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tv   KPIX 5 News Early Edition  CBS  March 12, 2013 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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chimney on the roof of the chapel. >> i don't know if we can time it just perfectly, but we would like to be here when the white smoke comes up. >> reporter: black smoke indicates the cardinals will keep voting whereas white smoke means they have selected a new pope. the average length of the last nine conclaves was just over three days. >> we'll have a pope on friday if not before. that's my best guess. >> reporter: cardinals held their last closed door debate yesterday discussing what qualities the pope should have and the challenges he will face. >> i wouldn't mind an american pope. i have a few favorite cardinals from american but whatever the holy spirit chooses is fine with me. >> reporter: the italian press named three potential front- runners including boston cardinal sean o'malley, brazil's odilo scherer, and italy's angelo scola. but it's all speculation until the voting begins.
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how long is a new pope to be elected? the earliest is probably after the first round of votes at 8 p.m. when we could see smoke rising from the sistine chapel. the more realistic estimate from all the "experts" and clergy that we're talking to here in vatican city is about four to five days. but again, nothing is set in stone. reporting live in vatican city, vinita nair, back to you. >> we'll have to see. so at this point do we know who the front-runners are? >> reporter: well, as you heard in the story there, a lot of people are looking at italy as well as brazil. but interestingly enough, a lot of americans' names are popping up and that is timothy dolan and o'malley on a lighter note, dolan had earlier in the week joked we have been here so long, i'm running out of socks. this morning heading into mass someone called out, cardinal dolan, how are you doing on socks? he lifted up his pant leg and gave a big smile and said he is doing fine. should be interesting to see. but everyone we have spoken to says all the alliances are constantly shifting and there's no way to tell who is the front-
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runner. >> vinita, what's it like in vatican city right now? this is such a week of history at the conclave. >> reporter: there's close to 5,000 journalists here right now so in a way a lot of the journalists have sort of taken over the city. but it really is interesting. you can see i'm standing just above st. peter's square. we have seen a lot of people who have come and just want to be part of everything that's happening. they have installed jumbo screens in the square. so throughout the course of the day and the past two weeks we see people coming to watch what's going on inside the square. mass today was open to the public but there were a lot of people who just wanted to come and watch even though it was raining, that didn't stop them. >> thank you, vinita nair live in vatican city. back here at home, catholics will come together in the bay area this morning. kpix 5 reporter cate caugiran is here in san francisco where
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a special mass is scheduled at 8 a.m. >> reporter: the last time we were here for a special mass was celebrating pope benedict. san francisco's archbishop will be presiding over today's special mass as many bay area catholics await a conclave decision. the focus is going to be on the selection of the new pope as the conclave kicks off. kpix 5 spoke with some bay area catholics who say what they want in the new pope. >> a reformist and crackdown on what the kristian really teaches. >> reporter: a cbs news poll shows the majority of the catholics say the church is out of touch with its members and now catholics are looking for a leader who can modernize the church. 54% say they want a pope with more liberal teachings. 19% want to keep in line with
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benedict's traditional catholic values and 18% want the new pope to be conservative. out of those surveyed this time, catholics aren't looking for someone with experience and age but they are looking for someone with youth and new ideas. live inch is, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> thank you. -- live in san francisco, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> thank you. who is your favorite weatherman today? >> uhm... >> lawrence karnow of course! >> 80 tomorrow. >> it's going to get close. right on the cusp of these temperatures. we are going to warm up around the bay area starting out with patchy fog this morning if you are heading out the door. don't let that fool you. the fog made its way all the way inside the bay and some of the valleys, too. the temperatures, well, not all that bad. 50s and 40s already in many spots. by the afternoon, what a day it's going to be. big dome of high pressure building in overhead. the jet stream keeping any chance of rain well to the north of the bay area.
