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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  March 8, 2013 7:00am-9:00am PST

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>> get well. >> all that. >> he gets leveled at the blue line. >> the president would not use drone strikes against american citizens on american soil. >> hooray for 13 hours yesterday we asked them that question. >> and all that matters. >> north korea is escalating its nuclear sabre rattling. >> they mean business. they've already wiped east and west korea off the map. >> on "cbs this morning." >> would you go over there and focus on stopping this potential nuclear warhead. >> i'd probably pass. >> you would pass on that one? >> i would pass. >> oh for one you're passing. welcome to "cbs this morning," from coast to coast t is a stormy friday. >> rain is slamming into southern california, from new
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jersey to maine, strong waves are pounding the coastline up to a foot of snow in parts of new england. jim axelrod is in scituate massachusetts, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it is nasty out here this morning. i tell you what, though, it is not the snow that's not what the word is about here. it's the wind and the high tide that's been here just about an hour from now that has everybody in scituate and along the new england coast worried just how bad the flooding could be. as powerful wind and waves hammered the massachusetts coastline overnight, residents were nervous. >> i just don't want to feel the house shaking. i didn't sleep good last night. >> reporter: they're bracing for a tidal surge as the late winter storm pounds the region for a second straight day. in the town of scituate, high winds sent waters spilling into
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neighborhoods thursday. officials had to close several roads. further inland parts of massachusetts could see more than a foot of snow combine that with high winds and driving can be dangerous at best. >> it's hard to hold onto the wheel and it just changes directions all of a sudden the wind will change another direction and blow you across into the other lane. >> reporter: the storm also left parts of new york wind whipped and blanketed under show. on the new jersey shore the battered coastline saw some of the worst flooding since superstorm sandy. >> it's devastating, devastating to see the towns go through this all over again when they're trying to get it together and come back. >> reporter: this is the latest in a series of winter storms that hammered the region in the last month and has many looking forward to spring. >> they're saying 50 degrees by the weekend so i'm looking forward to that. it's been a rough winter. >> reporter: so the forecasters say this is going to continue for the rest of the morning, and
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then the storm is supposed to move out to sea. it's supposed to be nice here this weekend. >> not going to happen. jim axelrod thank you. in europe's westchester count county in new york drivers are facing slick roads up to six inches of snow are expected there. meteorologist jeff girardberardelli has more. >> we're worried about the coastal storm surge on the east coast of massachusetts in play until 9:00 or 10:00 this morning and across the northeast we have heavy bands of snow spiraling in especially into new england, some places have picked up around a foot of snow so far especially again away from the coast in places like massachusetts and also in connecticut another two to four inches of snow possible through mid morning. the snow tapers off early afternoon and the coastal flood
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threat will alleviate itself later this morning. charlie, norah? unemployment has hit hisits lowest rate in four years, down 7.7%, 236,000 jobs were added last month. the new numbers are being led by the best construction hiring in six years. the last of the 115 cardinals to elect the new pope is now in rome and the vatican will likely start voting on a successor next week. allen pizzey good morning to you. >> reporter: the cardinals continued a meeting called congregations discussing individually and as a group where they think the church needs to go, what needs to be done. they are, however, maintaining their vows of silence. nobody is saying much although it has been announced a conclave date will be announced at 7:00 p.m. local time. vatican press offices says we will have the date of the conclave, whether that will be
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monday, tuesday, wednesday, no one knows. i came up in an elevator with three cardinals and asked them what they thought, they smiled and said "that's up to god." all of the cardinals elected, 115, the last one a vietnamese arrived yesterday, preparations for the sis zen chapel where the conclave vote will be under way, they're putting in the stove to burn the ballots and the preparations are well in hand for the santa marta residents, it was built in 1996 under pope john paul ii 300 yards from the sistine chapel. that area has been swept by the vatican armory and jamming devices put in to create a dead zone so there will be no communications in or out no, one will know what went on in there, no way to tell unless a cardinal speaks and they take an oath of secrecy. osama bin laden's son-in-law is waking up in new york state he'll appear in a federal
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courtroom today. sulaiman abu ghaith also an al qaeda spokesman. john miller joins us now. >> it's always good to wake up in new york city if you're not osama bin laden's son-in-law. >> then you'd like to wake up in afghanistan. >> somewhere. >> somewhere, in a cave. is this a big deal? >> it is a big deal on two levels, one from a symbolic sense this was the guy after 9/11 was on television speaking to americans saying that there is a great army massing against you and be prepared for a storm of airplanes. so as one of bin laden's key basically, charlie, public affairs advisers and spokesmen, he was a key propagandaist and voice and had a lot of religious credibility. the other thing is from an intelligence standpoint he knows things how the al qaeda command structure that was in iran for a long time worked and communicated.
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>> where has he been for the last dozen years? >> with a bunch of al qaeda leaders in iran. that's an interesting question norah, because iran and al qaeda are not necessarily aligned but there is the old the enemy of my enemy is my friend so saifel saifel adel sulaiman abu ghaith have been in iran under house arrest and half allowed to communicate with al qaeda seniors. >> what happens today? >> today will be a very interesting day. he'll be arraigned in manhattan federal court and this will probably be the biggest security operation we've seen in more than a decade since the embassy bombers were brought to trial. this is a senior al qaeda leader not in gitmo but manhattan. >> why not gitmo? >> that's a question raised by people. >> that will be a big political debate which is why wasn't he taken to guantanamo why isn't
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he an enemy combatant? there's a couple practical legal reasons. the military law on conspiracies toward material support versus being an actual combatant are a little more vague but there's a practical sense. everybody who has been put through the federal court system, you get indicted there's about a year you're tried and then you're in jail. in gitmo they're still in hearings after years and years trying to figure out how to get to a trial. and that system is one that moves slowly and not terribly efficiently. >> john miller thank you. the cia has a new director this morning, the senate voted yesterday to confirm john brennan only after a kentucky senator's filibuster over drones. nancy cordes is on capitol hill. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you and to our viewers in the west. while senator paul's filibuster which got so much attention was designed to get an answer to a question he says is important, it's hypothetical can the president use a weaponized drone
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to kill an american citizen on american soil. >> do you think it's constitutional to kill someone in a cafe in seattle or houston or -- >> reporter: it took the kentucky senator 12 hours and 52 minutes of talking. >> and i think that there really needs to be clarification from the white house before this goes forward. >> reporter: but he got his question answered. two-sentence letter to paul from the attorney general. "it has come to my attention" eric holder wrote" that you have now asked an additional question, does the president have the authority to use a weaponized drone to kill an american not engaged in combat on american soil? the answer to that question is no." senator, were you satisfied with the letter the attorney general sent you? >> we actually were pretty excited after filibustering for 13 hours yesterday we get to declare victory today. >> reporter: while paul viewed his filibuster as a victory some republicans called it misguided. >> i find the question offensive. i do not believe that question deserves an answer.
