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tv   KPIX 5 News Early Edition  CBS  May 15, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning." captions by: caption colorado your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. >> good morning, i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. time now is 6:00. right now, thousands have been forced from their homes as at least 9 wildfires rage across southern california. dozens of homes have been destroyed and firefighters from around the state have been called to san diego county. the threat of fire is still a concern as the heat wave continues right here in the bay area. and that's the reason alum rock park in san jose is closed today. the temperatures are high and humidity low and fire crews could be busy elsewhere. and it's now fire season in most of california declared earlier than usual. only three counties along the north coast are not in fire season right now. and as the sunrises in southern
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california, fires continue to spread. cbs reporter danielle nottingham is live in carlsbad. she has the very latest on the fires in the greater san diego area. >> reporter: good morning. firefighters have another tough day ahead. the home behind me was destroyed when flames raced was destroyed when flames raced up the hillside and as you can see, neighborhoods like this are still in danger. gusty winds and scorching temperatures are in the forecast for another day. firefighters in san marcos, california, worked through the night to keep flames away from homes. but they couldn't save them all. >> just go back to a safer spot! >> reporter: wednesday, thousands of residents grabbed what they could and evacuated, many of them spending the night at evacuation centers. >> you leave your house, hoping i can see it when i come back. >> reporter: several fires are burning throughout san diego county. in carlsbad, about a dozen structures including homes burned. >> the fire over here, there's fire over here, everywhere. we're surrounded right now. >> reporter: this carlsbad neighborhood suffered some of the worst damage wednesday. the record-breaking heat that
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helped create the dangerous conditions here in san diego county is expected to be worse today. >> i have been in this fire service for 27 years. i haven't seen it this dry this hot for this long in may. >> reporter: more funding and resources are on the way to help to get the out-of-control wildfires. firefighters are batting the flames from the ground and air. fire crews say this could be the beginning of a long wildfire season. after about two years of drought this area of the county is a tinderbox. the fires have burned about 9200 acres so far. live in carlsbad, california, danielle nottingham, back to you. we're cooling down but down in san diego the santa ana winds are still kicking in. >> another day for some very strong gusty winds there.
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record heat a possibility. we're cooling down now as high pressure is going to weaken somewhat. still hot in spots around the bay area but you will notice clouds beginning to move closer so changes are in the works as high pressure is going to move out of town. over the bay now it is nice and clear and a quiet start to the morning. the temperatures are fairly mild. 64 in san francisco, 60 in san jose and 58 degrees in livermore. this afternoon, still hot in the valleys. we cool down inside the bay. about 77 degrees in san francisco. along the coastline temperatures there in the 70s but getting breezy maybe some fog this afternoon. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thank you, lawrence. it's been busy on the roads so far this morning. we're working a number of different accidents including this one in petaluma now. all lanes are temporarily blocked. this is an injury accident. involving up to four different cars southbound 101 it's approaching petaluma boulevard south so the delays on the sensors are just beginning. they are trying to re-open at least one lane now. but in the meantime all lanes
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are temporarily blocked. so right around the same time that accident happened this accident was reported coming into hayward. southbound 880 approaching "a" street this one involving a motorcycle. two lanes are blocked. we are seeing delays as far back as 238 so heads up now if you are traveling in that area or about to. and at the bay bridge for the third straight morning they turned the metering lights on in the earlier side well before 6:00. you are already stacked up to the foot of the maze. that's the latest "kcbs traffic." frank, michelle, back to you guys. >> thank you. developing news, a truck crashed into a funeral home this morning sparking a large fire sending two people to the hospital. anne makovec joins us with the latest on the crash. good morning. >> reporter: you can see the semi trouble still here behind me on market street. the westbound lanes are still closed. they had to drain some of the diesel fuel from this truck before they tried to move it out of the way. the eastbound lanes here on market street just reopened. so this happened about 12:30 p.m. we have some viewer video of
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the fire. it broke out first on the truck then the truck crossed over the center line crossed back over and hit this funeral home sullivan funeral home. the funeral home caught fire. the fire department put it out before it did too much damage. the funeral homeowners are saying they're lucky. >> very lucky that it's not gone. >> reporter: you can see cosmetic evidence outside the building because the fire department had to knock outdoors and windows. they have a structural engineer on site to figure out if there is any danger. minimal damage to the building. they think they will be able to carry on operations once they are able to get some of those windows and doors fixed. as for marked market street, it will be closed for the next
