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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  May 14, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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in the stone ages. >> magic strikes back. nba hall of hamer magic johnson responds to criticism from embattled l.a. clippers owner donald sterling. >> i'm going to pray for him and hope that things work out for him. high heat and strong winds in california make a dangerous mix, fueling wildfires that burn hundreds of acres and threaten thousands of homes. >> well, the whole glass was going through. >> and under attack. a television station evacuates when a man ram as truck into the front lobby. captioning funded by cbs this is the "cbs morning news" for wednesday, may 14th, 2014. good morning.
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good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. well, nba hall of famer magic johnson says los angeles clippers owner donald sperling is delusional. he was responding to a very personal attack by sterling and now the players' association is making it clear if the league doesn't get rid of sterling, the players are ready to walk. bigad shaban has our report. >> reporter: magic johnson sat down with cnn's anderson cooper after clippers owner donald sterling accused him of doing nothing. >> my whole life is devoted to irvin america. i just wish he knew the facts when he was talking but he's a man who's upset and he's reaching. this is magic johnson's first television interview. sterling said he shouldn't be admired because he contracted hiv.
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>> is that someone we want to respect and tell our kids about? i think he should be ashamed of himself. >> the problem is he's living in the stone ages. he can't make those comments about african-americans or latinos, he just can't do it. >> reporter: johnson said while sterling's comments are upsetting and he hopes it works out. he supports the efforts to remove sterling. he said the players won't sep anything less and they may be ready to act. on this week's edition of "jim rome" on showtime roger mason jr. says lebron james is prepared to lead a boycott if the clippers' ownership issue isn't resolved by next season. >> i was just in the locker room three or four days ago. lebron and i talked about it. he amt playing if sterling is still an owner. >> reporter: three quarters of the nba's owners muff agree to
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terminate sterling's ownership. no vote has been scheduled. bigad shaban, cbs news, los angeles. sterlings' clippers played oklahoma city in the fifth game of the western semiconference files. we'll have an update in sports. firefighters got an upper hand on a fast moving wildfire in san diego andeveral acres. evacuations were issued for a thousand homes and businesses. about half a dozen fires are burning in california this morning. they've been fueled by gusting winds and a prolonged drought and record-high temperatures. richard allen of our san diego station kfmb reports. >> all right. everybody's tired and ready for bed and we just got home. >> reporter: for this resident
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it guede to be home after evacuating earlier in the day with 7-month-old kenneth and 3-year-old vivian. >> with two young children, it's a little -- i didn't want to wait until the last minute. >> reporter: she didn't. packing up her jewelry and critical documents and of course her precious cargo. >> i knew everything else i could buy or try to replace, but you can't replace these little guys. >> reporter: the richters were just one of an estimated of 5,000 local homes and businesses ordered to evacuate tuesday as the bernardo fire spread to more than 800 acres over the course of the day it's not unlike a hurricane or tornado disaster. they're difficult disasters to contain. >> reporter: at at times dangerously close to homes. >> this is probably one of the closest to my house. right as it started i could see the smoke from my front yard. >> it's obviously alarming but
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i've got all the pictures, the dog, the family out. >> reporter: firefighters relentlessly attacked this fire blaze from the ground and the air using water kopitaco contin helicopters. it was relief for families like nicoles. >> it was scary. i can't believe nobody lost a home, nobody was injured. >> we believe we even got a good handle on it. we hope do more work tonight and tomorrow. >> reporter: while they do have the upper hand at this point, they're taking nothing for granted. these vigilant crews behind me will remain out here tonight and continue their assault on the ground and from the air at daybreak. for cbs news, i'm richard allen in san diego. this morning 20 hospital workers in florida are being monitored for symptoms of mers. it's a rare and deadly virus.
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they came in contact with a saudi resident who has the virus. the workers have been told to stay home for two weeks. so far none tested positive for mers. and this morning there's a desperate rescue effort in turkey where miners are trapped underground following a mine explosion. at least 205 miners were killed, most by carbon monoxide poisoning. this morning survivors are being pulled out. the miners were about 460 yards deep. 870 people were in the mine when the explosion was apparently triggered by an electrical fault. in nigeria the government now says all options are open in an effort to free hundreds of kidnapped school girls. that means negotiating the exchange of prisoners. the u.s. is taking a more active role in the search of the abduct
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girls. susan mcginnis has more. among them, a global hawk drone which flew its first mission on tuesday. secretary of state john kerry reiterated the commitment at a conference in washington. >> we're committed in this effort together with think civilized people all around the world. >> reporter: relevant teachers and classmates have identified more than 50 of the missing teens seen in this video released monday by the militant group. the country's government says it's exploring all options to free the girls including negotiating with the terrorists who are demanding jailed members of their group be released. students at this school remain fearful of boco haram. the group has killed thousands in nigeria since 2009 and opposes the education of women. >> i feel relieved but scared at
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the same time. >> reporter: since the girls vanished a month ago, protests have erupted around the world, often including chants of "bring back our girls." although more than 50 managed to escape that day, at least 276 remain missing. the girls are believed to be held in a forest just 20 miles from where they were taken. anne-marie? >> susan mcginnis in washington. thank you, susan. well, back in the country, a federal judge has ruled idaho's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. it's the latest state to have bans on same-sex marriage challenged. they must start issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples friday but the governor says he intends to appeal. on the "cbs moneywatch" now, record gains on wall street and europe's highest court allows people to erase their internet history. jill wagner's at the new york stock exchange with that and more.
