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tv   KPIX 5 News at 6pm  CBS  February 27, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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two young boys. her boys are 5 and 1. >> reporter: throughout the day the santa cruz pd received an outpouring of support from the community. >> i was at flower stores and i saw people crying at the flower stores doing the same thing i was doing, getting flowers to bring here because they didn't know what else to do. >> reporter: there is a growing memorial of flowers, candles and handwritten notes evidence of how devastating a blow this is the city and community of santa cruz. >> horrific for all of us. i'm sad. mad. i have all these mixed emotions. and i have never seen this in all the years that i have been here to happen to the santa cruz police department. >> reporter: the candles continue to burn at the santa cruz police department as they will for days to come as this community comes together and grieves. elizabeth, this is very reminiscent of what happened after the loma prieta earthquake where the community of santa cruz had to come together. they also gathered at the louden nelson community center back in those days. and it is reminiscent as you see people come together, there are long hugs and people are
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really pulling together and kind of telling each other they have to do what they have to do, to pull this community together in their time of need. >> it's clearly a very special community in the way that they bond together over tragedies like this. >> reporter: that's right. >> all right, len, thank you. more now on the gunman germany goulet. he was -- jeremy goulet. he was fired from his job on thursday the day before arrested for breaking into a coworker's house making unwanted sexual advances. in 2008 in portland, oregon goulet was convicted of a sex crime in a peeping incident. >> the first time he had the screen off the bathroom window. and the window open with a stick through it. and he was looking at my girlfriend take a shower. >> i felt horrible. it felt horrible. for a while i couldn't go not bathroom by myself. >> goulet fired a gun in a struggle with the victim's boyfriend and eventually served jail time. we learned today that goulet's own father called him
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a ticking time bomb. he was ready to take on and take down anyone who got in his way. mark sayre has new details on the events leading up to the suspect's last stand yesterday. mark. >> reporter: well, allen, investigators say these two detectives really did not have any chance. they were in plainclothes. they were not suspecting any kind of trouble when they encountered the suspect and they were shot and killed right on his doorstep. bullet holes riddle the garage where police and sheriff's deputies finally confronted suspect jeremy goulet and where goulet was shot and killed. this was just a half block away from where the two santa cruz officers were killed about a half hour earlier. >> there's no such thing as routine police work. however, the information that they possessed at the time they went out to contact this suspect gave them no suspicion that they would be in danger. >> reporter: santa cruz county sheriff phil wowak today revealed new details of the murders of sergeant butch baker
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and detective elizabeth butler. >> both detectives were killed at the doorstep of goulet's home. following the detectives' individual murders, they were disarmed by goulet and detective baker's vehicle was stolen by goulet. >> reporter: radio dispatch tapes reveal the first indication that officers might be down. >> unknown type of shooting. we have a report of a gunshot wound. they did have officers in that area doing follow-up. and we are just getting multiple reports of shots heard and now being advised of possible victims. >> reporter: then confirmation. >> two officers down. stand by for project rope. >> reporter: project rope is a multi-agency effort to block the escape routes of a potential suspect. >> we know now that he was distraught. we know now that he had intentions of potentially harming people and/or the
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police. >> reporter: and wowak says the suspect was ready for a fight. >> when goulet was discovered on the ground post-shooting, he was wearing body armor. in the initial investigation of that scene, we found goulet had possessed three different handguns as well as the body armor. >> reporter: back at the scene of the murder, a neighbor heard the initial volley of shots and was devastated to learn what happened. >> five minutes later the volley of gunfire must have been about a dozen shots. i had assumed it was the officers firing at the suspect. but i learned it was the other way around. >> reporter: investigators said the fire department got caught up in all this. fire officers had arrived to help the call of the downtown officers. that's when the second shooting took place. the gun battle with the suspect himself, a fire department vehicle was shot up and we're told that several fire