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so temperatures will soar. average temperatures usually in the 60s at this time of year. we are going well beyond that as much as 11 degrees above the average of 76 in livermore, about 74 degrees in concord, 73 in san jose. a good 7 degrees above average and about 69 degrees in san francisco. could get even warmer tomorrow. we'll talk more about that in a moment. right now let's check the roads with elizabeth. >> we have updates on a couple of different things we're watching. first at the golden gate bridge, this morning foggy so heads up. visibility may be a touch of an issue this morning if you are heading from marin county into san francisco. elsewhere, so a couple of problem spots westbound 24 at telegraph in oakland, four-car crash minor fender-bender quickly cleared to the right- hand shoulder. so not seeing any delays from the caldecott tunnel to the macarthur maze. fire northbound 238 near the 880 interchange from san leandro sounds like it's a smaller trash fire. it was visible from the freeway but it's on hesperian boulevard just off the freeway on city
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streets. elsewhere, out in st. helena, highway 29 at whitehall lane, this was an accident that happened overnight around 4:00 this morning. there may be lanes blocked. we are hearing about serious injuries reported on highway 29. thank you. police in pleasanton are investigating claims that a teacher at a preschool tied up a 2-year-old. kpix 5 reporter elissa harrington explains that the teacher allegedly took a picture of the incident and showed it to her coworkers. >> reporter: and one of the coworkers the mother of that child who then contacted police. so the preschool has been cited. the police department is investigating. and this is for a former teacher allegedly tying up a student with masking tape for refusing to take a nap. at center point christian school in pleasanton, the child involved was a 2-year-old girl.
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police say the teacher who left the school earlier this year, took a picture and showed it to two other teachers earlier this month. the child's mother contacted police. a complaint was filed with the department of social services saying the child had her wrists and ankles bound with masking tape and was sitting on a cot. a statement says we're pulled and shocked that such an incident if proven to be true took place. every human person made in the image of god, all of the children in our care deserve the highest degree of respect and protection from any action that dehumanizes them." a letter was sent to families alerting them of the investigation. there is a marsh meeting tonight at the church and preschool classes will be suspended for five days starting friday so staff can have training. the group has been operating a preschool in pleasanton for more than 30 years and they have been at this location
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since 2008. in pleasanton, elissa harrington, kpix 5. >> you mentioned that meeting tonight but have you heard from any parents so far any other parents in this case? i'm sure they are disturbed by what happened. >> yeah. i bet they are. so far, no parents but i'm sure as they start arriving this morning to come to school we'll probably have a chance to talk to a few. >> all right. elissa harrington live in pleasanton, thank you. 5:10. a controversy at a peninsula high school over a sex column in student newspaper there. crowd packed the school board meeting in mountain view last night. the board is trying to decide whether a sex and relationship column in the mountain view high oracle violates board policies. parents say it's too explicit, but the author disagrees. >> i wrote this article to promote communication on sex in an educated manner not to cause trouble. >> if those articles were written in a company newsletter, that employee would have been terminated.
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>> the advisor for the newspaper says she supports her students but says they could have been more careful. a bay area man who spent 14 years behind bars for a crime he didn't commit is free this morning. johnny williams was convicted of trying to rape a 9-year-old girl. at one point he was the girl's neighbor and she wrongly identified him as the man who attacked her. williams was pulled in january after new dna -- was paroled in january after new dna evidence proved his innocence. coming up, hollywood stars hacked. the intimate details and financial secrets revealed online. >> and a terrifying fall all caught on camera. how this mountaineer survived with just a broken ankle. coming up.
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mark roberts was climbing a mountain in wales last month when a a british mountain climber survives a frightening call and it's caught on helmet cam. he was climbing in wales when ice knocked him off his footing. he fell 100 feet in 30 seconds. he survived the fall with just a broken ankle and some bruises but look at what he is going
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through here. >> i know. there's like rock on both sides. it looks like he is in a little valley there that saved his life in the snow. but one false move -- >> no kidding. look at the rocks there. pretty amazing. >> he has it all on camera like everything else in the world. how about some traffic, liz? >> what have we got cooking? let's go towards the san mateo bridge. everything is moving so far just fine. but there's a lot of fog a lot of haze in several traffic cameras this morning. so be extra careful if you are hitting the roads this morning. this is a live look at the san mateo bridge. some folks i work with here said it was dense fog along the coast as well on highway 1 so you may want to take it slow on highway 1. here's a live look at more traffic cameras. this is 880 near 66th and oakland. everything is fine all the way towards the macarthur maze no delay and no overnight roadwork on northbound 880 between 66 and high street. let's go to our maps and take a check of the south bay.
