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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at Noon  CBS  September 20, 2010 11:00am-11:30am PST

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students in the north bay. it's good afternoon. i'm allen martin. a tough day for students in the north bay. it is their first day back at novato high, following what appears to be an alcohol- related crash that killed a boy. the driver of that car has been arrested by police. sharon chen spent the day today
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talking with students. >> this was supposed to be homecoming week. but instead, students are coming together to grieve. the school superintendent says already this morning a couple hundred students have seen a grief counselor. >> it is a dark day at novato high school, following friday's suspected drunk driving accident that left one student dead and another under arrest. many here are still stunned. >> somber. incredulous. how could this happen? >> reporter: the school made 15 grief counselors available today. the chp is not releasing all of the names of the five novato high school students involved in the crash. the classmates have created a memorial for 15-year-old isaac. >> he was a caring person. he was a loved one. and he knew everybody. >> he was apparently one of four passengers in the car that officers say lost control and slam nod a semi truck on novato boulevard. police arrested the 16-year-old driver for suspected drunken
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driving. some students say they recently had a school assembly warning against drinking and driving. >> we bring up these subjects for a very specific reason, to tell you not to do this and then to go off and do something like that, it is -- for mow it is hard to understand -- for me, it is hard to understand why someone would do that. >> reporter: the school superintendent says the district has a host of prevention programs but that is not enough. >> you name, it we've got it. but until we're all speaking the same message at home and in society and at school, the kids will continue to make decisions that are not so healthy. >> reporter: a message she plans to hammer home. on thursday and friday the school district plans to bring in the comedian michael pritchard all day seminars in presenting drug and alcohol use. >> the impact we had is very similar to one of the programs we had, it is called the squires program where the students are going into san quentin and having conversations with inmates who are giving them the message of don't make the mistakes i have.
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>> updating the conditions now of the five students, the driver and the four passengers of the -- of the four passengers, one died. one was upgraded from very critical condition to serious condition. and the remaining two treated at a hospital and released. as for the driver, he is still in police custody at the hospital, suffering from mild to moderate injuries. allen? >> sharon chen in novato with the latest, thanks. in a few hours, we will learn the exact location of pg&e's most dangerous natural gas pipelines in california. the state's public you tills commission asked the utility for that information following the explosion in san bruno. the section of pipe that blew up there is being examined now to try to determine exactly what caused the blast. the mercury news reports pg&e told san jose and millipitas city leaders that two high risk lines run through their cities. and in other developments, federal investigators say the natural gas that fueled the explosion was running at a higher pressure than pg&e's
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maximum limit. now, safety experts say that would be significant, only if the pipe had flaws such as corrosion or cracked wells. also the coroner's office plans to finalize the investigation this week. four deaths are confirmed. three people are still listed as missing. and cleanup of the destroyed homes in san bruno could start as soon as thursday. county health experts worry about hazards to the surrounding neighborhoods from metals and small amounts of asbestos from the neighborhood. if you want the latest on the explosion investigation as well as maps to show whether pipelines may be running near your neighborhood, you can go to cbs 5 .com, and click on links and numbers. uc berkeley graduate sara shourd is finally back in the united states now. she spent nearly 14 months in an iranian prison. shourd's fiance and another friend are still in custody in iran. the three were arrested back in 2009, accused of being spies after iran claimed that they aoáelly crossed the board -- legally crossed the boarder from iraq. shourd says she won't be free