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>> we've done i think a disservice to a lot of americans by making them believe that somehow they are in danger from their government. they're not. >> these republicans who have been critical they're on the wrong side of history. for goodness sakes, yes, we want protections against false accusations. we don't live in a battlefield. we don't want to have a country where the constitution no longer applies. >> reporter: even senators who didn't agree with senator paul many of them applauded his asking the question because there's a lot of confusion up here on capitol hill about the reach of this drone program. lot of senators up here would like answers as well. norah, charlie? >> nancy cordes thank you. president obama's campaign created a massive data of voters and volunteers. now organizing for action it is like nothing seen in american politics a non-profit that can
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get the first lady to appear in ads and raise all the money it wants from anyone. critics claim it is a way to sell white house access. jim messina was the president's campaign manager and now the national chairman of organizing for action. good morning, jim. >> good morning. >> so many people are saying this is the kind of thing that president obama will be the first person to criticize republican supporters for and that it sounds like giving people an opportunity to pay for access. >> look we're a grassroots organization filled with volunteers across the country coming together with one single mission to help pass the president's common sense agenda that will move this country forward. in the first month of our organization already 946,000 americans have taken action through ofo and that's the grassroots effort that we need toe do a simple thing which is change the political process. >> jim, it's clear that people
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who contribute to this are promised some ability to come to the white house and meet with the president. >> no that's not true. this organization is being fueled by grassroots contributions across the country. the average donation was $51. the president will do what he did during the campaign which is communicate to his grassroots supporters and ask for their help. >> in the white house? >> no not in the white house. there will be events where our supporters are briefed about what the president's doing but look the president has laid out a clear agenda. this organization's only goal is to help this president pass this agenda. >> jim, good to see you. i know you have a founder's summit where people who contributed will be gathering in washington next week. will the president address that summit summit? >> we'll see. we do know people will bring grassroots activists from across the country, some who have given us money, some who have not, all
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designed to have a couple days where we discuss ways to pass this president's agenda. >> so you understand, jim, what the concern is. i know you're not ruling out that the president's going to go talk to them. >> correct. >> you have said people who contribute $50,000 may have an opportunity to meet with the president, cabinet members, all of you who are very close to the president. isn't this exactly a double standard? i mean you ran a whole campaign about mitt romney's secrecy, and access to special interests, and now you've got people who can contribute unlimited amounts of money and the president's going to go talk to them. >> well look we're going to disclose every single contribution we get, be as transparent as possible and we're building a grassroots network to pass the president's agenda. he's laid out a clear agenda in the state of the union of what he wants to do. there's been a stranglehold in washington by special interests and lobbyists and we'll be the grassroots effort in changing that equation.
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>> is this the case of a campaign continuing? >> we went out and surveyed our members and our supporters after the election and 87% of them said they wanted to continue to work together to pass the president's agenda and that's what we're going to do that's exactly what we should do. we are really excited about bringing people across the country, we say to members of congress look, there's real consensus on immigration reform on gun violence on the budget. act and act now and i think that's the best thing we can do and i'm excited about this and it's the right thing to do. >> jim messina thank you. we're learning more details about wednesday's deadly rye lyly lion attack in california. >> reporter: investigators say the 550-pound lion that killed 24-year-old dianna hanson wednesday escaped from its feeding cage and attacked her while she was cleaning its enclosure. the lion known as cous cous did not maul her at some suspected
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but with one swipe of its paw, hanson died instantly from a broken neck. >> we are deeply saddened over the loss and our deepest sympathies go out to the hanson and anderson families. >> reporter: dale hansen owns the haven where hanson died. >> we have a dear loss and one of my friend's cats. >> reporter: sheriff's deputies were forced to kill cous cous in an attempt to stave hanson. >> some people don't understand the emotional tie you get with your animals, and with the people that work here. >> reporter: the coroner says hanson did not suffer in the attack, that the bites and scratches she sustained happened after she died. authorities are still trying to determine how the lion managed to escape its cage even in the midst of tragedy those who knew
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hanson best say she was dedicated to the job. >> she was part of our family. everybody loved her. she was vivacious. she loved her work. she loved big cats. she was doing what she loved and she did it with joy every day that she worked here. and she's going to be missed. >> reporter: hanson's brother said his sister had wanted to be a zookeeper since childhood. she was living her dream. for cbs, john blackstone san francisco. time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. in "the washington post," former president bill clinton called on the supreme court to overturn the defense of marriage act barring federal recognition of same-sex marriage. mr. clinton says he signed the measure in 1996 to avoid a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. the supreme court takes up the matter march 27th. new york daily news" says the judge ended the trial
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involving martha stewart ordering mediation instead. macy's is accused of violating a contract with the retailer when she made a deal with jcpenney. britain's prince harry will revive his mother's campaign against land mines. the palace announced thursday harry will become a patron of the charity princess diana first supported. in the past he met with amputees and wore protective gear walking through a mine field in mozambique. "the daily mail" says justin bieber collapsed during his concert last night in london. he stopped his show after he started having trouble breathing but he was back 15 minutes later to finish his concert. he was hospitalized afterwards we are at the irace center in fremont a new state-of-the- art racing facility having a great time checking this out and well, talking some weather, too. looks look our storm is finally winding down a bit. we have seen some showers
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overnight. those are starting to settle down. looks like as we head throughout the day, a slight chance we could see a lingering shower. the temperatures a little cool, too. plan on highs only in the 50s and the 60s. the weekend looking great. lots of sunshine coming our way, much warmer temperatures. maybe some 70s by sunday. this national whether report is brought to you by the new comedy "the incredible burt wonderstone."
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ending more than a decade of war is not only tough politically, but it is a massive physical challenge. we'll show how american troops are packing up with the clock ticking. >> one of facebook's top leaders doesn't like the status of women in management. she thinks they reached a plateau. >> i think we need be alarmed. >> what's holding women back from power. and a look at the serious health problem linked to daylight saving time. this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by kraft cheese. so you can be sure there's no single thing better for your grilled cheese. ♪ ♪
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everyone. 7:26. i'm frank mallicoat. get you updated on some bay area headlines now. a fire famous berkeley restaurant closed because of that fire this morning. this is the front of chez panisse. it's heavily damaged but sprinklers help save most of the restaurant inside. >> homeless people camped on public land in san jose. expected to be evicted this morning. the city warned dozens of homeless several days ago of the impending sweep. they have to get out today. police are serving warrants in oakland. the sweep began this morning. police are not saying what it's all about. but they plan to give more details when the operation is complete. >> got your traffic and weather forecast, coming up.