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that connector ramp just reopened in northbound 280 to northbound 880. there was also some overnight roadwork in lanes coming up northbound 880 right there near that stevens creek exit all that gone, as well. so now we're past 5:00 in fact a lot of the overnight roadwork being picked up except for this. this morning southbound 680 at mission boulevard wraps up around 6:00 this morning between mission boulevard north and mission boulevard south. this is a serious injury accident. we are still trying to confirm exactly how serious the injuries are but it's in saint helena. highway 29 at whitehall lane. various lanes blocked in the area so expect some delays. that is a check of your "timesaver traffic." for the latest on our gorgeous forecast, here's lawrence. >> yeah. other than fog this morning, elizabeth, we're looking good today but the fog thick in spots. it's inside the bay and the valleys, too. temperatures staying fairly mild for this i am too of the morning 40s and low 50s.
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this afternoon, gorgeous sunshine, one of those beautiful days into the mid-70s in the warmest spots inland, 60s and 70s even inside the bay and 60s at the coastline, a little cooler there. but a dominant ridge of high pressure will continue to strengthen over the next couple of days. the jet stream north of the bay area so we'll stay dry. these temperatures well above the average. computer models picking up on patchy fog this morning starts to break up but dancing along the coastline on and off for the better part of the day. so it will be cool at the beaches, but you get inside the bay and also some of the valleys, what a day it's going to be. impressive temperatures here and around the state. about 78 degrees in fresno, 77 in sacramento. 72 in the high country in yosemite and 62 in lake tahoe. around the bay temperatures soaring to 75 in morgan hill, 76 campbell, 72 redwood city, 71 fremont. east bay numbers up well into the 70s by the afternoon, mid-
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70s into livermore, about 75 in the napa valley and 75 pittsburgh. inside the bay sunny, 71 in oakland, 69 in san francisco, and about 74 in santa rosa. next couple of days even warmer tomorrow. temperatures near 80 degrees by tomorrow afternoon in some of the warmer spots then cooling down on thursday and friday. more cooling but no rain in sight towards the beginning of next week. i couldn't sneak an 80 in there. i tried. thank you. 5:18. the head of the transportation security administration is sticking to his plan to allow small knives back on airplanes. john pistole is expected to defend his decision on thursday at a hearing of the house homeland security committee. pilots, flight attendants and some members of congress have all criticized his plan to revise the policy on small knives. president obama will spend a lot of time this week on
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capitol hill starting today when he meets with senate democrats. he will get together with congressional republicans tomorrow and thursday all part of an effort to find a solution to the budget crisis. the president hopes to find a deal that cuts $4 trillion from the deficit over the next decade. the obama administration has not yet responded to an offer from billionaire donald trump, who says he will foot the bill to keep white house tours running for the rest of the fiscal year. the white house canceled tours through september because of forced spending cuts that took effect march 1. it's expected to save the secret service $74,000 a week secret files website exposes what appears to be personal information about some of america's biggest celebrities. the site shows some unflattering photos of people like hillary clinton and attorney general eric holder, also kardashian, rapper jay-z and l.a. police chief charles beck and includes their addresses, social security numbers and
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some instances their bank balance and some other sensitive information. >> wait until you log into your bank and watch what you're doing and that will give them the log-in and password even the name of your bank and once they have that information, they can log in themselves. >> that's not good. the site did not explain how it got the information or why. your facebook likes might be more revealing than you intended. that's according to a new study by the university of cambridge. researchers looked at some 58,000 profiles and they found it's possible to predict various trades just by analyzing your facebook like including a person's sexual orientation, political leanings, intelligence, emotional stability. >> big brother is watching. google, too. if you search certain things think find out what you like, that kind of thing. >> be careful. 5:20 now. coming up, 49ers and seahawks go to war off the field.
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>> how steph curry would follow up his 54-point garden performance with the knicks in oakland. >> what's cool about your school? submit your nomination on our website, we may come out and feature your school on the show. we'll be right back.