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couple of hours. live in san francisco, anne makevoc, kpix 5. >> we'll update you on market street right now. the eastbound lanes of the stretch of market street in san francisco have just reopened so good news there but westbound still closed. a 9/11 memorial museum will be dedicated in an hour to the victims of the attacks. these are live pictures out of new york city. president obama will join families in that dedication ceremony in a short time. the memorial has been 13 years in the making. this is a look inside where the stories and images of that tragic day are on display. there are also pieces of the twin towers to see. the museums open next thursday and to get you you have to pay $24. a mountain view police officer is out on bail after his arrest on suspicion of possessing child porn. officer kevin nguyen is well known in the bay area for his additional work as a sketch artist. tuesday's arrest was the result of an investigation by san jose
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police and the internet crimes against children task force. >> i was devastated, disgusted and absolutely disappointed. >> nguyen has been placed on paid leave. san jose's casino m8trix could potentially lose its license amid allegations the card room has been under- reporting its income. the accusations come from a report from the state attorney general's office. it's not clear how much money is involved. the report suggests that by hiding profits, the casino underpaid taxes to the city and paid less money than required into a gambling addiction program. a spokesman for casino m8trix says the allegations are unfounded. happening today, the announcement of another event coming to santa clara all thanks to the new 49er levi stadium. it will be the site of the championship football game for the ncaa pac-12 conference on friday december 5. we have another hot day on tap in the bay area today. so a lot of people will be
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looking for a place to stay cool and kpix 5 reporter roberta gonzales in the mobile weather lab found one of those places. she is beating the heat at waterworld in concord. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, frank. yes, you just nailed it. we are here in concord. currently it is 57 degrees but i have to tell you the water temperature is probably in the low 70s. this is after a high yesterday of 96 degrees. 20 degrees above average for this time of the year. i can't help it. i can't help it! okay. so let me just say, have you ever seen a waterpark before anybody else has arrived? isn't this gorgeous here this morning? it's absolutely beautiful. we are being joined by al garcia from waterworld. good morning, thank you for waking up with us. >> good morning, roberta. >> reporter: okay. everybody wants to come and cool off. your phone has to be ringing off the hook? >> we have been getting a lot of calls this week. a lot of folks anxious to beat the heat and looking forward to the weekend when we're open again. >> reporter: so tell us what we need to know to come out here. what's new? >> there's a lot new this year.
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we have new cabanas, new food, later in the summer a new ride that's opening break point plunge. >> reporter: is it as big as this one? i just love this ride. >> it's as tall as cliffhanger, six stories tall and a looping freefall experience unlike any other. >> reporter: i have to ask you in this time of the drought i'm looking around at all this beautiful water, what do you do to conserve here at waterworld? >> we do every efforts we can to conserve. we get our water like everyone else but we're only open 4.5 months of the year. so the rest of the time we're conserving water. >> reporter: if you want to know more about waterworld or know about the weather out here in concord, where it is beautiful, all you have to do is visit us online at reporting for mobile weather in concord roberta gonzales, kpix 5. looks like so much fun out there. well, time now is 6:09. michael sam is the first openly gay player drafted by an nfl team. how his story will play out on the small screen. plus -- >> nice to be able to kind of forget yourself up there and look at everything that's going
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on around you. >> a bay area school brings middle schoolers together one last time before graduation. how 8th graders are keeping the arts alive. >> small change in the wind will mean big changes in our wet next few days. details coming up. >> and it looks like chp just issued a traffic alert this morning for this accident in petaluma. all lanes blocked southbound 101 petaluma boulevard south. traffic is at a standstill for about a half mile. full report on the commute coming up. first we want to know what drives you crazy during your morning commute. ask a question or share a gripe by emailing or tweet me at #ewengerkpix and watch to see if your question gets answered on air. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head
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with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ you get out of it, what you put into it. always use gas that cleans. chevron with techron. care for your car. says it's fired the employee
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that leaked the video of the rapr being attacked by his sister-in-law, solange. trending now, jay-z. the hotel in new york fired the employee that leaked the video of the rap star being attacked by his sister. the oprah winfrey plans to make a documentary on michael sam a homosexual. >> kim jong-un is the star of a new videogame where he battles the u.s. with dennis rodman. >> oh, my gosh. >> casey kasem the ailing radio host has been located in washington state just days ago an l.a. judge ordering adult protective services to find him. and national chocolate chip cookie day is trending. that's today. you can follow us on twitter at #cbssf. i think that means -- >> i'm thinking we need some cookies here at channel 5. >> chocolate chip! >> liz, can you get on that? >> no, i think the boys have to start baking. i think that's what that means. >> wow. lawrence, did you hear that? >> yeah.