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good morning. well, if you are heading towards the bay bridge toll plaza, there's going to be some delay getting there because of an accident on the eastshore freeway. westbound 80 approaching cutting boulevard all lanes open for nearly a half hour. but it is still really backed up in the red this morning from pinole all the way straight down 40 minutes is that drive time. now, because of that, look at the bay bridge, barely a delay at all getting into san francisco. that is traffic and speaking of driving, let's go out to lawrence behind the wheel this morning. [ loud engine noise ] >> reporter: we're cruising in irace speedway. weather is good, skies breaking up a little bit. looks like we are going to see a better weekend as high pressure builds in. it will be cool and brisk today, windy, chance of scattered showers, temperatures in the 30s and 40s. in the afternoon, we are going to see some partly cloudy skies.
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mrk zuckerberg unveiled a new facebook speed today that promises to revolutionize the way we see our friend's feet on vacation. zuckerberg said with the improved new speed facebook hopes to give the world the best personalized newspaper as we can. he's playing with the word newspaper, it's not that your friend jodie went to panera bread, it's north korea planning to attack. the panera bread isn't news. >> sheryl sandberg has made it to the top of a male dominated silicon valley. >> she's written a new and controversial book about women in the workplace in an interview for this sunday's "60 minutes"
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she says why she thinks we're not seeing more women in leadership roles. >> women gained more and more leadership roles for many years and ten years ago the trend has been totally flat women have had 14% top jobs in corporate america and any trend i've seen in business that goes up for a while and then goes flat then goes down. that's the trend. >> you think women's progress has plateaued? >> in many ways women's progress has not plateaued. they're getting more college and graduate degrees. where they're not making gains is the at the top of any industry in our country and the gains we've made in government which are recent are very small. we're now at 18% of congress 20% of the senate. the numbers at the top of the industry have been flat for ten full years. these trends aren't changing unless we do something about it.
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>> why is it if women are outpacing men in education, getting more degrees than men in a number of fields why is it that we're stalling in leadership positions? >> women are held back by constitutional al institutional barriers lack of affordable child care and held back by things within ourselves. >> and you can see my complete interview with sheryl sandberg sunday night on "60 minutes" at 7:00, 6:00 central right here on cbs. as we reported unemployment dropped to 7.7% last month, the lowest number in four years. the news comes after the dow soared to a new all-time high. mellody hobson is with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> what's going on in the market? >> it's good. we're very excited. happy days are here again. >> if you bought low. >> well that's right, and hopefully people are seeing this as an opportunity to shake off the fears they've had for so many years.
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i am very encouraged. corporate america is in great shape. so much cash on the balance sheet, productivity levels so high, and believe it or not, even with the talk of the sequester in washington and all of the noise that is there, the market has been able to shake off all of that noise, as warren buffett said so eloquently markets are stronger than government and that's what we've seen. >> who are the companies that are driving this? who are the big winners here? >> the big winners if you look from the 2007 are three areas totally unrelated. >> sectors. >> hamburgers home hard drives. so mcdonald's has been a big winner over the period, that stock is up 67% since 2007 when you look at homes, home depot has been a great stock and largely benefited from the recovery, and home prices in recent periods and then ibm, innovation, great leadership helping companies be even more productive, that's been a great area. >> does the smart money believe
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it will continue? >> there are two schools of thought out there. there always are. the bears and the bulls. the bears say too soon too much, too fast the market's up almost 10% this year alone in the first two months that's like a year's worth of returns. so the bears say we're going to see a correction. the bulls say and i have to say i'm a bull i'm very optimistic this bull has legs and the reason being the unemployment story will continue to improve, consumer confidence continues to get stronger with housing and housing is getting better and better. >> so what about all the talk that the sequestration when those cuts would occur it would be a clip in economic growth t would hurt the market et cetera. that doesn't seem to have happened at all. >> i'm back to buffett, markets are stronger than government. i think that the sky is falling mentality, we're numb to it. the early days especially in the worst of the financial crisis washington you would see the
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greens to red. we're numb to it. yeah there will be bumps in the road. march 27th the government shutdown looming, there may be volatility and shortterm setbacks but long-term i see a good story. >> market growth that's what they do. >> they also anticipate the future so the market is telling us the future is going to be better. >> mellody hobson thank you that's a good message on this friday. all u.s. combat troops are set to leave afghanistan by the end of next year. since the star start of the war the military has moved hundreds of thousands of troops into the war zone known as the push now they're taking it out known as the pull. >> reporter: this is what it takes to escort one truckload of military equipment from a u.s. base outside of kandahar heavily armed combat vehicles and a massive truck designed to
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protect against roadside bombs and am bushes. war requires a lot of gear thousands of tons of it. and what goes in must come out. >> good. >> reporter: the military has to shift 70,000 shipping containers like this and 28,000 vehicles which costs a lot of money. the department of defense says removing a single container can cost anywhere between $8,000 and $153,000 depending on the route taken. >> we have mostly life cycle support. >> reporter: stripping down this remote outpost has been the job of lieutenant paust from the ozark of missouri. it will be part of your job here, part of your duty? >> hopefully not, tearing down a piece of tactical infrastructure is a lot of work. it's something we're obviously willing to do but hopefully not
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another one. >> reporter: everything goes right down to the electricity cables which the taliban could salvage for use in roadside bombs and beat up mattresses. over the past decade the u.s. military has piled up more than 600,000 pieces of equipment valued at $28 billion. it will all be sent back home we distributed, handed over to afghan forces or junked and in places like this the taliban heartland, losing equipment like surveillance cameras can make soldiers more vulnerable to attacks. >> that's why that's got to be the last thing to go. >> yes. >> reporter: and literally when that thing comes down? >> we're going to leave. >> reporter: that's it? >> really quick after that. >> reporter: a lot of the bases are located in remote areas with dirt roads that not only slows travel down it's easier to plant bombs in dirt roads than paved ones and they also happen to be in areas where the sal ban
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remain strong but one of the biggest problems is that unlike iraq afghanistan is landlocked. the cheapest and easiest land routes are via pakistan from kabul in the northeast through the khyber pass and from kandahar in the south before making the long journey to the pakistani seaport of karachi, but america's rocky relationship with pakistan has meant those border crossings have at times been shut down and keeping them open now is far from certain. what is certain is that the clock is ticking. fewer than 22 months remain before the u.s. combat mission here ends and the bulk of equipment has to be gone. getting the troops back home is the easy part. for "cbs this morning," charlie d'agata, kandahar province afghanistan. it is time to spring forward, this weekend, but can daylight saving time actually lead to heart attack?
