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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 11PM  CBS  September 26, 2010 10:00pm-10:30pm PST

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carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message.
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high pressure sending temperatures soaring near the trim digits today it will be hotter tomorrow. where we will see the hotter temperatures coming up. it's nice having people putting their money where their mouth is. the tea party bringing its politics to the bay area. what they see as the priority in the weeks ahead for the november election. this something you expect to see out of the back of the bus? >> ,no, especially not a big yellow school bus. good evening ann notarangelo. the scorcher of the weekend, and it's not over yet. property longed heat wave has prompted a third bad air day in a row, but there's no free ride on mass transit to start the workweek. we will get the latest on the
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heat wave. >> reporter: heat is okay, but after several days it can wear on you. 99 degrees today. 964 in concord. 97-degrees in santa rosa. on the coastline, we had fog early on with cool temperatures and tomorrow, less sea breeze. livermoore could hit the triple digits. san francisco, probably a little bit warmer tomorrow, up into the 80s. when might we break the heat wave? we will talk about it with the rest of the weather coming up in a few minutes. just after noon today, firefighters come taped the -- contained the filed fire that burned this morning. along with one outbuilding and several cars, the highway was closed overnight, but it's since been reopened. one firefighter was hurt.
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hundreds of tea party rally supporters were in the heart of the bay area today. tajing the move. of millions in the bay area. >> reporter: the patriotic scene is getting normal but they don't want to be lined up with the democrats or the republicans. speakers pounded on now common tea party themes, the deficit taxes, welfare, and education. the keynote speaker, the berkeley law enforce. and author of member rows, outlining the use of torture on suspect president obama believes many checks checks will share us up from the birden of government. the. moderate republicans are looking for a counterstrategy.
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formerred as vier to president bush said they have tapped into the voter frustration and anger but does not represent millions of american in the middle. >> reporter: new york governor said he will promote the democrats and republicans this fall. back here, jason explains what attracts him to the party. >> it's primarily the fiscal university. if you're someone like me who wants to be involved, it's nice for people to put their money where the mouth is. >> reporter: scott grown says it respects his family's doctor trig. >> i so happy to be black. i'm employed that i have a lot of family members who served the military. we believe in your individual freedom, and i have never found it, but i found it here. >> a new organization called no labels has formed to counterearn the red rick. they will try to get
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republicans and democrats reach across the aisle because now they are not even talking to one another. >> thank you very much. legal pot in california, looking less and less like a pipe dream. a new vote leaning towards legalizing marijuana for recreational use. 49% of users thought it was favorable. 42% opposing it. support is up slightly since the last poll taken in july if prop 19 passes, california would be the first state to legalize the recreational pot. with just two weeks until election day, one candidate is pulling ahead. the los angeles time poll showing jerry brown shows the 49-44% lead over meg whittman with the likely voters but it's within the margin of error. barbaraboxer widened her --
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barbara boxer widened her lead over carly fiorina. 51% to 43% with a 3-point margin of error. it was a coast-to-coast call to action. 100 people marching across the golden gate bridge to show their support for same sex marijuana. a symbol demonstration that was also on the east coast. >> we are doing great. we are doing fantastic. marching the golden gate bridge coast-to-coast with new york city. >> reporter: with that the san francisco chapter of marriage equality usa set off across the golden gate and the new york chapter went across the brooklyn bridge. a symbolic gesture to -- >> bridge the gap for equal if i. >> reporter: there's still a gap to bridge. these folks march in
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celebration to overturn the prop 8 marriage ban, with people in ten states in between standing up against it. >> reporter: as the ninth circuit court of appeals will rule on judge walker's decision, these states have come together to file a brief opposing the gay marriage. in the 39-payment brief filed on friday they say the states, not the court should get the final say on banning the gay marriage and say the constitution does not require marriage to include same-sex couples. >> it says no citizen or class of citizen should be granted any privilege or immunity not granted to all citizens on the same turn. the gay rights advocate, he with the event organizers compared it to the civil rights movement. >> these bans and amendments showed up back in the '40s, 50
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-- '50s and '60s, even before then. >> reporter: represent the facts, how many white gay men sat on the back of the bus? it was never a civil rights issue. martin luther king said marriage is with a man and a woman. >> reporter: with passionate views on both sides, it's sure to play out in the courts for years to come, but the organizers of this event say they are confident they will eventually bridge the gap of equality. in san francisco, julie watts, channel 5. albert greenwood brown was convicted of killing a 15-year- old girl in 1980 in southern california. friday, the judge cleared the way for his exclusion in the newly renovated death chamber and the judge ordered him to choose from a one-drug
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injection or the three-drug cocktail. he would not choose, show, so -- so he will be given the cocktail. just after 11 this morning, detectives were call to investigate about an argument, and then one officer pulled out a weapon, and an officer fired. police have not identified the person shot. no one else was hurt. a day-long standoff in san francisco ending this evening. the police arrested 43-year-old timothy zyich. he lived in anotherout in the building, but it's not clear why he barricaded himself inside of a neighbor's apartment. there were people inside of the apartment at the time, but everyone got out okay. drivers still reaching for their cell phones, but
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sometimes it's tragic results. a total ban on texting or talking behind the wheel. >> the tour of going through san francisco and eating. i love that idea. a whole new meaning to meals on wheels. caught in the act. why the navy is speaking up about two pilots testing the waters of lake tahoe. >> i didn't even know that was possible! ,,,,,,
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b-a-c-c-a-l-a-u-r-e-a-t-e. baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services.
