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tv   KPIX 5 News at 6pm  CBS  May 1, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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march is a march for immigration rights and they are calling that -- they are calling an end to the deportation. now, about 500 up to even 1,000 people were marching at one point down international boulevard and also on foothill boulevard. they left the fruitvale bart plaza here around 3:30 this afternoon and they are still marching on foothill boulevard. so far, police are saying that things have been very calm. very peaceful. no major issues to report. the problem is because they are marching on the street, they are causing quite a bit of traffic issues. buses being diverted, a lot of cars not being able to move around. and so there's a lot of upset drivers. that's been the main issue thus far. but for the most part, in terms of any problems or issues created within the march, very peaceful. things have been going pretty well at this point. [ drumming ] >> reporter: let's come back
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live. you can see a small group of folks right here still doing their dancing, still celebrating may day. live in east oakland, i'll send it back to you. >> all right. da lin reporting live from oakland. he says there's a traffic problem more than anything else now but we'll keep an eye from chopper 5. meanwhile, in san jose, protestors marched in solidarity pushing for changes to deportation laws. immigration was a big topic today. people chanted. this group started at our lady of guadalupe catholic church and headed to city hall. within the last half hour a march in san francisco has gotten under way. we'll bring you video of that as soon as it comes into the newsroom. the nba took the first step an hour ago in forcing donald sterling to sell the l.a. clippers. it comes as the clippers and and warriors are about to play game 6 of the play-off series. christin ayers is at oracle arena where the game has once again taken a back seat to the
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scandal. christin. >> reporter: that's right. game six 90 minutes away, fans are here with signs. the warriors will be playing with their backs against the wall tonight. the back adrop is chaos with the lifetime ban of donald sterling after making racist comments. he showed his face in public for the first time in beverly hills. >> the majority of the owners wants you to sell the franchise, will you sell? have you apologized to the players and the staff? >> reporter: he had no comment for tmz. that vote could come quickly. the nba's advisory and finance committee meeting today released a statement saying they have agreed unanimously to push forward with the process to terminate the ownership of
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the clippers. tonight the warriors have home-court advantage and are going to be working for it for sure tonight. that game starts at 7:30. back to you. >> thank you. the results are dismal after today's final snow survey of the season. the state water department says water content in the sierra nevada snowpack is only 18% of average. most reservoirs that supply drinking water are only half full. the puny snowpack means little improvement for those lakes as the snow melts down. people in santa cruz are the first in northern california living with mandatory water rationing. single-family homes are being restricted to go to 249 gallons a day. customers who use more than that will be fined $25 for the first 10% over. $50 for each 10% after that. you may be wondering how can
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santa cruz be facing mandatory restrictions when other parts of our area are not even hearing about the drought? well, allen martin is going to take us on a little tour to see where things stand. allen. >> reporter: we know, ken, back in january, it looked like everybody in the bay area was in for a long dry summer. the state of your water supply depends on where you call home. >> that will save some water. >> reporter: if you live in santa cruz, it's no longer a polite request. the new mandatory restrictions are a perfect example of how one water supply is not like the others. here, water is 100% local right out of flowing creeks. that means santa cruz can't dip into storage or call up reinforcements. >> really the first time that we have had the opportunity to bring in water from the sacramento river. >> reporter: which is exactly what east bay m.u.d. did yesterday buying an additional 5 billion gallons worth from the sacramento river. that purchase means the district is in good shape for the summer much like the contra costa water district which has
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a contract to draw water from the sacrament-san joaquin delta. but buying in bulk isn't an option for everyone. take marin county which was in dire straits until march storms pushed reservoirs back to 90% capacity. head north on 101, and the story changes quickly. >> we have recently passed the stage 2 ordinance requesting the citizens to cut back 25%. >> reporter: in northern sonoma and mendocino counties, the equation gets more problematic. here lakes must feed people, rivers and fish. and the state government can decide when to turn off the taps if rivers start to run dry. that hasn't happened since the drought of 1977, but state water officials are expected to do it again any day now. >> there will be cutbacks and junior users will be seeing cutbacks and maybe even some higher on the seniority ladder. >> reporter: a unique piece of the puzzle is the south bay where the santa clara water district doesn't have the
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authority to issue districtwide restrictions. that is up to the individual providers. so morgan hill, mandatory restrictions. most other south bay communities, not yet. but that could change. >> santa cruz -- >> reporter: so where does it go? a few fixtures are the biggest guzzlers. an older toilet can use up to 5 gallons of flush. a single load of laundry, 25 to 36 gallons. and a 10-minute shower appear additional 25 gallons. starting today in santa cruz, a family of four is allotted 249 gallons a day. if you go 10% over that, that's 25 gallons. you're fined 25 bucks. for every 10% more over that, it's $50. if you have two teenagers at home taking an extra 10-minute shower each with a low flow shower ahead it will cost you 75 bucks and it adds up fast. >> the and that's the point. it's punitive. >> reporter: it is. this is all short-term stuff. what we need is a long-term solution and that's more storage statewide. >> all right.
