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tv   KPIX 5 News at 530pm  CBS  March 9, 2013 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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move the current westbound lanes to the south, far enough to make room for the construction of the new eastbound lanes. >> they could then demolish the original westbound lanes, finish building the eastbound deck. >> reporter: that replaced the original plan, which would have opened the newest bound span up to a half a year before the eastbound lanes. >> we're just happy that we're able to open it to all the driving public at the same time. >> reporter: these grooves are being etched into the fresh concrete to help reduce noise and after seven days when the concrete is solid, they can start taking down the temporary support and this final section will stand on its own. another milestone of the $6.4 billion project. on the new bay bridge, anne makovec, kpix 5. >> we are counting down the days until the grand opening of the eastern span. kpix 5 is your official station for the opening of the new bay bridge. hayward police are looking for two men who crashed a stolen lexus into a parked car
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and then ran away with an injured child. it happened just after noon at vallejo street and sunset boulevard. the driver ran in one direction. the passenger with the injured child ran in a different direction. the child hasn't been located. witnesses say they saw the driver run into a house that's known by police for drug activity. a dramatic end to a police chase in american canyon. a vallejo man was arrested after a short pursuit ended in a crash. authorities say 64-year-old robert craig pulled a gun on walmart employees as he stole a tv around 4:30 this morning. he led police on a chase into a mobile home park. it ended, police say, when craig crashed into a police car following him. craig was taken to jail on charges of robbery, evading police and resisting arrest. another gun buy-back this time in solano county nets more than 300 firearms including a rocket launcher. officials at the solano county fairgrounds say $30,000 worth
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of gift cards were given away. people turning in handguns, shotguns and rifles in working condition got $100 in cash or gift cards. people with assault rifles got $200. a spokesman for the vallejo police says they will make sure the collected weapons will not get back on the street. >> as soon as we seat weapons, we -- as soon as we receive the weapons as you make your way sure they're not stolen. then we take them and destroy them on scene to disable the weapons and they will never be used again. >> the event was scheduled to start at 10 a.m. and vallejo police said they started showing up as early as 7 a.m. 19 people having killed including 8 children in two bomb attacks in afghanistan. they happened after newly appointed defense secretary chuck hagel arrived to visit troops. hagel wasn't injured but heard
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the bombs going off. hours after chuck hagel touched down on his first overseas trip as secretary of defense, a suicide bomber struck outside the afghan ministry of defense in kabul killing at least 9 people and injuring 14 others. hagel was a safe distance away and says he was in a briefing when he heard the boom. >> we're in a war zone. i been in war. you know, so shouldn't be surprised when a bomb goes off or there's an explosion. >> reporter: hagel, who is a vietnam vet, says he is in afghanistan to thank the troops. he met with the 101st airborne division and awarded two purple hearts and answered soldiers' questions, some of which focused on budget cuts. >> i will do everything within my power to assure that the funding is there and the commitments that we have made to you are fulfilled. >> reporter: on this trip, hagel says he wants to get a better understanding of the progress the us is making in the war. well, in the second bombing,
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afghan officials said the man was targeting a joint u.s.- afghan military patrol. the taliban claimed responsibility for the bombings and were timed to coincide with hagel's visit. they say the kabul explosion was a message for the secretary of defense. we're seeing a tangible effect of automatic spending cuts inside the white house itself. it has canceled tours for the public until further notice. the move saves the federal government $74,000 a week and that's upsetting news for anyone who made plans for a tour including a group of 6th graders from an iowa school. students say they have been looking forward to it. >> when i heard that we had a chance of going to see the white house, i thought that was really cool. >> i was pretty disappointed because the white house was the highlight of going to washington, d.c. >> the kids' teacher says she got approval for the tour from washington on the same day the announcement was made about all tours being canceled.