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hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ ♪ well, would you look at
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the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. [ female announcer ] try new honey nut cheerios medley crunch, with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean,
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welcome back. here's a live look at several traffic cameras. if you are about to hit the road, head to work, so far no major incidents out there now. we have quieted down. a couple of earlier fender- benders are cleared. things are clear across the bridges. much more traffic and weather together every 10 minutes. >> we are starting out with some patchy fog a little thick in spots around the bay area. but these temperatures running up into the 70s this afternoon getting even warmer tomorrow. we'll talk about that coming up. the san francisco 49ers have reportedly obtained baltimore ravens wide receiver anquan boldin in a trade. reports indicate boldin was traded to the 49ers for a sixth round draft pick. in the super bowl boldin caught passes for 104 yards in the 34- 31 win over the 49ers. but now he is going to be wearing some red and gold. >> he killed the 9ers in the super bowl. >> colin kaepernick is doing
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this right now. hooray! >> no kidding. >> someone to throw to. the golden state warriors had revenge on their minds for last night's rematch against the new york knicks. the knicks beat the warriors last month despite 54 points from steph curry. he was hot this time around. he drained his first three threes and finished the game and golden state crushes the knicks in a big win, 92-63. college hoops now. saint mary's made it to the western coast conference championship game against the number one team in the country gonzaga. the point guard turned his knee and then the zags put on a big show with the big man running the floor getting the jam. gonzagagonzaga beat saint mary's and will be a top seed
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in the ncaa. today's play of the game from the practice session from the denver nuggets with a full court shot off the opposite backboard. check it out, boom! >> what? >> how cool is that! doesn't count for anything except the play of the day. >> he checks it off a backboard it goes all the way back and goes back in on the other side. >> no way! >> that is amazing. [ laughter ] >> that is cool. >> play of the day. all right. 5:26 right now. taking the fizz out of new york's soda ban the setback for a controversial new law. >> and the cardinals are hours away from the first vote on a new pope. pageantry and prayer leading up to the conclave. >> and police are investigating a pleasanton school after a former teacher revealed a picture she took of one of the children. i'll tell you what that picture showed.
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we'll have a pope on friday if not before. that's my best guess. >> voting for the new pope begins. >> now it's up to the college of cardinals to deliver the new leader of the catholic church. >> the doors will close, everybody out, and they will do the first voting. >> truly, this time anything could happen. >> president obama continues to charm the republicans to reach a budget compromise. >> they exchanged very different candid frank views from one another that were very different but at least we had this conversation. >> it turns out the driver was running away from a previous accident that he had caused. >> free speech or hate speech? city leaders speak out against anti-islam ads. >> san francisco won't tolerate
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bigotry. >> the big apple soda ban fizzes out. >> the demands took us by surprise. >> the sweatshirt so popular the bay area company can't keep it in stock. the sky's the limit. >> from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning. captions by: caption colorado >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. good morning, everyone. it's tuesday, march 12. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. it is 5:31 on this tuesday. the conclave of cardinals is getting unway now and it's anyone's -- is getting unway now and it's anyone's guess how long will that take to choose a new pope. a live look at vatican city. cardinals are sequestered to begin the process of replacing pope benedict xvi. this morning, the cardinals at the vatican celebrated a final mass before they were sequestered in the sistine chapel. cardinal angelo sodano the dean of the college of cardinals delivered today's sermon calling for unity in the church. it involves a series of votes that ends only when at least two-thirds of the cardinals
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agree on a single candidate. the event of course attracting catholics from all around the world. >> i don't know if we can time it just perfectly, but we would like to be here when the white smoke comes up. >> that smoke he is referring to is the traditional signal after each vote. black smoke indicates no decision has been made. white smoke is the sign that a new pope has been selected. the first puffs of smoke are expected to emerge today at noon here in the bay area. and some of the rumored front- runners include owe dill la scherer of brazil and angelo scola of italy and two americans may have a shot, sean o'malley and timothy dolan. bay area catholics are invited to a special mass for the election this morning. kpix 5 reporter cate caugiran is in san francisco with the latest. lots of people expected there. >> reporter: if it'sing in like last time when we were here -- if it's anything like last time
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when we were here, we're hearing san francisco's archbishop will be saying mass. we were here last time to celebrate the end of benedict's leadership. today's focus is on new beginnings as a conclave kicks off. bay area catholics told kpix 5 they already have an idea of what they are looking for in a new pope. >> the majority of the catholics in the world are his >> -- his spangs and latinos. i definitely think this time we should be given the opportunity for an american cardinal. >> reporter: most catholics surveyed say the church is out of touch with its members and are now looking for a leader who can modernize the church. 54% say they want a pope with more liberal teachings. 19% want to keep in line with benedict's traditional catholic values and 18% want the new pope to be conservative.
