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tv   KPIX 5 News Early Edition  CBS  May 15, 2014 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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who died on 9/11. >> bay area-based bodine bakery is opening up its newest store in west san jose this morning, the first 100 people in getting free bread for a year. from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning." captions by: caption colorado >> you real, real. good morning, i'm michelle griego -- your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. >> good morning, i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. time now 5:00. thousands have been forced from their homes as at least 9 wildfires rage across southern california. dozens of homes have been destroyed and firefighters from around the state have been called to san diego county. governor brown has declared a state of emergency for the state. >> he has indeed. let's go down to san diego county right now where the state of emergency is under way. cbs reporter danielle nottingham is live in carlsbad. she has the very latest on the fires in the greater san diego area. and she joins us now live in
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southern california. >> reporter: the home behind me was destroyed when flames raced up the hillside and as you can see, neighborhoods like this are still in danger. gusty winds and scorching temperatures are in the forecast for another day. firefighters in san marcos, california, worked through the night to keep flames away from homes. but they couldn't save them all. >> just go back to a safer spot! >> reporter: wednesday, thousands of residents grabbed what they could and evacuated, many of them spending the night at evacuation centers. >> you leave your house, hoping i can see it when i come back. >> reporter: several fires are burning throughout san diego county. in carlsbad, about a dozen structures including homes burned. >> the fire over here, there's fire over here, everywhere. we're surrounded right now. >> reporter: this carlsbad neighborhood suffered some of the worst damage wednesday. the record-breaking heat that
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helped create the dangerous conditions here in san diego county is expected to be worse today. >> i have been in this fire service for 27 years. i haven't seen it this dry this hot for this long in may. >> reporter: more funding and resources are on the way to help to get the out-of-control wildfires. firefighters are batting the flames from the ground and air. fire crews say this could be the beginning of a long wildfire season. 22 military aircraft will help with the firefight today. the fires have burned about 9200 acres so far. live in carlsbad, california, danielle nottingham, back to you. lawrence you say the winds will continue down there? >> whipping for at least another day down there. then they will also start to get some heat relief and looks like more of an onshore breeze and that will be good news for firefighters. here in the bay area, we are going to catch a little relief from the heat.
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but today, going to be hot in spots inland but we'll notice some cooling outside as the sea breeze is going to kick in earlier and we have some fog that is just off the coastline. haven't seen that for a couple of days. couple of days of record- breaking temperatures could even see records fall today. generally trend toward cooling weather as the ridge of high pressure is sliding further eastward. still a mild start to the day around the bay area. 65 in san francisco. 62 san jose. 61 livermore. this afternoon hot spots in inland, 90s there, 90s inside the bay. along the coastline you will feel the effects of the sea breeze topping out at 73 in pacifica. when the cool sea breeze kicks in the temperatures will come down this afternoon. more on your weather coming up. let's check the roads with elizabeth. and we're off to a decent start so far this morning. even though we have that one accident still out there. the good news is it's not causing any big delays so it is leaving san francisco. southbound 101 cesar chavez actually part of that right
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lane is blocked and i actually take that back. we're seeing a little bit of slowing on our sensors. you can see it coming off of the central freeway so 280 moving fine and once you hit the peninsula, everything also very quiet. here's a live look right now at the golden gate bridge. where everything is also flowing nicely from marin county into san francisco. and the nimitz and the bay bridge, this is kind of an overview of the bay bridge and everything is moving fine right now across the deck heading into san francisco. westbound 580 it is a little sluggish coming from 205 through the livermore valley. highway 4 still looks clear and mass transit all on time. that's your latest "kcbs traffic." back to you guys. >> all right. thank you, elizabeth. breaking news. a big rig slams into a funeral home sparking a two-alarm fire and sending two people to the hospital. anne makovec joins us live from san francisco with the very latest. anne. reporter: yeah. check it out. you can still see the semi truck here in the entrance, and it's just a charred mess right
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now. it lost control coming up market street near noe last night. we heard several reports that a refrigerator unit in the truck caught fire causing the driver to careen into the entrance of sullivan funeral home which then caught fire. this is viewer video of the fire of about 12:30 this morning. the fire department put it out before it did too much damage. the funeral homeowners are saying they're lucky. >> very lucky that it's not gone. >> reporter: you can see cosmetic evidence outside the building because the fire department had to knock outdoors and windows. they have a structural engineer on site to figure out if there is any danger. right now it looks like they were pretty lucky. the building is still standing. as for the people that were in this semi truck behind me, a