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the governor's hi asso a new push tonight to go beyond just limiting the cell phone use behind the wheel. a proposal is being considered to ban all cell phone use by drivers, citing alarming statistics that found distractioned cell phone use and texting incrazied death by 25% from 2005 to 2008. >> there's a sense this is dangerous, it should not be done, but yet the folks admit 70% have used a cell phone while driving, and 24% they
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have texted while driving. >> aaa wants people to put them in the trunk of their car and turn them off while they drive. tacos trucks turned into gourmet eating, now san francisco is home to the trend in fine dining. you can now board a bus and fill your belly. . >> we tour around and stop at different points. have an an appetizer in front of the golden gate bridge. >> the idea of touring, and eating, i love the idea. >> reporter: jumping on the bus wagon. >> meat ball, everything on it. >> reporter: fine dining on four wheels but don't you dare call it a roach coach. it's called a broach coach. >> we are trying to create a new experience. we want the experience with the chef. >> reporter: it's not just the
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ambience. you will not find the triple negative food here. >> this dish requires more calories to burn up than it has in it. >> reporter: is this something you would expected in the back of the school bus? >> no. >> reporter: they have put over $100,000 in it. up next, the wide table seating up to parties of 12. if you would like a bigger party, they can serve up to 2,000 from outside. the hope, eventually offer beer and wine pairings. plus san francisco's permit process is getting in the way. >> how are you doing? >> good, well. >> reporter: enter the supervisor. >> i' sponsoring legislation to make it seizier fortous have the mobile food vendors in san francisco. >> reporter: but not serve jumping on brother. -- but not everybody is jumping on board. the meal association is worried
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it will hurt their brick and mortar business. now the company is working on a compromise. >> you can cannot have an indian restaurant with a curry truck in front of it. >> reporter: he said they should embrace it. they are fellow foodies. >> we don't see them as a competition. we are serving a different item. >> reporter: go to and click on news and then consumer. julie watts. >> form, you -- tomorrow you want to stay on the air- conditioned bus. >> if they serve milkshakes, they will make millions tomorrow alone. hot in spots. pulling the coastline a sea breeze. there temperatures are down a bit. still outside right now, looking good. we have a calm conditions over
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the bay as we speak. the low clouds creeping in on the coastline, but it's very thin on the beaches. out over the bay tonight, no fog. the high pressure ridge is strengthening somewhat. the temperatures coming up for tomorrow. hot in parts of the bay as well. mid-90s the hottest spots to the coastline. maybe a couple of matches of fog. by the afternoon a beautiful day at the beach. feeling warm in spots. 69 in livermoore. 62 in san francisco. you can see them breathing in close. 65 degrees with the sea breeze and the patchy fog. around the state, triple digits into fresno, close there in sacramento. 66 degrees with patchy fog, at least in euro catastrophe.
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this low -- eurika. this low will leave the temperatures up a bit. the offshore wind is breaking down along the coastline. but we have the patchy fog on the beaches it will be hot as you head inland it will be immediately designed to the cost line. it's dense out. there the marine layer went down to 300 feet or so. a lot of sunshine, and the heat will be on during the afternoon. the numbers well into the 90s in the bay. as you head inland, this is a place for a good, cool drake. 100-degreesdegreesdegrees in -- 100 degrees tomorrow. the heat will continue in into parts of the north bay, into triple-didn'ts in santa rosa.