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department employees actually ran to pull citizens to safety. in one case, one officer was was described one fire department person tackled somebody to the ground to protect that person and the police department calling the fire department heroes. the fire department though not ready to talk about this today. they are grieving, as well. they were very much involved in this just as the santa cruz police department was, as well. back to you. >> mark, you know, when you hear about how many shots were being fired back and forth and in your video we saw the size of the hole put in the house of the siding of the house. >> reporter: yeah. >> it's a miracle nobody else was hurt. >> reporter: it really is. when you look at that apartment complex where that garage is shot up, i mean, it's a very densely populated area. somebody could have been parking a car, a bullet could have flown through a window. a lot of people live there. the fact that nobody else is involved, indeed something very fortunate for everything involved. >> indeed. all right, mark, thanks so much. for more on the officers killed including we have this morning's news conference in its entirety, you can log on to our website, and we will have more on the suspect a
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little later in this newscast. transit officials today approved millions of dollars to help throw a party to open the new eastern span of the bay bridge. that will happen 187 days from now. just after the labor day weekend. the money approved will help cover costs of opening the bridge to the public. the question now is, should people coming to the party have to pay, as well? >> reporter: it will be a once- in-a-lifetime party. a bash on the bay bridge when the new eastern span opens over labor day weekend and it's going to cost millions. 5.6million to be exact. today the bay area toll authority approved a $5.6 million contract to help throw the party. what they don't know is how they are going to pay for it, with public money from bridge tolls or with private sponsorship. >> a lot of companies made a lot of money on this project from public funds.
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those companies ought to be stepping up. >> reporter: the private sector is pitching in on the $9 million party. the private bay area bridge alliance has raised $3.5 million to pay for fireworks, a half marathon and a bike ride leaving the public to pay the remaining $5.6 million which will cover transportation, security and crowd control. but state senator jerry hill doesn't want the public paying for it and is introducing a bill to make it illegal. >> i like a good party. i think a party is a good idea. but the idea of making the commuters and the taxpayers be responsible for that just didn't seem right. >> reporter: today commissioners debated another solution whether to have the public pay a minimum of $5 to walk across the bridge the day before it opens to help recoup public funds. >> i think everybody should be able to have the opportunity to come and they shouldn't be barred by having some kind of a fee. >> i think it is appropriate to charge a fee. maybe not a significant fee. >> reporter: for now, that proposal is up in the air along
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with the question of who will pay for this party. christin ayers, kpix 5. >> and kpix 5 is the official broadcast partner for the bay bridge alliance. a little later in this newscast, a story you're only going to see right here on kpix 5. we'll take you inside a little known tunnel across the bay. right now, san francisco utility crews are working to repair a giant sinkhole created early this morning. a 16" water pipe came apart and pumped hundreds of thousands of gallons of water on to the streets above. it happened about 3 a.m. near 15th and wawona street. kpix 5 reporter phil matier shows us how the clean-up is coming along tonight. >> reporter: it's interesting. it's very slowly but it's interesting, allen, and this is another one of those stories that just goes to show that in an aging city, sometimes your biggest headaches can be under your feet and you don't know they're coming. this was the scene today as a small army of city workers,
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private clean-up crews, insurance adjustors and stunned homeowners began dick digging out from the water that flooded the street when a 16" city water pipe ruptured early this morning sending thousands of gallons of water up to three feet deep in some places. >> i went downstairs without any boots or anything, and i was in water about a foot and a half probably. my car had water in it parked in the garage. so it was quite a mess. >> i'm not sure insurance even covers this. >> reporter: how come? >> they said that it's ground water. >> reporter: as for permanent damage -- >> it moves elements in the foundation. >> reporter: cracks are also growing on his walls and a sinkhole has opened up in his neighbor's backyard. it's too early for damage estimates, but considering that homes here go for about a million dollars or more each, it is definitely going to cost. residents tell us that they were told the pipe may have been damaged when the city was replacing a nearby sewer line. >> there is a possibility that, you know, some of that work might have impacted this work. we don't know yet.