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i bake those. >> his wife does. his wife brings them in. >> i can bake cookies. we have some serious news to talk about. unfortunately, we have a traffic alert in petaluma and information is changing quickly. this is the latest tweet from "kcbs traffic." right now, it sounds like both lanes are blocked southbound 101. it's approaching petaluma boulevard south and chp is telling us that traffic is at a standstill from east washington but our sensors are picking up slowing behind that. so a heads up in petaluma. this is being called a pretty serious injury crash. so again we'll continue to keep you updated there. but that is one of the our worst hot spots right now. better news for hayward though. right around the time of that accident, this one popped up on our chp reports. it's already gone. so i guess they cleared this one to the right-hand shoulder. southbound 880 approaching "a" street. it was an accident involving a motorcycle and injuries were reported there but again we are just seeing some tapping of the brake lights from just beyond 238. here's a live look outside. gorgeous morning with our
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sunrise. not so gorgeous for traffic. this is the third straight morning if you are counting and now it if you're trying to get into san francisco, they turned those metering lights on early well before 6:00. this morning, technically they say it was 5:50 they turned them on but we saw traffic starting to slow a little before that. so anyway, it's already backed up into the macarthur maze. the eastshore freeway that approach still looks okay though from berkeley into emeryville. that is your latest "kcbs traffic." are we cooling down? that is the big question. with the forecast, here's lawrence. i think those numbers are going to come down today. it's still going to be hot in some spots especially away from the coastline but the sea breeze is going to kick in a little bit earlier today and the temperatures going to start to drop off at least along the coastline and inside the bay. i wouldn't be surprised to see patchy fog at the coast. still hot in the valleys but much cooler weather tomorrow and through the weekend. high pressure now beginning to slide a little further to the east. so not getting that strong offshore wind. in fact, that sea breeze will
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be on the increase the next few days. that will drop temperatures all around the state. good news to improve the air quality it is not a "spare the air" day. moderate pollutants today but the air quality will improve into the weekend. 100 in sacramento, 90 ukiah, 80 monterey bay. high clouds today as that system works its way close tore the coastline. and then it looks like overnight tonight into early tomorrow morning, more patchy fog and low clouds beginning to gather as that sea breeze really starts to kick into gear. temperatures going to drop off a few degrees today still warm inland. about 96 degrees in morgan hill. 86 into mountain view. about 73 degrees and cooler in pacifica. east bay temperatures well into the 90s this afternoon. inside the bay 70s and 80s. about 90 in san rafael. sunrise 6:00. sunset 8:13. next couple of days we are going to watch those temperatures dropping off. back to normal over the
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weekend. a little cool breezy and partly cloudy by monday. still a little hot though, guys. >> i know, but at least it's pleasant. >> at least it will be a little more comfortable this afternoon with the breeze. >> thank you. budget woes have forced a number of schools to make some very difficult cuts. and usually first on the list are the arts, band, music, theater. but that's not the case at one san francisco school notre dame des victoires, this week's "cool school." reporter: nestled under the hubbub that is san francisco' financial district sits notre dame des victories (our lady of victories). the k through eighth grade the catholic school embraces its french roots and the arts. it's tradition before graduation. the 8th grade class always puts on a show. and this year the students will embrace their inner broadway with a rousing rendition of fame junior. >> people are going to shiver when they see me coming. thrill say there she goes, carmen. >> does the director get
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nervous? >> of course i do. >> keep it strong. ♪[ music ] >> reporter: michelle shannon spent the last five months directing the students. she says the transformation has been amazing. they have become family all thanks to theater. >> for children, the arts are a way of, uhm, helping boost their self-confidence and being comfortable talking to people and that is, you know, especially in these formative years. ♪[ music ] >> reporter: and the kids agree. getting a break from the classroom is a relief. no pressure, no exams. just a moment to be creative and free. ♪[ music ] >> nice to be able to kind of forget yourself up there and forget everything that's going on around you and just kind of express yourself and kind of just like let go and be in the moment. >> drama helps define who you are inside, not just what you know. it teaches you a lot about
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yourself. i like that. >> that's what i like about theater the energy. >> reporter: it all culminates tomorrow night. nearly 200-plus will pack these seats. it's showtime. >> i'm excited. i'm nervous a little bit but i think i'm more excited than nervous. >> all the kids take part. that's the cool things. all the 8th grade classes, they're not performing they're doing the lights, taking tickets. and the parents take part, too. they are going to be doing some of the production. the band is all parents. >> that is neat. and they are great. great performers. >> they're a lot of fun. the show kicks off tomorrow night. another performance on saturday. they have a matinee for you for you folks on sunday. what's cool about your school in email your nomination to us at and we may come and feature your school on the show. tell us about your school. and we might feature it on the show. it is 6:20 right now. at least 9 wildfires are ranging down in southern california -- raging down in
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southern california. the latest on the efforts to keep the flames at bay. >> and i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, can the giants get madison baumgarner off the hook? and the warriors find their next head coach. we'll tell you who he is straight ahead. ,,,,
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good morning, everyone. three years ago, joe lacob made a splash by hiring mark jackson a rookie head coach who made a name for himself as a tv analyst. this morning it's deja vu in oakland. steve kerr agreed to become the next coach for the golden state warriors, five years, $25 million deal believed to be headed to the knicks to coach. that deal fell through. kerr 15 seasons in the nba, he won five titles with phil jackson in chicago. he is now the warriors head coach.