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allen, thank you for that. we're about to cool down from this spring heat wave. tonight paul deanno in the mobile weather lab in pacifica. paul, it is gorgeous out there. >> reporter: it's gorgeous because the heat of yesterday, the temperatures in the tupper 80s at the beach, they're gone. we are getting just the lightest onshore flow. the beginning of the end of our heat wave, but trust me, it is still plenty warm outside if you have not been outside yet. couple of records were set today. oakland you hit 89 degrees. san rafael record high 91 degrees. mountain view 89. look at san jose, you hit the low 90s today. napa 91. pacifica earlier today did hit 84. san francisco degrees cooler 84 degrees 6 degrees cooler. livermore hot at 95. right now we are cooling off but still warm. pleasanton 89. fairfield 90. concord 86. san jose 83. we are live in pacifica where the beach is hopping. the heat is gone, onshore flow
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just beginning. the heat wave will soon be ending. we'll talk about how chilly we're going to get coming up in about 10 minutes. back to you. >> thank you. for the first time state corrections officials are admitting they are starting to release some prisoners early to reduce overcrowding. prison officials insist there's no danger to public safety. but some police told reporter dave bryan they have their doubts. under orders from a federal court to reduce overcrowding in state prisons, corrections officials now say some nonviolent second strike offenders are being released early if they earn more time off for good behavior. >> for many it means the release date is changed by a matter of days. >> reporter: state officials aren't calling it early release. they say the release dates for some prisoners have been we calculated. shortened because they're being given more credit for good behavior. in other words they are getting more time cut off their sentences. >> we could be talking about hundreds over the course of the next couple of years.
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>> reporter: the changes started a couple of weeks ago. the released inmates are supervised by parole agents or probation officers. >> we're concerned about any early release program. >> reporter: gardena police chief edward medrano past president of the l.a. county police chiefs association says there is plenty of concern that the state is pushing more and more of the burden on local counties and not properly reimbursing them. his primary concern he says is the impact this early release might have on public safety. >> i think that people really need to be concerned about early releases and the fact that it does have a trickle- down effect in terms of the entire process. people are spending a fraction of their time in jail. >> reporter: dave bryan, kpix 5. >> police worry in the future the program may start cutting bigger chunks of an inmate's sentence and that more dangerous offenders might be released earlier, too. tesla motors has been fined by state safety officials. the company has been ordered to pay $89,000 for violations related to an incident that
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burned three workers last november. the three were using a low pressure aluminum casting press that malfunctioned. cal/osha says tesla failed to ensure the equipment in the fremont plant was in a safe operating condition. workers were also not wearing protective gear. today a superior court judge ordered a temporary stop to the controversial cost- cutting effort known as measure b in san jose. police, firefighters and other union members had rallied against the part of the measure that reduces their pay. they appealed calling the voter- approved measure destructive and divisive. san jose mayor chuck reed says measure b has already saved the city over $20 million this year. >> cost savings are really important to restoring services. our retirement costs continue to go up. they are going to go up by many millions of dollars this year. and getting control over those skyrocketing costs is a key to putting our city on a good fiscal foundation. we managed to reduce them somewhat with the savings that
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voters approved. there's more we need to do but we will wait until we finish with the litigation before we can move ahead. >> today's action extends the union's current agreement with the city until next july. there are two giant dogs eating my dogs. >> loose dogs so dangerous, an entire school is put on lockdown. the drastic tactic to subdue the threat. >> plus, how an unusual vessel sailing on the bay is harnessing the power of nature. >> it's going to feel very vibrant, very alive. it's not going to feel like a big open void. >> in a city with a reputation for crime, how a struggling real estate jewel is being transformed.
