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tv   ABC7 News  KOFY  February 15, 2013 11:30am-12:00pm PST

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maybe just a shot, just one. >> i must ask you, can you accept his baggage? >> you know, eric, you seem like a nice guy, but i'm really looking for a guy that has a little more morals than that, so i'm sorry, i cannot accept your baggage. >> oh! i am sorry, eric. i am sorry. you're a good sport, but it's time to pack up and go. well, no matches today, but when it comes to love, sometimes baggage is just too heavy to carry. we'll see you next time. >> you know, summer, i don't know what happened. you know, i thought we had a good vibe there. you couldn't accept my baggage, but if you were willing to, i would have been a one-woman man. >> i'm sorry, eric, but i'm looking for a guy who has a little more respect for himself and for women. you're missing out on the hottest season ever, summer.
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dazzler, on. wow! dirt dazzlers let me clean and work out at the same time. shame, shame, shame. ooh, slippery, ooh! uh, let's ditch the cha-chas and get down to business. pine sol - a real clean. no gimmicks.
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>> live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. cell phone video captures the moment a boom is heard from a speeding meteor on a crash course in russia. an extraordinary start to a day headed for the cosmic history books. good morning, the rare event captured the world's attention but unfortunately it caused major destruction and injuries. almost a thousand people are hurt in the aftermath of the meteor exploding over siberia, 950 miles east of now. abc7 news and katie marzullo is live with new dramatic video. >> the video of the meteor streaking across the sky is incredible enough. now we are seeing how dangerous the moment it entered the atmosphere was from a new point, almost a direct hit, a man
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walking through a warehouse is barely missed by a large glass window exploding right if his path. elsewhere, a giant door is ripped from the structure as easy as tearing a paper from a pad and the destruction is not from the immediate danger of the meteor but from the boom. >> there will be a sonic boom as it heats up and that will break the glass. >> flying glass caused most injuries 1,000 people have sought treatment and dozens are in the hospital. the russian academy of science estimates that the immediate your traveled 33,000 miles per hour and weighed ten tons. small by nasa standards. >> it is very hard to see. those are only observable in a few days of earth. this one actually slipped by our notice and came into the atmosphere. >> others are under a microscope so to speak. >> nasa monitors 9,000 asteroids
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and the big ones, a thousand of those, we monitor quite carefully. we call those potentially hazardous objects and look at their orbits and there are many hundreds before we have to worry about close approaches by those objects. >> that is good news. not as good for russia today. the president has ordered aid to be sent to the area and schools are closed because it is zero and the windows are broken. >> right now, nasa is watching for another event unrelated to the meteor, a giant 150' asteroid will fly by earth in the next half hour. observatories around the earth are pointing telescopes in the direction of the asteroid. amy joins us live from the laboratory in oakland where there is a party going on.
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amy? >> the party will be tonight when we can see it, closest to the earth in the next half hour but we cannot see it. it is so light. the people on the other side of the earth have that advantage. when it arrives tonight it will still be visible. it is close enough to create a lost excitement at the science center. astronomers say this event is what they live for. an asteroid passing so closely to earth. >> it is a big deal because this is the first time an object of this size has come so close to the earth. >> here is a picture of what to expect to see tonight. you can see the dashes, that is the streak caused by the movement of an asteroid. tonight, you should be able to see the movement. >> i am excited because the weather looks very good, very promising, and i actually have not heard the forecast but i expect the weather if it is this good we will have good viewing
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conditions. >> an observatory has calculated the path of this asteroid and they know it will come so close today. however, we will keep a safe distance. >> we are certain that this more asteroid is thought only not a threat to us tonight but it is not a net to us in the foreseeable future. >> you need a strong telescope and a dark sky to see it tonight or you can come to the space and science center in oakland where the telescope will pick up the asteroid. there will be a party-like atmosphere here to celebrate. >> we will have video showing not only here but throughout the center and probably in our theater but a lot of different places to look at the telescope. >> so, how big is it? astronomers compare it to the size of a safeway. how close? very close, 17,000 miles away. considered the satellites giving us our g.p.s. signals are 22,000
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miles away so even closer than the satellites, very close, a little too close for comfort but it is not going to be a threat and it will not be dangerous. just an exciting thing to see. >> you can find the link to the live stream, a live look right now the asteroid that the scientists are talking about this issue and it is a live stream from nasa on our website at under "see it on tv." >> neighbors are pleading for safety improvements on a major antioch thoroughfare after a car hit and kill add 14-year-old along hillcrest avenue. cornell bernard is live at the scene with the latest. >> more than a dozen neighbors have talked to us in the last hour and they have concerned about this intersection and in the last few minutes, a memorial started growing here at the intersection of hillcrest avenue and hidden >>glenn: drive the
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spot where a life was cut short. a 14-year-old was struck and killed by a car. people are leaving flowers and can dams as a memorial. she crossed e street at 6:45 last plight and she was struck and the driver stopped and is cooperating with police. the team was airlifted to a hospital where she passed away. police say alcohol and speed were not a factor here. neighbors tell us the intersection is dangerous. some parents will not let their kids cross here. >> you drive like it is a highway. it is not a highway. it is a road. people live around here. rather than going 45 people are going 65. if you stand here, you will see that. >> they are always speeding up-and-down streets.