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until the other two are released. >> but this is not the time to celebrate. my disappointment in not sharing this with shane and josh was crushing. and i stand before you today only one-third free. >> shourd was freed from prison last tuesday. the mothers of the two men being held have requested a meeting with iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad. and the iranian president happens to be in the united states this week attending the u.n. general assembly. he described sara shourd's release as a humanitarian gesture. while asking the united states to do the same for eight iranians he says are being held in america. police in san jose say the city is endangering public safety by eliminating the department gang and violent crime unit. the police officers association held a news conference yesterday, right near the spot where two trick-or-treaters were attacked by gang members last year. the union says cutting that unit will leave people vulnerable and afraid in their
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own neighborhood. >> the majority of homicides in san jose are gang-related. we simply will not have the resources to address gangs today, like we did yesterday. >> simply that we've taken what was dedicated wholly, soley, 100% to gang group suppression and moved them to another area, they will continue to donna that. >> do do that. >> the san jose mayor and the city council support the unit because even with the city budget problems. the question for the commuters today, what is it like for interstate 80, where the first express lane is open? solo drivers paying for the par par -- car pool privilege. anne makovec has a review. >> reporter: the drive is going smoothly. 30 cents to $1.75 to use the express lane right beside me
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here on highway 680. >> yes, i will pay to avoid a taxi cab. >> that's the theory of the new express lane along 680 southbound at the sunol grade. 14 miles long. from highway 84 to 237. basically, an hov lane with an added feature allowing single drivers to pay a premium to use it. >> it is horrible. it is a waste of time. it is a waste of money. people shouldn't have to pay to drive in a lane. >> there are three entree and exit points about a half mile before the entrance, and it depends on congestion and weighing a price, anywhere from 30 cents to $6. and it was one dollar for the first morning commute and once you enter the lane, the sensors read your transponder and charge you a fee. and a theory that will take a little time to catch on. >> i live in san jose. i don't think they advertised it very well down here. >> once you're in, you're in. and you don't legally have the same exit options that the rest of the lanes do. it is a violation to cross the
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double line. your exit options, mission or the end of the road at 237. here is the map of where you can enter. just south of 84. eight miles later, before auto mall and just south of mission. one difficulty if you're entering at 84 you need to cross three lanes of traffic to get to the express lane and we caught one vehicle entering the lane illegally just past the sensor. >> we anticipate there might be slight confusion initially but there will be extra officers to be out and be a visible presence and conduct enforcement. >> that means the chp to have a hand-held reader to determine if you have fast track and if you don't, making sure you qualify for the hov lane, for car pools and motorcycles and qualified hybrids, use of the lane is still free. >> people will get it pretty fast. mostly it is the same people driving. they will learn it and a great thing for bay area commuters. >> reporter: this is the key though.
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if you follow the hov lane, you don't want to end up paying a toll for it. so you are supposed to use your mylar bag. apparently everybody got one with the transponders when they got it. and a lot of people are thinking where the heck of it is or i threw it away and you can get a replacement mylar bag for free, and we have a link on >> that will be a popular item. i know i threw it away. >> i know. who wouldn't? it doesn't say save me. >> why would i keep it. >> and it will save you tens of -- you know, however much in tolls. >> and headaches, too. anne makovec in fremont, thank you very much. and a new benefit to the flu shot. how the vaccine can also prevent heart problems. plus, genetically engineered salmon could soon be on a menu near you. but critics, they call it franken fish. and fall arrives this week. and so could 90-degree temperatures. i know, 90s and fall? it is not supposed to be
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happening. we have the seven-day forecast, and we will take a look at the next upcoming day, the first day of fall, and a pretty hot weekend, in just a few moments. [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp, carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary.
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bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message.
