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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  May 16, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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>> watch this helicopter fly in and take care of this hot spot with accurate pinpoint precision. >> while firefighters gain control of some of the wildfires roaring across southern california, the damage piles up. homes are reduced to rubble and tens of thousands of residents are ordered to evacuate. >> smoke was everywhere. flames, firefighters covered the area. >> nothing can ever break us. and president obama leads an emotional commemoration for the museum dedicated to the september 11th attacks. >> unless you have a heart of stone, you will shed tears.
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>> this is the "cbs morning news" for friday, may 16th, 2014. good morning. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. lighter winds and lower temperatures are forecast today in southern california where firefighters are battling a slew of destructive wildfires. this morning just in san diego county, seven fires are burning out of control. more than 10,000 acres and more than a dozen homes have been destroyed and a badly burned body has been discovered in carlsbad. since the fires began tuesday, 125,000 evacuation notices have been issued. the city of san marcos is one of the hardest hit. the fire there surged late yesterday. >> reporter: anne-marie, good morning. the fire is burning out of control in san marcos. you can see some of the burned out rubble behind me. the good news is crews are
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actually starting to gain control of some of the other fires that are burning across san diego county. the question now is what is the weather going to do when the sun rises. from the air and on the ground, firefighters remain focused on san marcos as a raging wildfire continues to consume vegetation and structures in its path. choppers swept in to put out hot spots along smoldering hillsides thursday. but triple digit temperatures and winds sparked flare-ups and forced authorities to evacuate thousand more residents. scott martin and his family are taking up shelter at a hotel for now. >> literally there were black clouds and flames coming right down the hill from our front door. >> reporter: the fire is burning everything in its path. this home right behind me in san marcos reduced to rubble. firefighters say what makes this wildfire so difficult to battle is that it is essentially creating its own weather pattern as it sucks in oxygen.
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crews have made significant progress. that news did little to comfort residents who have completely lost their homes. >> i'm very upset. what can you say? i'm alive. it's okay. you have to look at it this way. >> reporter: cooler temperatures and calmer winds are forecast for today. and firefighters say that could help them gain more control of multiple fires burning around san diego. and just within the last hour, we've gotten word from police in nearby escondido they arrested two people to starting small fires in that area and they are considering them persons of interest in connection to the larger fires burning around san diego county. there is no confirmation they are connected to the larger fires but police are questioning them. >> all right. thank you so much. this morning a rain producing storm that could trigger urban flooding is moving from the mid-atlantic up the east coast. the wet weather picks up as the morning progresses and the storm
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moves north. drenching rain is expected to reach new england by tonight. the storm swamped parts of durham, north carolina, yesterday. flood watches remain in effect until this morning. high winds toppled trees but the region is expected to dry out later today. the faa and the national transportation safety board are investigating reports of a potentially disastrous near miss over the pacific ocean. the incident happened last month 33,000 feet in the air. a passenger onboard a united 757 traveling from hawaii to los angeles says his flight had to make a sudden and very steep dive to avoid a head-on collision with a us airways jet. >> turmoil, noise. all the tray tables were rattling. it was a really violent and scary experience. >> the faa says its team is on the ground in hawaii looking into the matter. the white house says it still supports veteran affairs secretary eric shinseki.
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shinseki faced tough questions yesterday on capitol hill from lawmakers angry over reports of a coverup at va hospitals. craig boswell reports. >> reporter: the veterans affairs secretary says he's angry alleged treatment delays at va hospitals may have led to veteran deaths. >> it makes me mad as hell. >> reporter: whistle blowers in at least five states say administrators used secret waiting lists to hide how long it took for vets to get care. as many as 40 veterans may have died in the phoenix hospital waiting for treatment. >> we have more than allegations. we have evidence. solid evidence of wrongdoing within the va system. it is potentially a criminal act. >> reporter: secretary eric shinseki ordered an audit of every va medical center and wants an initial report on the problems in three weeks. >> we are encouraging people to stand up and tell us what's really going on out there. >> reporter: some of the toughest questions he faced were
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about his leadership at the va. >> would you explain to me after knowing all this information why you should not resign? >> i can tell you over the past five years we've done a lot to make things better. we're not done yet. >> the former army general does have the support of many lawmakers and the majority of veterans he serves. >> we continue to have confidence that the va led by secretary shinseki can and will correct any problems identified or uncovered. >> reporter: but the american religion, the country's largest veteran organization, is calling for shinseki to resign. craig boswell, capitol hill. former nfl star aaron hernandez has been indicted on two new murder charges. prosecutors say hernandez shot and killed two men he met at a boston nightclub. he allegedly followed them in a car and ambushed them at a red light nearly two years ago. hernandez is already awaiting trial for the shooting death of another man last june. coming up on "the morning news" a solemn ceremony. president obama remembers the
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victims in the dedication of long awaited september 11th memorial museum. this is "cbs morning news." comes litter re-invented. (woman) hey! toss me that litter! (announcer) tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? this one's a keeper. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®.