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no clear front-runner to serve as the next pope. how the vatican is getting ready for the conclave that begins tuesday. >> looking and feeling like a princess for prom night, how local girls are getting a chance do that without their parents breaking the bank. >> from the kpix 5 weather department, good evening, everybody. boy, what a sun splashed da we had today. the day that will be the warmest. the complete pinpoint forecast as the news continues on kpix 5.
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so if you have a flat tire dead battery need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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it's tradition to destroy the ring of the former pope and make a new one for his successor. the "fisherman's ring" is used pope benedict's ring his some bol of authority as -- symbol of authority has been destroyed. it's tradition to destroy the old one and make a new one for the successor. the fisherman's ring is for seals. pope benedict as not smashed but deep cuts were made on the surface so it can no longer be used as a seal. at the vatican, cardinals are holding preliminary meetings before they begin voting for a new pope starting tuesday. as cbs reporter danielle nottingham shows us, crews are making sure the sistine chapel is ready for the secret
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meeting. reporter: firefighters climbed on to the roof of the sistine chapel to install a chimney. it's how the world will know there is a new pope. white smoke and bells will signal when at least 77 cardinals have elected their new leader. >> whether or not the bells will ring precisely at the same time, this is not like the swiss watch. a little suspense is good for all of us. >> reporter: inside, workers are finishing setting up the cardinals' voting location. a temporary floor hides jammers that block electronic devices so no one can listen in. vatican officials say they expect the voting process will only last a few days. >> a long conclave of many days is also an indication of some kind of bloc that goes on, but there's a difficulty, he has no reason to believe there is such a thing. >> reporter: the cardinals will meet again monday to talk about the qualities they want in a new leader. then 115 of them will begin voting on tuesday afternoon.
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>> once they do the first ballot, they see where the voting is heading. right now they can talk amongst themselves. but until they get in there and write anames, they have to see where they are. >> reporter: tourists are starting to arrive in rome to witness history. >> electing a new pope and being able to visit the vatican and all that, it's been so exciting. >> reporter: and the vatican is making sure st. peter's square is looking its best for the unveiling of the next pope. danielle nottingham, cbs news, vatican city. >> workers are sprucing up st. peter's square and other parts of vatican city because tens of thousands of tourists are expected to fill the area waiting for a sign that a new pope has been chosen. security has also been stepped up around the vatican. and the cardinals are hoping for a quick decision. they want to return to their dioceses in time to lead easter celebrations. it was a storm many said
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they weren't expecting. the major damage to east coast homes, much of it from a storm surge. >> and our rain has moved out of the area. the rain we experienced earlier this week and now we have high pressure building in. the end result, we have a warming trend. the areas that will warm the most. we'll pinpoint that forecast as the news continues right here on kpix 5. ñáçwçñ
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save up to 40% on closeout sets from beautyrest and posturepedic. save hundreds on floor samples and closeout inventory. the beautyrest and posturepedic closeout sale is on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ closed captioning brought to you by sleep train, wishing you a happy st. patrick's day. a wicked wished the storm has caused major damage to parts of coastal new england. this home on plum island just one of the casualties of the storm.
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it's one of several on a massachusetts barrier island swept off its foundation, as you can see, by the storm surge. the two-day storm dropped more than a foot of snow on parts of new england and caused massive coastal flooding in massachusetts. >> they have that and we have this. glorious sunshine. >> you know, it's amazing that my son attends college in new york and i called him yesterday and i said, so, are you ready for the snow? how much do you expect? no, no, no. it was like a surprise to him, too. >> oh. >> yeah. >> sometimes it's not good having your mom be the weather girl. >> i guess not. we have high pressure here now building in. we are under the influence of an offshore flow. and bang, take a look at that, oh, got your attention there, didn't i? >> you did. i'm watching. >> unlimited visibility right now in oakland. looking out towards the tip-top of mount diablo standing 3,847 feet tall. san francisco currently in the upper 50s. low 60s san jose. oakland at 62 degrees. the winds are slight out of the northwest at 8 miles per hour.
