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tv   KPIX 5 News at 6pm  CBS  May 12, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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respond to calls for service. the information is in bits and pieces. you have to scroll down. information is not all consistent. >> as a result, in this high- tech age, police out on the streets are having to use their radios to make up for the difference, which creates another problem. >> we use the radio traffic for calls for service. it doesn't free up the air for an officer that might have an emergency. >> and it is not just police. some fire stations are having to monitor full time as well. >> it is always plan b. >> as with any complex project, there is always going to be glitches. there's always going to be issues that come about. that's why we have a support team in place. >> meanwhile, back on the streets. >> essentially, officers doe have to write things down more than before. >> on pair? >> on paper to make sure they get the information correct. >> so in the computer age,
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we're back to paper and radios? >>r. >> for the time being. but at the same time, already issues being worked on. emergency response hasn't been affected by it. >> reporter: now, they don't have a firm time when they think they can have the system ironed out and running the way they hope, but they do envelope about 20 people at the emergency center trying to hammer it out. meanwhile, they are back to the way they were, precomputers. elizabeth. >> wow. do what you have to do to keep everybody safe because secondest count for sure. phil, thank you. there could be a threat to public safety as oakland police officers are working an unprecedented stretch of mandatory overtime. the requirement began in october 20/12. won't end until next march. i it has already low moral and contributed to many regular
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nations. the head of the police union is asking the department to curb its, quote, addiction to over time. the department is 300 officers short. it's expected to overspend its overtime budget this year by $14 million. muni may be safer than ever. a new report shows crime is down 30% vince october. even more amazing, phone thefts are down 77%. we sent our mike sugerman to find out what's behind the drop. mike. >> reporter: i'm on the 3131 balboa muni line. right now, in the last year, using one of these is a lot safer on muni than it has been for the past year. >> virtually ever muni rider has a story. >> i have seen a theft happen where someone's sitting down just looking autotheir device and someone just slides out and
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there is nothing that person can do. >> things have changed over the past 12 months. >> overall, crime has gone down 30%. mobile device has gone down about 77%. >> this is why. >> makes all the difference in the world. >> san francisco police officers are now riding buses and trains on a regular basis. >> you can look at the faces of people. they are happy to have this here in the presence of police officers and on our trains and on our buses. in and of itself is a huge deterrence. >> the grant pace for up to 10,000 hours in overtime. that's just for the year. muni is hoping it will continue. >> we've start the process seeking additional grants from ohm land security. >> here is what police say. eyes up, bones down. here are the tips when they aren't around. >> don't stand next to a door and just stare at your phone because somebody can just come up and grab it and run out the door. >> don't be so engrossed in
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your phone that you don't even notice what's going on. >> i hey. the best advice probably is don't use your phone on the train. >> . enjoy the ride. take a nap. but don't miss your stop. >> reporter: mike sugerman kpix 5. >> good advice. the exact number of officers and the lines they are riding are being kept quiet. helps with the element of surprise. a bay area beach battle played out in court this afternoon. surfers want their beach back from the billion mare who closed it down. venture capitaltist walked past reporters this afternoon. he is being sued by the surf rider foundation for closing off access to martin's beach south of half moon bay. he closed the only road to the beach after he bought the property in 2008. >> husband intent all along, in our opinion, was to build a
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private resident thinking that he could close a beach that has been open for a hundred years. it's that simple. >> the foundation says closing beach access violates california state law and protects the public's right to access beaches. the historic observatory in the south bay is in trouble tonight after getting word it's about to lose all of its operating revenue. kpix 5 reporter ann notarangelo with the fight to save the observatory. >> you want to see things with as much detail as possible for certain science goals. >> this is eleanor gates' baby. she developed a first of its kind camera. >> those images, potentially sharp and hubble space telescope. >> gates worked on mount him tonight's 125-year-old observatory conducting her own research and teaching others in the system. >> the thing i love about being at the observatory, it is a
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really special place i. has so much history and is doing so much really cool current research and education. >> here, they hunt for planets around other stars and search for super nova explosions in other gal ax says. >> but this research could be in the jeopardy. the funding will be phased out over the next five years. >> it cost $1.3 million a year to run the mountain's operations, and the university is choosing to invest in projects and an observatory in ha. gates believes the university has overlooked the value of this location and its technology. as staff cools off cameras with liquid nitrogen, gates talks about cut back hours in an attempt to save money. >> if we can find a corporate sponsor or private philanthropist that wants to fund us or believes in our
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mission, we want to talk with you. >> they aren't giving up without a fight. after 85, these are the people who reach for the stars over night. that i know ear not about to have the doors close now. ann notarangelo kpix 5. >> if you would like more information about efforts to save the observatory, go to our website kpix 5 and and click on link and numbers. a turf war is brewing outside the new levy stadium in santa clara. the hasn't is now being used by construction workers. it's where 49ers legend joe montana wants to build a $400 million luxury hotel, restaurant, and sports bar complex. but the 49ers want that land for parking. it may block montana's plan. >> first of all, the 49ers gave their blessing to joe montana back in 2011 to move ahead with this project on those lots. >> the city has offer the team other space for parking further away from the stadium.