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and as frank mentioned, if you are interested in assisting at today's mass, it will begin at 8 a.m. at saint mary's. reporting live in san francisco, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> thank you. kpix 5 has continuing coverage of the change at the vatican including a san francisco cardinal's reaction and a gallery of pope benedict's service at heavy snowfall shut down europe's third busiest airport this morning. frankfurt airport has gotten 5" of snow. the airport has canceled more than 100 flights and reported many delays so if you are heading to europe this morning, food for thought, frankfurt is closed. >> no snow or rain here. just sunshine. gorgeous sunshine and that's going to stick around. going to get warmer the next couple of days. numbers soaring to 80 tomorrow. today close enough. beautiful weather outside although we are starting out with some patchy fog and that's thick in spots in santa rosa also the napa valley seeing
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visibility drop to a quarter mile. the temperatures not bad. 40s and low 50s to begin with. by the afternoon a huge dome of high pressure overhead will bring temperatures to mid-70s into morgan hill. about 73 and sunny and bright in san jose. east bay temperatures soaring well into the 70s by this afternoon. 69 san francisco. 71 oakland. warmer weather is on the way. we'll talk more about that in a moment. let's check the roads with elizabeth. 101 near the trimble exit and northbound and southbound is all moving at the limit. let's go to our maps and show you the maps at the coast. we can see it across the golden gate bridge traffic heading into san francisco. visibility is going to be an issue as well as on highway 1. elsewhere westbound highway 4 starting to get sluggish through antioch coming off the antinoro. past the exits then it looks
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good to the pittsburg-bay point area. today they are shooting an hbo pilot in downtown palo alto so expect intermittent rolling closures on university avenue between waively street and webster street later on this evening between four and 8:00. could have a minor traffic impact. that is your "timesaver traffic" camera. back to you guys. >> thank you. 5:36 now. allegations in pleasanton that a teacher at a preschool tied up a toddler. kpix 5 reporter elissa harrington explains that the former teacher allegedly took a picture of the incident and shared it. >> reporter: she shared it with some other teachers at the preschool one of them the child's mother who contacted police. at this point that former teacher allegedly used masking tape to wrap up the preschooler's wrist and ankles and this was a form of punishment because the child did not want to take a nap. we are here at the center point christian school in pleasanton. the incident could have happened months ago. we don't know a timeline now but the teacher involved stopped working at the school
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earlier this year. we're just learning about this now because of that photograph. the former teacher showed a picture she snapped of the taped-up student on her phone to two other teachers, one of them the child's mother. the picked allegedly showed the 2-year-old girl bound with masking tape her wrists and ankles wrapped sitting on a could the. the mother of the child contacted the police and a complaint was filed with the department of social services. the pastor of the church released a statement. it says, "we're pulled and shocked that such an incident, if proven to be true, took place. every human person made in the image of god, all of the children in our care deserve the highest degree of respect and protection from any actions that dehumanizes them." the 2-year-old is the only reported case and at this point, the former teacher's name has not been released. the church has been operating a preschool in pleasanton for more than 30 years and they have been at this location
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since 2008. in pleasanton, elissa harrington, kpix 5. >> how is the school reaching out to the parents after this? >> reporter: the school sent home letters to families alerting them of the investigation and giving them all the information that they knew about what allegedly happened. there's also going to be a parents-only meeting tonight at the church where they can ask questions and starting friday preschool classes will be suspended for five days while staff receives training. >> i would imagine lots of questions asked tonight. elissa harrington live for us in pleasanton, thanks. a sunnyvale man will be in court today to face murder charges after a deadly crash in daly city. a woman and her two sons were killed saturday night when a bmw slammed into their car as they were pulling out of a driveway on eastmoor avenue. >> it sounded like a huge crash. it didn't sound like a normal, you know, regular normal hit when i looked out the window and saw two cars right in the
