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tv   ABC7 News at 9 on KOFY  KOFY  December 21, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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good evening. i'm dan ashley. just as basketball season is about to get underway in the nba the golden state warriors are in the middle of a crisis tonight. their star player, montae ellis is being accused of sexual harassment and there is graphic evidence his accuser says is proof. is it the full montae?
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>> reporter: erica smith says she lost her job as community relations director for the golden state warriors after unwanted interaction with one player montae ellis. smith says he sexually harassed her and today she filed a civil suit against the guard. her attorney says the married ellis sent smith a single east bay woman at least 61 text messages between november 2010 and december 2010 using a secret cell phone kept by the team's equipment manager. >> the texts were not work related. the texts were unwelcome and harassing. most of the texts were sent late at night or in the wee hours of morning. >> reporter: according to the lawsuit, the messages have phrases like hey, sexy and i want to be with you and even included a picture of his genitals.
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the lawsuit alleges after ellis' wife found out and complained to the team smith's duties were downgraded and she was eventually fired. she is suing. >> my career is essentially over. it will be hard to re-establish myself. >> the warriors president read a statement calling the relationship between smith and montae ellis consentual and says the team denies her allegations. >> we live in a litigious society. we will vigorously defend the reputation of the warriors organization in the courts. >> reporter: at edward and jones barbecue where the screens are always turned to sports, warriors fans are withholding. >> if it is true, it is horrible what he did. if it is made up it is horrible what the accuser has done. >> reporter: the season opener is sunday, christmas day. this lawsuit could be a
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distraction for both the players and the fans. in oakland, caroline tyler, abc 7 news. an unusual controversy tonight in san francisco. group planning to make a big donation to the san francisco firefighters toy program for the holidays is dodd hand over the money some where other than a fire station. the donors, exotic dancers. the details on this. >> reporter: well, actually it was $20,000 that was donated today from 11 different gentleman p. clubs from here in san francisco to the toy program. it was supposed to be handed over here at fire station one on howard but the chief, jo ann hayes white said that was not going to happen. instead it was held at a warehouse where they keep the toys in the bay view district. and everything went smoothly. it went well. i spoke to the chief earlier today about why she didn't want it inside of the station. she said first of all, the proper are paper work hadn't
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been filed but even if it had she probably still would have said no because she didn't want to impede on the operations of the fire station and quite frankly didn't think having entertainers inside the station was conducive to the wholesome work place that she is trying to promote. here is what the chair person of the toy program had to say. >> i think there must be a happy meeting place. maybe on the sidewalk in front of the station would have been more appropriate than going inside because they are in service to respond to calls and might have been in the way of the fire engine coming through. maybe the sidewalk in front of the fire station would have been okay. >> the publicist for the gentleman's club said they asked for it to be held outside of the station on the sidewalk. they with been donating for 17 years to the program and they say despite what happened today they are fully committed to the program and look forward to donating more next year. thank you. police opened fire on a man in richmond tonight, sending
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him to the hospital and it affected hundreds of holiday shoppers at hill top mall. sky 7 hd was over shortly after 3:00 this afternoon. a man arguing with a clerk at the nearby extended stay america hotel. another employee notice the man had a gun and called police. when police arrived the man ran away. police fired a shot at the suspect. he is expected to survive. mayor jean kwan wants an outside look into the force used against occupy protesters. this comes as the mayor faces continual criticism over how she has handled the occupy movement from the beginning. mark matthews has the story. >> reporter: when police moved in to clear occupy protesters from in front of city hall last october they he used tear gas and bean bags andrew fire have critics who state they
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overreact. >> we have been trying to change i think the culture and way we deal with demonstrations and response. >> reporter: today the mayor announced the lead investigator into the use of police force will be retired baltimore police commissioner thomas frazier. >> the value is accountability number one. there are things that went wrong that we find those out. >> reporter: he says his team will interview you officers and compare the descriptions against the video record. one of the people injured that night of october 25 was scott olson an iraq war vet who was struck in the head with a tear gas canster. he couldn't speak after it happened. today his friend expressed little confidence into the investigation. >> if they wanted an independent investigation they should have gotten somebody outside of the law enforcement area. >> protesters outside of city hall say police have been them. the report of oakland complains that police haven't been doing