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the team rejected that idea. the 49ers said they will work with the city to come up with a creative solution for both parties. a berkeley law graduate says he is sorry for beheading an exotic bird in las vegas. today, he was sentenced to four year probation and community service at an animal shelter. he decapitated the bird at a hotel while he was drunk back in 2012. other bay area hid lines. tonight, a busy fremont intersection is reopened after a three-car crash involving a police officer with lights and sirens blaring. the officer was responding to a burglary call just before 8:30 this morning. investigators say a woman smashed into the officer at fremont boulevard. the officer, female driver. one passenger, they were all taken to the hospital with nonlife through thening injuries. one of san francisco's most
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dangerous intersections. anderly man was injured crossing through an intersection. the new light is expected to be turned on by the end of july. baby loaded into an ambulance after almost drowning in concord. relatives pull a 1-year-old boy from a swimming pool. the infant is in stable condition tonight. incident is under investigation. remember that $324 million settlement out of silicon valley last month? well, turn out, it may not go through. one of the suit's plaintiffs is asking a judge to reject the proposed settlement from apple, intel, aadob and google. the company is accused of conspiring to not make job offers to employees. bay area designer says the settlement benefittest lawyers and big tech firms more than the actual workers affected.
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protesters are pushing the university of california regions to divest from fossil fuel investments. students will hold a demonstration wednesday. the protesters say uc should follow the example of stanford. last week, sanford university announced it will drop its cold stock. it will also look into selling off oil and gas holdings. a boat abandoned on a bay area beach. how it's all part of an elaborate drug smuggling operation. and, how law enforcement is trying to cool combat the drug trade by siege. what is happening at a bay area museum that hasn't happened in more than a century. it is breezy right now in san francisco. we nearly hit 80 degrees in the city with an on shore flow. tomorrow, the winds change. we get an offshore wind. we will hit 100 degrees coming up this week. find out where and when, next. only at 5:00, we discuss lawmakers breaking the rules
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again every time they hit that switch. tonight, wait until you hear how they explain this video.
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haul of marijuana. but turns out, the getaway s-u-v got stuckn the sand. authorities say it's all paf a drug smuggling operation fr mexico... and for the first time.. the boat made it to san mate a drug running operation exposed on a bay area beach. an abandoned boat with a huge haul of marijuana. turns out, the get away suv got stuck in the sand. authorities say all part of a drug smuggling operation out of mexico. and, for the first time, the boat made it to the san mateo coast. kpix 5's ryan takeo has the story. >> law enforcement showed us what they seized. more than 40-bales of pot. in all, more than 1,000 pounds. investigators say the marijuana was in the 30-foot mexican fishing boat called a ponga. it is a boat designed to make long trips. homeland security officials say
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the boat started its trip in mexico. it had enough fuel to get up here. right above the fuel tank you can see some of the closing. you can tell whoever was on this boat was living on the boat also on box plenty of groceries and -- board, plenty of groceries. >> this is a northern most landing that we have had. we have had at least two in san mateo county. >> homeland security says it's because investigators down south have flushed them out. now they are making longer trips to make it to the bay area in the hopes to not get caught. near half moon patience ryan takeo kpix 5. >> no one has been arrested in this case yet. a huge piece of san francisco art history is on the move. workers carefully pack up and shipping out a three ton bronze vase. kpix 5's john ramos on the tricky moving job at the museum. >> when it is moving day, the last thing you want to do is break an expensive vase. especially one that weighs more than an suv.