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what's this? it's u-verse live tv. with at&t u-verse... you can watch live tv from your device. hey. hey. anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. hey. so you won't miss a minute of the game. call now to get a u-verse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. guaranteed. on brand name mattress sets. get three years interest-free financing plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest free for 3 event, ends sunday. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ the streets of brentwood. a couple of dangerous dogs e on nunn street, terrifying moments today on the streets of brentwood. a couple of dangerous dogs got loose on nunn street biting
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people and their pets. ryan takeo spoke to one of the victims about the confrontation he had with the animals. >> reporter: there were two separate dog attacks victims. both were walking their own dogs here in this brentwood neighborhood. we're going to show you a picture right now from one of the victims. he took this at the hospital. he said a black lab and a pit bull both bit him. but within the last hour, we talked to the family of the dog owners. they say the dog's not a pit bull, that it's part mastiff and other breeds. but they had a confrontation just minutes ago with the other victim's husband. take a listen. >> you don't know the dogs! >> no, i don't. >> you know? and who's to say somebody didn't abuse them when they got out of this yard! >> that's beside the point! my wife was just coming out the front door to walk the dog and they attacked her and the dog! what's that got to do -- >> you know what -- >> reporter: earlier this afternoon, we talked to the other dog attack victim.
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he was just out on a walk. listen to how he describes it. >> i was just walking my dogs and these two giant dinosaur sized dogs decided to make mine a snack. >> reporter: they almost made you a snack. >> yeah, you could stay that. >> reporter: when police cornered the dog that police describe as a pit bull, they had to use a taser they say because the dog charged them. live in brentwood, i'm ryan takeo, kpix 5. >> scary moments there. all right, ryan, thank you. a lawsuit is looking to put an end to the tech shuttle buses in san francisco. those buses have sparked some protests in recent months. the lawsuit by the seiu and some community groups says the use of muni bus stops is illegal. it adds the shuttles are having devastating impacts on city neighborhoods. introducing the ferry of the future, you may have noticed this unusual looking boat in the bay. basically a catamaran that
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operates like a hybrid car. it's equipped with a bright green 40-foot sail. it's a rigid wing sail that uses wind assistance along with the engine to propel it. the goal to cut down on fuel use and air pollution. >> we're taking a very early, you know, old concept and adding some new technology and again it's, you know, we'll have to see what they have done with it. >> one study found the advanced technology could cut fuel costs on retrofitted ferries by 30 to 40% an allly. expect to see more fresh salamon in the local markets and dinner plates. it's expected to come from point reyes and monterey bay. coastal communities will get a big boost from the hauls of california king salmon. out to the coast now
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meteorologist paul deanno reports. love pacifica. it's gorgeous. >> reporter: i tell you what thing that's going on with pacifica is that we have no wind and that means the flies are out. we are swatting away flies all over the place here because the breeze isn't here to blow 'em out. but taking that out of it it is a fantastic evening in pacifica. we're not in the upper 80s like we were yesterday. instead a very comfortable sunny low 70s. this is the place where the onshore flow will begin to move in first. of course we are sitting next to a cold ocean and we're beginning to tap into that cold ocean influenc right now and more so over the nex 4 hours. kentfield 90 today. richmond record 89. san francisco beautiful not as warm as yesterday but still plenty warm 84 degrees. seeded cinco de mayo festival
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60s sunny decide. block party after the weekend low 60s sunny skies in the afternoon. the ridge of high pressure is beginning to give way to a strong area of low pressure shoving the ridge to the south. all that will do is change our wind direction. that's all we need to do around here. a stronger onshore flow means a sea breeze comes back, means our temperatures drop they will be down 25 degrees by sunday. highs tomorrow nice in pacifica, 60s. mountain view 82, concord 87, napa 85, san francisco 72. and vallejo 79 degrees. your extended forecast, right on through the weekend which will be markedly cooler 70s inland on saturday and sunday. low to mid-60s near the bay with morning cloud cover. only the upper 50s at the coast on saturday and sunday. and once we get cooler, we will stay cooler. monday through thursday of next week we are rain-free. but bay temperatures near the low to mid-60s with inland highs close to 70 degrees. back out here live, lots of
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folks enjoying a gorgeous evening at the pacifica. lack of that wind kept the flies away. so swatting away the flies. i feel about four of them on my back now. all is well here in pacifica. [ laughter ] >> the only fly in the ointment, flies! aside from that, we're good. [ laughter ] >> thank you, paul. my poor photographer has nine of them on him right now. coming up, the break in the case of a high-profile murder after a fender-bender. >> and how a prime piece of bay area real estate is about to be transformed into an entertainment hot spot. >> and chopper 5 just got to a may day demonstration in san francisco. live pictures there and we'll have a live report coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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necessary at napa high scho. the school is back open.. a a strong smell of chlorine its swimming pool shut down camp no more locks or caution
