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tv   KPIX 5 News Early Edition  CBS  March 8, 2013 4:30am-5:00am PST

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r father telling cnn the coroner told him the lion was probably trying to play with her. >> i have always had a premonition that someday i would get a call like this but i thought it would be much further in the future than at 24. >> sheriff's deputies shot and killed that lion in an effort to save diana hanson. breaking news in berkeley. a fire at a well-known restaurant along shattuck avenue on the north side of town. kpix 5 reporter cate caugiran is live at the scene at chez panisse to tell us the latest. >> reporter: the fire is under control. we know that investigators are currently on scene and they are trying to figure out how this happened. right now firefighters do not have a cause. we do know when berkeley fire first arrived on scene, they say the entire front part of the restaurant was covered in flames. firefighters got the call just after 3:00 this morning. the flames caused the sprinklers to go off and berkeley fire tells me the sprinklers played a key role in
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keeping this fire at bay. we are told if they had not gone off, the building could have become a complete loss. the public information officer says at this point it appears the fire started from the outside and we asked him if that made it suspicious. but he says at this point, it is too soon to tell. firefighters are trying to assess the damage and save what they can. you may note that this is chez panisse. this restaurant is well known for its use of local organic foods. its co-owner alice waters works with the first lady trying to bring sustainable food to schools in the country. it's well known here. we'll have more information in the next half hour. and we will be able to bring that to you soon. back to you. >> thank you. in san jose, a final salute to two fallen heroes.
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a sea of uniformed officers stood in silence outside hp pavilion to honor the santa cruz police detective kill in the line of duty last week. thousands of mourners paid their respects. >> we gather to remember a mother, partner, an inspiration to all of us. we gather to remember a father, a husband, a mentor, and a friend. >> santa cruz police sergeant lauren butch baker and detective elizabeth butler were killed last month investigating a sexual assault. while thousands of police officers were at the memorial in san jose, some criminals saw an opportunity to strike. just minutes after most of the region's law enforcement officers drove to san jose three armed men robbed a bank in nearby capitola. witnesses tell police the robbers pointed handguns, shoved some employees and
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escaped with an undisclosed amount of cash. >> people know that we're, you know, that a lot of the officers are going to be over there honoring the fallen officers and it's just really disappointing. it's disgusting to me. >> several capitola officers were at the services but even with minimum staffing levels, a police sergeant said he did have enough officers to investigate the robbery and cover the rest of the city. >> there is a new move in the legislature to end gun shows at the cow palace. a bill authored by senator mark leno would require local approval of the event. the board of supervisors in both san francisco and san mateo county would weigh in. and that may mean an end to the shows since supervisors have passed resolutions banning them in the past. this is the day san jose officials plan to close a homeless camp in their downtown area by the airport. warnings went out several days ago that about 100 homeless people had to leave the camp on undeveloped parkland near the
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guadalupe river. the city will help the homeless find shelter and places to store their things. some other bay area headlines, fremont police searching for a man they say committed home break-ins and burglaries. lawrence nero was last spotted on tuesday after a burglary at a home on more ray street and last friday he led officers on a chase before getting away on foot. police say he usually rings the front doorbell during the day when no one is home and then breaks in through a back door. toll workers at the golden gate bridge will be history as of wednesday, march 27. the agency that oversees the bridge announced that date yesterday. toll collecting on that bridge will go all-electronic mainly with the use of fastrak transponders come april. time now is 4:36. lawrence, i'm so glad you're not on the roads, lawrence. but you're kind of driving, right? >> hey, if you have the need for speed, this is the place to be here in fremont. they have just opened up the i
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speed race center where you can come down and race as fast as you want. and not worry about a ticket. it looks like a great time, too. these are state-of-the-art racing components that they put in here. gives you the real feel of racing. we'll be doing that later on this morning. rainfall overnight showers tapering off a bit. some still off the santa cruz mountains but looks like things will wind down a bit more. still there is a chance we could see an isolated shower around the bay area today. temperatures starting out cool in spots, a lot of clouds early on. but most of that rain has tapered off. toward the afternoon, temperatures still down, a lot of clouds, chance of scattered showers, but we have some much improved weather over the weekend. looks like a whole lot of sunshine coming our way. we'll talk about that elizabeth, how about this, speaking of traffic, this looks like the way to ride today, huh? >> it's true especially if
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you're crossing the dumbarton bridge or 880. there are some things out there that could slow you down. thank you, lawrence. first outside towards the bay bridge toll plaza, they have four of the toll lanes blocked this morning just doing their overnight routine maintenance so heads up it's obviously not causing much of a delay getting into san francisco and they should be wrapping that up in the next 20 minutes. outside here's a live look at 880 so this morning you will find roadwork actually both directions northbound and southbound. i think you can see some flashing lights out there. this morning it's between 23rd and high street. to our maps, we have some better news just in across the dumbarton bridge westbound 84. they just cleared that accident from midspan. so there is no longer a delay in either direction if you are heading into or out of menlo park. here's a live look at the golden gate bridge. i just saw lane change trucks drive by before we came on the air. right now quiet across the span. and bart has so far all the trains running on time. that is traffic. back to you guys.