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we'll look at fact versus fiction ahead on "cbs this morning." [ male announcer ] when it comes to the financial obstacles military families face we understand. our financial advice is geared specifically to current and former military members and their families. life brings obstacles. usaa brings retirement advice. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ our ocean spray cran-cherry juice drinks are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie -- 'tis tasty. okay george washington, did you take my truck out last night?
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both of us will be moving our clocks ahead an hour this weekend with daylight savings time going into effect. for some it's a minor annoyance, others want to get rid of it all together. michelle miller shows us why it can be an hour of discontent around the world. >> there is no spring forward in hawaii. nor in arizona where the thought of scorching summer days ending at 9:00 p.m. got people hot and
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bothered. call it a daylight saving donut. >> it really originally was meant to save electricity with lighting in homes. here is the problem. in detroit on a sunday people will wake up and the sunrise will not occur until 8:00 and they will have to turn on lights. >> daylight saving time is a boom. >> if you give americans daylight at the end of the workday, they're more apt to shop on the way home. >> but they have less time to drink. ohio university students rioted after bars were forced to close an hour early. in russia, it pits virginia lad it
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was first put on daylight saving time by joseph stalin in 1928. >> but when october came the russians forgot to fall back. and then they stumbled on the fact that all of the clocks were wrong in russia. >> for cbs this morning, michelle miller new york. >> daytime saveing time brings up surprising facts. we hear there is an increased risk of heart attacks after a change in the time after that fact or fiction? >> it is fact. it it sounds craze, but it's true. there's a good amount of research on this topic, and the study was out of sweden. they found that in the sprint when we spring the clocks forward, after that there's a 5% risk of heart attack and when we put them back in the
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fall, clocked decrease? >> why? >> inflammatory factors in the blood. >> is it possible to get too much sleep? i don't known anyone that says they get too much sleep, is it possible? >> it's possible to get too much sleep. i have never experienced it myself, either. but nine hours is a critical break point. people who sleep long than that have a risk of heart attacks, and it can also be a sign of another illness. >> can you make up for lost sleep? >> you can't quite do it in one swoop. so that is fiction. if you lose sleep during the week you get develop a sleep debt. we know that is bad for your help. it's the difference between how much you should be sleeping and
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how much you actually do. here is the catch, if you sleep till noon on saturday you can't make up for that sleep debt. you'll feel great saturday but you will not sleep as deeply the next few days. >> if you take a couple naps that same day, do you make up for it? >> in a small amount you don't reverse the harmful effects, but you will feel better. >> naps are good for you? >> yes, you could just try to make up for it with an hi, we are at the irace center in fremont a new state- of-the-art racing facility having a great time checking this out and talking some weather, too. looks like our storm is finally winding down a bit. we have seen showers overnight but those are starting to settle down. throughout the day still a slight chance we could see a lingering shower. the temperatures a little cool,
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too. plan on highs only in the 50s and the 60s. the weekend looking grea lots of sunshine coming our way, much warmer, 70s by sunday. was it a stunt or statesmanship? l ask about senator rand paul's filibuster. ♪ i -- i got it ♪ ♪ i got it made, i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made ♪ ♪ i got breakfast made fresh at subway® ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say ♪ [ male announcer ] at subway® you got breakfast made. like a sunrise subway melt™ with chipotle southwest sauce. ♪ at subway® ♪ [ stefan ] with a cold or flu, nighttime nasal congestion can be the worst part. my medicine alone doesn't always give me all the congestion relief i need to sleep. [ female announcer ] adding breathe right nasal strips can make all the difference. it's proven to instantly relieve cold
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we have new information this morning on the search for a pope. they're ready to announce a date for their conclave. we'll take you to vatican city ahead on "cbs this morning." 36% smaller, just one per day.
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[ female announcer ] what makes you walk a little taller? where does goddess begin? it begins with your skin... revealed by venus for a confident glow the whole world will notice. venus & olay -- gently exfoliates with 5 blades. plus olay moisture bars help lock in moisture for less dryness. only from venus & olay. any venus cartridge fits any venus handle. that's the beauty of venus.
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i had my first cigarette when i was thirteen. when i found out how bad it was, i tried to quit. but i couldn't. they say nicotine isn't addictive. how can they say that?
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everyone. it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. it's eviction day in san jose as the city is about to clean up a large homeless camp south of the mineta international. the area around spring street is mostly open space. homes there were torn down years ago because they were under the flight path. the city warned dozens of occupants of the impending sweep several days ago. a well-known restaurant in becker will be closed of a fire. the front of chez panisse was burned in a fire. traffic and weather. coming up in just a moment.
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it's not what you think. it's a phoenix with 4 wheels. it's a hawk with night vision goggles. it's marching to the beat of a different drum. and where beauty meets brains. it's big ideas with smaller footprints. and knowing there's always more in the world to see. it's the all-new lincoln mkz.
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"friday light" at the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights are on. there is a big backup on the eastshore freeway westbound 80 from pinole down into richmond because of an earlier injury crash. and a quick note if you are traveling near the pacifica-san bruno border, there is an accident on sharp park road near college. you want to use highway 1 instead. here's lawrence. reporter: do you have the need for speed? how about the irace center in fremont with a new state-of-the- art facility just opening up today. hey, folks, the weather big changes expected as we are going to see things settling down today. the skies beginning to part just a little bit. hi-def doppler radar showing things beginning to settle down lots of rain overnight though. still a chance we could see a chance of showers throughout the day today and the temperatures are going to stay cool. highs only in the 50s and low 60s. the weekend looks great. plenty of sunshine, much warmer through sunday in fact next week, plenty of sunshine coming your way.