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>> this thing you can't really attach it or touch it hardly anywhere. and, yet, it weighs with over 6,000 pounds. so that's challenging. >> a moving crew specializing in fine art pieces worked carefully to move it. it has been part of the deyoung museum since it opened in 1895. >> it is vintage vase. one of the most most important authors in the 19th century. >> he was famous for his illustrations depicting scenes from inferno. it goes from joyous to disturbing torque well, kind of creepy. but because the sculpture is so large, it has to be hauled away, securely strapped into a custom made frame. >> that was the challenging part. you have to make a cage that will hold it both this way and that way and keep its strength.
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>> then, as spectators looked on, they moved it. after standing for 130 years, the vase laid jointly drawing a huge sigh of rights fur leaf from her blue collar handlers. >> a whole bunch of confluent problems. i am hoping it works in canada. >> not 100% sure. >> never 100%. >> because moving something this big is more of an art than a science. in san francisco, john ramos, kpix 5. >> the vase will be displayed in canada until september. then, it will be packed up again inhaled back to san francisco. the grass outside the state capital in sacramento is turning brown. state officials are letting the lawn die to teach a lesson in water conservation. they hope it will inspire californians to conserve water during this draught. crews will still water about
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1,000 trees at the capital with historical significance. well, it is a beautiful but very warm day today. chief meteorologist paul deanno joins us from the kpix 5 roof top with an even warmer weather on the way. >> reporter: it will get toasty around here. today, the most comfortable day of the next several. mother nature is simply turning up the heat. the influence of the pacific ocean which is cold year round, will be gone by tomorrow. an offshore wind will take over. we have a decent shot at 100 degrees coming up on wednesday. monday, temperatures around 90 degrees for palo alto which hit 90 officially at the airport danville, you hit 89. foster city, mid to upper 80s. clear skies in the south bit. richmond, one of the cooler spots. you had a high of 76. it is going to be an awesome night for baseball. if you have tickets for either the aa's game or the giants game, this is video of the a's
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warming up. they are loving it. great night. blue skies. if you're heading to the giants game, they host the braves. first pitch temperature, i don't say this very often. first pitch temperature 72 degrees this evening. now, is this stuff rare in may? i looked back at the past three years. 90-degree days inland in the month of may, pretty common. by tend of the week we will have four or five. last may, we had six. may of 2012 we had sing. may of 2011 we only hit 90 degrees once. byen though we're going to be well above normal, it is pretty common to see a heat wave happening in the month of may. this big ridge of high pressure is building to the north. winds go clockwise around high pressure. once it center itself -- center itself to -- centers itself to
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our north, it brings the high pressure. all of california, the bay area will be under the influence of this big dove of high pressure. the peak of the heat will beers wednesday. wednesday likely hitting 100 degrees away from water. all we need to do to tend heat wave is to get an on shore or west wind. that will begin on thursday but railly take shape on friday as low pressure builds from the west nudging our high pressure ridge off to the east. that will shift the wind direction and we will cool down significantly by friday. tomorrow will be a hot day. 86 in san francisco. 91 in fremont. 92 in mountain view. mid up toker 90s inland like concord and fair field. look at wednesday. many areas inland will hit 100 degrees f not hotter. 90s near the bay. next weekend will be markettedly cooler. saturday, 78. we won't even hit 70 near the bay coming up on sunday.
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if you want relief, wait until friday. if you like the heat, get out and enjoy. the next couple days will be two of the hottest we have hat had since last september. it will not be comfortable for the next few days. few people have air conditioning in san francisco. tomorrow and wednesday will be two of the days where they would like it. >> yes. absolutely. and i am one of them. thank you, paul. coming up, dangerous confusion. the change catching so many bay area drivers off guard. >> like that one. and, we catch state lawmakers breaking the rules again. what they told us when we confronted them again.