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driver and a passenger were injured. they were taken to the hospital. but they are both expected to live. anne makovec, kpix 5. a woman in custody accused of attacking a 4-year-old girl with a crowbar at a walmart yesterday at the story road store in east san jose. police say the woman suddenly started hitting the girl on the head. the girl's father quickly intervened and he too was struck with a crowbar. store security subdued the woman until police arrived to arrest her. the girl was brought to the hospital with treatment of injuries with injuries not considered life-threatening. a mountain view police officer is out on bail after his arrest on suspicion of possessing child porn. officer kevin nguyen is known as a sketch artist. his arrest was the result of an investigation by san jose police and the internet crimes against children task force. >> i was devastated, disgusted
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and absolutely disappointed. >> nguyen has been placed on paid administrative leave. >> a uc-berkeley student under arrest for peeping. campus police say jason do is accused of peeping on fellow students taking showers. they say he did it twice. both times women were taking showers in the dorms at cal when they noticed cell phones pointed at them. san jose's casino m8trix could be forced to shut its doors amid allegations the card room has been under-reporting its income. a new report accuses the card room of hiding profits and not paying enough taxes. the state attorney general's office also accuses the casino of underfunding a gambling addiction program. a spokesman for the casino says the allegations are false. amazon about to bring hundreds of jobs right here to the bay area. the online retail giant is getting ready to open a sprawling 575,000-square-foot warehouse in newark. it's amazon's latest distribution center. it's created some 400 new jobs and newark's mayor says it will
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be a big boost for his city. >> when you have 400 jobs those people go out and buy lunch, they will do some of their shopping in newark. >> amazon's newark distribution center will be open by the end of summer and there's been a shift in businesses moving over to the east bay in the last 18 months 30 companies leaving san francisco to set up shop across the bay. happening in just a few hours, the 9/11 memorial museum will be dedicated to the victims of the attacks. you're looking at live pictures from new york city. president obama will join families of victims in the dedication ceremony. the memorial has been 13 years in the making. and this is a look inside where the stories and images of the day are displayed. there are also pieces of the twin towers to see. the museum officially opens next thursday. $24 admission. it is 5:08 on your thursday morning. drivers, plan ahead before you hit the highway north on highway 1. the reason, the only
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gas station for miles is closed. we'll tell you why. >> a group of bay area students hits the stage for a very special performance this weekend. why they say it's much more than just a show. ♪[ music ] >> looks like the heat wave, well, things are starting to cool down a little bit in spots. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and even though it's no longer a "spare the air" day, you may still want to ride mass transit. bart has 38 trains rolling along on time. we'll have more on your commute coming up. but first, we want to know what drives you crazy during your morning commute. ask a question or share a gripe by emailing or tweet me at #ewengerkpix and watch to see if your question gets answered on air. we'll be right back. her continues to,,
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female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off.
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serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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get 5% cash back at lowe's this quarter so you can score more cash. activate your 5% cash back at chase. so you can. tornado tore through central ohio yesterday, destroying some violent weather continues to wreak havoc in the midwest. a tornado tore through central ohio yesterday destroying several homes there. seven people rushed into their basement just before that tornado wiped out their entire home. they had to be rescued but everyone is okay. a warning for drivers headed up the coast on highway 1. gas up! the station in point reyes station is closed. it will be for at least three days before drivers can fill up there. a car crashed into the station yesterday forcing it to close. budget woes have forced a number of schools to make some very difficult cuts.
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and usually first on the list are the arts, band, music, theater. but that's not the case at one san francisco school notre dame [ non-english language ] this week's "cool school." reporter: nestled under the hubbub that is san francisco' financial district sits our lady of victory. the catholic school embraces its french roots and the arts. it's tradition before graduation. the 8th grade class always puts on a show. and this year the students will embrace their inner broadway with a rousing rendition of fame junior. >> people are going to shiver when they see me coming. carmen. >> does the director get nervous? >> of course i do. >> keep it strong. you know -- [ singing ] >> reporter: michelle shannon spent the last five months directing the students. she says the transformation has been amazing. they have become family all
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thanks to theater. >> for children, the arts are a way of, uhm, helping boost their self-confidence and being comfortable talking to people and that is, you know, especially in these formative years. >> reporter: and the kids agree. getting a break from the classroom is a relief. no pressure, no exams. just a moment to be creative and free. ♪[ music ] >> nice to be able to kind of forget yourself up there and forget everything that's going on around you and just kind of express yourself and kind of just like let go and be in the moment. >> drama helps define who you are inside, not just what you know. it teaches you a lot about yourself. i like that. >> that's what i like about theater the energy. >> reporter: it all culminates tomorrow night.