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good morning, jill. >> good morning, jill. hear at wall street the closing bell rang in another record day. the dow jumped 19 points, its third consecutive record close. tech stocks didn't fair as well. the nasdaq dropped 13. but the s&p continues to soar flirting with 1,900. hong kong's hang seng added 1%. tokyo's nikkei lost a fraction. landmark ruling is sending shock waves across the internet. europe's highest court ruled on what's being called the right to be forgotten. europeans can now force google and other search nmgs to delete any personal information they don't want on the internet. the ruling has no effect in the united states. walmart has settled claims from the 23 families of the victims of the 2011 cantaloupe wisteria outbreak. it killed 33 people and sickened another 147 in 28 states.
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two colorado farmers have pled guilty to charges related to the outbreak. the terms of the settlement have been kept confidential. and get ready for panera's 2.0. the popular eatery is install add new high-tech system that will let takeout customers order online and schedule a pickup and dine-in customers will use touchscreens to customize their sandwich, but it won't be up and running until 2016. anne-marie? >> very interesting. jill wagner at the new york stock exchange. thanks a lot, jill. coming ouptown "morning news," station break-in. man slammed his truck into the television staying and barricades himself inside watches news coverage of his standoff with police. this is the "cbs morning news." the "cbs morning news." [ sneezes ] without lifting a finger, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster
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another run-in with the law for pop star justin bieber. the los angeles police say he tried to steal a young woman's cell phone monday night. now, he has not been arrested or questioned, but the detectives have interviewed the alleged victim. panic at a tv station in maryland. a man claiming to be god rammed a stolen truck through the front door. it happened yesterday at wmar, which is located in the baltimore suburb of towson. and as craig boswell tells us, the suspect hid inside the studio for hours. >> reporter: s.w.a.t. teams surrounded a baltimore area television station after a man rammed a large truck into a lobby.
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an employee at wmar-tv shot this video on his cell phone as it happened. >> the whole wall, the glass was going through and then i see the beginning of the truck and our news director kelly walks in and says everybody out and we just high-tailed it. >> reporter: police got their first 911 call just before noon when the suspect banged on the station's door demanding to be let in. >> he was shouting "i'm god" on foot. our security guard was able to hear him, and from that point he walked away because she wouldn't have let him in the building. he got in his truck and decided to let himself in. >> reporter: the employees evacuated as the officers searched for the suspect barricaded inside. one employee remained hidden in the basement. police say he was helpful. >> this 29-year-old black male about 5'10" was watching different channels, watching you report this story as this incident unfolded. >> reporter: officers arrested
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the suspect without any trouble. he is undergoing a mental health evaluation and is expected to face criminal charges. police say he stole the truck and they found no weapons on him except for a golf club. craig boswell, cbs news, towson, maryland. well, still to come, michael sam's first day as a pro. and the clippers and thunder go down to the wire in a tense postseason matchup. new coppertone sport accuspray. designed to help you spray where you want, not where you don't. it is so on. coppertone sport accuspray. it's on.
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visit and talk to a headache specialist. [ female announcer ] just about anywhere you use sugar, you can use splenda® no calorie sweetener. splenda® lets you experience the joy of sugar without all the calories. think sugar, say splenda™ re's a look at today' he ook at today's fo n some cities around e country. in sports, michael sam might be the most scrutinized seventh round draft pick in the history of the nfl. sam, who's the first openly gay player to be drafted, spent his first day at st. louis rams headquarters. an overflow crowd of media took
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part in a q & a session with all of the rams picks, but it was sam they wanted to talk to. >> it's okay to be who you are, whether you're gay, straight, black, or white. it's okay to be comfortable in your own skin. >> he's confident he'll be in a rams uniform this season. in the nba playoffs now, the clippers and thunder resume what has been a tight series. game five in oklahoma city, the clippers leading late in the game and looking like they're going to take a 3-2 series lead, but the thunder go on a 17-3 run to end the game and erase a seven-point deficit with less than a minute to play. and with oklahoma city leading by one point with just seconds remaining, chris paul turns the ball over before he can attempt a game-winning shot. the thunder steal game five, 105-104.
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and in the nhl playoffs, the rangers gain a stunning comeback. the new york rangers beat pittsburgh 2-1 in a decisive game seven. the rangers won the last three games of the series after falling behind three games to one. when we return, a big assist from big sister. we'll meet the quick-thinking 8-year-old girl who helped her mother deliver her baby brother at home. i'm mom at the playground and the dog park. the kids get trail mix, and you get a delicious milo's kitchen chicken meatball. i wish you liked my cooking that much. milo's kitchen. made in the usa with chicken or beef as the number one ingredient. the best treats come from the kitchen.
