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tv   ABC7 News at 900PM on KOFY  KOFY  February 16, 2013 9:00pm-9:30pm PST

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the healing has begun. good-bye. friend? friend. seriously? give me a kiss. captioning performed by the national captioning institute, inc. public performance of captions prohibited without permission of national captioning institute next on "abc 7 news" at 9:00. we'll take you a deadly apartment fire that led to a death of a ten-year-old girl. we'll check out to a ferry when a boat colli
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>>. >> katie: good evening. i'm bait ama daetz. two people were seriously injured. the boat was moving at a high speed whether the two collided. you can see the damage that happened to the boat. the it happened near tiburon. the ferry had 500 people on board but none of them was injured. >> the person was walking near john daly boulevard when it collided with the bus. the woman will survive the crash did not disrupted moob l muni
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service. >> firefighters did not get to a trapped girl. tomas ramon has more on the deadly apartment fire. >> reporter: this is video taken early saturday morning. it shows two apartments on gate view avenue obscured by a mountain of flames. inside a ten-year-old girl was trapped. they heard next-door a pounding on her door about 12:30 a.m. >> we came out and saw the flames were bursting out the windows and the baby was crying. we tried to get to her. we couldn't get to her in time. >> the family who is now homeless managed to get the family out safely. they brought a few of them out
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of home. >> the mother was running around saying my baby is inside. people went to try to get through the door and as we approached the door, it exploded and fire and smoke came out. >> reporter: five other family members escaped unharmed. the ten-year-old died inside. 30 people have deny displaced. some residents complained that the fire department took too much time to respond. the chief says units responded minutes after getting the call but the delay may have been in residents calling important help. >> it is very unusual to find an apartment fully involved where we have fire coming out of every opening. >> katie: two firefighters were injured trying to get to the girl. one fell through the floor. another was injured.
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>> oakland police are investigating a deadly stabbing on east 11th 11th street. there are no suspects in custody. this is the oakland's 11th homicide of the year. >> the first friday celebration had banned bottles of booze. they have agreed to a total ban on drinking in the street. fewer streets will be close order telegraph avenue. it's comes after a shooting after this month's festival. a teenager was killed and three others were hurt. >> the east bay muslim community held open house to reach out to people of different faiths. the event promotes harmony between all people regardless of faith. there are still lots of questions about what muslims believe. we think this is very, very
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important especially after the unfortunate 9/11 and i think muslims have not done a lot of outreach to explain what muslims are all about. what safety is all about. >> it begins through a proclamation between the united nations general steebl in 2010. >> a $2 million partnership will help keep open three state parks in marin county. they struck a deal about the nonprofit group to expand hours at china camp, fomales bay and another park. an agreement will keep samuel t.state park open. it's to reached matching fund in the china camp and effort quickly grew. >> a toll lane on the richmond-san rafael bridge is closed as part of the automation
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toll collection. the lane is scheduled to between friday and monday. it's 15 years old and they say it needs to be replaced. russian officials say more than 20,000 emergency personnel are recovery exploding meteor caused significant damage on friday. [ screaming ] >> katie: sonic boom and resulting pressure wave collapsed doors in an industrial city. they believe the meteor weighed about ten tons before entering the atmosphere. they are searching for remnants but found no delays of it. there is no connection between the meteor explosion and fireball spotted streaking across the northern california
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sky last night. somebody recorded it going down i-20280. they say another meteor landed in okay and caused a loud sonic boom. >> tiffany and company is suing costco where thousands of rings they claim were fakes. plus, researchers have found an easy way to get kids to eat veggies and string priang in arizona. >> you know what else is going on to be back. winter, get ready for big
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>> katie: no secret many people don't like to eat veggies. university of connecticut found some sugar may help. they mixed sugar and water and lightly sprayed it on the veggies. they took it over plain veggies or salty water. parents should do it first time before the kids get used to the taste and stop using sugar altogether. >> they have donated octopuses to the aquarium. you can check them out. one was caught in a crab trap off the farallon islands. giant octupi are often pulled up in crabbers nets. they have a program asking fishermen to donate their
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unexpected catches. it comes at the time of the octupalooza that features octupus and squid. >> san diego lifeguard came to the creatures rescue and was is captured on a cellphone video. you can see them catching a dolphin. high strength fishing line was keeping it from swimming or hunting. a kayaker first reported it. >> we're getting new details of what the upcoming video game system will feature. plus, tiffany engagement rings may not be in legit. >> and it was another beautiful day in the bay area but how much longer will we have this weather? leigh glaser is up next with the accu-forecast. >> we will hear from the giants after their first full workout
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tiffany and company is taking costco to court. a product associated with the tiffany name. tanya rivero has the details. >> they have slapped costco with a lawsuit. saying that the tiffany knock office inside a costco.
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>> one of them bought the rings and they are not tiffany rings. >> being sold at a fraction of what real rings cost. >> everybody would love a deal on the ring and it doesn't happen. tiffany diamonds are never on sale. they are real even good quality but tiffany says they are not their diamonds and costco has been calling them for years. >> hundreds maybe thousands have been sold. >> they said we will be making no comment on the story pending litigation. an unnamed shopper went to straight to tiffany and blew the whistle. >> she was offended. >> outside the store sided with tiffany. >> you buy in the brand and you find it's a rip off.