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middle. it looked -- it just looked really bad. >> investigators say 28-year- old dennis pereria was speeding away from another accident when he hit the car. the search expands for an oakland woman who went for a jog five days ago and didn't come back. erica maskaleris disappeared after not going on a flight. a friend said she recently lost her husband to cancer but seemed to be doing okay. there's now a $1,000 reward to find her. a bay area representative is calling for congress to investigate a military decision concerning the man who killed those two santa cruz police officers last month. jeremy goulet was given a less than honorable discharge from the army after he was accused of two rapes when he was
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serving in hawaii back in 2006. san mateo democrat jackie speier wants to know why goulet was allowed to go free. santa clara county prosecutors are widening their investigation into former supervisor george shirakawa, jr. the "mercury news" says prosecutors are looking into another possibility of forged signature this time in connection with a race for san jose city council. he is expected to plead guilty next week to several felony counts including misuse of public funds and campaign donations. today the city council in san jose will discuss what steps to take on the issue of the homeless after the clearing out of a large tent city near the guadalupe river last week. proposals include building more affordable housing while also cracking down on outdoor encampments. five u.s. troops have been killed in a helicopter crash in southern afghanistan. initial reports show no enemy activity in the area at the time. a source tells cbs news weather
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may have been a factor. yesterday was the deadliest day for american troops in afghanistan this year. two u.s. special operations forces were gunned down in a possible insider attack. coming up, a driver leaves a giant hole in a dunkin' donuts store. the close call for customers inside. >> a bay area clothing company too successful to keep up. the secret behind the best hoodie ever made. well, well, well. growing up we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording
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his dumb show then, by george that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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you know what sounds good right now? a massage from your sister? what? what? food... alright, let's go to my place and grab some late night munchie meals. for six bucks we can get a bunch of stuff. halfsie fries, 2 tacos, a drink you can drink, and one of 4 awesome new entrées, like the stacked grilled cheese burger. let's do it. let's do it! weeeee! but, i can't fly! not with that attitude!
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closed captioning brought to you by sleep train, wishing you a happy st. patrick's day. all boarded up today after a car smashed through the front window. all caught on surveillance tape... you can see customers running for their lives... and tables and a p.a. dunkin' donuts boarded up after a car crashed into the front window. you can see customers inside running for cover for their lives. tables and chairs flying through the air there. police say an elderly driver panic, hit the gas. she is not being charged. no one was seriously injured. but they won't be serving coffee there for a couple of weeks, not for a while. millions of americans use flex he believe spending accounts -- flexible spending accounts to save money on healthcare. but they have to spend it by the end of the week or lose it. here to help you cash in is jill schlesinger, editor at large for jill, remind our viewers, what exactly is a flexible spending account? >> reporter: these are the
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accounts that allow you to use pre-tax dollars to pay for unreimbursed eligible health expenses. so here's how it works. each year, you set aside some specific dollar amount of your pay to cover things like copays and other costs that are not covered by your health insurance. if you pay, say, 30% in total taxes, think about it this way, for every $1,000 you put in an fsa, you save $300. but here's the big but, fsas are use it or lose it plans so you have to use the money up before the plan year ends usually the end of this week, maybe for some plans the end of this month. >> okay. so how can you spend all of that money as the hours tick down? >> reporter: this has gotten harder since healthcare reform because the rules around fsas change. you can't just go and spend the rest of your money on over-the- counter drugs. you actually need a doctor's prescription to qualify for that. but here's some other ways that you can spend the money that are pretty easy.