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>> reporter: or it could have been a defective well. >> that's why they removed that entire section of pipe and sending it off for analysis. we'll know in a few days more about what the cause was. >> reporter: now, we as ratepayers and water users are probably going to pay for this work including the damage. i got to tell you, i was talking with one gentleman down the street. he woke up this morning had 3 feet of water in his new basement he just renovated. what is he going to do now? he said renovate it again. >> i like the comment from the guy who says the insurance company says it's ground water. it wasn't in the ground until the city put it there. [ laughter ] >> reporter: go figure. >> phil matier in san francisco, thank you. they lost contact with loved ones a month ago. just an hour ago, we heard from the family of a bay area couple thought to be missing in peru. >> plus, we're off to our dry he is year in more than 100 years. the bay area city that hasn't been this dry since the mid 1800s. >> guess what.
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you're dry again tonight. i'll throw in tomorrow as well but there are two days out of the next 7 days that will feature a chance of rain. san francisco looking gorgeous this evening. your seven-day forecast just minutes away. (sir can-a-lot) good day, ma' lady. [muffled] i am sir can-a-lot.
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never missing. they were just out of contact for over a month. kpix 5's da lin is in concord th how relief for two bay area families. a couple on a bike trip in peru were never missing just out of contact for more than a month and nobody knew where they were. kpix 5's da lin in concord with how a desperate search does seem to have a happy end: da. >> reporter: it does have a happy ending, allen. it took one phone call to end the worry of two families that started the frantic search international search of an oakland couple. today, garrett hand called his mother confirming he and his girlfriend jamie neal are indeed safe. a joyous family walked out of
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this concord home an hour ago announcing their worst fear is over. they can now smile because they finally made contact with the oakland couple who were feared missing in peru. >> we have personally talked to garrett. >> reporter: francine fitzgerald said she talked to her son on the phone around 3 p.m. this afternoon and heard for herself that he and girlfriend jamie neal are doing well. even after peruvian officials initially said they found the oakland couple on tuesday, garrett's family didn't believe them saying they need to hear the couple's voices. >> we cannot describe the hope, the emotion and the relief and the exhaustion that we're feeling right now. >> reporter: garrett and jamie's families began worrying after the couple stopped all communication back in january. the two had gone on a somethings month south america trip in november. family and friends say they were receiving calls and updates from them on a weekly
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basis. and that all stopped after january 25. the family contacted u.s. and peruvian officials after the state department issued a travel warning noting that criminals may have been planning to kidnap u.s. citizens in peru. >> i can't wait to see my son and his girlfriend, jamie, walking off a plane in sfo and grabbing him in my arms and holding him close to me. >> reporter: and we don't know when that couple will fly back to the bay area. in fact, the family would not take any questions during that brief press conference. a lot of questions such as, why they all of a sudden stopped contacting their family members and friends. allen? >> i guess rule number one, you're going to go off the grid, let somebody know you're going off the grid for weeks at
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a time. >> reporter: exactly. maybe they were having too much fun. >> maybe. we'll find out. da lin, thanks. it's been a dry start to 2013 and in fact, the last time the bay area saw this little rain millard fillmore was president and california had only been a state for less than two years. kpix 5 reporter ann notarangelo tells us why water officials aren't worried. >> reporter: it's been a week since any rainfall and november and december deluge is but the a memory. across the bay area we are off to the driest year in decades. in san francisco, it's the driest start since 1852. lately, we have been awash in sunshine. >> the water district is continuously looking at what water supplies we have available to serve our customers. >> reporter: and the contra costa water district says it thinks it's in good shape this season even with a dry spell. >> we will probably use some of the storm in the reservoir but that's why we have it. >> reporter: e.b. m.u.d. said it started the rainy season with 200% of the average