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nearly 200-plus will pack these seats. it's showtime. >> i'm excited. i'm more excited than nervous. >> no need to be nervous. she is really talented. >> oh, yeah. >> what's cool, all the 8th graders take part if they're not on stage doing production and the parents do, too. the band is all parents. >> oh, wow. >> the lighting staff and all that kind of stuff. so it's cool. >> yeah. that's great. the show kicks off tomorrow night. another performance on saturday. they have a matinee for you for you folks on sunday. what's cool about your school in email your nomination to us at and we may come and feature your school on the show. >> what's that famous line from fame? you want fame? it will cost you! something like that, isn't it, liz? >> i don't know. no clue. i don't remember yesterday! [ laughter ] >> now i know why frank is asking everybody, do you speak friendch? he is asking me how to spell bourgeois. now i know why! very cool. "cool school." thank you, guys. let's go outside to san francisco where we did have some breaking news overnight.
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a stretch of market is still closed because of it. a big rig crashed into a funeral home sparked a fire, the market still closed for about a block. it's between sanchez and noe. our reporter anne makovec is on scene. she will be giving us live updates from there throughout the morning. if you are heading into san francisco via the bay bridge this is the toll plaza. obviously very quiet right now. they did pick up that roadwork in the macarthur maze. the connector is reold. the only accident is southbound 101 cesar chavez that right lane still partially blocked. we're no longer seeing any delays on our sensors. tow crews were called out about 4:40. it may be cleared to the shoulder. the altamont pass and the livermore valley, the drive time is still only 17 minutes but we are starting to see delays up and over the altamont pass to just about vasco. and then things clear out to pleasanton. there's your latest "kcbs traffic." more on your forecast, are we finally cooling down? here's lawrence. just a little bit in spots. still going to be hot inland
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but that cool marine air will move in along the coastline dropping down the temperatures just a bit. out the door we go. we can see some patchy fog just off the coastline. so we are going to see some of that possibly as early as this afternoon toward the beaches. a few high clouds in the skies. but these temperatures will be coming down from yesterday's highs where we are seeing records into san francisco. 88 degrees there. 93 oakland, 94 san jose, 94 santa rosa dropping this afternoon so 70s in san francisco. it will be about 8 degrees cooler 85 oakland, 90 in san jose. high pressure beginning to weaken somewhat and sliding eastward. mostly clear and mild morning today and then hot temperatures in the valleys, cooler near the coastline and just inside the bay. and then more fog and low clouds on the way the next couple of days. and that is going to help to drop the temperatures. so high pressure now beginning to slide a little further to the east. as it does, that will allow our temperatures to cool down over the next few but not today in the central valley.