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how about buying a little extra sunscreen with spf higher than 30? come on, the doctors say that's what you need anyway. you can buy bandages, contact lens solution, reading glasses, of course, check with your plan. some plans are more generous than others. here's another idea. let's say you take medication regularly or maybe for allergies. just ask your doctor to write a prescription for a year's supply. that way you can use that leftover money in the fsa. you can also try to use your money for alternative treatments that may not be covered by health plans. how about booking an acupuncture or chiropractic appointment. that might be helpful, a little relaxation generally. for a more comprehensive list of ways to spend fsa dollars, go to don't leave that money on the table. >> so the trip to rio wouldn't work, huh? >> nah. >> all right. [ laughter ] >> jill schlesinger, editor at large for, thank you. it is 5:46.
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lawrence is here to tell us about 80-degree temperatures. >> i think we'll get close by tomorrow. today these temperatures soaring up well into the 70s in many spots. we're starting out gray this morning with plenty of low clouds and fog that pushed onshore even in some of the valleys. visibilities down to a quarter mile in napa and santa rosa. this afternoon, these temperatures soaring well into the 70s inland. you will see 60s and sites inside the bay and even 60s at the coastline. a little mixture of fog and clouds out toward the coast. but a huge dome of high pressure keeping any chance of rain again well to the north of the bay area. so staying dry now and looks like for the foreseeable future. today some morning clouds early on at sfo no delays expected there. as you head across the country very nice sunny 75 in houston, denver 48 degrees. partly cloudy and snow showers back in chicago again. a little rain in new york at 59 degrees. around the bay today, we are soaking up the sunshine and temperatures moving well into the 70s in morgan hill.
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73 in san jose. 71 in fremont. and 71 degrees in hayward. numbers soaring into the mid- 70s into pleasanton and livermore today about 75 in napped. and inside the bay those temperatures up in the 70s and the low 70s. looking good the next calm days. the peak of the heat tomorrow close to 80 degrees. thursday and friday we start to cool down a little but staying nice right in through the weekend. >> you're going to find company traveling on westbound 580 coming out of the altamont pass. we're getting closer to 6:00 now. so if you are heading towards the dublin interchange, this is what it looks like on westbound 580 and yeah, we have some delays this morning from the altamont pass to the dublin interchange, the dublin- pleasanton area. we'll show you a drive time coming up. in the meantime, here's a drive time 880 in oakland. here's some of the fog and haze that lawrence mentioned. northbound and southbound still moving at the limit but fog in a lot of our traffic cameras this morning. to our maps, and westbound 580, 21 miles per hour through the altamont pass right now out of
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tracy. there was an earlier accident approaching north flynn, so just a heads up. that accident is now cleared to the right-hand shoulder. but we have delays all the way through livermore and then our speed sensors improve towards the dublin interchange. 65 miles per hour right now if you are heading down the eastshore freeway heading through berkeley. 18 minutes is that drive time on westbound 80 from the carquinez bridge to the maze. we had a lot of overnight roadwork in lanes in the south bay, but right now these are all live time sensors so these are at the limit through san jose. all that overnight roadwork has been picked up. bart so far 40 trains -- more than 40 trains all on time. that is a check of your traffic and weather together every 10 minutes. back to you guys. >> thank you. a ban on big sugary soft drinks has been blocked in new york city. the law has too many loopholes according to the ruling. it came a day before the ordinance was supposed to go into effect.