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enough. the port says recent protests have cost millions of dollars in business. they have called to instruct the police to keep it from happening again. >> i think we did our best. we kept most of port open most of the bay the mayor says a better approach would be to county protesters not to target the port for a third shutdown. >> that is not a good target. >> reporter: the protesters we talked to sealed unsympathetic to the plea. >> our point is to end capitalism. you do that by ending trade. to end trade you close down ports. >> the investigation into the police use of force is expected to take 90 days and it is budgeted for up to $100,000. thomas frazier will be joined by retired officers from los angeles and san jose and a retired coast guard captain. in the newsroom, abc 7 news. in berkeley, police have
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give iten occupiers a third notice. police say occupiers are in violation of a civic code which prevents any one from being in the park after 10:00 p.m. thousands of nurses set to hit the picket lines tomorrow over failed contract negotiations with the suter health network. 4,000 nurses will be affected. hundreds of replacement nurses have been hired and management promises to lock out nurses who strike. the investigation into what caused the second of monday night's twin blackouts at candlestick park continues. city crews today were repairing nearfire aarm boxes and street lights. the first blackout was caused by a downed fire line. they were insecting transformers around the park trying to figure out the cause of the second blackout that
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plunged tens of thousands of people into darkness at candlestick on national television, twice. twice. >> hellman died sunday of leukemia but left a legacy of civic changes and music for generations to come. here is abc 7 arts and entertainment reporter don sanchez. ♪ >> there was singing by music legend emily lou harris. >> warren was always there with support and counsel. >> remembrances from close personal friend diane feinstein. thoughts from congress woman nancy pelosi. fond memories from hellman's sister civic leader nancy beck bechtel and a lot more music. warren hellman leaves behind a
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legacy. the muse frick his gift the hardly blew you grass festival. >> they are renaming the site of the festival in golden gate park hellman hollow. he embraced causes and gave generously to this city he loved. >> any time i brought up kids or programs or pal it was always let me help you out with that. he would follow up. >> one of the things that people don't know about is that he helped us save the giants. took no credit for it but helped us put together a last minute effort. >> his attitude of giving back transcended not just charity but the people he dealtwith. >> reporter: and what a fitting way to end the service. playians gathered to play together and sing and thank warren for his considerations and his passion for their music. he said it best. >> the trouble with the blues when you got them is you just keep falling because there
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ain't no bottom. who knows where it is going to industry. >> reporter: there is a saying that that the roaded goes on forever but the music never stops and that is the way warren would have wanted it. there will be a public celebration of h his life in mid february at golden gate park, of course. >> a lot more to bring you here. still ahead tonight at 9 time, hackers targeting u.s. businesses. why it is not only costing money, but jobs. and the president hits the mall for last minute christmas shopping. maybe you are doing the same thing. plus, why this year is better than ever for retailers. >> i'm spencer christian. winds picking up and our freezing temperatures may not fall so low tonight. i'll have details in the accuweather forecast coming up. also here, a family kicked off a flight for having too many children.
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[ female announcer ] hurry to jcpenney... ...for the final days to save before christmas... ...and shop til midnight for those last minute gifts. save 60% off must have winter coats. 60% off the coziest sleepwear. 9.99 for the coolest men's shirts. and 40 to 60% off fine jewelry. need another idea? get the jcp gift card. the perfect gift to bring holiday cheer. don't miss the final days to save before christmas. go to to see everything on sale. we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. h hi history was made today when two women became the first same sex couple to share a first kiss on the peer. they got off the uss oak hill after 80 days at sea and gave a quick kiss to a partner who is a petty officer from los angeles. this is a first after the repeal of military's don't ask
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don't tell policy three months ago. with the war in iraq finally over, soldiers, sailors and marines across the country are coming back to their families and these reunions are just in time for the holidays. a few of these happy families. >> reporter: from california to florida. >> i can't believe! >> and texas. this is a holiday season military families around the country will not forget. >> it is hard to describe that feeling of being reunited with your child after so long. >> the surprise home comings can begin to look very similar. >> oh, my god! >> each one has its own story and emotion. in reno, nevada, first grader cody was speechless as he watched his mom walk through his school's doors after being away for nearly a year.