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triple digits in sacramento and also into fresno. clouds likely to continue to move in across our skies up above just some high clouds. and then some low clouds and fog begin to gather later on tonight and into early tomorrow morning and that will mean some much cooler temperatures on the weekend. 80s and 90s into the south bay today, 70s toward the coastline. still lots of 90s in the east bay but not those triple digits like yesterday and inside the bay in the 70s and the 80s. next couple of days, we are going to watch those temperatures really taking a nosedive maybe some places 25, 30 degrees cooler. that means back to normal saturday and sunday, partly cloudy monday. >> all right. 70s, pretty good. >> it's going to feel comfortable. >> we have no choice. >> that's true. [ laughter ] >> so well done. another hot day on tap means crowds are expected at some cool spots. >> yes. kpix 5 reporter roberta gonzales in the mobile weather lab beating the heat at waterworld in concord. i see you're already in the water, roberta. >> reporter: you know, it's not bad. in fact, i swim a couple of times a week so i would
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estimate this is about in the low 70s right now after a high temperature here in concord of 96 degrees. that's 20 degrees above average for this time of the year. al garcia with us from waterworld, one of my favorite plays to come to beat the heat. good morning. >> good morning, roberta. >> reporter: i bet your phones are off the hook, when are you opening? >> they are. a lot of folks are anxious to beat the heat this summer. >> reporter: but the entertainment season like great america, waterworld, it's just unrolling now. so what can we expect this weekend? >> yeah. there's, you know, a lot of families find a lot of things that are new. we have updated our cabanas and have new food. this summer we have a new ride opening as well. >> reporter: is it going to be as tall as the one behind me? >> it will be as tall or -- the tallest cliffhanger six stories tall, a great thrill. >> reporter: where do you get your water when we're in a drought? >> we get water just like everyone else so our water we filter it. it's recycled throughout the
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day and it's clean. >> reporter: plus, you don't use it for 7 months out of the year? >> we are closed for 7.5 months out of the year so we are conserving during those times. >> reporter: so nice freshwater out here i would say in the low 70s. if you want more information about waterworld visit us online at reporting from concord with mobile weather, roberta gonzales, kpix 5. 5:20 right now. local police have been cracking down on drivers speeding through crosswalks. coming up at 5:30, one department shifts its focus to pedestrians and ail little known law. can the giants get madison baumgarner off the hook? and the warriors find their next head coach. we'll tell you who he is straight ahead. ,, ,,
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the morning commute is under way. we have been scanning the bay area searching for your longest drive times and this is it, the commute on westbound 580 from livermore valley into pleasanton. a full look at all your travel times and your drive to work coming up. good morning, everyone. three years ago, joe lacob made a splash by hiring mark jackson a rookie head coach who made a name for himself as a tv analyst. this morning it's deja vu in oakland. steve kerr agreed to become the next coach for the golden state
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warriors, five years, $25 million deal believed to be headed to the knicks to coach. that deal fell through. kerr 15 seasons in the nba, he won five titles with phil jackson in chicago. he is now the warriors head coach. giants and braves tied at 4 in the 4th when pablo delivers the base hit for the lead. giants win 10-4. 15 hits. madison baumgarner gets the win despite allowing four runs in five innings. marlins in town today. a's bullpen let them down again clinging to a one run lead in the 8th against the white sox, there's the long ball. jose abreu major league-leading 15 and the a's lose 4-2. jason kidd's first year as a head coach is in the books. the nets didn't score in crunch time. with 45 second left allen buried it. miami wins the series in five games. how could the freeway face- off not go seven? lewis scores to give the kings a 2-0 lead over the ducks. l.a. beats anaheim and they force a decisive game 7. once again, the big news of
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the day, steve kerr is the new head coach of the golden state warriors waiting to hear when they hold a press conference, expected either friday or monday. we'll have it all for you. i'm dennis o'donnell. have a great day. happening today, the announcemented of another event coming to -- announcement of another event coming to santa clara thanks to the 49ers stadium. it's to become home of this year's championship football game for the ncaa pac-12 conference. it's scheduled for friday december 5 in santa clara. it is 5:25. right now at least nine wildfires in southern california. coming up, very latest on the effort to keep the flames at bay. >> reporter: a semi truck catches fire driving down a san francisco street. then careens into a funeral home. coming up next, take a look at the damage left behind. ,,,, happened at the company picnic.
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who police now have in cust these people spent the night ca shopping cente a 4-year-old is attacked with a crowbar inside a bay area walmart. who police have in custody. >> these people are in line for bread in a south bay shopping center. we'll explain why. >> two days of record-breaking temperatures. will it be three in a row? we'll talk about that coming up. >> we are seeing a lot of slowens sensors building into antioch. all your travel times coming up. >> good morning, it's thursday, may 15. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. nine wildfires are burning out of control in san diego county. the campus of cal state san marcos has been evacuated. thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes.
