trendy looking, is this actually going to be comfortable? the answer is yes. >> because some times their really hard. >> exactly. you'll get support and comfort all day long. the lightweight, the really good support, and what's awesome, too, you can dress this up or down. it's a two in one shoe that you can wear when your traveling on the go and also wear with it a nice dress if you're going out to dinner. >> sure. okay. >> best travel sandal. >> these hats to me scream vacation. i want to go somewhere. i don't know where i'm going to go but i want do go. >> and i love this one. this is a longtime shop "today" reader favorite. it's just $25. this also got a perfect 5 out of 5 rating from our staffers. >> can i try it? >> yeah. i want you to try it. what's cool about this, it's not just affordable and cute -- >> oh, that's cute.
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it's actually really cute. >> did i just sell this hat? i should get a cut. >> but it's crush proof. you can fold it up a, roll it up, bend it up. i had it in my perfect last week like this when i was on our cruise. it comes back into its shape. >> you wore this? >> yes, i was on a cruise for seven days, and i was wearing it nonstop. there's my family! >> that's really cute! there's mike and ella. i have to give a shout-out to mike, because he's celebrating a big birthday tomorrow. >> he's my birthday twin. >> he's your birthday twin. >> his big 40th birthday tomorrow. happy birthday, mike. >> happy birthday, mike. >> but this hat is really great. >> and normally when you wear a hat on vacation, you have to wear it on the plane, because you don't have anywhere to put it. >> throw it in any bag. exactly. speaking of bags, this one for our best carry-on duffel, it's really cool. it's actually a garment bag and duffel bag in one. and with baggage fees through the roof these days, you really want a piece that can serve dual purpose. i think we have some video of how this works. you open it up and it's a garment bag. for your shoes --
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>> so you put your outfits in here, dresses, shirts, suits. this is good if you're going to weddings or events and you need to have your clothes not wrinkle up. >> does it fit the standard size for the airlines? >> it does, we tested it and fit fits for most major airlines. their carry-on policy, but we have 25% off this one. with just a few zips, it turns into a duffel bag and you put your shoes inside, too. easy peasy. >> last but not least, you were explaining this high-tech gadget. this is the airfly pro. this won an award for best inflight gadget. this won again this year. this is their newer vision. it's a transmitter and a receiver for blue tooth audio. so basically the main use case is when you're in flight entertainment and you want to use your wireless -- >> because they usually give you those headphones and the sound isn't as great. >> exactly. >> so you can use your air pods? >> or your noise canceling headphones. you plug this into the jack and you can transmit the audio, watch tv, movies, all your
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in-flight entertainment. what's really cool with this new one, it has 25 hours of battery life. it also can pair two devices. so if you're watching with your travel buddy, you can watch a movie together. also really good for rental cars. plug this in, transmit your gps audio, all from your phone or tablet to the car. this has a discount, too. >> head to awards to purchase all of these products and don't go anywhere. we have more shop "today" travel award winners coming up in our third hour. oh, carson? >> hello! we've got a treat here. the great mara carbone is taking over planet earth, and we have him to ourselves this morning. a fantastic light, chicken parm for you. he'll show you how to make it after this. but first this is "today" on nbc. ♪
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dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. ♪ this morning on "today"
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food, we have renowned chef mario carbone with us. he's one of the owners of major food group as well as the very popular restaurant, carbone. they're everywhere. he's here to make an italian classic, but first, he's telling us about this ultimate event that's coming to miami beach. it's the third year of this exclusive star-studded supper club. just describe this thing. a coo. >> it's definitely a throwback. it's old world, kind of like, it's in the sand in miami, and people think of like a pop of carbone, but it's that on steroids. it's such a cool set-up. >> yeah. it's definitely a throwback. it's old world, kind of like, i'm an old soul. this feels like 1950s, 1960s supper club, on the grandest stage, you know. like, roman emperor meets supper club. major performance every night, surprise, we don't tell you what it is. >> a ton of celebrities. all the beautiful piece. people. it's race week in miami. >> race weekend, partner with our good friends at american express. and it's incredible. >> how do you do the menu for that? you have miami, you think people want to eat light, because it's miami. how do you do the italian there? how do you serve? >> i think you want to be a