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>> it is difficult to be separated from cody. but at the same time i have a lot of pride in what i do. >> daddy! >> in fairfield, california, staff sergeant brett randall is home on leave long enough to surprise his 4-year-old daughter at her dance recital. after his third tour in iraq, this home coming in pennsylvania was extra special thanks to the end of the war in iraq, army pilot chris sager had a second surprise for his family. >> are you staying? >> i'm done, honey. >> and in kentucky, there were no surprises. these families were expecting their loved ones but the thrill was still the same. >> come here! >> reporter: giving a whole new meaning to the lyric all i want for christmas is you. alex stone, abc news. and welcome home. the commander in chief did a little last minute christmas
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shopping today, visiting petsmart where he picked up a couple of chew toys for bo and then headed to best buy for video games for the first daughters. at best buy he had a moment that most of us can relate to. >> let's see if my credit card still works. it will be really embarrassing if it doesn't go through. >> can you imagine, mr. president, do you have another card? the transaction was completed. the tab was $195. he picked up eye tunes gift cards and wii games for his daughters. >> the holiday shopping season is turning out to be better than expected. sales from november through last weekend rose 2.5%. that according to research firm shopper track. online shoppers have spent almost $32 billion. that is up 15% from a year ago. retailers are licking their chops. >> an update from the story we
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first brought you this weekend. lind da of gibson from michigan put $700 worth of christmas gifts in the trunk of the wrong ford focus at the mall. her key opened the trunk. today she got a few of the gifts back when a young woman tried to return two sweaters for cash. she ran from the store after the manager recognized the items. gibson says she forgives the girl adding it would be nice to get all of those gifts back. spencer is here with the forecast and we are still waiting on some rain. >> maybe not as cool tonight as we thought. >> exactly. the winds picked up in the last couple of hours rather significantly and if the winds continue to blow forcefully it won't get quite as cold as we had earlier thought. it will be chilly, though. it will still be chilly. a view from the high definition camera look down on part of san francisco. notice the shake. >> shot. the camera up ayou top mount tam where it is quite windy. mild conditions over much of
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the bay area relatively speaking. notice the node upper 50s over much of the north bay which was expected to be the coldest part of the bayary but because the winds picked up the temperatures have not dropped yet. 40s around the bay and vigorous winds blowing right now. gusts over in oakland hills at 25 miles per hour. only 16-mile per hour over bin lomen mountain. mount diablo gusts to 62 miles an hour. winter solstice arrives at 9:30 p.m. pacific standard time. windy over the hills. chilly in the valleys tonight. freeze warning for the north bay valleys tonight from -- tonight overnight from 3 am to 9 am. in the wind protected valleys temperatures drop into the 20s. freeze damage to sensitive plants is a possibility.
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keep that in mind if you are plant person. go to tonight's projected lows. if the winds continue to blow forcefully, right around freezing at voice and livermore. we can see low temperatures dropping into the upper 20s and today was a spare the air day that alert is in effect until midnight so bear that in mind as well. high pressure still the controlling factor in our weather and we still have the dry flow that will continue right on through the weekend and christmas day into early next week. start the forecast animation 11:00 tonight and see the windy conditions over the hills continuing from overnight into the morning hours and then tapering off into the afternoon. nice between tomorrow and a little cooler weather than today. high temperatures reach into the upper hughes to around 60. maybe 61 at clover dale but we expect 60 degrees at santa rosa, napa, oakland, fremont,
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palo alto and half moon bay. 61 watsonville. 63 salinas. here is the accuweather seven-day forecast. dry weather through the weekend. we will have the freezing nights ahead in the inland areas. thursday, friday and saturday. not so much on sunday, christmas day which will be a mild day with highs in the low 60s along the bay. a few clouds gather on monday and a chance of rain overnight tuesday into wednesday and considering how dry it is we would like to see a lot of rain come with the storm. >> maybe santa will brick that. >> let's hope so. >> thank you very much. coming up here, the new rules for pilots that could make flying safer and a family kick off a flight because they have too many children. whatatatatat
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ok, you guys wanted a space for entertainingng your frien, so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever.