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"for the first... i do sole swear.." governor jerry brown and otr state leaders joined atkinst the
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history was made today. atkins became the first openly gay female to lead the house. >> for the speaker of the assembly, i, tony g. atkins do sol recommendly swear. >> governor brown and other state leaders joined atkins at the capital when she was sworn in has the 69th assembly speaker. atkins who represents san diego is the third woman to lead the house. tonight, we catch state lawmakers breaking the rules, again. that very room we just showed you. last year we showed you assembly members casting votes for other lawmakers. it's called ghost voting. it's supposed to be a no-no. mark kelly shows us, it's still happening. >> reporter: >> all members vote who desire to vote. >> seems like nothing ever changes in the hallowed 458s of -- halls of our state capital. there is a vote casts for hometown assemblyman who is no where to be seen. and, this year he is still at it. this timing helping out assembly woman.
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san francisco assembly was a ghost voting pro last year. multiple votes at a time. on this visit, he is on his best behavior, only voting for himself. but look at assembly woman bonilla. after casting her own vote, she gets up to push assemblyman's voting switch for a child abuse prevention month, then does it again for two other bills. where is he, she seems to ask nearby assemblyman perez from river side. but the rule book can't be clearer. a member may not operate the voting switch of any other member. >> of course, there's the rule itself and now politicians interpret the rule. when it comes to ghost voting here on the assembly floor, there is a difference. >> there truly is cushion teen practice for the asemi my. >> the chief administrative officer said we got it wrong last the year. what we saw is not called ghost voting. >> to me, that is what we call
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assisted voting. >> he says as long as the lawmaker is somewhere in the chambers, it's okay. but we couldn't find any definition of assisted voting in the rule book. >> would you admit that there is a discrepancy? >> yeah. but you always have rules and then you have custom and practice. >> mark kelly, kpix 5. >> assembly woman bonilla turned down our request for an interview. but she said it is a custom. bottom line, don't expect any changes any time soon. coming up in our next half hour, extra danger during the commute. how an exit change is causing confusion even a collision we caught on tape. >> i don't know anybody down in this area that wasn't actually repulsed by that. how crooks with chain saws are hacking our agness gent natural treasures. texas already lured toyota out of california. tonight, how battle between the states is really starting to
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heat up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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change. now at 6:30, detour danger. we caught a collision on video.
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yeah. bay area drivers are caught off guard by an exit change. kpix 5's linda yee is out at the spot where drivers can't seem to follow the the new rules. linda. >> reporter: no, they can't, ken. a lot of confusion out here. right behind me is that last san francisco exit. what has change asked the approach to this -- changed is the approach to this exit about a thousand feet back. once drivers miss it, they are going across the golden gate bridge. the dark van missed the exit. the van makes an illegal and dangerous right turn crossing speeding cars just to make that last sf exit. it gets through, but watch the prius right behind. >> oh, my gosh. >> both drivers were treated for minor injuries, but the chp says it could have been worse. >> cal tran's in there. they have been on scene they're working on reconfiguring the roadway and some of the signs.
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>> there are numerous signs warning of the new and last san francisco exit font right bound lane of doyle drive -- exit of doyle lane. if a driver misses it, it is a drive across the golden gate bridge before turning back. our cameras caught several cars trying to void that, including muni bus drivers who have known about the change for weeks. one driver was caught doing ton thinkable. >> she actually got out of her car on the freeway and move the traffic cone in order to make that illegal right hand turn. >> contractors try to prevent drivers from doing that, except our cameras caught even more bizarre moves. this suv decides to back up to make the exit. minutes later, the driver of the pick up realizes he missed the exit. so, he pulls over on the side,
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thinks about what to do, then gets out to try and make a deal with the chp officers stationed by the exit. his plan. >> contemplated to come and ask the officer if he can, you know, guide me back. i guess i just kind of had to go all the way around. >> reporter: that's right. you have to go all the way around. ken, there used to be a highway patrol officer in this median. they have since moved. the exit lane will be a temporary one for about a month. and, then, it starts all over again even more changes. >> you know, linda. all over the bay area there are people pulling their hair out saying how stupid are these people that they can't obey the law and putting everybody out there in danger. is it a bad signage problem? is it not clear where the new exit is? >> reporter: it's very clear. you can see when we were driving up, we did a point of view. you can see at least five signs telling you about that last