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celebratory. cover the table in food, just like mom would do. you want to make sure there's a generous amount, but everything is amplified. the desserts are this giant hatbox, gets disassembled at your table. raw bar is a huge ice sculpture. almost medieval times. >> it is over the top and awesome. we've got to get to it. we'll do classic chicken parm. some people are a little intimidated by the process. >> and they shouldn't be. >> you have the cutlets. >> step one, pound your cutlets, but not too thin. leave a little bit of meat there so you don't dry it out and it could be anything. use something other than your fingers to bread it, otherwise you'll end up with mozzarella stick fingers. flour, knock it off, egg, dredge it in. is this one of those that you cook at home? >> the chicken parm, no, we don't, but i would like to. i'm a little intimidated by the process, but that doesn't look too hard. you make chicken parm, al? >> i do. >> this is delicious. >> this is amazing. >> making your own bread crumb
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is kind of a trick. you can jazz up a bread crumb nicely. >> and seasoning wise, we didn't do a tremendous amount in the flour or anything like that. salt, pepper. >> salt and pepper. you know, you can put anything you want, garlic powder, onion . >> how is house carbone here in the city? >> booming. you were my sous chef. >> that place is so fun. if you get a chance, haven't been there -- >> when do you want to come back and pick up a shift? >> anytime. it's amazing the amount of business you do. when you walk in carbone, it's a transformation in time. it's not even powder, oregano, even more like miami, it's a transformation in time. the cuisine is incredible when you walk in. it takes you back to an era, feeling. it's like you're in "goodfellas" in the movie. it's ray liotta walking the copacabana -- >> but nobody dies. >> not yet. >> so what oil?
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>> chicken parm in canola oil, but i like to add a little bit of whole butter. so we fry kind of 50/50, whole butter and oil, and aeromatics, anything you like, a little crushed garlic, rosemary, thyme, flavor the oil. you can smell it. flavoring the oil. >> is this how you get it crispy? people want -- the secret to get there. >> i always pan fry. we don't want to deep fry it. it's so too violent, it drys it out. this is like a gentle, beautiful way -- >> but the double fat, you recommend the butter and the oil? >> as the butter starts to slightly brown, you'll get those milk solids that will coat the chicken. >> pro tip. add the fact. >> a little bit of nuttiness. >> pro tip, add the fat. >> really high-quality. >> fat dad fall, al. you and me, bud. >> you can make your own, san marzano. you can make your own. >> you have three sauces? right? >> we have seven now. we just dropped alfredo. nobody told you. >> who knew?
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>> this is delicious. >> thank you. >> i like to leave some on the outside. i like that crispiness. >> a little cheesy, crispy bite. and making a margarita pizza. fresh mozzarella. i woke up this morning and made this mozzarella. >> i know you did, your liar. a little bit of grated parm. ch because the chicken is already cooked. and there grow. >> a broil situation? >> i like to broil it, because i want it to cook >> a double cook. >> and just to melt the cheese, because the chicken is already cooked. the cheese is already cooked. is this a broil situation? >> i like to broil it, because i want it to cook quickly. the chicken is already done. you don't want to dry it out. >> guys? >> it's fantastic. it's moist, it's flavorful. >> it's perfect. >> are you going to try it? you could pull this off. >> a little parm on top. chef, good luck in miami. congrats on all the success. it's always great to have you. you are the man. we have the recipes there, carbone beach supper club on the sand. takes place, if you find yourself the first week in may in miami, good luck getting a ticket.
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if you're an amex card owner or something, you can get in there. good morning. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. more californians will be losing home insurance as two more insurers withdraw from the state. the two campaigns insured more than 12,000 homeowners' policies. neither disclosed the reason for leaving. allstate and state farm recently stopped writing new policies in areas with high fire risk. our kris sanchez is speaking our kris sanchez is speaking with experts.
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puffing pot and pets, and a local veterinarian tells us what you need to know. and then norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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