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yesterday by lachanze. she sang "amazing grace" here in new york. her husband died in the attacks. the museum is built on the bedrock foundation of the world trade center where the so-called last calm stand. as don dahler tells us, the touching ceremony brought many people to tears. ♪ >> reporter: this is a place built to symbolize renewal and present the historical record of what happened here 13 years ago. president obama toured the museum before the ceremony began. >> like the great wall and bedrock that embrace us today, nothing can ever break us. >> reporter: the images and sounds and raw memories were almost too much for some in the audience to bear.
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some of those tears came during videos such as this one featuring the widow of a port authority officer talking to their son. >> this was a couple weeks before 9/11 actually happened. this is our last family picture. >> reporter: charles g. wolf toured the museum for the first time. his wife's remains have never been found. >> unless you have a heart of stone, you will shed tears. unless you have a heart of stone, you will shed tears. ♪ >> those we lost live on in us, in the families who love them still, in the friends who remember them always, and in a nation that will honor them now and forever.
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>> reporter: a thought echoed by this quote on one of the museum walls. "no day shall erase you from the memory of time." don dahler, cbs news, new york. >> we'll be right back. y smooth. he's a very light sleeper. oh, the camry's safe and has a smooth, comfortable ride. oh, the camry's perfect. and you're in luck. it's toyota time. so it's a great time for a great deal. [ both ] yes! [ baby crying ] [ male announcer ] during toyota time, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a 2014.5 camry. offer ends june 2nd. for more great deals, visit [ both sigh ] toyota. let's go places. [ female announcer ] just about anywhere you use sugar, you can use splenda® no calorie sweetener. splenda® lets you experience the joy of sugar without all the calories. think sugar, say splenda™
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. on the "cbs moneywatch" now, gm's latest recall and we'll show you a $200 burger. jill wagner is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. >> here on wall street the bears were back again despite some bad earnings report. there's no specific trigger for the massive sell-off. stocks fell across the board yesterday. the dow plummeted 167 points.
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the nasdaq sank 31 points. taking a cue from wall street, most asian markets saw a pullback. tokyo's nikkei lost more than 1%. hong kong dropped a quarter of a percent. another huge recall for general motors. the auto giant is recalling 2.7 million vehicles for problems including potential steering failure and faulty break lights. so far this year gm has recalled more than 11 million vehicles in the u.s. they've taken a $1.5 billion charge to cover the cost. the battle over net neutrality is under way. the fcc approved proposals that call for equal treatment of all data on the internet. critics say it won't stop big companies from buying priority fast lanes. the public has four months to comment on the plan. in houston, texas, there's a burger that's worth its weight in gold. this glittering mound of beef costs a whopping 200 bucks. it's made with japanese meat
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that is hand chopped, not ground, and crowning the burger is a thin sheet of 24 karat gold. the restaurant says that some nights they sell three or four of those burgers. >> i hope they throw some fries in with that at that price tag. jill wagner at the new york stock exchange. thanks a lot, jill. a new hampshire police commissioner is in trouble after making some racist remarks. a resident overheard 82-year-old robert combland use the n word when talking about president obama. she complained to the town manager. commissioner copeland replied in an e-mail. he wrote "i believe i did use the n word in reference to the current occupant of the white house. criteria for such."
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from selling the team. kevin durant proved to be too much. he scores 39 points and the thunder close out the series with a 104-98 win. oklahoma city faces san antonio in the western conference finals. and barring a subway series in october, derek jeter has played his last game in queens. the new york mets giving the yankee star a number 2 made from subway tiles in honor of his final game at citi field before he retires. on the field, the yankees get a rbi double from alfonso soriano to break a scoreless tie.
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it turns out to be the only one in a 1-0 yankees win. when we return, wine country warmup. we'll look at the effects of rising temperatures on grape crops used to make wine.