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water storage and is down to 80% which is still considered good. the reservoirs have up to three years' supply but if we don't get two to three big storms by late spring, e.b. m.u.d. says automatic triggers kick in. the first step is voluntary conservation but no one is using the word drought. >> of course, we always encourage our customers to use water wisely and don't wastewater. but there's no need to panic at this point. >> reporter: across the bay area, water districts are talking about record low rainfall but above average water storage. even in marin county, which heavily relies on local rainfall, their water storage is at 97% capacity. they don't think they will have to talk about water rationing come spring. keep in mind our rainy season isn't over and we could still get our fair share. >> we have in the past. i mean, there's been miracle marches. >> reporter: which brings us back to 1852 and those parched conditions. that march, san francisco got
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more than 6" of rain, twice the normal amount. one can hope history is destined -- is going to repeat itself. >> reservoir levels are below normal and lower than normal snowpack in the sierra nevada mountains where santa clara gets half of its water won't help. paul deanno is here. you know, typically what happens, we have these long dry spells and how we break those is this deluge thing but you don't see this. >> sometimes normal rainfall is a drought and a flood divided by two. then you get there. i wouldn't be surprised at all if we end up with november through april being normal ralph. we got about 80% of it in november. not a drop since. feels like that. a beautiful night outside. the atmosphere is a little more humid so we'll be a little more efficient in holding the heat this evening. won't be as chilly overnight. a few of you made 70 again. sonoma hit 70. gilroy beat you by 4, 74 degrees there. concord, san jose hit 68. now, on the peninsula, look at
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san francisco only 64. it was the mid-50s by the afternoon. and half moon bay only 56. that's because of the onshore flow. i'll explain that in a second. here's a look at our radar. it is mainly dry right now. and we'll stay that way, kpix 5 high-def doppler radar, there is some rain in northern california but you have to go about three hours north of here to get there. increasing high cloud cover passes by to the north because that ridge of high pressure is shoving that moisture far away from us. so we will go from an onshore flow to an offshore or northeast wind by friday. that will warm us up even in san francisco likely close to 70 degrees. then after that, we'll see some changes. the onshore flow is back for everybody. we are cooler over the weekend, low 60s by sunday. and there is some rain moving in by the middle of next week so 70s on friday, we'll be down to the low 60s by sunday but still dry. rain holds off until next tuesday. highs tomorrow oakland 67. san jose 67. fairfield 69.
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wine country will hit the 70s once again. extended forecast low 70s on friday. then we cool down over the weekend but a pleasant weekend to get outside. we have two chances of rain next tuesday -- do you believe it? wow! breaking news! two chances of rain next tuesday and next wednesday. >> wednesday are we getting a little bit more? >> looks like this could be .25" to half inch of rain. that's not a ton but compared to the past couple of weeks, it's not bad. >> it's a start. >> thank you. next stop, devil's slide! tonight a tour of the new tunnel and how it is so smart, it can even override your radio.
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francisco the public lat 30 tonight, we're getting a new look inside the devil's slide tunnel south of san francisco. >> that tunnel set to open later this spring after a construction project that took more than 7 years and cost more than $400 million. kpix 5's don ford on the safety
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feature that allows the tunnel to talk to drivers. >> reporter: it feels like traveling into the future. caltrans says the new tom lantos tunnel at devil's slide is one of the most advanced tunnels in the nation. and it's almost ready to open. >> we're doing the final testing of both the equipment and the people that use the equipment. we're putting in safety systems and traffic operating systems. >> reporter: this mile-long tunnel is actually two tunnels. one in each direction equipped with 32 high-powered jet fans that can clear both tubes in less than 90 seconds. there are 21 emergency boxes, security cameras and intrusion alarms all being tested. but the most unusual high-tech feature is this plain white pipe. it's actually an antenna connected to what's called a rebroadcast system. >> it can override any radio station you're listening to, a.m. or fm, so in case there's an emergency, we can come on and
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override your radio and say, stop your car, get out here, go through the cross passage. >> reporter: and, of course, the heat sensors that the state fire marshal is testing today. all of it controlled here on site 24/7 to blend in with the hills caltrans hired the landscape artist who designed the disneyland indiana jones ride. he molded the structural concrete from local rocks using five different paints to achieve a natural effect. while the tunnel appears to be pretty much done, caltrans says there's still a lot of testing and certification that has to be completed. so they will commit to an opening date only if sometime this spring. in pacifica, don ford, kpix 5. >> now, while some critics say the tunnel only saves five minutes of commute time, caltrans says when the devil's slide section of the highway washes out again, that tunnel could save as much as an hour.