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tape necessary at napa high school. the school is open after a strong smell of chlorine from the swimming pool shut down the campus yesterday. city reps say a power outage tuesday night caused a water pump to malfunction and actually pump in too much chlorine. three maintenance workers at the school had trouble breathing when they showed up. and they went to the hospital. jack london square has long been oakland's crown jewel about in recent years the area struggled to attract people to spend money there. now developers are going to put a large entertainment hub at the old barnes & noble building. kpix 5's da lin reports a lot of city leaders are banking on success but not everyone is ready to buy in. >> reporter: with the bustling train and its waterfront location, jack london square is a real estate jewel. but a snapshot on a weekday afternoon shows it is still a
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diamond in the rough. >> jack london square has kind of dwindles. it's very quiet now. it's kind of dwindled. this is the way it looks all the time. before it wasn't like that. >> reporter: before, in the '90s, this was one of the go to spots in oakland. but barnes & noble's departure in 2010 left a void and marked the start of a steady decline in this area. >> post recession this is the most exciting and biggest move for jack london square. the 8.1 -- >> reporter: the developer is transforming this massive building into an indoor/outdoor entertainment hub. >> this plaza will be a beer garden. there will be bocce courts. >> reporter: inside the 34- square-foot building, a sports bar, restaurant, bowling alley, arcade games and an event area for live music. >> this project really has something for everybody. >> we need that in oakland. >> people will come down here and be attracted to that off
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the top. >> reporter: but some question whether it will thrive given the perception of crime in oakland. they worry one bad incident or a shooting will scare people off. >> when you put something like that in an environment where there is violence, it has to be questioned. >> this is one of the safest beats in all of oakland. we have our own security force to supplement oakland pd. >> reporter: despite the safety concerns, many people say they're all aboard. [ beep beep ] >> reporter: they believe with the recent explosion of new restaurants, the venue will revitalize jack london square and turn it into an entertainment destination. in oakland, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> the developers expected expect to open to the public in september. coming up in our next half hour, the new mandatory water rationing in a northern california city and the price to pay if you don't obey. >> plus why a bay area university is being
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investigated by the feds. >> and drivers be warned. how police are coming up with some new ways to catch sneaky texters. ,, you score little victories every day. now do it with dinner. land o'lakes sauté express meal starter, with herbs, spices, butter and olive oil. it's one step, no prep, and so good they'll ask for more. land o'lakes sauté express
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you score little victories every now do it with dinner. land o'lakes sauté express meal starter, with herbs, spices, butter and olive oil. it's one step, no prep, and so good they'll ask for more. land o'lakes sauté express
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your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. now at 6:30, conserve or else. you could pay a hefty price if you don't ration water. len ramirez is live in santa cruz with what the city is doing to make sure people use less water. len. >> reporter: elizabeth, the city of santa cruz is giving away a lot of free devices including this one i have right here. it looks like an hour glass but it's really a five-minute shower timer. you just turn it over and time out your shower. it has a sticky thing on the back here to attach to the tile. we saw a lot of people going by the santa cruz city water offices today to pick up their free devices that also includes low flow showerheads, aerators, garden hose shutoff nozzles and the five-minute shower timers. this is all to help people get through the drought. added up, the devices would cost about $30 at the hardware store. >> it's a great use of public funds to support these kind of efforts. we all need to really pull together this summer. >> reporter: now, the average
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california resident uses 122 gallons a day. santa cruz is restricting people to about 60 gallons per day per person 249 gallons for a household family of four before 25 to 50-dollar fines start kicking in. now, santa cruz does not have any outside sources of water. no pipelines in from the sierra. so whatever falls from the sky, whatever the reservoirs catch, that's all the city has to work with. and so that's why it is cutting back. we have had drought conditions all year. in fact, the last couple of years. so devices like this might help people here in santa cruz get through the drought. reporting live in santa cruz, len ramirez, kpix 5. thousands of people taking over streets in the bay area from may day today or international workers day if you prefer. chopper 5 live over this march in san francisco. this is the city's mission district and you see folks there with their signs and banners and pretty healthy police presence some of them on motorcycles. a view from the ground