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giants and braves tied at 4 in the 4th when pablo delivers the base hit for the lead. giants win 10-4. 15 hits. madison baumgarner gets the win despite allowing four runs in five innings. marlins in town today. a's bullpen let them down again clinging to a one run lead in the 8th against the white sox, there's the long ball. jose abreu major league-leading 15 and the a's lose 4-2. jason kidd's first year as a head coach is in the books. the nets didn't score in crunch time. with 45 second left allen buried it. miami wins the series in five games. how could the freeway face- off not go seven? lewis scores to give the kings a 2-0 lead over the ducks. l.a. beats anaheim and they force a decisive game 7. once again, the big news of the day, steve kerr is the new head coach of the golden state warriors waiting to hear when they hold a press conference, expected either friday or monday. we'll have it all for you. i'm dennis o'donnell. have a great day.
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thank you, dennis. play of the day to the nba play- offs from last night. leonard gets the steal and he is going to go coast to coast. do a little dunking. pretty impressive through two defenders. spurs bury portland win the series and once again the spurs moving into your western conference finals thanks in part to the play of the day. it is 6:26. san francisco's famous boudin bakery opens in san jose this morning. the delicious deal that has a lot of people camping out and lining up already. >> fast food workers plan to walk off the job today. the global movement for higher pay. next. ,,,,,,
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♪ ♪ [ barks ] whoo! mmm! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. start exploring at [ woman ] and i love new orleans!
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your realtime captioner is linda macdonald.
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a big rig truck catches fire loses control and careens into a funeral home. i'm anne makovec in san francisco. with the damage left behind. a bizarre attack at a san jose walmart. a woman with a crowbar goes after a little girl. how her father stepped in to save the day. >> and we have major delays now on southbound 101 in petaluma after a serious injury accident. we'll keep you updated. your "kcbs traffic" is just minutes away. >> reporter: and good morning, it's thursday, may 15. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm michelle griego. time now 6:30. let's check in with lawrence and look at the forecast. >> all right. weather looking better today and looks like things are going to start to cool down a little bit. hot in some of the valleys. out the door we go. we have clouds getting closer an closer to the bay area a sign that the big ridge of high pressure is weakening somewhat. we have cooler air on the way and probably going to see a stronger sea breeze toward the afternoon. in fact, probably going to whip up pretty good as you make your
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way in along the coastline. inside the bay it is mild. 64 san francisco. 60 san jose. 49 in santa rosa. by the afternoon, still hot in spots in the valleys some of those temperatures soaring into the 90s. you will see some 80s a few 90s inside the bay and much cooler temperatures. that sea breeze is kicking in along the coast. they have been looking at some record heat in southern california. and some very strong santa ana winds. at least nine wildfires are burning out of control in san diego county. san marcos is one trouble spot. the cal state campus there is evacuated. thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes. dozens of houses in the coastal town of carlsbad have already been lost. fire crews from the bay area in sacramento are heading south to help. andrew spencer reports from san diego county firefighters are pooling their resources to try to gain control. >> reporter: several more wildfires started in southern california on wednesday with the fire burning so close to houses, it's no surprise that
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officials issued some 23,000 evacuation notices in carlsbad alone. >> the wind doesn't make it any easier. i mean, the wind can change and all of a sudden it just seems like we're going to safe and we're not. so we packed everything and we're out of there. it's been very stressful. there's a lot of big plumes of smoke and they are getting larger. >> reporter: in oceanside, flames devoured the brush on this mountainside coming very close to the homes below. firefighters are doing what they can to keep the flames at bay. but at least 20 structures in san diego county have been destroyed. the smoke rising from the fire in san marcos could bestein for miles as the thick plumes shattered the horizon. some officials worry about so many fires starting in a short amount of time. >> i'm sure it could be by chance but i'll leave it up to investigators. i think there's too much of a coincidence here. >> reporter: while thrash of fires came early in the season the weather only contributed to their spread. the temperature in san diego hit 93 on wednesday with steady