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dozens of houses and other buildings in carlsbad have been lost and legoland in carlsbad is closed. at least nine fires are burning. andrew spencer reports, the early wildfire season has san diego county firefighters pooling their resources to try to gain control. >> reporter: with the fire burning so close to houses, it's no surprise officials issued some 23,000 evacuations in carlsbad alone. >> the wind doesn't make it easier. the wind can change and all of a sudden it seems like we are going to be safe and we're not. so we are packed and out of there. it's been very stressful. there's a lot of big plumes of smoke getting larger. >> reporter: in oceanside flames devoured the brush on this mountainside close to the homes below. firefighters are doing what they can to keep the flames at bay but at least 20 structures in san diego county have been destroyed. smoke rising from the fire in san marcos could be seen for miles as the thick plumas shattered the horizon. the causes of the fires haven't
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been determined. but some skeptical officials worry about so many fires starting in such a short amount of time. >> i'm sure it could be chance but i'll leave it up to investigators. i think it's too much of a coincidence. >> reporter: while these fires have come early, steady winds are fanning the fire and conditions were already dry in southern california with the drought. i'm andrew spencer reporting. >> officials say all of the schools in the city of san diego and many others in surrounding cities will be closed today because of the fires. here in the bay area, san jose parks officials are taking no chances with fire. they are closing alum rock park today. nobody will be allowed in. they made that decision yesterday when it was 96 degrees with 11% humidity. another factor in closing the park, the availability of firefighters and equipment in case there is a fire. the state has declared an early
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start to fire season. it started in every california county but three along the north coast. we're going to get a cooldown here but i guess san diego the winds are going to perk up. >> they are going to be whipping down there again today. they have one more day of offshore winds and things will cool down for them, as well. here in the bay area another hot day inland but it's going to start to cool down in some spots especially along the coastline and just inside the bay. look what's off our coast. got a few clouds floating in our direction patchy fog could actually sneak in along the coastline later on today. so looks like that heat wave is starting to break down as high pressure is moving eastward. still, a very quiet start to the morning with some mild temperatures in many spots. 65 in san francisco already. 62 in san jose. the cool spot 49 degrees right now in santa rosa. by the afternoon, though, hot in many of the valleys, again up to 95 in fairfield. 90 in san jose. about 85 in oakland. but a cooler 77 getting a little breezy in the afternoon in san francisco. and as you mentioned, liz, much better sleeping weather ahead. >> it is.
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i know. especially in san francisco. all right. thank you, lawrence. and outside we go, i want to show you what it looks like now at the bay bridge. we are starting to see a pattern forming. it's the cash lanes that are starting to get backed up. and this just happened within the last five minutes or so just in the left lanes once again fastrak users in this half hour before 6:00 usually you're okay. but they have been turning on the metering lights a little early the last couple of days around 5:45 so heads up trying to get into san francisco. in the meantime southbound 17 at highway 85 a solo accident in the center divide. no delay yet. the nimitz in oakland you're fine no delay near the airport, coliseum or up through the downtown oakland exits. and westbound 580 the backups actually started early. we are up to 20 minutes. the delays begin in tracy right around mountain house and then continue all the way through the livermore valley.
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that's your latest "kcbs traffic." frank, michelle, back to you guys. >> elizabeth, thank you. breaking news now. a big rig slammed into a funeral home this morning sparking a two-alarm fire and sending two people to the hospital. anne makovec joins us live from san francisco with the latest. >> reporter: you can see the charred semi truck here behind me. this truck lost control. it went over the center divide here and then came back and landed here into the front of sullivan funeral home. now, we have heard several reports that a refrigeration unit in the truck caught fire causing the driver to careen into the entrance of the funeral home, which then caught fire itself. this is some youtube video of that fire that happened at about 12:30 this morning. the fire department was able to put that fire out before it did too much damage to the funeral home. >> he evidently was able to maneuver where he was able to miss, you know, not go
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directly into it. thank god nobody was killed. it could have been a lot worse all the way around. >> reporter: you can see cosmetic evidence outside the building because the firefighters had to break down doors and windows to get in but that's relativel minor. the fire was in the stucco area of the building. had it spread to the wood part of the building, the whole thing would have gone up in flames. as for the people in the semi truck they were both injured and taken to the hospital. they are expected to live. live in san francisco, anne makevoc, kpix 5. over every. >> that stretch of market street is expected to be closed for a few more hours. a woman is in custody accused of an unprovoked attack on a 4-year-old girl yesterday at the story road walmart store in east san jose. more now from joe vazquez. reporter: the 4-year-old girl was riding in the shopping cart. she was with her dad in the purse section when police say the attacker suddenly came out of nowhere.