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demonstrators many of them blowing whistles have gathered in front of the bart station at mission and 16th. police are on scene there trying to keep a lane of traffic open. some officers also have been taking some flak from some of the demonstrators we're told. we believe that some may be members of the anarchists group that calls itself black block. there have been a lot of protests today. kpix 5's da lin takes us to the middle of the may day march in oakland. da? >> reporter: that's right. those protestors are marching back to the oakland fruitvale village right now. they left this area in east oakland around 3:30 and went to international boulevard and foothill boulevard. now they are on the way back about two blocks away. i just heard about that. now, the protest has been peaceful according to police. a large group of them, about 500 protestors, marching in
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this may day protest. now, there are also dozens of police officers watching over those demonstrators following them, as well. protestors tell me they also train their people to deescalate any potential problems they see within the march. >> we create our own security with training ahead of time, we have trained several times for how to handle different situations. we have been able to police ourselves. >> reporter: they say that the main goal of this may day march is to stop the deportations that have been happening within recent years. right now they are having this indigenous dancing in the middle of the plaza. [ drumming ] >> reporter: they say in this district the fruitvale district 90% of the population is latino. some of those are illegal immigrants. that's why they made this the main staging area for today's
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may day protests. again, we'll continue to monitor the situation here. it is very peaceful. and a lot of police officers watching over. live in east oakland, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> sounds good, da lin, in oakland, thank you, da. and in san jose, within the last half hour, this group of activists arrived at city hall with signs in hand. the crowd is calling for legalization of all illegal immigrants, a very popular topic, as well as an end to police violence included in their message a push for better worker rights and we're keeping tabs on these marches, as well. so far, there have been no reports of any violence at any of these demonstrations in the bay area. dozens of college campuses are under investigation over the way they have handled sexual assault complaints. this as the feds announced a new push to crackdown on college crime. as anne makovec reports, one bay area university made the list. >> reporter: cal berkeley is
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now under investigation for possible violations of federal law over the handling of sexual violence and harassment complaints. the u.s. department of education released the list today saying schools that violate the law and refuse to address the problems identified can lose federal funding or be referred to the u.s. department of justice for further action. >> it's about time they took action on it. >> reporter: this list is part of a new white house push to crackdown on sexual assaults on college campuses. it comes after students from universities across the country filed federal complaints against their own campuses claiming their cases were mishandled. uc-berkeley was one of those schools. >> it means that the university has a major problem. i mean, yeah, sure they stepped forward. but i don't know if that's admirable after all that's happened. >> reporter: federal statistics show one in five women is assaulted in college. >> these aren't numbers. these are our friends, daughters, neighbors. >> reporter: vice president joe
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biden spearheaded the new federal push to end campus sexual violence and this week added a quip from his younger years in scranton, pennsylvania. >> if a man raised his hand to a woman, you had the job to kick the living crap out of him of in he did it. it's a simple proposition. that's the neighborhood we come from. >> reporter: while it's no threat of physical force, the federal investigation could end up taking away a university's treasured asset, public funding they said sexual assaults on college campuses is a critical issue and we'll cooperate fully with the investigation. much has been done to strengthen the campus's handling of these issues. but we understand that there's always room for improvement, a statement from cal berkeley. in the newsroom, anne makovec, kpix 5. occidental college and the university of southern california are also on the list of colleges under investigation. there's a major break in a case of a young oakland man who
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was killed after a minor traffic accident. police made a second arrest in that case. cartier hunter was arrested yesterday. giovente douglas had been booked previously. charles butler shown on some home video here was parking his car in oakland back in 2011. he accidentally bumped another car while parallel parking. that sparked an argument with two people and he was shot and killed just blocks away. the identity of the pilot killed in sunday's midair collision has been released. the body of 33-year-old david everett plumb of rockland was recovered during yesterday's salvage operation. the plane's fuselage was also removed from san pablo bay. the husband and wife in the second plane in sunday's accident were not injured. it took three hours to clear an overturned dump truck that created quite a traffic mess in fremont today. a solo accident this morning blocked three northbound lanes on i-680 near auto mall parkway.