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what a difference a day makes when those howling winds were relentless yesterday and last night. today with the lack of a wind, upper 60s in santa rosa above average. typically we are in the 60s around the peninsula and that's what we realized today. san jose about 2 to 3 degrees below average. 68 degrees common from fairfield through discovery bay. tonight over my, no clouds. temperatures still cold. 35 santa rosa, 34 degrees towards sonoma. upper 30s napa. low and mid-40s common around the almaden valley through mountain view through palo alto. this is the scene towards the coast where official sundown tonight is at 6:11. we'll have those cool temperatures overnight. tomorrow a play date, plan outdoor activities with the bright sunshine, mild temperatures and certainly some beach weather to come. in fact, santa cruz tomorrow, 70 degrees. your rip current risk remains moderate. the winds out of the northwest
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10 to 15 miles per hour. meanwhile, here's the setup for you. we have high pressure right about there. our area of low pressure that brought us rain on thursday, blizzard warnings yesterday in denver, snow on the ground there. but that will soon melt as this high pressure begins to gradually traverse east. i'm just referring to it as march madness because we have no major weather changes. in fact, as we head into the new week, by monday, not a raindrop in sight across the northern half of the state of california into the central valley. our temperatures tomorrow going up in comparison to today. and above average for this time of the year. nearly 70 in throughout alviso, also alum rock, 74 degrees in wine country in napa. speaking of wine country, upper 60s in livermore. check the central bay, 68 degrees from berkeley in through el cerrito into oakland. check this out. warmest day of the workweek will be on wednesday. you know, when i see 77 i'm thinking almost 80 degrees there, right? >> yeah. >> just a reminder again
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tonight, when you go to bed, you have to set your clock an hour ahead, which means we lose an hour of sleep. but we gain an hour of sunlight on the other side with official sundown tomorrow at 7:12. sun-up like 7:29. >> i'll call you. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> thank you very much. all right. well, on prom night, every high school girl wands to look and feel like a -- wants to look and feel like a princess and one group of volunteers is making sure they do. the princess project collects clothes and accessories and distributes them to girls who can't afford them. this is the 12th year for the princess project and it's given a boost to the self-esteem of thousands of girls. >> they are happy that we're giving and they give back and they volunteer or re-donating dresses and kind of just paying it forward. >> since the princess project began in 2002, it's given away more than 20,000 dresses and this year it's distributing dresses in san francisco,
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silicon valley and something. the barbie doll has been an american icon for more than half century and for one florida collector, the blonde bombshell is an obsession. he calls himself stanley the barbie man and his entire house is full of 2,000 barbies all in cases. he knows a deal when he sees one. >> i got that number 6 barbie for like i think it was 4 bucks. the lady thought it was a reproduction. i played right along. played right along. >> yeah. well, stanley has been a barbie connoisseur since 1997. he found many of his barbies at flea markets and garage sales. not only does he collect the dolls, but he also collects the accessories including a plane and a pink corvette. i didn't even know they had a barbie plane. >> they have the car. i have the townhouse. >> i wish i had valued them more os a child.
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maybe i'd have an investment. >> i'd loan you one. >> now we'll have two. >> i had a baseball barbie. >> two barbis and a car and the whole nine yards. it was a play-off rematch at the shark tank and we're flying at the world baseball classic. we'll tell you why when we come back.
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in a over a month... and still came up short in a matinee at the blues.... the sharks scored more than two goals in a game for the first time in over a month and
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still came up short in a matinee in the tank against the blues. patrick marleau showing david bachus a little love. probably going to leave a mark. sharks up 2-1 in the 2nd on the power play. matt irwin his second goal of the year. sharks a two goal lead in the third peter. but niemi gives up two goals in the first six minutes of the third. just four goals coming into the game. this afternoon he had a hat trick. mcclellan pulls niemi for the first time this season. alex is in between the pipes. they go to overtime and in overtime, patrick tips one in. they lose 4-3 to the blues. scott gomez had a 2-point game his first since november of 2011. the last time the sharks scored
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three goals in a game, february 5 against the blackhawks. as for the hero, before today sabatka had never scored against the sharks. in a few minutes giants starter ryan vogelsong will take the mound for the united states in game two of the world baseball classic against italy. last night sergio romo closed it out against mexico for the u.s. romo got jimmy rollins to end the game and this will make giants fans cringe. adrian gonzalez and romo embraced, what's all about? a giant hugging a dodger? oh!! mexico won the game 5-2. in today's play, canada up 9-3 over mexico in the ninth and chris robinson drops down a bunt and runs can decide tiebreakers in the baseball classic so around felt it violated one of baseball's unwritten rules. the benches clear.
