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tv   KPIX 5 News Early Edition  CBS  February 19, 2013 4:30am-5:00am PST

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because he thought she was an intruder. unconfirmed reports say police found a bloody cricket bat at the crime scene. pistorius's agent says the double amputee has canceled all future races. >> it's a tragic circumstance and event that has unfolded and we can only give oscar our support at this point in time. >> reporter: steenkamp had been dating pistorius for several months. her family says they want to know why their beautiful daughter had to die. tina kraus, cbs news. >> the bail hearing is expected to take from one to three days. if convicted, he could spend life in prison. it is 4:32. and the storm door is open. >> yeah. back to winter now. looks like things are change as clouds roll in. let's check out high-def doppler radar. we are seeing scattered showers moving into the north bay.
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this is just the beginning. i think the heavier rainfall moves in later on this morning but this starts to get things moistened up in the atmosphere. you can see some of the scattered showers showing up into parts of the north bay now near san rafael scattered light showers and along the cost line from marin headlands we are going to see more of that making its way in our direction. the core of the low will sag south today and will drive right through the bay area. so yeah, there's a chance of more rain and even some very low snow levels. temperatures outside right now 39 degrees in santa rosa, 47 in san jose and 47 degrees in san francisco. by the afternoon, we'll still be looking at showers but look at these highs today. only in the upper 40s maybe some low 50s for highs so we are talking about the possibility of snow in the mountains. >> i was in walnut creek yesterday. it was so cold. big difference from this weekends. going to be a big difference on the roads as well today. this is really the back-to- workday because yesterday we barely saw any traffic toward the bay bridge toll plaza.
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so far things look good. but once again after the long holiday weekend, this tuesday morning folks headed back into san francisco. so far no metering lights no delay. across the golden gate bridge so far, so good across the span heading into san francisco. elsewhere if you are heading on 880/237, that is looking good. here's a live look at some traffic sensors through the altamont pass. westbound 580 still nice and light no delay all the way through livermore heading towards the dublin interchange. grab your chains. snow in the sierra, chains on 80, 50 and 88. coming up, we'll check mass transit. 4:34. an east bay family is displayed by a tree on their house at 1:30 yesterday in danville on alameda diablo. the tree caused major structure
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damage to the houses an smashed an suv and golf cart. nobody was hurt. a resident described the moment when the tree came down >> i was in the kitchen when i was getting ready for work, making lunch and i'm at the pantry and all of a sudden an explosion startled me and i looked to my left and my roof fell in right next to me. and i just froze. i just stood there. i thought is the rest of the house going to come down on me. i thought it's not an earthquake. this is a tree. >> look at that. the family of three is not allowed back inside their home until they have an inspection later today. the downed tree is not weather- related by the way but the rain that is approaching this morning could create some complications. and remember, you can stay on top of the weather in your neighborhood with our interactive high-def doppler radar on our website, there are extra patrols on a college campus after a rapist attacked a woman around
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lunchtime out for a walk sunday afternoon at uc-santa cruz between upper quarry amphitheater and the classroom unit building. there's going to be a public forum about violence on campus tomorrow night. the victim is now out of the hospital. she provided detailed information about the suspect and police have posted a sketch. the attack has changed students' attitudes on the scene at campus. >> as far as like the safety issue, that kind of takes away from the scenery because like you want to be able to enjoy it, go out and have fun with friends and stuff. >> i have if i felt safe on campus and now i don't. it's completely changed in one day. >> the suspect is described as being 5'10" tall, 200 pounds with a goatee and a tattoo on his right shoulder. there is an arrest now in the triple murder up in wine country a couple of weeks ago. sonoma county investigators say 46-year-old mark capello killed three people inside a forestville home two weeks ago part of a drug deal gone bad. capello will be extradited back
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to sonoma county very soon. and the petaluma teen who disappeared in south lake tahoe on new year's eve died of hypothermia. but an autopsy also revealed 19- year-old elissa burn had drugs in her system including meth. burn was last seen at a music festival at a community college in the area and deputies say she may have been trying to walk three miles to her hotel in freezing weather when she died. a bay area mom who spent time in prison for having sex with her kid's teenaged friends is in trouble again. she spent the past 2.5 years in jail for having sex with two 14- year-old boys in 2010. but she was arrested again on friday during a routine compliance check. the registered sex offender's parole officer busted her with pornography a violation that sent her back to jail. cal's basketball coach will be grilled about a shoving incident when he holds his weekly news conference today.