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>> the female entered the store and for no apparent reason basically drew a crowbar that she had carried into the store from her person and struck the child twice in the head causing serious injuries. >> reporter: police say this homeless woman, 18-year-old maria garate was trying to hit the girl again before her father jumped in and then he took hard shots, as well. >> if somebody was attacking my daughter, not much would keep me from trying to stop that attack. i think the father did what any father would do. even though he was getting hit, he intervened and was able to stop the attack and he deserves applause. i know he did it out of love but it was heroic. >> reporter: walmart security held the woman until the police got there and charged her with assault with a deadly weapon. >> the girl was sent to the hospital with nonlife-threatening. no word of motive. the chp is telling bay area drivers to gas up before going
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up highway 1. the green bridge station at point reyes station is closed and it will be for at least three days before drivers can fill their cars up once again. apparently, a car crashed into the station yesterday. while it doesn't look like much happened there, it was enough to force the station to shut down its pumps. this puts drivers in a real tight spot since there are no other gas stations close by. the nearest gas station is about 20 miles away but you have to drive to bolinas. but that one, too, is quickly running out of gas. happening today, president obama helped dedicate a 9/11 memorial museum. these are live pictures from new york city. families of victims will join the president in this morning's ceremony. the memorial has been 13 years in the making. and this is a look inside where the stories and images of the day are displayed. there are also pieces of the twin towers to see. the museum officially opens next thursday at $24 admission. also happening today, fast
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food workers in oakland are going on strike demanding higher pay. they are asking for $15 an hour and the right to form a union. they are looking at video here from previous protests. similar strikes are happening from l.a. to boston today. fast food workers in countries like india, brazil, germany are also walking out. happening now, people standing in line for the new bodine bakery in san jose, it's set to open this morning at west valley center on prospect road. these are live pictures. you can see everyone camping out. they have been in line since 7:00 last night if you can believe it. bread! >> it's just bread. >> but this is why. the first 100 people in line will get free bread for a year. >> now i understand. >> exactly. it's the first silicon valley store for the san francisco- based bakery. pretty good, though, right. >> absolutely. google says it plans to have driverless cars on the road within three years. >> until then, cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger has summer driving tips to help you reduce your gas
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bills. >> reporter: the governor tested the ford explorer suv and toyota corolla compact. the findings were pretty much intuitive. number one, don't drive aggressively. speeding up then braking sharply can cut highway mileage by 33%. number 2, don't drive too fast. every five miles per hour that you drive above the 50-mile-per- hour general speed limit in most areas is the equivalent of paying an additional 24 cents a gallon for gas. hey, you know, when you drive 80 miles an hour, you cut the mileage on a corolla by 46%. and for the explorer it's by 40%. >> hm. so we have to chill out and slow down, jill. what else do we know? >> reporter: yes. that's right. keep calm and drive slowly. avoid a rooftop cargo box. adding one of those to the top of an suv cuts gas mileage by
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8%. and by the way, when do you it on a small car it drops it down by 22%. with an suv one solution is to use a cargo tray that you mount behind the vehicle near the rear bumper. if you have a small car pack lighter. next, all right, i know, there's a lot of people out there who actually think you're improving your gas mileage by driving with the windows down instead of turning on the ac. well, the tests show that windows down creates an aerodynamic drag. it's true. they tested it. that can cut your mileage. if you want to save use your air-conditioning at half strength. keep those tires inflated. when the pressure drops by 50% you can cut your gas mileage by up to 10%. for more summer driving tips, go to >> i actually did a story on a guy who got like 50 miles per gallon. he drove barefooted because he could feel the gas and the
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brake just a little bit easier in a prius. so that might be another tip out there. although i don't know how popular. >> reporter: i think that's illegal. >> i don't know if jill's buying it. jill, thanks so much. >> reporter: i'm not buying that. >> nevermind, jill. [ laughter ] >> have a good day. 5:41. homicide charges are filed against four men in connection with the south korea ferry sinking. >> you think you know everything about jaywalking? if the countdown clock has started do you cross? the correct answer after the break. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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are trying to reach about 1 miners still trapped developing news out of soma, turkey. rescue teams are trying to reach 150 miners still trapped following tuesday's underground explosion in a coal mine. 282 people died in the disaster. hundreds are attending funerals for the victims. officials say there were no problems with the mine last march when it was last inspected. 15 crew members of the ferry that a single killing hundreds of high school students in south korea were indicted. the captain and three others are facing homicide charges. they are accused of failing to carry out their duties to protect passengers. other crew members are facing
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lesser charges. 281 people were killed in last month's disaster. 23 people are still unaccounted for. police in san francisco are going after drivers who don't stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. our cameras rolling as san francisco police set up a sting operation in the outer sunset near sunset and yorba, a particularly dangerous intersection there. kpix 5's cate caugiran joins us now in the newsroom. cate, not just the drivers the cops are after, either. it turns out pedestrians are breaking out rules as well, right? >> reporter: right. the crosswalk has already started. do you run to beat the clock or do you wait? what you don't know could cost you. >> reporter: what do you think the numbers on the crosswalk countdown mean? >> hurry up. >> not so much. >> reporter: intersection 21456 of the california vehicle code. >> the letter of the law is you do not enter the crosswalk unless there's a green hand. >> reporter: meaning that last- second dash to beat the clock is, you guessed it, illegal.