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temper flare. punches are thrown. it got ugly. police officers came on the field to keep the peace. seven players were ejected. it's also being reported that fights broke out in the stands. one of canada's coaches got hit in the face with a water bottle that was thrown from the stands. canada got the win 10-3. over in the cactus league it was more peaceful. the as lose to the rangers 4- 3. dan strailly worked three innings and gave up one earned run. the royals beat the giants. the best closer in major league history will be going on his farewell tour this summer. yankees reliever mariano rivera says he is retiring after this season. the 43-year-old future hall of famer is major league baseball's all-time leader in saves. rivera is coming off a torn acl he suffered while shagging flyballs in batting practice
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last may. the men's pac-12 tournament begins next year. drew with the layup off the glass. bruins win in washington for the first time since 2004, 61- 54. >> tiger woods powering up for one of his best rounds of golf this year. third round from the blue monster at doral. shot of the day goes to scott piercecy from the bunker on the 12th. rolls right into the hole for an eagle but he is tied for 41st. then there was tiger. he was on his a game on 10, the wind would have no effect on his approach shot. it just lands a few feet from the hole. he would birdie one of seven on the day for tiger. and then on 18, he finished with a 5-under 67 and a 4-shot lead over graeme mcdowell heading into tomorrow's final round. i got a drippy faucet on my sink -- let me catch you -- [
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rap ] ♪ [ music ]♪ >> remember these guys? they are back. ben crane bub about watson, ricky fowler and hunter mahan also known as the golf boys, their latest music video has gone viral nearly 3 million hits. benefits ben crane's charity to provide clean drinking water for people in need. and just the video is so funny and they pick on all golfers doing well in the pga right now. >> that's fun. thank you. all right. it was supposed to be a dream family vacation. the happiest place on earth. but they were stopped at the gate. they weren't the only ones scanned by a fake ticket seller. the woman caught pawning off a bogus ticket redhanded. that and more at 6:30. see you back here in half now. until then our news updates are on good night. captions by: caption colorado
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>> axelrod: tonight americans in the running. as the chimney goes up that the signal a new pope, alan pizzey reports those who would know suggest a u.s. pobtive is not out of the question. with same-sex marriage headed for the supreme court a call for marriage equality from one of the biggest names in big business. >> it's a civil rights issue but it's also a business issue. >> axelrod: jill schlesinger talks to goldman sachs chief lloyd blankfein. an iraq war veteran is jobless and almost broke and blames toxic military burn pits. jeff glor with a moving story of a soldier's wife taking on the battle he's too sick to fright. and the closer-- tony guida on closure mariano rivera the greatest relief picture in baseball history announces this season will be his last.
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captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news." >> axelrod: good evening. i'm jim axelrod. we begin tonight at the vatican. three days from now, 115 cardinals will convene and begin the process of electing the next pope. while the conclave is conducted in utmost secrecy, we are now seeing some very clear signs of what's about to happen. as alan pizzey reports, those who watch the vatican most closely say an american could be considered. >> reporter: the news alertew system for the conclave was installed on the roof of the sistine chapel today. two stoves linked to a single pipe will convey the decisions of cardinals the more accustomed to twitter and e-mail. black smoke signifies an inconclusive round of voting white means a pope will be elected. for the first time italian reporters have americans on the list of papal contenders pup think it's realistic that people are saying maybe there could be an american pope?


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