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>> the neighbors did not know the girl but will start a petition to ask the city to do something to make drivers slow down here on hillcrest avenue. police are still investigating. we are live in antioch today for abc7 news. >> neighbors who witnessed the tell accident are returning to the accident scene. a concord teen hit by a car is doing better in a hospital this morning. the mother says that her son opened his eyes for the first time. doctors are reducing joey's medication but he is in a medically induced coma. a car hit him in a crosswalk on grant street. concord police say it does not appear the driver was speeding or drinking. his mother says it is a dangerous enter section and she would like to see a traffic signal or stop sign there. >> a man is facing charges in connection with a series of home
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burglaries. we have new video of the arrest. the police took the 25-year-old into today yesterday after serving a search warrant at a house. investigators say they found stolen property. neighbors say they have been targeted since december. >> we were burglarize add month ago at 1:30 a.m. in the morning. he got in our house. we left the door unlocked. he came in and was in my brother's room and took his money from his pants. >> fed up with the situation a neighbor set up a camera and gave police surveillance video showing a suspect entering a home. >> still ahead, new details on the stunning fall from grace from superstar oscar pistorius and his stern response to accusations he killed his girlfriend. >> the not so triumphant return home, what stranded passengers had to stay about their ordeal.
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>> a nation-wide honor for some of the victims of the sandy hook elementary school school shooting and how the president is recognizing some of the [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on for two whole years. from at&t. call to get u-verse tv starting at just $19 a month with our triple-play bundle. get the same great price for two years. plus now two times the internet speed than before. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable high-speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv, you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse tv starts at $19 a month with our triple-play bundle, with the same great price for two years. plus now get two times the internet speed than before. it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat -- same great price, two whole years, price promise.
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>> a stranded cruise ship finally docked in mobile, alabama, following a miserable voyage at sea, exhausted passengers kissing the ground after citizenning off the ship. the nightmare began on sunday when a fire knocked out the four
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engines leaving them stranded in the gulf of mexico. >> there was sewage everywhere. we use the restaurant where we brushed our teeth. >> images shows tent villages set up to keep them away from the leaking sewage and smells below deck. some passengers cannot cash a break, a chartered bus take them to new orleans broke down this morning. the c.e.o. of carnival is offering reimbursement, a free cruise, and $500 and an apology. >> tonight on "20/20" a look at what went on during the eight day trip. troubles waters is the topic on "20/20," followed by abc7 news at 11. >> prosecutors in south africa will pursue premeditated murder charge against oscar pistorius. the double amputee who ran on
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blades was charged with murdering his girlfriend. the defendant sobbed in the courtroom yesterday. his girlfriend, 30-year-old model reeva steenkamp, was shot and killed inside his home. the statement if his family this morning says they dispute claims the oscar pistorius murdered his girlfriend. >> people who turned in guns in marin county and got vouchers can get cash now. the county ran out of cash but the shortfall is covered by private donations. the marin board of supervisor and the city council, so if you received a voucher you can redeem it for cash, today, at friends of marin center room until 8:00 tonight. >> we are headed to holiday weekend and mike nicco coming u. >> pretty warm already. now a look at the sunshine.