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safety advocates are applauding new rules issued by the f.a.a. aimed at preventing pilots from becoming too tired. the rules will limit the number of hours they can fly to a maximum of nine and then set the minimum forest time between flights for a minimum of ten hours. >> the rules come after a plane crashed in buffalo new york, killing 50 people. a family claims it was kicked off a northwest airlines fight for having too much children. kathy and jason fix had three kids a 3-year-old, 20 month olded twins and a son. they were told children under the age of two didn't need tickets. however, when they got on the flight that is when the problems started. first the couple says they were asked to change seats and then the flight attendant told them another adult had to hold one of their children. >> we kept on trying to comply.
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we already held up the plane for like 40 minutes or 50 minutes that the point. we tonight know why because we kept on doing what they asked us to do. >> from the gates checking in to, you know, nobody at any point said anything and all of a sudden sitting on the plane and 40 minutes later not being able to fly home for the holidays. >> u.s. airways says its policy only allows one ticketless is infant per traveling adult. >> still ahead here tonight, the silent war striking at the heart of the economies. the secrets and the jobs that spies are stealing from american companies. plus, new controversy over california's redistricting process. we will explain what is going on, and the return of california caviar. the local company that is bringing it back. stay with us. another half hour of news
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this holiday season give your family the gift they can all share... ... verizon 4g lte smartphones ! like the galaxy nexus. and the stratosphere. don't miss the best deals at the right price. on the network they deserve. get the latest 4g lte smartphones like the galaxy nexus by samsung or get the samsung stratosphere for $99.99. and for a limited time get twice the data for the same low price. verizon. these deals make me loco !
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so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates.
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good evening. here is a look at some of the headlines we are following tonight. a former golden state warriors employee filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against montae ellis and the team. she claims he sent her 61 text messages. the warriors say the relationship with ellis was conceptual. berkeley police have given occupiers in civic center park a final eviction notice. police say they are in violation of a civic code that prevents any one from being in the park after 10:00 p.m. thousands of nurses set to hit the h picket lines over failed contract negotiations the suter health network. 4,000 nurses at 9 bay area hospitals will be affected. some of the headlines. there is a war going on every day that you might not know about.
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spies striking at the heart of our economy. iconic american companies like ford and google, even the pentagon. and they are stealing corporate secrets worth thousands of jobs and billions of dollars. abc 7's pierre thomas has more on the invisible but costly war. >> reporter: as employees at the u.s. chamber of commerce work, spies, thousands of miles away in china, were looking overrer that shoulders. for more than a year hackers suspected of ties to the chinese government had scinta to everything in chamber computers. >> it we have never seen a country dedicate its espionage resources to steal economic information and then tuesday against us against our economy. >> at one point the penetration was so complete a chamber thermostat was communicating with a computer in china. another time, chamber employees were surprised to see one of their printers printing in
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chinese. congressional leaders say china is engaged in economic espionage on a scale never seen before. sources tell abc 7 news at any given moment there are hundreds of cyber attacks haring u.s. companies -- targeting u.s. companies and government agencies. in late, 2009 authorities say china based attackers looked at the computers of human rights activists. other companies were hit including dow chemical. >> it. >> two years ago an operative at ford motor company downloaded thousands of files and hybrid engine design and dave them to the people's republic. design secrets for this fighter jet were allegedly the result of a cyber attack. take a look at china's plane, they similar. >> this may be the greatest translation of wealth and we are on the losing end of it.