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exit. but when you're not paying attention or you're expecting it to be the wade it was, that exit lane does come up pretty quick. but you just have to pass it and keep going. you can't make these crazy moves. >> you hit the nail on the head. not paying attention. linda yee at the bridge. thank you, linda. california's treasured redwood trees are under attack. kpix 5's allen martin went to find out who is after them and what's being done to proincompetent the them. allen. >> reporter: 96% of the old growth coastal redwoods were logged long ago. half of those that still stand are in redwood national state park. and now those are being targeted by poachers. >> ben's livelihood comes from redwood, and he is very proat this time of it. >> i don't know anybody down in this area that wasn't repulsed by that. that was the most obscene thing i think have ever seen. >> this is what dan and many others are so upset about. some of the few remaining gold growth redwood trees hacked and
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maimed by thoughtless, greedy thieves. >> this one is probably around eight feet tall from the very tip. >> and it's happening inside national and state parks. land sit aside to protect the trees. >> we assume it's going on late at night in the dark. you know, when it's raining, kind of nasty out, they use chain saws and just cut a slice off. >> park ranger brett silver led us on a like to this tree that is thousands of years old already damaged by a fire, but clearly still alive. yet, it has been cut on. as many as 18 times by thieves who are after the burrow. emilie burn with save the redwood says it is the tree's stem cells. >> they allow the trees thrive on in new generations giving rise to sprouts to take their place. so when the it is taken away, it actually reduces the tree's chance to be able to reprothe
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deuce. >> it is also what provides the colors, grains, and textures so highly prized in furniture, bowls and other souvenirs. and where there is a demand, poachers have found a way to provide an illegal supply. >> a food camp 8. this tree is right on the side of the road. at eye level, they made a couple wedge cuts into the tree. they took a piece from the front, one from here. but what they couldn't get to is the big per burl that's overhead. >> rangers are closing the parks at night to try to put a stop to the thefts. but there is only one ranger for every 10,000-acres, and poachers are getting more dare. >> here is one that is more of a challenge. this was 50 feet up in the treatment rangers said this thieves came and cut down an entire -- tree.
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>> those like dan who buy redwood say they do their best to not buy stolen redwood. >> we get social security numbers, driver's license, addresses. we ask where the wood came from. we verify all the information as best we k. >> greed from loggers is what first inspired protection for redwoods. now, the remaining giants are subject to breed that has somehow penetrated the park's boundaries inboards. >> the park ranges told me about recovering one extremely stolen burrow. thieves had apparently stashed it under the highway overpass so they could come back later and retrieve it. >> awful. besides closing the road, is there anything else the ranges can do? >> well, they are doing things. they say the poachers are using look out to hide along the side of the road at night and communicate with walkie talkie. >> awful to see those gorgeous
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trees being taken down. >> wow. for the first time, we are hearing from emailing battled clippers owner donald sterling. he's apologizing for racist comments, but some say it's too late. sterling told cnn's anderson cooper that he was beated into racist remarks. he said he was too emotionally distraught, in his words with, to say he was sorry until now. the clippers ceo says the time for steriling to apologize passed a long time ago. >> i'm asking for for giveness. am i entitled to one mistake? >> a little late. beyond that, i'm here to help turn one of the burn off on the pot. >> the nba says if the league's owners vote to force steriling to sell the team, all of the team's current owners, including his estranged wife will be forced out. up next, why texas is fighting so hard to stale what
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some consider a public nuisance from california. plus, bargain hundred terse beware. comeling up in tonight's consumer watch. the one thing at walmart that won't save you money.
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eap stuff. a company famous for its hot sauce is thinking about moving out of california. cbs reporter jeff ngyuen shows us a texas official was trying to lure the maker of sriachaha to texas. >> the reason, delegates from texas visited the plant this morning trying to woo the company's owner to bring his business to the lone star state. this comes in the wake of the legal battle with the city of irwindale over strong odors from the plant.