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investigators reveal new details of how two santa cruz police officers were shot and killed in the line of duty as the community mourns. i'll have the latest details just ahead. >> for a while i couldn't go to the bathroom by myself. >> the gunman's recent run-in with trouble. a confrontation that ended with his ear bitten off. >> and we are going to take you inside a section of the new bay bridge span that most people will never get to see. ♪ with the all-new, no pump, one-touch wand ♪ ♪ it kills weeds dead and keeps weeds gone ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ ♪ i just spray them weeds then spray them cracks ♪ ♪ the weeds are gone, and they won't be back ♪ ♪ driveway, patio, i just spray once ♪ ♪ and it's adios weeds for up to four sweet months ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ [ male announcer ] roundup extended control ♪ yeha ♪ with the new one-touch wand. [ whip cracks ]
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officers gunned down in the line of duty.. we're learning more about the man accused of killing them two officers down. >> now at 6:30, as a community mourns two officers gunned down in the line of duty, we're learning more about the man accused of killing them. kpix 5's mark sayre says the fallen officers had no idea what they were about to face when they knocked on the suspect's door. >> reporter: the community still very much coming together trying to come to terms with the first on duty officer death in the city's history. investigators today revealed that these officers approached the suspect in plainclothes and they had no idea that there was going to be any trouble at all. take a look at this video. you can see the results, the bullet holes in the garage where police and sheriff's deputies finally confronted suspects jeremy goulet where
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goulet was shot and killed. this was just a half block away from where police sergeant butch baker and detective elizabeth butler were killed. the santa cruz county sheriff's department is heading up this investigation. first you'll hear from sheriff phil wowak and then some of the audio recordings of the police radio transmissions at the time the officers were shot. >> both detectives were killed at the doorstep of goulet's home following the detective's individual murders, they were disarmed by goulet and their -- detective baker's vehicle was stolen by goulet. >> unknown type of shooting. we have a report of a gunshot wound. they did have officers in that area doing follow-up and we are getting reports of multiple shots heard. two officers down. stand by for project rope. >> reporter: right now the
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louden nelson community center a community memorial is under way. hundreds of people came together to grieve to write down their thoughts and feelings about the fallen officers. people have also been gathering at the santa cruz police department over the past day to light candles and leave cards and flowers to the fallen officers and also their call leagues in the police department. now the sheriff's department and the chp are actually handling all the on duty patrol in the city of santa cruz right now. the entire 95 sworn officer force is off duty today through the evening so they can be together at these memorials so they can grieve. the counsels have been brought into the department. the department has no road map. this hasn't happened before. they are dealing with it the best way they can in uncharted territory for them. you can definitely feel the raw emotion here. >> when we think of officers in uniform they have the body armor on but they were in plainclothes so they weren't wearing that stuff. >> reporter: there was no specific mentions at today's
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news conference about whether they were wearing body armor or not. the assumption was not because they were in plainclothes but that specific point was not addressed so to be clear we don't know if they did have body armor on or not. we're speculating. >> thank you. mark sayre, thank you. tonight goulet's father tells the "associated press" that his son was a ticking time bomb with a deep resentment for law enforcement and the justice system. and in recent years. he had run-ins with both. >> two officers down. >> reporter: before last night's explosion of violence in santa cruz, jeremy goulet's criminal record traced back to portland, oregon and a young couple's bathroom window. >> he was looking at my girlfriend take a shower. >> reporter: three separate types in late 2007. >> it felt horrible. for a while i couldn't go to the bathroom alone. >> reporter: during a third incident the victim's boyfriend confronted the peeper. as they struggled on the
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sidewalk, goulet had a gun. the first shot hit the ground. >> second shot it was kind of pointing right at me and i remember just going like that. he wouldn't let go of the gun. and that's when i bit his ear off. i was so tired i couldn't punch him anymore. but he was screaming at me and he was like you bit off my ear, you, you know, you tried shooting mirror. >> reporter: goulet was charged with attempted murder. he was convicted of two misdemeanors, carrying a gun without a permit and invasion of privacy. he was sentenced to three years of probation and sex offender treatment. but goulet grew frustrated with the rules, specifically the random searches of his computer and cell phone. after confrontation with his probation officer, he was given a choice, stick to his sex offender treatment or go to jail. goulet chose two years in jail. he surfaced in santa cruz in just the past several months taking a job at the kind grind coffee shop.