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>> the blue box will cost you and only one place to get it. >> a survey found the average engagement ring cost $3,329. a slight increase from 2011. >> sony is expected to introduce the play station video system, speculation is the controller with motion control and a touch screen panel. there will be ways to echb enhance games through smart phones and tablets. wall street reported that they will stream some ps 3 stream games. it is expected to go on sale later this year. >> there is no need to stay inside for video games this week. >> we had highs in the low 70s across much of the bay area. enjoy it. weather changes are expected as we head into tuesday and wednesday. winter rains will definitely be back with the bay area. live shot here from the east bay
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cam. you can see kind of the skyline way in the back in san francisco. live doppler 7-hd not picking up any returns at all. we are sweeping live at 9:17 this moment. couple more shots. live shot from volume mer peak looking down to the bay bridge, san francisco, higher elevation, winds are up. 72 was the high in santa rosa. napa you reached 73. 66 at sfo and international airport. concord 67 and monterey today 73 degrees. another live look from high definition rooftop camera, its already at 50 in san francisco. san jose at 53. down to 46 degrees right now in novato. santa cruz 54 and livermore at 50 degrees. bay bridge a beautiful shot at this hour and right now santa rosa 47.
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you will notice most locations in the upper 40s, fairfield at 49 as well as gilroy checking in at 51 degrees. here is a look at forecast highlights. we are going to go with a few passing clouds overnight. fog will redevelop and get ready for more sunshine for your sunday but temperatures will start to cool off a bit. as i mentioned a cold and wet week ahead. especially as we get into tuesday and wednesday. here is a look at our pacific satellite. few high clouds drift towards the east. this is fog that is banking up near the coast. it will make a return overnight tonight but high pressure responsible for the 60 ease and low 70s will begin to weaken on sunday and monday and temperatures will cool down especially by tuesday. tuesday, looks like the bay area will get wet again. a lot of cold air associated
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with it. all have it did due in time for the advertise morning commute. forecast animation, tuesday 5:00 a.m., you see rain starting to move across the bay area and here comes that front right on the leading edge around 10:00 or 11:00 where moderated rain will pick up. it will move across the entire bay area throughout on tuesday. enjoy the dry day tomorrow and monday. overnight lows we will keep 40s near the sea shore and protected valley areas highs for the sunday, very pleasant come down a few degrees. mid-60s for morgan hill and san jose. 61 for ma assist ka but 63 for palo alto. 63 for downtown san francisco and in north bay, petaluma, 65. oakland tomorrow, 63 degrees. hayward 62.
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east bay, mid to upper 60s and san ramon 61. seven-day forecast, get ready for the temperatures to tumble on monday down to the 50s. that cold winter rain starts on tuesday and then we keep it cool and showery on thursday and friday. >> katie: thank you so much. >> after winning -- the world series the giants are getting back to busy in arizona. colin rush is here. >> they won in 2010 and missed the playoffs. another championship, this past year giants, sports anchor mike shumann the quest for back-to-back titles has begun. >> the world series champions are together since winning since 2010. >> it's kind of like you are
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here the first day and i think everyone is excited. >> talking trash and it never stops. >> 21 out of 25 people are back. that has to bode for a repeat. >> this is awesome. chemistry is most important thinking. everybody gets along really well here. very good people and good to have. >> no question. pretty big advantage. for them, too. they know me and they know what to respect. >> how does it feel to be a world series champion. >> it was definitely different. you get more recognition but it was fun to see everybody and enjoying the moment. >> now the request for back-to-back world series titles begins. >> i am looking forward to see what this team can do. some major keys in the middle of
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the season with the players and it will be need to see what we can do when we are together for 162. >> that is great point by the vogelsoj but it's great to have the band back together. shu, he will be with the oakland a's tomorrow. saturday night, curry representing the warriors with the 3-point shootout. two of the first 11 shots, finished strong draining for 17 points but not good enough to advanced to the finals. point guard, 17 of the first 18 and finish with 23 points. i singer three point contest champion. >> and i have to be honest, i used to love the dunk contest. too many gimmicks and guys miss
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dunk after dunk. it's what, really? terrify ex ens ross jumping over a kid. i like that. that is old school. he beats evans in the final. >> home school advantage against gonzaga. three straight against the bulldogs. prepared for the end of the game courted rush it never came. dons rally, cody he had 14 and dickerson, big fella can go inside and outside. game tied at 45. just over ten minutes to go. fifth ranked bulldogs with their strength. harris with the dunk. he had 17. a seven footer game high 26. gonzaga is wins. >> and st. mary's at a bounce back game.
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one field goal, there it is. he finished with eight points. he hits the three to end the first half. this was all st. mary's. jordan paige. gales a winner. >> and maples if a vil yon, ucla bruins bounce is back against stanford. under two minutes to play. mohammad the 3 and the foul, 88-80 stanford has dropped three of the last four. tennis action tonight. tennis action tonight. tommy and those two will be in
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