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>> a son-in-law of osama bin laden is set to appear in a new york courtroom less than two hours from now. sulaiman abu ghaith is expected to face terror-related charges. the justice department announced yesterday he was arrested in jordan last week. abu ghaith is considered a top al qaeda operative and served as a spokesman for bin laden. >> he is not a big fish but he's not a little fish. you know, when you catch these guys, they may lead you to the bigger fish. >> south carolina senator lindsey graham and other republicans are criticizing the obama administration, saying abu ghaith should be at guantanamo bay not in a u.s. federal court. an oakland man probably didn't expect his luggage to go through extra security at the airport but tsa agents found 67 pounds of pot in his luggage. the suspect is 21 and had a ticket to south carolina, checked his bags along with the pot, worth about $300,000. tsa called alameda county sheriff's deputies, who
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arrested the guy. a man who bought a lottery ticket in walnut creek is now $33 million richer. he prefers to remain anonymous. but he spoke exclusively to kpix 5 last night. the previous evening he bought $5 worth of super lotto quick- pik numbers and checked carefully to make sure he had the winning ticket. he says now there's an element of justice. >> just thank god for the justice because i was treated unfair in my work and this is the justice. god does it. >> there you go. the winning ticketholder lost his job of 16 years two months ago and he and his wife were feeling increasingly desperate but now all of that has changed. and by the way, the gas station gets $165,000 for selling that ticket. i need to start buying lotto tickets. >> it's nice a local guy won it. it's usually a bunch of meatpackers from indiana or something like that. >> obviously he needed it.
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>> good for him. it is 4:40. coming up, justin bieber hospitalized in london. >> plus it may make you think twice before clicking "send." why one bay area poll testing wants to put a tax on email. >> a although -- why one bay area politician wants to put a tax on email. >> and a tree crashing down on a busy street, coming up.
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these cars in indiana were right in the path of a falling tree... when power lin talk about a close call. these cars are in indiana where right in the path of a falling tree there when power lines saved the day. all captured on a police car's dashcam. you can see the tree bounce on the wires. the cars swerved to avoid it. the energy company had to cut the tree down first before they could repair the lines. good thing those lines were there. >> thank goodness for the power lines, right? >> let's check with lawrence, who is racing. what kind of speed?
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>> you get the real feel of what it is like to be in a race without being hurt. you can step on the gas and take off but you get the real feel. the seats rumble as you go along and you can feel the tracks as you go through because they have laceerred it so you know every bump and feel of the track because they've lasered it. you can wipe out, too. i don't think you're supposed to be on this part of the track. but this is a great place to come to. this is the new ispeed race center in fremont. it's a great way to get the feel of those nascar races, that fun that you get to see on the nascar tracks without having to worry about some of the pain of actual wrecks out there. of course, you can race with your friends. they have multiple units that you can race away and yeah, speed around the track as fast as you can. we have changes in the weather today. we have lingering clouds and
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the rainfall is tapered off overnight. still some lingering showers off the coastline in the santa cruz area but looks like things are beginning to settle down there. now, as we head throughout the day today, we are still going to see a lot of clouds. chance of an isolated shower but i think overall the weather is going to improve and it's going to be breezy especially in the afternoon. i think we'll set the stage for a good weekend, but this low is going to sag all the way down into southern california. so it's going to be a very stormy day toward los angeles and san diego. temperatures around the bay area today, still going to be cool. but this is the transitional day. i think as we get foot weekend, we're looking good as high pressure begins to build into the bay area, those temperatures, it's going to feel like spring over the weekend. some of the numbers in the low 70s by sunday, monday and tuesday. we are looking dry through the middle of this next week. guys, if you want to check it out, this is the grand opening. ispeed racetrack in fremont.