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all lanes reopened shortly before one clock this afternoon. the truck driver had only minor injuries. flames shot to through the roof of a home in san jose. the fire broke out at around 9:30 last night. the two people who lived in the home did get out safely. the ntsb says the train that derailed yesterday in lynchburg, virginia, whats not speeding at the time of the crash. cell phone video captured the scene. 13 cars hauling crude oil derailed. investigators say that train was traveling 24 miles per hour in a 25 miles per hour zone. still, no word on a cause. >> my job as governor is to keep the citizens of the commonwealth safe and part of that is to make sure that our railways are safe and we can move the cargo throughout the commonwealth and if there's issues, obviously something went wrong here in olympia, something happened. we need to find out what it is and aim going to make sure it doesn't happen again. >> it's been happening more and more. there have been eight significant oil train accidents
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in the u.s. and canada in just the past year. still ahead, are you guilty of using your cell phone behind the wheel? coming up in tonight's consumerwatch, the new tactics by police to catch sneaky texting drivers. >> plus, isolated to protect his own family. why a bay area boy is radioactive. ,, ♪ they just change boots.. that's why we made the all-new jeep cherokee. with an exclusive 9-speed transmission and 31 miles per gallon highway.
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so you can keep going.
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flaw that prompted a warning from the department of microsoft announced a fix for the internet explorer security flaw that has prompted a warning from the department of homeland security. >> on the consumerwatch, julie watts says the fix is for everyone. julie. >> reporter: yeah. there were concerns that windows xp users would be out of luck since microsoft no longer supports the system. but microsoft reconsidered in light of the severity of this bug. it could allow hackers to take total control of your computer if you click on the wrong link. starting today, pc users with automatic updates enabled will automatically get the patch. otherwise, you will have to download it. well, if you're one of those who from time to time
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discreetly chats or texts behind the wheel, nationwide police are coming up with new ways to catch texters. some are us ago a higher vantage point look down into cars. foot patrols are catching more drivers in states like california and new york which bans cell phone use at traffic lights. last year there were 426,000 cell phone and texting convictions in california alone. and speaking of phones, did you make the switch? well, millions of americans did. t-mobile's campaign apparently worked. they announced it added 2.4 million new customers in the 1st quarter alone. the company launched a series of promotions this year including ditching contracts and offering up to 650 bucks to those who switched carriers. t-mobile added more customers than verizon and at&t combined. and remember, if you have a consumer story idea or problem, email us at or give us a call at 888-5-helps-u. >> thank you. coming up next, he looks
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like any other 3-year-old but tonight this bay area boy is radioactive. >> mobile weather is live tonight in pacifica where it is sunny, it is mild, and it is not going to last. details on the big cooldown coming up. >> and i'm dennis o'donnell at a rocking arena! what nba player scored the most points in one quarter in play- off history? hint! he is a golden state warrior and he is coming up. ,, when sales rep steve hatfield books at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve?