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>> reporter: intelligence sources say the u.s. is hemorrhaging $250 billion in losses to economic espionage annually. >> a national long-term strategic threat to the united states of america and this is an issue that is failure is not an option. >> officials at the chinese embassy issued a statement calling such charges irresponsible and lacking proof. pierre thomas, abc news, washington. this is an anxious time for the unemployed as another day in washington goes by with no deal on an extension for unemployment pay. more than a million people worried that the check won't be in the mail in california. capital correspondent nannette miranda reports from sacramento on the jobless benefits that so many people depend on. >> mr. speaker, you're he walking out, you are walking away jif as so many republicans have walked away from middle class taxpayers, the unemployed. >> reporter: yet another day passes in washington, d.c. with no resolution on how to pay for
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the $44 billion it would take to extend unemployment benefits for another here. >> i don't know what i would do. >> 3,000 miles away in california, more than ale jobless residents like matthew clark are on pins and needles. will their unemployment checks continue. at the moment the answer for many is no. >> i would have to stop paying a lot of things, you know, and it woo be difficult. >> reporter: without congressional approval of extensions people receiving unemployment checks will not be able to receive the next tier of benefits normally an eligible person could get up to 26 weeks but in the recession as many as four extensions are available and for the long-term employed a special extension called fed ed makes up to 99 weeks available. while most recipients could receive the normal tier it, fed ed runs out january for 1,000
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in california. >> these people are wondering what am i going to do come the first of the year when the rent comes due. we want to warn people that the potential now exists. >> with no prospect of working in his trade as a sheet metal worker matthew and others are upset, congress is playing with their lives and desperately need their lifeline continued. >> why not make this a christmas gift to everybody. come back and fix it. >> for every dollar in unemployment benefits $2 gets pumped into the economy. through november, california paid out $15 billion in benefits, that is $30 billion that may not end up in the state's economy in 2012. in sacramento, nannette miranda, abc 7 news. another note about employment. california on the opposite end of the nationwide job trend. 2.4 million californians held government jobs last month, up 1% from a year ago. nationwide, this were 240,000 fewer public sector jobs compared to last november.
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party leaders are firing back tonight over a report that california congressional democrats manipulated the state's redistricting process. the report is from a nonprofit investigative foundation propublica. it says democrats secretly influenced the independent panel that drew the state's new political district. according to the report, democrats drew the ideal district. state democratic party chair john burton told abc 7 news that "the party didn't do this" and added that propublica had not even contacted them before releasing the story. so far no response from state republican leaders. still ahead here tonight, tempted to cash in on the few remaining sick days before the end of the year perhaps? coming up, meet one man who has never called in sick in more than 30 years. and another who is still going to work on wall street at
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certainly not unusual to retire at 63 but in the case of john leon it means leaving behind 200 beloved off spring. roses he planted and has cared for so lovingly for 33 years. abc 7's david louie has the story. >> this was by me. what i wanted. i asked for donations. and which they gave me and i just started. >> reporter: john leon had a vision to plant roses when mission college opened in the 1970s. there are new 200 roses on campus which are so well tended to they bud and bloom in december. the faculty and staff call leon a rose man.
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a gifted self-trained horticulturist. he cultivated his interest in roses taking care of roses on peninsula estates as a young man. now, after 33 years tending to these roses he is retiring. >> this is like my second home. i will miss everybody here. especially the students. >> john leon knows each variety of rose by name. the fray grant cloud is one of its favorites for its distinctive perfume like scent. >> it doesn't have much of a bloom but this is the one that is very strong. very strong fragrance on it. >> when i had a bad day if i wanted to feel better i would open up the freezer and walk in and breathe in the plo flowersd roses. it works. >> reporter: john hasn't had a sick day in his 33 years.