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>> just remember he was intense. something about him was like kind of you know -- >> reporter: it was an incident with a female coworker that ultimately drew the attention of police an investigation that ended in disaster. >> that's what happens when crazy people move in. >> he spent part of his life in the military. he was in marine corps reserves in 1996 and served until 2002 working as a helicopter mechanic and with the military police. the father of a first grader killed in newtown urged congress to pass senator dianne feinstein's assault weapons ban. today neil hansen told the senate judiciary committee about the last time he saw his 6-year-old son jesse. he says jesse told him good- bye, i love you, when he dropped him off at school the morning of december 14. 20 minutes later the shooting at sandy hook elementary happened. >> when he was getting out of
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the truck he hugged me and held me and i can still feel that hug and the pat on the back. he said everything's going to be okay, dad. [ crying ] >> it's all going to be okay. [ crying ] and it wasn't okay. >> republicans at the hearing said the ban could violate the constitution. >> it's the difference between staying reasonably comfortable and being miserable. >> providing comfort to those surviving on the streets. why the ski season is prime time for two bay area girls to help others. >> a story you will only see on kpix 5. we'll take you inside a little known tunnel across the bay.
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many stories about the new eastern span. and, as the labor day opening approaches, there will be more. but tonight, a story that hasn't been done before. >> a beautiful look at the beige. we have done many stories about the eastern span and as the labor day opening of approaches
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there will be more. tonight a story that hasn't been done before. only on kpix 5, christin ayers takes us inside a little known tunnel. >> reporter: there's no doubt that the self-anchored suspension tower is what makes the new bay bridge iconic. into people know that the nerve center of the new bridge is actually in its underbelly up a flight of stairs over the bay and into a dimly lit hall that most people will never see. >> we are inside the skyway. >> reporter: you heard that right. we are standing inside the hollow center of the new bay bridge. >> we are beneath the roadway. so when the bridge opens on labor day weekend and there are maintenance crews inside here, there will be a live traffic driving overhead. >> reporter: the corridor runs 1.7 miles a worker could walk it from the middle of the bay all the way to oakland and along the way find the engineering marvels that make it safer than any other bridge. at the halfway point of the tunnel there are a maze of
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seismic fail safes. if there is damage from an earthquake this is where it's designed to happen. the expansion joints will move like accordions and it will take the energy. >> if something is going to break, that's what's going to break. >> reporter: and crews are know exactly where to find and fix the damage. we also discovered passages within the passage. this hatch doesn't look like much. but climb down the ladder and it leads you inside one of these, the concrete pillars that hold up the bridge. >> they are able to climb down inside the columns and take a look for any kind of, you know, the same cracks and fractures that may occur over time or after an earthquake. >> reporter: other parts of the passageway powers the bridge itself. this substation is essentially a giant fuse box that controls the lights on the bridge. >> there's a lot of engineering that went into the bridge that people haven't seen and probably won't see. >> reporter: that's how this bridge was built.
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a show horse on its surface, a workhorse at its core. christin ayers, kpix 5. >> now, that sky way tunnel is also equipped with water and sewage lines as a backup in case yerba buena and treasure island lose water in an earthquake. the new span opens in about 6 months on labor day weekend. coming up, they are only 13 years old. but here's what's being said about them. >> my gosh, if i just had an army of them, we could really change the world. >> the idea these walnut creek 8th graders put into action to at least get started changing the world. >> we have some clouds moving in from the north but it's another front that will miss the bay area when it comes to rainfall. coming up in weather, find out which day will be the warmest and since we have rain in the forecast, find out which day will be the wettest. one of bobby knight's former players now scores the basketball for san francisco state. i'm dennis o'donnell. and we finally know where alex smith is going and what's coming in return. the breakdown coming up.