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noah is home with his famil san jose.. after doctors tu him radioactive. well, a 3-year-old boy named noah is home with his family in san jose after doctors actually turned him radioactive. it sounds like science fiction, but this special treatment may be the only thing that saved his life. it's a story you'll only see on kpix 5. reporter: at the end of this hallway in a room lined with lead is a little boy with a deadly disease. >> i hope that he kicks cancer in the butt. >> reporter: his name is noah and he just turned 3. >> he's great. rambunctious little guy. >> reporter: last year he was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a
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rare cancer of the nerve cells. >> this is the patient. >> reporter: and these are his tumors. everything in black is cancer. chemotherapy wasn't enough. so his parents brought him here to ucsf. turns out, it's the only place in california that could help buy their little boy some time. for a bone marrow transplant that could save him. >> i hope we can get his disease under control with this therapy that we can shrink his tumors. >> reporter: the therapy is given by iv. what makes it unique? only cancerous nerve cells can absorb it. and in the drug, doctors have attached a high-powered weapon, a radioactive isotope. >> it's a way of delivering high energy radiation to tumors not just in one place but to tumors everywhere in the entire body. >> reporter: but that radiation also turns noah radioactive. he must be kept isolated in a lead-shielded room for days to protect his family and the hospital staff.
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a big lead plate is placed in front of his crib. to keep a 3-year-old calm? >> we need to give him just enough sedation to take the edge off but not so much that they fall into a deep sleep. >> it's definitely helping him relax and helps me relax because now i know he is not a danger to anybody. >> reporter: everyone who enters the room has to wear a radiation detector and disposable clothing. thanks to cameras around the room, noah's family and the hospital staff can keep a trained eye on him and his vital signs. his mom can't wait to get him home. >> i want him to grow up to be a healthy, happy normal boy and put this all behind him. that's my hope. >> well, kids like noah have about a 50% chance of survival. noah will be radioactive for a couple of more weeks. but that diminishes every day. tonight it's safe for his parents to be near him.
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keeping an eye on the may day marches around the bay area right now. within the past couple of minutes, police in san francisco have been making a couple of arrests at the demonstration that's going on there. we'll zoom in and you can see the police and the crowd sorted of facing off very close there. uhm, we saw protestors blocking an intersection at 16th and mission. couple of people were led away there. and this is really sort of in contrast to what's been going on today. there have been a number of, uhm, protests in oakland, in san jose, and in san francisco. very little in the way of any violence. but a couple of arrests have taken place and we are continuing to monitor the situation. meanwhile, meteorologist paul deanno is spending this warm day at the beach! he lucked out today. hey, paul. >> reporter: mm-hm. ah, it is awesome out here! aside from the flies, because we have a lack of wind right now it is absolutely fantastic out here and pacifica is the kind of place that at 7:00 at night, it comes alive when we have the sunshine and we have the warm weather. and we have it right now.
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lots of folks enjoying the evening. we have bike riders. we've walkers. we've got folks staring at the ocean. it's just fantastic outside here. not the 80s like yesterday. we are comfortably in the low 70s right now much cooler weather coming up as soon as tomorrow with highs only in the 60s and an onshore flow coming. let's talk about where we are right now. oakland still warm 85 degrees. san francisco 79. san jose 83. santa rosa 86. and livermore 89 degrees. san bruno you're at 84. overnight tonight, more comfortable than the past couple nights, not as mild. pacifica 53. santa rosa 47. fairfield 51. concord54. here's the setup. we have a significant weather change coming. the ridge of high pressure that was to our north giving us east or offshore winds getting us toasty all the way to the beach is starting to give way. it's being shoved out by an area of low pressure. that is low arrived, the ridge has to move south. that same clock wide flow around the ridge that gave us the offshore wind now starting tomorrow will give us an onshore flow that's going to
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grab the chilly influence of the ocean. we are going to be much cooler starting tomorrow. mainly clear tonight, mild, warm inland tomorrow not as hot but much cooler near the water including pacifica with widespread cooling everywhere throughout the bay area coming up this weekend. high temperatures tomorrow daly city down to 65 degrees. what a change from the mid-80s you had yesterday. burlingame 78 for a high. half moon bay tomorrow 72. los altos and redwood city, your high 84. so we're still warm. saratoga 86. gilroy 89. close to 90 down in garlic country. hayward 73. dublin 84. danville 88 tomorrow. berkeley 77 degrees. benicia 79. mill valley 84. and san anselmo 83. here's your extended forecast. one more warm day tomorrow not as hot but we're trending downward. look at the weekend whole different ballgame. low to mid-70s inland. low 60s near the bay. upper 50s at the coast. and once we get chilly, we are