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winds to fan the fire and conditions were already very dry in southern california. many areas have experienced drought. i'm andrew spencer reporting. >> and officials say all of the schools in the city of san diego and many others in surrounding cities will be closed today because of the fires. and another check of your "kcbs traffic." we are watching a traffic alert this morning in petaluma. so they were able to re-open one lane of southbound 101. it's close to the petaluma river bridge just past that petaluma boulevard south exit. they have called for a couple of tow crews but one lane is at least getting by. fire crews are blocking the right lane kind of intermittently so they are re- opening the lane for a while. backups are extensive now. it's a tight squeeze right around east washington but we're seeing slow sensors back to petaluma boulevard south. so definitely give yourself some extra time there and that traffic alert in effect until further notice. also getting word of this new problem now. this is in concord southbound 242 approaching concord avenue
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we can see some slowdowns on our sensors in that area. again, sounds like it's a two- car crash, one lane is blocked and even highway 4 is sluggish westbound into concord out of pittsburg-bay point. here's a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza, third strayed morning, if you have been count, i'm sure you have if you commute this every day, metering lights turned on early so it's stacked up into the macarthur maze for a while. some of the approaches are starting to slow as well especially that 580 approach jammed to at least 4. that's your latest "kcbs traffic." back to you guys. >> thank you. developing news in san francisco this morning. what a mess it's been! a truck slammed into a funeral home on market street causing a two-alarm fire. anne makovec has more. >> reporter: you can see the damage here behind me this semi truck will be here until they can drain the diesel fuel off of it and move it out of the way. it is on market and sanchez. it caught fire last night at about 12:30 p.m. the driver lost control crossed
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the center line came back over and careened into sullivan funeral home. this is viewer video, youtube video of that fire at about 12:30 this morning. the fire department put it out before it did much damage and the funeral homeowners say they're lucky. >> luckily, he evidently was able to maneuver where he was able to miss, you know, not go directly into it. thank god nobody was killed. it could have been a lot worse all the way around. >> reporter: you can see some of the damage here to the funeral home building. firefighters had to break down some of the doors and break some of the windows to be able to attack that fire. but overall, the damage to this building is minimal. as for the driver and his passenger in this big rig, they were taken away by ambulance but their injuries are nonlife- threatening. in san francisco, anne makovec, kpix 5. the eastbound lanes of that stretch of market street in san francisco have reopened. but westbound remains closed. it's a beautiful place to visit but make sure you gas up
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first. the only gas station in point reyes station is shut down. a car crashed into the station yesterday and while it doesn't look like much happened, it's enough to force the station to shut down for three days. and this puts drivers in a tight spot. the next gas station is 20 miles away in bolinas. a woman is in jail accused of an unprovoked attack on a 4- year-old girl yesterday at a walmart in east san jose. more now from kpix 5's joe vazquez. reporter: the 4-year-old girl was riding in the shopping cart. she was with her dad in the purse section when police say the attacker suddenly came out of nowhere. >> the female entered the store and for no apparent reason basically drew a crowbar that she had carried into the store from her person and struck the child twice in the head causing serious injuries. >> reporter: police say this homeless woman, 18-year-old maria garate was trying to hit the girl again before her father jumped in and then he took hard shots, as well. >> if somebody was attacking my daughter, not much would keep me from trying to stop that attack.