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good morning to you. it's 8:00. welcome back to "cbs this morning." vatican officials say the cardinals will likely decide today when to begin their conclave. we'll have new information on the search for the next pope. plus caroline kennedy is here for our series on eye opening women, and only on "cbs this morning" she's making a big announcement in the memory of her father. but first, here is a look at today's "eye opener at 8." >> this is nasty out here this morning. i tell you what though it is not the snow. that's not the word is out here. it's the wind. >> from new jersey to maine, strong waves are pounding the coastline, up to a foot of snow could fall today in parts of new england. >> we're worried about the
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coastal storm surge threat right on the east coast of massachusetts. >> unemployment hit its lowest rate in four years, 7.7%. a conclave date will be announced to day at 7:00 p.m. local time. officials are announcing the capture of sulaiman ghaith. >> he's going to be arraigned in manhattan federal court. this will probably be the biggest security operation we've seen in more than a decade. >> isn't this exactly a double standard? you ran a whole campaign about mitt romney's secrecy and access to special interests. so what's going on in the market? >> it's good. >> we're very excited. happy days are here again. all u.s. combat troops are set to leave afghanistan by the end of next year. >> when that thing comes down -- >> we're going to leave. >> always good wake up in new york city if you're not osama bin laden's son-in-law. >> yes. can the president use a weaponized drone to kill an american citizen here on
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american soil? >> i love drones. you hear that drones? i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. all 115 cardinals who will elect the next pope are now together. >> today we may finally learn when the voting for the next leader of the roman catholic church begins. allen pizzey is in vatican city. what can you tell us? >> reporter: the vatican spokesman says the date for the conclave will be announced at about 7:00 p.m. rome time. he didn't say when it would actually start. he said possibly monday tuesday or wednesday. that will depend on the cardinals. a lot of them still want to speak in what are called the congregations. they have a lot to say, a lot to talk about and quite a few more want to speak. they're not supposed to speak to the press. one we spoke to on background said one thing the cardinals all agree on is the church needs, what he calls, a fresh start.
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he says we have to ensure that the new pope has a very strong team behind him. that gives credence to the idea that they're looking not just at a pope but who will be the next secretary of state in order to clean up the vatican government. charlie, norah, gayle? >> when the papal conclave begins we'll bring you full coverage right here on "cbs this morning." for five days now a late winter storm has been causing trouble around the country. it's taking one last shot at the northeast. some parts of new england are getting self inches of snow. there's flooding and high surf along the coast. jim axel is in massachusetts southeast of boston. jim, you've been getting hit hard this morning. >> reporter: i'm not meteorologist, but i think this is just about the worst of it. it better be about the worst of it. we are in a parking lot in massachusetts with a good vantage point at the harbor behind me.
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you can see what the situation is right here. for the last couple of days officials here have been concerned about the high tide on friday morning. they have been watching the storm move up the east coast and they've been concerned that the water would move in as the winds from the northeast whipped up the water, it wouldn't -- between high tide wouldn't let the water come out. when the high taid came friday morning, the water would come up and over the seawall breaching things. we've been watching the high tide come in and while the water is certainly up and you can see these waves crashes against the rocks and crashing against the seawall, right now at least in this part of sish at, we're not watching the water come up and over the seawall. we did have to move from the spot earlier before where we were watching the floodwaters come in behind us. so it is a situation very fluid this morning. >> jim axelrod, thanks. it's been a busy week in washington for senator rand paul's nearly 13-hour filibuster
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to president obama hosting meals with some of his toughest critics. host of "face the nation" bob schieffer is with us from washington. good morning. >> how are you doing, charlie? >> let's begin with them calling the filibuster a stunt and on the other hand senator rubio supported it. what's the deal? >> it was a really big week in washington. rand paul is up justin bieber is down. the news from one end to the other. >> i didn't know you were following the career of justin bieber. >> nicely done. >> very well done. >> it's a stunt. there's no question about it. but there are good stunts and bad stunts. you know, the fact of the matter is this is a very very serious question. what are the rules about how we use these drones? that can be very effective. we need to know exactly when
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they can be used and when they might or might not be used in this country. we really don't know the rules. and what rand paul did here is he called attention to this. this was an old-fashioned kind of filibuster the kind of filibuster that they used to have and that the senate was designed for. what a filibuster is for is to call attention to something, and ha is what he did for about 13 hours. i don't think that means we're going to have one once a week. what i've always objected to is this shortcut filibuster that we've had in recent years where a senator will just say i object when they vote to move -- to proceed, and that is to have a vote. you can just say it and then it just totally locks down the senate until they have a vote and get 60 votes to go ahead and vote on something. >> bob, you would say -- >> i would say that this is something that needed to be examined. i don't think it was all bad. >> senator rubio is quoting
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jay-z and whiz khalifa, that was a very interesting tactic i've never seen before. let's talk about the dinner -- >> do you have any jay-z songs, bob, since you're up on justin bieber? >> no i'm a country singer and country aficionado. >> rascal flatts it is. let's talk about the dinner president obama had the other day with some of the republicans. some people say good bonding can come from good conversation and good food. do you think this was effective? >> things are so bad around here, gayle, that anything on this front is good news. the fact of the matter, people used to do this all the time. the president used to have people over to the white house, other presidents this president, of both parties. they'd talk about things hash things out. we're in such a mess here that the fact that the president invited some members of the other party to dinner became big
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news. it was big news yesterday when he invited chris van holland of his own party to come to the white house and have lunch. so i think it's all good. i'm suddenly creating a reputation for myself as the hopeless romantic here but i kind of feel like maybe these are good things. when you judge where you are, you follow the old saying, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. here we're actually seeing people, quote, talk to one another. >> being a romantic is a good thing, bob. >> well whatever. >> bob, quickly, speaking of good things, who do you have coming up on "face the nation?" >> justin bieber will be our lead guest. michael bloomberg. we're going to have michael bloomberg. and a variety of people from the other side. maybe justin bieber toward the
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end. who knows? we ought to call him. >> i only hope he puts on a shirt for you, bob schieffer. >> schieffer and bieber singing together. >> there you go. >> bob's guest, once again, on face the nation will be new york city mayor michael bloomberg, former florida governor jeb bush ohio senator rob portman and maryland congressman
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our look at eye opening women continues this morning with caroline kennedy. she's here with a major announcement about the award that honors her father. you'll see it only on "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. it took years to build this business. the moment my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis started getting in the way that was it... it was time for a serious talk with my dermatologist. this time, he prescribed humira-adalimumab. humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. in clinical trials most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb.
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been waiting for the price of mattresses to fall? then don't miss sleep train's beautyrest and posturepedic closeout sale. save up to 40% on closeout sets from beautyrest and posturepedic. save hundreds on floor samples and closeout inventory. these prices are falling fast, but these deals won't last. the beautyrest and posturepedic closeout sale is on now at sleep train. superior service best selection lowest price guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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a small farm town was changed forever after the killing of a 7-year-old girl back this 1957. for decades no one was arrested until a tip came in from a dieing woman. now "48 hours" talks to the man charged in the kidnapping and a murder. is a conviction even possible so many years later? that's ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by reese's pieces. perfectly fun. ♪ ♪ are you gonna ask it? one second, honey. ask it now please. [ chuckles ] okay, okay. ♪ ♪ [ dad ] google, check sequoia flight 62. [ woman
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] sequoia flight 62 is canceled. [ gasps ] let's go, let's go! let's play! [ yelling ] ♪ ♪ [ laughs ] ♪ ♪ our ocean spray cran-cherry juice drinks are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie -- 'tis tasty. okay george washington, did you take my truck out last night? 'tis tasty.