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going to stay chilly with temperatures in the 70-degree range away from the water and low to mid-60s near the bay. back out here live, it's a fantastic evening. folks are out and about. the one deal is if you look at the flagpole back there, it is not moving. any of you know if you have been to the beach, if we don't have wind, we have flies. right now we have flies. we also have the sunshine. we have sports coming up next. ,,,,,,,, [doorbell rings]
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he was in the islands and now he is back on the mainland. dennis o'donnell has sports. >> reporter: what happened?! the sharks pull a three games to none lead. they lose. an nba owner thrown out and now the warriors are on the brink of elimination. good to be back because the warriors need to win this game. that's the equation. a win, they force a game 7. lose and they go home. the warrior coach mark jackson is taking the high road. >> i'm not going to say we like where we are. but we certainly if say can we win a game after losing? we have done that in this series. if you say, can we win a game in l.a.? we've done that. so the task is not, you know, a task that we're looking at
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that cannot be done. >> now, the last time the warriors were in the building steph curry came out with a 17- point 1st quarter. well, it was an amazing performance. it was still 12 shy of sleepy boy's nba record 29-point quarter in a play-off game against the showtime lakers nearly 30 years ago. alongside now is sleepy floyd. wherever you go especially in oakland is that the first thing people you are reminded of? >> everywhere around the country people remember that game beating the mighty lakers down 0-3. we was down 14 going into the 4th quarter we make a miraculous comeback. i had an outstanding game playing instinctively. the crowd was rocking, fans were great just like it's going to be tonight. the energy in the building will be out the roof. i'm looking forward to a great performance by the warriors tonight. >> let me ask you about the donald sterling issuer. do you feel that the nba
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players missed an opportunity to make a real bold statement? should they have boycotted last sunday's game? >> november. what -- no. what they did was enough. these guys work tremendously to work where they are. there's a lot of blood, sweat, tears and injuries to get to this position. i think they handled it professionally. i was so proud as a former player the way they handled it and it's -- as long as it gets taken care of, gonna take a little time, everybody should be okay. looking back on it was so professional and i'm proud of them. >> reporter: if there's one player in the nba who can beat that 29-point performance in the 1st quarter who might be that? >> stephen curry here! >> reporter: you are such a homer! [ laughter ] >> he is close. he is right there. so he can do it. >> warriors better hope that he does it tonight. meanwhile, it's going to be a long summer i think for the sharks. becoming just the fourth team in nhl history to lose a series after being up three games to
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none. san jose took an early lead last night before the wheels fell off. the kings scored five unanswered goals at the tank to win game 7. san jose's offense went missing in action at the wrong time as they were 0 for 15 on the power play in the final three games of that series. . >> it's tough saying it the better team won the series. it's tough. >> we're kidding ourselves if we think we were closer this year just because it went seven gays. i don't know what it was, 16-5 in the last four games. not even close. we had a core group of individuals that didn't get on the score sheet. so it wasn't -- last year was a lot closer than it was this year. >> same old story for the sharks. their best players come up small when they are needed the most. marleau, pavelski, thornton and couture combined for three points and no goals in the final four games. >> the birds held off the mavs last night in game five to take
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a 3-2 lead. san antonio will have a chance to close out the series friday night. but that doesn't mean popovich is ready to breathe a sigh of relief. >> there's anxiousness the day before the game, before the game and all during the game. it's not just -- it's not just when somebody shoots a shot in the third or 4th quarter. >> angst -- >> yes, there was angst also. [ laughter ] >> are you serious? >> the one and old gregg popovich. warriors get a win tonight, they extend the series to seven games. see you at 11:00. >> good to have you back. >> the latest news and weather are always on our website, >> our next news on cw 44/cable 12. and at 11 on kpix 5. at get uote
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joey fatone: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey. [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: how you folks doing? welcome to the show. thanks very much. how you folks doing? thank you very much. i see you, yeah. all right, everybody, welcome to "family feud." i'm your man, steve harvey, and boy, we got a good one for you today, folks. this family is returning for the third day with a total of 20,480 bucks. from brooklyn, new york, it's the mack family. audience: [cheering] steve: and from scottsdale, arizona, it's the cohen family. audience: [cheering] steve: everybody's here trying to win theyself a lot of cash and the possibility of driving out of here in a brand new fuel- efficient ford f


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