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clothing that gets lost on the slopes? two walnut creek teenagers came up with an idea that snowballed, you might say. as sharon chin reports, it earned them this week's jefferson award. >> reporter: 13-year-old best friends corinne hindes and katrine kirsebom unload a special delivery for walnut creek's homeless, warm jackets, sweater, hats and gloves. they help chelce nolan survive when he was on the streets. >> really it's the difference between staying reasonably comfortable and being miserable. >> reporter: they created k&c care two years ago. they have a creative idea. collect items people lose at ski resorts and donate them to the homeless. corinne says they wanted to do something good. >> we used to walk down the street and see all these homeless people and they didn't really have very warm attire
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on. >> reporter: katrine says the idea for collecting lost and found clothes from ski resorts came after she lost something herself. >> i lost my wallet or something. and i went to the lost and found, and they brought out this huge box of wallets. and i was like, really? i realized people must leave a lot of things. >> reporter: the girls began to scoop up a blizzard of clothes and equipment that no one claimed for 30 days. at the peak of ski season, the girls haul home several trash bags of donations a month from each of four resorts: heavenly, kirkwood, northstar and sugar bowl. the pair donates usable competition gear to carson high school's ski team in nevada. the 8th graders also bring clothes once or twice a month to the working poor at trinity center and deacon's cottage in walnut creek. >> i really like to walk down the street and see people wearing the things that we gave them. it's wonderful to see their eyes light up when they get the
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clothes. >> reporter: corinne and katrine have given away hundreds of winter clothes since 2011. trinity's executive director can't say enough good things. >> my gosh, if i just had an army of them we could really change the world. >> reporter: k&c care is growing. a new volunteer gathers and gives donations in reno. looking ahead, the girls hope one thing stays the same. serving side by side. >> that's make the best part that we get to do it together. it's wonderful knowing that there's someone there who you care about and who you know cares about you to support you and help you. >> reporter: so for reaching out to share and care for low- income families, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to corinne hindes and katrine kirsebom. sharon chin, kpix 5. it is weather time. speaking of ski season, check the snowpack down to 67%. but we're told from ann notarangelo's story earlier in the show, reservoir levels are just fine despite the fact we have been so dry. great news.
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go out and enjoy the sunshine. tomorrow we'll have more sunshine coming back. beautiful view over san jose. near the airport, you see the twinkling lights there. planes are taking off out of sjc. here's the oakland landing of the bay bridge. mainly clear skies looking toward berkeley and emeryville and all the folks coming into san francisco for another fantastic night out. temperatures in downtown san francisco the cool spot since the sea breeze kicked in this afternoon only 53 there but still in the 60s for oakland, concord, livermore, 57 for santa rosa, and san jose 58 degrees. it will be a chilly night tonight. but not as cold as the past couple nights. redwood city you will drop down to 41. napa 40. fairfield 39. 40 for livermore and fremont. check the radar. several times a day. it has been mainly dry for a while and will remain so for the next couple of days. kpix 5 hi-def doppler is dry. kind of a cool chunk of video i want to show you. what does a snowstorm look like from space? the lights are coming from the
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big city, chicago at the bottom of lake michigan top center of the screen. all that gray you see is snowfall. it snowed this week from texas to canada east to new jersey and pennsylvania. much of the area east of the rockies had a big-time winter storm. for us, truckload full of nothing. and here's the satellite review for us showing you some rainfall to our north getting oh, so close to the bay area. but it's not going to make it here, that ridge of high pressure will just be strong enough to keep that moisture from making it here. perhaps northern mendocino county and lake county you may see a sprinkle or two but that's it. winds are going to change northwest currently chilly in san francisco today going northeast by friday warming us up. it's an offshore wind off california and off the pacific ocean warming us up into the 70s and then we begin to see things change. it will be a slow pattern but high pressure as it moves out will give us an onshore flow over the weekend. sunday from the 70s to 60s. by next we this low pressure system moves through and that front will get here and chance of rain on tuesday and wednesday.
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so 70s on friday afternoon. but then we begin tocle down back down to normal. and we will actually have some showers around here by next tuesday. upper 60s tomorrow beautiful day to get outside. san jose 67. morgan hill near 70. same story for campbell, los gatos, upper 60s for concord, walnut creek and fairfield. mid- to upper 60s for novato, san rafael, daly city and san francisco. 70s to start off march on friday. rain showers move in next tuesday and wednesday. buy five more dry days between now and then. sports is next.