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this is really a kick. coming up, we'll talk to some of the people about how they designed these tracks, what you can see as you race around the country and what's the very latest on the ispeed raceway in fremont. that's the latest. back to you. >> you're looking good, staying on the road, wahoo! [ laughter ] >> all right. outside watch out for lawrence on the roads this morning. all right. here's a live look. we are going towards the dublin interchange. westbound 580 is starting to get a little busy. it's basically "friday light" across the bay area. no major incidents out there but you can see things are starting to heat up towards the dublin interchange. westbound 580 is 15 minutes from the altamont pass. san mateo bridge, everything is moving at the limit. the roads are still slick from yesterday's rain so be a little extra careful this morning. but so far things are moving fine towards the high-rise. elsewhere, silicon valley commute, if you are leaving milpitas at 880 and 237, this is what it looks like quiet towards sunnyvale. and the golden gate bridge,
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they have done some lane changes. roadwork this morning, you will find some roadwork northbound 101 on the approach to the toll plaza. so watch out for that until 5 a.m. and once again, all bart trains really all mass transit is off to a great start so far on this friday morning everything is on time. that is traffic. back to you guys. >> all right, elizabeth, thank you. in just about five hours from now, the catholic cardinals will announce the start date for the conclave to elect a new pope. according to a vatican spokesman, the conclave is likely to begin early next week. the last of the cardinals to take part in fact conclave arrived at the vatican yesterday. >> men of faith, they know the needs of the church. >> bongiorno. >> the start of the election process will depend on how long pre-conclave meetings will continue. some cardinals want to get down to the business of electing a pope right away. others want more discussions of the catholic church's issues and the kind of pope needed. >> 4:47. the state funeral for hugo
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chavez is set to begin in about 2.5 hours from now in venezuela. mahmoud ahmadinejad is expected to be there. the united states had a turbulent relationship with chavez. we'll be represented by two members of the house. his body will be displayed in a military glass tomb near the presidential palace. futures trading suggest the rally will continue today on wall street. already today asian markets are higher and wall street is expecting the jobs report to show modest improvement. the dow added 33 points yesterday. it was the third straight record setting session. the nasdaq was up 9. subaru is recalling nearly 50,000 cars because of problems with a remote engine starter may cause the cars to start on their own including legacy, out back and impreza models from 2010 to 2013 along with the
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2013 cross track. drivers can get their faulty cars replaced by -- not the cars, but the part, replaced by april. the first batch of wine made by brad pitt and angelina jolie is it hadding the market now. the first 6,000 bottles of the couple's french rose sold out online in just about 5 hours. the 2012 vintage produced from their home in the south of france sold for about $23 a bottle. not bad. and they are planning to release four more wines, two reds and two whites. 4:49. usually it's the fans who are the ones fainting but this time it was justin bieber himself. the pop star now recovering in a london hospital after fainting during his concert. last night the 19-year-old posted that photo on instagram with the caption, getting better, listening to janis joplin. he was having a hard time breathing before he collapsed back stage.
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>> it was like oh, justin's not very well. like, what? he came out and he said, justin's not very well. he is not going to perform to the best of his ability. we're like why? >> of course [ indiscernible ] justin was unwell. >> he came back after 30 minutes. bieber did return. he finished the show. tonight's concert by the way still scheduled as planned. could taxing e-mails save snail mail? one bay area councilman thinks so. berkeley councilman gordon wozniak is floating the idea of a tax as 100th of a cent per email but internet users aren't sure about that. >> i think there's other things you can tax if you want to save the post office. why don't -- i don't know, find a way to tax automobiles more. >> i don't know about the e- mails but what about all the websites making money? there's no tax on that. >> the 1998 tax-free act bans email tax but is set to expire
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next year. 4:50 now. your facebook page is getting a makeover again. ceo mark zuckerberg unveiling a new look for the site's opening page yesterday. the newsfeed redesign features a new layout with bigger photos and some other images. it will be rolled out gradually over the next couple of weeks. it's designed for better continuity between computers, tablets and smartphones and i'm still getting used to the new timeline. i took months before i finally gave in to that. >> we don't like change but we'll get used to it. >> i got news for you. you'll have to. it's coming. coming up, what's stronger than will power for weight loss? >> plus, what's in your garage in what one man found while cleaning out a newly purchased home. >> and caught on camera. why this video has the animal world buzzing.