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. more than 50 years ago a small girl was captured and killed in a farm town near chicago. it would take more than half a century for an arrest to be made
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in the case. 48 hours correspondent shows us one of the oldest cold cases to ever go to trial. >> december 3rd 1957, the town of sycamore illinois had their first snowfall. cathy raced out to play with her friend. after maria disappeared, my parents always said you're the only one that can recognize this man, you have to remember what he looks like. >> her body was discovered five months later, her killer was never found. >> many towns have a bogey man legend, but we had a real one. >> and now jan, who lived just a block away believes she knows
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the identity of the killer. >> who kidnapped and killed her? >> my half brother. >> it's a mystery that haunted the chicago suburb for more than half a century until now. >> 54 years after the crime, cathy was shown a photoline up with jack's picture. >> that was johnny. >> immediately you knew it? >> immediately. he was arrested for the murder. >> are you the johnny who kidnapped and killed maria? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: he is confident that he will beat the charge. >> my father didn't do this. i know him. i love him and i trust him. and he couldn't do this. >> reporter: but murder isn't
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the only charge he faces. he is also accused of raping his sister, jean when she was 14. >> did you abuse your sister when she was 14, growing up? you did, didn't you? >> my sister and i were very close. >> reporter: what do you mean that you were very close with your sister? >> we're done with this it has nothing to do with maria or murder. we're done. >> reporter: you're not going to answer anything more on this? >> erin is here along with john miller will, miller and it gave me chills. >> he kept going, and i have to say it took the sympathy that i have, because john and i disagree with this i think
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after 55 years, it's very difficult for someone to get a fair trial. he has a credible alibi that is found in fbi documents, but they didn't get into his trial, because normally it's normal for police reports not to go in it would be a cop, but all of those investigators are dead. >> i was in the nypd when we had the first squad. technology and science is developed to tell us things for certain that technology that didn't exist at the time -- and then the cold case murder unlike a fraud, theft or rape the only voice that person has is the system and the system can't forsake them. >> so he is saying there should be no statute of limitations. >> i'm thinking that too.
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>> but you want the right person who is convicted. what about the whole idea that these are constitutional rights. the right to confront your accuser. one of the witnesses against him was his mother on her death bed. she said something like those two little girls, the one that disappeared, jack did it tell someone. that was allowed in the trial, nobody asked any follow up questions. >> and you say with the exception of one witness, that they're either dead or senile. >> i think when you look at this, you take this case and they have all of the reason that's a 50-year-old case is problematic. there are other cases that because of technology or better investigation, or a new witness the cases are much clearer. we can't talk those aside, and say somebody will get off the hook because of one or two cases -- >> john you get
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overnight at a well-known restaurant in berkeley... chez let's get you caught up with bay area headlines now. a fire broke out overnight at a very well known restaurant over berkeley. chez panisse. firefighters found the front part covered in flames this morning, an outside dining area charred. but a firefighter says the sprinkler system saved the inside. about $150,000 worth of damage, no cause yet. a suspect is in custody in the murder of a 70-year-old man at a senior center in san jose. family members found the body with stab wounds stuffed under the mattress of a foldout sofa bed in his home. his family says his 47-year-old girlfriend regina butler confessed to the killing. this is the day san jose
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officials plan to close a homeless camp. warnings went out several days ago that about 100 homeless people had to leave. the camp is on underdeveloped parkland near the guadalupe river. the city will help the homeless find shelter and a place to store their belongings as they move them out of there. we have your weather and your traffic on this friday coming up.
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good morning. the counter commute eastbound 4 approaching loveridge eastbound highway 4, and westbound is pretty backed up as well coming off the antioch bridge. in pacifica, sharp park road and college road overturn injury crash. use highway 1. and outside here's a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. things are looking good heading into san francisco. here's lawrence. >> do you have the need for speed? how about coming down to the irace center in fremont. they have a new state-of-the- art facility just opening up today. hey, folks, the weather big changes expected as we are going to see things settling down today. the skies beginning to part just a little bit. hi-def doppler showing things beginning to settle down lots of rain overnight. a chance of occasional showers throughout the day today and temperatures are going to stay cool. highs only in the 50s and the low 60s. the weekend looks great. plenty of sunshine, much warmer through sunday, in fact next week -- [muffled] i am sir can-a-lot.
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i am sir can-a-lot here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! (woman) hmmm... that's actually a good idea. [nervous giggle] (male announcer) break the monotony. for more fun ideas visit
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here a look at what's keeping massachusetts from facing this morning, huge waves crashing ashore. we've seen the national guard come through to rescue drivers stuck in the floodwaters. welcome back to "cbs this morning." >> a good friday morning there. coming up in this half hour caroline kennedy is here in studio 57, making a big announcement in memory of her father. anyone who uses google has probably seen the google doodles, the interactive drawings made to look like the company's logos. we're going behind the scenes to meet the people who turn the art seen by millions. right now it's time to show you this morning's headlines from around the globe. the "wall street journal" says
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belt tightening is oefrmt american consumers are borrowing money again. the federal reserve finds that over the past five years americans have recovered from the housing crash and paid down their debt. the "los angeles times" since the government is cracking down on cell phone spam t. federal trade commission filed eight lawsuits against companies accused of sending 180 million text messages. they offered free gift cards for popular stores but to get the deals, customers usually have to pay for a subscription and give out private information like social security numbers. the fbi is making another plea for information regarding a former agent who disappeared six years ago this weekend. robert levinson vanished while traveling to an iranian island. he was working as a private investigator. last year the fbi offered a $1 million reward for information leading to his return. a moment of silence will be observed this afternoon. "the new york times" says about 200 post offices, many
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with historic value may be sold to help the postal service get out of its financial mess. 11 post offices are already on the market. former president george herbert walker bush is back to work. he met with former canadian prime minister brian mulrooney on thursday. it is the first photo of the former president since he was released from a hospital in january after being treated for a bronchitis-related cough. this morning we continue our series eye opening women with a focus on caroline kennedy, following in the food steps of her father president john f. kennedy, by recognizing public servants who show political courage. she'll be here in a moment to reveal the winner of this year's profile in courage award. but first, a look at the history of the prestigious honor. before president john f. kennedy challenged americans with a call to service, he was asking congress to show more courage. >> when you talk about political courage, you mean somebody who is willing to go against the
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wishes of his constituents for what he considers the best interest of the country. >> as a senator he won the pulitzer prize for the book "profiles in courage" which chronicled legislative bravery in the senate. today caroline kennedy carries the lantern of her father's legacy recognizing outstanding public servants each year with the profile in courage award. >> i think our family was looking for a way to sort of honor my father's memory at the library and also celebrate the quality that he thought was so indispensable. one of the really touching things was how much it meant to former president gerald ford. i think in some ways it was vindication of him for his action to pardon former president richard nixon. >> only those willing to lose for their convictions are deserving of posterity's approval. >> most people believe that pardon cost him the presidency.
