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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 530PM  CBS  September 19, 2010 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

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berkeley students remain jailed one is home free and speaking out. two former berkeley students remain jailed in iran. today's emotional appeal for their release. alive and well, members of a breakaway religious sect return home. and taking the free out of freeway. tomorrow's big changes for east bay commuters willing to pay up to avoid the backup. good evening, i'm ann notarangelo. emotional homecoming for american hiker jailed in iran for more than a year. sara shourd says her freedom is bittersweet because her two hiking companions are in jail. sara shourd is making a plea to iran's president for their
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release. >> reporter: sara shourd embraced her mother, grateful to be back in the u.s. but the american released after 13 months in an iranian prison says this is no time to celebrate. >> my disappointment with not sharing this with shane and josh was crushing. i stand before you 1/3 free. >> reporter: when she left iran last week, she left behind her fiance, shane bauer and her friend josh fattal. the three were charged with spying. >> it's time to clear up the misunderstanding that lead to our imprisonment. >> reporter: shourd used the new york news conference to explain she and bauer had jobs in syria and went hiking with fatal to a popular iraq waterfall. >> we committed no crime and we are not spies. >> reporter: the iranian president arrived in new york on sunday to attend the u.n. general assembly. mahmoud ahmadinejad said releasing shourd was a
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humanitarian gesture that the u.s. should return. >> u.s. government should make a humanitarian gesture to release the iranians who were illegally arrested and detained. >> reporter: the mothers of bauer and fatal wouldn't comment on that but requested a meeting with the iranian president to appeal for their real. >> i love him so much. i want him home for his father, brother, grandparents. >> reporter: they say with shourd in their arms, they are redoubling their efforts to bring bauer and fatal home. iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad met with u.n. secretary general today in new york. ahmadinejad will address the general assembly just as the security council takes up world concerns over iran's nuclear program and human rights record. ahmadinejad insists iran has the right to pursue peaceful development of nuclear power
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plants. the missing members of a southern california religious sect were found safe. two husbands reported their wives missing saturday after one man found a purse with letters inside indicating a reunion with dead relatives following a catastrophic event. that prompted a massive search by helicopter, patrols and detectives from across los angeles county. today the group was found unharmed praying at park in the antelope valley today. >> we are okay. didn't you see me. i am okay, my son, the dogs. everybody is okay. we eat like you do. we don't say nothing bad and we are okay. >> the group of salvadorian immigrants include five adults and eight children. they say they were praying against violence in schools and premarital sex. delaware republican senate christine o'donnell is making light of her comments that she dabbled in witchcraft during
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her teen years. >> [ inaudible ] there was blood there. >> watch a movie. >> she originally made the comment in 1999 during an episode of bill maher's politically incorrect shoe. it never aired but was released friday and went viral. in california, the tea party continues to score big this week. vice chair of the california republican party says the tea party is not against the democrats or the established republican party. >> we have to change things in california. we can't be doing the same stuff over and over again. instead of things like lowering the limit as to how the bunning get gets voted for, we should stop all business in california after july 1st except by 2/33rd
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vote. >> they should focus on the fact that the tea party is showing momentum. the most talked about race is the gubernatorial race which is neck and neck between republican meg whitman and democrat jerry brown. a big day for democrats in the south bay. they gathered in san jose for a get out the vote rally. there was a big turnout from fire and police. they say the focus should be candidates that will help avoid budget cuts and keep their services intact. we could find out tomorrow exactly where 100 potentially dangerous pg&e gas lines are located in the bay area. leyland lee said pg&e will release the information tomorrow afternoon. the california public utility commission requested the information following the disaster in san bruno.
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the pipe that exploded is being examined by investigators, trying to pinpoint the cause of the san bruno explosion. a nasty commute could get a lot easier tomorrow in the east bay for a price. julie watts drove the new expressway lane to show us how it works and what commuters will pay for the privilege. >> driving on this stretch of 680 between pleasanton and mill pit test can be slow going unless you have a carpool. starting tomorrow, you could be going solo and fly by traffic if you have one of these. it's the bay area's first express lane. about a half mile before each entrance you will find a toll prizing sign. tolls vary depending on congestion between 30 cents and six bucks. this is where you decide if you want to pay the price. if you do, grab your fastrak transponder and an automatic censor will charge you the fee.
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but, remember, once you are in the toll lane, you can't cross the double line which means you can't exit until you get to mission or the end of the road at 237. there are three entrances. the first is south of 84, then eight miles later and just south of mission. the new toll road opens at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning and caltrans tells us they expect a bit of a learning curve so it could be slow going at first but the infrastructure is set up and ready to go. julie watts, cbs 5. gunfire outside a restaurant. the shooting spree that wounded four people in oakland. the new face of numi. unded 4 people last night in oakland.