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according to public records, the complaints have come from four households. so, texas state representative says they will give low tax rates and fewer regulations. >> in texas, we know someone like him can expand, not relocate, but exhand his operations. >> the city council is expected to vote wednesday on a public nuisance declaration. we reach out to the city manager, but haven't heard back. however, the ageneral dangers does include a recommendation to put off a decision on the matter until the 28th. he says the air quality management district recommended the insulation of a new filtration system, but he says the city wouldn't go for it as for a possible move to texas. he says he still needs to conduct studies to figure out if his peppers can be grown
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there. >> without chilly we can't build a plant. >> jeff ngyuen, kpix 5. they're known to sell cheap stuff. tonight, 2001 thing walmart customers are pay an arm and a leg for. we had a heat wave in the bay area just two weeks ago. this next heat wave will be even warmer than that. triple digit temperatures. find out for when, how long, coming up. i'm dennis o'donnell. live in oakland, there was a time when a's fans worried about the departure of bartolo colon. not anymore. that's coming up. de walmart stores make
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more money on fees than most banks in the walmart is known for its bargain prices except for one thing. >> on our consumer watch, julie watts explains that the top five banks inside walmart stores make more money on fees than most banks in the country.
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>> yeah. they're not run by walmart, but analysis in the wall street journal find that the retailer's poorest customers are paying a big price for banking there. the journal reports the top five bank operating inside walmart's stores make more in fees than on loans. it is not that they are necessarily charging higher fees, but that low income customers are more likely to incur fees. some look at overdraft fees as an alternative to payday lending. bounces checking and paying fees until they get the money to cover it. but the fees can amount to 300% interest, not far off from some of the practices many payday lenders are criticized for. for its part, walmart says it doesn't dictate prices the banks charge. speaking of fees, how much cash do you have in your wallet right now? if you're like most of america, not much. a new survey finds that consumers are increasinglypting to pay by credit, debit or
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smart phone app. security breaches like the one at last the year haven't turned people to cash. bank rate found 78% of us carry tresses than $50 in charge 40% carry less than 20. 9% say they don't carry any cash at all. and, bye bye buckie ball. the tiny magnetic balls that click together are finally going to be recalled. the government has been issuing warnings about the toys for years because of the concerns that kids may swallow the small magnets which can then stick together and tear their intestine. it is estimated at least 7800 kids have been taken to emergency room after swallowing these balls. the lawsuit with the enrollees was dissolved in 2012. the government says it will issue notices when it begins providing those refunds. i have to say, i have one of those at my tex. they are so fun to play with as an adult. but as a new mother, i would never bring them anywhere near
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my child. >> 1700 kids to the hospital. oh, my gosh. >> kids stick them on their tongue. all it takes is two of those and it can tear your intestines. >> carry. >> thank -- scary. thanks, julie. >> our chief meteorologist paul deanno is out on the kpix 5 roof with the hottest forecast of the year. man, you are getting the full western exposure, buddy. >> reporter: it is beautiful. tell you what, we have the setting sun. over my shoulder we have a beautiful rising moon. take a look at what we have going on out there. gorgeous right over top of the bay bridge. most highs were in the 70s or 80s. we will be jacking things up by 20 degrees more between now and i wednesday afternoon. now, we're cooling tough rather efficiently thiefening. it is a very comfortable 79 in san bruno. livermore at 876789 we find 83
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for you in san jose and santa rosa. san francisco with a nice breeze coming from the west. it is 72 degrees. 79 in sonoma. this is our live neighborhood network. kimber hills, 80. we have established that it is warm outside. but i didn't say 90s. i said 80ed. the first thing -- 80s. we will not cool off that much tonight. we will start tomorrow milder. napa 656. concord 58. redwood city 55. sun 6:02 tomorrow morning. we will not start off as chilly. high pressure is building to our north. that is critical. first, with all the the clouds riding appointee british columbia, shows how strong that ridge is. on the eastern side, it is a big snowstorm in the rocky mountains. it is snow in wyoming annotate
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and colorado. but that's for them. we will take the heat. as that ridge builds to north, we will progress through in time. offshore wind will develop starting tomorrow. east to west wind eliminating influence of the pacific ocean. peak of the heat is tomorrow and wednesday. that ridge will get shoved off to the east a little thursday and friday. no rain, but it will be much cooler as the winds shift to the west. we bring back the on shore flow. temperatures drop by the end of this week. we're talking about very hot stuff for the next couple days. also, bad air quality. spare the air once again tomorrow. temperatures thursday. cooler weather friday. really taking shape by. the highs tomorrow, 90s. 95 in concord. your average is 766789 let's take a look at the south bay. san jose you will hit a high of 93. your average is 75.