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f-d-a hearings began today.... a different kind of fish may soon be on the menu. fda hearings begin today on genetically engineered salmon. dr. kim mulvilhill shows us some local scientists and environmentalists and local fishermen have serious concerns. >> reporter: for foody, the ferry building marketplace in san francisco is heaven. what is for sale here is fresh, local and sustainable. >> have you heard about genetically engineered salmon? >> what better place to protest what some are calling franken fish. a genetically engineered salmon the fda is poised to soon
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approve for sale. >> we're asking people to call president obama to sign petitions and really send the word to the fda and president obama that genetically engineered salmon has no business in our marketplace. >> the fish is an atlantic salmon that scientists have tweaked to contain snips of dna or genes from other fish. and the genes speed up growth and get the salmon to market more quickly. >> we can get a fish egg to a three to four kilo samen in a little over a year. by comparison, the normal atlantic salmon would take four to five years to reach that size. >> reporter: earlier this month, the fda scientists said it is safe to eat and it does not pose a threat to the environment. but one coalition says this stinks, especially when it comes to the health of another fish. this is not a genetically modified salmon. this is a huge inflatable pacific wild salmon. and that is because the fish that environmentalists, fish biologists, and local fishermen are most concerned about. >> this is the kind of step down a path if we take this
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step, would he can never take it back. it is not hard to control. it is impossible to control. >> reporter: biologists, dr. tina swanson is executive director of the bay institute, an environmental nonprofit affiliated with the aquarium of the bay. she says that this trans-genic fish, if it is approved, it could breed with wild salmon an even compete with them for food. >> if we keep piling one problem on top of another, on this species, we will lose pacific salmon. and then we will have lost something that is a cultural icon in california and the pacific northwest. we will have lost a valuable commercial and recreational fishery. and we have lost a valuable species in our river ecosystem. >> much to dangerous for the environment. it is too risky. >> local fisherman paul johnson is a founder of the monterey fish market. it sells sustainably captured seafood. aqua bounter, the company behind the modified salmon has
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studiyed aqua advantage for more than 10 years and found no biological difference between the altered fish and farmed atlantic salmon. on the other hand, wild pacific salmon have a nutritional edge. >> more omega 3's and fewer pollutants and plain taste better. >> dr. kim mulvilhill tells us the altered salmon have slightly higher levels of an insulin type hormone and it is linked to a greater risk of cancer. a flu shot can lower your risk of a heart attack by 20%. that is according to a study published by the canadian medical association and says the earlier you get the shot in the fall, the lower your risk. doctors believe there is a link between respiratory infections and heart attacks and that's because the number of heart attacks typically goes up during the winter months. and a new study suggests obesity pay be linked to a viral infection. researchers found children exposed to a particular strain of adeno-virus, were significantly more likely to be obese and in fact children who
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tested positive for the strain weighed almost 50 pounds more. many school cafeterias in california do not offer free drinking water. a new bill is pushing to bring fresh water to lunch tables by next july. the bill has passed the senate and the assembly and now it would need the governor's signature to become law. however, the bill does not provide funding. and some districts say that they simply can't afford to supply the water. ♪ isn't that the best music you have ever heard? >> hawaii five-o returns to television this evening, on cbs 5, and one of the stars is daniel day-kim and joins frus -- us from hawaii this afternoon. and i heard this particular version doesn't have a lot in common with the original. what can we expect with tonight's premiere? >> well, i think we have a
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couple of key things in common with the original. i think we have really good writing and the iconic theme song which i think we were wise not to touch. but there are key differences as well. we've updated the story-telling story. and i think it is something that modern audiences will be used to, i think, in the way that the dialogue tracks and the amount of action in the show. >> okay. well, you're looking good here in this clip that we're showing. you play shin ho-kelly in the show and many fans know you from "lost" so we have to ask, how do you keep getting on shows filmed on location in hawaii? >> well, that's a really good question. i feel really lucky. not many actors get a chance to be on one show that shoots in hawaii, and that lasts for six years the way "lost" did and i'm about to start my second. i will knock wood and say thank you. >> thanks for joining us. have a great day. we will be back with more on
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our forecast in the bay area in just a bit. th chance of showers tonight. 77 degrees. nothing like that in the bay area but that is how it is in hawaii. our forecast in a few moments. ,,,, our real national pastime? saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers.
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more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. and driving all over town. i want one list. for one store. [ female announcer ] at safeway, you get it all. great quality and great prices. so you just need a safeway list.