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working outdoors is probably the reason. however, it is time for the dedicated gardener to retire. >> hate to go but this is the time for me so thank you. >> reporter: john will be leaving all the roses behind. as he relocates to retirement in susanville. he will be tending to yet another rose, his wife rose. in santa clara, david louie, abc 7 news. and check out irving khan. he may be 106 years old but still works as a stockbroker. he says the biggest change he has seen on wall street is it is is no longer just a rich man's business it is "a business for everybody." 106. still working on wall street. unbelievable. it has been called the food of kings and was nearly wiped out. now, caviar is making a
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[ female announcer ] hurry to jcpenney... ...for the final days to save before christmas... ...and shop til midnight for those last minute gifts. save 60% off must have winter coats. 60% off the coziest sleepwear. 9.99 for the coolest men's shirts. and 40 to 60% off fine jewelry. need another idea? get the jcp gift card. the perfect gift to bring holiday cheer. don't miss the final days to save before christmas. go to to see everything on sale.
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we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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there was a time when cavor lovers could not get enough because the fish it came from was nearly wiped out from demand. now, thanks to sustainable practices the colorful fish eggs are back and in tonight's assignment 7 report a closer look at the role that local companies have played in its resurgence. >> it has been called the food of kings. caviar is a delicacy not just for its rarity but for its creamia buttery texture and taste. today it is on the menus of some of the bay area's top restaurants. debra keene is with california cavor company. up with of a growing number of caviar purveyors trying to provide an environmental source of fish eggs.
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only source from sturgeon can be called cavor. illegal poaching created a huge black market for the delicacy. >> all of the imported wild caviar is banned in the united states. >> keene was part of a movement that started to bring domestic caviar back. she turned to farm raise ad fish. >> when i started in the industry there was six farms around the world producing caviar and only a couple processing caviar and growing the sturgeon. now, there is about 20. >> most of the u.s. production happens in california's central valley. the region produces an estimated 85% of all of the white sturgeon caviar in the country. >> white sturgeon is native to the california coast. >> reporter: it farm is owned by san francisco based zar nick coli caviar. the fish are raised in huge
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tanks and carefully monitored by biologists. >> we raise them until they are 6 to 8 years old. >> in the wild they can weigh up to 400-pounds. these weigh 85-pounds but are still difficult to wrangle. each fish is closely monitored and when the time is right checked for ripeness. >> we will do a surgical biopsy examine the eggs for size, quality, texture and color. >> the eggs are then sent to san francisco for processing and the meat is sold separately. the eggs are carefully sorted and inspected for quality before being packaged and stored. as soon as an order comes in this fresh cavor will be packed and sent to customers. >> you are getting a raw with salt and the taste and texture and color what the fish gave us. >> it is that level of purity that has people clamoring for the bel delicacy.
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retailers say it is still in its infanty but growing. >> the cavor starts at $90 an ounce and goes up to $720 an ounce. the california caviar company brand caviar starts at $35 an ounce and goes to $80. so a little bit more moderately priced. we have posted links to both companies at abc 7 under see it on tv. the polar bears at the san francisco zoo got a special treat today. workers blew ten tons of snow into their exhibit. the bears spent the morning romping and playing around in the powder. the zoo says it is designed to encourage the bears natural behavior, keeping them healthy and happy. and one tip, you always want your polar bare bears happy. go back to spencer christian. the snow should stick around awhile in the cold. >> it could. we could use rain here and snow in the sierra.
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this was sent to us by barbara showing the cold and foggy conditions this morning in discovery bay. freezing fog there makes for chilly conditions and, of course, we had poor air quality here in the bay area today. the haze here in the view from the mount tam cam. windy conditions in the hill tops today produced the shakiness there but not enough to move out the stagnant air. tomorrow, sunny skies. high temperatures mainly in the upper 50s to right around 60. not very mild but still a pleasant day. we will have more freezing nights inland thursday, friday and saturday. be then christmas day nice and mild, high temperatures mainly in the low 60s and a chance of rain finally mid week next week. bring it on. >> we'll be ready. thanks, spencer, very much. larry beil is here since we are talking ice and polar bears hockey seems a natural next step. >> the sharks in action tonight.
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citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank. is as easy as... making breakfast. omelet? sure. scrambled eggs. [ male announcer ] actually, it's easier. citi financial tools. easier banking. standard at citibank. so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever.