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it wasn't impeded by the cloud cover we had yesterday so we are off to the races with record highs possible today. if you are working today, tomorrow, we will do it again and cooler weather through the holiday weekend and update you on tuesday's rain. >> also, the link between drinking and cancer deaths, a warning for anyone who
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>> daly city, dublin, los gatos,
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and all the bay area, this is abc7 news. >> new this morning, a warning for anyone who consumes alcohol. a study has found moderate drinking can raise the risk of dieing from cancer. use accounts for 3.5 percent of all u.s. cancer deaths. a majority of those who died of alcohol-related cancer consumed at least three drink as bay but throws who consumed one or more were at higher risk. >> we will have to do some more research. >> are you volunteering? >> i think so, yes. >> we will do research on the weekend weather. mike? >> we will end up, maybe, like winter. finally. this happens every february we get a streak where we get warm weather, record highs and winter comes back and then everyone is, like, oh, man. next week, ski week, we will
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have snow then. now, what is going on, not much snow if you are headed up there today and this weekend but on tuesday it means snow. to the twin peaks you can see it looks beautiful, a lot of sunshine around san francisco, and how about anywhere else? san jose, look at that, a lot of sunshine, also, temperatures running from two to nine degrees warmer than this time yesterday. now, a look with live doppler 7 hd, tracking the dry air and the clouds are well-off the coast right now and that is where we will remain for the better part of today and tomorrow with visible satellite at 22,000 miles up trying to dodge the asteroid. not really. it is up there. it is the same area, if you will. you can see how the clouds are well-off shore and the snow, we need more of it, we are only at 73 percent of where we should be this time of year and only 50 percent for the entire snow year which runs through april 1. now, the temperatures, 59 in
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novato and everyone else in the low-to-mid 60's with a warm spot at half moon bay at 66. low-to-mid 60's most areas in cooler, though, but you willcruz catch up under the sunny and warm conditions. a wet pattern develops on tuesday, and it will be coolest in the forecast. today, 7 to 11 degrees warmer-than-average and the sun sets at 5:50 this evening. low 70's to mid-70's and show at 72. low 70's on the peninsula and headed to los altos, 73, and mid-to-upper 60's along the coast. downtown, south san francisco, upper 60's and north bay beach is 60's and sunshine. there are potential high temperatures on the record side on the east bay shore.
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headed inland we have low 70's in your neighborhood and we go to the monterey bay and inland we have low-to-mid 70's. tonight, mild, and clear, and mostly in the 40's, and san francisco is warmer at 50 degrees. if you are headed up to tahoe, saturday will be 51, and we will drop in the 40's for a high on sunday and monday and lows in the teens and breezy on monday but the snow, again, will not reach you until tuesday and headed down south, 80 today and tomorrow and 71 on sunday, and 15 degrees cooler by monday, but it will be dry with clouds in the morning and about 64 degrees. seven-day outlook make as run at the 70's tomorrow, away from the coast, and you can see by the time we get to monday it is dry but back in the mid-50's to low 60's and lucky to get in the low-to-mid 60's tuesday, wednesday, and thursday, the best chance of rain on tuesday right new. >> we need it. >> hoping up to a foot of snow.
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>> the academy awards are just nine days away and now is the time to download the official oscar am -- app. it is available for iphone, ipad, droid and kindle fire. oscars are sunday, february 24, the only place you can watch it, right here on abc7. >> it is happening right now an asteroid with a diameter of 150' will pass 17,000 miles of the earth in a couple of minutes. jimmy kimmel had in advice. >> the closest object, the best viewing locations are eastern european or if you are here and you cannot get there have a friend whip a pebble at your head. but it is not expected to hit us, but, still, hold your loved ones close, and be glad that bruce willis is still with us. >> again, nasa scientists say this is zero chance the asteroid
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will actually hit us. jimmy kimmel follows abc7 news at 11 which is followed by "nightline." >> when we come back, the perfect pet. >> happy friday. what can i say, but these two funny ladies crack us all up. whoopi and jane, both have a serious side, as well. whoopi shares oscar memories, from posting and winning, and for all of you geeks, we dug up for all of you geeks, we dug up people are stuck in very old habits
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>> coming up today at 3:00, one-on-one with whoopi and at 4:00, a woman could not wait for the snowplow to deliver her baby. on abc7 at 5:00, will the cruise industry sink or swim or recovery from the disaster at sea? we have a look why this could be the best time to book a vacation on a cruise line. >> time for friday's perfect pet. mike nicco is back with the fur furry friend. >> nice to join us from the humane society. tell us about your pet. >> about eight months old and purchased at a feed star who
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gave him to a teach wear but there are too many kids and he is at the shelter. he is fine with kids. it is adopt a rabbit month and so everyone who comes in and adopt as rabbit get as free toy for them. and we are hoping this people think twice about white rabbits with pink eyes because we are the friendliest and calmest and wonderful but people get freaked out with the eyes. >> no, no. >> they are wonderful, calm rabbits. >> do they blow in the -- glow in the dark? why get freaked out by them? >> they are the nice of the rabbits and they get overlooked so we hope people will come in and look at our rabbits. >> how do you take care of a rabbit? >> keep it inside and we give you all the education you need. do your research, ask questions we will help you out.
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>> he is beautiful. give them a call. it is adopt a rabbit month. >> yes, yes, it is. >> enjoy. >> we can tell you that the approach of the asteroid to earth has just passed earth so we have surviveed!


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