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snow leopards in the qinghai (( ching-hy )) province of don't forget to spring forward this weekend. we lose an hour and roll the clocks forward on saturday night into sunday. the weather looking good this weekend. we'll have more on that coming up. >> thank you. very good reminder. all right. outside right now, it looks like we don't have any accidents blocking major lanes of major freeways. so here's a live look at some of your bridges. the roads are damp. quiet on the bridges. more traffic and weather together every 10 minutes. some new video of so if leopards in china. a photographer just released his footage of the endangered species and you can see one of the leopards sniffing around the rock and then look at this, walking up to his infrared camera, beautiful face, isn't it? photographer said he hid his
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camera in the rocks near their footprints but maybe he hears something? smells something? i don't know. >> maybe he's a ham. >> very curious, though. >> precious, beautiful. 4:55 now. research verse found that using cash as an incentive helps people lose weight. the mayo clinic study offered people a chance to win or lose $20 a month if they met certain diet goals. participants lost 9 pounds compared to those who didn't get the money. incentives are useful to help people quit smoking. so cash is king. and don't lose the spring in your step when clocks are set ahead this sunday. we lose an hour. doctors say the benefit of daylight saving time is getting that extra sunlight but typically, the change throws people off for weeks. a vanderbilt sleep expert recommends going to bed earlier each night before the time change and getting sun first thing in the morning.
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>> especially when your alarm clock goes off at 2:15 like ours does, that's tough. >> now going to bed at 7:30 on sunday, 6:30. hooray for us. talk about the real estate deal of a lifetime. >> one guy bought a house and found $30 million worth of art hidden inside. can you imagine? he bought this bungalow on long island in 2007 for $300,000. inside the attic and garage were thousands of paintings, drawings and journals by an obscure armenian american impressionist, arthur pinajian. >> recognized it was the artwork of one man because the signature was consistent and according to the date it spanned over almost 60 years of a man's life. although i had directions to throw this artwork out, i refused to do so. >> good thing he didn't. look at it. it's beautiful. >> pretty. >> some of the pieces have already sold for half a million
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dollars. >> would you rather buy a lottery ticket -- >> it would be hard for me to part with it. >> not me. keep a little one, put it in the bathroom, all set. you're going to meet the bay area as newest lottery winner. >> plus, new information in the fatal lion mauling. what may have distracted the intern moments before the attack. >> and eviction day, santa clara county homeless brace for a major camp clean-up coming up. license and registration please. what's this? uhh, it's my geico insurance id card, sir. it's digital, uh, pretty cool right?
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maybe. you know why i pulled you over today? because i'm a pig driving a convertible? tail light's out.. fix it. digital insurance id cards. just a click away with the geico mobile app. why let constipation weigh you down? as soon as you feel it, try miralax. it works differently than other laxatives. it draws water into your colon to unblock your system naturally. don't wait to feel great. miralax. use chase freedom at gas stations this quarter, get 5% cash back whoa everybody get, everybody get! activate your 5% cash back at at university of phoenix we know the value of your education is where it can take you. (subway announcer; “now arriving at city hospital”)
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which is why we're proud to help connect our students with leading employers across the nation. (subway announcer: “next stop financial center”) let's get to work. plus: time to go homeless in san jose brace for a major camp cleanup. live in berkeley a fire breaks out in a well known east bay restaurant. chez panisse. the one thing firefighters say saved the restaurant from becoming a complete loss. >> plus, time to go. homeless in san jose brace for a major camp clean-up. >> do you have that need for speed on a friday? we are at the irace center in fremont. we are going to show you the
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latest and greatest technology in racing plus your weekend weather forecast coming up. >> if you have the need for speed, don't travel right now across the bay bridge. things are looking good towards the "s" curve. much more on your morning drive coming up. good morning. it's friday, march 8. i'm michelle griego. >> it is friday, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. it is 5:00. we begin with breaking news in berkeley. a fire at a world famous restaurant on the north side. >> the damage is bad but right now the cause is unknown. kpix 5 reporter cate caugiran is live at the scene. good morning, cate. >> reporter: good morning, frank and michelle. at this point, firefighters tell me it looks like the majority of the fire happened on the outside and as you mentioned, it doesn't -- they don't have a cause at this point. they aren't calling it suspicious, but they have an investigator on scene. berkeley fire got the call just after 3:00 this morning when firefighters first got on scene they say the entire front part of the building was covered in flames.
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and they were growing to the second floor. we asked berkeley fire the one thing that could have saved this entire restaurant. >> they did breach the front windows on the front of the building which at that point activated the sprinkler system and held the fire to the exterior keeping the fire from advancing through the building. so those sprinklers definitely did significant help with this building. >> reporter: now, this restaurant is a staple in the bay area. it's known for its use of local and organic food not to mention it's credited with starting the california cuisine style of cooking. its owner alice waters is known in the sustainable food movement and currently works with first lady michelle obama with school lunch reforms. firefighters are in mop-up mode. they are combing through the building making sure there are no hot spots or no potentials for flare-ups. back to you. >> cate, that restaurant has been there for decades. do do they know how long it's going to be


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