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i think the father did what any father would do. even though he was getting hit, he intervened and was able to stop the attack and he deserves applause. i know he did it out of love but it was heroic. >> reporter: walmart security held the woman until the police got there and charged her with assault with a deadly weapon. joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> the girl was sent to the hospital for treatment of injuries not considered life- threatening. no word of possible motive. amazon is about to bring hundreds of jobs here to the bay area. the online retailer is about to open up a huge warehouse in newark. it will create some 400 new jobs and the mayor says it will be a big boost for the city. >> you have 400 jobs, those people go out and buy lunch. they will do some of their shopping in newark. >> amazon's newark distribution center will be open by the end of summer and there's been a shift in businesses now moving
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to the east bay in the last 18 months 30 companies leaving san francisco to set up shop across the bay. happening now, people in san jose are standing in bread lines at the new boudin bakery that opens at 9 a.m. you're looking at live pictures. a lot of people have been there. most of them have been in live since 7 p.m. last night. that's why you see the tents. that's because the first 100 people in line will get free bread for a year. boudin has been around since 1849. this is the first silicon valley store for the san francisco-based bakery. fast food workers in oakland and all around the world are going on strike today. they are demanding higher pay. they are asking for 15 bucks an hour and right now to form a union. you're looking at video from some previous protests. similar strikes are happening from l.a. all the way to boston today. this is a live look at a protest happening at a mcdonald's up in sacramento. fast food workers in countries like india, brazil and germany
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are also walking out today. golden state warriors have a new head coach. steve kerr who is currently a tv analyst for the nba telecast, the five-year deal worth a reported $25 million. by coaching in oakland he will be close to his home in san diego and even closer to his daughter who is a freshman at cal. kerr does not have any coaching experience, though, but he played 15 seasons in the nba, won five titles including three with michael jordan and the bulls, two more with the spurs. 6:39 right now. homicide charges are filed against four men in connection with the south korean ferry disaster. who prosecutors are blaming for hundreds of deaths. >> so you think you know everything about jaywalking? here's a question. if the countdown clock has started, do you cross? the correct answer after the break. >> the market just opened. take a look at the early numbers, not so hot out of the
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gate. we'll check that with kcbs radio's financial reporter jason brooks after the break. >> and we want to invite all of you pet lovers out there, send us your questions about their health and well-being. just email or on our website, pets. and we'll have our pet expert give you an answer every friday right here at noon. >> a cooldown is in the works. the pollen count still running medium to medium high today probably a little more so for tomorrow and almost holding steady right through the weekend. we'll have more news and weather when we come back.
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what's this? mattress discounters' memorial day sale ending? mattress discounters' but mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one "roof." comforpedic, icomfort, optimum, and wow, four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection, even a queen size sealy gel memory foam mattress for just $497. the memorial day sale is ending soon. ♪ mattress discounters with the stunts and loud explosions and all the muscles. [ as cosby ] i want to see the comedy programming with the people sitting in the living room with the children. [ british accent] watch bravo! yeah, i want to see "the real housewives." jimmy? please, it's been hours. really does work with any voice. cool. [ british accent ] what's on now? all right! [ female announcer ] control your tv with your voice. the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity.
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around the bay area today, we are going to see the temperatures beginning to cool. some 70s near the coastline, the sea breeze kicking up there. maybe some 60s into the afternoon. still plenty of 80s down the peninsula. some 90s in parts of the south bay. so on the hot side away from the immediate coastline again
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but the cooling has gotten under way. it looks like in the east bay, no triple digits for today but it will be hot enough. 95 in livermore. 96 in brentwood. about 94 degrees in danville. in the north bay, it is staying hot this afternoon except along the coastline. some cooler temperatures moving in toward bodega bay with the sea breeze there, about 68 degrees. 89 though in santa rosa. into san francisco, a little breezy this afternoon, 77 degrees. developing in south korea right now, 50 crew members of the ferry that sank killing hundreds of high school students have now been indicted. the captain and three other crew members are facing homicide charges, accused of failing to carry out their duties to protect the passengers. other crew members are facing lesser charges. 281 people were killed in last month's disaster. 23 people still unaccounted for. the new jobless claims are down. consumer prices are on the way up. here's kcbs radio's financial