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we're talking 94 in los altos. north baseball 80 -- north bay, 80s and 90s. hottest day wednesday. 101degrees away from the water. cooling takes hold by friday. by the weekend, back down to the 60s and 70s, which is back to normal. that is your forecast. we've got sports live from oakland coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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cuban sensation jose abreu tonight..the major league lr in dennis o'donnell live tonight at odotco. the a's rocking after a big weekend. what do they have tonight, dennis? >> it is one of those rare circumstances where the giants and a's are in town statement. by the way, ken, i just had a hot dog and a beer for x bucks. you're not going to get that at at&t park. the a's fans will get their first look at the cuban
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sensation who leads the major leagues with 13 home runs. second place with 37 runs batted in. but, you know, the a's got a little offense of their own. the a's now have a three-game lead in the west after sweeping the nationals over it could with. oakland out scored washington 41-42349 series. the swinging a's have scored the third most runs in baseball. a three-game series in oakland starts tonight. another reason for oakland's red hot start has been the pitching of that man, the veteran lefty second in the american league with five wins and fourth with a 2.28 e.r.a. he has not allowed a run in three of his eight starts. >> we look at your career, you came up as one of the brightest young left handers in the game. in fact, in 2007, you led the american league in strikeouts. the youngest pitcher since 1975 to do. so then, your career gets derailed and you end up in the
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independent leagues and you fight your way back to the majors. does this experience the second time around in the big leagues change your perspective? >> i think so. throughout the couple years i had off, i was able to clean up a lot of things mechanically- wise. pretty much just mature as a person e. something where throwing or playing catch, something that just came natural. nonhow i did it. i just did it. when i went through that tough little spot, i was able to have that time to clean up everything. it felt like it was blessing because i was able to mature myself as a person and honestly be a better pitcher. >> did it give you a greater appreciation for being a major leaguer knowing that you could lose it all. >> of course it did. it's like now i don't take anything for granted. i love being at the ballpark with the guys. it's something, like i said, you don't take anything for granted. >> you said loved being with the guys. this is a very unique situation in oakland because they are not able to hold on to the superstars year after year. you have a turnover.
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you have a locker room with a lot of young guys who seem to appreciate being here. do you sense that? >> i think so. i think there are a lot of guys who truly love the game. they want to go out there. they are all competitors. i think that is kind of a key to our success. we have kind of a chip on our shoulder being most of our guys is a young group trying to prove themselves. >> scott, a remarkable comeback to the major leagues. keep up the good work. >> thanks for having me. mike brown is becoming the modern day version of billy martin. he was fired by the lakers know 2012. in fact, the folks at the unemployment office call him by his first name brown's second stint in cleveland lasted only
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one season. 2014 has not been a good year for tiger woods. he remains sidelined following back surgery. things are going much better for his wife who was name the outstanding graduating senior in college. >> when interred my student office in the fall of 2005, i was 25 years old. i just recently moved to america. i was married without children. today, nine years later, i'm a proud american and i have two beautiful children. [applause] , but i'm no longer married. >> elin actually gets along well with tiger woods now. in fact, she gets along with tiger's girlfriend. the three of them went to baseball together last month in florida. all's well that ends well. live from oakland, i'm dennis o'donnell. ken, come get your beer. >> i know. i was there yesterday. >> come on. >> i have to go downstairs and
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get rid of my buckie balls [laughter]
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [applause and cheering] steve: come on. let's go. how y'all doing? thank you very much. let's get it done. come on, everybody. welcome, everybody. thank you very much. welcome to "family feud." i'm your man steve harvey. we got a good one for you today, folks. returning for their second day, from pembroke pines, florida, it's the stanley family. [applause] and from atlanta, georgia, right here, it's the leach family. [applause] everybody's here trying to win theirself a lot of cash and a shot at driving out of here in a brand-new, fuel-efficient ford fusion. oh, let's get it! give me brenda. give me brigette. let's go. [applause]


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