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>> once that green hand turns into a flashing red hand, if you are not already in the roadway, crossing the street, you're not to enter the roadway. >> reporter: it was a surprise, one quickly ignored by people i spoke with at embarcadero and mission. what if i told you that under california state law, you're not supposed to enter the crosswalk when the countdown is going, only for those who are already in it? >> no. >> it wouldn't surprise me but we're going to do that right now because we're late. >> reporter: you're breaking the law. how much do you think the ticket is? >> too much. >> reporter: by the way, if busted that ticket is 192 bucks. the problem, according to the san francisco police department, isn't just distracted drivers but the belief by walkers that they always have the right of way. >> we have seen collisions where a pedestrian is deep into the sidewalk, sees a few seconds remaining on the countdown, decides to sprint across the roadway as the car may be making the turn and literally running into the path of a car.
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>> reporter: san francisco police say don't expect a massive crackdown on this, but officers say if violate the rule in front of them, expect to get a ticket. reporting live in the newsroom, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> you know what drives me crazy? you're in a right-hand turn lane and you're waiting your light turns green you're making a turn and they have the right of way in the crosswalk finally it frees up and then that guy starts running. you're like, dude, let me make the turn. >> it happens all the time. but you have to wait, right, liz? >> if that is driving you crazy, frank, tweet me at #ewengerkpix and watch to see if your question gets answered on air. or email me! what's driving folks crazy, we have a number of different accidents out the door and i just checked and looked like the metering lights are on. first to los gatos. southbound highway 17 approaching highway 85 a possible overturn accident sounds like there's a large chunk every concrete in the
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same area not sure if it's related. but the concrete is approaching lark so just a heads up in that area. also, we had some breaking news overnight. a big rig crashed into a funeral home in san francisco's castro district market street closed between sanchez and noe and some muni lines may also be affected in that area. so heads up if you are riding mass transit. here's a live look at the golden gate bridge. i saw lane changes crews drive by a few minutes ago. they have four southbound lanes open in the commute direction. metering lights are on on the earlier side for folks trying to get into san francisco. they just turned them on in the last few minutes. they have been turning them on around 5:45 the last few days. chp says it's a higher volume of traffic trying to get into san francisco early, maybe they are trying to beat the heat. anyway, right now it's backed up to the overcrossing. that's your latest "kcbs traffic." with the forecast, here's lawrence. looks like we'll cool things down starting today a little bit anyway. going to see maybe a few high
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clouds in the skies and patchy fog along the coast. so the sea breeze going to make a return for today. you can some of those clouds moving closer and closer an closer still going to see some hot weather in some of the interior valleys. those temperatures again going to be soaring into the 90s. but we'll see that sea breeze cooling you down near the coastline and then more fog and low clouds for tomorrow with some much cooler temperatures as we look toward the weekend. that ridge of high pressure brought us some record-breaking temperatures now it is sliding furthered to the east. you have this weak weather system bringing with it high clouds. the air quality should improve with the sea breeze. it's not a "spare the air" day. still moderate amounts of pollutants into the atmosphere will improve tomorrow. hot 100 degrees in the sacramento valley, 90 yosemite and still about 80 degrees into monterey bay today. a few high clouds drifting overhead today and then we'll notice some patchy fog beginning to develop along the coastline. and moving onshore tonight into tomorrow morning. so some changes are in the
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works. some welcome changes after the heat wave. temperatures today still hot. 96 degrees in morgan hill. 94 campbell. only 70s toward the beaches and once that sea breeze kicks in maybe dropping down to the 60s this afternoon. 90s into the valleys. 77 this san francisco. 71 daly city. 92 in novato. your sunrise time at 6:00 even. sunset 8:13. and as we look toward the next couple of days, much cooler weather on the way. back to normal over the weekend with highs topping out in the 70s inland. 50s and 60s toward the coastline. partly cloudy keeping you cool maybe a little breezy into monday. >> that weekend looks spectacular. >> it does. it's going to feel good after all these hot temperatures. >> it starts quickly here. tomorrow! >> that's right. i woke up today i thought it was wednesday! [ laughter ] >> i was so happy it was thursday. >> i thought it was friday. [ laughter ] only thursday. >> sorry. it's thursday, guys. it's thursday. time now 5:50 on a thursday. casey kay sum has been found