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alex smith era in san francisco is over. fox sports reported the forty niners if 49ers quarterback goes down, the new quarterback is scott toll seen. the alex smith era is over. the 49ers have agreed to trade alex smith to kansas city. it's the end of an eight-year run in san francisco for smith highlighted by a trip to the nfc championship in 2011. >> kansas city here i come. ♪ >> kansas city has also been the next stop for three former
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49er quarterbacks. the most famous of course being joe montana who spent the final two seasons of his great career with the chiefs. spring training, mike trout the only angels regular in the line-up to face that man! brian vogelsong in midseason form retired the final 8 batters he facessed in three shutout innings including four strikeouts. now, you get a free slab of beef if you hit one over the monte steakhouse sign and angel pagan likes his ribeye medium rare. three-run jack. they finished that tie. as beat the padres 11-6. jamal weeks continues to make his case for the starting second base job. homered, upped his spring training average to .625. david lee and hibbert each suspended one game for their roles in last night's fight. stephen curry was thrown to the floor twice by hibbert was one of three players fined $35,000.
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kezar pavilion, look at the behind the hand pass to the big man. the layup. then shot clock winding down. he calls this. he calls it. i'm going to bank it in. 28 points for him. lincoln beats marshall 72-60 to take on galileo or mission in the championship. he played for a legendary basketball coach roomed with a 49ers star receiver and now is playing roundball at san francisco state. >> san francisco state doesn't get a player like this all the time. he does stuff every night that i hope -- can i get another one of those? >> half court, heave for the win throws it in! from half court ] >> reporter: coming out of high school, the odds of white finishing his college career at san francisco state were as unlikely as his half court game winner last weekend. >> it's been a crazy journey and just like it's definitely the road less traveled i'd say.
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>> reporter: white graduated from serra high school in 2006 as the school's second leading scorer going to texas tech on scholarship where he played for bob knight and roomed with michael crabtree. >> we had every week -- we moved kind of together throughout the whole process and it was a -- it was -- that was another great opportunity. >> reporter: midway through his sophomore year, white transferred to santa clara where he was only appearing in a handful of games before leaving the program. >> they kind of had their own direction for the time by the time that i had got on to the team and it kind of just never met on the correct path for a future there. >> reporter: after taking three seasons off, white decided to give it one final shot. and he had a new inspiration in his life after he became a father in 2011. >> for me, i wanted him to
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school. for me not to finish, that's a big thing just looking at him. >> he said probably when i was younger i wouldn't have listened but now where i'm at in my life and what i'm trying to get done, he was all about it. >> reporter: the 25-year-old earned his spot on the team last fall and in typical san francisco state fashion, he had nothing handed to him by head coach paul trevor. >> great example is white probably the best walk-on in school history. he is a high level player who gets no money and i'm lucky to have him. >> and so is san francisco state's fans. if they win tomorrow in san bernardino, they will host the play-off game. my goal is to get that gym packed next week. being a former gator i want the gym packed. >> it's a great story. >> it is. >> 25 years old. >> former bobby knight guy, learned how to throw a chair, michael crabtree's roommate, good stuff! [ laughter ] >> good night. captions by: caption colorado
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joey fatone: this is joey fatone. it's time to play "family feud!" give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: how you folks doing? thank y'all very much. thank you for coming, everybody. thank you very much. hey welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. we got another good one for you today because returning for their second day, already with a total $20,000, from pu-ot-wat-wat--wherever they from, washington, it's the malu family. and from lansing, michigan it's the parker family. let's go. give me monica. give
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me siota. [cheering and applause] hey, guys, here we go. we've got the top 6 answers on the board. name something a woman sees in her boyfriend's home that makes her realize he's married. monica. >> wedding ring. steve: a wedding ring. siota? >> panties. [applause] steve: pa--pa--panties. they're gonna play. siota. siota, baby. boy. that had to be a really good feeling. >> yes, sir. steve: first win, $20,000. >> yeah. how much? >> $20,000. i saw you. first thing you do--big fella. first
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