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>> coming up tonight, occupy berkeley on notice tonight. police are out in force telling demonstrators to be out in the next few minutes, 10:00 is the deadline. we'll have a live report now you. and proponents of high speed rail claim that that project will create a million jobs in california but tonight there is evidence that those numbers may be way off. those stories and more in one hour on abc 7 news at 11 over on channel 7. mr. biel here tonight with all of the sports tonight and hockey news. >> unfortunate situation for the sharks. havelin will be out 6 to 8 weeks after surgery on a torn tendon. first period, ben ferrio on the rebound quickly. 1-0 sharks. struggling power play heating up. joe pavelski on the rebound.
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sharks scored five goals in the first period. snapshot by logan who scored twice tonight, has 14 this season and check out the save by steve downey. glove save and a beaut beauty m point blank range. three 49ers are leading in the fan votes to select the roster for the probowl. patrick willis, justin smith and andy lick. the probowl teams will be announced officially on december 27. alex smith could get selected as a backup yesterday. we heard head coach jim harbaugh you doing public lobbying on smith's behalf. the 49ers visit seattle. they are playing this game on saturday. unusual ones you get into december the schedule shifts saturday games as well. smith was asked whether he deserves to be in the probowl. >> that is for you guys to
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decide. i don't get to vote on it. i'm just trying to play football and win games. >> his professionalism. in the offense late at night. getting a head start on the game plan. is what your quarterback needs to do. i think we are 11-3 so that sounds like a probowl year to me. >> very good year. kicker sebastian janikowski are the two raiders leading in the probowl. the raiders they have to win the final two games and then pray for help in order to make the playoffs. the silver and black will visit kansas city, also a saturday game. not a good time to be facing the chiefs who put kyle orton in at quarterback this past weekend and upset he the previously undefeated green bay packers. hugh jackson says the raiders just have to go out and play. >> i think it is the focus. we have to go in and focus and play raider football which is we can't turn it over. we have to get turnovers and then we have to finish
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consistently every play. rather if the play is two yards the rest of the play is 20-yards, we have to play consistently for four quarters. college football. tcu and la tech in the poinsettia. that a is dedication right there, carving the school initials in your head. miles white stretching out 61-yards. 24-17. la tech. the orange frogs, 42-yard t.d. casey to sky dawson. that is a good name. sky dawson. tcu wins the poinsettia, 31-24. no hugment damage to curry who tweaked his ankle again last night in a free season game in sacramento. he had surgery to supposedly strengthen the right ankle back in may but rolled in in the second quarter, could not put any weight ton. this is not like a dramatic cut or turn. a real concern.
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the mri showed a strain and nothing mo serious. he is day to day. questionable for the season opener against the clippers on sunday injuries the clips battle of l kobe bryant out with a torn ligament in his wrist. third quarter, you are going to see a lot of kris paul and blake griffin doing this all night and all season long. i'm excited for the clippers. 93-87 they lead the lakers right now in l.a. the play that giant fans will never forget. scott cousins did his first tv interview since the collision with buster posey back in may. cousins crashed right into posey who suffered a broken ankle on the play. cousins grew up in the bay area and played college ball at usf said he was never trying to hurt buster posey but as cousins told the mlb network he knew right away this this injury was pretty serious.
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>> i kind of signaled for some people to come out and check on him and i neilled down and i said buster, are you all right, man and he just kind of groaned in pain and that is when i knew something was wrong. >> if the gm of the giants the guy you wanted to play for, brian sabian coming out and saying that you tried to be a hero he. >> it hurt. i'm not going lie. this is my hometown. the giants were the team that i grew up watching and wanted to play for. people sometimes in the heat of the moment say things that they forget. >> boxer floyd may weather, jr. plead guilty to -- sentenced to 90 days in jail. admitted to striking his girlfriend back in september of 2010. he will begin serving the sentence and further tee lays a possible fight with manny pachio. >> thank you for watching. we appreciate your t


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