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where he turned you have days after leaving a nursing home. >> a 4-year-old bakersfield boy is okay thanks to the family cat. the video that has everyone talking. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ but the right gasoline can help keep the inside clean. chevron with techron. care for your car. checking the pollen report, things will be on the rise tomorrow and holding steady into the weekend. >> and it's looking like a busy morning already in los gatos. a lot of police activity due to this possible overturn accident. southbound 17 at highway 85, word of new problems now, that car hit the concrete median. still debris in the northbound lanes on the northbound side
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including some cars with possible flat tires. and take a check of the bay bridge. once again the metering lights turned on, on the earlier side. already backed up to the 880 overcrossing. full look at your "kcbs traffic" drive to work coming up. >> veteran radio personality casey kasem has been found. earlier in the week a southern california judge expressed some concern because no one seemed to know the whereabouts of him. santa monica police say he was located in the state of washington. the long-time host of america's top 40 has parkinson's disease and can no longer speak. he has the center of a nasty dispute between his wife and adult children. the warriors have a new head coach. steve kerr for the nba telecast. the five-year deal is worth $25 million. by coaching in oakland, he will be close to his san diego home and his daughter at uc-berkeley. kerr has no head coaching
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experience but he played 15 seasons in the nba and won five titles including three with the chicago bulls. he could shoot the ball. >> yes. well, this morning, we have the viral video everyone is talking about. >> this is pretty neat. take a look in bakersfield surveillance cameras caught a neighbor's dog sneaking up on a 4-year-old boy in his driveway. the dog grabbed the boy's leg and then quick as a flash, the family cat flies in right about now. knocks the dog away and chases it away and then circled back and checks on the boy, named jeremy. >> seeing the video and seeing exactly what she did and chase that dog away, she is my hero. >> she is my hero! >> she sure is. there she is. jeremy needed a couple of stitches on that leg but he is going to be okay. the family adopted the cat tara when she followed him home from the park six years ago. >> that's a good cat!
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multiple fast-moving fires in san diego county damaged homes and forced thousands to flee their neighborhoods. i'm danielle nottingham in carlsbad, california. i'll have the story coming up. >> a semi catches fire and careens out of control running right into a funeral home. i'm live with the damage here behind me coming up next. ,, after people find a dentist through us, they often say,
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"i wish i'd done this sooner." don't let that be you. you know your teeth are important. so don't put it off any longer. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪
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may 15th. i'm frank mallicoat. a big rig crashes into a funeral home in san francisco's castro district just after midnight causing a fire. >> do not enter the crosswalk unless there's a green hand. >> violating crosswalk rules comes with a pretty hefty fine. but most people have no idea what the law actually is. >> president obama will be on hand today for the dedication of a museum commemorating those who died on 9/11. >> bay area-based bodine bakery is opening up its newest store in west san jose this morning, the first 100 people in getting free bread for a year.
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from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning." captions by: caption colorado your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. >> good morning, i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. time now is 6:00. right now, thousands have been forced from their homes as at least 9 wildfires rage across southern california. dozens of homes have been destroyed and firefighters from around the state have been called to san diego county. the threat of fire is still a concern as the heat wave continues right here in the bay area. and that's the reason alum rock park in san jose is closed today. the temperatures are high and humidity low and fire crews could be busy elsewhere. and it's now fire season in most of california declared earlier than usual. only three counties along the north coast are not in fire season right now. and as the sunrises in


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