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94 degrees, and 5 in pe -- and the 5 in petaluma it will fake awhile to bring the temperatures down in the mid- 90s. it will not be the triple i didn'ts tomorrow. the hottest day of the next seven. >> lauren, thank you very much. the much anticipated vote on tax cuts. what congress has voted to do or not do. heads down! stay down! >> is-- this is a scary landing. what passengers had to deal with last night. ,,,,mm, my water just broke!
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which is really exciting... except i'm at a grocery store. i was just standing here with a carton of oj, and all of a sudden, it was all over the floor. the water, not the oj. and i'm not near my doctor and i'm not really sure what i should do... [ intercom ] clean up on aisle three! [ inhales deeply ] ugh. [ male announcer ] when the unexpected happens, you need a health plan you can trust. 3.4 million californians trust us with their health coverage needs. blue shield.
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--including u-c berkeley's a sobering analysis of the current state of the economy. two renowned economist say that the gap between the rich and poor is growing, and the disparity may make it harder to recover from the current recession. a new study shows in 2007 the top 1% of americans controlled 24% of the nation's wealth. the last time it was that high, 1928, just before the great depression. wright says the middle class accounts for 70% of the economic activity and the incomes are so stagnant, they have losted buying power to end the recession. the house will not vote on the tax cuts before the november selection. democrats and republicans are blaming each other for the
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deadlock. the tax reductions from the bush administration are going to expire by the end of the year. the republicans want to make them permanent. the democrats want them permanent but only for couples makes less than $250,000. >> they will have to explain to their constituents, why they are holding up the tax cuts for the middle class. >> in this semi, tax cuts do not necessarily mean more jobs. one american hiker has been freed, the signs in the east that show it may be eminent for two others who have been jail forward year. hundreds on a mission. what they were hoping to accomplish today in ann fran. -- today in san francisco. coming up on gameday, katie maine into the 8th inning as
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the league until the national league west change yet again. why does the barbecue taste so good in kansas ty? because they use the 49er meat, well done. game day is coming up in a few minutes. there ,,,,,,
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ma'am, can you identify the other airline that charged you bag fees? that's it. that one...right there. exactly how much did the other airlines make off with? ♪ it was like $25. was that one-way? or roundtrip? roundtrip. $50? did you have a second bag? yes. mm! it was $35. that's $120 roundtrip. [ gasps ] oh! ah! ♪ [ ding ] texting...blogging... all this technology, but you're still banking like pilgrims! it's time for new school banking, bubbie. interest plus savings at
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why earn bupkis, when your savings can earn three times the national average!! three times the national average!!! new school banking at capital one bank. with interest plus savings, go to!!!!! what's in your wallet? somebody help me down. what were the facts? fact: march 7, 2000. brown asks voters for new mayoral power to appoint school board members. he gets it, and promises better schools. but the drop out rate increases 50%. the school budget goes into a 100 million dollar deficit. the schools become so bad the state has to take them over. it was "largely a bust," he admitted. jerry brown. failure as governor. failure as mayor. failure we can't afford now. more than a year. a new push to free two uc berkeley grads jailed in iran for more than a year.
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according to to newspaper there, plans to visit iran will result in the asking of their release. shane bauer and josh fattal may then be released immediately. a viral video on youtube is being investigated by the navy. a tourist got pictures of two navy choppers hovering low. one pilot cannot maintain altitude and briefly dips into the water. the september 13th video has been said to be authentic. the two pilots have been ground, and the $33 million state of the art choppers have been repaired. the navy is not saying how much it cost to repair them. it was between $50,000 and $100,000. stay down!
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head down! stay down! >> that's the sound of a flight attendant during an emergency landing ate, fk. -- landing at jfk. witnesses say the sparks blue as one of the wings drug on the tarmac. but the plane landed safely, and no one was hurt. the faa is investigating. with will be right back. [ male announcer ] barbara boxer.
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she fought to get our veterans the first full combat care center in california. her after school law is keeping a million kids off the street and out of gangs. and she's fighting every day to create new jobs. i'm working to make california the leader in clean energy. to jump-start our small businesses with tax credits and loans to create thousands more california jobs. i'm barbara boxer, and i approve this message... because i want to see the words made in america again.
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in 2008 i quit venture capital to follow my passion for food. i saw a gap in the market for a fresh culinary brand and launched we create and broadcast content and then distribute it across tv, the web, and via mobile. i even use the web to get paid. with acceptpay from american express open, we now invoice advertisers and receive payments digitally. and i get paid on average three weeks faster. booming is never looking for a check in the mail. because it's already in my email. 4:01 hundreds of ukes playing


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