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head coach mike montgomery shoved star player alan cram during the come-from-behind win sunday night. after the game he said the shove was meant to snap his star out of a funk and it worked. they won but he later apologized saying, he went too far. >> junior -- >> i was trying to get him going probably overdid it a little bit but alan is my guy. i need him to be going. we can't win if he is not ready it play. >> the coach got a reprimand from the pac-12 but no suspension. leland yee says montgomery deserves to be benched for a game. the city of san jose is reversing a decision to turn off streetlights in many areas. 900 streetlights have been turned off saving the city nearly $100,000 a year in energy bills. it was mostly lights out on main arteries in the city but the blackouts led to problems especially in alum rock. >> we have seen a rise in graffiti in certain areas, a lot of property crime. one thing that the streets are
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relying on is lights from the property. that's, you know, not acceptable. we need streetlights to get turned back on. >> the city council just approved funding to turn all the lights back on at a rate of about 200 lights per month. other bay area headlines, tonight the oakland city council is expected to decide whether to pay for more help from the california highway patrol. the city administrators wants to spends $162,000 or chp patrols in march and april putting 10 chp officers on the streets. the chp has been helping patrol oakland since november out of the chp's own budget. the drakes bay oyster company is making a football push to stay open. earlier this month a u.s. district judge told the police who run the oyster farm at point reyes they would have to close. the company's 40-year permit to harvest oysters expired last november. it is 4:39. coming up, we now know what caused that carnival cruise
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ship fire. >> plus, a new motive uncovered for the sandy hook massacre. the other notorious murderer he was competing against. >> a pesky pig on the run. how long it took for the polish police to pin him down. coming up.
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get whatever you want, baby. hmm. let's just share a 20 piece. [ internal ] 20 mcnuggets, for only $4.99? oh, man. she's beautiful smart and sensible. jackpot. [ crewperson ] anything else? [ male announcer ] mcdonald's crispy, juicy chicken mcnuggets are now part
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of the extra value menu. so you get the tastes you love at a price you'll love even more. guess who's going to the game? [ internal ] thank you. [ male announcer ] the simple joy of having more to love. don't see everyday... police called out to chase a loose pig! the pig escaped here's something you don't see every day. police called out to chase a loose pig! the pig escaped from a farm in northeast poland and it was causing some traffic problems. so the police stepped in but the pesky pig was not easy to catch. it took two hours -- two hours -- but it was finally caught. >> that's a smart pig. usually when they are trying to catch you that's not good news. >> it's not. [ laughter ] >> look, he is just slipping away from them. >> the weather in poland looks fantastic! >> fabulous! just like it's going to be on our local mountains here very soon. >> i guess so. snow, huh? >> very cold storm moving into
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the bay area. an interesting day around the bay area. showers in parts of the north bay. you can see that line making its way through but i think the heaviest rain still yet to come a little later on this morning. still, you get the idea showers around petaluma right now. just to the north we have some pink showing up on our radar. that's kind of a mixed precip. some sleet going to show up on the mountains. so giving you an idea that it's getting cold enough that we are likely to see some snow. cloudy morning and a chance on the increase throughout the morning hours cold, breezy, showers continuing the possibility of some thunderstorms into the afternoon. then really an unsettled weather pattern. doesn't look like anything major coming in our direction but a chance of showers towards the latter part of the week. low pressure dropping to the south right now bringing with it all that cold arctic air pouring into the bay area. the temperatures are going to be dropping, the highs struggling to get into the 50s today and above 2,000 feet, yeah, we could see some snow out there. it is going to be wet and
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breezy. winter weather advisory is up for the bay area mountains. yeah, mount diablo headed to the santa cruz mountains upwards of 2" of snow. maybe a little more than that in parts of the north bay. so with that in mind be careful outside today. starting out with a couple of scattered showers early on but the brunt doesn't come through until the middle of the morning. 11:00 pasting through the peninsula further to the south and then getting by that system more cold air some scattered showers and then overnight tonight we begin to dry out. so yeah, could be an interesting day around the bay area a little snow across the mountaintops maybe a wandering thunderstorm and showers to go along with that, too. high temperatures today only going to be in the upper 40s to the low 50s and that is it. it is going to be a cold one outside. looks like a dry day for wednesday slight chance of showers into thursday. and also slight chance of showers on saturday. but yeah, this could be a very interesting day elizabeth especially traveling the santa cruz mountains. you have to be careful on the roads. >> i know. so be advised they have chain requirements out in the sierra. i know we're sending roberta
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out in our mobile5 weather unit to mount hamilton. so as lawrence said, be extra careful on the roads today. now, so far things are pretty much dry and quiet across the bay area. we're not seeing a lot of roadwork and not a lot of incidents out there. this is a live look at the nimitz 880 past 66 the oakland coliseum no delay northbound or southbound. and the san mateo bridge most of the bridges moving at the limit and maybe a little bit of moisture, something going on, on our camera lens. this is westbound 92 towards the high-rise. eastbound 92 looking good towards the east bay, as well. let's go to our maps. there's one accident we have been watching in the median in castro valley eastbound lanes of 580 just past castro valley y as you make your way through the y approaching strobridge. there is an accident there. so just a heads up. again, not causing a delay. but there are chp cars on the scene right now. if you are heading towards milpitas this is a live look at 880 and 237 around the bend no