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reporter jason brooks. >> reporter: a mixed bag on the click front but jobless claims are going in the right direction. the labor department says they fell to a 7-year allow, down 24,000 to 297,000. lowest since may of 2007. four-week average edging lower as well to just over 323,000. however, consumer prices are on the rise. the labor department's consumer price index for april rose three-tenths of a percent, the strongest game in ten months. inflation had been really flat for some time compared to the .2% gain in march, prices up 1.8% from a year earlier. and we saw a decent rise in gas prices up over 2% strongest gain in a few months for gas prices. cisco provided some earnings news that was welcomed by investors even though its revenue was down 5.5% from a year earlier to $11.5 billion, it was stronger than expected. also nice improvement in its margins. that's got cisco shares on the
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rise this morning. however, the market going in the wrong direction. for the second straight day ongoing geo-political tensions worrying investors. china, vietnam and ukraine and russia adding to the mix. let's check the big board see how we're doing. the dow down by 81, nasdaq down 19, s&p down 10. cisco up over 6%. back to you. >> thank you. starting today, four major wireless carriers are making it possible to send a text message to 911 instead of calling. that includes sprint, verizon, at&t and t-mobile. but not everyone can use the service right away. 911 centers in your area must be able to handle text messages and many are just not ready. but eventually the carriers and fcc hope to provide 90% of the population with text to 911 features. police in san francisco are going after drivers who don't stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. our cameras were rolling as san francisco police set up a sting operation in the outer sunset
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near sunset and yorba, a particularly dangerous intersection. kpix 5's cate caugiran is live in the newsroom. cate, it's not just drivers cops are going after. it turns out pedestrians are also breaking the rules. >> yes, michelle. picture this. you're about to cross the street and you see the crosswalk countdown has already started. do you run to beat the clock or wait? be careful how you answer because what you don't know could cost you. reporter: what do you think the numbers on the crosswalk countdown mean? >> hurry up. >> reporter: not so much. intersection 21456 of the california vehicle code. >> the letter of the law is you do not enter the crosswalk unless there's a green hand. >> reporter: meaning that last- second dash to beat the clock is, you guessed it, illegal. >> once that green hand turns into a flashing red hand, if you are not already in the roadway, crossing the street, you're not to enter the roadway. >> reporter: it was a surprise, one quickly ignored by people i spoke with at embarcadero and mission. what if i told you that under california state law, you're
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not supposed to enter the crosswalk when the countdown is going, only for those who are already in it? >> no. >> it wouldn't surprise me but we're going to do that right now because we're late. >> reporter: you're breaking the law. how much do you think the ticket is? >> too much. >> reporter: by the way, if busted that ticket is 192 bucks. the problem, according to the san francisco police department, isn't just distracted drivers but the belief by walkers that they always have the right of way. >> we have seen collisions where a pedestrian is deep into the sidewalk, sees a few seconds remaining on the countdown, decides to sprint across the roadway as the car may be making the turn and literally running into the path of a car. >> reporter: san francisco police say don't expect a massive crackdown on this but officers say if you violate the rule in front of them, expect to get a ticket. live in the newsroom, cate
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caugiran, kpix 5. we have a "kcbs traffic" alert if you saw it flash across your screen. it's in petaluma where one lane is blocked by fire crews and major delays, this is a serious injury accident. the extent of the injuries is unknown. it's southbound 101 by the petaluma river bridge. traffic is really stacked up from east washington but it's even slow behind that. also, in concord, southbound 242 at concord avenue we still have an accident there blocking one lane. traffic looks jammed up from at least highway 4. and we have some breaking news overnight. a big rig crashed into a funeral home in the city's castro district in san francisco's castro district so they opened the eastbound lanes of market but westbound market street is shut down between sanchez and noe. we have had a live reporter there all morning. in the meantime, in the south bay now northbound 101 is sluggish just past the 280/680 interchange. our usual stuff. and then it clears up past that
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julian/mckee exit. the golden gate bridge flowing nicely, gorgeous morning coming into san francisco from marin county. mass transit is all on time right now. ace train number 3 looks good to go. ace train number 1 had some slight delays. bart systemwide on time. that's your latest "kcbs traffic." more on our forecast, here's lawrence. i think by tomorrow we'll see some fog in the golden gate bridge and along the coastline. maybe a couple of patches returning this afternoon. looks like the cooldown going to get under way today although it is still going to stay hot in many of the valleys and very warm even inside the bay. you see the clouds beginning to make their way closer to the coastline now as it looks like high pressure finally breaking down. so two days of record heat, that was about enough. looks like we are going to cool things down all around the bay area especially into tomorrow and much cooler throughout the weekend. that ridge of high pressure sliding a little bit further to the east and you have this next weather system kind of knocking on the door here helping to break down that ridge and flatten it out somewhat and bring us some cooler temperatures and that sea breeze going to feel good by the afternoon. also some good news. the air quality should improve