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>> past honorees included supreme court justices who struck down the ban on gay marriage. they lost their jobs in retention election a year late sgler the law doesn't change. constitutional provisions and the concept of equality do not change based on public opinion. whether i lost my job or not wasn't important. >> in 2002 the profile in courage award didn't go to an elected official. it was offered to the public servants of september 11th. >> allow me to say a few words about courage and cruelty. >> four years later it went to alberto mora. >> a lawyer for the navy who found out there was things going on at guantanamo that he felt were un-american. >> the services are trained in geneva. the national standard is that we simply don't abuse people we don't abuse captives who are
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treated under the geneva code. >> just receiving this award is so profound for me and my family. >> hilda solis was a california state legislator. when she got the award, the first bhoon to get it. she was very young. she just passed the first environmental justice legislation. >> a lot of people warned me that this was a battle that i probably wouldn't want to get involved in. >> reporter: though many recognized for the profile in courage award have risked their jobs hilda solis's career took off. she went on to represent her district in congress and most recently served as the labor secretary under president obama. >> i think it's been really inspiring for me to see how many people there are out there that we don't hear enough about who really are making courageous decisions. i think it's become a great award. >> caroline kennedy is with us in studio 57. she joins us at the table.
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hello, caroline kennedy. >> hi. >> your father believed that to much is given much is expected. political courage in particular was very important to him. it seems very hard to find these days in washington, but you found something. >> i think this award has really taught me that there are people who are courageous at all levels of government. i think the point of the award and something that my uncle teddy believed in was that we need to do more to celebrate those people and recognize them and tell other people about them so they as citizens we require, expect support courageous politicians. and i think that that's -- it was easy in the beginning. people said you'll never find anybody. but, in fact, there are many people -- we get lots of nominations every year and self nominations. >> self nominations? >> pick me really? >> mostly nominations. it's a really inspiring process. >> what's the process? >> well we have a committee of very distinguished republicans
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and democrats. we have many of my uncle's former colleagues senator chris dodd lindsey graham olympia snowe and thad cochran as well as members of congress and active people elaine jones, we have a good group of lawyers and non-lawyers. >> i'm dieing. who won? >> this year -- we're going to announce it? >> yeah. >> we had our big discussion this week and it's gabrielle giffords. >> what a choice. >> why her? >> i think one of the things that obviously everybody knows of her tremendous incredible courage. the fact she went through this obviously horrendous tragedy and has recommitted herself to the political process i think is something that is really inspiring. obviously for anybody in public life who is willing to do that because it is tough these days. i think for people just in their own lives to see that kind of courage in somebody who is just willing to persevere and keep
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fighting no matter what happens. >> the people who have been nominated, do they know they irp in the running or do you call them and they pick up the phone and it's you on the other end of the line. >> i had such a wonderful conversation with her. it was really heartwarming or touching for me. it was really emotional, i think for both of us. she was really thrilled and i think apparently she has read the book over the years and is a tremendous political -- >> political courage and personal courage too. >> right, right. >> i think our definition of courage has and will continue to evolve. she certainly embodies today i think, one of the most courageous people any of us have ever seen. i'm looking forward to meeting her. >> you haven't met her before? >> no. >> she picks up the phone, and it's like hello, this is caroline kennedy. it really is like that? >> it really is like that. >> can we talk about politics?
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you were co-chair of president obama's campaign. there's a lot of talk about hillary clinton running in 2016. we've been focusing on eye opening women in 2016. would you like for her to run? >> i think that would be great. she has to make the decision for her. she's an incredible figure. >> would you support her presidency? >> sure. >> hillary is one thing. how about you? >> hillary really is one thing. no, i'm not running for president. >> there are rumors about you. shall we say, madam ambassador, does that have a ring to you? >> it seems to have a ring to all of you. i remain an incredibly strong supporter of the president. i think service is important and i'd love to serve in any way. i try to do that here in new york. >> okay, caroline. good, good good. >> no one has asked me. that's the question you want to know. >> are you interested? >> sure. >> do you like japan or canada
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better? >> what? i don't know. which is closer to 57th street where you are? anything is great. it's all great. a lot to do here in new york as well. >> exactly. you haven't ruled out elective office either? >> i'm not ruling out anything right now. >> exactly. very good. >> nice to have you here. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> where would you children want you to go caroline kennedy? >> what? they want me to stay as close as possible. >> there you go. that's the right answer. >> caroline kennedy, thank you. on this international women's day, google is offering google doodles. we'll take you behind the scenes and show how a
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it's hard to get through the it's hard to get through the noise of washington, d.c. but last night came an epic stand on the senate floor by libertarian
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senator rand paul. >> republican senator rand paul kentucky, right now, filibustering president obama's choice for cia director john brennan. senator paul says he will talk until he no longer can. that's how filibusters work. you talk, you talk try to prevent the vote. >> yes talking and talking and talking to fill hours of empty time. it's the story cable news was born to cover. if you google anything today, you'll see a special work of art on the site's home page in honor of international women's day. it is one of the continuing series of doodles that the search engine creates. rebecca jarvis shows us how it all started. >> reporter: they're young. they're smart and they have an awful lot of fun doing their job. this group of 13 mostly 20-somethings, artists and engineers are known as google's doodler. >> what does it mean to be a
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doodler who works at google. >> it means i have the unique opportunity to change the logo on the home page with an illustration. >> reporter: for the last four years, artist jennifer hom has been the member of the team that makes those quirky fun, artistic renditions on the google home page. >> we want to not hinder our audience from actually searching because they came to our home page to search, but we also want to do something fun. >> reporter: recently the doodlers have rach ted up the fun making their doodler es interactive like this throwback pac-man game this olympics animation and this mood piano in which users were allowed to record their own songs for the day. >> in total around the world there was about 57 years of music recorded on the mood doodle. >> 57 years? >> 57 years. >> reporter: chris hom is the lead engineer on the doodler team. he says the collaboration of artists and technology is worth it despite spending several
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months to create a doodle that's only on the home page for 24 hours. >> even though it's there for the day, i think it brings enough joy. sometimes i describe my job is -- my job is to make everyone happy for ten seconds. >> reporter: the mountain view california, based team produces over 300 doodles a year for dozens of countries across the globe, working with fellow google employees both far and near. in today's national women's day doodle, the idea originate friday the newest member of the doodler team. >> you're 24 you're a female, your google doodle will be the one people san jose see on women's day. how does that feel. >> very exciting. >> reporter: betsy bauer has only been with google for six weeks. her idea is typical of google's culture, where ideas, not hierarchy rule. >> google has a history of celebrating women. it's a lot of fun as a woman to
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work on something that is as important as that. >> reporter: the team helped bauer tweak and hone her doodle through seven versions. it's a multi-cultural combination of women's faces that spell google in the artwork's negative space. all in a day's work for the little doodler team that could. >> do you think most people have any sense for how much work goes into it? >> no. but i think that's okay. >> reporter: rebecca jarvis, "cbs this morning," mountain view, california. >> some of the best doodles i've ever scrediblei love the google doodle. i love we're focusing on internationa that. can you imagine, 13 people to put that together. >> incredible. let's talk about betsy bauer, 24. you go betsy. it's been an amazing week. a great women's week around here. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back.