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delay all the way towards 101 and sunnyvale. the rest of the south bay through downtown san jose all the way 280 things look good. guadalupe parkway once again your drive time still all pretty much in the green but once again, we'll talk a lot about this, back-to-work tuesday, so yesterday we just hardly saw a delay at all through antioch and so far that appears to be the case and i'm sure this will change a little later on in the morning commute. right now 64 miles per hour as you approach a street, lone tree way. looks great towards the concord area. similar story approaching the golden gate bridge. again, caltrans taking a break so not much roadwork out there right now. and mass transit after being on a saturday or a holiday schedule yesterday, back to regular schedule and so far, all on time. that's a check of traffic. back to you guys. >> thank you, liz. 4:46 now. this morning the l.a. police chief will provide an updated on the case of christopher dorner. he of course is the ex-cop who went on a killing spree -- alleged killing spree before apparently killing himself. we have been learning more
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about his attempt to escape to mexico. fishermen at san diego's driscoll wharf say he approached them and offered them cash for a south of the border fishing trip. no takers. the next day he tried and failed to steal a both from the same san diego marina. investigators. sandy hook elementary school shooting may have determined the 18-year-old shooter's motive. cbs reporter susan mcginnis with the signs that point to adam lanza's on section with another mass transit. >> reporter: the shooter in the sandy hook elementary school massacre may have taken his inspiration from a mass murder that took place in norway a year and a half ago. investigators tell cbs news that 20-year-old adam lanza saw himself in direct competition with anders breivik who killed 77 people in july of 2011. eight died in a bombing near a government center in oslo, 69 others shot on a camp on a
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nearby island. he was obsessed with breivik and trying to top the oslo shooter's body count. >> his mentality not just that i can beat it but i can get more attention, more notoriety, do it more skillfully, do it more efficiently. >> reporter: lanza's killing spree started december 14. police say he killed his mother at their home that morning, and then headed to sandy hook elementary school where he killed 20 children and 6 adults. investigators say he picked the newtown, connecticut school because it was the easiest target with the largest cluster of people. lanza was an experienced marksman. he and his mother made multiple visits to nearby gun ranges for target practice. and we're told he spent hours a day playing video shooting games in the basement of his home. officials are reaching out to the online gaming community looking for anyone who might have been communicating with
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lanza. susan mcginnis, cbs news, washington. connecticut state police spokesman lieutenant paul vance dismissed the cbs report call it inaccurate but cbs stands by the story as reported. four new gun control laws passed in colorado are headed to the state senate including how many bullets a gun can hold and background checks for all guns sold even between private parties. the colorado bills are seen as text cases for national gun control laws being debated in washington. we now know what caused that fire that cripple the carnival cruise ship triumph. it was a leak in a fuel oil return line. it hit a hot surface starting the fire that stranded more than 4,000 passengers off the coast of mexico last week. they didn't have power, working toilets for five days. the full investigation could take up to 6 months. when u.s. airways and american merge they will have
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only one ceo that means american's ceo tom horton will be leaving. but he did okay. horton will serve as chairman of the new company for a year before he is out and when he goes he will get a $20 million severance package and he will also be able to fly for frees for life. if congress doesn't stop automatic spending cuts, federal workers could be furloughed starting in april. the so-called sequester is set to trigger across the board cuts on march 1. if that happens, the next step is for government agencies and their unions to negotiate. then employees would get 30 days' notice before being furloughed. the governor is looking to lure away california businesses. terry branstad the iowa republican governor is visiting the golden state today and tomorrow trying to get local companies to move to his home state of iowa. >> he's welcome to come anytime he wants to. [ laughter ] >> last time i saw him in iowa, he came here in december to the farm bureau convention without
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a coat. and most people said, this guy he doesn't have a clue. he was running for president of the united states at that time. this is moonbeam jerry brown, you know. [ laughter ] >> good luck when he gets here. just last week texas governor rick perry came to california to recruit businesses to his state. california business owners have recently complained that taxes are too high and there's too much government and red tape in california. a fee that pays for fire prevention services in california's rural areas is under fire again. the state started collecting the fee from rural property owners last year. now governor brown wants to expand it and opponents are trying to kill it. one concern is that money has been funneled from wildfire damage settlements into a special account. another is that the fee has been used for wildfire investigations and not preventive measures. 4:51. a deadly virus now spreading and it resembles sars. >> the symptoms and where
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people are getting infected. plus -- >> how two lotto winners managed to blow up their house while they were celebrating with their winnings. >> and it played out like a hollywood heist. how thieves made off with $50 million worth in diamonds.