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their homes by nine separate wildfires near san diego. we have the latest on efforts contain the flames -- and se homes. the woman charged with attacking a four- year-old a tire iron appears in cour what prosecutors claim was r motive. and the little chihuahua th captured hearts after being rescued from a busy east bay freeway -- is home this morning... we'll tell you at the family reunion... join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:3 ,,,,
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. here's another look at this morning's top story. firefighters are hoping weakening winds and cooler temperatures help them gain control over several wildfires burning in southern california. more than a dozen homes have been destroyed and 15 square miles burned. the warm weather in california is a wine maker's dream at least for this year. big took a trip to napa valley
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and found the spike in temperatures and record drought in the state could prove disastrous for wine makers in the long run. >> reporter: in the heart of california wine country, pj can't believe that his napa valley vineyard is already in bloom. is the earliest the season has come? >> most definitely. >> reporter: the warmest winter on record left his grapes budding four weeks ahead of schedule meaning the grapes will have extra time to ripen on the vine before they have to be plucked in november to avoid fall's cold and wet weather. this could improve the taste of wine? >> we may have an opportunity to do that this year. those are big wines that are really ripe. those wines will benefit. >> reporter: since the 1960s temperatures in much of the u.s. have increased one to two degrees. a meteorologist says that's resulted in longer warmer periods and shorter less intense colder seasons. >> most likely we'll continue to have more numerous years of
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being above normal on the temperature range and that will continue our averages to be steadily higher. >> reporter: the gradual rise in temperature could eventually threaten napa's ability to make wine. does that scare you? >> super scary. we can't make wine without grapes. we don't grow grapes without whatever mother nature gives us. >> reporter: the government estimates over the next 40 years temperatures in the area will rise about four degrees. some scientists believe that means the amount of land in napa county suitable for growing those world renowned grapes could be cut in half. bigad shaban, cbs news, napa, california. up in space, jupiter's trademark red spot is shrinking. the spot is a massive storm that's been raging for hundreds of years. in the 1800s, it was an oval about 25,000 miles across. about three times the size of earth. nasa says the storm has shrunk to about 10,000 miles. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning" a
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live update on the wildfires in southern california. i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™. still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. two full servings of vegetables (announcer) from the company that invented litter, comes litter re-invented. (woman) hey! toss me that litter! (announcer) tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight.
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most people don't know how to choose a new dentist. that's where we come in. we've helped over 8 million people find the right dentist,
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and we can do the same for you. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ a flag at the scene of the 9/11 attack in new york city is inspiring a new wave of patriotism. as michelle miller reports, it's traveled around the country in an emotional journey. >> reporter: the stars and stripes stood as a symbol in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. crews working on the cleanup at ground zero flew an american flag on a burned out building adjacent to the twin towers. by the time they took it down, it was tattered and torn. >> the souls of all of the people that died that day are in the ash that settled in the fabric of the flag. >> reporter: jeff is now the flag's caretaker. he started new york says thank you which pays forward the worldwide outpouring of generosity new yorkers received after 9/11.
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in 2008, he decided to share the battered flag with the community of greensburg, kansas. volunteers were helping victims dig out from a devastating tornado. sandra was one of the first to see the flag. >> it seemed almost hopeless because there were so many holes and pieces of the flag missing. >> reporter: like modern day betsy ross' they used the flags that survived the tornado as patches to repair the stars and stripes. she then brought the flag to a 9/11 dedication. he met a woman whose daughter died on 9/11 in the building where the flag once waved. >> the flag is something tangible. something i say that i could touch. >> reporter: she was asked to put a stitch in the flag and so began a journey that would take it to all 50 states. it was sewn by schoolchildren, veterans, survivors of
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columbine. it has a piece of a flag that flew over martin luther king's grave site, threads from the flag that draped abraham lincoln's body. >> this has never been done before where so many artifacts of historic significance have been brought together and created once become the modern day spar spangled banner. >> reporter: more than 30,000 people have restored the national 9/11 flag to its old glory. >> that's what i want this flag to be. a symbol from broken we are new. we are whole. >> reporter: a tapestry of american humanity that continues to mend a nation. michelle miller, cbs news, new york. >> from a symbol of tragedy to a symbol of unity. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning" an update on the wildfire emergency in southern california. we'll be live from the scene. plus, we'll speak with one of the first journalists to test drive volvo's autopilot car on
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the streets of sweden and we'll talk to actor josh heartnett about his new series, "penny dreadful." that's the "cbs morning news" for this friday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. ,,,,
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your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, everyone. it's monday, may 16. i'm michelle griego. >> it's not monday. it is friday! >> oh, it's not monday.
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i'm sorry. >> did i say monday? >> oh, my goodness! >> oh, my! [ laughter ] >> come on! [overlapping speakers] >> just can't happen! >> did i get the date right? >> it is friday! ! [ laughter ] >> guys, we have some patchy fog around the bay area. some high clouds drifting overhead on this friday! and it looks like it should be a pretty nice weekend ahead. some much cooler weather is on the way. >> and for the most part so far, so good on the roads. we have that macarthur maze roadwork still out there to the connector ramp to eastboun80 is closed. all about your friday morning commute. it's coming up. >> friday! >> i didn't even notice she said that. there you go. >> thank you, elizabeth. [ laughter ] >> passed right over it. [ laughter ] >> it's friday. all right. right now, new evacuation notices have been issued as wildfires continue to spread in san diego county. today firefighters hope to get some help from the weather. the fire is just 5%


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