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this is the kid who touches everything. but the one thing he doesn't touch, the lysol no-touch hand soap system. the magic sensor makes hand washing another fun discovery. and it has 10 times more germ protection. lysol no-touch hand soap. another step forward in our mission for health. let them explore
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9 pm. you know what that means... we turn into werewolves. udno d ie...rt sta serving my late night munchie meals at nine. for six bucks you get 2 tacos, halfsie fries, and a drink, plus one of 4 awesome new entrées, like the stacked grilled cheese burger. it's 9:37, you know what that means... we turn into werewolves?
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. saturday a journey to oz. we'll take a trip to the hometown of the author. that's tomorrow on "cbs this morning" saturday. >> and "60 minutes" with guess who? >> it's my first "60 minutes," and caroline kennedy signed our wall, and here is what she wrote -- come to tokyo.
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>> that does it for us we give you a look back at the week that was, have a great weekend. ♪ >> i love the guy. >> that looks like a publicity tour that he put on and rodman was a player out on that court. >> we should leave the diplomacy to diplomats but if there are any watching that want to make me one -- >> it suggests that the question at the top of the minds of many cardinals -- >> do you see this as a big change, now talking closely with remembers? >> i think the fact that this is being covered so much -- >> is this -- >> it's likely a cure.
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>> is this as cool and important as it sounds? >> we learned that your brother, the former president, has now taken up paints. >> yeah, i don't know what to say about that but god bless him. >> show me the handshake that you had to use, buzz occasionally one of the justices would squeeze your hand too tight. >> you always had that raspy distinguished voice. ♪ >> i committed to my career when i was just 16. >> nora it does not get any better than this. we have power, brains here we have beauty here. >> i think that women are very often dependent from other women. i never think it's a man's world, i'm a person in a
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business world. >> we grew up together. >> i used to have a crush on you in high school. >> where would your curious mind make you want to do? >> i would want to go ice fishing -- >> say you're in your car, on a bumpy road going as fast as you can, and there's an avalanche coming after you. >> can we talk about free throws? >> can we talk about how beautiful you are. >> rand paul is up and justin bieber is down. >> all of that -- ♪ >> how do things like the harlem shake catch on so fast? >> i love it. ♪ >> we were just saying we may have to put online what happens
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald >> happy friday, everyone. it's 8:55. i'm frank mallicoat with your kpix 5 headlines. fire officials still trying to figure out what caused flames to break out overnight in a famous restaurant. this is over in berkeley. outdoor dining area at the famed chez panisse badly damaged, but a sprinkler system saved the indoor area meaning the restaurant will likely be able to reopen fairly soon. fresno county investigators believe a lion escaped his feeding cage before killing a volunteer at the animal park. the coroner says diana hanson died instantly wednesday when the lion broke her neck at the cat haven outside fresno. it appears the lion lifted a gate on the cage while hanson was cleaning a larger enclosure. >> thousands of mourners turned out for a memorial yesterday
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for two fallen police officers from santa cruz. uniformed officers stood in silence outside hp pavillion in san jose as "taps" was played. santa cruz police sergeant loran "butch" baker and detective elizabeth butler were killed last week while investigating a sexual assault in santa cruz. here's lawrence now with your weekend forecast. >> we are at the irace center here in fremont, a new state-of- the-art racing facility. you can come down bring your friends and your family. you get the real feel of a race driver ripping around some of these tracks. hey, folks, we have some changes coming up in the weather for today. skies are beginning to part just a little bit. hi-def doppler radar showing things are settling down. we have had a lot of rain overnight. there's still a chance we could see an isolated shower throughout the day today. temperatures going to stay cool. highs only in the 50s and the low 60s. the weekend should be fantastic. plenty of sunshine as high pressure builds in. some temperatures topping out near 70 on sunday. even warmer than that next week. we're going check out your "timesaver traffic" coming up
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good morning. we have busy drive times including down the eastshore freeway from the carquinez bridge to the maze. because of a very early-morning accident in richmond, look at the nimitz, still in the red as you head up towards downtown oakland. eastbound 4 at loveridge an accident cleared but still slow west bound.
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wayne: one more time. you've got the big deal of the day. who wants to make a deal? jonathan: it's a trip to fiji. - oh my god. amazing. jonathan: it's time for “let's make a deal.” now here's tv's big dealer wayne brady. wayne: welcome to “let's make a deal.” i'm your host, wayne brady. you know what we do: make deals. here we go. who wants to make a deal? leprechaun. let the leprechaun through. hey, leprechaun. come over here. what's your name? - christie! wayne: hey, christie. welcome, so what do you do? - i'm a police officer. wayne: get out of here! - i am. wayne: where? - riverside county. wayne: how long have you been a police officer? - five years five
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and a half years. wayne: give her a big round of applause. - thank you. wayne: well, i've got something for you, okay. this could be amazing, you ready? curtain three. - i'm ready. curtain three! jonathan: it's a new hyundai accent! wayne: is that good? - yes, that's good! i like it! jonathan: enjoy the ride in this 2013 accent featuring a six speed manual transmission, ipod connectivity and a chrome accented front grill. this deal is worth $15,405. wayne: i guess you like the car, right? - i love the car. wayne: here's how you win the car. we're going to play something called car pong. car pong is a very simple game. you come down here you grab a ping-pong ball. you bounce that ping-pong ball once hoping that you can bounce


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