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hi-def doppler radar picking up some rainfall around the bay area. i think it may be tracking a little snow later. we'll talk about that coming up. >> bring your chains to the sierra. closer to home, bay area bridges off to a great start. no delay across the golden gate, bay bridge or san mateo
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bridge. more "timesaver traffic" coming up in 10 minutes. in this morning's healthwatch, the world health organization is concerned about a dangerous new virus that resembles sars. the novel corona virus has infected a dozen people outside the u.s. the virus causes breathing problems, fever and cough. so far the virus is being blamed for five deaths but there have been no cases reported here in the united states. on a positive note, the worst may be over for the flu season this year. the centers for disease control says for the third straight week the number of flu case has decreased across the country even with numbers dropping. the cdc is warning people who experience flu-like symptoms to see their doctor. in belgium eight men stole $467 million worth of dimes and it was a quick job. they cut the security fence around the airport there. then drove two cars to a plane on the way to switzerland,
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stole diamonds from the cargo hold and within minutes they were gone. it is a celebration gone bad. >> yes, as a pair of kansas lottery winners learns partying too hard has serious consequence which is how police say two brothers bought some pot and meth after hitting a $75,000 ticket. they were apparently filling butane torches to light their bongs when the furnace pilot light ignited the fumes. >> what, that's celebrating too hard. that took care of that celebration real fast! >> neighbor mary says the blast was strong enough to shatter the bedroom window but no one in her family was injured. both brothers are now facing drug possession charges. >> maybe next time a vacation. >> what happened to a nice dinner? >> or club med vacation, for crying out loud. 4:56. coming up, why a big bay area city is about to get brighter.
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>> plus, oscar pistorius breaks down in court again. >> it's unlikely the south african sporting hero will be granted bail. >> i'm live in danville where one east bay family might need to find a new place to live after a 50-foot oakland tree fell on their house. how bad the damage is coming up.
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♪ ♪ ♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ ♪ i don't wanna be right ♪ [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. bee happy. bee healthy. [ female announcer ] try new honey nut cheerios medley crunch, with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, ♪ i've got something for you too. (announcer) fancy feast delights with cheddar. a meal that is sure to delight your cheese lover. fancy feast. the best ingredient is love.
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald olympic sprinter oscar pistorius heads to court. the demands for justice as his murdered girlfriend is laid to rest. >> looking at a chance of showers around the bay area. maybe even a little snow out there today. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and the weather could cause some mess for one east bay family waiting to see if they can return to their home. this after an oakland treetopled on top of the -- an
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oak tree toppled on their reroof. >> and a check of the bay area roads coming up. >> good morning, it's tuesday, february 19. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. >> reporter: oscar pistorius said he killed reeva steenkamp by mistake. it comes after an emotionally draining bail hearing. as tina kraus reports it comes on the same day as steenkamp was laid to rest. reporter: police brought track star and murder suspect oscar pistorius back to his south african court for a bail hearing. prosecutors say he should stay in jail for the shooting death of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. the paralympic runner cried in a closed courtroom as prosecutors accused hm of premed today murder. they say pistorius put on his prosthetic leg and walked across the room before firing four shots against his girlfriend through a locked
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bathroom door. her funeral today is in port elizabeth, south africa, today. >> there is a space missing inside all the people that she knew that can't be filled again. >> reporter: pistorius's family calls steenkamp's death a tragic accident. they say the sprinter known as the blade runner for his prosthetic legs is not a killer but a sportsman who acted on instinct. pistorius's family says the runner shot steenkamp inside his upscale home because he thought she was an intruder. unconfirmed reports say police found a bloody cricket back at the crime scene. his agent says the double amputee has canceled all future races. >> it's a tragic circumstance and event that's unfolded and we can only give oscar our support at this point in time. >> reporter: steenkamp had been dating pistorius for several months. her family says they want to know why their beautiful daughter had to die. tina kraus, cbs news


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