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a little bit. it is not a "spare the air" day today, pollutants moderate but it looks like it will improve especially if the wind picks up clearing things out. hot in the central valleyly 100s there, 80 monterey bay, and this is something we haven't been able to show you for a while, some clouds on the computer forecast model. in fact, some low clouds and fog developing late tonight and early tomorrow morning. and then moving in possibly just inside the bay. so some cooler weather is on the way. but it will take a little longer to get to the valleys. still some hot 90s into the south bay. you will see 70s though out toward the coastline. maybe 60s late in the day as that sea breeze really starts to ramp up a bit. still hot and well into the 90s in many of the interior valleys. and inside the bay you're looking at 70s and a couple of 80s. next couple of days, we are going to watch those temperatures cooling down. back to normal it looks like on saturday and sunday. maybe slightly below normal breezy and a few more clouds as we head in toward next monday. but still, guys, a bit hot still in some of the valve links. it will take another day -- a
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bit hot still in some of the valleys. it will take another day to cool down. alum rock park is shut down for the day because of the high fire danger. yesterday it was 96 degrees with 11% humidity. another factor in closing the park the availability of firefighters and equipment in case there is a fire there. the state has declared an early start to fire season. it started in every california county except three there along the north coast. oakland police urge people to be careful about leaving doors and windows open despite the nasty heat wave. they are seeing an uptick in home invasions now. police say some criminals are forcing their way in. but others just look for unlocked doors. meanwhile oakland has a new police chief. he won't need time to settle in. the mayor named sean whent as the department's permanent chief. he has been doing the job for a year on an interim basis. before that he headed up internal affairs. since whent took over violent crime has gone down and the
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department is closer than ever to completing court ordered reforms. time now 6:53. nearly 13 years after attack that changed america, the national 9/11 memorial museum finally set to open its doors. a look inside coming up next. >> a popular san jose casino could be forced to close. a scathing report coming up. ♪ ♪ thank you! thank you! dedicated bankers born to go the extra mile. you've been such a big help. it's what i like to do.
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so you can choose a bank where helping people comes first.
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female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ president obama will be on five things to know at the :55. president obama will be on hand today for the dedication of the
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humana commemorating -- museum commemorating those who died on 9/11. people will get to view thousands of artifacts it the site. it opens on may 21. san jose's casino m8trix could close amid allegations the card room has been under- reporting its income. a new report accuses the card room of hiding profits and not paying enough taxes. another big recall for gm. the car company is recalling over 100,000 chevy malibu sedans with an automatic start stop feature. there are concerns the cars don't meet regulations on stopping at the proper distance. the bay area based boudin bakery is opening up a store in west san jose. people have been waiting for the doors to open since last night. the first 100 people get free bread for a year. boudin opens up at 9 a.m. and high winds extreme temperatures fueling several wildfires down in southern california. these are live pictures. crews from the bay area and sacramento are on the way to
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help out this morning. fire in carlsbad has destroyed and damaged a number of homes and forced the evacuation of thousands. this is the beginning of a long wildfire season in the state. a bizarre accident in san francisco. a big rig crash caused a two- alarm fire at a funeral home. this is youtube video. it happened about 12:30 this morning at a building on market street near sanchez street. the 18-wheeler crashed into sullivan's funeral home and cremation services. the resulting fire burned more than an hour before crews were able to control it. >> luckily, he evidently was able to maneuver where he was able to miss, you know, not go directly into it. thank god nobody was killed. it could have been a lot worse all the way around. >> the truck's driver and a passenger were brought to a hospital with minor injuries. the westbound lanes of that stretch of market street remain closed. and it's still ugly in
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petaluma. "kcbs traffic" alert still in effect southbound 101 petaluma boulevard south. this was the scene of a multicar accident. i guess it's now more than an hour old. and traffic backs up to pepper so those traffic backups continue to grow. we don't have an estimated time of re-opening of the lanes. one lane is closed by fire crews. so all the traffic is bottlenecking there in petaluma. an easier commute in marin county. this is near ygnacio clear to the golden gate bridge. bay bridge different story stacked up to the macarthur maze. westbound 580 approach is jammed up. cooler weather around the bay area a nice started to the day and again, some mild temperatures many places in the 60s. valleys 90s, 70s at the beaches, stronger sea breeze, fog returning tonight and tomorrow and a much cooler weekend ahead, guys. >> all right. sounds good. thanks for watching kpix 5 news this morning. remember your next local update
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is 7:26. captions by: caption colorado good morning to our viewers in the west. it's thursday, may 15, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." wildfires rage across southern california, flames tear through homes and more dangerous wind is ahead today. >> never forgetting 9/11 on this opening day of the national museum. rudy giuliani joins us. >> and this video is all over media. you'll hear about a 4-year-old boy saved from a vicious dog by a cat. >> and we begin with today's" opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> oh, my god, oh, my


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