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[ male announcer ] with thousands of everyday low prices you'll save all over the store. [ female announcer ] with club card specials like honey bunches of oats just 2 for $5 and safeway butter top breads 4 for $5. [ male announcer ] quality and low prices. so there's one stop for everything. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. get who wants to go to
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hawaii now? >> i want to go to hawaii. >> hawaii five-o. >> and i'm asking allen do you know why it is called that? >> not because of the temperature. it never hits 50 over there. >> it is the 50th state. and he didn't believe me. and i had to goog tale it. >> to me, it is so -- google it. >> to me, it is so obvious. >> he is kind of slow on the uptake. >> well, give him some time. and this is the mount vaca cam. plenty of sunshine. but that doesn't mean the entire bay area is looking at sunshine. this is the ocean beach shot. it is just one part of the coastline there that is still looking at considerable clouds. so we're not going to clear out completely. but most of you will enjoy sunshine. here we are. the afternoon forecast. and sunshine and a few clouds along the coastline. and the temperatures ranging from the lower to the mid-60s. and around the bay, up to the lower 70s, with sunny skies, and seasonal temperatures. and inland today, the lower 80s. sunshine. and warmer temperatures expected while inland today.
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and compared to yesterday. for tonight, partly cloudy, with areas of fog, low clouds will return around the bay. and low clouds and fog expected for the coastline. temperatures in the upper 40s to the upper 50s. and here is a look at our satellite. look at the one place you can still see clouds. right here near ocean beach. moving down across to half moon bay. otherwise, we are absolutely clear. and with all of those clear conditions and plenty of sunshine, the temperatures today are pretty nice. upper 70s in millipitas, and 79 degrees in santa clara and 76 in sunnyvale and mountain view and 75 in palo alto, and 75 degrees in los altos. east bay locations, lower 80s in pittsburgh, and antioch and brentwood and 79 degrees in livermore and 80 in danville and 82 in walnut creek and 80 in concord. because of all of the sunshine, we increased our continues for the day to the mid-70s in oakland and lower 70s in berkeley and 69 degrees in richmond. north bay locations today, 81 in fairfield. and 80 degrees in napa. 80 degrees in sonoma. and 79 in petaluma. 75 in san rafael.
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and 77 in kentville. and 59 sausalito. 71 in san francisco. the seven-day forecast, for today, pretty nice. tuesday and wednesday, we're cooling down. what? yes, we're cooling down. thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday, we're warming up and look at what happens over the course of the weekend. 90-degree temperatures are expected for the first weekend of fall. so allen, are you feeling pretty lucky? >> very lucky. >> we have the 49ers taking on the saints tonight. >> and concerning the last showing, they will need a little luck. 55 degrees and clear skies. if you go out to the game, it will be really nice weather. that's a look at your weather. that's on the cw as well. >> and you know what? next you will tell me beverly hills 90210 is because of a zip code. i'm not buying that either. [ laughter ] >> all right. how have you been? >> cute. >> she is in the united states. he is in afghanistan. but the miracle of technology kept them from missing the miracle of birth. that's coming up next.
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coming up tonight at five: it,,, [ female announcer ] we know jerry brown was mayor of oakland, but what were the results?
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fact: brown promised to improve schools. but the drop out rate increased 50%, and the state had to take over the schools. fact: the city controller found employees paid for 22,000 hours... they never worked. fact: brown promised to cut crime. but murders doubled, making oakland the 4th most dangerous city in america. jerry brown. he just can't deliver the results
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it was supposed to make mass transit more convenient... b all right. coming up tonight at 5:00 on cbs 5. it was supposed to make mass transit more convenient. only if it worked. the whole new host of problems with the bay area's flipper cars. we will explain at 5:00. and it is tough missing the
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birth of a child, especially for soldiers serving in afghanistan. but not the case for kim and jason thanks to skype. kim had been keeping in touch with her husband throughout the pregnancy and went into labor and posted it as the status on facebook and in a half an hour jason was on skype right there in the delivery room on the laptop and he watched the birth and they were together that way the whole time and no truth to the matter that they had to mute her microphone. [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp,
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carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message.
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