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lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100% real milk. no discomfort. expect a break in the weath. "..."she asked me why my daughter didn't punch him ie face..." a pair of second graders ca up in a sexual harrassment investigation... why one mother says her daughter wie staying home from school -- now. and a bay area landmark rea welcome visitors again... 'l explain what's been going on inside coit tower since last year. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:3 ,,,,
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. a newborn baby boy has the best sister ever. krystle garcia was not due for another two weeks, but she went into labor monday. when her water broke, she had her 8-year-old daughter jazmine call 911. >> my mom's pregnant. >> and my water just broke. >> and her water just broke.
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>> i'm in so much pain right now. >> she's in so much pain. >> jazmine did what the operator told her to do and helped deliver her little brother joseph. this morning mom, sis, and baby are doing fine. an explorer said he found christopher columbus's flag ship. the ship sank in 1492. barry clifford says he discovered the remains about 15 feet of water off the northern coast of haiti. now, clifford says divers pulled up ballast stones that could have come from spain or portugal and what looks like a 15th century cannon, but experts say the discovery is far from confirmed. and hawaiian officials are investigating an underwater attack. an environmentalist was documenting the damage being done to the coral reef when another diver ripped off her air supply. the victim managed to get her regulator back in and is okay. she says she wants her alleged attacker arrested and charged
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with attempted murder. pretty scary. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," an update on the california wildfires. i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." e california wildfires. i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." to anything - everything. with new hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious.
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president obama awarded the medal of honor tuesday to army sergeant kyle white. president obama awarded the medal of honor tuesday to army sergeant kyle white. in 2007 white risked his life in afghanistan to save fellow soldiers. david martin spoke with him. >> reporter: this is kyle white, then just 20 years old. minutes after this picture was taken, his unit was ambushed. >> i remember firing where i thought the enemy was just as quickly as i could pull the trigger, and as soon as i went to load another magazine into my weapon, it was just lights out. >> lights out. what happened? >> an rpg had hit right behind my head, on the rock face just
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behind my head and knocked me out. >> reporter: white and kain schilling were trapped in a kill zone. >> trapped pretty narrow. once i was straight up, straight down, there was nowhere i could go. >> reporter: some of the soldiers scrambled down the cliff but four americans before still on the trail and some were hit. >> i saw blood on his upper right arm and knew he had been shot. >> reporter: after applying a tourniquet white ran through a storm of enemy fire to sergeant box, who had also been hit. >> i saw him out there that he had been exposed and i said basically screw it and i got up and ran out to him. >> he ran out there multiple times. i remember watching him go out there and you could see the sparks from the bullets hitting the rocky shale. it would just light up all around him. >> reporter: box was too badly wounded to save. white grabbed his radio to call for help. >> i was bringing it to my face
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to talk, and an enemy round went right through my hand mike and blew it out of my hand, and just remember at that moment i was like, really? >> reporter: by now it had been four hours. schilling had been shot again and night was falling. >> i remember the fear coming. remembering i'm in the middle of a war zone, i'm pretty much by myself, nobody else is able to fire a weapon here. >> it was pretty terrifying. we were the only americans left. >> reporter: finally gunships arrived to suppress the enemy fire and 16 hours after the ambush began, a medevac helicopter hoisted the wounded aboard. that must have been a terrific relief. >> i don't remember feeling any relief at all because so many had lost their lives that day. >> reporter: six americans died, but kain schilling was at the white house to bare witness as the man who saved his life received the medal of honor. david martin, cbs news, the
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pentagon. well, coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," an update on the wildfires in the san diego area. we'll be live from the scene. plus, newly discovered letters written by jacqueline kennedy on marriage to her husband president kennedy and life in the white house. and jim nantz joins us in the studio to talk "thursday night football" on cbs. that's the "cbs morning news" for this wednesday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. -- captions by vitac --
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> your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, everyone. it's wednesday, may 14. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. nearly 4:30. >> you can expect more record high temperatures today as dangerous heat continues across
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the bay area. >> sure can. and the air pollution will continue, as well. it's another "spare the air" day today. video from chopper 5, this is over mount hamilton yesterday showing just how poor that air quality is yesterday. and it doesn't take much to start a fire in this kind of weather, either. this grass fire in concord started when a car knocked down a power pole yesterday afternoon. 15 acres burned. kirker pass road is expected to be closed until 7 a.m. and people were allowed back into about 20,000 homes near san diego lastnight. >> they had been forced out by a wildfire spread by strong winds. but then the winds died down after dark. >> it was not unlike a hurricane or tornado disaster. they are incredibly difficult and dynamic emergencies to contain. >> it was really scary but the firefighters, i still can't believe that nobody lost a home, no injuries. >> a lot of horses were el


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