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oakland. the shootings took place in a popular restau gunfire wounded four people last night in oakland.
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the shootings took place in a popular restaurant district along oakland's embarcadero east. they found four people injured and they were hospitalized. none of the injuries are life threatening. police have not arrested anyone. petaluma police are looking for the people that shot a man in the chest last night. it happened on a street in the petaluma knew municipal airport. witnesses at the scene say they saw several suspects running away. police searched the area using dogs but were unable to find them. san jose police say the city is putting residents in danger by eliminating the department's gang and violent crime unit. they held a news conference near the spot where two young trick or treaters were attacked by gang members last year. they say cutting the unit will leave people vulnerable and afraid in their own
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neighborhoods. >> these impacts should not be tolerated and our residence deserve a police response that attacks this playing on our community. >> the poa took out a full-page ad blasting the decision. the mayor and some members of the city council supported the elimination of the unit because of the budget problems. fremont's closed nummi auto plant is about to begin its rebirth. tesla takes over the plant october 1st. 40 tesla employees are working in an office set up in the old nummi parking lot. they fired 30 former nummi employees and plans to hire more. the company has 800 workers worldwide and hopes to have 1,000 employees by the end of the year. more students will be able to enroll at call state east bay because of federal economic stimulus money. 106 million in federal funds are going to the call state
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system -- cal state system wide. admission of students to the cal state system is still held hostage by failure of the legislature to agree on a budget. fully and completely dead. today's official declaration that bp's blown out well is permanently plugged. and it's hard to believe we had showers around the bay area today. ,,,,
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[ bell rings ] what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that's new school banking, baby! instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet?
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filed papers urging a federal appeals court to "uphold the law". supporters of prop 8, the ban on same sex marriage filed papers urging a federal appeals court to up hold the law. lawyers say the trial judge who struck down the measure quote invented a right that doesn't exist. the district judge ruled it violated the constitutions guarantees of equal protection and due process. that ruling has been stayed until an appeals court hearing in december. final tests performed today show bp's well in the gulf is permanently sealed. a pressure test was performed this morning on the cement plug and it poses no further threat to the gulf. the focus will be on cleanup and recovery. president obama issued a statement today saying that they will continue to work closely with the people in the gulf to rebuild their livelihoods and economy.
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the oil spill hurt tourism and fishing on the gulf coast. meteorologist lawrence karnow is joining us now. i used my windshield wipers and realized they need to be replaced. >> a good time to get ready for the wintry weather. it's coming early this year. unusually cold system is making its way into the area bringing clouds and showers. not a big rain event but we had 12, 1600 of an inch of rain in the north bay. we continue to see activity showing up on the doppler radar. a lot of that is making its way into the central valley. you can see that activity getting to go pretty good through the central valley. lightning strikes showing up near the chico area. heavy storms moving in that direction. look at those thunderstorms roll on by. still more to come for chico. watch out if you are heading in that direction. tonight, at least through the evening hours, partly cloudy
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skies. it looks like things will be settling down a little bit as this cold front will continue to move eastward. that means, well, the temperatures will be mild outside, at least through the first part of the evening. numbers running into the 60s and the 70s. tomorrow, we are expecting more sunshine coming our way and, well, after patchy morning fog that means it looks like it will -- we will have what appears to be nice weather the next couple of days other than patchy fog, sunshine in the afternoon and mostly sunny as we head toward the afternoon. with that in mind, folks, you know what, not a bad day around the bay area. temperatures are running in the 60s and the 70s. 69 degrees in concord. 71 in livermore. 66 in santa rosa. 71 in mountain view. 60s out to the coastline. kind of muggy outside as well. now, traveling around the state, you will find 80s to the central valley. watch out for the patchy fog in the moneterey area.
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thick on the coastline. by the afternoon, sunshine and comfortable weather. so, this trough is deep for this time of year. again, diving into the bay area bringing scattered showers outside. high pressure will sneak in behind the system. that will move in in time to bring us warmer temperatures for tomorrow. partial clearing overnight then the fog reforming. some of that could be thick outside by the coastline. a few more clouds coming your way but it won't bring you any more rain. tomorrow low clouds and fog. lots of sunshine will show up. a warmer day around the bay area tomorrow. plan on temperatures running up in the -- 60 to 70s around the bay. to the coastline, 60s there with patchy fog. east bay temperatures in the 70s and 80s. so, nice weather further inland. comfortable for this time of year. north bay temperatures in the 60s and 70s. maybe sneaking in low 8 o toward fairfield.