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the decision is a defeat for the mayor, mayor bloomberg, who has long emphasized public health. he does plan to appeal. a san francisco company is so popular, it's having trouble keeping up with business. american giant is a one-year- old clothing company built around a hooded sweatshirt. once the public and online media outlets tried the sweatshirt out, it became a hit overnight. >> the demand sort of took us b surprise and we're addressing that. we are focusing on existing customers and customers who are willing to wait for three months. >> the wait for online orders is now about three months. and the shirts are built from american cotton and sewn right in san francisco and it costs $79. american giant has surprised the business community with growth 300% above expectations last year and 500% this year. very popular. >> you often forget the price
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but never the quality. sounds like a good product. if you want a new blackberry the wait is almost over. at&t will start taking orders for the newly redesigned z10 today. the touchscreen smartphone will be officially released on march 22. it's going to cost about $200 with the two-year contract. say good-bye to the buttons, hello touchscreen. on thursday samsung will unveil its galaxy 4s smartphone. brian cooley will have a preview of the features coming up a 6:45. time now 5:51. new discoveries from the red planet. what the curiosity rover could reveal today about life on mars. >> and the school didn't have her favorite sport but that wasn't a problem. how a bay area teen built a girls lacrosse team from the ground up. n hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you -- now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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enough about the book, i want to hear about your date. well, he showed up in a van. [ women ] oh-awww. [ voices in background ] [ female announcer ] swapportunity. the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a delicious 90 calorie yoplait light. ♪ ♪ sorry... about your date, the details of your date. [ female announcer ] just one swap a day helps keep the calories away. yoplait. it is so good. (woman) 3 days of walking to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime--
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starting out with patchy fog in the bay area, plenty of sunshine coming our way. we'll talk about some impressive temperatures coming up. >> getting excited. and here's a live look at some of our traffic cameras and some of that fog that lawrence mentioned. so watch out crossing the golden gate, bay bridge or san mateo bridge. more "timesaver traffic" coming up. nasa plans to unveil what scientists found inside a martian rock that the rover curiosity drilled into a month ago. experts will detail the minerals and chemicals discovered in a pinch of ground-up rock. nasa ames will hold a live viewing of today's news conference set to begin at 10 a.m. authorities in nevada are still looking for the thieves who stole two super bowl rings from former 49ers kicker mike kofer. they took the rings from his las vegas area home on thursday plus a coin collection and xbox game console and videogames out
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of the house. the player was at his son's high school baseball game during the break-in played 8 seasons with the 9ers winning in 1989 and 1990. the super bowl a lot of times those rings show up at a pawn shop. but they are hot now. >> hopefully they do. today mountain view high school girls lacrosse team is playing their first game. that's thanks to the new kid in town. they didn't have one until maggie moore moved from texas. it took a year but she got the principal's permission, helped raise thousands of dollars for equipment and even helped hire a coach. >> will you have a winning season? >> i think the fact that we even have a team we've already won. >> there two dozen girls on the team. they were showing talent during practice. they will need it, too, because it's a very tough league. so good luck to them. but just the fact that they have a team.
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>> they're playing, that's all that matters. >> good for her. 5:55. next half hour coming up, a hack attack targeting some of america's biggest celebrities. the secret files all exposed. >> the vatican vote is hours away. the final discussion before the catholic cardinals choose a new pope. >> and a pleasanton preschool under investigation for the way a child was punished. more on the pictures snapped by the teacher involved. it's happening now. people are switching
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lots of sunshine coming our way. we'll talk about that coming up. >> delays on 680 through fremont. we'll explain coming up. good morning. it's tuesday, march 12. good to have you with us. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm michelle griego. time now is 6:00. this is day one of the conclave of cardinals in vatican city. >> of course, it's the start of the traditional process to select a new leader for the roman catholic church. this is a live look at vatican city now where the cardinals are gathering to begin the process of replacing the retired pope benedict xvi. thousands of people are here right now including many members of the media to be witness to history. this is the first time in 600 years that a pope ha abdicated so this will be the first pope today sometime around noontime our time i guess and if they don't elect the pope they will do it again. >> cbs news vinita nair is in
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vatican city with more. >> reporter: good morning from vatican city where earlier today the cardinals attended a mass inside st. peter's basilica. during that mass, they heard a message about unity and that is exactly what the dean of this college of cardinals is hoping for as all these cardinals are sequestered in the sistine chapel where the voting will begin. reporter: cardinals from around the world said mass in st. peter's basilica to pray for the election of a new pope. later today, 115 cardinals under the age of 80 will enter the famous sistine chapel to choose the 266th leader of the catholic church. >> when they process, they chant the litany of the saints and we get all the pomp and circumstance that the catholic church is so good at, then the doors are closed and the first vote. >> reporter: ballots will be burned in a stove after each secret vote. tourists are already anticipating the smoke from a chimney on the roof of the chapel.


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