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cool down tuesday to wednesday. first full day of fall liking good. temperatures warming up by next weekend. temperatures moving up to the 90s. by the way, you know what, it looks like we have partly cloudy skies for the niners forecast and they will have dry conditions. temperatures about 63. don't forget a chance of showers in hawaii. 77 degrees and, yes, the premiere on monday night of the return of hawaii five-0. that's the latest forecast. back to you. >> all right. i thought maybe they were going to toss to you directly. i enjoyed the 5th quarter today. thank you for quality television after the game. >> when a local team wins it makes it easier. giants have to stop their slide and the raiders go to the bench. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ????????ñ
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my mercury moment happend right after our wedding, when i realized that along with all the gifts that i'd be getting ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a lot my husband's old stuff. fortunately, i got his mercury insurance too.
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mercury had better coverage, better service and and we saved hundreds of dollars by combining our home and auto insurance policies. and he got miss pookie. see, everyone wins. insure your auto and home (together) and save up to 15%. get a quote and see for yourself at another chance t the roller coaster ride the national league west continued today at san francisco. they had another chance of regaining first place, scoreless first inning against milwaukee. a charge in this one deep down the line. ryan braun was robbed of a home run. later in the first, based
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loaded, no more. jose guillen. giants up 4-0. that was plenty for barry zito. allowed two runs. giants are 92 winners. >> officially a giant now. something when it counts, when we need it. what do you think? >> takes one off the stat sheet of cody. >> i was hot after that. it's tough enough to get one run and to get one taken away, i was upset. but it ended up working out for us. >> padres and cardinals in st. louis, john carlin one out rbi single to matt holiday to give the cardinals an early lead. cardinals threatening to take three out of four from san diego. it was a great day for adam wainwright to be on the mound. one run in eight innings. he picks up the 19th win, 4-1 the final. giants once again half a game
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ahead of the padres with 12 games left. colorado is 1 1/2 games back after an extra inning loss to the dodgers. monday bobby kramer picks up his first win. today the 30-year-old rookie made it two in a row. two runs, five innings and 2/3. mark ellis crushes one to left. fourth of the season for the a's second baseman. the a's win 6-2 and take two out of three. two weeks in the season, the raiders have a quarterback controversy thanks to another heroic perform answer from bruce gradkowski. oakland hosting st. louis. no score. first quarter, the rookie for a touchdown. two touchdown in his second career game. 7-3 remains before the half. jason campbell picked off. 87 yards in the first half. did not get back on the field in the second half.
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he pulls on bruce gradkowski who gave a boost to the offense. mcfadden played like a more determined runner. he had 145 yards on 30 carries in the game, second career game with over 100 yards. bruce gradkowski finishes with a four yard toss to murphy. murphy six catches, 91 yards. 16-7 raiders. in the fourth, second score of the game. it was originally called out, play was overturned. raiders hanging on for dear life. gradkowski made sure st. louis did not get the ball back. this is a third down throw with a defense in his face. he hits lewis murphy and that clinched the game. oakland runs out the clock. gradkowski 162 yards. there is officially a quarterback controversy in oakland. >> he is a good quarterback. they brought him in. gave a shot. we are all reaching for the same goal.
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we are teammates and reaching for the same thing to win. no matter who is quarterback, who is receiver, this is a team. that's what we are playing for. >> vick making his first start in the nfl in four years. egg unless detroit, first quarter, playmake willing receiver -- playmaking receiver, jackson. detroit has a playmaker from cal. shaun hill to javed bass. the rookie is gone. 200 yards from scrimmage and flee touchdowns. 7' 5-yarder. lions 17-7 lead. michael vick turns back the clock. he is pushing for the starting job there. nearly 300 yards passing. eagles win 35-32. stanford moved up to number 16 in the ap poll following the win over lake forest. cardinals 3-0 for the first time since 2001. >> are you ready? >> yes. >> are you ready.
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>> hardy nickerson brought together an all pro line up of coaches. tonight on game day and we will preview the 49ers home opener against the -- tomorrow night against the new orleans saints. >> jerry rice retiring his number. >> at halftime. i spoke with jerry and we will have more on that at game day. >> when we come back, charges and counter charges. why the police officer's union is under fire. the key crime fighting unit is on the chopping block. that is coming up after the "cbs evening news." that's it for eyewitness news at 5:30. see you back here in half an hour and at 10:00 and 11:00. news updates are on or cbs san good night. ,,,,,,
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